In: Neue
110 [1999], pp.
Gumbrecht - Publications.1447-2006
]: Geschichte der Medien.
nchen 1998, pp.
83-108 [Portuguese translation in [1.
9], pp.
5. 151 Untenable Positions. Afterword to the republication of [2. 15], pp. 249-262.
5. 152 Does Egyptology Need a 'Theory of Literature'? In: Antonio Loprieno [ed. ]: Ancient
Egyptian Literature. History and Forms. Leiden 1996, pp. 3-18 [slightly modified version translated into Portuguese in: Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada 3 [1996], pp. 9-22].
5. 153 Eat Your Fragment! In: Glenn Most [ed. ]: Collecting Fragments / Fragmente sammeln. Go? ttingen 1997, pp. 315-327 [Spanish translation forthcoming / republication in [1. 16]].
5. 154 La production de l'authenticite? est-elle un simulacre de recyclage? In: Johanne Villeneuve/Brian Neville/Claude Dionne [eds. ]: La me? moire des de? chets. Montreal 1999, pp. 133-145 [English original in: Dieter Ingenschay/ Helmut Pfeiffer [eds. ]: Werk und Diskurs. Karlheinz Stierle zum 60. Geburtstag. Mu? nchen 1999, pp. 321- 330 / English original republished in: Brian Neville / Johanne Villeneuve [eds]. : Waste-Site Stories. The Recycling of Memory. New York 2002, pp. 121-130].
5. 155 Ein Hauch von Ontik. Genealogische Spuren der New Philology. In: Zeitschrift fu? r deutsche Philologie 116 [1997]. Supplementary Volume, pp. 31-45 [Hungarian translation forthcoming in 2013].
5. 156 Die Scho? nheit des Mannschaftssports: American Football--im Stadion und im Fernsehen. In: Gianni Vattimo/Wolfgang Welsch [eds. ]: Medien-Welten/ Wirklichkeiten. Mu? nchen 1998, pp. 201-228 [original English version in: New Literary History 30 [Spring 1999], pp. 351-372. Modified version under the title 'Epiphany of Form' in: Andreas Kablitz / Gerhard Neumann [eds. ]: Mimesis und Simulation. Freiburg 1998, pp. 517-540 / Portuguese translation in: Rascunhos de Histo? ria 10 [1997]. PUC Rio de Janeiro / Italian translation in [1. 13], pp. 103- 122/Polish translation forthcoming / French translation forthcoming / German republication in [1. 27], pp. 261-290].
5. 157 Fotogrammi. Prologue to [1. 13], pp. 7-14.
5. 158 Was sich nicht weg-kommunizieren la? sst. In: Rudolf Maresch / Niels Werber [eds. ]:
Kommunikation, Medien, Macht. Suhrkamp [Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 1408].
Frankfurt 1999, pp. 329-341.
5. 159 Play Your Roles Tactfully! About the Pragmatics of Text-Editing, the Desire for
Identification, and the Resistance to Theory. In: Glenn Most [ed. ]: Editing
Texts/Texte edieren. Go? ttingen 1998, pp. 237-250 [republication in [1. 16]].
5. 160 No Escape. In: South Atlantic Quarterly 98. 1/2 [Winter/Spring 1999], pp. 267-274 [Spanish translation in: No? madas/Santafe? de Bogota? 10 [1999], pp. 78-83.
Page 15 of 85
5. 161 [with Michael Marrinan] Editors' Preface and thematic introductions on 'Aesthetics / Perception,' 'Apparatus / Montage,' 'Aura / Technology,' 'Authenticity / Replication,' 'Critical Discourse / Representation,' 'Fetish / Ritual,' 'History / Politics,' and 'Presence / Absence,' in [2. 26], pp. XIII-XVI, 1-8, 45-52, 83-90, 125- 132, 171-178, 195-202, 239-248, 281-290.
5. 162 Von der Lesbarkeit der Welt zu ihrer Emergenz. Eine Geschichte u? ber den Dualismus zwischen Naturwissenschaften und Geisteswissenschaften. In: Universita? tsschriften der Fakulta? t fu? r Geistes-, Sozial- und Erziehungs- wissenschaften. Otto von Guericke Universita? t Magdeburg. Magdeburg 2000, pp. 22-33 [Spanish translation in: Gabriel Restrepo/Jaime Eduardo Jaramillo/Luz Gabriela Arango [eds. ]: Cultura, poli? tica y modernidad. Bogota? 1998, pp. 33-61 / German republication in [1. 27], pp. 122-144].
5. 163 Campus-Ethnographie. In: Merkur 584 [1997], pp. 977-993.
5. 164 Este? tica do Futebol: Brasil vs. Alemanha. In: Pandaemonium Germanicum 2 [1998],
pp. 67-104 [partly translated into German in: Der Deutschunterricht 2 [1998], pp. 65-73 / complete German translation in: Mati? as Marti? nez [ed. ]: Warum Fussball? Kulturwissenschaftliche Beschreibungen eines Sports. Bielefeld 2002, pp. 37-50].
5. 165 Leo Spitzer's Style. German translation in [1. 14] and [1. 15].
5. 166 Pre? sence et ple? nitude. Sur une trace philosophique dans l'oeuvre de Paul Zumthor.
In: Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet / Christopher Lucken [eds. ]: Paul Zumthor ou
l'invention permanente. Critique, histoire, poe? sie. Gene`ve 1998, pp. 73-86.
5. 167 Biting You Softly. A Commentary on Oswald de Andrade's Manifesto Antropo? fago.
In: Nuevo Texto Cri? tico 23/24 [1999], pp. 191-198 [Brazilian translation in [1. 22], Brazilian retranslation in: Joao Ce? zar de Castro Rocha / Jorge Ruffinelli [eds. ]: Antropofagia hoje? Eswald de Andrade em cena. Sao Paulo 2011, pp. 289-297].
5. 168 Pra? senz. Gelassenheit. U? ber Federico Garci? a Lorcas 'Poeta en Nueva York' und die Schwierigkeit, heute eine A? sthetik zu denken. In: Merkur 594/595 [1998], pp. 808- 825 [reprinted in: Flandziu - Halbjahresbla? tter fu? r Literatur der Moderne. Neue Folge / Jahrgang 2 / Heft 1 [2010], pp. 167-188 [German republication in [1. 27], pp. 309-331].
5. 169 Stendhals nervo? ser Ernst. In: Karl Heinz Bohrer [ed]: Sprachen der Ironie/ Sprachen des Ernstes. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 2000, pp. 206-232 [Portuguese translation in [1. 12] , pp. 23-45].
5. 170 'Un bel pezzo di carne. ' 12. oder 13. Juli 1788.
In: Neue Rundschau 110 [1999], pp. 33-41.
5. 171 Fill up your Margins! About Commentary and Copia. In: Glenn W. Most [ed. ]: Commentaries / Kommentare. Go? ttingen 1999, pp. 443-453 [republication in [1. 16] / Portuguese translation in: Escritos 1, Rio de Janeiro [2007], pp. 3-16].
5. 172 Epistemological Millenarism. In: H. Jaumann / J. Klein / B. Rommel / G. Vogt-Spira [eds. ]: Doma? nen der Literaturwissenschaft. Tu? bingen 2001, pp. 29-44.
5. 173 Dysphoria. How [Some] Scholars Feel about Literary Studies. Introduction to [2. 24], pp. 12-22 [reprinted in: Eckart Goebel / Wolfgang Klein [eds]: Literaturforschung heute. Berlin 1999, pp. 245-255].
5. 174 Entry 'Ausdruck. ' In: Karlheinz Barck / Martin Fontius / Dieter Schlenstedt / Burkhart Steinwachs / Friedrich Wolfzettel [eds. ]: A? sthetische Grundbegriffe. Vol. I. Stuttgart 2000, pp. 416-431 [republication in [1. 21], pp. 210-230].
5. 175 Minimizar Identidades! In: Jose? Lui? s Jobim [ed. ]: Literatura e Identidades. Rio de Janeiro 1999, pp. 115-124.
5. 176 Live your Experience--and Be Untimely! What 'Classical Philology as a Profession' Could [Have] Become. In: Glenn W. Most [ed. ]: Disciplining Classics / Altertumswissenschaft als Beruf. Go? ttingen 2002, pp. 253-269 [republication in [1. 16] / Spanish translation in: Educar 11 [2002], pp 21-30].
? Page 16 of 85
5. 177 Getting to Salamanca [and Away]. One Approach, Nine Vistas, and a Retrospective That Does Not Take Place. In: Joan Ramo? n Resina [ed. ]: Iberian Cities. Hispanic Issues, Vol. 24. New York 2001, pp. 41-55.
5. 178 Louis-Ferdinand Ce? line und die Frage, ob literarische Prosa gewaltsam sein kann. In: Rolf Grimminger [ed. ]: Kunst Macht Gewalt. Der a? sthetische Ort der Aggressivita? t. Mu? nchen 2000, pp. 127-142 [Portuguese translation in: Anima: Histo? ria, teoria e cultura [Rio de Janeiro] 1 [2001], pp. 3-27].
5. 179 Milenarismo universitario. Las revoluciones de los medios y el futuro que les queda a las Humanidades. In: Posdata [Montevideo] August 7, 1999. Supplement 'Insomnia,' pp. 1-10 [republished in: 150 Aniversario de la instalacio? n de la Universidad de la Repu? blica. Montevideo 2000, pp. 116-133].
5. 180 Struggling Bergson. An Eight-Step Attempt at a Frame Narrative for the Fin de sie`cle. In: Christine Lubkoll [ed. ]: Das Imagina? re des Fin de sie`cle. Freiburg 2002, pp. 65-82 [Spanish translation].
5. 181 How is Our Future Contingent? Reading Luhmann against Luhmann. In: Theory, Culture & Society [London] 18. 1 [2001], pp. 49-58 [Brazilian translation].
5. 182 Breve Romance Epistemologico. In: Heidrun Krieger Olinto/Karl Erik Schollhammer [eds. ]: Novas Epistemologias. Desafios para a universidade do futuro. Rio de Janeiro 1999, pp. 61-78.
5. 183 Take a Step Back--and Turn Away From Death! On the Moves of Historicization. In: Glenn W. Most [ed. ]: Historicization / Historisierung. Go? ttingen 2001, pp. 365-375 [republication in [1. 16]].
5. 184 Who Was Pero Vaz de Caminha? In: Joao Cezar de Castro Rocha [ed. ]: Brazil 2001. A Revisionary History of Brazilian Literature and Culture. Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 4/5, 2001 [University of Massachusetts / Dartmouth], pp. 423-34 [Portuguese translation in Joao Ce? zar de Castro Rocha / Valdei Lopes de Araujo [eds. ]: Nenhum Brasil Existe. Pequena Enciclope? dia. Rio de Janeiro 2004, pp. 34- 48].
5. 185 Ten Brief Reflections on Institutions and Re/Presentation. In: Gert Melville [ed]: Institutionalita? t und Symbolisierung. Verstetigungen kultureller Ordnungsmuster in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ko? ln 2001, pp. 69-75 [German republication in [1. 27], pp. 213-222].
5. 186 Karl Heinz Bohrer und die pra? gnante Paradoxie der Form. In: Lessing- Akademie/Stiftung NORD LB--O? FFENTLICHE [eds. ]: Lessing Preis fu? r Kritik 2000. Wolfenbu? ttel 2000, pp. 22-37 [shortened version in: Transparent 2000, pp. 6-8/broadcast on Radio Bremen/Germany, May 20, 2000].
5. 187 Proud To Be American. In: Merkur 617/618 [2000], pp. 769-784.
5. 188 Prematuramente obsoleta. Oito reac? oes nervosas ao espalhafato publicita? rio sobre a
'Terceira Via. ' In: Filosofia Politica [Porto Alegre] Nova Serie 6 [2000], pp. 107-117.
5. 189 On the Uses of History: Presentification and Redemption [publication in Polish]. In:
Domanska, Ewa [ed. ]: Pamiec etyka i historia. Anglo-Amerykanska teoria
historiografii lat dziewiecdziesiatych. Poznan 2002, pp. 187-206.
5. 190 Historia e Redenc? ao. In: [1. 12], pp. 3-22.
5. 191 'Alteuropa' und 'Der Soziologe. ' Wie verha? lt sich Niklas Luhmanns Theorie zur
philosophischen Tradition? In: Stephan Krass [ed. ]: Niklas Luhmann-- Beobachtungen der Moderne. CD in the series 'Freiburger Reden--Denker auf der Bu? hne. ' Edition SWR2. Heidelberg [Carl-Auer-Systeme Verlag] 2000 [republication in: Dirk Ba? cker a. o. : Luhmann Lektu? ren. Berlin 2012, pp. 70-90 / English translation in: Revista da Associac?
5. 151 Untenable Positions. Afterword to the republication of [2. 15], pp. 249-262.
5. 152 Does Egyptology Need a 'Theory of Literature'? In: Antonio Loprieno [ed. ]: Ancient
Egyptian Literature. History and Forms. Leiden 1996, pp. 3-18 [slightly modified version translated into Portuguese in: Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada 3 [1996], pp. 9-22].
5. 153 Eat Your Fragment! In: Glenn Most [ed. ]: Collecting Fragments / Fragmente sammeln. Go? ttingen 1997, pp. 315-327 [Spanish translation forthcoming / republication in [1. 16]].
5. 154 La production de l'authenticite? est-elle un simulacre de recyclage? In: Johanne Villeneuve/Brian Neville/Claude Dionne [eds. ]: La me? moire des de? chets. Montreal 1999, pp. 133-145 [English original in: Dieter Ingenschay/ Helmut Pfeiffer [eds. ]: Werk und Diskurs. Karlheinz Stierle zum 60. Geburtstag. Mu? nchen 1999, pp. 321- 330 / English original republished in: Brian Neville / Johanne Villeneuve [eds]. : Waste-Site Stories. The Recycling of Memory. New York 2002, pp. 121-130].
5. 155 Ein Hauch von Ontik. Genealogische Spuren der New Philology. In: Zeitschrift fu? r deutsche Philologie 116 [1997]. Supplementary Volume, pp. 31-45 [Hungarian translation forthcoming in 2013].
5. 156 Die Scho? nheit des Mannschaftssports: American Football--im Stadion und im Fernsehen. In: Gianni Vattimo/Wolfgang Welsch [eds. ]: Medien-Welten/ Wirklichkeiten. Mu? nchen 1998, pp. 201-228 [original English version in: New Literary History 30 [Spring 1999], pp. 351-372. Modified version under the title 'Epiphany of Form' in: Andreas Kablitz / Gerhard Neumann [eds. ]: Mimesis und Simulation. Freiburg 1998, pp. 517-540 / Portuguese translation in: Rascunhos de Histo? ria 10 [1997]. PUC Rio de Janeiro / Italian translation in [1. 13], pp. 103- 122/Polish translation forthcoming / French translation forthcoming / German republication in [1. 27], pp. 261-290].
5. 157 Fotogrammi. Prologue to [1. 13], pp. 7-14.
5. 158 Was sich nicht weg-kommunizieren la? sst. In: Rudolf Maresch / Niels Werber [eds. ]:
Kommunikation, Medien, Macht. Suhrkamp [Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 1408].
Frankfurt 1999, pp. 329-341.
5. 159 Play Your Roles Tactfully! About the Pragmatics of Text-Editing, the Desire for
Identification, and the Resistance to Theory. In: Glenn Most [ed. ]: Editing
Texts/Texte edieren. Go? ttingen 1998, pp. 237-250 [republication in [1. 16]].
5. 160 No Escape. In: South Atlantic Quarterly 98. 1/2 [Winter/Spring 1999], pp. 267-274 [Spanish translation in: No? madas/Santafe? de Bogota? 10 [1999], pp. 78-83.
Page 15 of 85
5. 161 [with Michael Marrinan] Editors' Preface and thematic introductions on 'Aesthetics / Perception,' 'Apparatus / Montage,' 'Aura / Technology,' 'Authenticity / Replication,' 'Critical Discourse / Representation,' 'Fetish / Ritual,' 'History / Politics,' and 'Presence / Absence,' in [2. 26], pp. XIII-XVI, 1-8, 45-52, 83-90, 125- 132, 171-178, 195-202, 239-248, 281-290.
5. 162 Von der Lesbarkeit der Welt zu ihrer Emergenz. Eine Geschichte u? ber den Dualismus zwischen Naturwissenschaften und Geisteswissenschaften. In: Universita? tsschriften der Fakulta? t fu? r Geistes-, Sozial- und Erziehungs- wissenschaften. Otto von Guericke Universita? t Magdeburg. Magdeburg 2000, pp. 22-33 [Spanish translation in: Gabriel Restrepo/Jaime Eduardo Jaramillo/Luz Gabriela Arango [eds. ]: Cultura, poli? tica y modernidad. Bogota? 1998, pp. 33-61 / German republication in [1. 27], pp. 122-144].
5. 163 Campus-Ethnographie. In: Merkur 584 [1997], pp. 977-993.
5. 164 Este? tica do Futebol: Brasil vs. Alemanha. In: Pandaemonium Germanicum 2 [1998],
pp. 67-104 [partly translated into German in: Der Deutschunterricht 2 [1998], pp. 65-73 / complete German translation in: Mati? as Marti? nez [ed. ]: Warum Fussball? Kulturwissenschaftliche Beschreibungen eines Sports. Bielefeld 2002, pp. 37-50].
5. 165 Leo Spitzer's Style. German translation in [1. 14] and [1. 15].
5. 166 Pre? sence et ple? nitude. Sur une trace philosophique dans l'oeuvre de Paul Zumthor.
In: Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet / Christopher Lucken [eds. ]: Paul Zumthor ou
l'invention permanente. Critique, histoire, poe? sie. Gene`ve 1998, pp. 73-86.
5. 167 Biting You Softly. A Commentary on Oswald de Andrade's Manifesto Antropo? fago.
In: Nuevo Texto Cri? tico 23/24 [1999], pp. 191-198 [Brazilian translation in [1. 22], Brazilian retranslation in: Joao Ce? zar de Castro Rocha / Jorge Ruffinelli [eds. ]: Antropofagia hoje? Eswald de Andrade em cena. Sao Paulo 2011, pp. 289-297].
5. 168 Pra? senz. Gelassenheit. U? ber Federico Garci? a Lorcas 'Poeta en Nueva York' und die Schwierigkeit, heute eine A? sthetik zu denken. In: Merkur 594/595 [1998], pp. 808- 825 [reprinted in: Flandziu - Halbjahresbla? tter fu? r Literatur der Moderne. Neue Folge / Jahrgang 2 / Heft 1 [2010], pp. 167-188 [German republication in [1. 27], pp. 309-331].
5. 169 Stendhals nervo? ser Ernst. In: Karl Heinz Bohrer [ed]: Sprachen der Ironie/ Sprachen des Ernstes. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 2000, pp. 206-232 [Portuguese translation in [1. 12] , pp. 23-45].
5. 170 'Un bel pezzo di carne. ' 12. oder 13. Juli 1788.
In: Neue Rundschau 110 [1999], pp. 33-41.
5. 171 Fill up your Margins! About Commentary and Copia. In: Glenn W. Most [ed. ]: Commentaries / Kommentare. Go? ttingen 1999, pp. 443-453 [republication in [1. 16] / Portuguese translation in: Escritos 1, Rio de Janeiro [2007], pp. 3-16].
5. 172 Epistemological Millenarism. In: H. Jaumann / J. Klein / B. Rommel / G. Vogt-Spira [eds. ]: Doma? nen der Literaturwissenschaft. Tu? bingen 2001, pp. 29-44.
5. 173 Dysphoria. How [Some] Scholars Feel about Literary Studies. Introduction to [2. 24], pp. 12-22 [reprinted in: Eckart Goebel / Wolfgang Klein [eds]: Literaturforschung heute. Berlin 1999, pp. 245-255].
5. 174 Entry 'Ausdruck. ' In: Karlheinz Barck / Martin Fontius / Dieter Schlenstedt / Burkhart Steinwachs / Friedrich Wolfzettel [eds. ]: A? sthetische Grundbegriffe. Vol. I. Stuttgart 2000, pp. 416-431 [republication in [1. 21], pp. 210-230].
5. 175 Minimizar Identidades! In: Jose? Lui? s Jobim [ed. ]: Literatura e Identidades. Rio de Janeiro 1999, pp. 115-124.
5. 176 Live your Experience--and Be Untimely! What 'Classical Philology as a Profession' Could [Have] Become. In: Glenn W. Most [ed. ]: Disciplining Classics / Altertumswissenschaft als Beruf. Go? ttingen 2002, pp. 253-269 [republication in [1. 16] / Spanish translation in: Educar 11 [2002], pp 21-30].
? Page 16 of 85
5. 177 Getting to Salamanca [and Away]. One Approach, Nine Vistas, and a Retrospective That Does Not Take Place. In: Joan Ramo? n Resina [ed. ]: Iberian Cities. Hispanic Issues, Vol. 24. New York 2001, pp. 41-55.
5. 178 Louis-Ferdinand Ce? line und die Frage, ob literarische Prosa gewaltsam sein kann. In: Rolf Grimminger [ed. ]: Kunst Macht Gewalt. Der a? sthetische Ort der Aggressivita? t. Mu? nchen 2000, pp. 127-142 [Portuguese translation in: Anima: Histo? ria, teoria e cultura [Rio de Janeiro] 1 [2001], pp. 3-27].
5. 179 Milenarismo universitario. Las revoluciones de los medios y el futuro que les queda a las Humanidades. In: Posdata [Montevideo] August 7, 1999. Supplement 'Insomnia,' pp. 1-10 [republished in: 150 Aniversario de la instalacio? n de la Universidad de la Repu? blica. Montevideo 2000, pp. 116-133].
5. 180 Struggling Bergson. An Eight-Step Attempt at a Frame Narrative for the Fin de sie`cle. In: Christine Lubkoll [ed. ]: Das Imagina? re des Fin de sie`cle. Freiburg 2002, pp. 65-82 [Spanish translation].
5. 181 How is Our Future Contingent? Reading Luhmann against Luhmann. In: Theory, Culture & Society [London] 18. 1 [2001], pp. 49-58 [Brazilian translation].
5. 182 Breve Romance Epistemologico. In: Heidrun Krieger Olinto/Karl Erik Schollhammer [eds. ]: Novas Epistemologias. Desafios para a universidade do futuro. Rio de Janeiro 1999, pp. 61-78.
5. 183 Take a Step Back--and Turn Away From Death! On the Moves of Historicization. In: Glenn W. Most [ed. ]: Historicization / Historisierung. Go? ttingen 2001, pp. 365-375 [republication in [1. 16]].
5. 184 Who Was Pero Vaz de Caminha? In: Joao Cezar de Castro Rocha [ed. ]: Brazil 2001. A Revisionary History of Brazilian Literature and Culture. Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 4/5, 2001 [University of Massachusetts / Dartmouth], pp. 423-34 [Portuguese translation in Joao Ce? zar de Castro Rocha / Valdei Lopes de Araujo [eds. ]: Nenhum Brasil Existe. Pequena Enciclope? dia. Rio de Janeiro 2004, pp. 34- 48].
5. 185 Ten Brief Reflections on Institutions and Re/Presentation. In: Gert Melville [ed]: Institutionalita? t und Symbolisierung. Verstetigungen kultureller Ordnungsmuster in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ko? ln 2001, pp. 69-75 [German republication in [1. 27], pp. 213-222].
5. 186 Karl Heinz Bohrer und die pra? gnante Paradoxie der Form. In: Lessing- Akademie/Stiftung NORD LB--O? FFENTLICHE [eds. ]: Lessing Preis fu? r Kritik 2000. Wolfenbu? ttel 2000, pp. 22-37 [shortened version in: Transparent 2000, pp. 6-8/broadcast on Radio Bremen/Germany, May 20, 2000].
5. 187 Proud To Be American. In: Merkur 617/618 [2000], pp. 769-784.
5. 188 Prematuramente obsoleta. Oito reac? oes nervosas ao espalhafato publicita? rio sobre a
'Terceira Via. ' In: Filosofia Politica [Porto Alegre] Nova Serie 6 [2000], pp. 107-117.
5. 189 On the Uses of History: Presentification and Redemption [publication in Polish]. In:
Domanska, Ewa [ed. ]: Pamiec etyka i historia. Anglo-Amerykanska teoria
historiografii lat dziewiecdziesiatych. Poznan 2002, pp. 187-206.
5. 190 Historia e Redenc? ao. In: [1. 12], pp. 3-22.
5. 191 'Alteuropa' und 'Der Soziologe. ' Wie verha? lt sich Niklas Luhmanns Theorie zur
philosophischen Tradition? In: Stephan Krass [ed. ]: Niklas Luhmann-- Beobachtungen der Moderne. CD in the series 'Freiburger Reden--Denker auf der Bu? hne. ' Edition SWR2. Heidelberg [Carl-Auer-Systeme Verlag] 2000 [republication in: Dirk Ba? cker a. o. : Luhmann Lektu? ren. Berlin 2012, pp. 70-90 / English translation in: Revista da Associac?