of the Sparta Museum.
Bremmer, 215-41.
---- 1988. Studies in girls' transitions: Aspects of the arkteia and age representation
in Attic iconography. Athens: Kardamitsa.
----1993. Early sanctuaries, the eighth century and ritual space: fragments of a
discourse. In Greek sanctuaries, ed. N. Marinatos and R. Ha? gg, 1-17.
----1997. Reconstructing change: Ritual and ideology at Eleusis. In Inventing
ancient culture, ed. M. Golden and P. Toohey, 132-64. 258
----2000 [1988]. Further aspects of polis religion. In Oxford readings in Greek religion, ed. R. G. A. Buxton, 38-55.
---- 2000 [1990]. What is polis religion? In Oxford readings in Greek religion, ed. R. G. A. Buxton, 13-37.
---- 2002. Tragedy and Athenian religion, Greek studies. Lanham MD: Lexington Books.
---- 2003. Festival and mysteries: Aspects of the Eleusinian cult. In Greek mysteries, ed. M. B. Cosmopoulos, 25-49.
Spadea, Roberto. 1996. Il tesoro di Hera: scoperte nel Santuario di Hera Lacinia a Capo Colonna di Crotone. Milano: Edizioni ET.
---- 1997. Santuari di Hera a Crotone. In He? ra, ed. J. de La Genie`re, 235-59.
Spigo, Umberto. 2000. I pinakes di Francavilla di Sicilia. Nuova classificazione e
brevi note sugli aspetti cultuali. In Damarato, ed. I. Berlingo, 208-19.
Sporn, Katja. 2002. Heiligtu? mer und Kulte Kretas in klassischer und hellenistischer
Zeit. Heidelberg: Verlag Archa? ologie und Geschichte.
Stafford, Emma. 2000. Worshipping virtues: Personification and the divine in ancient
Greece. London: Duckworth; The Classical Press of Wales.
Stamatopoulou, Maria, and Marina Yeroulanou, eds. 2002. Excavating classical
culture: Recent archaeological discoveries in Greece. Oxford: Beazley Archive and
Stanton, G. R. 1984. Some Attic inscriptions. ABSA 79. 289-306.
Steiner, Deborah. 2001. Images in mind: Statues in archaic and classical Greek
literature and thought. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
Stewart, Andrew F. 1990. Greek sculpture: An exploration. 2 Vols. New Haven CT:
Yale University Press.
Strom, I. 1988. The early sanctuary of the Argive Heraion and its external relations.
Acta Archeologica 59:173-203.
Stroud, Ronald S. 1993. The sanctuary of Aiakos in the Athenian Agora. AJA
---- 1998. The Athenian grain-tax law of 374/3 BC. Princeton NJ: American School
of Classical Studies at Athens.
Tagalidou, Efpraxia. 1993. Weihreliefs an Herakles aus klassischer Zeit. Jonsered:
P. A? stro? m.
Taylor, Mark C. , ed. 1998. Critical terms for religious studies. Chicago IL: University
of Chicago Press.
Te Riele, G. -J. M. -J. 1976. Charite? sia. In Miscellanea tragica in honorem J. C. Kamer-
beek, ed. J. M. Bremer, S. L. Radt, and C. J. Ruijgh, 285-91.
Teffeteller, A. 2001. The chariot rite at Onchestos: Homeric Hymn to Apollo 229-38.
JHS 121:159-66.
Tejeiro, M. G. , and M. T. M. Tejada. 2000. Les he? ros me? chants. In He? ros et he? roi? nes
dans les mythes et les cultes grecs, ed. V. Pirenne-Delforge and E. Sua? rez de la
Torre, 111-23.
Themelis, Petros G. 1970. Archaike ? epigraphe ? ek tou hierou tou Poseido ? nos eis
Akovitika. AD 25:109-25.
---- 1971. Brauron: Guide to the site and museum. Athens: Apollo.
----1994. Artemis Ortheia at Messene: The epigraphical and archaeological evi-
dence. In Ancient Greek cult practice from the epigraphical evidence, ed. R. Ha? gg, 101-22.
---- 1998. The sanctuary of Demeter and the Dioscuri in Messene. In Ancient Greek cult practice from the archaeological evidence, ed. R. Ha? gg, 157-86.
---- 2002. Contribution to the topography of the sanctuary at Brauron. In Le orse di Brauron, ed. B. Gentili and F. Perusino, 103-16.
Thompson, Homer A. 1936. Pnyx and Thesmophorion. Hesperia 5 (2):151-200. Thompson, Homer A. , and R. E. Wycherley. 1972. The Agora of Athens; the history, shape and uses of an ancient city center. Princeton NJ: The American School of
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Tomlinson, R. A. 1977. The upper terraces at Perachora. ABSA 72:197-202.
---- 1983. Epidauros. Austin: University of Texas Press.
---- 1992. Perachora. In Le Sanctuaire grec, ed. A. Schachter and J. Bingen, 321-51. Tournavitou, I. 1995. The Mycenaean ivories from the Artemision of Delos. BCH
119 (2):479-527.
Travlos, J. 1976. Treis naoi te ? s Artemidos: Aulidias, Tauropolou, kai Brauro ? nias. In
Neue Forschungen in griechischen Heiligtu? mern, ed. U. Jantzen, 197-205.
Trell, Bluma L. 1945. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesos. New York: The American
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Didyma. In Neue Forschungen in griechischen Heiligtu? mern, ed. U. Jantzen, 207-
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ranean, ed. M. Grant and R. Kitzinger, 925-31.
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disciplinaire, semestre d'e? te? , 1975. Geneva: University of Geneva, De? partement
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de la Sagra (c. 575-565 av. notre e`re). In Hommages a` Marcel Renard, II, ed.
J. Bibauw, 733-66.
van der Plas, Dirk. 1987. Effigies dei: Essays on the history of religions. Leiden: E. J.
Vanderpool, E. 1942. An archaic inscribed stele from Marathon. Hesperia 11
---- 1966. The deme of Marathon and the Herakleion. AJA 70 (4):319-23.
van Gennep, Arnold. 1960. The rites of passage. Tr. Monika B. Vizedom and Gabrielle
L. Caffee. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 260
van Keuren, Frances Dodds. 1989. The frieze from the Hera I temple at Foce del Sele. Rome: G. Bretschneider.
van Straten, F. T. 1974. Did the Greeks kneel before their gods? BABesch 49:159- 89.
---- 1995. Hiera kala: Images of animal sacrifice in archaic and classical Greece. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
---- 2000 [1992]. Votives and votaries in Greek sanctuaries. In Oxford readings in Greek religion, ed. R. G. A. Buxton, 191-223.
van Windekens, A. J. 1961. Re? flexions sur la nature e l'origine du dieu Herme`s. RhM 104:289-301.
Verbanck-Pie? rard, A. 1989. Le double culte d'He? rakle`s: Le? gende ou re? alite? ? In Entre hommes et dieux, ed. A. F. Laurens, 43-64.
----1992. Herakles at feast in Attic art: A mythical or cultic iconography? In The iconography of Greek cult in the Archaic and Classical periods, ed. R. Ha? gg, 85- 106.
Verbruggen, H. 1981. Le Zeus cre? tois. Collection d'e? tudes mythologiques. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
---- 1985. Sources pertaining to the cult of Zeus in Crete: A geographical survey. Leuven: [n. p. ].
Vermaseren, M. J. 1977-. Corpus cultus Cybelae Attidisque (CCCA). Leiden: E. J. Brill.
---- 1977. Cybele and Attis: The myth and cult. London: Thames and Hudson. Vernant, Jean Pierre. 1980. Myth and society in ancient Greece. Tr. Janet Lloyd. Sussex, England and Atlantic Highlands NJ: Harvester Press; Humanities
---- 1982. The origins of Greek thought. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press. ----1983a. Hestia-Hermes: The religious expression of space and movement in
ancient Greece. In Myth and thought among the Greeks 127-75.
---- 1983b. Myth and thought among the Greeks. London: Routledge & Kegan
---- 1990. Figures, idoles, masques. Paris: Julliard.
---- 1991. Mortals and immortals: Collected essays. Ed. Froma Zeitlin. Princeton
NJ: Princeton University Press.
Vernant, Jean Pierre, Jean Rudhardt, and Olivier Reverdin, eds. 1981. Le Sacrifice
dans l'Antiquite? . Geneva: Fondation Hardt.
---- 1988. Studies in girls' transitions: Aspects of the arkteia and age representation
in Attic iconography. Athens: Kardamitsa.
----1993. Early sanctuaries, the eighth century and ritual space: fragments of a
discourse. In Greek sanctuaries, ed. N. Marinatos and R. Ha? gg, 1-17.
----1997. Reconstructing change: Ritual and ideology at Eleusis. In Inventing
ancient culture, ed. M. Golden and P. Toohey, 132-64. 258
----2000 [1988]. Further aspects of polis religion. In Oxford readings in Greek religion, ed. R. G. A. Buxton, 38-55.
---- 2000 [1990]. What is polis religion? In Oxford readings in Greek religion, ed. R. G. A. Buxton, 13-37.
---- 2002. Tragedy and Athenian religion, Greek studies. Lanham MD: Lexington Books.
---- 2003. Festival and mysteries: Aspects of the Eleusinian cult. In Greek mysteries, ed. M. B. Cosmopoulos, 25-49.
Spadea, Roberto. 1996. Il tesoro di Hera: scoperte nel Santuario di Hera Lacinia a Capo Colonna di Crotone. Milano: Edizioni ET.
---- 1997. Santuari di Hera a Crotone. In He? ra, ed. J. de La Genie`re, 235-59.
Spigo, Umberto. 2000. I pinakes di Francavilla di Sicilia. Nuova classificazione e
brevi note sugli aspetti cultuali. In Damarato, ed. I. Berlingo, 208-19.
Sporn, Katja. 2002. Heiligtu? mer und Kulte Kretas in klassischer und hellenistischer
Zeit. Heidelberg: Verlag Archa? ologie und Geschichte.
Stafford, Emma. 2000. Worshipping virtues: Personification and the divine in ancient
Greece. London: Duckworth; The Classical Press of Wales.
Stamatopoulou, Maria, and Marina Yeroulanou, eds. 2002. Excavating classical
culture: Recent archaeological discoveries in Greece. Oxford: Beazley Archive and
Stanton, G. R. 1984. Some Attic inscriptions. ABSA 79. 289-306.
Steiner, Deborah. 2001. Images in mind: Statues in archaic and classical Greek
literature and thought. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
Stewart, Andrew F. 1990. Greek sculpture: An exploration. 2 Vols. New Haven CT:
Yale University Press.
Strom, I. 1988. The early sanctuary of the Argive Heraion and its external relations.
Acta Archeologica 59:173-203.
Stroud, Ronald S. 1993. The sanctuary of Aiakos in the Athenian Agora. AJA
---- 1998. The Athenian grain-tax law of 374/3 BC. Princeton NJ: American School
of Classical Studies at Athens.
Tagalidou, Efpraxia. 1993. Weihreliefs an Herakles aus klassischer Zeit. Jonsered:
P. A? stro? m.
Taylor, Mark C. , ed. 1998. Critical terms for religious studies. Chicago IL: University
of Chicago Press.
Te Riele, G. -J. M. -J. 1976. Charite? sia. In Miscellanea tragica in honorem J. C. Kamer-
beek, ed. J. M. Bremer, S. L. Radt, and C. J. Ruijgh, 285-91.
Teffeteller, A. 2001. The chariot rite at Onchestos: Homeric Hymn to Apollo 229-38.
JHS 121:159-66.
Tejeiro, M. G. , and M. T. M. Tejada. 2000. Les he? ros me? chants. In He? ros et he? roi? nes
dans les mythes et les cultes grecs, ed. V. Pirenne-Delforge and E. Sua? rez de la
Torre, 111-23.
Themelis, Petros G. 1970. Archaike ? epigraphe ? ek tou hierou tou Poseido ? nos eis
Akovitika. AD 25:109-25.
---- 1971. Brauron: Guide to the site and museum. Athens: Apollo.
----1994. Artemis Ortheia at Messene: The epigraphical and archaeological evi-
dence. In Ancient Greek cult practice from the epigraphical evidence, ed. R. Ha? gg, 101-22.
---- 1998. The sanctuary of Demeter and the Dioscuri in Messene. In Ancient Greek cult practice from the archaeological evidence, ed. R. Ha? gg, 157-86.
---- 2002. Contribution to the topography of the sanctuary at Brauron. In Le orse di Brauron, ed. B. Gentili and F. Perusino, 103-16.
Thompson, Homer A. 1936. Pnyx and Thesmophorion. Hesperia 5 (2):151-200. Thompson, Homer A. , and R. E. Wycherley. 1972. The Agora of Athens; the history, shape and uses of an ancient city center. Princeton NJ: The American School of
Classical Studies at Athens.
Thomson, George. 1943. The Greek calendar. JHS 63:52-65.
Tod, Marcus Niebuhr, ed. 1933-. A selection of Greek historical inscriptions.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Tod, Marcus Niebuhr, and A. J. B. Wace. 1906.
A catalogue of the Sparta Museum.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Tomlinson, R. A. 1977. The upper terraces at Perachora. ABSA 72:197-202.
---- 1983. Epidauros. Austin: University of Texas Press.
---- 1992. Perachora. In Le Sanctuaire grec, ed. A. Schachter and J. Bingen, 321-51. Tournavitou, I. 1995. The Mycenaean ivories from the Artemision of Delos. BCH
119 (2):479-527.
Travlos, J. 1976. Treis naoi te ? s Artemidos: Aulidias, Tauropolou, kai Brauro ? nias. In
Neue Forschungen in griechischen Heiligtu? mern, ed. U. Jantzen, 197-205.
Trell, Bluma L. 1945. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesos. New York: The American
Numismatic Society.
Tuchelt, Klaus. 1976. Tempel, Heiligtum, Siedlung. Probleme zur Topographie von
Didyma. In Neue Forschungen in griechischen Heiligtu? mern, ed. U. Jantzen, 207-
Turner, Judy Ann. 1988. Greek priesthoods. In Civilization of the ancient Mediter-
ranean, ed. M. Grant and R. Kitzinger, 925-31.
Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1903. Primitive culture: Researches into the development
of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art and custom. Fourth edition.
London: Murray.
Uhlenbrock, Jaimee Pugliese. 1986. Herakles: Passage of the hero through 1000 years
of classical art. New Rochelle NY and Annandale-on-Hudson NY: Aristide D.
Caratzas; Edith C. Blum Art Institute.
Valmin, Mattias Natan. 1938. The Swedish Messenia expedition. Lund: C. W. K.
van Berchem, D. , ed. 1975. Chypre des origines au moyen-a^ge: se? minaire inter-
disciplinaire, semestre d'e? te? , 1975. Geneva: University of Geneva, De? partement
des sciences de l'antiquite? .
van Compernolle, R. 1969. Ajax et les Dioscures au secours des Locriens sur les rives
de la Sagra (c. 575-565 av. notre e`re). In Hommages a` Marcel Renard, II, ed.
J. Bibauw, 733-66.
van der Plas, Dirk. 1987. Effigies dei: Essays on the history of religions. Leiden: E. J.
Vanderpool, E. 1942. An archaic inscribed stele from Marathon. Hesperia 11
---- 1966. The deme of Marathon and the Herakleion. AJA 70 (4):319-23.
van Gennep, Arnold. 1960. The rites of passage. Tr. Monika B. Vizedom and Gabrielle
L. Caffee. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 260
van Keuren, Frances Dodds. 1989. The frieze from the Hera I temple at Foce del Sele. Rome: G. Bretschneider.
van Straten, F. T. 1974. Did the Greeks kneel before their gods? BABesch 49:159- 89.
---- 1995. Hiera kala: Images of animal sacrifice in archaic and classical Greece. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
---- 2000 [1992]. Votives and votaries in Greek sanctuaries. In Oxford readings in Greek religion, ed. R. G. A. Buxton, 191-223.
van Windekens, A. J. 1961. Re? flexions sur la nature e l'origine du dieu Herme`s. RhM 104:289-301.
Verbanck-Pie? rard, A. 1989. Le double culte d'He? rakle`s: Le? gende ou re? alite? ? In Entre hommes et dieux, ed. A. F. Laurens, 43-64.
----1992. Herakles at feast in Attic art: A mythical or cultic iconography? In The iconography of Greek cult in the Archaic and Classical periods, ed. R. Ha? gg, 85- 106.
Verbruggen, H. 1981. Le Zeus cre? tois. Collection d'e? tudes mythologiques. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
---- 1985. Sources pertaining to the cult of Zeus in Crete: A geographical survey. Leuven: [n. p. ].
Vermaseren, M. J. 1977-. Corpus cultus Cybelae Attidisque (CCCA). Leiden: E. J. Brill.
---- 1977. Cybele and Attis: The myth and cult. London: Thames and Hudson. Vernant, Jean Pierre. 1980. Myth and society in ancient Greece. Tr. Janet Lloyd. Sussex, England and Atlantic Highlands NJ: Harvester Press; Humanities
---- 1982. The origins of Greek thought. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press. ----1983a. Hestia-Hermes: The religious expression of space and movement in
ancient Greece. In Myth and thought among the Greeks 127-75.
---- 1983b. Myth and thought among the Greeks. London: Routledge & Kegan
---- 1990. Figures, idoles, masques. Paris: Julliard.
---- 1991. Mortals and immortals: Collected essays. Ed. Froma Zeitlin. Princeton
NJ: Princeton University Press.
Vernant, Jean Pierre, Jean Rudhardt, and Olivier Reverdin, eds. 1981. Le Sacrifice
dans l'Antiquite? . Geneva: Fondation Hardt.