We are both
here owing to a vow of our parents.
Greek Anthology
For to those who spring from the race of Heracles dominion is a heritage both on land and
[172] Anonymous { F 20 } G
Cnidian Porphyris suspends before your chamber, Dionysus, these gauds of her beauty and her madness, her crowns, and this double thyrsus-spear, and her anklet, with all of which she raved her fill whenever she resorted to Dionysus, her ivy-decked fawn-skin knotted on her bosom.
[173] RHIANUS { H 7 } G
Achrylis, Rhea's Phrygian lady-in-waiting, who often under the pines loosed her consecrated hair, who often uttered from her lips the sharp cry, painful to hear, that Cybele's votaries use, dedicated her hair here at the door of the mountain goddess, where she rested her burning feet from the mad race.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Theocritus (II)
[178] HEGESIPPUS { H 2 } G
Accept me, Heracles, the consecrated shield of Archestratus, so that, resting against your polished porch I may grow old listening to song and dance. Enough of the hateful battle !
179-187 are another set of variants on the theme of epigrams 11-16
Archias →
Archias →
Archias →
Pigres dedicates to you, Pan, his nets for birds, Damis his for mountain beasts, and Cleitor his for those of the deep : a common gift from the brothers for their luck in the various kinds of chase to you who are skilled in the things of sea and land alike. In return for which, and recognising their piety, give one dominion in the sea, the other in the air, the third in the woods.
The hunter brothers suspended these nets to you, Pan, gifts from three sorts of chase ; Pigres from fowls, Cleitor from the sea, and Damis, the crafty tracker, from the land. But may you reward their toil with success in wood, sea, and air.
The three huntsmen, each from a different craft, dedicated these nets in Pan's temple ; Pigres who set his nets for birds, Cleitor who set his for sea-fishes, and Damis who set his for the beasts of the waste. Therefore, Pan, make them more successful, the one in the air, the other in the thicket, and the third on the beach.
This heavy net for forest beasts did Damis dedicate, Pigres his light net that brings death to birds, and Cleitor his simple sweep-net woven of thread for the sea, praying all three to Pan the hunter's god. Therefore, Pan, grant to strong Damis good booty of beasts, to Pigres of fowls, and to Cleitor of fishes.
[186] JULIUS DIOCLES { Ph 2 } G
We three brothers of one house have dedicated three nets to you, Pan, from mountain, air, and sea. Cast his nets for this one by the shingly beach, strike the game for this one in the woods, the home of wild beasts, and look with favour on the third among the birds ; for you have gifts, kind god, from all our netting.
The holy triad of brothers dedicate to Pan each a token of his own craft ; Pigres a portion from his birds, Cleitor from his fish, and Damis from his straight-cut stakes. In return for which grant to the one success by land, to the second by sea, and let the third win profit from the air.
Leonidas →
Anigrian nymphs, daughters of the stream, ambrosial beings that ever tread these depths with your rosy feet, all hail, and cure Cleonymus, who set up for you under the pines these fair images.
[190] GAETULICUS { F 2 } G
This and the following are in imitation of Leonidas' own poem, No. 300.
Take, honoured Cythereia, these poor gifts from poor Leonidas the poet, a bunch of five fine grapes, an early fig, sweet as honey, from the leafy branches, this leafless olive that swam in brine, a little handful of frugal barley-cake, and the libation that ever accompanies sacrifice, a small drop of wine, lurking in the bottom of the tiny cup. But if, as you have driven away the disease that weighed sore on me, so you do drive away my poverty, I will give you a fat goat.
Receive, Cypris, these gifts of Leonidas out of a poverty which is, as you know, untempered but honest, these purple gleanings from the vine, this pickled olive, the prescribed sacrifice of barley-cake, a libation of wine which I strained off without shaking the vessel, and the sweet figs. Save me from want, as you have saved me from sickness, and then you shall see me sacrificing cattle. But hasten, goddess, to earn and receive my thanks.
Archias →
Archias →
The bandy-legged, two-clawed sand-diver, the retrograde, neckless, eight-footed, the solid-backed, hard-skinned swimmer, the crab, does Copasus the line-fisher offer to Pan, as the first-fruits of his catch.
Simonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Leonidas →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Leonidas →
Philippus →
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Archias →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Now past her fiftieth year, amorous Nicias hangs in the temple of Cypris her sandals, locks of her uncoiled hair, her bronze mirror that lacks not accuracy, her precious girdle, and the things of which a man may not speak. But here you see the whole pageant of Cypris.
Leonidas →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Alcaeus →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Dioscorides →
Leonidas →
Theodoridas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Theodoridas →
[225] NICAENETUS { H 1 } G
Heroines of the Libyans, girt with tufted goat-skins, who haunt this mountain chain, daughters of the gods, accept from Philetis these consecrated sheaves and fresh garlands of straw, the full tithe of his threshing ; but even so, all hail to ye, Heroines, sovereign ladies of the Libyans.
Leonidas →
Crinagoras →
[228] ADAEUS OF MACEDON { Ph 1 } G
Alcon did not lead to the bloody axe his labouring ox worn out by the furrows and old age, for he reverenced it for its service ; and now somewhere in the deep meadow grass it lows rejoicing in its release from the plough.
Crinagoras →
[230] QUINTUS { Ph 1 } G
To you, Phoebus of the cape, who rule this fringe of the Bithynian land near the beach, did Damis the fisherman who ever rests his horn * on the sand give this well-protected trumpet-shell with its natural spikes, a humble present from a pious heart. The old man prays to you that he may see death without disease.
* What this horn object can be I do not know.
Philippus →
Crinagoras →
[233] MACCIUS { Ph 8 } G
The bit that rattles in the teeth, the constraining muzzle pierced on both sides, the well-sewn curb-strap that presses on the jaw, also this correcting whip which urges to violent speed, the crooked biting epipselion * , the bloody pricks of the spur and the scraping saw-like curry-comb iron-bound - these, Isthmian Poseidon, who delight in the roar of the waves on both shores, are the gifts you have from Stratius.
* I prefer to leave this word untranslated. It cannot be "curb-chain", as the curb-strap is evidently meant above.
[234] ERYCIUS { Ph 10 } G
The long-haired priest of Rhea, the newly gelded, the dancer from Lydian Tmolus whose shriek is heard afar, dedicates, now he rests from his frenzy, to the solemn Mother who dwells by the banks of Sangarius these tambourines, his scourge armed with bones, these noisy brazen cymbals, and a scented lock of his hair.
[235] THALLUS { Ph 2 } G
Caesar, * offspring of the unconquered race of Romulus, joy of the farthest East and West, we sing your divine birth, and round the altars pour glad libations to the gods. But may you, treading in your grandsire's steps, abide with us, even as we pray, for many years.
* Tiberius. By "grandsire" Julius must be meant.
Philippus →
[237] ANTISTIUS { Ph 1 } G
cp. Nos. 217-220
The priest of Rhea dedicated to the mountain-Mother of the gods this raiment and these locks owing to an adventure such as this. As he was walking alone in the wood a savage lion met him and a struggle for his life was imminent. But the goddess put it in his mind to beat his tambourine and he made the ravening brute take flight, dreading the awful din. For this reason his locks hang from the whistling branches.
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
Philippus →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Crinagoras →
[243] DIODORUS { Ph 3 } G
"Hera, who watch over Samos and to whom belongs Imbrasus, accept, gracious goddess, this birthday sacrifice, these heifer victims, dearest of all to you, if we priests know the law of the blessed gods. " Thus Maximus prayed as he poured the libation, and she granted his prayer without fail, nor did the spinning Fates grudge it.
Crinagoras →
[245] DIODORUS { Ph 4 } G
Diogenes, when he saw his yard-arm broken by the blast of Boreas, as the tempest lashed the Carpathian sea by night, vowed, if he escaped death, to hang me, this little cloak, in your holy porch, Boeotian Cabeirus, in memory of that stormy voyage ; and I pray you keep poverty too from his door.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Philippus →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Crinagoras →
[254] MYRINUS { Ph 2 } G
When Time was about to drag down to Hades limp Statyllius, the effeminate old stump of Aphrodite, he dedicated in the porch of Priapus his light summer dresses dyed in scarlet and crimson, his false hair greasy with spikenard, his white shoes that shone on his shapely ankles, the chest in which reposed his cotton frippery, and his flute that breathed sweet music in the revels of the harlot tribe.
[255] ERYCIUS { Ph 5 } G
Saōn of Ambracia, the herdsman, broke off this his straying bull's mutilated horn two cubits long, when, searching for him on the hill-side and leafy gullies, he spied him on the river-bank cooling his feet and sides. The bull rushed straight at him from one side, but he with his club knocked off his curving horn, and put it up on this wild pear-tree by the byre, musical with the lowing of the herd.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
[258] ADAEUS { Ph 2 } G
This ewe, O Demeter, who preside over the furrows, and this hornless heifer, and the round cake in a basket, upon this threshing-floor on which he winnowed a huge pile of sheaves and saw a goodly harvest, Crethon consecrates to you, Lady of the many heaps. * Every year make his field rich in wheat and barley.
* i. e. the heaps of grain on the threshing-floor.
Philippus →
[260] GEMINUS { Ph 8 } G
Phryne dedicated to the Thespians the winged Love beautifully wrought, the price of her favours. The work is the gift of Cypris, a gift to envy, with which no fault can be found, and Love was a fitting payment for both. * I praise for two forms of art the man who, giving a god to others, had a more perfect god in his soul.
* Phryne and Praxiteles.
Crinagoras →
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
Mnasalcas →
[265] NOSSIS { H 3 } G
Hera revered, who often descending from heaven look on your Lacinian shrine fragrant with frankincense, accept the linen garment which Theophilis, daughter of Cleocha, wove for you with her noble daughter Nossis.
[266] HEGESIPPUS { H 3 } G
This Artemis in the cross-ways did Hagelochia, the daughter of Damaretus, * erect while still a virgin in her father's house ; for the goddess herself appeared to her, by the weft of her loom, like a flame of fire.
* The well-known king of Sparta, c. 500 B. C.
[267] DIOTIMUS { H 1 } G
Stand here, Artemis the Saviour, with your torch on the land of Pollis, * and give your delightful light to him and to his children. The task is easy ; for he has from Zeus no feeble knowledge of the unerring scales of Justice. And, Artemis, let the Graces too race over this grove, treading on the flowers with their light sandals.
* A man learned in the law. who begs that other graces of life too may be his.
Mnasalcas →
[269] Said to be by SAPPHO { F 1 } G
Children, though I am a dumb stone, if any ask, then I answer clearly, having set down at my feet the words I am never weary of speaking : "Arista, daughter of Hermocleides the son of Sauneus, dedicated me to Artemis Aethopia. Thy ministrant is she, sovereign lady of women ; rejoice in this her gift of herself, * and be willing to glorify our race. "
* The statue was one of Arista herself.
[270] NICIAS { H 3 } G
The head-kerchief and water-blue veil of Amphareta rest on your head, Eileithyia ; for them she vowed to you when she prayed you to keep dreadful death far away from her in her labour.
[271] PHAEDIMUS { H 1 } G
Artemis, the son of Cichesias dedicated the shoes to you, and Themistodice the simple folds of her gown, because that coming in gentle guise without your bow you held your two hands over her in her labour. But Artemis, vouchsafe to see this baby boy of Leon's grow great and strong.
[272] PERSES { H 2 } G
Her girdle and flowered frock, and the band that clasps her breasts tight, did Timaessa dedicate, Artemis, to you, when in the tenth month she was freed from the burden and pain of difficult travail.
[273] NOSSIS ? { H 12 } G
Artemis, lady of Delos and lovely Ortygia, lay by your stainless bow in the bosom of the Graces, wash you clean in Inopus, and come to Locri to deliver Alcetis from the hard pangs of childbirth.
[274] PERSES { H 3 } G
Goddess, saviour of children, blest Eileithyia, receive and keep as your fee for delivering Tisis, who well remembers, from her pangs, this bridal brooch and the diadem from her glossy hair.
[275] NOSSIS { H 5 } G
With joy, it is likely, Aphrodite will receive this offering from Symaetha, the caul that bound her hair ; for it is delicately wrought and has a certain sweet smell of nectar, that nectar with which she, too, anoints lovely Adonis.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[277] DAMAGETUS { H 1 } G
Artemis, who wield the bow and the arrows of might, by your fragrant temple has Arsinoē, the maiden daughter of Ptolemy, * left this lock of her own hair, cutting it from her lovely tresses.
* Probably Arsinoe III, the daughter of Ptolemy III, king of Egypt.
[278] RHIANUS { H 8 } G
Gorgus, son of Asclepiades, dedicates to Phoebus the fair this fair lock, a gift from his lovely head. But, Delphinian Phoebus, be gracious to the boy, and establish him in good fortune till his hair be grey.
[279] EUPHORION { H 1 } G
When Eudoxus first sheared his beautiful hair, he gave to Phoebus the glory of his boyhood ; and now vouchsafe, O Far-shooter, that instead of these tresses the ivy of Acharnae * may ever rest on his head as he grows.
* Acharnae is near Athens. A crown of ivy was the prize in musical contests.
[280] Anonymous { H 41 } G
Timareta, the daughter of Timaretus, before her wedding, has dedicated to you, Artemis of the lake, her tambourine and her pretty ball, and the caul that kept up her hair, and her dolls, too, and their dresses ; a virgin's gift, as is fit, to virgin Artemis. * But, daughter of Leto, hold your hand over the girl, and purely keep her in her purity.
* In Greek the same word is used for "girl" and "doll".
Leonidas →
[282] THEODORUS { H 1 } G
To you, Hermes, did Calliteles suspend his felt hat made of well-carded sheep's wool, his double pin, his strigil, his unstrung bow, his worn chlamys soaked with sweat, his arrows (? ), * and the ball he never tired of throwing. Accept, I pray you, friend of youth, these gifts, the souvenirs of a well-conducted adolescence.
* In this, as in some other epigrams, obscure words are used purposely as by Lycophron.
[283] Anonymous { H 39 } G
She who formerly boasted of her wealthy lovers and never bowed the knee to Nemesis, the dread goddess, now weaves on a poor loom cloth she is paid for. Late in the day hath Athene despoiled Cypris.
[284] Anonymous { H 40 } G
Philaeniŏn, by sleeping secretly in Agamedes' bosom, wrought for herself the grey robe. Cypris herself was the weaver ; but may women's well-spun thread and spindles lie idle in the work-basket.
Nicarchus →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
Dioscorides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[292] HEDYLUS { H 1 } G
The snood and purple vest, and the Laconian robes, and the gold piping for the tunic, all fell to (? ) Niconoē, for the girl was an ambrosial blossom of the Loves and Graces. Therefore to Priapus, who was judge in the beauty-contest, she dedicates the fawn-skin and this golden jug.
Leonidas →
[294] PHANIAS { H 2 } G
This poet also uses obscure words on purpose, and much is conjecture.
Callon, his limbs fettered by senile fatigue, dedicates to Hermes the Lord these tokens of his career as a schoolmaster : the staff that guided his feet, his tawse, and the fennel-rod that lay ever ready to his hand to tap little boys with on the head, his lithe whistling bull's knob, his one-soled slipper, and the skull-cap of his hairless pate.
[295] PHANIAS { H 3 } G
Ascondas, when he came in for an exciseman's lickerish sop, * hung up here to the Muses the implements of his penury : his penknife, the sponge he used to line to wipe his Cnidian pens, the ruler for marking off the margins, his paper-weight that marks the place (? ), his ink-horn, his compasses that draw circles, his pumice for smoothing, and his blue spectacles (? ) that give sweet light.
* i. e. fat place.
Leonidas →
[297] PHANIAS { H 4 } G
Alcimus hung up in Athene's porch, when he found a treasure (for otherwise his often-bent back would perhaps have gone down curved to Hades), his toothless rake, a piece of his noisy hoe wanting its olive-wood handle, his . . . , his mallet that destroys the clods, his one-pronged pickaxe, his rake, * and his sewn baskets for carrying earth.
* It seems evident that two kinds of rake, which we cannot distinguish, are mentioned.
Leonidas →
[299] PHANIAS { H 5 } G
To you, wayside Hermes, I offer this portion of a noble cluster of grapes, this piece of a rich cake from the oven, this black fig, this soft olive that does not hurt the gums, some scrapings of round cheeses, some Cretan meal, a heap of crumbling . . . . , and an after-dinner glass of wine. Let Cypris, my goddess, enjoy them too, and I promise to sacrifice to you both on the beach a white-footed kid.
Leonidas →
Callimachus (48)
Leonidas →
[303] ARISTON { H 3 } G
Mice, if you have come for bread, go to some other corner (my hut is ill-supplied), where ye shall nibble fat cheese and dried figs, and get a plentiful dinner from the scraps. But if you sharpen your teeth again on my books you shall suffer for it and find that you come to no pleasant banquet.
[304] PHANIAS { H 6 } G
Fisher of the beach, come from the rock on to the dry land and begin the day well with this early buyer. If you have caught in your weel black-tails or some mormyre, or wrasse, or sparus, or small fry, you will call me lucky, who prefer not flesh but the fruit of the sea to make me forget I am munching a dry crust. But if you bring me bony chalcides or some thrissa, * good-bye and better luck ! I have not got a throat made of stone.
* I am acquainted with these fish, which retain their names, but am unable to give their scientific names or nearest English equivalent. The thrissa is a fish that goes in shoals, a little like mackerel and not particularly bony ; the chalcis is a kind of bream.
Leonidas →
[306] ARISTON { H 1 } G
Spinther, the cook, when he shook off the burden of slavery, gave these tokens of his calling to Hermes : his pot, this flesh-hook, his highly-curved pork-spit (? ), the stirrer for soup, his feather fan, and his bronze cauldron, together with his axe and slaughtering-knife, his soup-ladle beside the spits, his sponge for wiping, resting beneath the strong chopper, this two-headed pestle, and with it the stone mortar and the trough for holding meat.
[307] PHANIAS { H 7 } G
Eugathes of Lapithē cast away with scorn his mirror, his cloth that loves hair, a fragment of his shaving-bowl, his reed scraper, his scissors that have deserted their work, and his pointed nail-file. He cast away, too, his scissors, * razors, and barber's chair, and leaving his shop ran prancing off to Epicurus to be a garden-student. There he listened as a donkey listens to the lyre, and he would have died of hunger if he had not thought better of it and run home.
* Two kinds of scissors seem to be mentioned.
Asclepiades →
Leonidas →
Callimachus (49)
Callimachus (50)
Anyte →
[313] BACCHYLIDES { F 2 } G
Famous daughter of Pallas, holy Victory, look ever with good will on the beauteous chorus of the Carthaeans, and crown Ceian Bacchylides with many wreaths at the sports of the Muses.
314-320 are couplets of Nicodemus of Heracleia which can be read backwards
Odysseus, his long road finished, brought you this cloak and robe, Penelope.
In thanks for my help Ophelion painted me the goat-footed Pan, the friend of Bacchus and son of Arcadian Hermes.
Ophelion painted the tears of dripping Aerope, * the remains of the impious feast and the requital.
* Daughter of Crateus, king of Crete, and subsequently wife of Atreus. Owing to an oracle she was cast into the sea by her father, but escaped. "The impious feast" is the feast of Thyestes by Atreus and "the requital" is the murder of Agamemnon.
Praxiteles carved of Parian marble Danaē and the draped Nymphs, but me, Pan, he carved of Pentelic marble.
We young men, after sacrificing a calf to Aphrodite, the Nurser of youth, conduct the brides with joy from their chambers.
By the light of burning torches in her father's spacious house I received the maiden from the hands of Cypris.
Hail, lovely Ascania, and the golden orgies of Bacchus, and the chief of his initiated.
321-329 are Isopsepha (poems in which the sum of the letters taken as numerical signs is identical in each couplet).
On your birthday, Caesar {? Nero}, the Egyptian Muse of Leonidas offers you these lines. The offering of Calliope * is ever smokeless ; but next year, if you will, she will offer you a larger sacrifice.
* i. e. of poets.
Behold again the work of Leonidas' flourishing Muse, this playful distich, neat and well expressed. This will be a lovely plaything for Marcus at the Saturnalia, and at banquets, and among lovers of the Muses.
Not Isopsephon, but can be read backwards.
Oedipus was the brother of his children and his mother's husband, and blinded himself by his own hands.
Who offered to me, Ares the sacker of cities, rich cakes, and grapes, and roses ? Let them offer these to the Nymphs, but I, bold Ares, accept not bloodless sacrifices on my altars.
One sends you, Eupolis, birthday gifts from the hunting-net, another from the air, a third from the sea. From me accept a line of my Muse which will survive for ever, a token of friendship and of learned skill.
Nicis the Libyan, son of Lysimachus, dedicates his Cretan quiver and curved bow to you, Artemis ; for he had exhausted the arrows that filled the belly of the quiver by shooting at does and dappled hinds.
One verse here gives the same figures as the other, not a distich the same as a distich, for I no longer care to be lengthy.
Accept from me, Caesar {? Nero}, the third volume of my thankful gift to you, this token of my skill in making isopsepha, so that the Nile may despatch through Greece to your land this most musical gift.
One will send crystal, another silver, a third topazes, rich birthday gifts. But I, look, having merely made two isopsephon distiches for Agrippina, am content with this my gift that envy shall not damage.
[331] GAETULICUS { F 3 } G
Alcon, seeing his child in the coils of a murderous serpent, bent his bow with trembling hand ; yet he did not miss the monster, but the arrow pierced its jaws just a little above where the infant was. Relieved of his fear, he dedicated on this tree his quiver, the token of good luck and good aim.
[332] HADRIAN { F 1 } G
To Casian Zeus * did Trajan, the descendant of Aeneas, dedicate these ornaments, the king of men to the king of gods : two curiously fashioned cups and the horn of a urus mounted in shining gold, selected from his first booty when, tirelessly fighting, he had overthrown with his spear the insolent Getae. But, Lord of the black clouds, entrust to him, too, the glorious accomplishment of this Persian war, that your heart's joy may be doubled as you look on the spoils of both foes, the Getae and the Arsacidae.
* i. e. it was at Antioch in Syria on his way to the Persian war (A. D. 106) that Trajan made this dedication.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Theocritus (I)
Theocritus (VIII)
Theocritus (X)
Theocritus (XII)
Theocritus (XIII)
Simonides →
Simonides →
Crinagoras →
[346] ANACREON { F 4 } G
Give Tellis a pleasant life, O son of Maia, recompensing him for these sweet gifts ; grant that he may dwell in the justly-ruled deme of Euonymon, enjoying good fortune all his days.
Callimachus (35)
[348] DIODORUS { Ph 16 } G
These mournful lines from the skilled pen of Diodorus tell that this tomb was carved for one who died before her time in child-birth, in bearing a boy. I mourn her whom I received, blooming Athenaïs the daughter of Mela, who left sorrow to the ladies of Lesbos and to her father Jason. But you had no care, then, Artemis, but for your hounds deadly to beasts.
Philodemus →
Crinagoras →
Callimachus (36)
[352] ERINNA { H 3 } G
This picture is the work of delicate hands ; so, good Prometheus, there are men whose skill is equal to yours. At least if he who painted this girl thus to the life had but added speech, she would be, Agatharchis, your complete self.
[353] NOSSIS { H 8 } G
It is Melinna herself. See how her sweet face seems to look kindly at me. How truly the daughter resembles her mother in everything ! It is surely a lovely thing when children are like their parents.
[354] NOSSIS { H 9 } G
Even from here this picture of Sabaethis is to be known by its beauty and majesty. Look at the wise house-wife. I hope to look soon from nigh on her gentle self. All hail, blessed among women!
Leonidas →
[356] PANCRATES { H 2 } G
Aristodice and Ameinō, the two Cretan four-year-old daughters of Cleiō your priestess, Artemis, are dedicated here by their mother. See, O Queen, what fair children she has, and make you two priestesses instead of one.
[357] THEAETETUS { H 1 } G
A. May you be blest, O children. Who are your parents, and what pretty names did they give to their pretty ones ? B. I am Nicanor, and my father is Aepioretus, and my mother Hegeso, and I am a Macedonian. C. And I am Phila and this is my brother.
We are both dedicated here owing to a vow of our parents.
[358] DIOTIMUS { H 7 } G
Hail, dainty frock, that Lydian Omphale doffed to go to the bed of Heracles. You were blessed then, frock, and blessed again are you now that you have entered this golden house of Artemis.
Attalus' home page | 22. 08. 17 | Any comments?
Greek Anthology: Book 7
This selection from Book 7 of the Greek Anthology contains all the epigrams written before the middle of the first century A. D. , as listed in three editions:
(H) A. S. F. Gow & D. L. Page, "The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams"
(Ph) A. S. F. Gow & D. L. Page, "The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip and Some Contemporary Epigrams"
(F) D. L. Page, "Further Greek Epigrams"
The labels in green are the numbers assigned to the epigrams in one of these editions. The labels in red are their numbers within the Anthology.
Translations of most of the epigrams are already available elsewhere, as indicated by the links. The translations of the remaining epigrams are taken from the edition by W. R. Paton (1916-18), but have been modified to remove some of the archaic language. Click on G to go to the Greek text of each epigram.
Alcaeus →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Alcaeus →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[9] DAMAGETUS { H 2 } G
On the poet Orpheus, son of Oeagrus and Calliope
The tomb on the Thracian skirts of Olympus holds Orpheus, son of the Muse Calliope ; whom the trees disobeyed not and the lifeless rocks followed, and the herds of the forest beasts ; who discovered the mystic rites of Bacchus, and first linked verse in heroic feet; who charmed with his lyre even the heavy sense of the implacable Lord of Hell, and his unyielding wrath.
[10] Anonymous { F 31 } G
On the Same
The fair-haired daughters of Bistonia shed a thousand tears for Orpheus dead, the son of Calliope and Oeagrus ; they stained their tattooed arms with blood, and dyed their Thracian locks with black ashes. The very Muses of Pieria, with Apollo, the master of the lute, burst into tears mourning for the singer, and the rocks moaned, and the trees, that once he charmed with his lovely lyre.
Asclepiades →
[12] Anonymous { F 39 } G
On Erinna
Just as you were giving birth to the spring of your honeyed hymns, and beginning to sing with your swan-like voice, Fate, mistress of the distaff that spins the thread, bore you over the wide lake of the dead to Acheron. But the beautiful work, Erinna, of your verse cries aloud that you are not dead, but join in the dance of the Muses.
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[16] PINYTUS { Ph 1 } G
On Sappho
The tomb holds the bones and the dumb name of Sappho, but her skilled words are immortal.
On the Same
When you pass, O stranger, by the Aeolian tomb, say not that I, the Lesbian poetess, am dead. This tomb was built by the hands of men, and such works of mortals are lost in swift oblivion. But if you enquire about me for the sake of the Muses, from each of whom I took a flower to lay beside my nine flowers of song, * you shall find that I escaped the darkness of death, and that no sun shall dawn and set without memory of lyric Sappho.
* i. e. books of verse.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Leonidas →
Simonides →
[21] SIMIAS { H 4 } G
On Sophocles
O Sophocles, son of Sophillus, singer of choral odes, Attic star of the tragic Muse, whose locks the curving ivy of Acharnae often crowned in the orchestra and on the stage, a tomb and a little portion of earth hold you ; but your exquisite life shines yet in your immortal pages.
[22] SIMIAS { H 5 } G
On the Same
Gently over the tomb of Sophocles, gently creep, O ivy, flinging forth your green curls, and all about let the petals of the rose bloom, and the vine that loves her fruit shed her pliant tendrils around, for the sake of that wise-hearted beauty of diction that the Muses and Graces in common bestowed on the sweet singer.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[28] Anonymous { F 35a } G
On Anacreon
O stranger, who pass this tomb of Anacreon, pour a libation to me in going by, for I am a wine-bibber.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Dioscorides →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Leonidas →
[36] ERYCIAS { Ph 11 } G
On Sophocles
Ever, O divine Sophocles, may the ivy that adorns the stage dance with soft feet over your polished monument. Ever may the tomb be encompassed by bees that bedew it, the children of the ox, and drip with honey of Hymettus, that there be ever store of wax flowing for you to spread on your Attic writing tablets, and that your locks may never want a wreath.
Dioscorides →
[38] DIODORUS { Ph 12 } G
On Aristophanes
Divine Aristophanes lies dead beneath me. If you ask which, it is the comic poet who keeps the memory of the old stage alive.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[40] DIODORUS { Ph 13 } G
On Aeschylus
This tombstone says that Aeschylus the great lies here, far from his own Attica, by the white waters of Sicilian Gelas. What spiteful grudge against the good is this, alas, that ever besets the sons of Theseus ?
[41] Anonymous { F 43 } G
On Callimachus
Hail blessed one, even in the house of Hades, Callimachus, dearest companion of the divine Muses.
[43] ION { F 1 } G
On Euripides
Hail, Euripides, dwelling in the chamber of eternal night in the dark-robed valleys of Pieria! Know, though you are under earth, that your renown shall be everlasting, equal to the perennial charm of Homer.
[44] ION { F 2 } G
On the Same
Though a tearful fate befell you, O Euripides, devoured by wolf-hounds, you, the honey-voiced nightingale of the stage, the ornament of Athens, who mingled the grace of the Muses with wisdom, yet you were laid in the tomb at Pella, that the servant of the Pierian Muses should dwell near the home of his mistresses.
On the Same
All Hellas is the monument of Euripides, but the Macedonian land holds his bones, for it sheltered the end of his life. His country was Athens, the Hellas of Hellas, and as by his verse he gave exceeding delight, so from many he receives praise.
[46] Anonymous { F 37 } G
On the Same
This is not your monument, Euripides, but you are the memorial of it, for by your glory is this monument encompassed.
Bianor →
[50] ARCHIMEDES { F 1 } G
On the Same
Tread not, O poet, the path of Euripides, neither essay it, for it is hard for man to walk therein. Smooth it is to look on, and well beaten, but if one sets his foot on it, it is rougher than if set with cruel stakes. Scratch but the surface of Medea, * Aeëtes' daughter, and you shall lie below forgotten. Hands off his crowns.
* By retouching.
[51] ADAEUS { Ph 3 } G
On the Same
Neither dogs slew you, Euripides, nor the rage of women, you enemy of the secrets of Cypris, but Death and old age, and under Macedonian Arethusa you lie, honoured by the friendship of Archelaus. Yet it is not this that I account your tomb, but the altar of Bacchus and the buskin-trodden stage.
[52] DEMIURGUS { F 1 } G
On Hesiod
I hold Hesiod of Ascra the glory of spacious Hellas and the ornament of Poesy.
Mnasalcas →
Alcaeus →
[60] SIMIAS { H 6 } G
On Plato
Here lies the divine Aristocles, * who excelled all mortals in temperance and the ways of justice. If anyone gained from all men much praise for wisdom it was he, and no envy therewith.
* Plato's original name .
[61] SPEUSIPPUS { F 1a } G
On the Same
The earth in her bosom hides here the body of Plato, but his soul has its immortal station among the blest, the soul of Ariston's son, whom every good man, even if he dwell in a far land, honours in that he saw the divine life.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[66] HONESTUS { Ph 2 } G
On Diogenes
The staff, and wallet, and thick cloak, were the very light burden of wise Diogenes in life. I bring all to the ferryman, for I left nothing on earth. But you, Cerberus dog, fawn on me, the Dog.
Leonidas →
Archias →
[71] GAETULICUS { F 4 } G
On Archilochus
This tomb by the sea is that of Archilochus, who first made the Muse bitter dipping her in vipers' gall, staining mild Helicon with blood. Lycambes knows it, mourning for his three daughters hanged. Pass quietly by, O way-farer, lest haply you arouse the wasps that are settled on his tomb.
[72] MENANDER { F 1 } G
On Epicurus and Themistocles
Hail, you twin-born sons of Neocles, of whom the one saved his country from slavery the other from folly.
[73] GEMINUS { Ph 1 } G
On Themistocles
In place of a simple tomb put Hellas, and on her put ships to signify the destroyed barbaric fleets; and round the frieze of the tomb paint the Persian host and Xerxes - thus bury Themistocles. And Salamis shall stand thereon, a pillar telling of my deeds. Why lay you so great a man in a little space?
[74] DIODORUS { Ph 14 } G
On Themistocles
The people of Magnesia raised to Themistocles this monument in a land not his own, when after saving his country from the Medes, he was laid in foreign earth under a foreign stone. Verily Envy so willed, and deeds of valour have less privilege than she.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Dioscorides →
Simonides →
On Eratosthenes
A mild old age, no darkening disease, put out your light, Eratosthenes son of Aglaus, and, your high studies over, you sleep the appointed sleep. Cyrene your mother did not receive you into the tombs of your fathers, but you are buried on this fringe of Proteus' shore, * beloved even in a strange land.
* i. e. at Alexandria.
Meleager →
Callimachus (2)
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Callimachus (1)
[99] PLATO { F 10 } G
On Dion
The Fates decreed tears for Hecuba and the Trojan women even at the hour of their birth ; and after you, Dion, had triumphed in the accomplishment of noble deeds, the gods spilt all your far-reaching hopes. But you lie in your spacious city, honoured by your countrymen, Dion, who maddened my soul with love.
[100] PLATO { F 6 } G
On Alexis and Phaedrus {not an epitaph}
Now when I said nothing except just that Alexis is fair, he is looked at everywhere and by everyone when he appears. Why, my heart, do you point out bones to dogs and have to sorrow for it afterwards ? Was it not thus that I lost Phaedrus ?
[103] ANTAGORAS { H 1 } G
On Polemon and Crates
Stranger, as you pass by, tell that this tomb holds god-like Crates and Polemon, great-hearted kindred spirits, from whose inspired mouths the holy word rushed. A pure pursuit * of wisdom, obedient to their unswerving doctrines, adorned their divine lives.
* "Life" in the Greek, but English will not bear the repetition. Polemon and Crates were Academic philosophers of the early 3rd century B. C.
[117] ZENODOTUS { H 1 } G
On Zenon the Stoic
Zenon, reverend grey-browed sage, you did found the self-sufficient life, abandoning the pursuit of vainglorious wealth ; for virile (and you trained yourself to foresight) was the school of thought you instituted, the mother of dauntless freedom. If your country were Phoenicia what reproach is that ? Cadmus too, from whom Greece learnt writing, was a Phoenician.
[125] Anonymous { F 35b } G
On Epicharmus
Even as the great burning sun surpasses the stars and the sea is stronger than the rivers, so I say that Epicharmus, whom this his city Syracuse crowned, excells all in wisdom.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
On Hector
Hector, constant theme of Homer's books, strongest bulwark of the god-built wall, Homer rested at your death and with that the pages of the Iliad were silenced.
[139] Anonymous { F 40 } G
On the Same and on Alexander of Macedon
With Hector perished Troy and no longer raised her hand to resist the attack of the Danaans. And Pella, too, perished with Alexander. So fatherlands glory in men, their sons, not men in their fatherlands.
Archias →
Antiphilus →
Asclepiades →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[154] Anonymous { F 87 } G
On Coroebus
I am set here, an image common to the Megarians and the Argives, the avenger of unhappy Psamathe. A ghoul, a denizen of the tomb am I, and he who slew me was Coroebus; here under my feet he lies, all for the tripod. For even so did the voice of Delphi decree, that I should be the monument of Apollo's bride and tell her story. *
* Apollo, to avenge the death of the child which Psamathe the Argive princess bore him, sent a female demon {Poinē} which carried off babies. This demon was killed by Coroebus. He was pardoned by Apollo and ordered to settle wherever a tripod he carried fell. This was near Megara, and on his tomb at Megara he was represented killing the Poinē.
[156] ISIDORUS OF AEGAE { Ph 1 } G
By his bird-lime and canes Eumelus lived on the creatures of the air, simply but in freedom. Never did he kiss a strange hand for his belly's sake. This his craft supplied him with luxury and delight. Ninety years he lived, and now sleeps here, having left to his children his bird-lime, nets and canes.
Nicarchus →
[160] ANACREON { F 2 } G
Valiant in war was Timocritus, whose tomb this is. War is not sparing of the brave, but of cowards.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Dioscorides →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Archias →
Dioscorides →
Dioscorides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[169] Anonymous { F 68 } G
On the statue of a heifer that stands opposite Byzantium in Chrysopolis. Inscribed on the column.
I am not the image of the Argive heifer, nor is the sea that faces me, the Bosporus, called after me. She of old was driven to Pharos by the heavy wrath of Hera; but I here am a dead Athenian woman, I was the bed-fellow of Chares, and sailed with him when he sailed here to meet Philip's ships in battle. * I was called Boeïdiŏn {"little cow"} then, and now I, bed-fellow of Chares, enjoy a view of two continents.
* B. C. 340.
Poseidippus (VI)
Mnasalcas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Leonidas →
[174] ERYCIUS { Ph 7 } G
On the same theme as epigram 173
No longer, Therimachus, do you play your shepherds' tunes on the pipes near this crooked-leaved plane. Nor shall the horned cattle listen again to the sweet music you did make, reclining by the shady oak. The burning bolt of heaven slew you, and they at nightfall came down the hill to their byre driven by the snow.
Antiphilus →
Antiphilus →
Simonides →
Dioscorides →
[179] Anonymous { F 25 } G
Now, too, underground I remain faithful to you, master, as before, not forgetting your kindness - how thrice when I was sick you set me safe upon my feet, and have laid me now under sufficient shelter, announcing on the stone my name, Manes, a Persian. Because you have been good to me you shall have slaves more ready to serve you in the hour of need.
Apollonides →
[181] ANDRONICUS { F 1 } G
Sore pitied, dear Democrateia, did you go to the dark house of Acheron, leaving your mother to lament. And she, when you were dead, shore the grey hairs from her old head with the newly-sharpened steel.
Meleager →
[183] PARMENION { Ph 3 } G
{As she had just loosed her maiden girdle} . . . Death came first and took the maidenhood of Crocale. The bridal song ended in wailing, and the fond anxiety of her parents was set to rest not by marriage but by the tomb.
[184] PARMENION { Ph 4 } G
I am the tomb of the maiden Helen, and in mourning too for her brother who died before her I receive double tears from their mother. To her suitors I left a common grief ; for the hope of all mourned equally for her who was yet no one's.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Philippus →
Philippus →
Unhappy Cleanassa, you were ripe for marriage, being in the bloom of your age. But at your wedding attended not Hymenaeus to preside at the feast, nor did Hera who links man and wife come with her torches. Black-robed Hades burst in and by him the fell Erinys chanted the dirge of death. On the very day that the lights were lit around your bridal bed you came to no wedding chamber, but to your funeral pyre.
No longer, shrill-voiced locust, shall the sun look on you, as you sing in the wealthy house of Alkis, for now you have flown to the meadows of Hades and the dewy flowers of golden Persephone.
Anyte →
Archias →
Mnasalcas →
[193] SIMIAS { H 2 } G
{Not an Epitaph}
This locust crouching in the leaves of a vine I caught as I was walking in this copse of fair trees, so that in a well-fenced home it may make noise for me, chirping pleasantly with its tongueless mouth.
Mnasalcas →
Meleager →
Meleager →
[197] PHAENNUS { H 2 } G
I am the locust who brought deep sleep to Democritus, when I started the shrill music of my wings. And Democritus, O wayfarer, raised for me when I died a seemly tomb near Oropus.
Leonidas →
[199] TYMNES { H 4 } G
On an unknown bird called elaeus
Bird, nursling of the Graces, who didst modulate your voice till it was like unto a halcyon's, you are gone, dear elaeus, and the silent ways of night possess your gentleness and your sweet breath.
[200] NICIAS { H 4 } G
No longer curled under the leafy branch shall I delight in sending forth a voice from my tender wings. For I fell into the . . . hand of a boy, who caught me stealthily as I was seated on the green leaves.
[201] PAMPHILUS { H 1 } G
No longer perched on the green leaves do you shed abroad your sweet call, for as you were singing, noisy cicada, a foolish boy with outstretched hand slew you.
Anyte →
[203] SIMIAS { H 1 } G
No longer, my decoy partridge, do you shed from your throat your resonant cry through the shady coppice, hunting your pencilled fellows in their woodland feeding-ground ; for you are gone on your last journey to the house of Acheron.
Meleager →
Anyte →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[211] TYMNES { H 5 } G
The stone tells that it contains here the white Maltese dog, Eumelus' faithful guardian. They called him Bull while he still lived, but now the silent paths of night possess his voice.
Mnasalcas →
Archias →
Archias →
Anyte →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Asclepiades →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Lais, whose bloom was so lovely and delightful in the eyes of all, she who alone culled the lilies of the Graces, no longer looks on the course of the Sun's golden-bitted steeds, but sleeps the appointed sleep, having bid farewell to revelling and young men's rivalries and lovers' torments and the lamp her confidant.
Philodemus →
[223] THYILLUS { F 2 } G
The castanet dancer Aristiŏn, who used to toss her hair among the pines in honour of Cybele, carried away by the music of the horned flute ; she who could empty one upon the other three cups of untempered wine, rests here beneath the poplars, no more taking delight in love and the fatigue of the night-festivals. A long farewell to revels and frenzy ! It lies low, the holy head that was once covered by garlands of flowers.
[226] ANACREON OF TEOS { F 1 } G
This whole city acclaimed Agathon, the doughty warrior, as he lay on the pyre after dying for Abdera ; for Ares greedy of blood slew no other young man like to him in the whirlwind of the dreadful fight.
[227] DIOTIMUS { H 2 } G
Not even a lion is as terrible in the mountains, as was Micon's son Crinagoras in the clash of the shields. If this his covering be little, find no fault thereat ; little is this land, but it bears men brave in war.
[228] Anonymous { H 44 } G
Androtion built me for himself, his children and his wife. As yet I am no one's grave and so may I remain for long ; but if it must be so, may I give earlier welcome to the earlier born.
Dioscorides →
[230] ERYCIUS OF CYZICUS { Ph 12 } G
Demetrius, when your mother received you after your flight from the battle, all your fine arms lost, herself she straightway drove the death-dealing spear through your sturdy side, and said "Die and let Sparta bear no blame ; it was no fault of hers if my milk reared cowards. "
[231] DAMAGETUS { H 4 } G
Thus for Ambracia's sake the warrior Aristagoras, son of Theopompus, holding his shield on high, chose death rather than flight. Wonder not thereat: a Dorian cares for his country, not for the loss of his young life.
Anyte →
Apollonides →
Philippus →
[235] DIODORUS OF TARSUS { Ph 11 } G
Measure not by this Magnesian tomb the greatness of the name, nor forget the deeds of Themistocles. Judge of the patriot by Salamis and the ships, and thereby shall you find him greater than Athens herself.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Carve on my tomb the mountains and the sea, and midmost of both the sun as witness ; yea, and the deep currents of the ever-flowing rivers, whose streams sufficed not for Xerxes' host of the thousand ships. Carve Salamis too, here where the Magnesian people proclaim the tomb of dead Themistocles. *
* The last line does not seem to me to have much meaning, if any, as it stands. We expect "that the Magnesians may duly honour the tomb. "
[238] ADDAEUS { Ph 4 } G
I, Philip, who first set the steps of Macedonia in the path of war, lie here clothed in the earth of Aegae. No king before me did such deeds, and if any have greater to boast of, it is because he is of my blood. *
* This refers to Alexander.
[239] PARMENION { Ph 5 } G
It is a lying report that Alexander is dead if Phoebus be true. Not even Hades can lay hand on the invincible. *
* Phoebus had proclaimed him invincible.
[240] ADDAEUS { Ph 5 } G
If one would sing of the tomb of Alexander of Macedon, let him say that both continents are his monument.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Mnasalcas →
[243] LOLLIUS BASSUS { Ph 2 } G
Look on this tomb beside the Phocian rock. I am the monument of those three hundred who were slain by the Persians, who died far from Sparta, having dimmed the might of Media and Lacedaemon alike. As for the image of an ox-slaying (? ) beast * say "It is the monument of the commander Leonidas. "
* i. e. a lion.
[244] GAETULICUS { F 5 } G
Fierce Ares drew these our swords, the three hundred from Argos and as many from Sparta, there where we fought out the fight from which no messenger returned, falling dead one upon another. Thyreae was the prize of the battle. *
* On the celebrated fight for Thyreae between three hundred Argives and as many Spartans. See Herodotus, i. 82, and Nos. 431, 432, below.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Alcaeus →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
[255] AESCHYLUS { F 1 } G
Dark Fate likewise slew these staunch spearmen, defending their country rich in flocks. Living is the fame of the dead, who steadfast to the last lie clothed in the earth of Ossa.
[256] PLATO { F 12 } G
Leaving behind the sounding surge of the Aegean we lie on the midmost of the plains of Ecbatana. Farewell, Eretria, once our glorious country; farewell, Athens, the neighbour of Euboea ; farewell, dear Sea. *
* On the Eretrians settled in Persia by Darius. See Herod, vi. 119
Simonides →
Simonides →
[259] PLATO { F 11 } G
We are Eretrians from Euboea and we lie near Susa, alas ! how far from our own land.
[172] Anonymous { F 20 } G
Cnidian Porphyris suspends before your chamber, Dionysus, these gauds of her beauty and her madness, her crowns, and this double thyrsus-spear, and her anklet, with all of which she raved her fill whenever she resorted to Dionysus, her ivy-decked fawn-skin knotted on her bosom.
[173] RHIANUS { H 7 } G
Achrylis, Rhea's Phrygian lady-in-waiting, who often under the pines loosed her consecrated hair, who often uttered from her lips the sharp cry, painful to hear, that Cybele's votaries use, dedicated her hair here at the door of the mountain goddess, where she rested her burning feet from the mad race.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Theocritus (II)
[178] HEGESIPPUS { H 2 } G
Accept me, Heracles, the consecrated shield of Archestratus, so that, resting against your polished porch I may grow old listening to song and dance. Enough of the hateful battle !
179-187 are another set of variants on the theme of epigrams 11-16
Archias →
Archias →
Archias →
Pigres dedicates to you, Pan, his nets for birds, Damis his for mountain beasts, and Cleitor his for those of the deep : a common gift from the brothers for their luck in the various kinds of chase to you who are skilled in the things of sea and land alike. In return for which, and recognising their piety, give one dominion in the sea, the other in the air, the third in the woods.
The hunter brothers suspended these nets to you, Pan, gifts from three sorts of chase ; Pigres from fowls, Cleitor from the sea, and Damis, the crafty tracker, from the land. But may you reward their toil with success in wood, sea, and air.
The three huntsmen, each from a different craft, dedicated these nets in Pan's temple ; Pigres who set his nets for birds, Cleitor who set his for sea-fishes, and Damis who set his for the beasts of the waste. Therefore, Pan, make them more successful, the one in the air, the other in the thicket, and the third on the beach.
This heavy net for forest beasts did Damis dedicate, Pigres his light net that brings death to birds, and Cleitor his simple sweep-net woven of thread for the sea, praying all three to Pan the hunter's god. Therefore, Pan, grant to strong Damis good booty of beasts, to Pigres of fowls, and to Cleitor of fishes.
[186] JULIUS DIOCLES { Ph 2 } G
We three brothers of one house have dedicated three nets to you, Pan, from mountain, air, and sea. Cast his nets for this one by the shingly beach, strike the game for this one in the woods, the home of wild beasts, and look with favour on the third among the birds ; for you have gifts, kind god, from all our netting.
The holy triad of brothers dedicate to Pan each a token of his own craft ; Pigres a portion from his birds, Cleitor from his fish, and Damis from his straight-cut stakes. In return for which grant to the one success by land, to the second by sea, and let the third win profit from the air.
Leonidas →
Anigrian nymphs, daughters of the stream, ambrosial beings that ever tread these depths with your rosy feet, all hail, and cure Cleonymus, who set up for you under the pines these fair images.
[190] GAETULICUS { F 2 } G
This and the following are in imitation of Leonidas' own poem, No. 300.
Take, honoured Cythereia, these poor gifts from poor Leonidas the poet, a bunch of five fine grapes, an early fig, sweet as honey, from the leafy branches, this leafless olive that swam in brine, a little handful of frugal barley-cake, and the libation that ever accompanies sacrifice, a small drop of wine, lurking in the bottom of the tiny cup. But if, as you have driven away the disease that weighed sore on me, so you do drive away my poverty, I will give you a fat goat.
Receive, Cypris, these gifts of Leonidas out of a poverty which is, as you know, untempered but honest, these purple gleanings from the vine, this pickled olive, the prescribed sacrifice of barley-cake, a libation of wine which I strained off without shaking the vessel, and the sweet figs. Save me from want, as you have saved me from sickness, and then you shall see me sacrificing cattle. But hasten, goddess, to earn and receive my thanks.
Archias →
Archias →
The bandy-legged, two-clawed sand-diver, the retrograde, neckless, eight-footed, the solid-backed, hard-skinned swimmer, the crab, does Copasus the line-fisher offer to Pan, as the first-fruits of his catch.
Simonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Leonidas →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Leonidas →
Philippus →
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Archias →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Now past her fiftieth year, amorous Nicias hangs in the temple of Cypris her sandals, locks of her uncoiled hair, her bronze mirror that lacks not accuracy, her precious girdle, and the things of which a man may not speak. But here you see the whole pageant of Cypris.
Leonidas →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Alcaeus →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Dioscorides →
Leonidas →
Theodoridas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Theodoridas →
[225] NICAENETUS { H 1 } G
Heroines of the Libyans, girt with tufted goat-skins, who haunt this mountain chain, daughters of the gods, accept from Philetis these consecrated sheaves and fresh garlands of straw, the full tithe of his threshing ; but even so, all hail to ye, Heroines, sovereign ladies of the Libyans.
Leonidas →
Crinagoras →
[228] ADAEUS OF MACEDON { Ph 1 } G
Alcon did not lead to the bloody axe his labouring ox worn out by the furrows and old age, for he reverenced it for its service ; and now somewhere in the deep meadow grass it lows rejoicing in its release from the plough.
Crinagoras →
[230] QUINTUS { Ph 1 } G
To you, Phoebus of the cape, who rule this fringe of the Bithynian land near the beach, did Damis the fisherman who ever rests his horn * on the sand give this well-protected trumpet-shell with its natural spikes, a humble present from a pious heart. The old man prays to you that he may see death without disease.
* What this horn object can be I do not know.
Philippus →
Crinagoras →
[233] MACCIUS { Ph 8 } G
The bit that rattles in the teeth, the constraining muzzle pierced on both sides, the well-sewn curb-strap that presses on the jaw, also this correcting whip which urges to violent speed, the crooked biting epipselion * , the bloody pricks of the spur and the scraping saw-like curry-comb iron-bound - these, Isthmian Poseidon, who delight in the roar of the waves on both shores, are the gifts you have from Stratius.
* I prefer to leave this word untranslated. It cannot be "curb-chain", as the curb-strap is evidently meant above.
[234] ERYCIUS { Ph 10 } G
The long-haired priest of Rhea, the newly gelded, the dancer from Lydian Tmolus whose shriek is heard afar, dedicates, now he rests from his frenzy, to the solemn Mother who dwells by the banks of Sangarius these tambourines, his scourge armed with bones, these noisy brazen cymbals, and a scented lock of his hair.
[235] THALLUS { Ph 2 } G
Caesar, * offspring of the unconquered race of Romulus, joy of the farthest East and West, we sing your divine birth, and round the altars pour glad libations to the gods. But may you, treading in your grandsire's steps, abide with us, even as we pray, for many years.
* Tiberius. By "grandsire" Julius must be meant.
Philippus →
[237] ANTISTIUS { Ph 1 } G
cp. Nos. 217-220
The priest of Rhea dedicated to the mountain-Mother of the gods this raiment and these locks owing to an adventure such as this. As he was walking alone in the wood a savage lion met him and a struggle for his life was imminent. But the goddess put it in his mind to beat his tambourine and he made the ravening brute take flight, dreading the awful din. For this reason his locks hang from the whistling branches.
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
Philippus →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Crinagoras →
[243] DIODORUS { Ph 3 } G
"Hera, who watch over Samos and to whom belongs Imbrasus, accept, gracious goddess, this birthday sacrifice, these heifer victims, dearest of all to you, if we priests know the law of the blessed gods. " Thus Maximus prayed as he poured the libation, and she granted his prayer without fail, nor did the spinning Fates grudge it.
Crinagoras →
[245] DIODORUS { Ph 4 } G
Diogenes, when he saw his yard-arm broken by the blast of Boreas, as the tempest lashed the Carpathian sea by night, vowed, if he escaped death, to hang me, this little cloak, in your holy porch, Boeotian Cabeirus, in memory of that stormy voyage ; and I pray you keep poverty too from his door.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Philippus →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Crinagoras →
[254] MYRINUS { Ph 2 } G
When Time was about to drag down to Hades limp Statyllius, the effeminate old stump of Aphrodite, he dedicated in the porch of Priapus his light summer dresses dyed in scarlet and crimson, his false hair greasy with spikenard, his white shoes that shone on his shapely ankles, the chest in which reposed his cotton frippery, and his flute that breathed sweet music in the revels of the harlot tribe.
[255] ERYCIUS { Ph 5 } G
Saōn of Ambracia, the herdsman, broke off this his straying bull's mutilated horn two cubits long, when, searching for him on the hill-side and leafy gullies, he spied him on the river-bank cooling his feet and sides. The bull rushed straight at him from one side, but he with his club knocked off his curving horn, and put it up on this wild pear-tree by the byre, musical with the lowing of the herd.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
[258] ADAEUS { Ph 2 } G
This ewe, O Demeter, who preside over the furrows, and this hornless heifer, and the round cake in a basket, upon this threshing-floor on which he winnowed a huge pile of sheaves and saw a goodly harvest, Crethon consecrates to you, Lady of the many heaps. * Every year make his field rich in wheat and barley.
* i. e. the heaps of grain on the threshing-floor.
Philippus →
[260] GEMINUS { Ph 8 } G
Phryne dedicated to the Thespians the winged Love beautifully wrought, the price of her favours. The work is the gift of Cypris, a gift to envy, with which no fault can be found, and Love was a fitting payment for both. * I praise for two forms of art the man who, giving a god to others, had a more perfect god in his soul.
* Phryne and Praxiteles.
Crinagoras →
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
Mnasalcas →
[265] NOSSIS { H 3 } G
Hera revered, who often descending from heaven look on your Lacinian shrine fragrant with frankincense, accept the linen garment which Theophilis, daughter of Cleocha, wove for you with her noble daughter Nossis.
[266] HEGESIPPUS { H 3 } G
This Artemis in the cross-ways did Hagelochia, the daughter of Damaretus, * erect while still a virgin in her father's house ; for the goddess herself appeared to her, by the weft of her loom, like a flame of fire.
* The well-known king of Sparta, c. 500 B. C.
[267] DIOTIMUS { H 1 } G
Stand here, Artemis the Saviour, with your torch on the land of Pollis, * and give your delightful light to him and to his children. The task is easy ; for he has from Zeus no feeble knowledge of the unerring scales of Justice. And, Artemis, let the Graces too race over this grove, treading on the flowers with their light sandals.
* A man learned in the law. who begs that other graces of life too may be his.
Mnasalcas →
[269] Said to be by SAPPHO { F 1 } G
Children, though I am a dumb stone, if any ask, then I answer clearly, having set down at my feet the words I am never weary of speaking : "Arista, daughter of Hermocleides the son of Sauneus, dedicated me to Artemis Aethopia. Thy ministrant is she, sovereign lady of women ; rejoice in this her gift of herself, * and be willing to glorify our race. "
* The statue was one of Arista herself.
[270] NICIAS { H 3 } G
The head-kerchief and water-blue veil of Amphareta rest on your head, Eileithyia ; for them she vowed to you when she prayed you to keep dreadful death far away from her in her labour.
[271] PHAEDIMUS { H 1 } G
Artemis, the son of Cichesias dedicated the shoes to you, and Themistodice the simple folds of her gown, because that coming in gentle guise without your bow you held your two hands over her in her labour. But Artemis, vouchsafe to see this baby boy of Leon's grow great and strong.
[272] PERSES { H 2 } G
Her girdle and flowered frock, and the band that clasps her breasts tight, did Timaessa dedicate, Artemis, to you, when in the tenth month she was freed from the burden and pain of difficult travail.
[273] NOSSIS ? { H 12 } G
Artemis, lady of Delos and lovely Ortygia, lay by your stainless bow in the bosom of the Graces, wash you clean in Inopus, and come to Locri to deliver Alcetis from the hard pangs of childbirth.
[274] PERSES { H 3 } G
Goddess, saviour of children, blest Eileithyia, receive and keep as your fee for delivering Tisis, who well remembers, from her pangs, this bridal brooch and the diadem from her glossy hair.
[275] NOSSIS { H 5 } G
With joy, it is likely, Aphrodite will receive this offering from Symaetha, the caul that bound her hair ; for it is delicately wrought and has a certain sweet smell of nectar, that nectar with which she, too, anoints lovely Adonis.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[277] DAMAGETUS { H 1 } G
Artemis, who wield the bow and the arrows of might, by your fragrant temple has Arsinoē, the maiden daughter of Ptolemy, * left this lock of her own hair, cutting it from her lovely tresses.
* Probably Arsinoe III, the daughter of Ptolemy III, king of Egypt.
[278] RHIANUS { H 8 } G
Gorgus, son of Asclepiades, dedicates to Phoebus the fair this fair lock, a gift from his lovely head. But, Delphinian Phoebus, be gracious to the boy, and establish him in good fortune till his hair be grey.
[279] EUPHORION { H 1 } G
When Eudoxus first sheared his beautiful hair, he gave to Phoebus the glory of his boyhood ; and now vouchsafe, O Far-shooter, that instead of these tresses the ivy of Acharnae * may ever rest on his head as he grows.
* Acharnae is near Athens. A crown of ivy was the prize in musical contests.
[280] Anonymous { H 41 } G
Timareta, the daughter of Timaretus, before her wedding, has dedicated to you, Artemis of the lake, her tambourine and her pretty ball, and the caul that kept up her hair, and her dolls, too, and their dresses ; a virgin's gift, as is fit, to virgin Artemis. * But, daughter of Leto, hold your hand over the girl, and purely keep her in her purity.
* In Greek the same word is used for "girl" and "doll".
Leonidas →
[282] THEODORUS { H 1 } G
To you, Hermes, did Calliteles suspend his felt hat made of well-carded sheep's wool, his double pin, his strigil, his unstrung bow, his worn chlamys soaked with sweat, his arrows (? ), * and the ball he never tired of throwing. Accept, I pray you, friend of youth, these gifts, the souvenirs of a well-conducted adolescence.
* In this, as in some other epigrams, obscure words are used purposely as by Lycophron.
[283] Anonymous { H 39 } G
She who formerly boasted of her wealthy lovers and never bowed the knee to Nemesis, the dread goddess, now weaves on a poor loom cloth she is paid for. Late in the day hath Athene despoiled Cypris.
[284] Anonymous { H 40 } G
Philaeniŏn, by sleeping secretly in Agamedes' bosom, wrought for herself the grey robe. Cypris herself was the weaver ; but may women's well-spun thread and spindles lie idle in the work-basket.
Nicarchus →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
Dioscorides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[292] HEDYLUS { H 1 } G
The snood and purple vest, and the Laconian robes, and the gold piping for the tunic, all fell to (? ) Niconoē, for the girl was an ambrosial blossom of the Loves and Graces. Therefore to Priapus, who was judge in the beauty-contest, she dedicates the fawn-skin and this golden jug.
Leonidas →
[294] PHANIAS { H 2 } G
This poet also uses obscure words on purpose, and much is conjecture.
Callon, his limbs fettered by senile fatigue, dedicates to Hermes the Lord these tokens of his career as a schoolmaster : the staff that guided his feet, his tawse, and the fennel-rod that lay ever ready to his hand to tap little boys with on the head, his lithe whistling bull's knob, his one-soled slipper, and the skull-cap of his hairless pate.
[295] PHANIAS { H 3 } G
Ascondas, when he came in for an exciseman's lickerish sop, * hung up here to the Muses the implements of his penury : his penknife, the sponge he used to line to wipe his Cnidian pens, the ruler for marking off the margins, his paper-weight that marks the place (? ), his ink-horn, his compasses that draw circles, his pumice for smoothing, and his blue spectacles (? ) that give sweet light.
* i. e. fat place.
Leonidas →
[297] PHANIAS { H 4 } G
Alcimus hung up in Athene's porch, when he found a treasure (for otherwise his often-bent back would perhaps have gone down curved to Hades), his toothless rake, a piece of his noisy hoe wanting its olive-wood handle, his . . . , his mallet that destroys the clods, his one-pronged pickaxe, his rake, * and his sewn baskets for carrying earth.
* It seems evident that two kinds of rake, which we cannot distinguish, are mentioned.
Leonidas →
[299] PHANIAS { H 5 } G
To you, wayside Hermes, I offer this portion of a noble cluster of grapes, this piece of a rich cake from the oven, this black fig, this soft olive that does not hurt the gums, some scrapings of round cheeses, some Cretan meal, a heap of crumbling . . . . , and an after-dinner glass of wine. Let Cypris, my goddess, enjoy them too, and I promise to sacrifice to you both on the beach a white-footed kid.
Leonidas →
Callimachus (48)
Leonidas →
[303] ARISTON { H 3 } G
Mice, if you have come for bread, go to some other corner (my hut is ill-supplied), where ye shall nibble fat cheese and dried figs, and get a plentiful dinner from the scraps. But if you sharpen your teeth again on my books you shall suffer for it and find that you come to no pleasant banquet.
[304] PHANIAS { H 6 } G
Fisher of the beach, come from the rock on to the dry land and begin the day well with this early buyer. If you have caught in your weel black-tails or some mormyre, or wrasse, or sparus, or small fry, you will call me lucky, who prefer not flesh but the fruit of the sea to make me forget I am munching a dry crust. But if you bring me bony chalcides or some thrissa, * good-bye and better luck ! I have not got a throat made of stone.
* I am acquainted with these fish, which retain their names, but am unable to give their scientific names or nearest English equivalent. The thrissa is a fish that goes in shoals, a little like mackerel and not particularly bony ; the chalcis is a kind of bream.
Leonidas →
[306] ARISTON { H 1 } G
Spinther, the cook, when he shook off the burden of slavery, gave these tokens of his calling to Hermes : his pot, this flesh-hook, his highly-curved pork-spit (? ), the stirrer for soup, his feather fan, and his bronze cauldron, together with his axe and slaughtering-knife, his soup-ladle beside the spits, his sponge for wiping, resting beneath the strong chopper, this two-headed pestle, and with it the stone mortar and the trough for holding meat.
[307] PHANIAS { H 7 } G
Eugathes of Lapithē cast away with scorn his mirror, his cloth that loves hair, a fragment of his shaving-bowl, his reed scraper, his scissors that have deserted their work, and his pointed nail-file. He cast away, too, his scissors, * razors, and barber's chair, and leaving his shop ran prancing off to Epicurus to be a garden-student. There he listened as a donkey listens to the lyre, and he would have died of hunger if he had not thought better of it and run home.
* Two kinds of scissors seem to be mentioned.
Asclepiades →
Leonidas →
Callimachus (49)
Callimachus (50)
Anyte →
[313] BACCHYLIDES { F 2 } G
Famous daughter of Pallas, holy Victory, look ever with good will on the beauteous chorus of the Carthaeans, and crown Ceian Bacchylides with many wreaths at the sports of the Muses.
314-320 are couplets of Nicodemus of Heracleia which can be read backwards
Odysseus, his long road finished, brought you this cloak and robe, Penelope.
In thanks for my help Ophelion painted me the goat-footed Pan, the friend of Bacchus and son of Arcadian Hermes.
Ophelion painted the tears of dripping Aerope, * the remains of the impious feast and the requital.
* Daughter of Crateus, king of Crete, and subsequently wife of Atreus. Owing to an oracle she was cast into the sea by her father, but escaped. "The impious feast" is the feast of Thyestes by Atreus and "the requital" is the murder of Agamemnon.
Praxiteles carved of Parian marble Danaē and the draped Nymphs, but me, Pan, he carved of Pentelic marble.
We young men, after sacrificing a calf to Aphrodite, the Nurser of youth, conduct the brides with joy from their chambers.
By the light of burning torches in her father's spacious house I received the maiden from the hands of Cypris.
Hail, lovely Ascania, and the golden orgies of Bacchus, and the chief of his initiated.
321-329 are Isopsepha (poems in which the sum of the letters taken as numerical signs is identical in each couplet).
On your birthday, Caesar {? Nero}, the Egyptian Muse of Leonidas offers you these lines. The offering of Calliope * is ever smokeless ; but next year, if you will, she will offer you a larger sacrifice.
* i. e. of poets.
Behold again the work of Leonidas' flourishing Muse, this playful distich, neat and well expressed. This will be a lovely plaything for Marcus at the Saturnalia, and at banquets, and among lovers of the Muses.
Not Isopsephon, but can be read backwards.
Oedipus was the brother of his children and his mother's husband, and blinded himself by his own hands.
Who offered to me, Ares the sacker of cities, rich cakes, and grapes, and roses ? Let them offer these to the Nymphs, but I, bold Ares, accept not bloodless sacrifices on my altars.
One sends you, Eupolis, birthday gifts from the hunting-net, another from the air, a third from the sea. From me accept a line of my Muse which will survive for ever, a token of friendship and of learned skill.
Nicis the Libyan, son of Lysimachus, dedicates his Cretan quiver and curved bow to you, Artemis ; for he had exhausted the arrows that filled the belly of the quiver by shooting at does and dappled hinds.
One verse here gives the same figures as the other, not a distich the same as a distich, for I no longer care to be lengthy.
Accept from me, Caesar {? Nero}, the third volume of my thankful gift to you, this token of my skill in making isopsepha, so that the Nile may despatch through Greece to your land this most musical gift.
One will send crystal, another silver, a third topazes, rich birthday gifts. But I, look, having merely made two isopsephon distiches for Agrippina, am content with this my gift that envy shall not damage.
[331] GAETULICUS { F 3 } G
Alcon, seeing his child in the coils of a murderous serpent, bent his bow with trembling hand ; yet he did not miss the monster, but the arrow pierced its jaws just a little above where the infant was. Relieved of his fear, he dedicated on this tree his quiver, the token of good luck and good aim.
[332] HADRIAN { F 1 } G
To Casian Zeus * did Trajan, the descendant of Aeneas, dedicate these ornaments, the king of men to the king of gods : two curiously fashioned cups and the horn of a urus mounted in shining gold, selected from his first booty when, tirelessly fighting, he had overthrown with his spear the insolent Getae. But, Lord of the black clouds, entrust to him, too, the glorious accomplishment of this Persian war, that your heart's joy may be doubled as you look on the spoils of both foes, the Getae and the Arsacidae.
* i. e. it was at Antioch in Syria on his way to the Persian war (A. D. 106) that Trajan made this dedication.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Theocritus (I)
Theocritus (VIII)
Theocritus (X)
Theocritus (XII)
Theocritus (XIII)
Simonides →
Simonides →
Crinagoras →
[346] ANACREON { F 4 } G
Give Tellis a pleasant life, O son of Maia, recompensing him for these sweet gifts ; grant that he may dwell in the justly-ruled deme of Euonymon, enjoying good fortune all his days.
Callimachus (35)
[348] DIODORUS { Ph 16 } G
These mournful lines from the skilled pen of Diodorus tell that this tomb was carved for one who died before her time in child-birth, in bearing a boy. I mourn her whom I received, blooming Athenaïs the daughter of Mela, who left sorrow to the ladies of Lesbos and to her father Jason. But you had no care, then, Artemis, but for your hounds deadly to beasts.
Philodemus →
Crinagoras →
Callimachus (36)
[352] ERINNA { H 3 } G
This picture is the work of delicate hands ; so, good Prometheus, there are men whose skill is equal to yours. At least if he who painted this girl thus to the life had but added speech, she would be, Agatharchis, your complete self.
[353] NOSSIS { H 8 } G
It is Melinna herself. See how her sweet face seems to look kindly at me. How truly the daughter resembles her mother in everything ! It is surely a lovely thing when children are like their parents.
[354] NOSSIS { H 9 } G
Even from here this picture of Sabaethis is to be known by its beauty and majesty. Look at the wise house-wife. I hope to look soon from nigh on her gentle self. All hail, blessed among women!
Leonidas →
[356] PANCRATES { H 2 } G
Aristodice and Ameinō, the two Cretan four-year-old daughters of Cleiō your priestess, Artemis, are dedicated here by their mother. See, O Queen, what fair children she has, and make you two priestesses instead of one.
[357] THEAETETUS { H 1 } G
A. May you be blest, O children. Who are your parents, and what pretty names did they give to their pretty ones ? B. I am Nicanor, and my father is Aepioretus, and my mother Hegeso, and I am a Macedonian. C. And I am Phila and this is my brother.
We are both dedicated here owing to a vow of our parents.
[358] DIOTIMUS { H 7 } G
Hail, dainty frock, that Lydian Omphale doffed to go to the bed of Heracles. You were blessed then, frock, and blessed again are you now that you have entered this golden house of Artemis.
Attalus' home page | 22. 08. 17 | Any comments?
Greek Anthology: Book 7
This selection from Book 7 of the Greek Anthology contains all the epigrams written before the middle of the first century A. D. , as listed in three editions:
(H) A. S. F. Gow & D. L. Page, "The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams"
(Ph) A. S. F. Gow & D. L. Page, "The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip and Some Contemporary Epigrams"
(F) D. L. Page, "Further Greek Epigrams"
The labels in green are the numbers assigned to the epigrams in one of these editions. The labels in red are their numbers within the Anthology.
Translations of most of the epigrams are already available elsewhere, as indicated by the links. The translations of the remaining epigrams are taken from the edition by W. R. Paton (1916-18), but have been modified to remove some of the archaic language. Click on G to go to the Greek text of each epigram.
Alcaeus →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Alcaeus →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[9] DAMAGETUS { H 2 } G
On the poet Orpheus, son of Oeagrus and Calliope
The tomb on the Thracian skirts of Olympus holds Orpheus, son of the Muse Calliope ; whom the trees disobeyed not and the lifeless rocks followed, and the herds of the forest beasts ; who discovered the mystic rites of Bacchus, and first linked verse in heroic feet; who charmed with his lyre even the heavy sense of the implacable Lord of Hell, and his unyielding wrath.
[10] Anonymous { F 31 } G
On the Same
The fair-haired daughters of Bistonia shed a thousand tears for Orpheus dead, the son of Calliope and Oeagrus ; they stained their tattooed arms with blood, and dyed their Thracian locks with black ashes. The very Muses of Pieria, with Apollo, the master of the lute, burst into tears mourning for the singer, and the rocks moaned, and the trees, that once he charmed with his lovely lyre.
Asclepiades →
[12] Anonymous { F 39 } G
On Erinna
Just as you were giving birth to the spring of your honeyed hymns, and beginning to sing with your swan-like voice, Fate, mistress of the distaff that spins the thread, bore you over the wide lake of the dead to Acheron. But the beautiful work, Erinna, of your verse cries aloud that you are not dead, but join in the dance of the Muses.
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[16] PINYTUS { Ph 1 } G
On Sappho
The tomb holds the bones and the dumb name of Sappho, but her skilled words are immortal.
On the Same
When you pass, O stranger, by the Aeolian tomb, say not that I, the Lesbian poetess, am dead. This tomb was built by the hands of men, and such works of mortals are lost in swift oblivion. But if you enquire about me for the sake of the Muses, from each of whom I took a flower to lay beside my nine flowers of song, * you shall find that I escaped the darkness of death, and that no sun shall dawn and set without memory of lyric Sappho.
* i. e. books of verse.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Leonidas →
Simonides →
[21] SIMIAS { H 4 } G
On Sophocles
O Sophocles, son of Sophillus, singer of choral odes, Attic star of the tragic Muse, whose locks the curving ivy of Acharnae often crowned in the orchestra and on the stage, a tomb and a little portion of earth hold you ; but your exquisite life shines yet in your immortal pages.
[22] SIMIAS { H 5 } G
On the Same
Gently over the tomb of Sophocles, gently creep, O ivy, flinging forth your green curls, and all about let the petals of the rose bloom, and the vine that loves her fruit shed her pliant tendrils around, for the sake of that wise-hearted beauty of diction that the Muses and Graces in common bestowed on the sweet singer.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[28] Anonymous { F 35a } G
On Anacreon
O stranger, who pass this tomb of Anacreon, pour a libation to me in going by, for I am a wine-bibber.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Dioscorides →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Leonidas →
[36] ERYCIAS { Ph 11 } G
On Sophocles
Ever, O divine Sophocles, may the ivy that adorns the stage dance with soft feet over your polished monument. Ever may the tomb be encompassed by bees that bedew it, the children of the ox, and drip with honey of Hymettus, that there be ever store of wax flowing for you to spread on your Attic writing tablets, and that your locks may never want a wreath.
Dioscorides →
[38] DIODORUS { Ph 12 } G
On Aristophanes
Divine Aristophanes lies dead beneath me. If you ask which, it is the comic poet who keeps the memory of the old stage alive.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[40] DIODORUS { Ph 13 } G
On Aeschylus
This tombstone says that Aeschylus the great lies here, far from his own Attica, by the white waters of Sicilian Gelas. What spiteful grudge against the good is this, alas, that ever besets the sons of Theseus ?
[41] Anonymous { F 43 } G
On Callimachus
Hail blessed one, even in the house of Hades, Callimachus, dearest companion of the divine Muses.
[43] ION { F 1 } G
On Euripides
Hail, Euripides, dwelling in the chamber of eternal night in the dark-robed valleys of Pieria! Know, though you are under earth, that your renown shall be everlasting, equal to the perennial charm of Homer.
[44] ION { F 2 } G
On the Same
Though a tearful fate befell you, O Euripides, devoured by wolf-hounds, you, the honey-voiced nightingale of the stage, the ornament of Athens, who mingled the grace of the Muses with wisdom, yet you were laid in the tomb at Pella, that the servant of the Pierian Muses should dwell near the home of his mistresses.
On the Same
All Hellas is the monument of Euripides, but the Macedonian land holds his bones, for it sheltered the end of his life. His country was Athens, the Hellas of Hellas, and as by his verse he gave exceeding delight, so from many he receives praise.
[46] Anonymous { F 37 } G
On the Same
This is not your monument, Euripides, but you are the memorial of it, for by your glory is this monument encompassed.
Bianor →
[50] ARCHIMEDES { F 1 } G
On the Same
Tread not, O poet, the path of Euripides, neither essay it, for it is hard for man to walk therein. Smooth it is to look on, and well beaten, but if one sets his foot on it, it is rougher than if set with cruel stakes. Scratch but the surface of Medea, * Aeëtes' daughter, and you shall lie below forgotten. Hands off his crowns.
* By retouching.
[51] ADAEUS { Ph 3 } G
On the Same
Neither dogs slew you, Euripides, nor the rage of women, you enemy of the secrets of Cypris, but Death and old age, and under Macedonian Arethusa you lie, honoured by the friendship of Archelaus. Yet it is not this that I account your tomb, but the altar of Bacchus and the buskin-trodden stage.
[52] DEMIURGUS { F 1 } G
On Hesiod
I hold Hesiod of Ascra the glory of spacious Hellas and the ornament of Poesy.
Mnasalcas →
Alcaeus →
[60] SIMIAS { H 6 } G
On Plato
Here lies the divine Aristocles, * who excelled all mortals in temperance and the ways of justice. If anyone gained from all men much praise for wisdom it was he, and no envy therewith.
* Plato's original name .
[61] SPEUSIPPUS { F 1a } G
On the Same
The earth in her bosom hides here the body of Plato, but his soul has its immortal station among the blest, the soul of Ariston's son, whom every good man, even if he dwell in a far land, honours in that he saw the divine life.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[66] HONESTUS { Ph 2 } G
On Diogenes
The staff, and wallet, and thick cloak, were the very light burden of wise Diogenes in life. I bring all to the ferryman, for I left nothing on earth. But you, Cerberus dog, fawn on me, the Dog.
Leonidas →
Archias →
[71] GAETULICUS { F 4 } G
On Archilochus
This tomb by the sea is that of Archilochus, who first made the Muse bitter dipping her in vipers' gall, staining mild Helicon with blood. Lycambes knows it, mourning for his three daughters hanged. Pass quietly by, O way-farer, lest haply you arouse the wasps that are settled on his tomb.
[72] MENANDER { F 1 } G
On Epicurus and Themistocles
Hail, you twin-born sons of Neocles, of whom the one saved his country from slavery the other from folly.
[73] GEMINUS { Ph 1 } G
On Themistocles
In place of a simple tomb put Hellas, and on her put ships to signify the destroyed barbaric fleets; and round the frieze of the tomb paint the Persian host and Xerxes - thus bury Themistocles. And Salamis shall stand thereon, a pillar telling of my deeds. Why lay you so great a man in a little space?
[74] DIODORUS { Ph 14 } G
On Themistocles
The people of Magnesia raised to Themistocles this monument in a land not his own, when after saving his country from the Medes, he was laid in foreign earth under a foreign stone. Verily Envy so willed, and deeds of valour have less privilege than she.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Dioscorides →
Simonides →
On Eratosthenes
A mild old age, no darkening disease, put out your light, Eratosthenes son of Aglaus, and, your high studies over, you sleep the appointed sleep. Cyrene your mother did not receive you into the tombs of your fathers, but you are buried on this fringe of Proteus' shore, * beloved even in a strange land.
* i. e. at Alexandria.
Meleager →
Callimachus (2)
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Callimachus (1)
[99] PLATO { F 10 } G
On Dion
The Fates decreed tears for Hecuba and the Trojan women even at the hour of their birth ; and after you, Dion, had triumphed in the accomplishment of noble deeds, the gods spilt all your far-reaching hopes. But you lie in your spacious city, honoured by your countrymen, Dion, who maddened my soul with love.
[100] PLATO { F 6 } G
On Alexis and Phaedrus {not an epitaph}
Now when I said nothing except just that Alexis is fair, he is looked at everywhere and by everyone when he appears. Why, my heart, do you point out bones to dogs and have to sorrow for it afterwards ? Was it not thus that I lost Phaedrus ?
[103] ANTAGORAS { H 1 } G
On Polemon and Crates
Stranger, as you pass by, tell that this tomb holds god-like Crates and Polemon, great-hearted kindred spirits, from whose inspired mouths the holy word rushed. A pure pursuit * of wisdom, obedient to their unswerving doctrines, adorned their divine lives.
* "Life" in the Greek, but English will not bear the repetition. Polemon and Crates were Academic philosophers of the early 3rd century B. C.
[117] ZENODOTUS { H 1 } G
On Zenon the Stoic
Zenon, reverend grey-browed sage, you did found the self-sufficient life, abandoning the pursuit of vainglorious wealth ; for virile (and you trained yourself to foresight) was the school of thought you instituted, the mother of dauntless freedom. If your country were Phoenicia what reproach is that ? Cadmus too, from whom Greece learnt writing, was a Phoenician.
[125] Anonymous { F 35b } G
On Epicharmus
Even as the great burning sun surpasses the stars and the sea is stronger than the rivers, so I say that Epicharmus, whom this his city Syracuse crowned, excells all in wisdom.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
On Hector
Hector, constant theme of Homer's books, strongest bulwark of the god-built wall, Homer rested at your death and with that the pages of the Iliad were silenced.
[139] Anonymous { F 40 } G
On the Same and on Alexander of Macedon
With Hector perished Troy and no longer raised her hand to resist the attack of the Danaans. And Pella, too, perished with Alexander. So fatherlands glory in men, their sons, not men in their fatherlands.
Archias →
Antiphilus →
Asclepiades →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[154] Anonymous { F 87 } G
On Coroebus
I am set here, an image common to the Megarians and the Argives, the avenger of unhappy Psamathe. A ghoul, a denizen of the tomb am I, and he who slew me was Coroebus; here under my feet he lies, all for the tripod. For even so did the voice of Delphi decree, that I should be the monument of Apollo's bride and tell her story. *
* Apollo, to avenge the death of the child which Psamathe the Argive princess bore him, sent a female demon {Poinē} which carried off babies. This demon was killed by Coroebus. He was pardoned by Apollo and ordered to settle wherever a tripod he carried fell. This was near Megara, and on his tomb at Megara he was represented killing the Poinē.
[156] ISIDORUS OF AEGAE { Ph 1 } G
By his bird-lime and canes Eumelus lived on the creatures of the air, simply but in freedom. Never did he kiss a strange hand for his belly's sake. This his craft supplied him with luxury and delight. Ninety years he lived, and now sleeps here, having left to his children his bird-lime, nets and canes.
Nicarchus →
[160] ANACREON { F 2 } G
Valiant in war was Timocritus, whose tomb this is. War is not sparing of the brave, but of cowards.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Dioscorides →
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Archias →
Dioscorides →
Dioscorides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[169] Anonymous { F 68 } G
On the statue of a heifer that stands opposite Byzantium in Chrysopolis. Inscribed on the column.
I am not the image of the Argive heifer, nor is the sea that faces me, the Bosporus, called after me. She of old was driven to Pharos by the heavy wrath of Hera; but I here am a dead Athenian woman, I was the bed-fellow of Chares, and sailed with him when he sailed here to meet Philip's ships in battle. * I was called Boeïdiŏn {"little cow"} then, and now I, bed-fellow of Chares, enjoy a view of two continents.
* B. C. 340.
Poseidippus (VI)
Mnasalcas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Leonidas →
[174] ERYCIUS { Ph 7 } G
On the same theme as epigram 173
No longer, Therimachus, do you play your shepherds' tunes on the pipes near this crooked-leaved plane. Nor shall the horned cattle listen again to the sweet music you did make, reclining by the shady oak. The burning bolt of heaven slew you, and they at nightfall came down the hill to their byre driven by the snow.
Antiphilus →
Antiphilus →
Simonides →
Dioscorides →
[179] Anonymous { F 25 } G
Now, too, underground I remain faithful to you, master, as before, not forgetting your kindness - how thrice when I was sick you set me safe upon my feet, and have laid me now under sufficient shelter, announcing on the stone my name, Manes, a Persian. Because you have been good to me you shall have slaves more ready to serve you in the hour of need.
Apollonides →
[181] ANDRONICUS { F 1 } G
Sore pitied, dear Democrateia, did you go to the dark house of Acheron, leaving your mother to lament. And she, when you were dead, shore the grey hairs from her old head with the newly-sharpened steel.
Meleager →
[183] PARMENION { Ph 3 } G
{As she had just loosed her maiden girdle} . . . Death came first and took the maidenhood of Crocale. The bridal song ended in wailing, and the fond anxiety of her parents was set to rest not by marriage but by the tomb.
[184] PARMENION { Ph 4 } G
I am the tomb of the maiden Helen, and in mourning too for her brother who died before her I receive double tears from their mother. To her suitors I left a common grief ; for the hope of all mourned equally for her who was yet no one's.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Philippus →
Philippus →
Unhappy Cleanassa, you were ripe for marriage, being in the bloom of your age. But at your wedding attended not Hymenaeus to preside at the feast, nor did Hera who links man and wife come with her torches. Black-robed Hades burst in and by him the fell Erinys chanted the dirge of death. On the very day that the lights were lit around your bridal bed you came to no wedding chamber, but to your funeral pyre.
No longer, shrill-voiced locust, shall the sun look on you, as you sing in the wealthy house of Alkis, for now you have flown to the meadows of Hades and the dewy flowers of golden Persephone.
Anyte →
Archias →
Mnasalcas →
[193] SIMIAS { H 2 } G
{Not an Epitaph}
This locust crouching in the leaves of a vine I caught as I was walking in this copse of fair trees, so that in a well-fenced home it may make noise for me, chirping pleasantly with its tongueless mouth.
Mnasalcas →
Meleager →
Meleager →
[197] PHAENNUS { H 2 } G
I am the locust who brought deep sleep to Democritus, when I started the shrill music of my wings. And Democritus, O wayfarer, raised for me when I died a seemly tomb near Oropus.
Leonidas →
[199] TYMNES { H 4 } G
On an unknown bird called elaeus
Bird, nursling of the Graces, who didst modulate your voice till it was like unto a halcyon's, you are gone, dear elaeus, and the silent ways of night possess your gentleness and your sweet breath.
[200] NICIAS { H 4 } G
No longer curled under the leafy branch shall I delight in sending forth a voice from my tender wings. For I fell into the . . . hand of a boy, who caught me stealthily as I was seated on the green leaves.
[201] PAMPHILUS { H 1 } G
No longer perched on the green leaves do you shed abroad your sweet call, for as you were singing, noisy cicada, a foolish boy with outstretched hand slew you.
Anyte →
[203] SIMIAS { H 1 } G
No longer, my decoy partridge, do you shed from your throat your resonant cry through the shady coppice, hunting your pencilled fellows in their woodland feeding-ground ; for you are gone on your last journey to the house of Acheron.
Meleager →
Anyte →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
[211] TYMNES { H 5 } G
The stone tells that it contains here the white Maltese dog, Eumelus' faithful guardian. They called him Bull while he still lived, but now the silent paths of night possess his voice.
Mnasalcas →
Archias →
Archias →
Anyte →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Asclepiades →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Lais, whose bloom was so lovely and delightful in the eyes of all, she who alone culled the lilies of the Graces, no longer looks on the course of the Sun's golden-bitted steeds, but sleeps the appointed sleep, having bid farewell to revelling and young men's rivalries and lovers' torments and the lamp her confidant.
Philodemus →
[223] THYILLUS { F 2 } G
The castanet dancer Aristiŏn, who used to toss her hair among the pines in honour of Cybele, carried away by the music of the horned flute ; she who could empty one upon the other three cups of untempered wine, rests here beneath the poplars, no more taking delight in love and the fatigue of the night-festivals. A long farewell to revels and frenzy ! It lies low, the holy head that was once covered by garlands of flowers.
[226] ANACREON OF TEOS { F 1 } G
This whole city acclaimed Agathon, the doughty warrior, as he lay on the pyre after dying for Abdera ; for Ares greedy of blood slew no other young man like to him in the whirlwind of the dreadful fight.
[227] DIOTIMUS { H 2 } G
Not even a lion is as terrible in the mountains, as was Micon's son Crinagoras in the clash of the shields. If this his covering be little, find no fault thereat ; little is this land, but it bears men brave in war.
[228] Anonymous { H 44 } G
Androtion built me for himself, his children and his wife. As yet I am no one's grave and so may I remain for long ; but if it must be so, may I give earlier welcome to the earlier born.
Dioscorides →
[230] ERYCIUS OF CYZICUS { Ph 12 } G
Demetrius, when your mother received you after your flight from the battle, all your fine arms lost, herself she straightway drove the death-dealing spear through your sturdy side, and said "Die and let Sparta bear no blame ; it was no fault of hers if my milk reared cowards. "
[231] DAMAGETUS { H 4 } G
Thus for Ambracia's sake the warrior Aristagoras, son of Theopompus, holding his shield on high, chose death rather than flight. Wonder not thereat: a Dorian cares for his country, not for the loss of his young life.
Anyte →
Apollonides →
Philippus →
[235] DIODORUS OF TARSUS { Ph 11 } G
Measure not by this Magnesian tomb the greatness of the name, nor forget the deeds of Themistocles. Judge of the patriot by Salamis and the ships, and thereby shall you find him greater than Athens herself.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Carve on my tomb the mountains and the sea, and midmost of both the sun as witness ; yea, and the deep currents of the ever-flowing rivers, whose streams sufficed not for Xerxes' host of the thousand ships. Carve Salamis too, here where the Magnesian people proclaim the tomb of dead Themistocles. *
* The last line does not seem to me to have much meaning, if any, as it stands. We expect "that the Magnesians may duly honour the tomb. "
[238] ADDAEUS { Ph 4 } G
I, Philip, who first set the steps of Macedonia in the path of war, lie here clothed in the earth of Aegae. No king before me did such deeds, and if any have greater to boast of, it is because he is of my blood. *
* This refers to Alexander.
[239] PARMENION { Ph 5 } G
It is a lying report that Alexander is dead if Phoebus be true. Not even Hades can lay hand on the invincible. *
* Phoebus had proclaimed him invincible.
[240] ADDAEUS { Ph 5 } G
If one would sing of the tomb of Alexander of Macedon, let him say that both continents are his monument.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Mnasalcas →
[243] LOLLIUS BASSUS { Ph 2 } G
Look on this tomb beside the Phocian rock. I am the monument of those three hundred who were slain by the Persians, who died far from Sparta, having dimmed the might of Media and Lacedaemon alike. As for the image of an ox-slaying (? ) beast * say "It is the monument of the commander Leonidas. "
* i. e. a lion.
[244] GAETULICUS { F 5 } G
Fierce Ares drew these our swords, the three hundred from Argos and as many from Sparta, there where we fought out the fight from which no messenger returned, falling dead one upon another. Thyreae was the prize of the battle. *
* On the celebrated fight for Thyreae between three hundred Argives and as many Spartans. See Herodotus, i. 82, and Nos. 431, 432, below.
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Alcaeus →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Simonides →
Simonides →
Simonides →
[255] AESCHYLUS { F 1 } G
Dark Fate likewise slew these staunch spearmen, defending their country rich in flocks. Living is the fame of the dead, who steadfast to the last lie clothed in the earth of Ossa.
[256] PLATO { F 12 } G
Leaving behind the sounding surge of the Aegean we lie on the midmost of the plains of Ecbatana. Farewell, Eretria, once our glorious country; farewell, Athens, the neighbour of Euboea ; farewell, dear Sea. *
* On the Eretrians settled in Persia by Darius. See Herod, vi. 119
Simonides →
Simonides →
[259] PLATO { F 11 } G
We are Eretrians from Euboea and we lie near Susa, alas ! how far from our own land.