Perstrepit et tellus, et
Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana
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? Claws Metrico-Virgiliana. 33
JEncid. 9.
716. inaiime Jovis Imperils Imposta Tf-\-pho-eo
( Typh5-e5 --ph5, a distinct long syllable (See
Georgic 1, 279) -- EO, a syntcresis. (Seethe
"Synopsis" at the end of the volume. )
766. lgna-|-ros dein-\-&' in muris martemque cientes
( deinde -- synceresis.
767. alcandmmqu' Haliumque Noemona-|-gf<<e Pryta-\
( Noemonaque -- caesura.
779. T
781. > Mnestheus -- diphthong.
812. 3
Mneid. 10.
18. o pate'r | o homi-\-num divumqu' Sterna potestas
( o hominum -- the interjection O never elided.
It is here preserved long before the following
vowel, though not always so in similar cases.
See my " Latin Prosody" p. 159, 2d edit.
51. est ama-\-thus est \ celsa mihl Paphbs atque' Cy-
( Amathus -- naturally long . -- diphthong in
the Greek, Afiafouj.
67. Italiam falls p? ti-\-U afl-|-ctdribus esto
(according to Heyne's text}
( petilt -- ccesura.
116. Hie finis fandi solio tum Jupiter | ailreo
( aureo -- synceresis.
'129. NeeCVytiS genitore minor nee fratre M. z-\-nestheo
( Menestheo -- synceresis.
136. inclusum bux-|-o ant \ oricia. terebinths
( buxo -- ccesura --preserved.
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? 34 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
jEneid. 10.
141. - Mieonia generose do-|-<<w tibi pinguid culta
( domo-- ccesura--preserved.
143. afFuit et Mne-\-stheOs quern | puis! pristina Turna
( Mnestheus--diphthong.
156. externo commlssa d<<-|-<< ^i-]-neia puppis
v( duel -- ecesura--preserved.
167. Sub quo mille mantis juvenum qui mcenia | CMsi
( Clusii, ClusI -- crasis.
361. Stans eels' in puppl clypeum cum | delude sz-|-nlstra
( deinde -- synceresis.
334. Torserit In Rutu-|-Zos stete-\-runt qu' In corpoic
(' steterunt--systole.
364. arcadas | insue-\-tos acies InferrS pSdestres
{ insuetos -- synceresis.
377. ecc? marls magno claudlt nos | objice\ pontus
( objice -- See Georg. 4, 422.
378. -Deestjdm \ ten* fugse pSUjgfis TrSjSmne petemus
{ deest, dgst -- crasis.
383. Per medrum qua spina d&-\-bat A5s-|-tfimque re-
( dabat [or, Delph. dedlt]--ccesura.
394. Nam tibi Thymbre <&-\-p0t ? fl-|-andrius abstulit
( caput --- ctesura. -- Eu-andrins--See JEn.
11, 31.
396. Sbniim-\-mesque micant digit! ferrumque retrac-
( sem'animes-- elision.
*402. Quam medius Rhak-\-teus <<>>-|-tercipit qptinie
( Rbceteus -- EU, diphthong.
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? Clams Metric&rVirgMana. 35
JEne'id. 10.
403. CaJdIti| sem&ni-\-iriis Rutiilorum calclbus arva
( sem'animis -- elision.
433. Tela manusquS si-\-mt hinc | Pallas InstSt & urget
(sinlt -- ccesura.
487. On' <? a-|-demque via sangulsqu' animusque se-
quuntur or {with Pr. Heyne)
mvl ea-|-demquS via san-|-? w am-\-vaxm\a& sg-
( eadem -- synceresis: -- un' ea-, spondee: --
sanguis, caesura.
496. exanimum rapiens lmmania ponde'ra' | bdltei
( baltei--synceresis.
720. Gralus horn' Infectos linquens profu-|-gfis hjjme-\
-nseos . .
( profugus-- ccesura.
764. Cum pedes incedit medil per maxima | Nerel
( Nerel -- synceresis.
781. Stermtiir infelix. alieno vulnere| ccelum-
qtS Aspicit
( qu' Aspicit -- synapkeia, and elision.
. 867. Dixit et exceptus tergd con-\-sueta #5-J-cavit,
( consueta -- synceresis.
872. et funis agitatiis >>-\-mor et | conscia virtus
( amor--ccesura.
<<95. Clamor' Incendunt ccelum Troesque LM-\-tinl-
qtf Advolat
( qu' Advolat -- synapheia, and elision.
JEneid. 11.
7. Mezen-\-ti ducis \ exiivias tibi magne tropaium
. ( Mezentii, MezentI -- crasis.
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? 3C Clavis Melrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 11.
31. Servabat senior qui Parrhasi-|-o 22tZ-|-andro
( Parrhasio -- ccesura -- preserved. -- Spon-
daic verse.
0C5" In different parts of this " Clavis," and in my
"Scanning Exercises for Young Prosodians,. "
I give EUander, EUenus, Sfc. with the first syl-
lable a diphthong, as in the original Greek;
which is the only way to render that syllable longs
since the Latin V, belonging to a subsequent
syllable, has not the power to lengthen a preceding
short vowel, as we see in Gravis, Levis, Nivis,
Novus, Jiivenis. -- See further remarks on this
subject in my " Latin Prosody," sect. 47.
69. Seu mollis violse sett languen-|-#s hyd-\-cmthl
( languentls -- ccesura.
111. bra-\-tis eqm-\-d' et vivis concedere vellem
( oratis -- ccesura.
200. ardentes spectant socios &t-\-miUstdque | servant
( sem'usta-- elision.
260. SIdus et Euboicifi cautes ultorque Ca-\-phdreiis
( Caphareus -- diphthong.
262. Strides Vrb-\-tei Mene-\-la. us ad usque columnas
( Protel -- synceresis.
265. idome-|-<<ei Liby-\-cdn' habitantes litore Locros
( Idomenel -- synceresis.
323. Considant si tantiis de-\-mdr et | meenia condant
( amor -- ccesura.
383. Proinde lb-\-n' eloquio solitum tibinieque tnnoris
( proinde -- synceresis.
400. Dardanio rebusque tu-|-? s proin-\-d' omnia magnd
( proinde -- synceresis.
469. ConciM' ipse pa-\-ter et | magn' Incepta Latinus.
( pater -- ccesura.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 37
Mneid. 11.
480. (as in Heyne's text)
Causa mall tan-|^ ocii-\-\os dejecta decoros
( tanti -- ctESura --preserved. -- And, as the
Professor, in his note, shows a disposition to be-
lieve that Virgil originally wrote malis tantte, it
may be well to observe the similarity of expression
in another passage (JEn. 6, 95) alluding, by anti-
cipation, to the same events which the poet here has
in view, viz.
Causa mali tanti conjux iterum hospita Teucris.
522. est curv' anfractu 3 -if;- c <<c-]-commoda fraud!
( valles -- regular -- no licence : -- vallls --?
609. Substiterat siibit' erumpiint clamore fre-\-mentes-
qti Exhortantur ,
( qu' Exhortantur -- synapheia, and elision,
'> Aconteus_-- diphthong.
635. Semiani-\-m&s volvuntur equi piign' aspera surgit
( sem'animes . *-- elision.
659. Quaies Threicise cum flumina | Thermo-\-dontis
{ A spondaic verse. --Thermodon contains only
three syllables, as in the following examples from
Ovid, de Pont. 4, 10,51, and Silius, 8, 431 --
Et tu, femineae, Ther-\-modon,\ cognite turmae.
Perstrepit et tellus, et Amazonius Ther-\-modon.
667. adversi longa. transverberat | dbiete | pectus
( abjete, or ab- yete. -- See Georgic 4, 297.
768. Forte sacer Cybelse Ch\o-\-reus o-|-limque sacerdos
( Chloreus -- diphthong.
890. drietdt | In portas et duros | objice | postes
( arjetat, or ar-yetat. --See Georgic 4, 297. --
objice -- see Georg. 4, 422.
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? 38 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 12.
13. C5ngredior fer sacra pa-|-^er et | concipe fcedus
( pater -- ccesura.
31. Promiss' eripui gene-|-ro dr-\-m' Impia sumpsl
( genero -- ccesura --preserved.
68. (as in Ueynis text)
Siquis e-\-bur, out | mixta rubent iibi lilia multa
( ebur -- ceesura.
? i83. Pllumn5 quos ipsa decus dedit | ori-\-thyia
( A spondaic verse --o-rl-thyl-a, Jour syllables,
like I-Ii-thyl-a in Horace, Carm. Sec. 14; the YI
being a diphthong in the original Greek, and the
second syllable, in each of these names, being like-
wise a diphthong, as in Homer, II. ? . 48, and
Hymn, in Apoll. 97 --
itatgee, km ngEtfivio>>! EuffXoxa/xos 7' ApaQucc.
Mouvn S'oux iirtm/mo jjuryixrTOKOf EiAsiGvia.
&4. Qui candSre nives aa-\-teirent | cursibus auras
( ant'irent--elision.
87. ipse de-\-hmc auro squalent' alboqu' orichalco
( dehlnc--the E preserved from elision, and
shortened before the I.
89. 5nsem-\-que clype-\-umq\i' 5t rubric cornua crista
( ensemque -- ccesura.
127. et genus assaraci M. ne-\-stheUs . St | fortis asylas
( Mnestbeus -- diphthong.
181. Fontes-\-queJluvi-\-osque voc5 qusequ'setheris alU
( fontesque -- ccesura.
232. Fatallsque ma. -\-nus in-\-fens' etruria Turno
( manus -- ccesura.
. 356. . Semiant-\-mi lapsoque superveiut et pede collo
( sem'animi -- elision.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 39
JEneid. 12.
863. Chlorea-|-^we Sybd-\-rimqae. Daretaque Thersilo-
( Chloreaque-- ccesura.
371. Non tulit Instantem Phe-\-ge&s #m-|-misque fre"
. . ( Pbegeus -- diphthong.
384. intere' ieneam M. nii-\-sthetls et | fidus achates
( Mnestheus-- diphthong.
401. Pseo-|-M2' In mo-|-rem senior succinctiis amictu
( For the quantity of Paeonius here, see jEh.
7, 769. Thence, after the elision of the UM, the
remaining NI' coalesces with the following IN, to
form, as it were, a single syllable by synceresis, as
Stellio et, in Georg. 4, 243, and Consilium et
in Horace, Od. 3* 4, 41, where the latter I must
be sounded as J or Y [jet, or yet] in order to ren-
der the preceding short syllable long. So in
Principium hue, Od. 3, 6, 6 See my " Latin
Prosody," sections 47, 49, and 50.
422. Qulppe do-|-Zor 07? i-|-nis stetit imo vulnere sanguis
( dolor -- ccesura.
443. dntheus-\-que Mne-\-stheusqne ru-\-unt omnisque
( Antheiisque -- eu, diphthong: --que, cae-
sura, independently of the MN: -- Mnestheus,
459. Mnestheus, as in the preceding line.
535. HIS ruent' Hyl-|-/o an? -|-misqu' immiinS fr&nenti
( Hyll 6 -- ccesura--preserved.
541. Pectora nee misero clypel mora profuit | arei
( aerel -- synarresis.
549. Mnestheus -- diphthong.
550. et Messapus equum domi-\-tdr et \ fortis Ssylas
( domitor-- ccesura.
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? 40 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 12,
648. An unmetrical line, which can only be scanned tit
one of the twofollowing ways -- both bad.
'Sanct' ad vos anim' atqu'Is-|-? zfls |inscia culpie-->.
making a diastole in the us o/^istlus -- or
< Sanct' ad vos &m-\-md <K-|-qu' Istius insciS ciilpae--
I making the ccesura to preserve and lengthen the
I Jinal A in anima.
668. et funis agitatus a-\-mor et \ conscia virtus
( amor -- ccesura.
706. Mcema quiqu' Inios pulsabant | driete | muros
( arjete, or ar-yete. -- See Georgic 4, 297.
772. Hie hast' jeneal sta-\-bdt hue | Impetus illam
( stabat -- ccesura.
821. ConnUbi-\-ts --four syllables. -- See JEn. 1. 77-
847. un' eo-|-demque tiilit partu paribusque revlnxit
( eodem -- synceresis: -- un' eo -- spondee.
883. Te sine fratSr e-\-rit 5 | qua satis alta dehlscat
( erit -- ccesura.
889. Quae nunc | deinde mb-\-x' est aut quid jam Turns
( delnde -- synceresis.
905. Genud W-|-bant gelidus concrevit frigore sanguis
( gen-va, or gen-wS, -- See Georgic 4, 297.
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of Poetic Licences
noticed in the preceding Clavis.
Short Final Syllables lengthened by the Ccesura.
ABERAT . . . E. 1,39
Gravia JE. 3, 464
Erit E. 3, 97
Casus 504
Terrasque . . . E. 4, 51
Manibus 606
Fultus E. 6, 53
Gela 702
Faci't E. 7, 23
Pectoribus . . . JE. 4* 64
Puer E. 9,66
Cretesque 146
Amor E. 10, 69
Alloquitur 222
Tethys . ? . . . G. 1, 31
Datur . . . JE. 5,284
Plei'adas . . . . . . . ' . . . 138
Euryalus 337
Lappaeque 153
Pariterj 521
Tribulaque 164
iEstusque 352
Amittebat 853
Eurique 371
Super . . . JE. 6, 254
Gravidus G. 2, 5
Tuaque 687
I'agus 71
Numitor 768
Enituit 211
Argos [Q ? ] . . . 838
Ingreditur . . . G. 3. 76
Erat JE.
? Claws Metrico-Virgiliana. 33
JEncid. 9.
716. inaiime Jovis Imperils Imposta Tf-\-pho-eo
( Typh5-e5 --ph5, a distinct long syllable (See
Georgic 1, 279) -- EO, a syntcresis. (Seethe
"Synopsis" at the end of the volume. )
766. lgna-|-ros dein-\-&' in muris martemque cientes
( deinde -- synceresis.
767. alcandmmqu' Haliumque Noemona-|-gf<<e Pryta-\
( Noemonaque -- caesura.
779. T
781. > Mnestheus -- diphthong.
812. 3
Mneid. 10.
18. o pate'r | o homi-\-num divumqu' Sterna potestas
( o hominum -- the interjection O never elided.
It is here preserved long before the following
vowel, though not always so in similar cases.
See my " Latin Prosody" p. 159, 2d edit.
51. est ama-\-thus est \ celsa mihl Paphbs atque' Cy-
( Amathus -- naturally long . -- diphthong in
the Greek, Afiafouj.
67. Italiam falls p? ti-\-U afl-|-ctdribus esto
(according to Heyne's text}
( petilt -- ccesura.
116. Hie finis fandi solio tum Jupiter | ailreo
( aureo -- synceresis.
'129. NeeCVytiS genitore minor nee fratre M. z-\-nestheo
( Menestheo -- synceresis.
136. inclusum bux-|-o ant \ oricia. terebinths
( buxo -- ccesura --preserved.
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? 34 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
jEneid. 10.
141. - Mieonia generose do-|-<<w tibi pinguid culta
( domo-- ccesura--preserved.
143. afFuit et Mne-\-stheOs quern | puis! pristina Turna
( Mnestheus--diphthong.
156. externo commlssa d<<-|-<< ^i-]-neia puppis
v( duel -- ecesura--preserved.
167. Sub quo mille mantis juvenum qui mcenia | CMsi
( Clusii, ClusI -- crasis.
361. Stans eels' in puppl clypeum cum | delude sz-|-nlstra
( deinde -- synceresis.
334. Torserit In Rutu-|-Zos stete-\-runt qu' In corpoic
(' steterunt--systole.
364. arcadas | insue-\-tos acies InferrS pSdestres
{ insuetos -- synceresis.
377. ecc? marls magno claudlt nos | objice\ pontus
( objice -- See Georg. 4, 422.
378. -Deestjdm \ ten* fugse pSUjgfis TrSjSmne petemus
{ deest, dgst -- crasis.
383. Per medrum qua spina d&-\-bat A5s-|-tfimque re-
( dabat [or, Delph. dedlt]--ccesura.
394. Nam tibi Thymbre <&-\-p0t ? fl-|-andrius abstulit
( caput --- ctesura. -- Eu-andrins--See JEn.
11, 31.
396. Sbniim-\-mesque micant digit! ferrumque retrac-
( sem'animes-- elision.
*402. Quam medius Rhak-\-teus <<>>-|-tercipit qptinie
( Rbceteus -- EU, diphthong.
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? Clams Metric&rVirgMana. 35
JEne'id. 10.
403. CaJdIti| sem&ni-\-iriis Rutiilorum calclbus arva
( sem'animis -- elision.
433. Tela manusquS si-\-mt hinc | Pallas InstSt & urget
(sinlt -- ccesura.
487. On' <? a-|-demque via sangulsqu' animusque se-
quuntur or {with Pr. Heyne)
mvl ea-|-demquS via san-|-? w am-\-vaxm\a& sg-
( eadem -- synceresis: -- un' ea-, spondee: --
sanguis, caesura.
496. exanimum rapiens lmmania ponde'ra' | bdltei
( baltei--synceresis.
720. Gralus horn' Infectos linquens profu-|-gfis hjjme-\
-nseos . .
( profugus-- ccesura.
764. Cum pedes incedit medil per maxima | Nerel
( Nerel -- synceresis.
781. Stermtiir infelix. alieno vulnere| ccelum-
qtS Aspicit
( qu' Aspicit -- synapkeia, and elision.
. 867. Dixit et exceptus tergd con-\-sueta #5-J-cavit,
( consueta -- synceresis.
872. et funis agitatiis >>-\-mor et | conscia virtus
( amor--ccesura.
<<95. Clamor' Incendunt ccelum Troesque LM-\-tinl-
qtf Advolat
( qu' Advolat -- synapheia, and elision.
JEneid. 11.
7. Mezen-\-ti ducis \ exiivias tibi magne tropaium
. ( Mezentii, MezentI -- crasis.
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? 3C Clavis Melrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 11.
31. Servabat senior qui Parrhasi-|-o 22tZ-|-andro
( Parrhasio -- ccesura -- preserved. -- Spon-
daic verse.
0C5" In different parts of this " Clavis," and in my
"Scanning Exercises for Young Prosodians,. "
I give EUander, EUenus, Sfc. with the first syl-
lable a diphthong, as in the original Greek;
which is the only way to render that syllable longs
since the Latin V, belonging to a subsequent
syllable, has not the power to lengthen a preceding
short vowel, as we see in Gravis, Levis, Nivis,
Novus, Jiivenis. -- See further remarks on this
subject in my " Latin Prosody," sect. 47.
69. Seu mollis violse sett languen-|-#s hyd-\-cmthl
( languentls -- ccesura.
111. bra-\-tis eqm-\-d' et vivis concedere vellem
( oratis -- ccesura.
200. ardentes spectant socios &t-\-miUstdque | servant
( sem'usta-- elision.
260. SIdus et Euboicifi cautes ultorque Ca-\-phdreiis
( Caphareus -- diphthong.
262. Strides Vrb-\-tei Mene-\-la. us ad usque columnas
( Protel -- synceresis.
265. idome-|-<<ei Liby-\-cdn' habitantes litore Locros
( Idomenel -- synceresis.
323. Considant si tantiis de-\-mdr et | meenia condant
( amor -- ccesura.
383. Proinde lb-\-n' eloquio solitum tibinieque tnnoris
( proinde -- synceresis.
400. Dardanio rebusque tu-|-? s proin-\-d' omnia magnd
( proinde -- synceresis.
469. ConciM' ipse pa-\-ter et | magn' Incepta Latinus.
( pater -- ccesura.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 37
Mneid. 11.
480. (as in Heyne's text)
Causa mall tan-|^ ocii-\-\os dejecta decoros
( tanti -- ctESura --preserved. -- And, as the
Professor, in his note, shows a disposition to be-
lieve that Virgil originally wrote malis tantte, it
may be well to observe the similarity of expression
in another passage (JEn. 6, 95) alluding, by anti-
cipation, to the same events which the poet here has
in view, viz.
Causa mali tanti conjux iterum hospita Teucris.
522. est curv' anfractu 3 -if;- c <<c-]-commoda fraud!
( valles -- regular -- no licence : -- vallls --?
609. Substiterat siibit' erumpiint clamore fre-\-mentes-
qti Exhortantur ,
( qu' Exhortantur -- synapheia, and elision,
'> Aconteus_-- diphthong.
635. Semiani-\-m&s volvuntur equi piign' aspera surgit
( sem'animes . *-- elision.
659. Quaies Threicise cum flumina | Thermo-\-dontis
{ A spondaic verse. --Thermodon contains only
three syllables, as in the following examples from
Ovid, de Pont. 4, 10,51, and Silius, 8, 431 --
Et tu, femineae, Ther-\-modon,\ cognite turmae.
Perstrepit et tellus, et Amazonius Ther-\-modon.
667. adversi longa. transverberat | dbiete | pectus
( abjete, or ab- yete. -- See Georgic 4, 297.
768. Forte sacer Cybelse Ch\o-\-reus o-|-limque sacerdos
( Chloreus -- diphthong.
890. drietdt | In portas et duros | objice | postes
( arjetat, or ar-yetat. --See Georgic 4, 297. --
objice -- see Georg. 4, 422.
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? 38 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 12.
13. C5ngredior fer sacra pa-|-^er et | concipe fcedus
( pater -- ccesura.
31. Promiss' eripui gene-|-ro dr-\-m' Impia sumpsl
( genero -- ccesura --preserved.
68. (as in Ueynis text)
Siquis e-\-bur, out | mixta rubent iibi lilia multa
( ebur -- ceesura.
? i83. Pllumn5 quos ipsa decus dedit | ori-\-thyia
( A spondaic verse --o-rl-thyl-a, Jour syllables,
like I-Ii-thyl-a in Horace, Carm. Sec. 14; the YI
being a diphthong in the original Greek, and the
second syllable, in each of these names, being like-
wise a diphthong, as in Homer, II. ? . 48, and
Hymn, in Apoll. 97 --
itatgee, km ngEtfivio>>! EuffXoxa/xos 7' ApaQucc.
Mouvn S'oux iirtm/mo jjuryixrTOKOf EiAsiGvia.
&4. Qui candSre nives aa-\-teirent | cursibus auras
( ant'irent--elision.
87. ipse de-\-hmc auro squalent' alboqu' orichalco
( dehlnc--the E preserved from elision, and
shortened before the I.
89. 5nsem-\-que clype-\-umq\i' 5t rubric cornua crista
( ensemque -- ccesura.
127. et genus assaraci M. ne-\-stheUs . St | fortis asylas
( Mnestbeus -- diphthong.
181. Fontes-\-queJluvi-\-osque voc5 qusequ'setheris alU
( fontesque -- ccesura.
232. Fatallsque ma. -\-nus in-\-fens' etruria Turno
( manus -- ccesura.
. 356. . Semiant-\-mi lapsoque superveiut et pede collo
( sem'animi -- elision.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 39
JEneid. 12.
863. Chlorea-|-^we Sybd-\-rimqae. Daretaque Thersilo-
( Chloreaque-- ccesura.
371. Non tulit Instantem Phe-\-ge&s #m-|-misque fre"
. . ( Pbegeus -- diphthong.
384. intere' ieneam M. nii-\-sthetls et | fidus achates
( Mnestheus-- diphthong.
401. Pseo-|-M2' In mo-|-rem senior succinctiis amictu
( For the quantity of Paeonius here, see jEh.
7, 769. Thence, after the elision of the UM, the
remaining NI' coalesces with the following IN, to
form, as it were, a single syllable by synceresis, as
Stellio et, in Georg. 4, 243, and Consilium et
in Horace, Od. 3* 4, 41, where the latter I must
be sounded as J or Y [jet, or yet] in order to ren-
der the preceding short syllable long. So in
Principium hue, Od. 3, 6, 6 See my " Latin
Prosody," sections 47, 49, and 50.
422. Qulppe do-|-Zor 07? i-|-nis stetit imo vulnere sanguis
( dolor -- ccesura.
443. dntheus-\-que Mne-\-stheusqne ru-\-unt omnisque
( Antheiisque -- eu, diphthong: --que, cae-
sura, independently of the MN: -- Mnestheus,
459. Mnestheus, as in the preceding line.
535. HIS ruent' Hyl-|-/o an? -|-misqu' immiinS fr&nenti
( Hyll 6 -- ccesura--preserved.
541. Pectora nee misero clypel mora profuit | arei
( aerel -- synarresis.
549. Mnestheus -- diphthong.
550. et Messapus equum domi-\-tdr et \ fortis Ssylas
( domitor-- ccesura.
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? 40 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 12,
648. An unmetrical line, which can only be scanned tit
one of the twofollowing ways -- both bad.
'Sanct' ad vos anim' atqu'Is-|-? zfls |inscia culpie-->.
making a diastole in the us o/^istlus -- or
< Sanct' ad vos &m-\-md <K-|-qu' Istius insciS ciilpae--
I making the ccesura to preserve and lengthen the
I Jinal A in anima.
668. et funis agitatus a-\-mor et \ conscia virtus
( amor -- ccesura.
706. Mcema quiqu' Inios pulsabant | driete | muros
( arjete, or ar-yete. -- See Georgic 4, 297.
772. Hie hast' jeneal sta-\-bdt hue | Impetus illam
( stabat -- ccesura.
821. ConnUbi-\-ts --four syllables. -- See JEn. 1. 77-
847. un' eo-|-demque tiilit partu paribusque revlnxit
( eodem -- synceresis: -- un' eo -- spondee.
883. Te sine fratSr e-\-rit 5 | qua satis alta dehlscat
( erit -- ccesura.
889. Quae nunc | deinde mb-\-x' est aut quid jam Turns
( delnde -- synceresis.
905. Genud W-|-bant gelidus concrevit frigore sanguis
( gen-va, or gen-wS, -- See Georgic 4, 297.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
of Poetic Licences
noticed in the preceding Clavis.
Short Final Syllables lengthened by the Ccesura.
ABERAT . . . E. 1,39
Gravia JE. 3, 464
Erit E. 3, 97
Casus 504
Terrasque . . . E. 4, 51
Manibus 606
Fultus E. 6, 53
Gela 702
Faci't E. 7, 23
Pectoribus . . . JE. 4* 64
Puer E. 9,66
Cretesque 146
Amor E. 10, 69
Alloquitur 222
Tethys . ? . . . G. 1, 31
Datur . . . JE. 5,284
Plei'adas . . . . . . . ' . . . 138
Euryalus 337
Lappaeque 153
Pariterj 521
Tribulaque 164
iEstusque 352
Amittebat 853
Eurique 371
Super . . . JE. 6, 254
Gravidus G. 2, 5
Tuaque 687
I'agus 71
Numitor 768
Enituit 211
Argos [Q ? ] . . . 838
Ingreditur . . . G. 3. 76
Erat JE.