41 Now, those who have arrived at the eighth up to the tenth levels possess ten powers: the power oflife, which is the ability to obtain and stay in any existence at will; the power of mind, which is the ability to be absorbed exactly in whatever state of meditation is desired; the power o f necessities which is the ability to rain down riches and jewels and food for all sentient beings; the power over karma, which is the ability to inspire others to cultivate good karma which will be experienced at another time; the power ofbirth, which is the ability to be born in the desire realm without getting stained by impurities by staying in medita- tion; the power of creation, which is the ability to change any of the four elements at will; the power of miracles, which is the ability to demonstrate innu- merable miracles for the benefit ofsentient beings; the power of wisdom, which is to know completely the true significance ofall dharma (phenomena); and the power of Dharma, which is the ability to satisfY completely the minds of sentient beings of different tongues and different capabilities by explaining the Dharma in its assembly ofwords and
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