8th edn,
nine poems.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v12
A Gossip on Romance.
Longmans' Magazine.
1882. Rptd in Memories and Portraits, 1887, and later edns.
Ticknor, G. Life, Letters and Journals. 2 vols. 1876.
Tuckerman, R. A History of English Prose Fiction. New York, 1882.
Vaughan, C. E. The Romantic Revolt. Edinburgh, 1907.
Veitch, J. The feeling for Nature in Scottish Poetry. 2 vols. Edinburgh,
1887. [Vol. 11. ]
## p. 382 (#406) ############################################
Veitch, J. History and Poetry of the Scottish Border. 2nd edn. 2 vols.
Edinburgh, 1893. [Vol. 11. ]
Verrall, A. W. Collected Literary Essays. Cambridge, 1913.
Waille, V. Le Romantisme de Manzoni. Algiers, 1890.
Walker, H. Three centuries of Scottish Literature. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1893.
[Vol. 11. )
Warner, R. Illustrations, historical, biographical, etc. of the Novels by the
author of Waverley. 3 vols. 1823-4.
Watt, J. C. Great Novelists. 1885.
Watt, L. M. Scottish Life and Poetry. 1912.
White, James. Robert Burns and Walter Scott. 1858.
Williams, A. M. Scott as a Man of Letters. Engl. Stud. Vol. XXXVII.
Leipzig, 1907.
Willis, N. P. Famous Persons and Famous Places. 1854.
Wright, G. N. Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland and the
Waverley Novels from drawings by J. M. W. Turner. 1836-8.
Wyndham, G. Sir Walter Scott. 1908.
Yonge, C. D. Three Centuries of English Literature. 1872.
Life of Sir Walter Scott. (Great Writers series. ) 1888. [With
Bibliography by Anderson, J. P. ]
Young, C. A. The Waverley Novels. 1907.
For full list of magazine articles and criticism, contemporary and after-
wards, see D, of N. B. (article by Stephen, Sir Leslie), bibliography by
Anderson, J. P. , attached to Roden Noel's Life and Byroniana und Anderes
aus dem Englischen Seminar in Erlangen.
For a complete bibliography of Byron's works, including translations, see
The Works of Lord Byron, ed. by Coleridge, E. H. , vol. VII, pp. 89 ff. , 1904.
The following MSS comprise letters and other Byron data:
Egerton MSS. 2027 (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Poems written abroad
with autograph corrections and notes); 2028 (British Bards; a satire, 1808.
Rough proof-sheets with autograph corrections and instructions for printing);
2029 (Hints from Horace); 3030 (Draft of Byron's speech on the Frame-work
bill, 1812, in his own hand. Proof-sheets with autograph corrections); 2075, ff.
29-31; 2332, f. 2 (Stanzas to Jessy, 1807); 2611 (Byron's letters to Hanson, J. ,
his solicitor, 1806-16); 2612, 2613 (Correspondence of Hanson, J. , relating to
the Byron estates); 2869, ff. 7-12.
Additional MSS. 21508, f. 52; 22119 (George Gordon Byron's (natural
son of the poet] forged letters and notes to S. Rogers's poems, 1823); 22130,
f. 95; 28721, f. 38; 31037 and 31038 (Letters to his sister Augusta, letters and
papers relating to his barial, and various poems); 33964, f. 237; 34583, f. 443;
35251, f. 13; 36455, ff. 1-583 (MSS of J. C. Hobhouse's Notes and Historical
Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, 1817); 36456, ff. 18, 44,
334, 337, 343, 419, 425"; 36457, ff. 144, 152, 154 and 357; ff. 437, 438 (Concerning
## p. 383 (#407) ############################################
alterations in Cantos I and II of Don Juan); 36459, ff. 113, 137, 186; and 307
(Letter from the Contessa Guiccioli concerning Byron, 1822); 36460, ff. 158,
160, 169, 174, 219, 300, 325, 355, 361; 36461, ff. 412, 418; and 438, 499 (Reputed
confessions by Lady Caroline Lamb concerning her intercourse with Byron);
36463, f. 104; 36464, ff. 259, 260; 36465, ff. 86, 88; 36466, ff. 18, 263, 278, 284;
36469, ff. 109, 111, 113 (Letters on Byron's proposed burial in Westminster
Abbey); 36472, ff. 148, 151; 36622 (Diary of Williams, E. E. , relating to Byron,
Fugitive Pieces. . . . Newark, 1806. [Privately printed; entire issue destroyed
excepting three copies. ] Rptd in facsimile, 1886.
Poems on Various Occasions. Newark, 1807. [Only 100 copies printed. ]
Hours of Idleness: A Series of Poems, Original and Translated. By George
Gordon, Lord Byron, a Minor. . . . Newark, 1807.
Imitations and Translations from the Ancient and Modern Classics, together
with Original Poems never before published. Collected by Hobhouse, J. C. ,
B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1809.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. From the last London edition. 2 vols.
Boston (U. S. A. ), 1813. London, 1814.
The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 2 vols. 1815. [Consisting
of separately published works, with collective title prefixed. ] 1817. 8 vols.
1815–20. 8 vols. 1815, 1817-20.
Poems on his own Domestic Circumstances. i. Fare thee well! ii. A Sketch
from Private Life. By Lord Byron. With the Star of the Legion of
Honour, and other poems. [Seven poems. ) 1816. 2nd edn. 1816.
Another edn. Dublin, 1816. 6th edn, containing eight poems. 1816.
8th edn, containing nine poems. 1816. 15th edn, containing nine poems.
The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 5 vols. 1817. 8 vols.
1818-22. 13 vols. Leipzig, 1818-22. Vols. 1-111. 1819. Comprehending
all his suppressed poems. Embellished with a portrait and a sketch of
his lordship’s life. . . . 2nd edn. 6 vols. Paris, 1819. Also 16 vols. Paris,
Three Poems not included in the Works of Byron (Lines to Lady T. , The
Aenigma, The Curse of Minerva). 1818.
Works. (English Bards, Curse of Minerva, The Waltz. ) Philadelphia, 1820.
Works of Lord Byron. 5 vols. 1821. Vols. V, VI, VII. 1824, 1825.
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, with a biographical and critical notice
by Lake, J. W. 7 vols. Paris, 1825.
The Works of Lord Byron, including the suppressed poems. The Life of
Lord Byron [by Lake, J. W. With the facsimile of a letter to the
editor of Galignani's Messenger]. ) Paris, 1826, 1828. Reissued on fine
paper with a new title-page. 1827.
The Works of Lord Byron. 4 vols. 1826. 6 vols. 1829. Reissued in 4 vols.
1829. 4 vols. 1830. 6 vols. 1831.
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, including his Lordship's suppressed
poems, with others never before published. (The Life of Lord Byron.
[Abridged from the life by Lake, J. W. , with a fac-simile of a letter from
Lord Byron to the editor of Galignani's Messenger. ]) Paris, 1831.
The Works of Lord Byron: with his letters and journals, and his life by
Thomas Moore. 17 vols. 1832-3. [Vols. 1-XII bear In fourteen
volumes on title-pages. ] Also 17 vols. 1835, 1832, 1833. [Vols. I and XII
dated 1835; vols. II-XI, 1832; vols. XIII-XVI, 1833. ]
## p. 384 (#408) ############################################
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, reprinted from the last London edition,
with considerable additions, now first published; containing notes and
illustrations by Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey, Egerton Brydges,
Wilson, Hobhouse, Dallas, Hunt, Milman, Lockhart, Bowles, Heber,
Medwin, Gamba, Croly, Ugo Foscolo, Ellis, Kennedy, Parry, Stanhope,
Galt, Nathan, Lady Blessington, Mrs Shelley etc. and a complete index,
to which is prefixed a Life, by Henry Lytton Bulwer. Paris, 1835.
The Works of Lord Byron. Complete in one volume. With notes by
Thomas Moore, Lord Jeffrey, Sir Walter Scott, Bishop Heber, Samuel
Rogers etc. 1837. Reissued 1845, 1850 and with portrait and illustrative
engravings, 1859.
The Poetical Works, Letters and Journals, of Lord Byron: with notices of
his life, by Thomas Moore. (This collection was formed by Watts, Wm,
and consists of the Poetical Works of Lord Byron, in eight volumes,
published by Murray, 1839; and the Letters and Journals of Lord Byron:
with notices of his life by Moore, T. , in two volumes, published by Murray,
1830; to which have been added Byron's Letter to **** ******,
the Rev. W. L. Bowles's Strictures on the life and writings of Pope. . . .
Second edition, and a few other printed papers; also numerous views,
portraits, autograph letters and signatures of distinguished persons, etc. )
44 vols. 1844 [1839).
The Works of Lord Byron; in verse and prose. Including his letters,
journals, etc. With a sketch of his life. [Ed. Halleck, Fitz Greene. ]
Hartford [U. S. A. ], 1847.
The Works of Lord Byron: with a life and illustrative notes, by William
Anderson. 2 vols. Edinburgh, (1850).
The Complete Works of Lord Byron. . . . containing besides the notes and
illustrations by Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey. . . considerable
additions and original notes; to which is prefixed a life by Thomas Moore
[abridged]. . . . 2nd edn. Frankfort, 1852.
The Illustrated Byron. With upwards of two hundred engravings from
original drawings by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, H. K. Browne,
Gustave Janet and E. Morin. (1854, 1855. ]
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. A new edn. 6 vols. 1855, 1856.
New edn, the text carefully revised. 1857. Reissued 1867.
With illustrations by Halswelle, Keeley. (The Life of Lord Byron. By
Leighton, Alexander. ) Edinburgh, 1861. Also [1868].
10 vols. Boston (U. S. A. ), 1861.
Works of Lord Byron. . . . 2nd edn. 5 vols. 1866. Collection of British
Authors. Vols. VIII-XI. 1841, etc.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. With illustrations by Gilbert, F.
[1869. ]
With illustrative notes by Moore, Jeffrey, Scott, etc. New York, 1869.
Ed. with a critical memoir, by Rossetti, W. M. Illustrated by Brown,
Ford Maddox. 1870. Reissued, (1872].
The Complete Poetical Works of Lord Byron. With an introductory
memoir by Scott, William B. With illustrations. [1874. ] Also 1883,
reissued 1887; and 3 vols. , 1886 [1885].
Poetry of Byron, chosen and arranged by Arnold, M. 1881.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Edited with a critical memoir, by
Rossetti, W. M. Illustrated by Seccombe, T. [1882. ]
With original and additional notes. 12 vols. 1885 (1886). Reissued
on larger paper (1891, 1892].
Works, ed. by Henley, W. E. Vol. 1 (Letters, 1804-13) (no more published).
## p. 385 (#409) ############################################
The Works of Lord Byron. A new revised and enlarged edn with illustra-
tions. Poetry . . . (vol. vii. Bibliography. -Index. ) Ed.
1882. Rptd in Memories and Portraits, 1887, and later edns.
Ticknor, G. Life, Letters and Journals. 2 vols. 1876.
Tuckerman, R. A History of English Prose Fiction. New York, 1882.
Vaughan, C. E. The Romantic Revolt. Edinburgh, 1907.
Veitch, J. The feeling for Nature in Scottish Poetry. 2 vols. Edinburgh,
1887. [Vol. 11. ]
## p. 382 (#406) ############################################
Veitch, J. History and Poetry of the Scottish Border. 2nd edn. 2 vols.
Edinburgh, 1893. [Vol. 11. ]
Verrall, A. W. Collected Literary Essays. Cambridge, 1913.
Waille, V. Le Romantisme de Manzoni. Algiers, 1890.
Walker, H. Three centuries of Scottish Literature. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1893.
[Vol. 11. )
Warner, R. Illustrations, historical, biographical, etc. of the Novels by the
author of Waverley. 3 vols. 1823-4.
Watt, J. C. Great Novelists. 1885.
Watt, L. M. Scottish Life and Poetry. 1912.
White, James. Robert Burns and Walter Scott. 1858.
Williams, A. M. Scott as a Man of Letters. Engl. Stud. Vol. XXXVII.
Leipzig, 1907.
Willis, N. P. Famous Persons and Famous Places. 1854.
Wright, G. N. Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland and the
Waverley Novels from drawings by J. M. W. Turner. 1836-8.
Wyndham, G. Sir Walter Scott. 1908.
Yonge, C. D. Three Centuries of English Literature. 1872.
Life of Sir Walter Scott. (Great Writers series. ) 1888. [With
Bibliography by Anderson, J. P. ]
Young, C. A. The Waverley Novels. 1907.
For full list of magazine articles and criticism, contemporary and after-
wards, see D, of N. B. (article by Stephen, Sir Leslie), bibliography by
Anderson, J. P. , attached to Roden Noel's Life and Byroniana und Anderes
aus dem Englischen Seminar in Erlangen.
For a complete bibliography of Byron's works, including translations, see
The Works of Lord Byron, ed. by Coleridge, E. H. , vol. VII, pp. 89 ff. , 1904.
The following MSS comprise letters and other Byron data:
Egerton MSS. 2027 (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Poems written abroad
with autograph corrections and notes); 2028 (British Bards; a satire, 1808.
Rough proof-sheets with autograph corrections and instructions for printing);
2029 (Hints from Horace); 3030 (Draft of Byron's speech on the Frame-work
bill, 1812, in his own hand. Proof-sheets with autograph corrections); 2075, ff.
29-31; 2332, f. 2 (Stanzas to Jessy, 1807); 2611 (Byron's letters to Hanson, J. ,
his solicitor, 1806-16); 2612, 2613 (Correspondence of Hanson, J. , relating to
the Byron estates); 2869, ff. 7-12.
Additional MSS. 21508, f. 52; 22119 (George Gordon Byron's (natural
son of the poet] forged letters and notes to S. Rogers's poems, 1823); 22130,
f. 95; 28721, f. 38; 31037 and 31038 (Letters to his sister Augusta, letters and
papers relating to his barial, and various poems); 33964, f. 237; 34583, f. 443;
35251, f. 13; 36455, ff. 1-583 (MSS of J. C. Hobhouse's Notes and Historical
Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, 1817); 36456, ff. 18, 44,
334, 337, 343, 419, 425"; 36457, ff. 144, 152, 154 and 357; ff. 437, 438 (Concerning
## p. 383 (#407) ############################################
alterations in Cantos I and II of Don Juan); 36459, ff. 113, 137, 186; and 307
(Letter from the Contessa Guiccioli concerning Byron, 1822); 36460, ff. 158,
160, 169, 174, 219, 300, 325, 355, 361; 36461, ff. 412, 418; and 438, 499 (Reputed
confessions by Lady Caroline Lamb concerning her intercourse with Byron);
36463, f. 104; 36464, ff. 259, 260; 36465, ff. 86, 88; 36466, ff. 18, 263, 278, 284;
36469, ff. 109, 111, 113 (Letters on Byron's proposed burial in Westminster
Abbey); 36472, ff. 148, 151; 36622 (Diary of Williams, E. E. , relating to Byron,
Fugitive Pieces. . . . Newark, 1806. [Privately printed; entire issue destroyed
excepting three copies. ] Rptd in facsimile, 1886.
Poems on Various Occasions. Newark, 1807. [Only 100 copies printed. ]
Hours of Idleness: A Series of Poems, Original and Translated. By George
Gordon, Lord Byron, a Minor. . . . Newark, 1807.
Imitations and Translations from the Ancient and Modern Classics, together
with Original Poems never before published. Collected by Hobhouse, J. C. ,
B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1809.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. From the last London edition. 2 vols.
Boston (U. S. A. ), 1813. London, 1814.
The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 2 vols. 1815. [Consisting
of separately published works, with collective title prefixed. ] 1817. 8 vols.
1815–20. 8 vols. 1815, 1817-20.
Poems on his own Domestic Circumstances. i. Fare thee well! ii. A Sketch
from Private Life. By Lord Byron. With the Star of the Legion of
Honour, and other poems. [Seven poems. ) 1816. 2nd edn. 1816.
Another edn. Dublin, 1816. 6th edn, containing eight poems. 1816.
8th edn, containing nine poems. 1816. 15th edn, containing nine poems.
The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 5 vols. 1817. 8 vols.
1818-22. 13 vols. Leipzig, 1818-22. Vols. 1-111. 1819. Comprehending
all his suppressed poems. Embellished with a portrait and a sketch of
his lordship’s life. . . . 2nd edn. 6 vols. Paris, 1819. Also 16 vols. Paris,
Three Poems not included in the Works of Byron (Lines to Lady T. , The
Aenigma, The Curse of Minerva). 1818.
Works. (English Bards, Curse of Minerva, The Waltz. ) Philadelphia, 1820.
Works of Lord Byron. 5 vols. 1821. Vols. V, VI, VII. 1824, 1825.
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, with a biographical and critical notice
by Lake, J. W. 7 vols. Paris, 1825.
The Works of Lord Byron, including the suppressed poems. The Life of
Lord Byron [by Lake, J. W. With the facsimile of a letter to the
editor of Galignani's Messenger]. ) Paris, 1826, 1828. Reissued on fine
paper with a new title-page. 1827.
The Works of Lord Byron. 4 vols. 1826. 6 vols. 1829. Reissued in 4 vols.
1829. 4 vols. 1830. 6 vols. 1831.
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, including his Lordship's suppressed
poems, with others never before published. (The Life of Lord Byron.
[Abridged from the life by Lake, J. W. , with a fac-simile of a letter from
Lord Byron to the editor of Galignani's Messenger. ]) Paris, 1831.
The Works of Lord Byron: with his letters and journals, and his life by
Thomas Moore. 17 vols. 1832-3. [Vols. 1-XII bear In fourteen
volumes on title-pages. ] Also 17 vols. 1835, 1832, 1833. [Vols. I and XII
dated 1835; vols. II-XI, 1832; vols. XIII-XVI, 1833. ]
## p. 384 (#408) ############################################
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, reprinted from the last London edition,
with considerable additions, now first published; containing notes and
illustrations by Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey, Egerton Brydges,
Wilson, Hobhouse, Dallas, Hunt, Milman, Lockhart, Bowles, Heber,
Medwin, Gamba, Croly, Ugo Foscolo, Ellis, Kennedy, Parry, Stanhope,
Galt, Nathan, Lady Blessington, Mrs Shelley etc. and a complete index,
to which is prefixed a Life, by Henry Lytton Bulwer. Paris, 1835.
The Works of Lord Byron. Complete in one volume. With notes by
Thomas Moore, Lord Jeffrey, Sir Walter Scott, Bishop Heber, Samuel
Rogers etc. 1837. Reissued 1845, 1850 and with portrait and illustrative
engravings, 1859.
The Poetical Works, Letters and Journals, of Lord Byron: with notices of
his life, by Thomas Moore. (This collection was formed by Watts, Wm,
and consists of the Poetical Works of Lord Byron, in eight volumes,
published by Murray, 1839; and the Letters and Journals of Lord Byron:
with notices of his life by Moore, T. , in two volumes, published by Murray,
1830; to which have been added Byron's Letter to **** ******,
the Rev. W. L. Bowles's Strictures on the life and writings of Pope. . . .
Second edition, and a few other printed papers; also numerous views,
portraits, autograph letters and signatures of distinguished persons, etc. )
44 vols. 1844 [1839).
The Works of Lord Byron; in verse and prose. Including his letters,
journals, etc. With a sketch of his life. [Ed. Halleck, Fitz Greene. ]
Hartford [U. S. A. ], 1847.
The Works of Lord Byron: with a life and illustrative notes, by William
Anderson. 2 vols. Edinburgh, (1850).
The Complete Works of Lord Byron. . . . containing besides the notes and
illustrations by Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey. . . considerable
additions and original notes; to which is prefixed a life by Thomas Moore
[abridged]. . . . 2nd edn. Frankfort, 1852.
The Illustrated Byron. With upwards of two hundred engravings from
original drawings by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, H. K. Browne,
Gustave Janet and E. Morin. (1854, 1855. ]
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. A new edn. 6 vols. 1855, 1856.
New edn, the text carefully revised. 1857. Reissued 1867.
With illustrations by Halswelle, Keeley. (The Life of Lord Byron. By
Leighton, Alexander. ) Edinburgh, 1861. Also [1868].
10 vols. Boston (U. S. A. ), 1861.
Works of Lord Byron. . . . 2nd edn. 5 vols. 1866. Collection of British
Authors. Vols. VIII-XI. 1841, etc.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. With illustrations by Gilbert, F.
[1869. ]
With illustrative notes by Moore, Jeffrey, Scott, etc. New York, 1869.
Ed. with a critical memoir, by Rossetti, W. M. Illustrated by Brown,
Ford Maddox. 1870. Reissued, (1872].
The Complete Poetical Works of Lord Byron. With an introductory
memoir by Scott, William B. With illustrations. [1874. ] Also 1883,
reissued 1887; and 3 vols. , 1886 [1885].
Poetry of Byron, chosen and arranged by Arnold, M. 1881.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Edited with a critical memoir, by
Rossetti, W. M. Illustrated by Seccombe, T. [1882. ]
With original and additional notes. 12 vols. 1885 (1886). Reissued
on larger paper (1891, 1892].
Works, ed. by Henley, W. E. Vol. 1 (Letters, 1804-13) (no more published).
## p. 385 (#409) ############################################
The Works of Lord Byron. A new revised and enlarged edn with illustra-
tions. Poetry . . . (vol. vii. Bibliography. -Index. ) Ed.