But his Memoirs being compos'd after the fantafti-
cal method of the Spanifh Romances, and divided into Chapters, in which
he the great Adions of two mighty Princes, Lev\'is the Eleventh
of France, and Charles Duke of Burgundy, the firft renown'd for his
Prudence, the lafl: for Bravery ; he feem'd in his Judgment to deferve a Place
rather among the Romance-Writers than the Hiflorians.
cal method of the Spanifh Romances, and divided into Chapters, in which
he the great Adions of two mighty Princes, Lev\'is the Eleventh
of France, and Charles Duke of Burgundy, the firft renown'd for his
Prudence, the lafl: for Bravery ; he feem'd in his Judgment to deferve a Place
rather among the Romance-Writers than the Hiflorians.
Boccalini - 1611 - Advices from Parnassus, in two centuries, with the Political touchstone