[1977 pro-
ceedings of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play.
ceedings of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play.
Childens - Folklore
1975 "Joking Riddles: A Developmental Index of Children's Humor. " Develop-
mental Psychology 11:210-16.
Preston, Michael J.
1982 "The English Literal Rebus and the Graphic Riddle Tradition. " Western
Folklore 41:104-38.
Prince, Peter
1972 Play Things. London: Arrow.
Pritchard, Violet
1967 English Medieval Graffiti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Propp, Vladimir
1958 Morphology of the Folktale. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quinney, Valerie
1982 "Childhood in a Southern Mill Village. " International Journal of Oral His-
tory 3:167-92.
Rabelais, Francois
1534 Gargantua and Pantagruel. London: Penguin, 1955.
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
1922 The Andaman Islanders. Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press, 1948.
Radner, Joan N. , and Susan S. Lanser
1993 "Strategies of Coding in Women's Cultures. " In Feminist Messages, edited
by Joan N. Radner, 1-30. Urbana: University of Illinois.
Raglan, Lord
1936 The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama. London: Watts and
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Company.
Rainwater, Clarence
1922 The Play Movement in the United States: A Study of Community Recre-
ation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ramsey, Eloise
1952 Folklore for Children and Young People: A Critical and Descriptive Bibli-
ography for Use in the Elementary and Intermediate School. Reprint. New
York: Kraus Reprint Co. , 1970. [While basically for, rather than by children,
there are many useful items, well annotated, in this book. ]
Randolph, Vance
1953 "Counting-Out Rhymes in Arkansas. " Southern Folklore Quarterly 17:244-
48. [A short collection with brief comments by informants. ]
Randolph, Vance, and Nancy Clemens
1936 "Ozark Mountain Party-Games. " Journal of American Folklore 49:199-206.
Randolph, Vance, and Mary K. McCord
1948 "Autograph Albums in the Ozarks. " Journal of American Folklore 61:182-93.
Randolph, Vance, and Isabel Spradley
1934 "Ozark Mountain Riddles. " Journal of American Folklore 47:81-89.
Rank, Otto
1945 Will Therapy, and Truth and Reality. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Raphael, Ray
1988 The Men From the Boys: Rites of Passage in Male America. Lincoln: Uni-
versity of Nebraska Press.
Rashap, Amy
1982 "An Exploration of the Limits and Boundaries of Control at a Camp for
Overweight Individuals. " Paper presented to American Folklore Society an-
nual meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Rawick, George P. (ed. )
1972, 1977 The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography. Series I, nineteen
volumes; Series II, twelve volumes. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood.
Read, Allen Walker
1941 "The Spelling Bee: A Linguistic Institution of the American Folk. " Publi-
cations of the Modern Language Association 56:495-512.
Reifel, Stuart
1986 "Play in the Elementary School Cafeteria. " In Play, Games, and Sport, ed-
ited by B. Mergen, 29-36. West Point, N. Y. : Leisure.
Rich, George, and David F. Jacobs
1973 "Saltpeter: A Folkloric Adjustment to Stress. " Western Folklore 32:164-79.
Riis, Jacob
1892 Children of the Poor. New York: Scribner's.
Ritchie, James T. R.
1964 The Singing Street. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.
1965 Golden City. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. [Two volumes of material col-
lected from schoolchildren in Edinburgh. ]
Robe, Stanley L.
1963 Hispanic Riddles from Panama. University of California Folklore Studies,
no. 14. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Roberts, John M.
1987 "Within Culture Variation: A Retrospective Personal View. " American
Behavorial Scientist 31:266-79.
Roberts, John M. , M. J. Arth, and R. R. Bush
1959 "Games in Culture. " American Anthropologist 61:579-605.
Roberts, John M. , and Michael L. Forman
1971 "Riddles: Expressive Models of Interrogation. " Ethnology 10:509-33. [Also
published in Directions in Sociolinguistics of Communication, edited by John
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes, 180-209. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Win-
ston. ]
Roberts, John M. , and Brian Sutton-Smith
1962 "Child Training and Game Involvement. " Reprinted in Avedon and Sutton-
Smith 1971, 465-87. New York: Wiley.
Roberts, Leonard W
1959 Up Cutsbin and Down Greasy: Folkways of a Kentucky Mountain Family.
Lexington: University of Kentucky Press.
Roberts, Rod
1965 "Folklore in a Southwest Industrial School. " Unpublished M. A. thesis, In-
diana University.
Roberts, Warren
1949 "Children's Games and Game Rhymes. " Hoosier Folklore 8:7-34. [Student
collections with annotations and references. ]
Roemer, Danielle
1972 "Scary Story Legends. " M. A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin.
1977 "A Social Interactional Analysis of Anglo Children's Folklore: Catches and
Narratives. " Ph. D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
1980 "'Deep Down in the Heart of Texas': Interactional Negotiation as a Theme
in Children's Jokes. " Southwest Folklore 4 (March-April): 11-25.
1982a "In the Eye of the Beholder: A Semiotic Analysis of the Visual Descriptive
Riddle. " Journal of American Folklore 95:173-99.
1982b "Semantic and Syntactic Parallelism in Children's Storytelling. " Working
Papers in Sociolinguistics 102:1-27.
1983 "Children's Verbal Folklore. " Volta Review 85 (May): 55-71.
Roheim, Geza
1943 "Children's Games and Rhymes in Duau (Normandy) Island. " American
Anthropologist 45:99-119.
Rosenberg, Bruce G. , and Brian Sutton-Smith
1960 "A Revised Conception of Masculine-Feminine Differences in Play Activi-
ties. " Journal of Genetic Psychology 96:165-70.
Rosenberg, Jan
1980 "Piles of Sand to Monkeybars. " The Association for the Anthropological
Study of Play Newsletter 7:8-12.
Rosenzweig, Roy
1979 "Middle-Class Parks and Working-Class Play: The Struggle Over Recre-
ational Space in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1870-1910. " Radical History Re-
view 21:31-46.
Rouard, Marguerite, and Jacques Simon
1977 Children's Play Spaces: From Sandbox to Adventure Playground.
Woodstock, N. Y. : Overlook.
Rubin, Kenneth H. , Greta G. Fein, and Brian Vandenberg
1983 "Play. " In Handbook of Child Psychology, vol. 4, edited by E. Mavis
Hetherington, 693-774. New York: Wiley.
Rumpf, Marianne
1955 "Ursprung und Entstehung von Warn- und Schreckmarchen. " Folklore Fel-
lows Communication 160. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
Sabini, John, and Maury Silver
1982 Moralities of Everyday Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
Sacks, Harvey
1972 "On the Analyzability of Stories by Children. " In Directions in
Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, edited by J. J. Gumperz
and D. Hymes, 325-45. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Salamone, Frank
1979 "Children's Games as Mechanisms for Easing Ethnic Interaction in
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Ethnically Heterogeneous Communities: A Nigerian Case. " Anthropos 74:202-
Salamone, Frank, and Virginia Salamone
1991 "Children's Games in Nigeria Redux: A Consideration of the 'Uses' of Play. "
Play and Culture 4 (February): 129-38.
Salter, Michael A. (ed. )
1978 Play: Anthropological Perspectives. West Point, N. Y. : Leisure.
[1977 pro-
ceedings of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play. ]
Samuelson, Sue
1979 "The White Witch: An Analysis of an Adolescent Legend. " Indiana Folk-
lore 12:18-37.
*1980 "The Cooties Complex. " Western Folklore 39:198-210. [Fascinating article
about an important children's folk belief. ]
1981 "European and American Adolescent Legends. " Arv: The Scandinavian
Yearbook of Folklore 37:133-39.
Sanches, Mary, and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
* 1976 "Children's Traditional Speech Play and Child Language. " In Speech Play:
Research and Resources for Studying Linguistic Creativity, edited by B.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, 65-110. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press.
Santino, Jack
1983 "Halloween in America: Contemporary Customs and Performances. " West-
ern Folklore 42:1-20.
Savin-Williams, R. C.
1980a "Dominance Hierarchies in Groups of Middle to Late Adolescent Males. "
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 9:75-85.
1980b "Social Interactions of Adolescent Females in Natural Groups. " In Friend-
ship and Social Relations in Children, edited by Hugh C. Foot, Anthony J.
Chapman, and Jean R. Smith, 343-64. New York: Wiley.
Schapera, I.
1932 "Kxatla Riddles and Their Significance. " Bantu Studies 6:215-31.
Schatzman, L. , and Anselm Strauss
1973 Field Research. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall.
1980 "Play and Culture. " 1978 Proceedings of the Association for the Anthro-
pological Study of Play. West Point, N. Y. : Leisure.
Schechner, R.
1988 "Playing. " Play and Culture 1:3-19.
Schiller, Friedrich
1793 On the Aesthetic Education of Man. New York: Frederick Unger, 1965.
Schlereth, Thomas J.
1990 "The Material Culture of Childhood: Research Problems and Possibilities. "
In Cultural History and Material Culture: Everyday Life, Landscapes, Muse-
ums, 89-112. Ann Arbor: UMI Research.
Schorsch, Anita
1979 Images of Childhood: An Illustrated Social History. New York: Mayflower.
Schwartz, Gary, and Don Merten
1967 "The Language of Adolescence: An Anthropological Approach to Youth
Culture. " American Journal of Sociology 72:453-68.
Schwartzman, Helen B.
1976 "The Anthropological Study of Children's Play. " Annual Review of Anthro-
pology 5:289-328. [History of the field to date with a bibliography of 298
significant works. ]
* 1978 Transformations: The Anthropology of Children's Play. New York: Plenum.
[Excellent survey of the history of the field to date with important suggestions for
the future. Includes a list of films (with sources) and thirty pages of bibliography. ]
Scott, James C.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? 1990 Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts. New Haven:
Yale University Press.
Scriven, Michael
n. d. "Evaluation of Southwest Education Development Laboratory's Children's
Folklore Project: 'Pass It On. '" Berkeley: Educational and Development Group.
Seagoe, May V.
1962 "Children's Play as an Indicator of Cross-Cultural and Intra-Cultural Dif-
ferences. " Journal of Educational Sociology 35:278-83.
1970 "An Instrument for the Analysis of Children's Play as an Index of Degree
of Socialization. " Journal of School Psychology 8:139-44.
Shah, D. K.
1981 "The Toughest Whistles. " Newsweek. January 5:32.
Shaw, Frank
1970 You Know Me, Anty Nelly? Liverpool Children's Rhymes. London: Wolfe.
Sherif, Muzafer, and Caroline Sherif
1964 Reference Groups. Chicago: Henry Regnery.
Sherrod, Lonnie, and Jerome L. Singer
1979 "The Development of Make-Believe Play. " In Sports, Games, and Play:
Social and Psychological Viewpoints, edited by J. H. Goldstein, 1-28. Hillsdale,
N. J. : Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sherzer, Joel
1978 "Oh! That's a Pun and I Didn't Mean It. " Semiotica 22:335-49.
Shimanoff, Susan B.
1980 Communication Rules: Theory and Research. Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage.
Shiver, S. M.
1941 "Finger Rhymes. " Southern Folklore Quarterly 5:221-34.
Shore, David A. , and Harvey L. Gochros (eds. )
1981 Sexual Problems of Adolescents in Institutions. Springfield, Ill. : Charles C.
Shultz, Thomas R.
1974 "Development of the Appreciation of Riddles. " Child Development 45:100-
Shultz, Thomas R. , and Frances Horibe
1974 "Development of the Appreciation of Verbal Jokes. " Developmental Psy-
chology 10:13-20.
Shwayder, D. S.
1965 The Stratification of Behavior. New York and London: Routledge and Kegan
Sieber, R. Timothy (ed. )
1981 Children and Their Organizations: Investigations in American Culture.
Boston: G. K. Hall.
Silverstein, Arthur B.
1965 "Variations on Stickball. " New York Folklore Quarterly 21:179-83.
Simon, R. L.
1985 Sports and Social Values. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall.
Simons, Elizabeth Radin
*1980 "The Slumber Party as Folk Ritual: An Analysis of the Informal Sex Edu-
cation of Preadolescents. " M. A. thesis, University of California, Berkeley.
1984 "The Folklore of Naming: Using Oral Tradition to Teach Writing. " Teach-
ers and Writers 16:1-4. [A section of the article was not printed in this issue
and appears in vol. 17. ]
1985 "Levitation, Jokes and Spin the Bottle: Contemporary Folklore in the Class-
room-A Folklorist's View. " English Journal 74:32-36.
Sinclair, J. McH. , and R. M. Coulthard
1975 Towards an Analysis of Discourse: The English Used by Teachers and Pu-
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? pils. London: Oxford University Press.
Singer, Jerome L.
1973 The Child's World of Make-Believe: Experimental Studies of Imaginative
Play. New York: Academic.
Sitton, Thad, and Jan Jeter
1980 "Discovering Children's Folklore. " Teacher 97:58-61.
Skolnik, Peter
1974 Jump Rope. New York: Workman.
Sliney, Deanna
1974 "Haunted Sites in Indiana: A Preliminary Survey. " Indiana Folklore 7:27-51.
Sluckin, Andy
1981 Growing Up in the Playground: The Social Development of Children. Lon-
don: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Smith, Beatrice M.
n. d. "B. Smith (Biography). " New Orleans, La. : Renaissance Gallery.
Smith, P. K.
1984 Play in Animals and Humans. London: Blackwell.
Snow, E.
1983 "'Meaning' in Children's Games: On the Limitations of the Iconographic
Approach to Breughel. " Representations 1 (February): 27-60.
Soileau, Jeanne
1980 "Children's Cheers as Folklore. " Western Folklore 39:232-47.
Solomon, Jack, and Olivia Solomon
1980 Zickary Zan: Childhood Folklore. Birmingham: University of Alabama
Sorensen, Virginia
1955 Where Nothing Is Long Ago: Memories of a Mormon Childhood. Reprint.
New York: Harcourt Brace and World, 1963.
Spariosu, M.
1989 Dionysus Reborn: Play and the Aesthetic Dimension in Modern Philosophi-
cal and Scientific Discourse.
1975 "Joking Riddles: A Developmental Index of Children's Humor. " Develop-
mental Psychology 11:210-16.
Preston, Michael J.
1982 "The English Literal Rebus and the Graphic Riddle Tradition. " Western
Folklore 41:104-38.
Prince, Peter
1972 Play Things. London: Arrow.
Pritchard, Violet
1967 English Medieval Graffiti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Propp, Vladimir
1958 Morphology of the Folktale. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quinney, Valerie
1982 "Childhood in a Southern Mill Village. " International Journal of Oral His-
tory 3:167-92.
Rabelais, Francois
1534 Gargantua and Pantagruel. London: Penguin, 1955.
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
1922 The Andaman Islanders. Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press, 1948.
Radner, Joan N. , and Susan S. Lanser
1993 "Strategies of Coding in Women's Cultures. " In Feminist Messages, edited
by Joan N. Radner, 1-30. Urbana: University of Illinois.
Raglan, Lord
1936 The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama. London: Watts and
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Company.
Rainwater, Clarence
1922 The Play Movement in the United States: A Study of Community Recre-
ation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ramsey, Eloise
1952 Folklore for Children and Young People: A Critical and Descriptive Bibli-
ography for Use in the Elementary and Intermediate School. Reprint. New
York: Kraus Reprint Co. , 1970. [While basically for, rather than by children,
there are many useful items, well annotated, in this book. ]
Randolph, Vance
1953 "Counting-Out Rhymes in Arkansas. " Southern Folklore Quarterly 17:244-
48. [A short collection with brief comments by informants. ]
Randolph, Vance, and Nancy Clemens
1936 "Ozark Mountain Party-Games. " Journal of American Folklore 49:199-206.
Randolph, Vance, and Mary K. McCord
1948 "Autograph Albums in the Ozarks. " Journal of American Folklore 61:182-93.
Randolph, Vance, and Isabel Spradley
1934 "Ozark Mountain Riddles. " Journal of American Folklore 47:81-89.
Rank, Otto
1945 Will Therapy, and Truth and Reality. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Raphael, Ray
1988 The Men From the Boys: Rites of Passage in Male America. Lincoln: Uni-
versity of Nebraska Press.
Rashap, Amy
1982 "An Exploration of the Limits and Boundaries of Control at a Camp for
Overweight Individuals. " Paper presented to American Folklore Society an-
nual meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Rawick, George P. (ed. )
1972, 1977 The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography. Series I, nineteen
volumes; Series II, twelve volumes. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood.
Read, Allen Walker
1941 "The Spelling Bee: A Linguistic Institution of the American Folk. " Publi-
cations of the Modern Language Association 56:495-512.
Reifel, Stuart
1986 "Play in the Elementary School Cafeteria. " In Play, Games, and Sport, ed-
ited by B. Mergen, 29-36. West Point, N. Y. : Leisure.
Rich, George, and David F. Jacobs
1973 "Saltpeter: A Folkloric Adjustment to Stress. " Western Folklore 32:164-79.
Riis, Jacob
1892 Children of the Poor. New York: Scribner's.
Ritchie, James T. R.
1964 The Singing Street. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.
1965 Golden City. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. [Two volumes of material col-
lected from schoolchildren in Edinburgh. ]
Robe, Stanley L.
1963 Hispanic Riddles from Panama. University of California Folklore Studies,
no. 14. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Roberts, John M.
1987 "Within Culture Variation: A Retrospective Personal View. " American
Behavorial Scientist 31:266-79.
Roberts, John M. , M. J. Arth, and R. R. Bush
1959 "Games in Culture. " American Anthropologist 61:579-605.
Roberts, John M. , and Michael L. Forman
1971 "Riddles: Expressive Models of Interrogation. " Ethnology 10:509-33. [Also
published in Directions in Sociolinguistics of Communication, edited by John
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes, 180-209. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Win-
ston. ]
Roberts, John M. , and Brian Sutton-Smith
1962 "Child Training and Game Involvement. " Reprinted in Avedon and Sutton-
Smith 1971, 465-87. New York: Wiley.
Roberts, Leonard W
1959 Up Cutsbin and Down Greasy: Folkways of a Kentucky Mountain Family.
Lexington: University of Kentucky Press.
Roberts, Rod
1965 "Folklore in a Southwest Industrial School. " Unpublished M. A. thesis, In-
diana University.
Roberts, Warren
1949 "Children's Games and Game Rhymes. " Hoosier Folklore 8:7-34. [Student
collections with annotations and references. ]
Roemer, Danielle
1972 "Scary Story Legends. " M. A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin.
1977 "A Social Interactional Analysis of Anglo Children's Folklore: Catches and
Narratives. " Ph. D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
1980 "'Deep Down in the Heart of Texas': Interactional Negotiation as a Theme
in Children's Jokes. " Southwest Folklore 4 (March-April): 11-25.
1982a "In the Eye of the Beholder: A Semiotic Analysis of the Visual Descriptive
Riddle. " Journal of American Folklore 95:173-99.
1982b "Semantic and Syntactic Parallelism in Children's Storytelling. " Working
Papers in Sociolinguistics 102:1-27.
1983 "Children's Verbal Folklore. " Volta Review 85 (May): 55-71.
Roheim, Geza
1943 "Children's Games and Rhymes in Duau (Normandy) Island. " American
Anthropologist 45:99-119.
Rosenberg, Bruce G. , and Brian Sutton-Smith
1960 "A Revised Conception of Masculine-Feminine Differences in Play Activi-
ties. " Journal of Genetic Psychology 96:165-70.
Rosenberg, Jan
1980 "Piles of Sand to Monkeybars. " The Association for the Anthropological
Study of Play Newsletter 7:8-12.
Rosenzweig, Roy
1979 "Middle-Class Parks and Working-Class Play: The Struggle Over Recre-
ational Space in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1870-1910. " Radical History Re-
view 21:31-46.
Rouard, Marguerite, and Jacques Simon
1977 Children's Play Spaces: From Sandbox to Adventure Playground.
Woodstock, N. Y. : Overlook.
Rubin, Kenneth H. , Greta G. Fein, and Brian Vandenberg
1983 "Play. " In Handbook of Child Psychology, vol. 4, edited by E. Mavis
Hetherington, 693-774. New York: Wiley.
Rumpf, Marianne
1955 "Ursprung und Entstehung von Warn- und Schreckmarchen. " Folklore Fel-
lows Communication 160. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
Sabini, John, and Maury Silver
1982 Moralities of Everyday Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
Sacks, Harvey
1972 "On the Analyzability of Stories by Children. " In Directions in
Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, edited by J. J. Gumperz
and D. Hymes, 325-45. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Salamone, Frank
1979 "Children's Games as Mechanisms for Easing Ethnic Interaction in
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Ethnically Heterogeneous Communities: A Nigerian Case. " Anthropos 74:202-
Salamone, Frank, and Virginia Salamone
1991 "Children's Games in Nigeria Redux: A Consideration of the 'Uses' of Play. "
Play and Culture 4 (February): 129-38.
Salter, Michael A. (ed. )
1978 Play: Anthropological Perspectives. West Point, N. Y. : Leisure.
[1977 pro-
ceedings of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play. ]
Samuelson, Sue
1979 "The White Witch: An Analysis of an Adolescent Legend. " Indiana Folk-
lore 12:18-37.
*1980 "The Cooties Complex. " Western Folklore 39:198-210. [Fascinating article
about an important children's folk belief. ]
1981 "European and American Adolescent Legends. " Arv: The Scandinavian
Yearbook of Folklore 37:133-39.
Sanches, Mary, and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
* 1976 "Children's Traditional Speech Play and Child Language. " In Speech Play:
Research and Resources for Studying Linguistic Creativity, edited by B.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, 65-110. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press.
Santino, Jack
1983 "Halloween in America: Contemporary Customs and Performances. " West-
ern Folklore 42:1-20.
Savin-Williams, R. C.
1980a "Dominance Hierarchies in Groups of Middle to Late Adolescent Males. "
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 9:75-85.
1980b "Social Interactions of Adolescent Females in Natural Groups. " In Friend-
ship and Social Relations in Children, edited by Hugh C. Foot, Anthony J.
Chapman, and Jean R. Smith, 343-64. New York: Wiley.
Schapera, I.
1932 "Kxatla Riddles and Their Significance. " Bantu Studies 6:215-31.
Schatzman, L. , and Anselm Strauss
1973 Field Research. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall.
1980 "Play and Culture. " 1978 Proceedings of the Association for the Anthro-
pological Study of Play. West Point, N. Y. : Leisure.
Schechner, R.
1988 "Playing. " Play and Culture 1:3-19.
Schiller, Friedrich
1793 On the Aesthetic Education of Man. New York: Frederick Unger, 1965.
Schlereth, Thomas J.
1990 "The Material Culture of Childhood: Research Problems and Possibilities. "
In Cultural History and Material Culture: Everyday Life, Landscapes, Muse-
ums, 89-112. Ann Arbor: UMI Research.
Schorsch, Anita
1979 Images of Childhood: An Illustrated Social History. New York: Mayflower.
Schwartz, Gary, and Don Merten
1967 "The Language of Adolescence: An Anthropological Approach to Youth
Culture. " American Journal of Sociology 72:453-68.
Schwartzman, Helen B.
1976 "The Anthropological Study of Children's Play. " Annual Review of Anthro-
pology 5:289-328. [History of the field to date with a bibliography of 298
significant works. ]
* 1978 Transformations: The Anthropology of Children's Play. New York: Plenum.
[Excellent survey of the history of the field to date with important suggestions for
the future. Includes a list of films (with sources) and thirty pages of bibliography. ]
Scott, James C.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? 1990 Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts. New Haven:
Yale University Press.
Scriven, Michael
n. d. "Evaluation of Southwest Education Development Laboratory's Children's
Folklore Project: 'Pass It On. '" Berkeley: Educational and Development Group.
Seagoe, May V.
1962 "Children's Play as an Indicator of Cross-Cultural and Intra-Cultural Dif-
ferences. " Journal of Educational Sociology 35:278-83.
1970 "An Instrument for the Analysis of Children's Play as an Index of Degree
of Socialization. " Journal of School Psychology 8:139-44.
Shah, D. K.
1981 "The Toughest Whistles. " Newsweek. January 5:32.
Shaw, Frank
1970 You Know Me, Anty Nelly? Liverpool Children's Rhymes. London: Wolfe.
Sherif, Muzafer, and Caroline Sherif
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