No More Learning

(1828-1910), 163n73 turba, 90-92, 94-96, 98; gentium, 46,
understanding: absolute, 59; and an- archy, 65; and archetype, 76; birth of, 29-33; and blind necessity, 61; complete, 54; craving and, 86; dark principle and, 40, 41; as dialectical principle, 76; differentiating, 76; divine, 9, 10, 36, 52, 62, 154n53; drive and, 99; geometrical, 59; and ground, 75; human, 62, 114; and in- finite cause, 107; mysterium and, 93; and nothingness, 40; and prin- ciple of evil, 36, 155n53; as princi- ple in God, 36; principle of, 39; and spirit, 122; and will, 28, 86, 88, 155n53; and wisdom, 45; yearning without, 28, 42, 72
unity, xxviii, 9, 32, 56; absolute, 40, 49; in conflict, 41; contingency and, 52; and disharmony, 38; and dispersion, 46; and the dynamic, 21; finite and infinite, 14; first, 74; of forces, 59; of freedom and ne- cessity, 163n73; and God, 65-66, 172n4; inseverable in God, 33, 41, 153n51; with the good, 67; and ground, 31, 40, 45, 66-67; hidden in the ground, 30-31; of ground and existence, xxi, xxii, xxv,
150n32; and the hunger of selfish- ness, 55; with the light, 32; of light and darkness, 32, 33; love of, 97;           in man, 33, 153n51; of man with God, 12; and multiplicity, 128; in nature, 30; necessary, 49; non-differentiation of, 15; and non- ground, 70; in opposition, 14; of possibility and actuality, 61; rea- son and, 10; and sameness, 17, 139n10; spirit of, 95; subject and predicate, 14; and substance, 109; transcendental, 107; unfathom- able, 28; with the universal will, 34; of the world, 52; and yearning, 28, 72
Vedelius, Nicolaus (1596-1642), 154n53