In Poland.
In Poland.
Poland - 1922 - Polish Literature in Translation, a Bibliography
Szczepanski, Ludwik. 1872-
The artist to the woman. Weariness. In Selver. Anthol-
ogy, p. 216-17.
Journal of the American-Polish chamber of commerce and
industry, v. 1-13, current. My. 1920-present. 149 E. 67th
St. N. Y.
Illustrated monthly magazine, containing a great variety of useful
information; originally entitled Journal of the American Polish Chamber
of Commerce and Industry.
In this bibliography individual references are made to i. translations
from Polish literature; 2. biographical sketches; 3. articles descriptive
of customs.
Polish economist
A monthly review of trade, industry and economics in
Poland, v. 1-7, current. 1925-present. Warsaw, Poland.
Illustrated journal, with descriptive articles and statistics.
Slavonic and East European Review
A survey of the peoples of eastern Europe, their history,
economics, philology and literature. Published for the
School of Slavonic Studies in the University of London,
King's College, v. 1-9, current. 1921-present. Lond.
Eyre and Spottiswoode
Scholarly publication of the greatest importance.
Slavonic Review
Vol. 7 on called Slavonic and East European Review,
which see.
Survey of Poland
Published weekly by the American Polish Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in the United States, v. 1-8,
current. 1923-present. 149 E. 67th St. N. Y.
Handbook of Poland. 1925. 26p.
N. Y. "Poland. " 1925.
Handbook of Poland. 1929. 37p.
Warsaw. Polish-American Chamber of Commerce; N. Y.
American Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Inc. i1929]
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? 32
Poland, Republic of. Chief Bureau of Statistics
Concise statistical year-book of Poland. 1st issue, 1930.
2d year, 1931. Warsaw. The Bureau. 1930-31.
Polish handbook, 1925
A guide to the country and resources of Poland; ed. by
F. B. Czarnomski. 704p. Lond. Eyre and Spottis-
woode. 1925.
A very comprehensive work, covering a wide range of topics, descrip-
tive, statistical, and social.
Polish encyclopaedia
(Publications of the Polish National Committee of Amer-
ica) Many maps and charts, v. 1-3. 1922-26. Geneva.
v. 1. The Polish language, by Stanislaus Dobrzycki.
History of Polish literature: The middle ages,
renaissance, pseudo-classicism, by S.
Romanticism and contemporary literature, by
M. Szyjkowski.
History of Poland, by L. Konopczynski.
v. 2. Geography and ethnography, by E. W. Janczew-
ski, and others.
Population, by Stefan Zaleski.
Territorial development of the Polish nation,
by W. Wakar.
The Jews in Poland, by Adam Skierko.
The population of present day Poland, by
Martin Nodobnik.
v. 3. Economic life of Poland, by various authors.
Prussian Poland.
Galicia and Silesia.
Kingdom of Poland.
Lithuania and Ruthenia.
Polish Information Committee
Poland's case for independence; being a series of essays
illustrating the continuance of her national life. 352p.
Lond. Allen and Unwin. 1916.
Landmarks of Polish history, by August Zaleski.
Poland's struggle for independence, by Rajmund Kucharski.
The population of the Polish commonwealth, by A. E. Gurney.
Poland as an independent economic unit, by S. Posner.
Outline of the history of Polish literature, by Tan de Holewinski.
A sketch of the history of Polish art, by Jan de Holewinski.
The national music of Poland, by Marguerite Walaux.
Intellectual Poland, by Leon Litwinski.
Written during the war to promote the Polish cause, these essays are
all the work of scholars and present their various themes in a dignified
and temperate manner. They were also published as separate pamphlets.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
Album de l'art polonais
Warsaw. M. Arct. n. d.
Large folio volume with 50 full page illustrations; titles and descrip-
tive text in Polish and in French.
Art and Archaeology
My. '28. v. 25, no. 5. The Arts of Poland; planned and
edited by the Institute of Polish culture.
Holewinski, Jan de.
Sketch of the history of Polish art. Lond. Polish Infor-
mation Committee. 1916. Also in Polish Information
Committee. Poland's case for independence.
Lepszy, Leonard
Cracow, the royal capital of ancient Poland; its history
and antiquities; tr. by R. Dyboski. With 99 illustrations.
199p. N. Y. Stokes. 1912.
A beautiful book about this ancient city, describing its art treasures
in considerable detail, with sufficient historical explanation to illumin
their significance.
"Sztuka'', 1897, 1922.
Jubilee volume and portfolio] Cracow. 1922.
Sztuka, a society of Polish artists, published this portfolio to celebrate
the 25th anniversary of their founding. It has 60 plates, with titles
and a historical sketch in Polish, French, and English.
Diccon, pseud.
The white rose; a story of Christmas in Lwow. In Poland.
5:341. D. '24.
Holman, Bertha
Polish Christmas customs. In Poland. 5:33. D. '24.
Lane, Dorothy Bent
Christmas in Poland. In Poland. 10:801. D. '29.
Morawski, Ignace M.
Yuletide in Poland. In Poland. 9:827. D. '28.
Morawska, Jadwiga
Christmas in Poland. In Poland. 7:728. D. '27.
Phillips, Charles
Christmas in Poland. In Poland. 5:11. Ja. '24.
Polish Chrismas carols
In Poland. 7:752. D. '27.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:11 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 34
Morawska, Jadwiga
Easter in Poland. In Poland. 9:208. Ap. '28.
Ziemnowicz, Mieczyslaw
Easter traditions in Poland. In Poland. 11:201. Ap. '30.
Note. Very many customs are described as part of
the narrative in Reymont's Peasants.
Botsford, Florence H. comp.
Folk songs of Poland. N. Y. Woman's Press. 1930.
Rayson, Ethel
Polish music and Chopin, its laureate. 63p. Lond. Reeves.
Walaux, Marguerite
The national music of Poland, its character and sources.
Lond. Polish Information Committee. 1916. Also in
Polish Information Committee. Poland's case for inde-
Famous Polish musicians, whose lives will be found in
standard books of reference are:
Frederic Chopin
Eduard and Jean De Reszke
Josef Hofman
Theodore Leschetizky
Stanislaw Moniuszko
Ignace Paderewski
Marcella Sembrich-Kochanska
American-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Library of facts: no. 1 Polish-German relations, no. 2
The situation in southeastern Poland (Eastern Galicia)
N. Y. 1931.
Pamphlets presenting the Polish view of two controverted questions.
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Askenazy, Szymon
Dantzig and Poland; tr. by W. J. Rose. Lond. Cassell.
Professor Askenazy holds high rank among Polish historians.
Bader, Karol, compiler
. . . Poland of to-day. 392p. Vienna. Wiener Allgemeine
Zeitung. 1927.
This is a large handsome book, containing 1155 illustrations, with
text in Polish, French, English and German.
Bain, Robert Nisbet
Slavonic Europe, a political history of Poland and Russia
from 1447 to 1796. 452p. Cambridge. Univ. Press.
This history is especially valuable with regard to Poland's relations
to Russia.
Benson, Edward Frederic
The white eagle of Poland. 243p. N. Y. Doran. cl919.
In the first part of this book, the author develops the thesis that the
restoration of Poland is a necessity to the limitation of German
imperialism. The second part is a review of the German occupation
of Poland. The chief value of the book is in its picture of the
psychology of 1919.
Boratynski, W.
Nowe fryzy "Polskie Obchody i Zwyczaje Ludowe. "
Krakow. Henryk Frist i Ska. 1931.
Series of striking pictures 25 x 70 cm. illustrating old Polish customs
and costumes in brilliant colors.
Boswell, A. Bruce
Poland and the Poles. 313p. il. Lond. Methuen; N. Y.
Dodd, Mead. 1919.
The best of the war time books about Poland. For many years a
student of Polish history, the author had lived five years in Poland,
and writes from real knowledge.
Brandes, Georg
Poland, a study of the land, people, and literature. 310p.
Lond. Heinemann. 1904.
Distinguished Danish critic's impressions of Poland in 4 visits, in
1885, 1886, 1894, and 1899. Two hundred pages analyze Polish life,
character, customs and the restrictions of life under Prussia and Russia;
the last third is a study of the literature of Poland's romantic period.
Eujak, Franciszek
The economic development of Poland. Lond. Allen and
Unwin. 1925.
This author is professor of political economy at the University of
Lwow, and has written extensively on this subject in Polish.
Chlebowski, A. publisher
Fryzy. Warsaw, n. d.
A frieze of 30 pictures 32x12 in. illustrating Polish country life,
costume and customs. Colorful, well-drawn, and full of action. The
artist's initials are G. P.
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? 36
Choloniewski, Antoni
The spirit of Polish history; tr. by Jane Arctowska. 67p.
N. Y. Polish Book Importing Co. 1918.
A charming essay on Polish character as shown in Polish institutions,
but the interpretation is mystic and sometimes strained.
D'Abernon, Edgar Vincent, viscount
Eighteenth decisive battle of the world: Warsaw, 1920.
178p. 3 maps. Lond. Hodder and Stoughton. 1931.
An English ambassador, member of the Anglo-French Mission to
Poland in July and August, 1920, gives a detailed and dispassionate
account of those critical days. He says of his title, "The surmise is
t'ustifiable that in its influence on the civilization of Europe the victory
iefore the walls of Warsaw in 1920 was no less vital than the historical
contests in which Poland in earlier years acted as a bulwark to the
West. "
Both commanders-in-chief, Pilsudski and Toukhatchevsky, have
written accounts of this battle. Their accounts are here quoted.
Drogoslaw, pseud.
Poland and the Polish nation; tr. by Marie Busch. 106p.
Lond. Polish Information Committee. 1917.
The situation of the Polish people under Germany, Russia, and
Austria is the main theme of this book.
Dyboski, Roman
The centenary of a great home of research in Poland: the
Ossolineum, 1828-1928. In S. R. 7:361-70. Ja. '29.
The Ossolinski National Institution includes one of the three great
libraries of Poland, and a museum designed to illustrate especially the
development of Polish history. It has been thruout its whole history
one of the greatest cultural institutions of Poland.
Italy and Poland in their historical relations. In S. R. 2:
191-4. Je. '23.
A review of three Polish books on this general subject.
Outlines of Polish history. 283p. Lond. Allen and Unwin.
"Now that we can see the continuous thread connecting the failures
of a Kosciuszko or a Traugut with the successes of a Pilsudski, Polish
history presents itself as an organic whole, a natural evolution, like that
of more fortunate nations. The writer of this book has done his work
well. "--A. Bruce Boswell, in Slavonic Review
Same. 2d ed. rev. 285p. N. Y. Oxford. 1931.
Poland, old and new; three lectures. 68p. Oxford. Univ.
Press. 1926.
"All three lectures are full of interest, whether the lecturer is dealing
with recent achievements, or discussing the transformation of the social
body of Poland, or the revival of agriculture and industry. Into this
small book, a mass of information is compressed.
Szczepanski, Ludwik. 1872-
The artist to the woman. Weariness. In Selver. Anthol-
ogy, p. 216-17.
Journal of the American-Polish chamber of commerce and
industry, v. 1-13, current. My. 1920-present. 149 E. 67th
St. N. Y.
Illustrated monthly magazine, containing a great variety of useful
information; originally entitled Journal of the American Polish Chamber
of Commerce and Industry.
In this bibliography individual references are made to i. translations
from Polish literature; 2. biographical sketches; 3. articles descriptive
of customs.
Polish economist
A monthly review of trade, industry and economics in
Poland, v. 1-7, current. 1925-present. Warsaw, Poland.
Illustrated journal, with descriptive articles and statistics.
Slavonic and East European Review
A survey of the peoples of eastern Europe, their history,
economics, philology and literature. Published for the
School of Slavonic Studies in the University of London,
King's College, v. 1-9, current. 1921-present. Lond.
Eyre and Spottiswoode
Scholarly publication of the greatest importance.
Slavonic Review
Vol. 7 on called Slavonic and East European Review,
which see.
Survey of Poland
Published weekly by the American Polish Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in the United States, v. 1-8,
current. 1923-present. 149 E. 67th St. N. Y.
Handbook of Poland. 1925. 26p.
N. Y. "Poland. " 1925.
Handbook of Poland. 1929. 37p.
Warsaw. Polish-American Chamber of Commerce; N. Y.
American Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Inc. i1929]
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? 32
Poland, Republic of. Chief Bureau of Statistics
Concise statistical year-book of Poland. 1st issue, 1930.
2d year, 1931. Warsaw. The Bureau. 1930-31.
Polish handbook, 1925
A guide to the country and resources of Poland; ed. by
F. B. Czarnomski. 704p. Lond. Eyre and Spottis-
woode. 1925.
A very comprehensive work, covering a wide range of topics, descrip-
tive, statistical, and social.
Polish encyclopaedia
(Publications of the Polish National Committee of Amer-
ica) Many maps and charts, v. 1-3. 1922-26. Geneva.
v. 1. The Polish language, by Stanislaus Dobrzycki.
History of Polish literature: The middle ages,
renaissance, pseudo-classicism, by S.
Romanticism and contemporary literature, by
M. Szyjkowski.
History of Poland, by L. Konopczynski.
v. 2. Geography and ethnography, by E. W. Janczew-
ski, and others.
Population, by Stefan Zaleski.
Territorial development of the Polish nation,
by W. Wakar.
The Jews in Poland, by Adam Skierko.
The population of present day Poland, by
Martin Nodobnik.
v. 3. Economic life of Poland, by various authors.
Prussian Poland.
Galicia and Silesia.
Kingdom of Poland.
Lithuania and Ruthenia.
Polish Information Committee
Poland's case for independence; being a series of essays
illustrating the continuance of her national life. 352p.
Lond. Allen and Unwin. 1916.
Landmarks of Polish history, by August Zaleski.
Poland's struggle for independence, by Rajmund Kucharski.
The population of the Polish commonwealth, by A. E. Gurney.
Poland as an independent economic unit, by S. Posner.
Outline of the history of Polish literature, by Tan de Holewinski.
A sketch of the history of Polish art, by Jan de Holewinski.
The national music of Poland, by Marguerite Walaux.
Intellectual Poland, by Leon Litwinski.
Written during the war to promote the Polish cause, these essays are
all the work of scholars and present their various themes in a dignified
and temperate manner. They were also published as separate pamphlets.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
Album de l'art polonais
Warsaw. M. Arct. n. d.
Large folio volume with 50 full page illustrations; titles and descrip-
tive text in Polish and in French.
Art and Archaeology
My. '28. v. 25, no. 5. The Arts of Poland; planned and
edited by the Institute of Polish culture.
Holewinski, Jan de.
Sketch of the history of Polish art. Lond. Polish Infor-
mation Committee. 1916. Also in Polish Information
Committee. Poland's case for independence.
Lepszy, Leonard
Cracow, the royal capital of ancient Poland; its history
and antiquities; tr. by R. Dyboski. With 99 illustrations.
199p. N. Y. Stokes. 1912.
A beautiful book about this ancient city, describing its art treasures
in considerable detail, with sufficient historical explanation to illumin
their significance.
"Sztuka'', 1897, 1922.
Jubilee volume and portfolio] Cracow. 1922.
Sztuka, a society of Polish artists, published this portfolio to celebrate
the 25th anniversary of their founding. It has 60 plates, with titles
and a historical sketch in Polish, French, and English.
Diccon, pseud.
The white rose; a story of Christmas in Lwow. In Poland.
5:341. D. '24.
Holman, Bertha
Polish Christmas customs. In Poland. 5:33. D. '24.
Lane, Dorothy Bent
Christmas in Poland. In Poland. 10:801. D. '29.
Morawski, Ignace M.
Yuletide in Poland. In Poland. 9:827. D. '28.
Morawska, Jadwiga
Christmas in Poland. In Poland. 7:728. D. '27.
Phillips, Charles
Christmas in Poland. In Poland. 5:11. Ja. '24.
Polish Chrismas carols
In Poland. 7:752. D. '27.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:11 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 34
Morawska, Jadwiga
Easter in Poland. In Poland. 9:208. Ap. '28.
Ziemnowicz, Mieczyslaw
Easter traditions in Poland. In Poland. 11:201. Ap. '30.
Note. Very many customs are described as part of
the narrative in Reymont's Peasants.
Botsford, Florence H. comp.
Folk songs of Poland. N. Y. Woman's Press. 1930.
Rayson, Ethel
Polish music and Chopin, its laureate. 63p. Lond. Reeves.
Walaux, Marguerite
The national music of Poland, its character and sources.
Lond. Polish Information Committee. 1916. Also in
Polish Information Committee. Poland's case for inde-
Famous Polish musicians, whose lives will be found in
standard books of reference are:
Frederic Chopin
Eduard and Jean De Reszke
Josef Hofman
Theodore Leschetizky
Stanislaw Moniuszko
Ignace Paderewski
Marcella Sembrich-Kochanska
American-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Library of facts: no. 1 Polish-German relations, no. 2
The situation in southeastern Poland (Eastern Galicia)
N. Y. 1931.
Pamphlets presenting the Polish view of two controverted questions.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:11 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
Askenazy, Szymon
Dantzig and Poland; tr. by W. J. Rose. Lond. Cassell.
Professor Askenazy holds high rank among Polish historians.
Bader, Karol, compiler
. . . Poland of to-day. 392p. Vienna. Wiener Allgemeine
Zeitung. 1927.
This is a large handsome book, containing 1155 illustrations, with
text in Polish, French, English and German.
Bain, Robert Nisbet
Slavonic Europe, a political history of Poland and Russia
from 1447 to 1796. 452p. Cambridge. Univ. Press.
This history is especially valuable with regard to Poland's relations
to Russia.
Benson, Edward Frederic
The white eagle of Poland. 243p. N. Y. Doran. cl919.
In the first part of this book, the author develops the thesis that the
restoration of Poland is a necessity to the limitation of German
imperialism. The second part is a review of the German occupation
of Poland. The chief value of the book is in its picture of the
psychology of 1919.
Boratynski, W.
Nowe fryzy "Polskie Obchody i Zwyczaje Ludowe. "
Krakow. Henryk Frist i Ska. 1931.
Series of striking pictures 25 x 70 cm. illustrating old Polish customs
and costumes in brilliant colors.
Boswell, A. Bruce
Poland and the Poles. 313p. il. Lond. Methuen; N. Y.
Dodd, Mead. 1919.
The best of the war time books about Poland. For many years a
student of Polish history, the author had lived five years in Poland,
and writes from real knowledge.
Brandes, Georg
Poland, a study of the land, people, and literature. 310p.
Lond. Heinemann. 1904.
Distinguished Danish critic's impressions of Poland in 4 visits, in
1885, 1886, 1894, and 1899. Two hundred pages analyze Polish life,
character, customs and the restrictions of life under Prussia and Russia;
the last third is a study of the literature of Poland's romantic period.
Eujak, Franciszek
The economic development of Poland. Lond. Allen and
Unwin. 1925.
This author is professor of political economy at the University of
Lwow, and has written extensively on this subject in Polish.
Chlebowski, A. publisher
Fryzy. Warsaw, n. d.
A frieze of 30 pictures 32x12 in. illustrating Polish country life,
costume and customs. Colorful, well-drawn, and full of action. The
artist's initials are G. P.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:11 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 36
Choloniewski, Antoni
The spirit of Polish history; tr. by Jane Arctowska. 67p.
N. Y. Polish Book Importing Co. 1918.
A charming essay on Polish character as shown in Polish institutions,
but the interpretation is mystic and sometimes strained.
D'Abernon, Edgar Vincent, viscount
Eighteenth decisive battle of the world: Warsaw, 1920.
178p. 3 maps. Lond. Hodder and Stoughton. 1931.
An English ambassador, member of the Anglo-French Mission to
Poland in July and August, 1920, gives a detailed and dispassionate
account of those critical days. He says of his title, "The surmise is
t'ustifiable that in its influence on the civilization of Europe the victory
iefore the walls of Warsaw in 1920 was no less vital than the historical
contests in which Poland in earlier years acted as a bulwark to the
West. "
Both commanders-in-chief, Pilsudski and Toukhatchevsky, have
written accounts of this battle. Their accounts are here quoted.
Drogoslaw, pseud.
Poland and the Polish nation; tr. by Marie Busch. 106p.
Lond. Polish Information Committee. 1917.
The situation of the Polish people under Germany, Russia, and
Austria is the main theme of this book.
Dyboski, Roman
The centenary of a great home of research in Poland: the
Ossolineum, 1828-1928. In S. R. 7:361-70. Ja. '29.
The Ossolinski National Institution includes one of the three great
libraries of Poland, and a museum designed to illustrate especially the
development of Polish history. It has been thruout its whole history
one of the greatest cultural institutions of Poland.
Italy and Poland in their historical relations. In S. R. 2:
191-4. Je. '23.
A review of three Polish books on this general subject.
Outlines of Polish history. 283p. Lond. Allen and Unwin.
"Now that we can see the continuous thread connecting the failures
of a Kosciuszko or a Traugut with the successes of a Pilsudski, Polish
history presents itself as an organic whole, a natural evolution, like that
of more fortunate nations. The writer of this book has done his work
well. "--A. Bruce Boswell, in Slavonic Review
Same. 2d ed. rev. 285p. N. Y. Oxford. 1931.
Poland, old and new; three lectures. 68p. Oxford. Univ.
Press. 1926.
"All three lectures are full of interest, whether the lecturer is dealing
with recent achievements, or discussing the transformation of the social
body of Poland, or the revival of agriculture and industry. Into this
small book, a mass of information is compressed.