ifies him with the compromising I: and the ~phical
becomes a 'Car.
3oo. 2o-~ hat:
w h i l t , " - I O t h n b y . h e " " I p o f h i s . m e w c m i n d offc~ 10delebent. the mass from the booIy of ligllt our Same w i l h me h o I p o f me b o u n t y o f food " " ' C l l 1 t o d e lu b b t t i l c the meso from his c:orruo;tivc mund
This furtbtr conncctl with Vestl', UK of Plato. " Yeats dis- culscllmb;valw<< in modem think;",: 'I had never read Hc~l, but my mind had been full of Blake from boyhood up and I hw thc world IS. conHict-Spectr<, Ind llmana. i<>n-1nd could dil- 'inguish bctwttn ? rot1tury and I 11<:1I01;on:" I: at 299. 0-4-6 TtnlIIrb : 'I don'. know;s it)l<)'" IpiarcOt my omination hut I'm aLod you dimmrioocd il! '
'T'he ~ of If V. -. . . . . . in 11. 2, hownf;. fasclno. ing, m Ull be rq;ardlOd . . . . . . . 'Uioll ralller <han impintion. All the ",Ievu ll in- . . ,r<>O",inoothemanU$Crip. . t<<R1 10hlv~bttnmade:in 11/)7and _ of ,hem ~ only in the 11/37 <<Iition or II vu. :o. . , . . t. ich il ,~ Onte JOYOX'I libn. ry contaiMd. " It . . themore uooortlin whether Joyce h. ad mIlCh oontkk. . ,d the parallelism of the two
sySC<1Tl1 prior '0 ,hi. date.
F rom th~ ,. . ,. ppea. . . . ncc of -1 al 30 1,oS 10 the end of 11. 1, th~
a"hi~vcmcn. . Qf the child. . ,n begin 10 COI. l. """. Fir'Sl, C begins 10 rompolCI ,,,oensorto-i', missiv~: 'Dc. r. . . ,entJeminc:born. . . how I. . , )'0\1. 'NallY? ' BUI in )Ol. O:t-IO Ihis . . ,:w:mblQ tho: /;lobi. ~lxwhcrc imponuning h" brother (l7l. n- S; 488. ~S--1l). I-llu- ben'l Boo. wanl and Pi>ruc:he. lI'\Iy bc iod uMd ""","usc of their
. ppeannc:c in II Vi. . . . . . . . . . WW". I. v. . . . . A v. . . . . ,".
>'lJ ; SMPIV. ,. . ,. )4,
MT. B. eo""",. ,. , Tlo< p. . _1 Lil ? ? ,,,J_ J"Y<' (UniY<<$;1J oi DuII'iIo
M lIN. , 61, _ , . . A V,,,,,", 7'.
1911). . . . . .
" A V - . I ISQ.
AVi,ion 13
? 74 Th<: Sigla of Fjnneg4nf Wakt
I: now J<<ks A' I comp]id. y in the production. He hal already attributed i. ro A anyway, for tht tharacltr of A il cloot. to that ofBouvardand1:'. toPecuchet. 'Ialway1adOTedyourhand. . . Can you wri. e u. a last line . . . T w<> di. . . of one raffiement . . . Pose the pen, man, way me doe<. " (30z. 2o-3o). o3). loyce's JMy of 1m R~bN_'~l (1901) WI. ! originally published . ogether will. a paper by Franci. Shffington: thi. amalgam of incompa. ibl. . .
isClilllamQun110theproof"OWlaunchedhyI:andA. A',marginal no. . . . in . his area mention ' Tm Key Sig~~ture' and 'Clmupribn ofIh. Ccmpromi. . andFi~dJ'tWofaFormul~'. Theyaloorecord a distant analogllC of the T ree of Life, the sil: major chaJrral or
subtle centre. in . he body through which ,he '. crpent fire' Kun_ dalini a n ucend when encouraged by a . ptties of meditation. The centres an: . itu:ued nn the hackbone, (i) hcklW the genital" (ii) above . he genitals, (iii) at . he navel, (;v) at tile heart, (v) at the ,I. ". >:", and (vi) between the eyebrows. " Olmpare 303. L1 : the comma followi"ll 'sacral' appears erroneous. Descartes, who features in 304. 17- 31," bolieved that the inunction of mind and body occurred io the pioe. l body _Th is is indeed an 'intCTtcmporal eye', for io lamprCy1 and variou. reptil. . poue$Sing a third cye, the . tr. . . :tu<< is dtrived from the pineal body. Thus the union apprehended by ~rtes iden.
ifies him with the compromising I: and the ~phical construct becomes a 'Car. esian spring' (301. 2 5).
Despite the generosity shown h im, K ev wo. wroth with his brothCT (30). lS) and 'hit him whcre he lived' (303_Z))? . . , d\a' he 'was misocain' ()O). 32). This action and that of ,igning the l~ucr ate ultima,ely indistinguishable. A, we are di,eussing mathcmatial ,hf;O. -y, we mu" allow . hal assistance to a ifOW- ing sci~nce i. oflCn reodcred in a d01tructive fashion. I: has ex-
pounded Euclid', proflO'Jiti<>n and may ilterd'ore <mbody Euclid. He . imilarly acknowledg01 Sir IS10C Newton, both indirectly (by discussing the calcu]u. ) and dir<<tly (z91_ 11-. 8, with Isaac "todhunter). 293. Fz confounds the two mathematical hues with the biblical one:. 'Laughing Sally' relates to ! he derivation of Isaac's nom<: (G<:nt$i. u:S-(i). Leo Knuth has pointed out
that l07. 0'l-1 doca t<>o : Sarah laughed and I . . . . c mean5 'he laughed' . "
" Soo ? . . . . . . bur A. . -. Ion? (po<U<I. ), 11u S<Yf>ml p""", (London, Louc 1919). rs,. . . . _
. . See b<1ow, ~_ "9_
"In 'Sh<m', IWdk 0{ tho: Un;. . . . . ? , AWN XI. 6 ('974). '%.
? A Vision 75 An entry in the British Mu,eum Ury. . ~. ""t. ,. heets oontcasts
Euclid wi,h the two schools of non-Euclidian geometry:" l:'. ueL spac<: no ,oul curvature of . pine (Milly)
LobatacJu:w,ky oorult. tol. <:urv. ntg. Riemann " " " pos.
Non_Euclidian geome. ry ""urn. ,. ,hat the . urface on which construction. ,r. Stl up i, ""t a plam . urfau. In the caSt or 1. . <>1>>- chev. kian geometry it i. concave, p". O(Uing a 'oorutant nelll'tive curvature'. In . hat of Riemannian geometry it i. convex, pos. . . . . . . jog a 'OOl\Sun, positive curvature'. Joyce might have learned ohout 'his (r? om Henri Poincare', La . atnu <I I'hypo,";. . ( '9" ). Poin_ care was ? populari>er of innov:l. tion, and might abo have in_ fluenced Einstein, whoSt General Theory of Relativity was even- tually to prove Riemann more accurate than Euclid. Thu. if C repre$(:n. , Euclid and Newton, A represents Poin",,"; and Ein- 'tein. einstein tigne<! Joyct! ', pe,ition opposing Roth', pirntina: of UIy. w, but in phy1ics hi, cdeh. . . . ted . ignarure wa. a cdcbmted
sock in the jaw rrn Newton. 304? 05-305? 06 i. 1:'. reaclion :
Thanks evenore much, Pointca,riedl I can't say if it'. the _ight you s. rite me to the quick or thlIt red mass I was looking at hut al the prestnt momentum, potential as I am, I'm . eeing rayingbogey. rings round me. . . . And that salub. . . . ted . ~enagia(>Ur of yaounl have t,,"spilled ali
my hucydency . . . Eyeinsrycl
C is then finally enlightened, in the manner perhaps of the Zen devotee, and can See Ihe rainbow', rings as well as the waterline. His oonstruction has been "",ngthened hy hi, hrothtt', inter- vention and begins, as _ look at it, to resemble a _. pon. We ore now rar removed from the original manifesto of ~ for thi' new letter does nothing to shidd m but ra,her helps to destroy him. C and A haveat Ia" come to join forces agains, m, the lener
inoorporates all the scurrilous attacks that its earlier maltifestation disclaimed. The no{Orio,," leners forged by Pigott implicating Parnell in the Phoenix Park Murders included one with the mis- spelling 'he'itency'. Pigott'S inability to spell tbis word was one "f the poin", against him made in the investigation of the libel.
. . PlUlhp Ii. Ii<ttin&,J_<'. ? Vb'. . . . ? N. ,. ,". . " ;" 1M 8. . . . '" M. _ (a. . ,. Io"",. ill<. Vl>iv<nity I'ouo qf Vq;nio '91' )' . 7? .
? 76 The Sigla of FiotnqalU Wdo
)oS. R I IPpcan h ) ltulfCt 'How do you $pdl ! >esitancy1' in Italian Ind Lltin;I:Sl15the:o. i. ,. aIUfCIwdilp"1kdbiIhesiWlCY.
Mn Gluhcen ournmanus the cloK of Il. l : "lb. -y [! he ~ Ia:not<: I I"", lin of >"",,"led topics because time is lhon, In'. WlIitillll. Whon thc:y raU 10 their lea, they I Dd. their , ;lIer h. v<: con- cocted a " lrillittcr"--<<, II allY n. e, a letter containillil thr~ " <Is"
and. ipdbytheIbrffof. hem. II1I<'CIt1? ? " wishth. i. pat"""" a merry Chri. tmas, bUI in facl wilhe. Ib<:Tn dead. The 10UIlIL ~pl. an: now, all of them, IC<Xlmpliccs. "?
Thit IICCOUIl\ IOXClud. .
3oo. 2o-~ hat:
w h i l t , " - I O t h n b y . h e " " I p o f h i s . m e w c m i n d offc~ 10delebent. the mass from the booIy of ligllt our Same w i l h me h o I p o f me b o u n t y o f food " " ' C l l 1 t o d e lu b b t t i l c the meso from his c:orruo;tivc mund
This furtbtr conncctl with Vestl', UK of Plato. " Yeats dis- culscllmb;valw<< in modem think;",: 'I had never read Hc~l, but my mind had been full of Blake from boyhood up and I hw thc world IS. conHict-Spectr<, Ind llmana. i<>n-1nd could dil- 'inguish bctwttn ? rot1tury and I 11<:1I01;on:" I: at 299. 0-4-6 TtnlIIrb : 'I don'. know;s it)l<)'" IpiarcOt my omination hut I'm aLod you dimmrioocd il! '
'T'he ~ of If V. -. . . . . . in 11. 2, hownf;. fasclno. ing, m Ull be rq;ardlOd . . . . . . . 'Uioll ralller <han impintion. All the ",Ievu ll in- . . ,r<>O",inoothemanU$Crip. . t<<R1 10hlv~bttnmade:in 11/)7and _ of ,hem ~ only in the 11/37 <<Iition or II vu. :o. . , . . t. ich il ,~ Onte JOYOX'I libn. ry contaiMd. " It . . themore uooortlin whether Joyce h. ad mIlCh oontkk. . ,d the parallelism of the two
sySC<1Tl1 prior '0 ,hi. date.
F rom th~ ,. . ,. ppea. . . . ncc of -1 al 30 1,oS 10 the end of 11. 1, th~
a"hi~vcmcn. . Qf the child. . ,n begin 10 COI. l. """. Fir'Sl, C begins 10 rompolCI ,,,oensorto-i', missiv~: 'Dc. r. . . ,entJeminc:born. . . how I. . , )'0\1. 'NallY? ' BUI in )Ol. O:t-IO Ihis . . ,:w:mblQ tho: /;lobi. ~lxwhcrc imponuning h" brother (l7l. n- S; 488. ~S--1l). I-llu- ben'l Boo. wanl and Pi>ruc:he. lI'\Iy bc iod uMd ""","usc of their
. ppeannc:c in II Vi. . . . . . . . . . WW". I. v. . . . . A v. . . . . ,".
>'lJ ; SMPIV. ,. . ,. )4,
MT. B. eo""",. ,. , Tlo< p. . _1 Lil ? ? ,,,J_ J"Y<' (UniY<<$;1J oi DuII'iIo
M lIN. , 61, _ , . . A V,,,,,", 7'.
1911). . . . . .
" A V - . I ISQ.
AVi,ion 13
? 74 Th<: Sigla of Fjnneg4nf Wakt
I: now J<<ks A' I comp]id. y in the production. He hal already attributed i. ro A anyway, for tht tharacltr of A il cloot. to that ofBouvardand1:'. toPecuchet. 'Ialway1adOTedyourhand. . . Can you wri. e u. a last line . . . T w<> di. . . of one raffiement . . . Pose the pen, man, way me doe<. " (30z. 2o-3o). o3). loyce's JMy of 1m R~bN_'~l (1901) WI. ! originally published . ogether will. a paper by Franci. Shffington: thi. amalgam of incompa. ibl. . .
isClilllamQun110theproof"OWlaunchedhyI:andA. A',marginal no. . . . in . his area mention ' Tm Key Sig~~ture' and 'Clmupribn ofIh. Ccmpromi. . andFi~dJ'tWofaFormul~'. Theyaloorecord a distant analogllC of the T ree of Life, the sil: major chaJrral or
subtle centre. in . he body through which ,he '. crpent fire' Kun_ dalini a n ucend when encouraged by a . ptties of meditation. The centres an: . itu:ued nn the hackbone, (i) hcklW the genital" (ii) above . he genitals, (iii) at . he navel, (;v) at tile heart, (v) at the ,I. ". >:", and (vi) between the eyebrows. " Olmpare 303. L1 : the comma followi"ll 'sacral' appears erroneous. Descartes, who features in 304. 17- 31," bolieved that the inunction of mind and body occurred io the pioe. l body _Th is is indeed an 'intCTtcmporal eye', for io lamprCy1 and variou. reptil. . poue$Sing a third cye, the . tr. . . :tu<< is dtrived from the pineal body. Thus the union apprehended by ~rtes iden.
ifies him with the compromising I: and the ~phical construct becomes a 'Car. esian spring' (301. 2 5).
Despite the generosity shown h im, K ev wo. wroth with his brothCT (30). lS) and 'hit him whcre he lived' (303_Z))? . . , d\a' he 'was misocain' ()O). 32). This action and that of ,igning the l~ucr ate ultima,ely indistinguishable. A, we are di,eussing mathcmatial ,hf;O. -y, we mu" allow . hal assistance to a ifOW- ing sci~nce i. oflCn reodcred in a d01tructive fashion. I: has ex-
pounded Euclid', proflO'Jiti<>n and may ilterd'ore <mbody Euclid. He . imilarly acknowledg01 Sir IS10C Newton, both indirectly (by discussing the calcu]u. ) and dir<<tly (z91_ 11-. 8, with Isaac "todhunter). 293. Fz confounds the two mathematical hues with the biblical one:. 'Laughing Sally' relates to ! he derivation of Isaac's nom<: (G<:nt$i. u:S-(i). Leo Knuth has pointed out
that l07. 0'l-1 doca t<>o : Sarah laughed and I . . . . c mean5 'he laughed' . "
" Soo ? . . . . . . bur A. . -. Ion? (po<U<I. ), 11u S<Yf>ml p""", (London, Louc 1919). rs,. . . . _
. . See b<1ow, ~_ "9_
"In 'Sh<m', IWdk 0{ tho: Un;. . . . . ? , AWN XI. 6 ('974). '%.
? A Vision 75 An entry in the British Mu,eum Ury. . ~. ""t. ,. heets oontcasts
Euclid wi,h the two schools of non-Euclidian geometry:" l:'. ueL spac<: no ,oul curvature of . pine (Milly)
LobatacJu:w,ky oorult. tol. <:urv. ntg. Riemann " " " pos.
Non_Euclidian geome. ry ""urn. ,. ,hat the . urface on which construction. ,r. Stl up i, ""t a plam . urfau. In the caSt or 1. . <>1>>- chev. kian geometry it i. concave, p". O(Uing a 'oorutant nelll'tive curvature'. In . hat of Riemannian geometry it i. convex, pos. . . . . . . jog a 'OOl\Sun, positive curvature'. Joyce might have learned ohout 'his (r? om Henri Poincare', La . atnu <I I'hypo,";. . ( '9" ). Poin_ care was ? populari>er of innov:l. tion, and might abo have in_ fluenced Einstein, whoSt General Theory of Relativity was even- tually to prove Riemann more accurate than Euclid. Thu. if C repre$(:n. , Euclid and Newton, A represents Poin",,"; and Ein- 'tein. einstein tigne<! Joyct! ', pe,ition opposing Roth', pirntina: of UIy. w, but in phy1ics hi, cdeh. . . . ted . ignarure wa. a cdcbmted
sock in the jaw rrn Newton. 304? 05-305? 06 i. 1:'. reaclion :
Thanks evenore much, Pointca,riedl I can't say if it'. the _ight you s. rite me to the quick or thlIt red mass I was looking at hut al the prestnt momentum, potential as I am, I'm . eeing rayingbogey. rings round me. . . . And that salub. . . . ted . ~enagia(>Ur of yaounl have t,,"spilled ali
my hucydency . . . Eyeinsrycl
C is then finally enlightened, in the manner perhaps of the Zen devotee, and can See Ihe rainbow', rings as well as the waterline. His oonstruction has been "",ngthened hy hi, hrothtt', inter- vention and begins, as _ look at it, to resemble a _. pon. We ore now rar removed from the original manifesto of ~ for thi' new letter does nothing to shidd m but ra,her helps to destroy him. C and A haveat Ia" come to join forces agains, m, the lener
inoorporates all the scurrilous attacks that its earlier maltifestation disclaimed. The no{Orio,," leners forged by Pigott implicating Parnell in the Phoenix Park Murders included one with the mis- spelling 'he'itency'. Pigott'S inability to spell tbis word was one "f the poin", against him made in the investigation of the libel.
. . PlUlhp Ii. Ii<ttin&,J_<'. ? Vb'. . . . ? N. ,. ,". . " ;" 1M 8. . . . '" M. _ (a. . ,. Io"",. ill<. Vl>iv<nity I'ouo qf Vq;nio '91' )' . 7? .
? 76 The Sigla of FiotnqalU Wdo
)oS. R I IPpcan h ) ltulfCt 'How do you $pdl ! >esitancy1' in Italian Ind Lltin;I:Sl15the:o. i. ,. aIUfCIwdilp"1kdbiIhesiWlCY.
Mn Gluhcen ournmanus the cloK of Il. l : "lb. -y [! he ~ Ia:not<: I I"", lin of >"",,"led topics because time is lhon, In'. WlIitillll. Whon thc:y raU 10 their lea, they I Dd. their , ;lIer h. v<: con- cocted a " lrillittcr"--<<, II allY n. e, a letter containillil thr~ " <Is"
and. ipdbytheIbrffof. hem. II1I<'CIt1? ? " wishth. i. pat"""" a merry Chri. tmas, bUI in facl wilhe. Ib<:Tn dead. The 10UIlIL ~pl. an: now, all of them, IC<Xlmpliccs. "?
Thit IICCOUIl\ IOXClud. .