But only for a night's revolving space:
Thyself a boy, assume a boy's dissembled face; That when, amidst the fervor of the feast,
The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast, And with sweet kisses in her arms constrains,
Thou may'st infuse thy venom in her veins.
Thyself a boy, assume a boy's dissembled face; That when, amidst the fervor of the feast,
The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast, And with sweet kisses in her arms constrains,
Thou may'st infuse thy venom in her veins.
Dryden - Virgil - Aeineid
pEneas mourns the fate
Of brave Orontes, and th' uncertain state Of Gyas, Lycus, and of Amycus.
The day, but not their sorrows, ended thus.
When, from aloft, alrmghty Jove surveys Earth, air, and shores, and navigable seas,
At length on Libyan realms he fix'd his eyes-- Whom, pond'ring thus on haman miseries, When Venus saw, she with a lowly look,
Not free from tears, her heav'nly sire bespoke:
"O King of Gods and Men! whose awful hand Disperses thunder on the seas and land, Disposing all with absolute comm_nd;
How could my pious son thy pow'r incense ?
Or what, alas l is vanish'd Troy's offense ?
Our hope of Italy not only lost,
On various seas by varmus tempests toss'd,
But shut from ev'ry shore, and barr'd from ev'ry coast. You promis'd once, a progeny divine
Of Romans, rising from the Trojan line,
In after times should hold the world in awe,
And to the land and ocean give the law.
How is your doom revers'd, which eas'd my care
When Troy was ruin'd in that cruel war ?
Then fates to fates I could oppose; bat now,
When Fortune still purstles her former blow,
What can I hope? What worse can still succeed? '_ What end of labors has your will decreed?
_,ntenor, from the midst of Grecian hosts,
Could pass secure, and pierce th' Illyrian coasts, i Where, rolling down the steep, Timavas raves
:And thro' nine channels disembogaes his waves.
:At length he founded Padua's happy seat,
? 84
And gave his Trojans a secure retreat,
There fix'd their arms, and there renew'd their name, And there in quiet rules, and crown'd with fame.
But we, descended from your sacred line,
Entitled to your heav'n and rites divine,
Are banish'd earth; and, for the wrath of one, Remov'd from Latium and the promis'd throne.
Are these our scepters? these our due rewards?
And is it thus that Jove his phghted faith regards? "
To whom the Father of th' immortal race,
Smiling with that serene indulgent face,
With which he drives the clouds and clears the skies, First gave a holy kiss; then thus replies:
"Daughter, dismiss thy fears; to thy desire The fates of throe are fix'd, and stand entire.
Thou shalt behold thy wish'd Lavinian walls; And, ripe for heav'n, when fate . _neas calls, Then shalt thou bear him up, sublime, to me: No councils have reversed my firm decree.
And, lest new fears disturb thy happy state, Know, I Fave search'd the mystic rolls of Fate: Thy son (nor is th' appointed season far)
In Italy shall wage successful war,
Shall tame fierce nations in the bloody field, And soy'reign laws impose, and cities build,
TIll, after ev'ry foe subdued, the sun
Thrice thro' the signs his annual race shall run: This is his time prefix'd. Ascanius then,
Now eall'd Iulus, shall begin his reign
. He thirty rolling years the crown shall wear,
Then from Lavinium shall the seat transfer,
And, with hard labor, Alba Longa build.
The throne with his succession shall be fill'd
Three hundred circuits more: then shall be seen Ilia the fair, a priestess and a queen,
Who, full of Mars, in time, with kindly throes, Shall at a birth two goodly boys disclose.
The royal babes a tawny wolf shall drain:
Then Romulus his grandslre's throne shall gain, Of martial tow'rs the founder shall be,come_
The people Romans call, the city Rome.
To them no bounds of empire I assign,
Nor term of years to their immortal line
Ev'n haughty Juno, who, with endless broils, Earth, seas, and heav'n, and Jove himself turmmls; At length aton'd, her friendly pow'r shall join,
To cherish and advance the Trojan line
The subject world shall Rome's domimon own,
And, prostrate, shall adore the nation of the gown.
Art age is ripening m revolving fate
When Troy shall overturn the Grecian state,
And sweet revenge her conqu'rmg sons shall call,
To crush the people that conspir'd her fall
Then Cmsar from the Juhan stock shall rise,
Whose empire ocean, and whose fame the skies
Alone shall bound; whom, fraught with eastern spoils,
Our heav'n, the just reward of human toils,
Securely shall repay with rites divine;
And incense shall ascend before his sacred shrine
Then dire debate and impious war shall cease,
And the stern age be soften'd into peace:
Then banish'd Faith shall once again return,
And Vestal fires in hallow'd temples burn;
And Remus with Quirinus shall sustain
The righteous laws, and fraud and force restrain.
Janus himself before his lane shall wait,
And keep the dreadful issues of his gate, With bolts and iron bars: within remains
Imprison'd Fury, bound in brazen chains; High on a trophy rais'd, of useless arms,
He sits, and threats the world with vain alarms. " lie said, and sent Cyllenius with command
To free the ports, and ope the Punic land
To Trojan guests; lest, ignorant of fate,
The queen might force them from her town and state. Down from the steep of heav'n CyUenius flies,
And cleaves with all his wings the yielding skies. Soon on the Libyan shore descends the god,
Performs his message, and displays his rod:
The surly murmurs of the people cease;
? 86
And, as the fates requir'd, they give the peace: The queen herself suspends the rigid laws,
The Trojans pities, and protects their cause.
Meantime, in shades of night . _neas lies: Care seiz'd his soul, and sleep forsook his eyes.
But, when the sun restor'd the cheerful day, He rose, the coast and country to survey,
Anxious and eager to discover more. It look'd a wild unculttvated shore;
But, whether humankind, or beasts alone
Possess'd the new-found region, was unknown;
Beneath a ledge of rocks his fleet he hides:
Tall trees surround the mountain's shady sides;
The bending brow above a safe retreat provides.
Arm'd with two pointed darts, he leaves his friends, And true Achates on his steps attends.
Lo t in the deep recesses of the wood,
Before his eyes his goddess mother stood:
A huntress in her habit and her mien;
Her dress a. . maid, her air confess'd a queen.
Bare were her knees, and knots her garments bind; Loose was her hair, and wanton'd in the wind;
Her hand sustain'd a bow; her quiver hung behind.
She seem'd a virgin of the Spartan blood:
With such array Harpalyce bestrode
Her Thracian courser and outstripp'd the rapid flood. "Ho, strangers l have you lately seen," she said,
"One of my sisters, like myself array'd,
Who cross'd the lawn, or in the forest stray'd?
A painted quiver at her back she bore;
Varied with spots, a lynx's hide she wore;
And at full cry pursued the tusky boar. "
Thus Venus: thus her son replied again: "None of your sisters have we heard or seen, 0 virginl or what other name you bear Above that style--O more than mortal fair 1 Your voice and mien celestial birth betray I If, as you seem, the sister of the day,
Or one at least of chaste Diana's train,
Let not an humble suppliant sue in vain;
But tell a stranger, longin tempests toss'd,
What earth we tread, and who commands the coast? Then on your name shall wretched mortals call, And offer'd victims at your altars fall. "
"I dare not," she replied, "assume the name
Of goddess, or celestial honors claim:
For Tyrian virgins bows and quivers bear,
And purple buskins o'er their ankles wear.
Know, gentle youth, in Libyan lands you are--
A people rude in peace, and rough in war.
The rising city, which from far you see,
Is Carthage, and a Tyrian colony.
Phcenician Dido rules the growing state,
Who fled from Tyre, to shun her brother's hate. Great were her wrongs, her story full of fate; Which I will sum in short. Sich_us, known For wealth, and brother to the Punic throne, Possess'd fair Dido's bed; and etther heart
At once was wounded with an equal dart.
Her father gave her, yet a spotless maid; Pygmalion then the Tyrian scepter sway'd: One who contemn'd chvine and human laws. Then strife ensued, and cursed gold the cause. The monarch, blinded with desire of wealth, With steel invades his brother's life by stealth; Before the sacred altar made him bleed,
And long from her conceal'd the cruel deed. Some tale, some new pretense, he daily coin'd, To soothe his sister, and delude her mind.
At length, in dead of night, the ghost appears Of her unhappy lord: the specter stares,
And, with erected eyes, his bloody bosom bares. The cruel altars and his fate he tells,
And the dire secret of his house reveals,
Then warns the widow, with her household gods, To seek a refuge in remote abodes.
Last, to support her in so long a way,
He shows her where his hidden treasure lay. Admonish'd thus, and seiz'd with mortal fright, ,The queen provides companions of her flight:
? 88
They meet, and all combine to leave the state, Who hate the tyrant, or who fear his hate. They seize a fleet, which ready rigg'd they find; Nor is Pygmalion's treasure left behind.
The vessels, heavy laden, put to sea
With prosp'rous winds, a woman leads the way.
I know not, if by stress of weather driv'n,
Or was their fatal course dispos'd by Heav'n;
At last they landed, where from far your eyes
May view the turrets of new Carthage rise;
There bought a space of ground, which (Byrsa call'd, From the bali's hide) they first inclos'd, and wall'd. But whence are you ? what country da,ms your blrth? What seek you, strangers, on our Libyan earth ? "
To whom, with sorrow streaming from his eyes, And deeply sighing, thus her son rephes:
"Could you with patience hear, or I relate,
O nymph, the tedious annals of oar fate!
Thro' such a train of woes if I should run,
The day would sooner than the tale be done l From anciefft Troy, by force expell'd, we came-- If you by chance have heard the Trojan name. On various seas by various tempests toss'd,
At length we landed on your Libyan coast. The good . _Eneas am I call'd--a name,
While Fortune favor'd, not unknown to fame. My household gods, companions of my woes, With pious care I rescued from our foes.
To fruitfttl Italy my course was bent;
And from the King of Heav'n is my descent.
With twice ten sail I cross'd the Phrygian sea; Fate and my mother goddess led my way.
Scarce sev'n, the thin remainders of my fleet, From storms preserv'd, within your harbor meet. Myself distress'd, an exile, and unknown,
Debarr'd from Europe, and from Asia thrown, In Libyan desarts wander thtts alone. "
His tender parent could no longer bear; But, interposing, sought to soothe his care. '_N'hoe'er you are---not unbelov'd by Heav'n,
Since on our friendly shore your ships are driv'nm Have courage: to the gods permit the rest,
And to the queen expose your just request.
Now take this earnest of success, for more:
Your scatter'd fleet is join'd upon the shore;
The winds are chang'd, your friends from danger free; Or I renounce my skill m augury.
Twelve swans behold m beauteous order move,
And stoop with closing pinions from above;
Whom late the bird of Jove had driv'n along,
And thro' the clouds pursued the scatt'ring throng. Now, all umted in a goodly team,
They skim the ground, and seek the qmet stream. As they, with joy returning, clap their wings,
And ride the circuit of the skies in rings;
Not otherwise your ships, and ev'ry friend,
Already hold the port, or with swift sails descend
No more advice is needful; but pursue
The path before you, and the town in view. "
Thus having said, she turn'd, and made appear Her neck refulgent, and dishevel'd hair,
Which, flowing from her shoulders, reach'd the ground. And widely spread ambrosial scents around:
In length of train descends her sweeping gown,
And, by her graceful walk, the Queen of Love is known. The prince pursued the parting deity
With words like these: "Ah! whither do you fly? Unkind and cruel l to deceive your son
In borrow'd shapes_ and his embrace to shun;
Never to bless my sight, but thus unknown;
And still to speak in accents not your own. "
Against the goddess these complaints he made,
But took the path, and her commands obey'd.
They march, obscure; for Venus kindly shrouds
With mists their persons, and involves in clouds, That, thus unseen, their passage none might stay,
Or force to tell the causes of their way.
This part perform'd, the goddess flies sublime
To visit Paphos and her native clime;
_Where garlands, ever green and ever fair,
? 90
With vows are offer'd, and with solemn pray'r: A hundred altars in her temple smoke;
A thousand bleeding hearts her pow'r invoke.
They climb the next ascent, and, looking down, Now at a nearer distance view the town.
The prince with wonder sees the stately tow'rs,
Which late were huts and shepherds' homely bow'r_ The gates and streets; and hears, from ev'ry part, The noise and busy concourse of the mart.
The toiling Tyrians on each other call
To ply their labor: some extend the wall;
Some build the citadel; the brawny throng
Or dig, or push unwieldly stones along.
Some for their dwellings choose a spot of ground, Which, first design'd, with ditches they surround. Some laws ordain; and some attend the choice
Of holy senates, and elect by voice.
Here some design a mole, while others there
Lay deep foundations for a theater;
From marble quarries mighty columns hew,
For ornaments of scenes, and future view.
Such is their toll, and such their busy pains,
As exercise the bees in flow'ry plains,
When winter past, and summer scarce begun,
Invites them forth to labor in the sun,
Some lead their youth abroad, while some condense Their liqu/d store, and some in cells dispense;
Some at the gate stand ready to receive
The golden burthen, and their friends relieve;
All with united force, combine to drive
The lazy drones from the laborious hive:
With envy stung, they view each other's deeds;
The fragrant work with diligence proceeds.
"Thrice happy you, whose wails already rise l"
_neas said, and view'd, with lifted eyes,
Their lofty tow'rs, then, ent'ring at the gate, Conceal'd in clouds (prodigious to relate)
He mix'd, unmark'd, among the busy throng,
Borne by the tide, and pass'd unseen along.
Full in the center of the town there stood)
Thick _et with trees, a venerable wood.
The Tyrians, landing near this holy ground,
And digging here, a prosp'rous omen found: From under earth a courser's head they drew, Their growth and future fortune to foreshew. This fated sign their foundress Juno gave,
Of a soil fruitful, and a people brave.
Sidonian Dido here with solemn state
'Did Juno's temple build, and consecrate,
Enrich'd with gifts, and with a golden shrine; But more the goddess made the place divine. On brazen steps the marble threshold rose,
And brazen plates the cedar beams inclose:
The rafters are with brazen coy'rings crown'd; The lofty doors on brazen hinges sound.
What first . ,Eneas in this place beheld,
" Reviv'd his courage, and hls fear expell'd.
For while, expecting there the queen, he rais'd
His wond'ring eyes, and round the temple gaz'd_ Admir'd the fortune of the rising town,"
The striving artists, and their arts' renown;
He saw, in order painted on the wall,
Whatever did unhappy Troy befall:
The wars that fame around the world had blown, All to the life, and ev'ry leader known.
There Agamemnon, Priam here, he spies,
And fierce Achilles, who both kings defies.
He stopp'd, and weeping said: "0 friend! ev'n here The monuments of Trojan woes appear l
Our known disasters fill ev'n foreign lands:
See there, where old unhappy Priam stands! Ev'n the mute walls relate the wamor's fame_ And Trojan griefs the Tyrians' pity claim. " He said (his tears a ready passage find), Devouring what he saw so well deslgn'd,
And with aa empty picture fed his mind:
For there he saw the fainting Grecians yield, And here the trembling Trojans quit the field, Pursued by fierce Achilles thro' the plain,
On his high chariot driving o'er the slain.
? 92
The tents of Rhesus next his grief renew, By their white sails betray'd to nightly view;
And wakeful Diomede, whose cruel sword
The sentries slew, nor spar'd their slumb'ring lord, Then took the fiery steeds, ere yet the food
Of Troy they taste, or drink the Xanth_an flood. Elsewhere he saw where Troilus defied
Achtlles, and unequal combat tried;
Then, where the boy disarm'd, with loosen'd reins,
Was by his horses hurried o'er the plains,
Hung by the neck and hair, and dragg'd around:
The hostlle spear, yet sticking in his wound,
With tracks of blood inscrib'd the dusty ground. Meantime the Trojan dames, oppress'd with woe,
To Pallas' fane in long procession go,
In hopes to reconcile their heav'nly foe.
They weep, they beat their breasts, they rend their hair, And rich embroider'd vests for presents bear;
But the stern goddess stands unmov'd with pray'r.
Thrice round the Trojan walls Achilles drew
The corpse of Hector, whom in fight he slew.
Here Priam sues; and there, for sums of gold,
The lifeless body of his son is sold.
So sad an object, and so well express'd,
Drew sighs and groans from the griev'd hero's breast, To see the figure of his lifeless friend,
And his old sire his helpless hand extend.
Himself he saw amidst the Grecian train,
Mix'd in the bloody battle on the plain; And swarthy Memnon in his arms he knew, His pompous ensigns, and his Indian crew. Penthisilea there, with haughty grace, Leads to the wars an Amazonian race
In their right hands a pointed dart they wield; The left, for ward, sustains the lunar shield Athwart her breast a golden belt she throws, Amidst the press alone provokes a thousand foes, And dares her maiden arms to manly force oppose.
Thus while the Trojan prince employs his eyes, Fix'd on the walls with wonder and surprise,
The beauteous Dido, with a num'rous train And pomp of guards, ascends the sacred lane.
Such on Eurotas' banks, or Cynthus' height, Diana seems, and so she charms the stght, When in the dance the graceful goddess leads The choir of nymphs, and overtops their heads: Known by her quiver, and her lofty mien,
She walks majestic, and she looks their queen; Latona sees her shine above the rest,
And feeds with secret joy her silent breast. Such Dido was, with such becoming state,
'Amidst the crowd, she walks serenely great.
Their labor to her future sway she speeds,
And passing with a gracious glance proceeds;
Then mounts the throne, high plac'd before the shrine: In crowds around, the swarming people join.
She takes petitions, and dispenses laws,
Hears and determines ev'ry private cause;
Their tasks in equal portions she divides,
And, where unequal, there by lots decides.
Another way by chance ? Eneas bends
His eyes, and unexpected sees h_s friends,
Antheus, Sergestus grave, Cloanthus strong,
_Andat their backs a mighty Trojan throng,
Whom late the tempest on the billows toss'd,
And widely scatter'd on another coast.
The prince, unseen, surpris'd with wonder stands, And longs, with joyful haste, to join their hands, But, doubtful of the wish'd event, he stays,
And from the hollow cloud his friends surveys, Impatient till they told their present state,
And where they left their sh_ps, and what their fate, And why they came, and what was their request; For these were sent, commission'd by the rest,
To sue for leave to land their sickly men,
And gain admission to the gracious queen
Ent'ring, with cries they fill'd the holy lane;
Then thus, with lowly voice, Ilioneus began:
"0 queen l indulg'd by favor of the gods To found an empire in these new abodes,
? 94
To build a town, with statutes to restrain The wdd inhabitants beneath thy reign,
We wretched Trojans, toss'd on ev'ry shore, From sea to sea, thy clemency implore. Forbid the fires our shipping to defaee l Receive th' unhappy fugitives to grace,
And spare the remnant of a pious race!
We come not with design of wasteful prey,
To drive the country, force the swains away:
Nor such our strength, nor such is our desire;
The vanquish'd dare not to such thoughts aspire.
A land there is, Hesperia nam'd of old;
The soll is fruitfult and the men are bold--
Th' (Enotrians held it once--by common fame Now caU'd Italia, from the leader's name.
To that sweet region was our voyage bent,
When winds and ev'ry warring element
Disturb'd our course, and, far from sight of land, Cast out'torn vessels on the moving sand.
The sea came on; the South, with mighty roar, Dispers'd and dash'd the rest upon the rocky shore. Those few you see escap'd the storm, and fear, Unless you mterpose, a shipwreck here.
What men, what monsters, what inhuman race, What laws, what barb'rous customs of the place, Shut up a desart shore to drowning men,
And drive us to the cruel seas again?
If our hard fortune no compassion draws,
Nor hospitable rights, nor human laws,
The gods are just, and will revenge our cause. eEneas was our prince: a juster lord,
Or nobler warrior, never drew a sword;
Observant of the right, religious of his word.
If yet he lives, and draws this vital air, Nor we, his friends, of safety shall despair;
Nor you, great queen, these offices repent, Which he will equal, and perhaps augment. We want not cities, nor Sicilian coasts,
Where King Acestes Trojan lineage boasts. Permit our ships a shelter on your shores,
Retlt_ed from your woods with planks and oars, That, if our prince be safe, we may renew
Our destin'd course, and Italy pursue.
But if, O best of men, the Fates ordain
That thou art swallow'd in the Libyan main, And if our young Iulus be no more, D_smiss our navy from your friendly shore, That we to good Acestes may return,
And with our friends our common losses mourn. " Thus spoke Ilioneus: the Trojan crew
With cries and clamors h_s request renew.
The modest queen a while, with downcast eyes,
Fond_r'd the speech; then briefly thus replies: "Trojans, dismiss your fears; my cruel fate, And doubts attending an unsettled state,
Force me to guard my coast from foreign foes. Who has not heard the story of your woes, The name and fortune of your native place, The fame and valor of the Phrygian race_
We Tyrians are not so devoid of sense, Nor so remote from Phoebus' influence.
Whether to Latian shores your course is bent,
Or, driv'n by tempests from your first intent,
You seek the good Acestes' government,
Your men shall be receiv'd, your fleet repatr'd,
And sail, with ships of convoy for your guard:
Or, would you stay, and join your friendly t_ow'rs To raise and to defend the Tyrian tow'rs,
My wealth, my city, and myself are yours.
And would to Hear'n, the storm, you felt, would bring On Carthaginian coasts your wand'ring king
My people shall, by my command, explore
The ports and creeks of ev'ry winding shore,
And towns, and wilds, and shady woods, in quest
Of so renown'd and so deslr'd a guest. "
Rais'd in his mind the Trojan hero stood,
_,nd long'd to break from out his ambient cloud:
_Achates found it, and thus urg'd his way:
"From whence, O goddess-born, this long delay? What more can you desire, your welcome sure,
? [
Your fleet in safety, and your friends secure ? One only wants; and him we saw in vain Oppose the storm, and swallow'd in the main. Orontes in his fate our forfeit paid;
The rest agrees with what your mother said. " Scarce had be spoken, when the cloud gave way,
The mists flew upward and dissolv'd in day The Trojan chief appear'd in open sight,
August in visage, and serenely bright
His mother goddess, with her hands divine,
Had form'd his curling locks, and made his temples shine, And giv'n his rolling eyes a sparkling grace,
And breath'd a youthful vigor on his face;
Like pohsh'd lv'ry, beauteous to behold,
Or Par,an marble, when enchas'd in gold:
Thus radiant from the circling cloud he broke,
And thus with manly modesty he spoke:
"He whom you seek am I; by tempests toss'd, And sav'd from shipwreck on your Libyan coast; Presenting, gracious queen, before your throne,
A prince that owes his life to you alone.
Fair majesty, the refuge and redress
Of those whom fate pursues, and wants oppress, You, who your pious offices employ
To save the relics of abandon'd Troy;
Receive the shlpwreck'd on your friendly shore, With hospitable rites relieve the poor;
Associate m your town a wand'ring train,
And strangers m your palace entertain: What thanks can wretched fugitives return,
Who, scatter'd thro' the world, in exile mourn? The gods, if gods to goodness are inclin'd;
If acts of mercy touch their heav'nly mind,
And, more than all the gods, your gen'rous heart, Conscious of worth, requite its own desert!
In you this age is happy, and this earth,
And parents more than mortal gave you birth. While rolling rivers into seas shall run,
And round the space of heav'n the radiant sun; While trees the mountain tops with shades supply,
Your honor, name, and praise shall never die. . Whate'er abode my fortune has assign'd,
Your image shall be present in my mind. "
Thus having said, he turn'd with pious hast_ _ld joyful his expecting friends embrac'd: With his right hand Ihoneus was grac'd, Serestus with his left; then to his breast Cloanthus and the noble Gyas press'd;
And so by turns descended to the rest.
The Tyrian queen stood fix'd upon his face,
Pleas'd with his motions, ravish'd with his grace; Admir'd his fortunes, more admir'd the man;
Then recollected stood, and thus began:
*'What Late, O goddess-born; what angry pow'rs Have cast you shipwrack'd on our barren shores? Are yott the great _neas, known to fame,
Who from celestial seed your lineage claim? The same 2_neas whom fair Venus bore
To fam'd Anchises on th' Iclman shore? It calls into my mind, tho' then a ehdd,
When Teucer came, from Salamis exil'd, And sought my father's aid, to be restor'd:
]_Iy father Belus then with fire and sword Invaded Cyprus, made the region bare,
And, eonqu'ring, finish'd the successful war. From him the Trojan siege I understood,
The Grecian chiefs, and your illustrious blood. Your foe himself the Dardan valor prais'd, And his own ancestry from Trojans rais'd. Enter, my noble guest, and you shall find,
If not a costly welcome, yet a kind:
For I myself, like you, have been distress'd, Till Heav'n afforded me this place of rest; Like you, an alien in a land unknown,
I learn to pity woes so like my own. "
She said, and to the palace led her guest; Then offer'd incense, and proclaim'd a feast. Nor yet less careful for her absent friends, Twice ten fat oxen to the ships she sends;
Besides a hundred boars, a hundred Iambs, zc xlu--. 4
? U
With bleating cries, attQnd their milky dams; And jars of gen'rous wine and sp_cious bowls She gives, to cheer the sailord drooping souls . Now purple hangings clothe the palace walls, And sumptuous feasts are m_de in splendid halls: On Tyrian carpets, richly wrought, they dine; With loads of massy plate the sideboards shine, And antique vases, aU of gold emboss'd
(The gold itself inferior to the cost),
Of curious work, where on the sides were seen
The fights and figures of illustrious men, From their first founder to the present queen.
The good . _Eneas, whose paternal care I_lus' absence could no longer bear,
Dispatch'd Achates to the ships in haste,
To give a glad relation of the past,
And, fraught wRh precious gifts, to bring the boyt
Snatch'd_from the ruins of unhappy Troy:
A robe of tissue, stiff with golden wire;
An upper vest, once Helen's rich attire,
From Argos by the fam'd adultress brought,
With golden flow'rs and winding foliage wrought, Her mother Leda's present, when she came
To ruin Troy and set the world on flame; The scepter Priam's eldest daughter bore,
Her orient necklace, and the crown she wore; Of double texture, glorious to behold,
One order set with gems, and one with gold. Instructed thus, the wise Achates goes,
And in his diligence his duty shows.
But Venus, anxious for her son's _ffairs, New counsels tries, and new designs prepargs:
That Cupid should assume the shape and face Of sweet Ascanius, and the sprightly grace;
Should bring the presents, in her nephew's stead, And in Eliza's veins the gentle poison shed:
For much she fear'd the Tyrian_, double-tongued, . _nd knew the town to JunCs care belong'd.
These thoughts by night her golden slumbers brol_ And thus i_iitrmtd, to winged Love she spoke:
? _J_R FH_tST _ OF THE _8
"My son, my strength, whose mighty pow'r alone
Controls the Thund'rer on his awful throne, To thee thy much-afflicted mother flies,
And on thy succor and thy faith relies.
Thou know'st, my son, how Jove's revengeful wife. ,
By force and fraud, attempts thy brother's lifo; And often hast thou mourn'd with me his pains. Him Dido now with blandishment detains;
But I suspect the town where Juno reigns.
For this 't is needful to prevent her art,
And fire with love the proud Phoenician's heart: A love so violent, so strong, so sure,
As neither age can change, nor art can cure. How this may be perform'd, now take my mind: Ascanius by his father is design'd
To come, with presents laden, from the port,
To gratify the queen, and gain the court.
I mean to plunge the boy in pleasing sleep,
And, ravish'd, in Idalian bow'rs to keep,
Or high Cythera, that the sweet deceit
May pass unseen, and none prevent the cheat. Take thou his form and shape. I beg the grac?
But only for a night's revolving space:
Thyself a boy, assume a boy's dissembled face; That when, amidst the fervor of the feast,
The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast, And with sweet kisses in her arms constrains,
Thou may'st infuse thy venom in her veins. " The God of Love obeys, and sets aside
His bow and quiver, and his plumy pride;
He walks Iiilus in his mother's sight,
And in the sweet resemblance takes delight.
The goddess then to young Ascanius flies, And in a pleasing slumber seals his eyes:
Lull'd in her lap, amidst a train of Loves,
She gently bears him to her blissful groves,
Then with a wreath of myrtle crowns his head, And sohly lays him on a flow'ry bed.
Cupid meantime assum'd his form and face, Foll'wing Achates with a shorter pace,
_tndbroughtthegifts. The queenalreadysate _midst theTrojanlordsi,n shiningstate, High on a goldenbed:herprincelgyuest
Was nextherside;inordersatetherest. Then canisterwsithbreadare heap'don high; Th' attendantwsaterfortheirhandssupply, And, havingwash'd,with silkentowelsdry. Nextfiftyhandmaidsinlongorderbore Thecensersa,ndwithfumesthegodsadore: Then youths,and virgintswiceas many, join
To placethedishesa,nd toservethewine. The Tyriantraina,dmittedtothefeast, Approach,and on thepaintedcouchesrest. All on the Trojan giftswith wonder gaze, But view thebeauteousboy withmore amaze, His rosy-colorc'hdecks,hisradianteyes,
His motions,voice,and shape,and allthe god'sdisguis? _ Nor passu_prais'tdhevestand veildivine,
Which wand'ringfoliagaend richflow'resntwine. But,farabovetherest,theroyaldame,
With eyesinsatiataen,d tumultuousjoy, Beholdsthepresentsa,nd admirestheboy.
The guilefuglodabouttheherolong,
With children'pslay,and falsembraces,hung; Then soughtthe queen:she took him to her arms With greedypleasurea,nd devour'dhischarms. Unhappy Dido littltehoughtwhat guest,
How direagod,shedrewsonearherbreast; But he, not mindlessof his mother'spray'r,
Works intheplianbtosom ofthefair,
And moldsherheartanew,and blotsherformercare.
The dead isto thelivingloveresign'd; And allx_Eneasentersinhermind.
Now, when therageofhungerwas appeas'd, The meat remov'd,and ev'ryguestwas pleas'd, The goldenbowlswithsparklinwginearecrown'd, And thro'thepalacecheerfulcriesresound. From gildedroofsdependinglampsdisplay Nocturnalbeams, thatemulatethe day.
A golden bowl, that shone with gems divine,
The queen commanded to be crown'd with wine: The bowl that Belus us'd, and all the Tyrian line. Then, silence thro' the hall proclaim'd, she spoke: "O hospitable Jove! we thus invoke,
With snlemn rites, thy sacred name and pow'r; Bless to both nations this auspicious houri
So may the Trojan and the Tyrian line
In lasting concord from this day combine.
Thou, Bacchus, god of joys and friendly cheer, And gracious Juno, both be present here!
And you, my lords of Tyre, your vows address
To Heav'n with mine, to ratify tile peace. "
The goblet then she took, with nectar crown'd
(Sprinkling the first libations on the ground,)
And rais'd it to her mouth with sober grace;
Then, sipping, offer'd to the next in place.
'T was Bitias whom she call'd, a thirsty soul;
He took the challenge, and embrac'd the bowl,
With pleasure swill'd the gold, nor ceas'd to draw, Till he the bottom of . the brimmer saw.
The goblet goes around: Iopas brought
His golden lyre, and sung what ancient Atlas taught: The various labors of the wand'ring moon,
And whence proceed th' eclipses of the sun;
Th' original of men and beasts; and whence
The rains arise, and fires their warmth dispense,
And fix'd and erring stars dispose their influence; What shakes the solid earth; what cause delays
The summer nights and shortens winter days.
With peals of shouts the Tyrians praise the song: Those peals are echo'd by the Trojan throng.
Th' unhappy queen with talk prolong'd the night,
And drank large draughts of love with vast delight; Of Priam much enquir'd, of Hector more;
Then ask'd what arms the swarthy Memnon wore, What troops he landed on the Trojan shore;
The steeds of Diomede varied the discourse,
And fierce Achilles, with his matchless force;
At length, as fate and her ill stars requir'd,
? I_ THE FIRST BOOK OF THE To hear the series of the war desir'cL
"Relate at large, my godhke guest," she said,
"'The Grecian stratagems, the town betray'd:
The fatal issue of so long a war,
Your flight, your wand'rings, and your woes, declare; For, since on ev'ry sea, on ev'ry coast,
Your men have been distress'd, your navy toss'dr Sev'n times the sun has either tropic view'd, The winter banish'd, and the spring reuew'd. "
Tm? ARGUXqENT. mA_nrealastes how the city of Troy was tak_ ' _fter a ten years' siege, by the treachery of Sinon, and the strata- gem of a wooden horse. He declares the fix'd resolutaon he had takennot to survivethe ruinsof his country,and the variousadven- tures he met with in the defense of it. At last, having been before advis'd by Hector'sghost, and now by the appearanceof his mother Venus, he is prevall'd upon to leave the town, and settle his house- hold gods in another country. In order to this, he carries off his father on his shou/ders, and leads his little son by the hand, hls wife following him behind. When he comes to the place appointed for the general rendezvouze,he finds a great confluence of people, but misses his wife whose ghost afterwardsappears to him, and tells him the land which was deslgn'd for him.
LLwwere attentive to the godlike man,
hen from his lofty couch he thus began:
"Great queen, what you command me to relate Renews the sad remembrance of our fate:
An empire from its old foundations rent, And ev'ry woe the Trojans underwent;
A peopled city made a desart place;
All that I saw, and part of which I was: Not ev'a the hardest of our foes could hear, Nor stern Ulysses tell without a tear.
#_ad now the latter watch of wasting night, And setting stars, to kindly rest invite;
But, since you take such Jut'rest in our woe, And Troy's disastrous end desire to know,
I will restrain my tears, and briefly tell What in our last and fatal night befell.
"By destiny compell'd, and in despair,
']['he Greeks grew weary of the tedious war, 103
And by Minerva's aid a fabric rear'd,
Which like a steed of monstrous height appear'd:
The sides were plank'd with pine; they feign'd it made For their return, and this the vow they paid.
Thus they pretend, but in the hollow side
Selected numbers of their soldiers hide:
With inward arms the dire machine they. load,
And iron bowels stuff the dark abode.
In sight of Troy lies Tenedos, an isle
. (While Fortune did on Priam's empire smile) Renown'd for wealth; but, since, a faithless bay,
Where ships expos'd to wind and weather lay.
There was their fleet eonceal'd. We thought, for Greece Their sails were hoisted, and our fears release.
The Trojans, coop'd within their walls so long,
Unbar their gates, and issue in a throng,
Like swarming bees, and with delight survey
The camp deserted, where the Grecians lay:
The quarters of the sev'ral chiefs they show'd;
Here Phoenix, here Achilles, made abode;
Here join'd the battles; there the navy rode.
Part on the pile their wond'ring eyes employ:
The pile by Pallas rais'd to ruin Troy.
Thymcetes first ('t is doubtful whether hir'd,
Or so the Trojan destiny requir'd)
Mov'd that the ramparts might be broken down,
To lodge the monster fabrle in the town.
But Capys, and the rest of sounder mind,
The fatal present to the flames designed,
Or to the wat'ry deep; at least to bore
The hollow sides, and hidden frauds explore.
The giddy vulgar, as their {aneies guide,
With noise say nothing, and in parts divide.
Laocoon, follow'd by a num'rous crowd,
Ran from the fort, and cried, from far, aloud:
'O wretched countrymen l what fury reigns?
What more than madness has possess'd your brains?
Think you the Greeians from your coasts are goner,
And are Uylsses' arts no better known?
This hollow fabric either must inclose,
Within its blind recess, our secret foes;
Or 't is an engine rais'd above the town,
T' o'erlook the wails, and then to batter down.
Somewhat is sure design'd, by fraud or force:
Trust not their presents, nor admit the horse. '
Thus having said, against the steed he threw
His forceful spear, which, hissing as it flew,
Pierc'd thro' the yielding planks of jointed wood,
And trembling in the hollow belly stood.
The sides, transpierc'd, return a ratting sound,
And groans of Greeks inclos'd come issuing thro' the wound. And, had not Heav'n the fall of Troy design'd,
Or had not men been fated to be bhnd,
Enough was said and done t' inspire a better mind.
Then had our lances pierc'd the treach'rous wood,
And llian tow'rs and Priam's empire stood.
Meantime, with shouts, the Trojan shepherds bring
A captive Greek, in bands, before the king;
Taken to take; who made himself their prey,
T' impose on their belief, and Troy betray;
Fix'd on his aim, and obstinately bent
To die undaunted, or to circumvent.
About the captive, tides of Trojans flow;
All press to see, and some insult the foe.
Now hear how well the Greeks their wiles disguis'd;
Behold a nation in a man compris'd.
Trembling the miscreant stood, unarm'd and bound; . 'Hestar'd, and roll'd his haggard eyes around,
Then said: 'Alas! what earth remains, what sea
Is open to receive unhappy me ?
What fate a wretched fugitive attends,
Scorn'd by my foes, abandon'd by my friends ? '
He said, and sigh'd, and cast a rueful eye:
Our pity kindles, and our passions die.
We cheer the youth to make his own defense,
And freely tell us what he was, and whence:
What news he could impart, we long to know,
And what to credit from a captive foe.
"His fear at length dismiss'd, he said: WChate'er My fate ordains, my words shall be sincere:
I neither can nor dare my birth disclaim; Greece is my country, Sinon is my name. Tho' plung'd by Fortune's pow'r in misery, 'T is not in Fortune's pow'r to make me lie. If any chance has hither brought the name Of Palamedes, not unknown to fame,
Who suffer'd from the malice of the times, Accus'd and sentenc'd for pretended crimes, Because these fatal wars he would prevent;
Whose death the wretched Greeks too late lameat. . _ Me, then a boy, my father, poor and bare
Of other means, committed to his care,
His kinsman and companion in the war.
While Fortune favor'd, while his arms support The cause, and rul'd the counsels, of the court, I made some figure there; nor was my name Obscured. nor I without my share of fame.
But when Ulysses, with fallacious arts,
Had made impression in the people's hearts, And forg'd a treason in my patron's name
(I speak of things too far divulg'd by fame), My kinsman fell. Then I, without support,
In private mourn'd his loss, and left the court. Mad as I was, I could not bear his fate
With silent grief, but loudly blam'd the state, And curs'd the direful author of my woes.
'T was told again; and hence my ruin rose.
I threaten'd, if indulgent Heav'n once more Would land me safely on my native shore,
His death with double vengeance to restore. This mov'd the murderer's hate; and soon ensued Th' effects of malice from a man so proud.
Ambiguous rumors thro' the camp he spread,
And sought, by treason, my devoted head;
New crimes invented; left unturn'd no stone,
To make my guilt appear, and hide his own;
Till Calchas was by force and threat'ning wrought-* But why--why dwell I on that anxious thought?
If on my nation just revenge you seek, And 'tis f appear a fo% t' appear a GrcekI
? _Already you my name and country know;
Assuage your thirst of blood, and strike the blow:
My death will both the kingly brothers please, And set insatiate Ithacus at ease. '
This fair unfinlsh'd tale, these broken starts, Rals'd expectations in our longing hearts: Unknowing as we were in Grecian arts. His former trembling once again renew'd, With acted fear, the villain thus pursued:
"' Long had the Grecians (tlr'd with fruitless care, And wearied with an unsuccessful war)
Resolv'd to raise the siege, and leave the town;
And, had the gods permitted, they had gone;
But oft the wintry seas and southern winds
Withstood their passage home, and chang'd their mind_ Portents and prodigies their souls amaz'd;
But most, when this stupendous pile was rais'd:
Then flaming meteors, hung in air, were seen,
And thunders rattled thro' a sky serene.
Dismay'd, and fearful of some dire event,
Eurypylus t' enquire their fate was sent.
He from the gods this dreadful answer brought:
"O Grecians, when the Trojan shores you sought,
Your passage with a virgin's blood was bought:
So must your safe return be bought again,
And Grecian blood once more atone the main. "
The spreading rumor round the people ran;
All fear'd, and each believ'd himself the man.
Ulysses took th' advantage of their fright;
CaU'd Calchas, and produc'd in open sight:
Then bade him name the wretch, ordain'd by fate
The public victim, to redeem the state.
_lready some presag'd the dire event,
And saw what sacrifice Ulysses meant.
For twice five days the good old seer withstood
Th' intended treason, and was dumb to blood,
Till, tir'd, with endless clamors and pursuit
Of Ithacus, he stood no longer mute;
_ut, as it was agreed, pronounc'd that I
Was destin'd by the wrathful gods to die. ,,
? \
DRYDEN'S TRANSLATIOI? OF 'VTRGI_ All prals'd the senteuce, pleas'd the storm should
On one alone, whose fury threaten'd all.
The dismal day was come; the priests prepare
Their leaven'd cakes, and fillets for my hair. I follow'd nature's laws, and must avow
I broke my bonds and fled the fatal blow.
Hid in a weedy lake all night I lay,
Secure of safety when they sail'd away.
But now what further hopes for me remain, To see my friends, or native soil, again;
My tender infants, or my careful sire,
Whom they returning will to death require; Will perpetrate on them their first design, And take the forfeit of their heads for mine? Which, O! if pity mortal minds can move,
If there be faith below, or gods above,
If innocence and truth can claim desert,
Ye Trojans, from an injur'd wretch avert. '
"False tears true pity move; the king commands To loose his fetters, and unbind his hands:
Then adds these friendly words: 'Dismiss thy fears; Forget the Greeks; be mine as thou weft theirs. But truly tell, was it for force or guile,
Or some religious end, you rais'd the pile? '
Thus said the king. He, full of fraudful arts, This well-invented tale for truth imparts:
'Ye lamps of heav'n 1' he said, and lifted high His hands now free, 'thou venerable skyl Inviolable pow'rs, ador'd with dread[
Ye fatal fillets, that once bound this head!
Ye sacred altars, from whose flames I fled!
Be all of you adjur'd; and grant I may, Without a crime, th' ungrateful Greeks betray, Reveal the secrets of the guilty state,
And justly punish whom I justly hate!
But you, 0 king, preserve the faith you gave,
If I, to save myself, your empire save.
The Grecian hopes, and all th' attempts they mad_ Were only founded on Minerva's aid.
But from the time when impious Diomede,
And false Ulysses, that inventive head, Her fatal image from the temple drew,
The sleeping guardians of the castle slew,
Her virgin statue with their bloody hands Polluted, and profan'd her holy bands;
From thence the tide of fortune left their shore, And ebb'd much faster than it flow'd before:
Their courage languish'd, as their hopes decay'd; And Pallas, now averse, refus'd her aid.
Nor did the goddess doubtfully declare Her alter'd mind and alienated care.
When first her fatal image touch'd the ground,
She sternly cast her glaring eyes around,
That sparkled as they rolrd, and seem'd to threat. Her heav'nly limbs distill'd a briny sweat.
Thrice from the ground she leap'd, was seen to wield Her brandish'd lance, and shake her horrid shield.
Then Calchas bade our host for flight prepare, And hope no conquest from the tedious war,
Till first they sail'd for Greece; with pray'rs besought Her injur'd pow'r, and [_etter omens brought.
And now their navy plows the wat'ry main,
Yet soon expect it on your shores again,
With Pallas pleas'd; as Calchas did ordain. But first, to reconcile the blue-ey'd maid
For her stol'n statue and her tow'r betray'd, Warn'd by the seer, to her offended name
We rais'd and dedicate this wondrous frame, So lofty, lest thro' your forbidden gates
It pass, and intercept our better fates:
For, once admitted there, our hopes are lost;
And Troy may then a new Palladium boast; For so religion and the gods ordain,
That, if you violate with hands profane Minerva's gift, your town in flames shall burn, (Which omen, O ye gods, on Gr_ecia turn l) But if it climb, with your assisting hands,
The Trojan walls, and in the city stands;
Then Troy shall Argos and Mycenm bttr_ And the reverse of fate on us return. '
? 110 D_,YDF. ,N'8 YRANSLATION 01_
"With such deceits he gain'el their easy hearts, Too prone to credit his perfidious arts.
What Diomede, nor Thetis' greater son,
A thousand ships, nor ten years' siege, had done--- False tears and fawning words the city won.
"A greater omen, and of worse portent, Did our unwary minds with fear torment,
Concurring to produce the dire event.
Laocoon, Neptune's priest by lot that year,
With solemn pomp then sacrific'd a steer;
When, dreadful to behold, from sea we spied
Two serpents, rank'd abreast, the seas divide,
And smoothly sweep along the swelling tide.
Their flaming crests above the waves they show;
Their bellies seem to burn the seas below;
Their speckled tails advance to steer their course,
And on the sounding shore the flying billows force.
And now the strand, and now the plain they held;
Their ard'_nt eyes with bloody streaks were fill'd;
Their nimble tongues they brandish'd as they came,
And lick'd their hlssing jaws, that sputter'd flame.
We fled amaz'd; their destin'd way they take,
And to Laocoon and his children make;
And first around the tender boys they wind,
Then with their sharpen'd fangs their limbs and bodies grind The wretched father, running to their aid
With pious haste, but vain, they next invade;
Twice round his waist their winding volumes roll'd; And twice about his gasping throat they fold.
The priest thus dogbly chok'd, their crests divide,
And tow'ring o'er his head in triumph ride.
With both his hands he labors at the knots;
His holy fillets the blue venom blots;
His roaring fills the flitting air around.
Thus, when an ox receives a glancing wound,
He breaks his bands, the fatal altar flies,
And with loud bellowings breaks the yielding skies.
Their tasks perform'd, the serpents quit their preyp
And to the tow'r of Pallas make their way:
Couch'd at her feet, they lie protected there
? M _ BOOK DF THE _EIS 111
By her large buckler and protended spear. Amazement seizes all; the gen'ral cry Proclaims Laocoon justly doom'd to die, Whose hand the will of Pallas had withstood, And dared to violate the sacred wood.
All vote t' admit the steed, that vows be paid And incense offer'd to th' offended maid.
A spacious breach is made; the town lies bare; Some hoisting-levers, some the wheels prepare
And fasteh tOthe horse's feet; the rest With cables haul along th' unwieldly beast.
Each on his fellow for assistarice calls; At length the fatal fabric mounts the walls,
Big with destruction. Boys with chaplets crown'c_ And choirs of virgins, sing and dance around.
Thus rais'd aloft, and then descending down,
It enters o'er our heads, and threats the town.
0 saci-ed city, built by hands divine l
0 valiant heroes of tlte Trojan line!
Four times he stimtk: as oft the clashing sottnd Of arms was heard, and inward groans rebound. Yet, mad with zeal, and blinded with our fate, We haul along the horse in solemn state;
Then place the dire portent within the to_v'r. Cassandra cried, and curs'd th' unhappy hour; Foretold our fate; but, by the god's decree,
All heard, and none believ'd the prophecy.
With branches we the fanes adoru_ and waste,
In jollity, the day ordain'd to be the last. Meantinie the rapid heav'ns roll'd down the light, And on the shaded ocean rush'd the night;
Our men, secure, rior guards nor sentries held, But easy sleep their weary limbs compell'd.
The Grecians had embatk'd their naval pow'rs From Tenedos, and sought our Well4vilown shore_ Safe under covert o{ the silent flight,
And fftfided by t_' imperial galley's hght;
When Sinon, favor'd by the partial gods,
Unlock'd the horse, ahd op'd his dark abodes,_ Restor'd to vital air otlr hidden ioe_
? 1_
Who joyful from their long confinement rosa Tysandcr bold, and Sthenelus their guide,
And dire Ulysses down the cable slide:
Then Thoas, Athamas, and Pyrrhus haste;
Nor was the Podalirian hero last,
Nor injur'dMcnelafisn,orthefam'd
Epeiisw,ho thefatalenginefram'd.
A namelesscrowdsucceed;thcirforccsjoln
T' invadethetown,oppress'wdithsleepandwine. . Those few theyfindawake firsmteet theirfate; Then totheirfellowtsheyunbarthegate.
"'Twasinthedeadofnightw,hensleeprcpalrs Our bodiesworn withtoilso,urmindswithcarcs,
When Hector'sghostbeforemy sightappears:
A bloodyshroudhcseem'd,andbath'dintears; Such ashe was,when,by Pelideslain, Thessaliacnoursersdragg'dhim o'ertheplain. Swolnwerehisfeet,aswhen thethongswerethrust Thro'the bor'dholcs;hisbody blackwith dust; UnlikethatHectorwho return'dfromtoils
Of war,triumphanti,n_acJan spoils,
Or him who made thefaintinGgreeksretire, And launch'dagainstheirnavyPhrygianfire. His hairand beardstoodstiffcnw'idthhisgore; And allthewounds hc forhiscountrybore
. Now stream'dafresha,nd withnew purpleran. I wepttoseethevisionarmyan,
And, whilemy trancecontinuedt,husbegan: 'O lightofTrojans,andsupportofTroy,
Thy father'cshampion,andthycountry'jsoy! O, longexpectedby thy friends! from whence Art thou so latereturn'fdor our defcns? c
Do we beholdthee,weariedaswe are
With lengthof laborsa,nd withtoilosf war? Aftersomany fun'ralosfthyown
Art thourestor'tdothydeclinintgown?
But say,what wounds arethese? What new cIisgrace Deforms themanlyfeatureosf thyface? '
"To thisthespectenro replydidframe, But answer'd to the cause for which he came,
And, groaning from the bottom of his breast,
This warning in these mournful words express'd:
'O goddess-born I escape, by timely flight,
The flames and horrors of this fatal mght.
The foes already have possess'd the wall ;
Troy nods from high, and totters to her falL
Enough is paid to Priam's royal name,
More than enough to duty and to fame.
If by a mortal hand my father's throne
Could be defended, 't was by mine alone.
Now Troy to thee commends her future state,
And gives her gods companions of thy fate:
From their assistance happier walls expect,
Which, wand'ring long, at last thou shalt erect. '
He said, and brought me, from their blest abodes,
The venerable statues of the gods,
With ancient Vesta from the sacred choir, The wreaths and relics of th' immortal fire.
"Now peals of shouts come thund'ring from afar, Cries, threats, and loud laments, and mingled war:
The noise approaches_ tho' our palace stood Aloof from streets, encompass'd with a wood.
Louder, and yet more loud, I hear th' alarms
Of human cries d_stmct, and clashing arms. Fear broke my slumbers; I no longer stay,
But mount the terrace, thence the town survey, And hearken what the frightful sounds convey. Thus, when a flood of fire by wind is borne, Crackling it rolls, and mows the standing corn; Or deluges, descending on the plains,
Sweep o'er the yellow year, destroy the pains Of lab'ring oxen and the peasant's gains;
Unroot the forest oaks, and bear away
Flocks, folds, and trees, an undistinguish'd prey: The shepherd climbs the cliff, and sees from far
The wasteful ravage of the wat'ry war.
Then Hector's faith was manifestly clear'd, And Grecian frauds in open light appear'& The palace of Deiphobus ascends
In smoky flames, and catches on his friends.
? Ucalegonbums next:theseasarebright
With splendornottheirown,and shinewithTrojanlight
New clamorsand new clangorsnow arise, The sound of trumpets mix'd with figliting cries.
With frenzy seiz'd, I run to meet th' alarms, Resolv'd on death, resolv'd to die in arms,
But first to gather friends, With them t' oppose (If fortune favor'd) and rep_ the foes;
Spurr'd by my courage, Dy tzty country fir'd, With sense of honor and i'evenge inspir'd.
"Pantheus, Apollo's priest, a sacred name,
Had scap'd the Grecian swords, and pass'd the fl_me: With relics loaden, to my doors he fled,
And by the hand his tender grandson led.
'What hope, 0 Pantheus? whither can we run?
Where make a stand? and what may yet be done? ' Scarce had Isaid, when Pantheus, with a groan:
'Troy is nQ. moi'e, and Ilium was a towfl!
The fatal day, th' appointed hour, is come,
When wrathful Jove's irrevocable doom
Transfers the Trojan state to Grecian harids.
The fire consumes the town, the foe commands;
And armed hosts, an unexpected force,
Break from the bowels of the fatal horse.
Within the gates, proud Sinon throws about
The flames; and foes for entrance press without,
With thOUsand others, whom I fear to flame,
More than ft-om Argos or Mycenae came.
To sev'ral posts their parties tltey divide;
Some block the narrow streets_ some scour the wide: The bold they kill, th' tanwary they surprise;
Who fights finds death, arid death finds him who flieg The warders of the gate bat scarce maintain
Th' unequal coinbat, and resist in vain. '
"I heard; and Hear'n, that well-born souls inspiresj Prompts me thro' lifted swords and rising fires
To run where clashing arms and dam0r calls, And rush tmdatttited to defend the walls.
Ripheus and Iph'itus by my side engage, For valor oni_ reflbvrn'd, and one for age.
Dymas and Hypanls by moonlight knew
My motions and my mien, and to my party drew; With young Corcebus, who by love was led
To win renown and fair Cassandra's bed,
And lately brought his troops to Priam's aid, Forewarn'd in vain by the prophetic maid.
Whom when I saw resolv'd in arms to fall,
And that one spirit animated all:
'Brave souls F said I,---'but brave, alas l in vain_ Come, finish what our cruel fates ordain.
You see the desp'rate state of our affairs,
And heav'n's protecting pow'rs are deaf to pray'rs. The passive gods behold the Greeks defile
Their temples, and abandon to the spoil
Their own abodes: we, feeble few, conspire
To save a sinking town, involv'd in fire.
Then let us fall, but fall amidst our foes:
Despair of llfe the means of living shows. '
So bold a speech incourag'd their desire
Of death, and added fuel to their fire.
"As hungry wolves, with raging appetite,
Scour thro' the fields, nor _ear the stormy night--- Their whelps at home expect the promis'd food, And long to temper their dry chaps in blood--
So rush'd we forth at once ; resolv'd to die, Resolv'd, in death, the last extremes to try.
We leave the narrow lanes behind, and dare
Th' unequal combat in the public square:
Night was our frlend; our leader was despair.
Of brave Orontes, and th' uncertain state Of Gyas, Lycus, and of Amycus.
The day, but not their sorrows, ended thus.
When, from aloft, alrmghty Jove surveys Earth, air, and shores, and navigable seas,
At length on Libyan realms he fix'd his eyes-- Whom, pond'ring thus on haman miseries, When Venus saw, she with a lowly look,
Not free from tears, her heav'nly sire bespoke:
"O King of Gods and Men! whose awful hand Disperses thunder on the seas and land, Disposing all with absolute comm_nd;
How could my pious son thy pow'r incense ?
Or what, alas l is vanish'd Troy's offense ?
Our hope of Italy not only lost,
On various seas by varmus tempests toss'd,
But shut from ev'ry shore, and barr'd from ev'ry coast. You promis'd once, a progeny divine
Of Romans, rising from the Trojan line,
In after times should hold the world in awe,
And to the land and ocean give the law.
How is your doom revers'd, which eas'd my care
When Troy was ruin'd in that cruel war ?
Then fates to fates I could oppose; bat now,
When Fortune still purstles her former blow,
What can I hope? What worse can still succeed? '_ What end of labors has your will decreed?
_,ntenor, from the midst of Grecian hosts,
Could pass secure, and pierce th' Illyrian coasts, i Where, rolling down the steep, Timavas raves
:And thro' nine channels disembogaes his waves.
:At length he founded Padua's happy seat,
? 84
And gave his Trojans a secure retreat,
There fix'd their arms, and there renew'd their name, And there in quiet rules, and crown'd with fame.
But we, descended from your sacred line,
Entitled to your heav'n and rites divine,
Are banish'd earth; and, for the wrath of one, Remov'd from Latium and the promis'd throne.
Are these our scepters? these our due rewards?
And is it thus that Jove his phghted faith regards? "
To whom the Father of th' immortal race,
Smiling with that serene indulgent face,
With which he drives the clouds and clears the skies, First gave a holy kiss; then thus replies:
"Daughter, dismiss thy fears; to thy desire The fates of throe are fix'd, and stand entire.
Thou shalt behold thy wish'd Lavinian walls; And, ripe for heav'n, when fate . _neas calls, Then shalt thou bear him up, sublime, to me: No councils have reversed my firm decree.
And, lest new fears disturb thy happy state, Know, I Fave search'd the mystic rolls of Fate: Thy son (nor is th' appointed season far)
In Italy shall wage successful war,
Shall tame fierce nations in the bloody field, And soy'reign laws impose, and cities build,
TIll, after ev'ry foe subdued, the sun
Thrice thro' the signs his annual race shall run: This is his time prefix'd. Ascanius then,
Now eall'd Iulus, shall begin his reign
. He thirty rolling years the crown shall wear,
Then from Lavinium shall the seat transfer,
And, with hard labor, Alba Longa build.
The throne with his succession shall be fill'd
Three hundred circuits more: then shall be seen Ilia the fair, a priestess and a queen,
Who, full of Mars, in time, with kindly throes, Shall at a birth two goodly boys disclose.
The royal babes a tawny wolf shall drain:
Then Romulus his grandslre's throne shall gain, Of martial tow'rs the founder shall be,come_
The people Romans call, the city Rome.
To them no bounds of empire I assign,
Nor term of years to their immortal line
Ev'n haughty Juno, who, with endless broils, Earth, seas, and heav'n, and Jove himself turmmls; At length aton'd, her friendly pow'r shall join,
To cherish and advance the Trojan line
The subject world shall Rome's domimon own,
And, prostrate, shall adore the nation of the gown.
Art age is ripening m revolving fate
When Troy shall overturn the Grecian state,
And sweet revenge her conqu'rmg sons shall call,
To crush the people that conspir'd her fall
Then Cmsar from the Juhan stock shall rise,
Whose empire ocean, and whose fame the skies
Alone shall bound; whom, fraught with eastern spoils,
Our heav'n, the just reward of human toils,
Securely shall repay with rites divine;
And incense shall ascend before his sacred shrine
Then dire debate and impious war shall cease,
And the stern age be soften'd into peace:
Then banish'd Faith shall once again return,
And Vestal fires in hallow'd temples burn;
And Remus with Quirinus shall sustain
The righteous laws, and fraud and force restrain.
Janus himself before his lane shall wait,
And keep the dreadful issues of his gate, With bolts and iron bars: within remains
Imprison'd Fury, bound in brazen chains; High on a trophy rais'd, of useless arms,
He sits, and threats the world with vain alarms. " lie said, and sent Cyllenius with command
To free the ports, and ope the Punic land
To Trojan guests; lest, ignorant of fate,
The queen might force them from her town and state. Down from the steep of heav'n CyUenius flies,
And cleaves with all his wings the yielding skies. Soon on the Libyan shore descends the god,
Performs his message, and displays his rod:
The surly murmurs of the people cease;
? 86
And, as the fates requir'd, they give the peace: The queen herself suspends the rigid laws,
The Trojans pities, and protects their cause.
Meantime, in shades of night . _neas lies: Care seiz'd his soul, and sleep forsook his eyes.
But, when the sun restor'd the cheerful day, He rose, the coast and country to survey,
Anxious and eager to discover more. It look'd a wild unculttvated shore;
But, whether humankind, or beasts alone
Possess'd the new-found region, was unknown;
Beneath a ledge of rocks his fleet he hides:
Tall trees surround the mountain's shady sides;
The bending brow above a safe retreat provides.
Arm'd with two pointed darts, he leaves his friends, And true Achates on his steps attends.
Lo t in the deep recesses of the wood,
Before his eyes his goddess mother stood:
A huntress in her habit and her mien;
Her dress a. . maid, her air confess'd a queen.
Bare were her knees, and knots her garments bind; Loose was her hair, and wanton'd in the wind;
Her hand sustain'd a bow; her quiver hung behind.
She seem'd a virgin of the Spartan blood:
With such array Harpalyce bestrode
Her Thracian courser and outstripp'd the rapid flood. "Ho, strangers l have you lately seen," she said,
"One of my sisters, like myself array'd,
Who cross'd the lawn, or in the forest stray'd?
A painted quiver at her back she bore;
Varied with spots, a lynx's hide she wore;
And at full cry pursued the tusky boar. "
Thus Venus: thus her son replied again: "None of your sisters have we heard or seen, 0 virginl or what other name you bear Above that style--O more than mortal fair 1 Your voice and mien celestial birth betray I If, as you seem, the sister of the day,
Or one at least of chaste Diana's train,
Let not an humble suppliant sue in vain;
But tell a stranger, longin tempests toss'd,
What earth we tread, and who commands the coast? Then on your name shall wretched mortals call, And offer'd victims at your altars fall. "
"I dare not," she replied, "assume the name
Of goddess, or celestial honors claim:
For Tyrian virgins bows and quivers bear,
And purple buskins o'er their ankles wear.
Know, gentle youth, in Libyan lands you are--
A people rude in peace, and rough in war.
The rising city, which from far you see,
Is Carthage, and a Tyrian colony.
Phcenician Dido rules the growing state,
Who fled from Tyre, to shun her brother's hate. Great were her wrongs, her story full of fate; Which I will sum in short. Sich_us, known For wealth, and brother to the Punic throne, Possess'd fair Dido's bed; and etther heart
At once was wounded with an equal dart.
Her father gave her, yet a spotless maid; Pygmalion then the Tyrian scepter sway'd: One who contemn'd chvine and human laws. Then strife ensued, and cursed gold the cause. The monarch, blinded with desire of wealth, With steel invades his brother's life by stealth; Before the sacred altar made him bleed,
And long from her conceal'd the cruel deed. Some tale, some new pretense, he daily coin'd, To soothe his sister, and delude her mind.
At length, in dead of night, the ghost appears Of her unhappy lord: the specter stares,
And, with erected eyes, his bloody bosom bares. The cruel altars and his fate he tells,
And the dire secret of his house reveals,
Then warns the widow, with her household gods, To seek a refuge in remote abodes.
Last, to support her in so long a way,
He shows her where his hidden treasure lay. Admonish'd thus, and seiz'd with mortal fright, ,The queen provides companions of her flight:
? 88
They meet, and all combine to leave the state, Who hate the tyrant, or who fear his hate. They seize a fleet, which ready rigg'd they find; Nor is Pygmalion's treasure left behind.
The vessels, heavy laden, put to sea
With prosp'rous winds, a woman leads the way.
I know not, if by stress of weather driv'n,
Or was their fatal course dispos'd by Heav'n;
At last they landed, where from far your eyes
May view the turrets of new Carthage rise;
There bought a space of ground, which (Byrsa call'd, From the bali's hide) they first inclos'd, and wall'd. But whence are you ? what country da,ms your blrth? What seek you, strangers, on our Libyan earth ? "
To whom, with sorrow streaming from his eyes, And deeply sighing, thus her son rephes:
"Could you with patience hear, or I relate,
O nymph, the tedious annals of oar fate!
Thro' such a train of woes if I should run,
The day would sooner than the tale be done l From anciefft Troy, by force expell'd, we came-- If you by chance have heard the Trojan name. On various seas by various tempests toss'd,
At length we landed on your Libyan coast. The good . _Eneas am I call'd--a name,
While Fortune favor'd, not unknown to fame. My household gods, companions of my woes, With pious care I rescued from our foes.
To fruitfttl Italy my course was bent;
And from the King of Heav'n is my descent.
With twice ten sail I cross'd the Phrygian sea; Fate and my mother goddess led my way.
Scarce sev'n, the thin remainders of my fleet, From storms preserv'd, within your harbor meet. Myself distress'd, an exile, and unknown,
Debarr'd from Europe, and from Asia thrown, In Libyan desarts wander thtts alone. "
His tender parent could no longer bear; But, interposing, sought to soothe his care. '_N'hoe'er you are---not unbelov'd by Heav'n,
Since on our friendly shore your ships are driv'nm Have courage: to the gods permit the rest,
And to the queen expose your just request.
Now take this earnest of success, for more:
Your scatter'd fleet is join'd upon the shore;
The winds are chang'd, your friends from danger free; Or I renounce my skill m augury.
Twelve swans behold m beauteous order move,
And stoop with closing pinions from above;
Whom late the bird of Jove had driv'n along,
And thro' the clouds pursued the scatt'ring throng. Now, all umted in a goodly team,
They skim the ground, and seek the qmet stream. As they, with joy returning, clap their wings,
And ride the circuit of the skies in rings;
Not otherwise your ships, and ev'ry friend,
Already hold the port, or with swift sails descend
No more advice is needful; but pursue
The path before you, and the town in view. "
Thus having said, she turn'd, and made appear Her neck refulgent, and dishevel'd hair,
Which, flowing from her shoulders, reach'd the ground. And widely spread ambrosial scents around:
In length of train descends her sweeping gown,
And, by her graceful walk, the Queen of Love is known. The prince pursued the parting deity
With words like these: "Ah! whither do you fly? Unkind and cruel l to deceive your son
In borrow'd shapes_ and his embrace to shun;
Never to bless my sight, but thus unknown;
And still to speak in accents not your own. "
Against the goddess these complaints he made,
But took the path, and her commands obey'd.
They march, obscure; for Venus kindly shrouds
With mists their persons, and involves in clouds, That, thus unseen, their passage none might stay,
Or force to tell the causes of their way.
This part perform'd, the goddess flies sublime
To visit Paphos and her native clime;
_Where garlands, ever green and ever fair,
? 90
With vows are offer'd, and with solemn pray'r: A hundred altars in her temple smoke;
A thousand bleeding hearts her pow'r invoke.
They climb the next ascent, and, looking down, Now at a nearer distance view the town.
The prince with wonder sees the stately tow'rs,
Which late were huts and shepherds' homely bow'r_ The gates and streets; and hears, from ev'ry part, The noise and busy concourse of the mart.
The toiling Tyrians on each other call
To ply their labor: some extend the wall;
Some build the citadel; the brawny throng
Or dig, or push unwieldly stones along.
Some for their dwellings choose a spot of ground, Which, first design'd, with ditches they surround. Some laws ordain; and some attend the choice
Of holy senates, and elect by voice.
Here some design a mole, while others there
Lay deep foundations for a theater;
From marble quarries mighty columns hew,
For ornaments of scenes, and future view.
Such is their toll, and such their busy pains,
As exercise the bees in flow'ry plains,
When winter past, and summer scarce begun,
Invites them forth to labor in the sun,
Some lead their youth abroad, while some condense Their liqu/d store, and some in cells dispense;
Some at the gate stand ready to receive
The golden burthen, and their friends relieve;
All with united force, combine to drive
The lazy drones from the laborious hive:
With envy stung, they view each other's deeds;
The fragrant work with diligence proceeds.
"Thrice happy you, whose wails already rise l"
_neas said, and view'd, with lifted eyes,
Their lofty tow'rs, then, ent'ring at the gate, Conceal'd in clouds (prodigious to relate)
He mix'd, unmark'd, among the busy throng,
Borne by the tide, and pass'd unseen along.
Full in the center of the town there stood)
Thick _et with trees, a venerable wood.
The Tyrians, landing near this holy ground,
And digging here, a prosp'rous omen found: From under earth a courser's head they drew, Their growth and future fortune to foreshew. This fated sign their foundress Juno gave,
Of a soil fruitful, and a people brave.
Sidonian Dido here with solemn state
'Did Juno's temple build, and consecrate,
Enrich'd with gifts, and with a golden shrine; But more the goddess made the place divine. On brazen steps the marble threshold rose,
And brazen plates the cedar beams inclose:
The rafters are with brazen coy'rings crown'd; The lofty doors on brazen hinges sound.
What first . ,Eneas in this place beheld,
" Reviv'd his courage, and hls fear expell'd.
For while, expecting there the queen, he rais'd
His wond'ring eyes, and round the temple gaz'd_ Admir'd the fortune of the rising town,"
The striving artists, and their arts' renown;
He saw, in order painted on the wall,
Whatever did unhappy Troy befall:
The wars that fame around the world had blown, All to the life, and ev'ry leader known.
There Agamemnon, Priam here, he spies,
And fierce Achilles, who both kings defies.
He stopp'd, and weeping said: "0 friend! ev'n here The monuments of Trojan woes appear l
Our known disasters fill ev'n foreign lands:
See there, where old unhappy Priam stands! Ev'n the mute walls relate the wamor's fame_ And Trojan griefs the Tyrians' pity claim. " He said (his tears a ready passage find), Devouring what he saw so well deslgn'd,
And with aa empty picture fed his mind:
For there he saw the fainting Grecians yield, And here the trembling Trojans quit the field, Pursued by fierce Achilles thro' the plain,
On his high chariot driving o'er the slain.
? 92
The tents of Rhesus next his grief renew, By their white sails betray'd to nightly view;
And wakeful Diomede, whose cruel sword
The sentries slew, nor spar'd their slumb'ring lord, Then took the fiery steeds, ere yet the food
Of Troy they taste, or drink the Xanth_an flood. Elsewhere he saw where Troilus defied
Achtlles, and unequal combat tried;
Then, where the boy disarm'd, with loosen'd reins,
Was by his horses hurried o'er the plains,
Hung by the neck and hair, and dragg'd around:
The hostlle spear, yet sticking in his wound,
With tracks of blood inscrib'd the dusty ground. Meantime the Trojan dames, oppress'd with woe,
To Pallas' fane in long procession go,
In hopes to reconcile their heav'nly foe.
They weep, they beat their breasts, they rend their hair, And rich embroider'd vests for presents bear;
But the stern goddess stands unmov'd with pray'r.
Thrice round the Trojan walls Achilles drew
The corpse of Hector, whom in fight he slew.
Here Priam sues; and there, for sums of gold,
The lifeless body of his son is sold.
So sad an object, and so well express'd,
Drew sighs and groans from the griev'd hero's breast, To see the figure of his lifeless friend,
And his old sire his helpless hand extend.
Himself he saw amidst the Grecian train,
Mix'd in the bloody battle on the plain; And swarthy Memnon in his arms he knew, His pompous ensigns, and his Indian crew. Penthisilea there, with haughty grace, Leads to the wars an Amazonian race
In their right hands a pointed dart they wield; The left, for ward, sustains the lunar shield Athwart her breast a golden belt she throws, Amidst the press alone provokes a thousand foes, And dares her maiden arms to manly force oppose.
Thus while the Trojan prince employs his eyes, Fix'd on the walls with wonder and surprise,
The beauteous Dido, with a num'rous train And pomp of guards, ascends the sacred lane.
Such on Eurotas' banks, or Cynthus' height, Diana seems, and so she charms the stght, When in the dance the graceful goddess leads The choir of nymphs, and overtops their heads: Known by her quiver, and her lofty mien,
She walks majestic, and she looks their queen; Latona sees her shine above the rest,
And feeds with secret joy her silent breast. Such Dido was, with such becoming state,
'Amidst the crowd, she walks serenely great.
Their labor to her future sway she speeds,
And passing with a gracious glance proceeds;
Then mounts the throne, high plac'd before the shrine: In crowds around, the swarming people join.
She takes petitions, and dispenses laws,
Hears and determines ev'ry private cause;
Their tasks in equal portions she divides,
And, where unequal, there by lots decides.
Another way by chance ? Eneas bends
His eyes, and unexpected sees h_s friends,
Antheus, Sergestus grave, Cloanthus strong,
_Andat their backs a mighty Trojan throng,
Whom late the tempest on the billows toss'd,
And widely scatter'd on another coast.
The prince, unseen, surpris'd with wonder stands, And longs, with joyful haste, to join their hands, But, doubtful of the wish'd event, he stays,
And from the hollow cloud his friends surveys, Impatient till they told their present state,
And where they left their sh_ps, and what their fate, And why they came, and what was their request; For these were sent, commission'd by the rest,
To sue for leave to land their sickly men,
And gain admission to the gracious queen
Ent'ring, with cries they fill'd the holy lane;
Then thus, with lowly voice, Ilioneus began:
"0 queen l indulg'd by favor of the gods To found an empire in these new abodes,
? 94
To build a town, with statutes to restrain The wdd inhabitants beneath thy reign,
We wretched Trojans, toss'd on ev'ry shore, From sea to sea, thy clemency implore. Forbid the fires our shipping to defaee l Receive th' unhappy fugitives to grace,
And spare the remnant of a pious race!
We come not with design of wasteful prey,
To drive the country, force the swains away:
Nor such our strength, nor such is our desire;
The vanquish'd dare not to such thoughts aspire.
A land there is, Hesperia nam'd of old;
The soll is fruitfult and the men are bold--
Th' (Enotrians held it once--by common fame Now caU'd Italia, from the leader's name.
To that sweet region was our voyage bent,
When winds and ev'ry warring element
Disturb'd our course, and, far from sight of land, Cast out'torn vessels on the moving sand.
The sea came on; the South, with mighty roar, Dispers'd and dash'd the rest upon the rocky shore. Those few you see escap'd the storm, and fear, Unless you mterpose, a shipwreck here.
What men, what monsters, what inhuman race, What laws, what barb'rous customs of the place, Shut up a desart shore to drowning men,
And drive us to the cruel seas again?
If our hard fortune no compassion draws,
Nor hospitable rights, nor human laws,
The gods are just, and will revenge our cause. eEneas was our prince: a juster lord,
Or nobler warrior, never drew a sword;
Observant of the right, religious of his word.
If yet he lives, and draws this vital air, Nor we, his friends, of safety shall despair;
Nor you, great queen, these offices repent, Which he will equal, and perhaps augment. We want not cities, nor Sicilian coasts,
Where King Acestes Trojan lineage boasts. Permit our ships a shelter on your shores,
Retlt_ed from your woods with planks and oars, That, if our prince be safe, we may renew
Our destin'd course, and Italy pursue.
But if, O best of men, the Fates ordain
That thou art swallow'd in the Libyan main, And if our young Iulus be no more, D_smiss our navy from your friendly shore, That we to good Acestes may return,
And with our friends our common losses mourn. " Thus spoke Ilioneus: the Trojan crew
With cries and clamors h_s request renew.
The modest queen a while, with downcast eyes,
Fond_r'd the speech; then briefly thus replies: "Trojans, dismiss your fears; my cruel fate, And doubts attending an unsettled state,
Force me to guard my coast from foreign foes. Who has not heard the story of your woes, The name and fortune of your native place, The fame and valor of the Phrygian race_
We Tyrians are not so devoid of sense, Nor so remote from Phoebus' influence.
Whether to Latian shores your course is bent,
Or, driv'n by tempests from your first intent,
You seek the good Acestes' government,
Your men shall be receiv'd, your fleet repatr'd,
And sail, with ships of convoy for your guard:
Or, would you stay, and join your friendly t_ow'rs To raise and to defend the Tyrian tow'rs,
My wealth, my city, and myself are yours.
And would to Hear'n, the storm, you felt, would bring On Carthaginian coasts your wand'ring king
My people shall, by my command, explore
The ports and creeks of ev'ry winding shore,
And towns, and wilds, and shady woods, in quest
Of so renown'd and so deslr'd a guest. "
Rais'd in his mind the Trojan hero stood,
_,nd long'd to break from out his ambient cloud:
_Achates found it, and thus urg'd his way:
"From whence, O goddess-born, this long delay? What more can you desire, your welcome sure,
? [
Your fleet in safety, and your friends secure ? One only wants; and him we saw in vain Oppose the storm, and swallow'd in the main. Orontes in his fate our forfeit paid;
The rest agrees with what your mother said. " Scarce had be spoken, when the cloud gave way,
The mists flew upward and dissolv'd in day The Trojan chief appear'd in open sight,
August in visage, and serenely bright
His mother goddess, with her hands divine,
Had form'd his curling locks, and made his temples shine, And giv'n his rolling eyes a sparkling grace,
And breath'd a youthful vigor on his face;
Like pohsh'd lv'ry, beauteous to behold,
Or Par,an marble, when enchas'd in gold:
Thus radiant from the circling cloud he broke,
And thus with manly modesty he spoke:
"He whom you seek am I; by tempests toss'd, And sav'd from shipwreck on your Libyan coast; Presenting, gracious queen, before your throne,
A prince that owes his life to you alone.
Fair majesty, the refuge and redress
Of those whom fate pursues, and wants oppress, You, who your pious offices employ
To save the relics of abandon'd Troy;
Receive the shlpwreck'd on your friendly shore, With hospitable rites relieve the poor;
Associate m your town a wand'ring train,
And strangers m your palace entertain: What thanks can wretched fugitives return,
Who, scatter'd thro' the world, in exile mourn? The gods, if gods to goodness are inclin'd;
If acts of mercy touch their heav'nly mind,
And, more than all the gods, your gen'rous heart, Conscious of worth, requite its own desert!
In you this age is happy, and this earth,
And parents more than mortal gave you birth. While rolling rivers into seas shall run,
And round the space of heav'n the radiant sun; While trees the mountain tops with shades supply,
Your honor, name, and praise shall never die. . Whate'er abode my fortune has assign'd,
Your image shall be present in my mind. "
Thus having said, he turn'd with pious hast_ _ld joyful his expecting friends embrac'd: With his right hand Ihoneus was grac'd, Serestus with his left; then to his breast Cloanthus and the noble Gyas press'd;
And so by turns descended to the rest.
The Tyrian queen stood fix'd upon his face,
Pleas'd with his motions, ravish'd with his grace; Admir'd his fortunes, more admir'd the man;
Then recollected stood, and thus began:
*'What Late, O goddess-born; what angry pow'rs Have cast you shipwrack'd on our barren shores? Are yott the great _neas, known to fame,
Who from celestial seed your lineage claim? The same 2_neas whom fair Venus bore
To fam'd Anchises on th' Iclman shore? It calls into my mind, tho' then a ehdd,
When Teucer came, from Salamis exil'd, And sought my father's aid, to be restor'd:
]_Iy father Belus then with fire and sword Invaded Cyprus, made the region bare,
And, eonqu'ring, finish'd the successful war. From him the Trojan siege I understood,
The Grecian chiefs, and your illustrious blood. Your foe himself the Dardan valor prais'd, And his own ancestry from Trojans rais'd. Enter, my noble guest, and you shall find,
If not a costly welcome, yet a kind:
For I myself, like you, have been distress'd, Till Heav'n afforded me this place of rest; Like you, an alien in a land unknown,
I learn to pity woes so like my own. "
She said, and to the palace led her guest; Then offer'd incense, and proclaim'd a feast. Nor yet less careful for her absent friends, Twice ten fat oxen to the ships she sends;
Besides a hundred boars, a hundred Iambs, zc xlu--. 4
? U
With bleating cries, attQnd their milky dams; And jars of gen'rous wine and sp_cious bowls She gives, to cheer the sailord drooping souls . Now purple hangings clothe the palace walls, And sumptuous feasts are m_de in splendid halls: On Tyrian carpets, richly wrought, they dine; With loads of massy plate the sideboards shine, And antique vases, aU of gold emboss'd
(The gold itself inferior to the cost),
Of curious work, where on the sides were seen
The fights and figures of illustrious men, From their first founder to the present queen.
The good . _Eneas, whose paternal care I_lus' absence could no longer bear,
Dispatch'd Achates to the ships in haste,
To give a glad relation of the past,
And, fraught wRh precious gifts, to bring the boyt
Snatch'd_from the ruins of unhappy Troy:
A robe of tissue, stiff with golden wire;
An upper vest, once Helen's rich attire,
From Argos by the fam'd adultress brought,
With golden flow'rs and winding foliage wrought, Her mother Leda's present, when she came
To ruin Troy and set the world on flame; The scepter Priam's eldest daughter bore,
Her orient necklace, and the crown she wore; Of double texture, glorious to behold,
One order set with gems, and one with gold. Instructed thus, the wise Achates goes,
And in his diligence his duty shows.
But Venus, anxious for her son's _ffairs, New counsels tries, and new designs prepargs:
That Cupid should assume the shape and face Of sweet Ascanius, and the sprightly grace;
Should bring the presents, in her nephew's stead, And in Eliza's veins the gentle poison shed:
For much she fear'd the Tyrian_, double-tongued, . _nd knew the town to JunCs care belong'd.
These thoughts by night her golden slumbers brol_ And thus i_iitrmtd, to winged Love she spoke:
? _J_R FH_tST _ OF THE _8
"My son, my strength, whose mighty pow'r alone
Controls the Thund'rer on his awful throne, To thee thy much-afflicted mother flies,
And on thy succor and thy faith relies.
Thou know'st, my son, how Jove's revengeful wife. ,
By force and fraud, attempts thy brother's lifo; And often hast thou mourn'd with me his pains. Him Dido now with blandishment detains;
But I suspect the town where Juno reigns.
For this 't is needful to prevent her art,
And fire with love the proud Phoenician's heart: A love so violent, so strong, so sure,
As neither age can change, nor art can cure. How this may be perform'd, now take my mind: Ascanius by his father is design'd
To come, with presents laden, from the port,
To gratify the queen, and gain the court.
I mean to plunge the boy in pleasing sleep,
And, ravish'd, in Idalian bow'rs to keep,
Or high Cythera, that the sweet deceit
May pass unseen, and none prevent the cheat. Take thou his form and shape. I beg the grac?
But only for a night's revolving space:
Thyself a boy, assume a boy's dissembled face; That when, amidst the fervor of the feast,
The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast, And with sweet kisses in her arms constrains,
Thou may'st infuse thy venom in her veins. " The God of Love obeys, and sets aside
His bow and quiver, and his plumy pride;
He walks Iiilus in his mother's sight,
And in the sweet resemblance takes delight.
The goddess then to young Ascanius flies, And in a pleasing slumber seals his eyes:
Lull'd in her lap, amidst a train of Loves,
She gently bears him to her blissful groves,
Then with a wreath of myrtle crowns his head, And sohly lays him on a flow'ry bed.
Cupid meantime assum'd his form and face, Foll'wing Achates with a shorter pace,
_tndbroughtthegifts. The queenalreadysate _midst theTrojanlordsi,n shiningstate, High on a goldenbed:herprincelgyuest
Was nextherside;inordersatetherest. Then canisterwsithbreadare heap'don high; Th' attendantwsaterfortheirhandssupply, And, havingwash'd,with silkentowelsdry. Nextfiftyhandmaidsinlongorderbore Thecensersa,ndwithfumesthegodsadore: Then youths,and virgintswiceas many, join
To placethedishesa,nd toservethewine. The Tyriantraina,dmittedtothefeast, Approach,and on thepaintedcouchesrest. All on the Trojan giftswith wonder gaze, But view thebeauteousboy withmore amaze, His rosy-colorc'hdecks,hisradianteyes,
His motions,voice,and shape,and allthe god'sdisguis? _ Nor passu_prais'tdhevestand veildivine,
Which wand'ringfoliagaend richflow'resntwine. But,farabovetherest,theroyaldame,
With eyesinsatiataen,d tumultuousjoy, Beholdsthepresentsa,nd admirestheboy.
The guilefuglodabouttheherolong,
With children'pslay,and falsembraces,hung; Then soughtthe queen:she took him to her arms With greedypleasurea,nd devour'dhischarms. Unhappy Dido littltehoughtwhat guest,
How direagod,shedrewsonearherbreast; But he, not mindlessof his mother'spray'r,
Works intheplianbtosom ofthefair,
And moldsherheartanew,and blotsherformercare.
The dead isto thelivingloveresign'd; And allx_Eneasentersinhermind.
Now, when therageofhungerwas appeas'd, The meat remov'd,and ev'ryguestwas pleas'd, The goldenbowlswithsparklinwginearecrown'd, And thro'thepalacecheerfulcriesresound. From gildedroofsdependinglampsdisplay Nocturnalbeams, thatemulatethe day.
A golden bowl, that shone with gems divine,
The queen commanded to be crown'd with wine: The bowl that Belus us'd, and all the Tyrian line. Then, silence thro' the hall proclaim'd, she spoke: "O hospitable Jove! we thus invoke,
With snlemn rites, thy sacred name and pow'r; Bless to both nations this auspicious houri
So may the Trojan and the Tyrian line
In lasting concord from this day combine.
Thou, Bacchus, god of joys and friendly cheer, And gracious Juno, both be present here!
And you, my lords of Tyre, your vows address
To Heav'n with mine, to ratify tile peace. "
The goblet then she took, with nectar crown'd
(Sprinkling the first libations on the ground,)
And rais'd it to her mouth with sober grace;
Then, sipping, offer'd to the next in place.
'T was Bitias whom she call'd, a thirsty soul;
He took the challenge, and embrac'd the bowl,
With pleasure swill'd the gold, nor ceas'd to draw, Till he the bottom of . the brimmer saw.
The goblet goes around: Iopas brought
His golden lyre, and sung what ancient Atlas taught: The various labors of the wand'ring moon,
And whence proceed th' eclipses of the sun;
Th' original of men and beasts; and whence
The rains arise, and fires their warmth dispense,
And fix'd and erring stars dispose their influence; What shakes the solid earth; what cause delays
The summer nights and shortens winter days.
With peals of shouts the Tyrians praise the song: Those peals are echo'd by the Trojan throng.
Th' unhappy queen with talk prolong'd the night,
And drank large draughts of love with vast delight; Of Priam much enquir'd, of Hector more;
Then ask'd what arms the swarthy Memnon wore, What troops he landed on the Trojan shore;
The steeds of Diomede varied the discourse,
And fierce Achilles, with his matchless force;
At length, as fate and her ill stars requir'd,
? I_ THE FIRST BOOK OF THE To hear the series of the war desir'cL
"Relate at large, my godhke guest," she said,
"'The Grecian stratagems, the town betray'd:
The fatal issue of so long a war,
Your flight, your wand'rings, and your woes, declare; For, since on ev'ry sea, on ev'ry coast,
Your men have been distress'd, your navy toss'dr Sev'n times the sun has either tropic view'd, The winter banish'd, and the spring reuew'd. "
Tm? ARGUXqENT. mA_nrealastes how the city of Troy was tak_ ' _fter a ten years' siege, by the treachery of Sinon, and the strata- gem of a wooden horse. He declares the fix'd resolutaon he had takennot to survivethe ruinsof his country,and the variousadven- tures he met with in the defense of it. At last, having been before advis'd by Hector'sghost, and now by the appearanceof his mother Venus, he is prevall'd upon to leave the town, and settle his house- hold gods in another country. In order to this, he carries off his father on his shou/ders, and leads his little son by the hand, hls wife following him behind. When he comes to the place appointed for the general rendezvouze,he finds a great confluence of people, but misses his wife whose ghost afterwardsappears to him, and tells him the land which was deslgn'd for him.
LLwwere attentive to the godlike man,
hen from his lofty couch he thus began:
"Great queen, what you command me to relate Renews the sad remembrance of our fate:
An empire from its old foundations rent, And ev'ry woe the Trojans underwent;
A peopled city made a desart place;
All that I saw, and part of which I was: Not ev'a the hardest of our foes could hear, Nor stern Ulysses tell without a tear.
#_ad now the latter watch of wasting night, And setting stars, to kindly rest invite;
But, since you take such Jut'rest in our woe, And Troy's disastrous end desire to know,
I will restrain my tears, and briefly tell What in our last and fatal night befell.
"By destiny compell'd, and in despair,
']['he Greeks grew weary of the tedious war, 103
And by Minerva's aid a fabric rear'd,
Which like a steed of monstrous height appear'd:
The sides were plank'd with pine; they feign'd it made For their return, and this the vow they paid.
Thus they pretend, but in the hollow side
Selected numbers of their soldiers hide:
With inward arms the dire machine they. load,
And iron bowels stuff the dark abode.
In sight of Troy lies Tenedos, an isle
. (While Fortune did on Priam's empire smile) Renown'd for wealth; but, since, a faithless bay,
Where ships expos'd to wind and weather lay.
There was their fleet eonceal'd. We thought, for Greece Their sails were hoisted, and our fears release.
The Trojans, coop'd within their walls so long,
Unbar their gates, and issue in a throng,
Like swarming bees, and with delight survey
The camp deserted, where the Grecians lay:
The quarters of the sev'ral chiefs they show'd;
Here Phoenix, here Achilles, made abode;
Here join'd the battles; there the navy rode.
Part on the pile their wond'ring eyes employ:
The pile by Pallas rais'd to ruin Troy.
Thymcetes first ('t is doubtful whether hir'd,
Or so the Trojan destiny requir'd)
Mov'd that the ramparts might be broken down,
To lodge the monster fabrle in the town.
But Capys, and the rest of sounder mind,
The fatal present to the flames designed,
Or to the wat'ry deep; at least to bore
The hollow sides, and hidden frauds explore.
The giddy vulgar, as their {aneies guide,
With noise say nothing, and in parts divide.
Laocoon, follow'd by a num'rous crowd,
Ran from the fort, and cried, from far, aloud:
'O wretched countrymen l what fury reigns?
What more than madness has possess'd your brains?
Think you the Greeians from your coasts are goner,
And are Uylsses' arts no better known?
This hollow fabric either must inclose,
Within its blind recess, our secret foes;
Or 't is an engine rais'd above the town,
T' o'erlook the wails, and then to batter down.
Somewhat is sure design'd, by fraud or force:
Trust not their presents, nor admit the horse. '
Thus having said, against the steed he threw
His forceful spear, which, hissing as it flew,
Pierc'd thro' the yielding planks of jointed wood,
And trembling in the hollow belly stood.
The sides, transpierc'd, return a ratting sound,
And groans of Greeks inclos'd come issuing thro' the wound. And, had not Heav'n the fall of Troy design'd,
Or had not men been fated to be bhnd,
Enough was said and done t' inspire a better mind.
Then had our lances pierc'd the treach'rous wood,
And llian tow'rs and Priam's empire stood.
Meantime, with shouts, the Trojan shepherds bring
A captive Greek, in bands, before the king;
Taken to take; who made himself their prey,
T' impose on their belief, and Troy betray;
Fix'd on his aim, and obstinately bent
To die undaunted, or to circumvent.
About the captive, tides of Trojans flow;
All press to see, and some insult the foe.
Now hear how well the Greeks their wiles disguis'd;
Behold a nation in a man compris'd.
Trembling the miscreant stood, unarm'd and bound; . 'Hestar'd, and roll'd his haggard eyes around,
Then said: 'Alas! what earth remains, what sea
Is open to receive unhappy me ?
What fate a wretched fugitive attends,
Scorn'd by my foes, abandon'd by my friends ? '
He said, and sigh'd, and cast a rueful eye:
Our pity kindles, and our passions die.
We cheer the youth to make his own defense,
And freely tell us what he was, and whence:
What news he could impart, we long to know,
And what to credit from a captive foe.
"His fear at length dismiss'd, he said: WChate'er My fate ordains, my words shall be sincere:
I neither can nor dare my birth disclaim; Greece is my country, Sinon is my name. Tho' plung'd by Fortune's pow'r in misery, 'T is not in Fortune's pow'r to make me lie. If any chance has hither brought the name Of Palamedes, not unknown to fame,
Who suffer'd from the malice of the times, Accus'd and sentenc'd for pretended crimes, Because these fatal wars he would prevent;
Whose death the wretched Greeks too late lameat. . _ Me, then a boy, my father, poor and bare
Of other means, committed to his care,
His kinsman and companion in the war.
While Fortune favor'd, while his arms support The cause, and rul'd the counsels, of the court, I made some figure there; nor was my name Obscured. nor I without my share of fame.
But when Ulysses, with fallacious arts,
Had made impression in the people's hearts, And forg'd a treason in my patron's name
(I speak of things too far divulg'd by fame), My kinsman fell. Then I, without support,
In private mourn'd his loss, and left the court. Mad as I was, I could not bear his fate
With silent grief, but loudly blam'd the state, And curs'd the direful author of my woes.
'T was told again; and hence my ruin rose.
I threaten'd, if indulgent Heav'n once more Would land me safely on my native shore,
His death with double vengeance to restore. This mov'd the murderer's hate; and soon ensued Th' effects of malice from a man so proud.
Ambiguous rumors thro' the camp he spread,
And sought, by treason, my devoted head;
New crimes invented; left unturn'd no stone,
To make my guilt appear, and hide his own;
Till Calchas was by force and threat'ning wrought-* But why--why dwell I on that anxious thought?
If on my nation just revenge you seek, And 'tis f appear a fo% t' appear a GrcekI
? _Already you my name and country know;
Assuage your thirst of blood, and strike the blow:
My death will both the kingly brothers please, And set insatiate Ithacus at ease. '
This fair unfinlsh'd tale, these broken starts, Rals'd expectations in our longing hearts: Unknowing as we were in Grecian arts. His former trembling once again renew'd, With acted fear, the villain thus pursued:
"' Long had the Grecians (tlr'd with fruitless care, And wearied with an unsuccessful war)
Resolv'd to raise the siege, and leave the town;
And, had the gods permitted, they had gone;
But oft the wintry seas and southern winds
Withstood their passage home, and chang'd their mind_ Portents and prodigies their souls amaz'd;
But most, when this stupendous pile was rais'd:
Then flaming meteors, hung in air, were seen,
And thunders rattled thro' a sky serene.
Dismay'd, and fearful of some dire event,
Eurypylus t' enquire their fate was sent.
He from the gods this dreadful answer brought:
"O Grecians, when the Trojan shores you sought,
Your passage with a virgin's blood was bought:
So must your safe return be bought again,
And Grecian blood once more atone the main. "
The spreading rumor round the people ran;
All fear'd, and each believ'd himself the man.
Ulysses took th' advantage of their fright;
CaU'd Calchas, and produc'd in open sight:
Then bade him name the wretch, ordain'd by fate
The public victim, to redeem the state.
_lready some presag'd the dire event,
And saw what sacrifice Ulysses meant.
For twice five days the good old seer withstood
Th' intended treason, and was dumb to blood,
Till, tir'd, with endless clamors and pursuit
Of Ithacus, he stood no longer mute;
_ut, as it was agreed, pronounc'd that I
Was destin'd by the wrathful gods to die. ,,
? \
DRYDEN'S TRANSLATIOI? OF 'VTRGI_ All prals'd the senteuce, pleas'd the storm should
On one alone, whose fury threaten'd all.
The dismal day was come; the priests prepare
Their leaven'd cakes, and fillets for my hair. I follow'd nature's laws, and must avow
I broke my bonds and fled the fatal blow.
Hid in a weedy lake all night I lay,
Secure of safety when they sail'd away.
But now what further hopes for me remain, To see my friends, or native soil, again;
My tender infants, or my careful sire,
Whom they returning will to death require; Will perpetrate on them their first design, And take the forfeit of their heads for mine? Which, O! if pity mortal minds can move,
If there be faith below, or gods above,
If innocence and truth can claim desert,
Ye Trojans, from an injur'd wretch avert. '
"False tears true pity move; the king commands To loose his fetters, and unbind his hands:
Then adds these friendly words: 'Dismiss thy fears; Forget the Greeks; be mine as thou weft theirs. But truly tell, was it for force or guile,
Or some religious end, you rais'd the pile? '
Thus said the king. He, full of fraudful arts, This well-invented tale for truth imparts:
'Ye lamps of heav'n 1' he said, and lifted high His hands now free, 'thou venerable skyl Inviolable pow'rs, ador'd with dread[
Ye fatal fillets, that once bound this head!
Ye sacred altars, from whose flames I fled!
Be all of you adjur'd; and grant I may, Without a crime, th' ungrateful Greeks betray, Reveal the secrets of the guilty state,
And justly punish whom I justly hate!
But you, 0 king, preserve the faith you gave,
If I, to save myself, your empire save.
The Grecian hopes, and all th' attempts they mad_ Were only founded on Minerva's aid.
But from the time when impious Diomede,
And false Ulysses, that inventive head, Her fatal image from the temple drew,
The sleeping guardians of the castle slew,
Her virgin statue with their bloody hands Polluted, and profan'd her holy bands;
From thence the tide of fortune left their shore, And ebb'd much faster than it flow'd before:
Their courage languish'd, as their hopes decay'd; And Pallas, now averse, refus'd her aid.
Nor did the goddess doubtfully declare Her alter'd mind and alienated care.
When first her fatal image touch'd the ground,
She sternly cast her glaring eyes around,
That sparkled as they rolrd, and seem'd to threat. Her heav'nly limbs distill'd a briny sweat.
Thrice from the ground she leap'd, was seen to wield Her brandish'd lance, and shake her horrid shield.
Then Calchas bade our host for flight prepare, And hope no conquest from the tedious war,
Till first they sail'd for Greece; with pray'rs besought Her injur'd pow'r, and [_etter omens brought.
And now their navy plows the wat'ry main,
Yet soon expect it on your shores again,
With Pallas pleas'd; as Calchas did ordain. But first, to reconcile the blue-ey'd maid
For her stol'n statue and her tow'r betray'd, Warn'd by the seer, to her offended name
We rais'd and dedicate this wondrous frame, So lofty, lest thro' your forbidden gates
It pass, and intercept our better fates:
For, once admitted there, our hopes are lost;
And Troy may then a new Palladium boast; For so religion and the gods ordain,
That, if you violate with hands profane Minerva's gift, your town in flames shall burn, (Which omen, O ye gods, on Gr_ecia turn l) But if it climb, with your assisting hands,
The Trojan walls, and in the city stands;
Then Troy shall Argos and Mycenm bttr_ And the reverse of fate on us return. '
? 110 D_,YDF. ,N'8 YRANSLATION 01_
"With such deceits he gain'el their easy hearts, Too prone to credit his perfidious arts.
What Diomede, nor Thetis' greater son,
A thousand ships, nor ten years' siege, had done--- False tears and fawning words the city won.
"A greater omen, and of worse portent, Did our unwary minds with fear torment,
Concurring to produce the dire event.
Laocoon, Neptune's priest by lot that year,
With solemn pomp then sacrific'd a steer;
When, dreadful to behold, from sea we spied
Two serpents, rank'd abreast, the seas divide,
And smoothly sweep along the swelling tide.
Their flaming crests above the waves they show;
Their bellies seem to burn the seas below;
Their speckled tails advance to steer their course,
And on the sounding shore the flying billows force.
And now the strand, and now the plain they held;
Their ard'_nt eyes with bloody streaks were fill'd;
Their nimble tongues they brandish'd as they came,
And lick'd their hlssing jaws, that sputter'd flame.
We fled amaz'd; their destin'd way they take,
And to Laocoon and his children make;
And first around the tender boys they wind,
Then with their sharpen'd fangs their limbs and bodies grind The wretched father, running to their aid
With pious haste, but vain, they next invade;
Twice round his waist their winding volumes roll'd; And twice about his gasping throat they fold.
The priest thus dogbly chok'd, their crests divide,
And tow'ring o'er his head in triumph ride.
With both his hands he labors at the knots;
His holy fillets the blue venom blots;
His roaring fills the flitting air around.
Thus, when an ox receives a glancing wound,
He breaks his bands, the fatal altar flies,
And with loud bellowings breaks the yielding skies.
Their tasks perform'd, the serpents quit their preyp
And to the tow'r of Pallas make their way:
Couch'd at her feet, they lie protected there
? M _ BOOK DF THE _EIS 111
By her large buckler and protended spear. Amazement seizes all; the gen'ral cry Proclaims Laocoon justly doom'd to die, Whose hand the will of Pallas had withstood, And dared to violate the sacred wood.
All vote t' admit the steed, that vows be paid And incense offer'd to th' offended maid.
A spacious breach is made; the town lies bare; Some hoisting-levers, some the wheels prepare
And fasteh tOthe horse's feet; the rest With cables haul along th' unwieldly beast.
Each on his fellow for assistarice calls; At length the fatal fabric mounts the walls,
Big with destruction. Boys with chaplets crown'c_ And choirs of virgins, sing and dance around.
Thus rais'd aloft, and then descending down,
It enters o'er our heads, and threats the town.
0 saci-ed city, built by hands divine l
0 valiant heroes of tlte Trojan line!
Four times he stimtk: as oft the clashing sottnd Of arms was heard, and inward groans rebound. Yet, mad with zeal, and blinded with our fate, We haul along the horse in solemn state;
Then place the dire portent within the to_v'r. Cassandra cried, and curs'd th' unhappy hour; Foretold our fate; but, by the god's decree,
All heard, and none believ'd the prophecy.
With branches we the fanes adoru_ and waste,
In jollity, the day ordain'd to be the last. Meantinie the rapid heav'ns roll'd down the light, And on the shaded ocean rush'd the night;
Our men, secure, rior guards nor sentries held, But easy sleep their weary limbs compell'd.
The Grecians had embatk'd their naval pow'rs From Tenedos, and sought our Well4vilown shore_ Safe under covert o{ the silent flight,
And fftfided by t_' imperial galley's hght;
When Sinon, favor'd by the partial gods,
Unlock'd the horse, ahd op'd his dark abodes,_ Restor'd to vital air otlr hidden ioe_
? 1_
Who joyful from their long confinement rosa Tysandcr bold, and Sthenelus their guide,
And dire Ulysses down the cable slide:
Then Thoas, Athamas, and Pyrrhus haste;
Nor was the Podalirian hero last,
Nor injur'dMcnelafisn,orthefam'd
Epeiisw,ho thefatalenginefram'd.
A namelesscrowdsucceed;thcirforccsjoln
T' invadethetown,oppress'wdithsleepandwine. . Those few theyfindawake firsmteet theirfate; Then totheirfellowtsheyunbarthegate.
"'Twasinthedeadofnightw,hensleeprcpalrs Our bodiesworn withtoilso,urmindswithcarcs,
When Hector'sghostbeforemy sightappears:
A bloodyshroudhcseem'd,andbath'dintears; Such ashe was,when,by Pelideslain, Thessaliacnoursersdragg'dhim o'ertheplain. Swolnwerehisfeet,aswhen thethongswerethrust Thro'the bor'dholcs;hisbody blackwith dust; UnlikethatHectorwho return'dfromtoils
Of war,triumphanti,n_acJan spoils,
Or him who made thefaintinGgreeksretire, And launch'dagainstheirnavyPhrygianfire. His hairand beardstoodstiffcnw'idthhisgore; And allthewounds hc forhiscountrybore
. Now stream'dafresha,nd withnew purpleran. I wepttoseethevisionarmyan,
And, whilemy trancecontinuedt,husbegan: 'O lightofTrojans,andsupportofTroy,
Thy father'cshampion,andthycountry'jsoy! O, longexpectedby thy friends! from whence Art thou so latereturn'fdor our defcns? c
Do we beholdthee,weariedaswe are
With lengthof laborsa,nd withtoilosf war? Aftersomany fun'ralosfthyown
Art thourestor'tdothydeclinintgown?
But say,what wounds arethese? What new cIisgrace Deforms themanlyfeatureosf thyface? '
"To thisthespectenro replydidframe, But answer'd to the cause for which he came,
And, groaning from the bottom of his breast,
This warning in these mournful words express'd:
'O goddess-born I escape, by timely flight,
The flames and horrors of this fatal mght.
The foes already have possess'd the wall ;
Troy nods from high, and totters to her falL
Enough is paid to Priam's royal name,
More than enough to duty and to fame.
If by a mortal hand my father's throne
Could be defended, 't was by mine alone.
Now Troy to thee commends her future state,
And gives her gods companions of thy fate:
From their assistance happier walls expect,
Which, wand'ring long, at last thou shalt erect. '
He said, and brought me, from their blest abodes,
The venerable statues of the gods,
With ancient Vesta from the sacred choir, The wreaths and relics of th' immortal fire.
"Now peals of shouts come thund'ring from afar, Cries, threats, and loud laments, and mingled war:
The noise approaches_ tho' our palace stood Aloof from streets, encompass'd with a wood.
Louder, and yet more loud, I hear th' alarms
Of human cries d_stmct, and clashing arms. Fear broke my slumbers; I no longer stay,
But mount the terrace, thence the town survey, And hearken what the frightful sounds convey. Thus, when a flood of fire by wind is borne, Crackling it rolls, and mows the standing corn; Or deluges, descending on the plains,
Sweep o'er the yellow year, destroy the pains Of lab'ring oxen and the peasant's gains;
Unroot the forest oaks, and bear away
Flocks, folds, and trees, an undistinguish'd prey: The shepherd climbs the cliff, and sees from far
The wasteful ravage of the wat'ry war.
Then Hector's faith was manifestly clear'd, And Grecian frauds in open light appear'& The palace of Deiphobus ascends
In smoky flames, and catches on his friends.
? Ucalegonbums next:theseasarebright
With splendornottheirown,and shinewithTrojanlight
New clamorsand new clangorsnow arise, The sound of trumpets mix'd with figliting cries.
With frenzy seiz'd, I run to meet th' alarms, Resolv'd on death, resolv'd to die in arms,
But first to gather friends, With them t' oppose (If fortune favor'd) and rep_ the foes;
Spurr'd by my courage, Dy tzty country fir'd, With sense of honor and i'evenge inspir'd.
"Pantheus, Apollo's priest, a sacred name,
Had scap'd the Grecian swords, and pass'd the fl_me: With relics loaden, to my doors he fled,
And by the hand his tender grandson led.
'What hope, 0 Pantheus? whither can we run?
Where make a stand? and what may yet be done? ' Scarce had Isaid, when Pantheus, with a groan:
'Troy is nQ. moi'e, and Ilium was a towfl!
The fatal day, th' appointed hour, is come,
When wrathful Jove's irrevocable doom
Transfers the Trojan state to Grecian harids.
The fire consumes the town, the foe commands;
And armed hosts, an unexpected force,
Break from the bowels of the fatal horse.
Within the gates, proud Sinon throws about
The flames; and foes for entrance press without,
With thOUsand others, whom I fear to flame,
More than ft-om Argos or Mycenae came.
To sev'ral posts their parties tltey divide;
Some block the narrow streets_ some scour the wide: The bold they kill, th' tanwary they surprise;
Who fights finds death, arid death finds him who flieg The warders of the gate bat scarce maintain
Th' unequal coinbat, and resist in vain. '
"I heard; and Hear'n, that well-born souls inspiresj Prompts me thro' lifted swords and rising fires
To run where clashing arms and dam0r calls, And rush tmdatttited to defend the walls.
Ripheus and Iph'itus by my side engage, For valor oni_ reflbvrn'd, and one for age.
Dymas and Hypanls by moonlight knew
My motions and my mien, and to my party drew; With young Corcebus, who by love was led
To win renown and fair Cassandra's bed,
And lately brought his troops to Priam's aid, Forewarn'd in vain by the prophetic maid.
Whom when I saw resolv'd in arms to fall,
And that one spirit animated all:
'Brave souls F said I,---'but brave, alas l in vain_ Come, finish what our cruel fates ordain.
You see the desp'rate state of our affairs,
And heav'n's protecting pow'rs are deaf to pray'rs. The passive gods behold the Greeks defile
Their temples, and abandon to the spoil
Their own abodes: we, feeble few, conspire
To save a sinking town, involv'd in fire.
Then let us fall, but fall amidst our foes:
Despair of llfe the means of living shows. '
So bold a speech incourag'd their desire
Of death, and added fuel to their fire.
"As hungry wolves, with raging appetite,
Scour thro' the fields, nor _ear the stormy night--- Their whelps at home expect the promis'd food, And long to temper their dry chaps in blood--
So rush'd we forth at once ; resolv'd to die, Resolv'd, in death, the last extremes to try.
We leave the narrow lanes behind, and dare
Th' unequal combat in the public square:
Night was our frlend; our leader was despair.