Botanical Works of R.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v14
2 and 4 of Alembic
Club Reprints, Edinburgh, 1893.
Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Researches of John Dalton, by
Henry, W. C. 1854.
Daniell, J. F. An introduction to the study of chemical philosophy, being
a preparatory view of the forces which concur in the production of
chemical phenomena. 1839.
Davy, Sir Humphry. The Collected Works of, edited by his brother Dr John
Davy. 9 vols. 1839–40.
Fragmentary Remains. Ed. Davy, J. 1858.
Outlines of a course of lectures on chemical philosophy. 1804.
Davy's memoirs, 'The decomposition of the fixed alkalis and alkaline
earths,' and 'The elementary nature of chlorine,' are rptd as
nos. 6 and 9 of Alembic Club Reprints, Edinburgh, 1894.
Humphry Davy, poet and philosopher, by Thorpe, T. E. 1896.
Guye, P. A. Humphry Davy. Geneva, 1907.
Faraday, Michael. Experimental researches in Electricity: rptd from
Philosophical Transactions. 3 vols. 1839-55.
Gladstone, J. H. The Life of Faraday. 1872.
Jones, H. Bence. The Life and Letters of Faraday. 1870. 2 vols.
Frankland, Sir Edward. Lecture notes for Chemical Students. 1866.
Experimental researches in pure, applied, and physical Chemistry. 1877.
Graham, Thomas. Elements of Chemistry. 1842.
Chemical and physical researches (collected edn). Edinburgh, 1876.
## p. 558 (#588) ############################################
Mansfield, C. B. (1819-1855). The Theory of Salts. 1865.
Newlands, J. A. R. Relations between the equivalents of the Elements.
Chemical News, 1863, 1864, 1865.
On the discovery of the periodic law, and on relations among the stomie
weights. 1884.
Perkin, Sir William Henry. The history of alizarin and allied colouring
matters, and their production from coal-tar. 1879.
Rotatory polarisation by chemical substances under magnetic influence
Chem. Soc. Journal. 1882, 1884.
Priestley, Joseph. Experiments and; Observations on different kinds of air.
3 vols. 1775-7.
Continuation of above. 2 vols. 1779-81.
Memoirs to the year 1795; written by himself; with a continuance to
the time of his decease by his son Joseph Priestley. 1809.
Prout, William. On the relations between the specific gravities of bodies in
their gaseous state and the weights of their atoms. Thomson's Annals
of Philosophy. 1815, 1816.
An attempt to establish the principles of chemistry by experiment.
Williamson, Alexander William. On the Atomic Theory. 1869.
Etherification. Philosophical Magazine. 1850.
Constitution of Salts. Chem. Soc. Journal. 1851.
Wollaston, William Hyde. On super-acid and sub-acid salts. Philosophical
Transactions. 1808.
Rptd in no. 2 of Alembic Club Reprints, Edinburgh, 1899.
(a) Particular Writers
For earlier writers on science see, ante, bibliography to chap. xv, vol. VIIL
Ashmole, Elias. Memoirs. . . drawn up by himself by way of diary; with an
appendix of original letters. 1717.
Babington, William. A systematic arrangement of minerals. . , reduced to
the form of tables. 1795.
- A new System of Mineralogy in the form of a Catalogue, after the manner
of Baron Born's systematic catalogue of the collection of fossils of
Eléonore de Raab. 1799.
A catalogue. . . of the genuine and valuable collection of minerals of a
gentleman deceased. 1805.
Balfour, Francis Maitland. A treatise on Comparative Embryology. 2 vols.
1880, 81.
Banks, Sir Joseph. A collection of plants engraved under the direction of
Sir J. B. : with the name of the plant supplied in ms at foot of erery
plate. 3 vols. L. P. [1800? ]. [B. M. press mark 10. Tab. 42. ]
A short account of the cause of the disease in corn called by farmers
the blight, the mildew and the rust. 1805. Re-edited with marginal
annotations pointing out a remedy . . . by an Agriculturist F. R. S.
and F. S. A. [Hammer, Sir Thomas]. 1807.
Catalogue of Books brought from Iceland and given to the British
Museum by Joseph Banks, Esq. [1778]. [In us throughout; B. M.
press mark 980. h. 32. ]
Maiden, J. H. Sir Joseph Banks: the Father of Australia. 1909.
Smith, E. The Life of Sir Joseph Banks. 1911.
## p. 559 (#589) ############################################
The Literature of Science
Bell, Sir Charles (1774-1842). A proposal submitted to the consideration of
the managers of the Royal Infirmary, for the establishment of a Museum,
etc. Edinburgh, 1804.
The Hand; its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design.
(Bridgewater treatise iv. ) 1833.
Bentham, Jeremy. See, ante, bibliography to chap. III, vol. XI.
Berkeley, Miles Joseph. Phytophthora infestans. 1846.
Outlines of British Fungology; containing characters of above a
thousand species of Fungi, and a complete list of all that have been
described as natives of the British Isles. 1860.
Handbook of British Mosses. 1863.
Binney, Edward William. Observations on the Structure of Fossil Plants
found in the carboniferous strata. [With twenty-four plates. ] (Palaeon-
tographical Society. ) 1848.
Bradley, Richard. For works see D. of N. B.
Brown, Robert.
The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of R. B. 2 vols.
1846, 7.
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan (1826–1880). Notes on Seal Fisheries. (Sketches
in Natural History with reference to the Fur Trade. ) (1874? ]
Natural History papers, etc. 1877,
Buckland, William. Reliquiae Diluvianae; or, observations on the organic
remains contained in caves, fissures and diluvial gravel. 1823.
Carpenter, William Benjamin. Principles of general and comparative
Physiology. 1839.
Principles of Human Physiology. Second edn. 1844.
Zoology. New edn revised by Dallas, W. S. (Bohn's Scientific library. )
Chambers, Robert. See, ante, bibliography to chap. III, vol. xiv.
Curtis, William. Practical observations on the British grasses best adapted
to the laying down, or improving of meadows and pastures. To which
is added an enumeration of the British grasses. Second ed. with
additions. 1790.
Lectures on Botany. 1805.
Darwin, Charles Robert. Journal of Researches into the Geology and
Natural History of the various countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle.
The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. Being the first part
of the Geology of the Voyage of the Beagle. . . 1832 to 1836. 1842.
On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the preser-
vation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 1859.
The Foundations of the Origin of Species. Two essays written in
1842 and 1844 by C. D. Ed. by his son Darwin, Sir Francis.
Cambridge, 1909.
The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication . . . . 2 vols.
The Descent of Man, and selection in relation to sex. . . . 2 vols. 1871.
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals . . . . 1872.
Formation of Vegetable Mould through the action of Worms. 1881.
Darwin, Francis (ed. ). The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,
including an autobiographical chapter ed. by his son, D. , Sir F.
3 vols. 1887.
Darwin and Modern Science. Essays in Commemoration of the
Centenary of the Birth of C. D. , etc. Ed. Seward, A. C. Cambridge,
Geikie, Sir A. Charles Darwin as Geologist. Cambridge, 1909.
## p. 560 (#590) ############################################
Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration held at
Cambridge June 22-24, 1909. Cambridge, 1909.
Poulton, E. B. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection.
Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species : addresses, etc. , in
America and England in the year of the two anniversaries. 1909.
Darwin, Erasmus. See, ante, bibliography to chap. VIII, vol. XI.
De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas. A Geological Manual. 1831.
Researches in theoretical Geology. 1834.
Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset. 1839.
Dillenius, Joannes Jacobus. Catalogus plantarum circa Gissam sponte nas-
centium. 1718.
Hortus Elthamensis. 1732.
Historia Muscorum . . . cum appendice et indice synonymorum. Oxford,
Druce, G. C. The Dillenian Herbaria . . . together with a biographical
sketch of Dillenius, selections from his correspondence, eto. 1907.
Flower, Sir William Henry. An Introduction to the Osteology of the
Mammalia. 1870.
Essays on Museums and other subjects connected with natural history.
Forbes, Edward. A history of British starfishes and other animals of the
class Echinodermata. 1841.
An inaugural lecture on Botany, considered as a science, and as a branch
of medical education. 1843.
Literary papers by the late Professor E. F. . . . selected from his writings
in The Literary Gazette. (Ed. with a memoir by L. R. , i. e. Reeve, L. ]
Foster, Sir Michael. A Text Book of Physiology. 1877.
Galton, Sir Francis (1822–1911). Narrative of an explorer in Tropical South
Africa. 1853.
The first steps towards the domestication of animals. [Privately ptd. ]
Inquiries into human faculty. 1883.
Pearson, Karl. The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton.
[With plates. ] Vol. 1. Cambridge, 1914.
Grant, Robert Edmond. An essay on the study of the Animal Kingdom. 1828.
Outline of a course of lectures on the Structure and Classification of
Animals. 1833.
Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. Pts 1, 2. 1841.
Greenough, George Bellas. A critical examination of the first principles of
Geology. 1819.
Grew, Nehemiah. An Idea of a phytological history propounded. . . . And an
account of the vegetation of roots, grounded chiefly thereupon. 1673.
The Anatomy of Plants, etc. 2nd edn. 1682.
Cosmologia Sacra. 1701. [B. M. copy (c. 44. g. 1) has ms notes by
Coleridge, . T.
Club Reprints, Edinburgh, 1893.
Memoirs of the Life and Scientific Researches of John Dalton, by
Henry, W. C. 1854.
Daniell, J. F. An introduction to the study of chemical philosophy, being
a preparatory view of the forces which concur in the production of
chemical phenomena. 1839.
Davy, Sir Humphry. The Collected Works of, edited by his brother Dr John
Davy. 9 vols. 1839–40.
Fragmentary Remains. Ed. Davy, J. 1858.
Outlines of a course of lectures on chemical philosophy. 1804.
Davy's memoirs, 'The decomposition of the fixed alkalis and alkaline
earths,' and 'The elementary nature of chlorine,' are rptd as
nos. 6 and 9 of Alembic Club Reprints, Edinburgh, 1894.
Humphry Davy, poet and philosopher, by Thorpe, T. E. 1896.
Guye, P. A. Humphry Davy. Geneva, 1907.
Faraday, Michael. Experimental researches in Electricity: rptd from
Philosophical Transactions. 3 vols. 1839-55.
Gladstone, J. H. The Life of Faraday. 1872.
Jones, H. Bence. The Life and Letters of Faraday. 1870. 2 vols.
Frankland, Sir Edward. Lecture notes for Chemical Students. 1866.
Experimental researches in pure, applied, and physical Chemistry. 1877.
Graham, Thomas. Elements of Chemistry. 1842.
Chemical and physical researches (collected edn). Edinburgh, 1876.
## p. 558 (#588) ############################################
Mansfield, C. B. (1819-1855). The Theory of Salts. 1865.
Newlands, J. A. R. Relations between the equivalents of the Elements.
Chemical News, 1863, 1864, 1865.
On the discovery of the periodic law, and on relations among the stomie
weights. 1884.
Perkin, Sir William Henry. The history of alizarin and allied colouring
matters, and their production from coal-tar. 1879.
Rotatory polarisation by chemical substances under magnetic influence
Chem. Soc. Journal. 1882, 1884.
Priestley, Joseph. Experiments and; Observations on different kinds of air.
3 vols. 1775-7.
Continuation of above. 2 vols. 1779-81.
Memoirs to the year 1795; written by himself; with a continuance to
the time of his decease by his son Joseph Priestley. 1809.
Prout, William. On the relations between the specific gravities of bodies in
their gaseous state and the weights of their atoms. Thomson's Annals
of Philosophy. 1815, 1816.
An attempt to establish the principles of chemistry by experiment.
Williamson, Alexander William. On the Atomic Theory. 1869.
Etherification. Philosophical Magazine. 1850.
Constitution of Salts. Chem. Soc. Journal. 1851.
Wollaston, William Hyde. On super-acid and sub-acid salts. Philosophical
Transactions. 1808.
Rptd in no. 2 of Alembic Club Reprints, Edinburgh, 1899.
(a) Particular Writers
For earlier writers on science see, ante, bibliography to chap. xv, vol. VIIL
Ashmole, Elias. Memoirs. . . drawn up by himself by way of diary; with an
appendix of original letters. 1717.
Babington, William. A systematic arrangement of minerals. . , reduced to
the form of tables. 1795.
- A new System of Mineralogy in the form of a Catalogue, after the manner
of Baron Born's systematic catalogue of the collection of fossils of
Eléonore de Raab. 1799.
A catalogue. . . of the genuine and valuable collection of minerals of a
gentleman deceased. 1805.
Balfour, Francis Maitland. A treatise on Comparative Embryology. 2 vols.
1880, 81.
Banks, Sir Joseph. A collection of plants engraved under the direction of
Sir J. B. : with the name of the plant supplied in ms at foot of erery
plate. 3 vols. L. P. [1800? ]. [B. M. press mark 10. Tab. 42. ]
A short account of the cause of the disease in corn called by farmers
the blight, the mildew and the rust. 1805. Re-edited with marginal
annotations pointing out a remedy . . . by an Agriculturist F. R. S.
and F. S. A. [Hammer, Sir Thomas]. 1807.
Catalogue of Books brought from Iceland and given to the British
Museum by Joseph Banks, Esq. [1778]. [In us throughout; B. M.
press mark 980. h. 32. ]
Maiden, J. H. Sir Joseph Banks: the Father of Australia. 1909.
Smith, E. The Life of Sir Joseph Banks. 1911.
## p. 559 (#589) ############################################
The Literature of Science
Bell, Sir Charles (1774-1842). A proposal submitted to the consideration of
the managers of the Royal Infirmary, for the establishment of a Museum,
etc. Edinburgh, 1804.
The Hand; its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design.
(Bridgewater treatise iv. ) 1833.
Bentham, Jeremy. See, ante, bibliography to chap. III, vol. XI.
Berkeley, Miles Joseph. Phytophthora infestans. 1846.
Outlines of British Fungology; containing characters of above a
thousand species of Fungi, and a complete list of all that have been
described as natives of the British Isles. 1860.
Handbook of British Mosses. 1863.
Binney, Edward William. Observations on the Structure of Fossil Plants
found in the carboniferous strata. [With twenty-four plates. ] (Palaeon-
tographical Society. ) 1848.
Bradley, Richard. For works see D. of N. B.
Brown, Robert.
The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of R. B. 2 vols.
1846, 7.
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan (1826–1880). Notes on Seal Fisheries. (Sketches
in Natural History with reference to the Fur Trade. ) (1874? ]
Natural History papers, etc. 1877,
Buckland, William. Reliquiae Diluvianae; or, observations on the organic
remains contained in caves, fissures and diluvial gravel. 1823.
Carpenter, William Benjamin. Principles of general and comparative
Physiology. 1839.
Principles of Human Physiology. Second edn. 1844.
Zoology. New edn revised by Dallas, W. S. (Bohn's Scientific library. )
Chambers, Robert. See, ante, bibliography to chap. III, vol. xiv.
Curtis, William. Practical observations on the British grasses best adapted
to the laying down, or improving of meadows and pastures. To which
is added an enumeration of the British grasses. Second ed. with
additions. 1790.
Lectures on Botany. 1805.
Darwin, Charles Robert. Journal of Researches into the Geology and
Natural History of the various countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle.
The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. Being the first part
of the Geology of the Voyage of the Beagle. . . 1832 to 1836. 1842.
On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the preser-
vation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 1859.
The Foundations of the Origin of Species. Two essays written in
1842 and 1844 by C. D. Ed. by his son Darwin, Sir Francis.
Cambridge, 1909.
The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication . . . . 2 vols.
The Descent of Man, and selection in relation to sex. . . . 2 vols. 1871.
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals . . . . 1872.
Formation of Vegetable Mould through the action of Worms. 1881.
Darwin, Francis (ed. ). The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,
including an autobiographical chapter ed. by his son, D. , Sir F.
3 vols. 1887.
Darwin and Modern Science. Essays in Commemoration of the
Centenary of the Birth of C. D. , etc. Ed. Seward, A. C. Cambridge,
Geikie, Sir A. Charles Darwin as Geologist. Cambridge, 1909.
## p. 560 (#590) ############################################
Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration held at
Cambridge June 22-24, 1909. Cambridge, 1909.
Poulton, E. B. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection.
Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species : addresses, etc. , in
America and England in the year of the two anniversaries. 1909.
Darwin, Erasmus. See, ante, bibliography to chap. VIII, vol. XI.
De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas. A Geological Manual. 1831.
Researches in theoretical Geology. 1834.
Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset. 1839.
Dillenius, Joannes Jacobus. Catalogus plantarum circa Gissam sponte nas-
centium. 1718.
Hortus Elthamensis. 1732.
Historia Muscorum . . . cum appendice et indice synonymorum. Oxford,
Druce, G. C. The Dillenian Herbaria . . . together with a biographical
sketch of Dillenius, selections from his correspondence, eto. 1907.
Flower, Sir William Henry. An Introduction to the Osteology of the
Mammalia. 1870.
Essays on Museums and other subjects connected with natural history.
Forbes, Edward. A history of British starfishes and other animals of the
class Echinodermata. 1841.
An inaugural lecture on Botany, considered as a science, and as a branch
of medical education. 1843.
Literary papers by the late Professor E. F. . . . selected from his writings
in The Literary Gazette. (Ed. with a memoir by L. R. , i. e. Reeve, L. ]
Foster, Sir Michael. A Text Book of Physiology. 1877.
Galton, Sir Francis (1822–1911). Narrative of an explorer in Tropical South
Africa. 1853.
The first steps towards the domestication of animals. [Privately ptd. ]
Inquiries into human faculty. 1883.
Pearson, Karl. The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton.
[With plates. ] Vol. 1. Cambridge, 1914.
Grant, Robert Edmond. An essay on the study of the Animal Kingdom. 1828.
Outline of a course of lectures on the Structure and Classification of
Animals. 1833.
Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. Pts 1, 2. 1841.
Greenough, George Bellas. A critical examination of the first principles of
Geology. 1819.
Grew, Nehemiah. An Idea of a phytological history propounded. . . . And an
account of the vegetation of roots, grounded chiefly thereupon. 1673.
The Anatomy of Plants, etc. 2nd edn. 1682.
Cosmologia Sacra. 1701. [B. M. copy (c. 44. g. 1) has ms notes by
Coleridge, . T.