129, of
the people and procuring 132 /.
The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.5. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903
/C Suppliant to Pompeius, iv.
Tigranes, son of foregoing, iv. 406, 433 Tigranocerta, iv. 338 ». Founded, iv.
self independent, iii. 287 Greeks, iii. 273/ Timarchus, Syrian envoy, bribes the sen Tralles, ii. 474 iv. 45
ate, iii. 294
Time, basis for measurement of, i. 263 Timoleon, ii. 41, 161
Tin, trade in British, iii. 420 ; v. 17 Tingis, Greek, i. 187. Besieged by Ser-
317. Battle of, iv. 339X
Tilphossian Mount, battle at, iv. 37
Timaeus, i. 435 ; ii. no f, ; iii. 186, 1B9
Timarchus, satrap of Media, makes him Trajan, the Emperor, treatment of the
Tragyrium, iii. 422
Transpadani claim burgess - rights,
=64. 457/i 469, 474,
Trapezus, iv. 12, 332
Trasimene Lake, battle at the, ii. 278 Travels, scientific, iv. 245 n.
Trebia, battle on the, ii. 270
L. Trebellius [pleb. tribune, 687], iv. 394,
iv. v. 131 «. ,
torius, iv. 282
Tipas, king of the Maedi, iii. 428
Tisaean promontory, iv. 41
Tities (sodales 7Yf»), i. 53, 55, 56, 215
Titinius, writer of comedies, iii. 164 f. ; C Trebonius, Caesar's lieutenant, v. 22B
iv. 230
C. Titius, orator about 593, iv. 251. Ex
cites in 665 mutiny against Cato, iii.
L. Tremellius [quaestor, 612], iii. 263 Tres vtri ef-ulones, iii. 110. Increased to
seven, iv. 126
Tres tnensarii, ii. 343
Tres nocturm or capitalts, Q. 66
Treveri, v. 32, 37, 72/
C. Triarius, lieutenant of Lucullus, Iv.
347, 348 Triarii, iii. 45B
Drastic description taken from his speeches, iv. 187f.
Sex. Titius [tribune of the people, 655], iii. 480
Title •hunting in republican Rome, iii.
Titthi, Celtiberian tribe, iii. 216
Triballi, iii. 425
Q. Titurius Sabinus, Caesar's lieutenant, Tribes of the clans (Ram/dans, Tities,
v- 55, 68, 69, 70 Tius, iii. 281 ; iv. 333 Toga, i. 89
Luceres\ 53-56. Formerly communi ties, 85. Of little practical signi- ficance, %&f.
Togata. See Fabula
Togati, oldest legal designation of the
Italians as opposed to the Celtic brae
cati, ii. 59 ; iii. 164 «. ; v. 10
Tolenus, river in Latium, iii. 511
Tolerini, about 370, member of the Latin
league, i. 448 «.
Tolistobogi (or Tolistoagii), ii. 401, 469«. ,
Tribes, Servian, levy districts, 117. Three of the Palatine, one (coffin*) of the Quirinal city, 64 . /C, 106, 107. Their order of precedence, 1o8 Number increased to twenty-one
471; 335
Tolosa, iii. 409, 436 v.
Spoil of, iii.
villages, 45. Four new ones added in the year 367, 432. Two others in the year 422, 46s. Two more in the year 436, 463. Two more in the ye" 455, 485- Increased to thirty, five: the four urban ranking last, 396/ Intimate union of the respective rural tribes, 399. Disorganisation,
i"- 37-39
Tribunal, 140, 189
436, 439i 440 ft.
Tolummius, king of Veii, 425 Tomatoes, iii. 64 n.
Tombs, Etruscan
painting of, Ornaments of, ii. 81
Tomi, iv. 307 Torboletes, it 246
their voting, 359 f. These new districts (tribus rusticae) arose out of the clan-
I i.
i. i.
i. i.
t in
; i. 8.
i. f.
: i.
L f. f. ,
Tribum crtcrum, I- 83, 90 «. , 317a. Prob Trocmi, ii. 401, 471
ably increased to six, i. 107/. Troia, game of, i. 294 *.
Tribuni mtlitum, i. 83, 90, 439, 440 n. Tryphon, king of Syria, iii. 286, 292
Why six in number, i. 107 /. Part Tryphon, leader in the Sicilian slave- chosen by the community, i. 397. rising, iii. 384, 385, 386
Twenty-four nominated by the cormtia, Tubilusirium, i. 209
iii. 13, 57. Qualification for the office
by proof of many years' service, iii. 13 Tribuni militum consulari potestate ap pointed, eligible from both orders, i. 371-
Tuder, town in Umbria, iv. 91 Tullianum, i. 137, 30a ; 119 iii. 409
M. Tullius Cicero, father of the orator,
iv. 194
Their authority equal, whether M. Tullius Cicero, his character, iv. 470,
patrician or plebeian, i. 371 n. Honour of a triumph and ius imaginum refused to them, i. 373,/C Abolished, i. 380
5t6. /C v. 132. /C, 504. /C His birthplace, iv. 266. Opposes Sulla, iv. 266. Im peaches Verres, iv. 373. Defends the Manilian law, iv. 397 Consul, iv. 470. Opposes the Servilian agrarian law, iv. 474. Conduct during Catilina conspiracy, iv. 475, 478/, 481-484. Banished for his conduct therein, iv. 516-518. Recalled, v. 112, 118. Sup ports the corn -distribution of Pompeius, v. 121.
Tribuni plebis, their institution, i. 349.
Arise out of the military tribunes, and
named af,er them, i. 354. Comparison
between consular and tribunician power,
i. 354 /. Not magistrates, and without
a seat in the senate, i. 355. Political
value of the office, i. 355 /, At first
two, i. 349. Subsequently four, i. 361.
Then ten, i. 362. Their right of inter-
cessio, i. 350^ Criminal jurisdiction,
i. 35°-352; «v- 127- Acquire the right v. 265, /288. Submits to Caesar, v.
129, of consulting the people and procuring 132 /. Creator of classical Latin,
As a forensic orator, v. "resolves," i. 353. Inviolable, i. 353. /C v- 455 503-
Suspension of the office during the de- 506. Writes dialogues, v. 507-510. cemvirate, and its abolition aimed at, i. Literary opposition to, v. 506. /C
362. Restored, i. 368. Share in the Q. Tullius Cicero, v. -jo/
discussions of the senate : seared on a Tunes, iii. 249. Battle of, ii. 182,/, 201 bench near the door, i. 369. Obtain, after Tunes, Lake of, Hi. 248, 254
equalization of the orders, the distinc Turdetani, ii. 385 iii. 220, 221 iv. 174
tive prerogative of supreme magistracy — the right of convoking the senate and transacting business with it —and be come the usual organ of the senate, i. 403-405. Political value of this measure, i. 405/. Their re-election permitted by C. Papirius Carbo, iii. 340 «. , 344. Their initiative in legislation restricted by Sulla, iii. 542; iv. 116-118,264. Restora tion of the tribunician power, iv. 371, 381
Tribuni at Venusia, ii. 51
Tributum, i. 92, 380 ; iii. 21. Laid upon
the freeholders, i. /115. Ceases to be levied in Italy, iii. 303; iv. 156. In the provinces, iv. 157
Trifanum, battle of, 459 «. , 461 Trigemina porta, iii. 368 Triocala, iii. 386
Triphylia, ii. 396
S. Turpilius, comic poet, iv. 229
T. Turpilius Silanus commands the
garrison of Vaga, iii. 402. Executed
by court martial, iii. 40a Turia, river, iv. 296
Turs-tnr. ae, 155
Tusca, river, iii. 258
Tusca, town, iii. 238
Tuscan Sea, 181
Tusculum, 48, 58. Legends as to its
foundation, 11o «. , 1iz. In the Ari- cine league, 445 «. , 451. Helps the Roman government amidst internal troubles, 358. Revolts, 447/, 460. About 370, a member of Latin league,
448 «. , 450. Forced to enter the Roman burgess-union, 451. Obtains full burgess-rights, ii. 48 n. Dictator there, t. 442 n. Architecture, 302.
Tutcla, 78
Tutomotulu/s, king of the Salyes, iii. 417 Twelve Tables, laws of the their origin,
Triumph, meaning of, i. 35, 296.
Refused by senate, granted by burgesses, i. 398. Becomes common, iii. 43 /. On the
Alban Mount, iii. 43
Triumvirate, first, of Pompeius, Crassus,
and Caesar, iv. 378. Second, iv. 504/!
Essentially a written em. bodiment of the existing public and
v. 124. v. 237.
Opposes Caesar's agrarian law, Goes to the camp of Pompeius, Af,er the battle of Pharsalus,
private law, 363, 364. Restrict luxury,
i. i. i. i. i. i.
ii. ;
ii. 63, 81^ Literal y significance, ii. Valerius Antias, historian, ▼. 496. /C
112, 116 Valerius Cato, teacher of Latin literature. Tyndaris, 184 v. 480
Tyndaris, promontory of, battle off the, C. Valerius Flaccus, Snllan governor m
li- 178
Tyre, ii. 142 Tyrrheno-Pelasgians,
Etruscans, 155
their relation to the
Spain, iv. 93 v.
C. Valerius Triarius, Lucullus' lieutenant,
iv. 329. 334, 348
L. Valerius Poplicola [consul, 305),
L. Valerius Flaccus [consul, 559 censor,
570], ii. 457; "*• 47/
L. Valerius Flaccus [consul, 654], ifi. 457
TJb1i, v. 31, 61 TJlb1a, ii. 177
f. iv. 72 «.
Umbrians, ii. 224. A branch of the L. Valerius Flaccus [consul, 668], iv. 40,
TJlixes, whence derived,
Italians, 13^ Language of, 12 f. , 43, 47, 70. 72 ». , 98, 102 h.
16 f. , 282; ii. 115. Writing, 278, 282. Migration, 39 . /, 143^ Their original district, 143-147, 158, 434. Join Etruscans in surprising Cumae, 158. Share in the Samnite war, 480
99. Position towards proposals of the 491 censor, 502I ii. 170 EL 44 a. younger Drusus, tii. 486. Remain Orders the first frescoes to be painted
Their attitude in the second Punic
war, 347. Their agriculture, hi. M\ Valer1us Maximus Messalla [consul,
L. Valerius Flaccus, lieutenant of Pom. peius in Asia, iv. 413
L. Valerius Flaccus [praetor, 691) de fended by Cicero, iv. 73 «.
M\ Valerius Maximus [dictator, 260I 348
faithful in the Social war, iii. 501. Incipient insurrection, iii. 513 f. , 510. Repressed by Sulla, iv. 91
tJrban community contrasted with a
in Rome, iii. 207
M. Valerius Corvus [consul, 406, 408, 411,
419, 454, 4551. 403. 459 «• ui. 17.
Not called Calenus, iii. 44 n.
M. Valerius Laevinus [consul, 544L ii.
3<,5, 3M, 317. 415
P. Valerius Falto [praetor, 513], ii. 195
P. Valerius Laevinus [consul, 474] 1i. 19,
21, 23
P. Valerius Poplicola, ii. 105
Q. Valerius Catullus, v. 140 f. , 445, 481-
483 .
Vardaei. See Ardyaei
P. Varinius [praetor, 681 general in
state, iii. 330 /C, 505. /C Urfanitas, v. 452
Urfa, l. 47
iv. 132-134
Vrso, iii. 223
TJsalis in Africa, tax-free, iii. 259 Uscudama (Adrianople), town of the
Bessi, iv. 307 Usipetes, v. 31, 37, 60
Usuarium, 60
Usury, 364, 389, 39a See Interest
l/svs marriage, 113 n.
Utica, iii.
Tigranes, son of foregoing, iv. 406, 433 Tigranocerta, iv. 338 ». Founded, iv.
self independent, iii. 287 Greeks, iii. 273/ Timarchus, Syrian envoy, bribes the sen Tralles, ii. 474 iv. 45
ate, iii. 294
Time, basis for measurement of, i. 263 Timoleon, ii. 41, 161
Tin, trade in British, iii. 420 ; v. 17 Tingis, Greek, i. 187. Besieged by Ser-
317. Battle of, iv. 339X
Tilphossian Mount, battle at, iv. 37
Timaeus, i. 435 ; ii. no f, ; iii. 186, 1B9
Timarchus, satrap of Media, makes him Trajan, the Emperor, treatment of the
Tragyrium, iii. 422
Transpadani claim burgess - rights,
=64. 457/i 469, 474,
Trapezus, iv. 12, 332
Trasimene Lake, battle at the, ii. 278 Travels, scientific, iv. 245 n.
Trebia, battle on the, ii. 270
L. Trebellius [pleb. tribune, 687], iv. 394,
iv. v. 131 «. ,
torius, iv. 282
Tipas, king of the Maedi, iii. 428
Tisaean promontory, iv. 41
Tities (sodales 7Yf»), i. 53, 55, 56, 215
Titinius, writer of comedies, iii. 164 f. ; C Trebonius, Caesar's lieutenant, v. 22B
iv. 230
C. Titius, orator about 593, iv. 251. Ex
cites in 665 mutiny against Cato, iii.
L. Tremellius [quaestor, 612], iii. 263 Tres vtri ef-ulones, iii. 110. Increased to
seven, iv. 126
Tres tnensarii, ii. 343
Tres nocturm or capitalts, Q. 66
Treveri, v. 32, 37, 72/
C. Triarius, lieutenant of Lucullus, Iv.
347, 348 Triarii, iii. 45B
Drastic description taken from his speeches, iv. 187f.
Sex. Titius [tribune of the people, 655], iii. 480
Title •hunting in republican Rome, iii.
Titthi, Celtiberian tribe, iii. 216
Triballi, iii. 425
Q. Titurius Sabinus, Caesar's lieutenant, Tribes of the clans (Ram/dans, Tities,
v- 55, 68, 69, 70 Tius, iii. 281 ; iv. 333 Toga, i. 89
Luceres\ 53-56. Formerly communi ties, 85. Of little practical signi- ficance, %&f.
Togata. See Fabula
Togati, oldest legal designation of the
Italians as opposed to the Celtic brae
cati, ii. 59 ; iii. 164 «. ; v. 10
Tolenus, river in Latium, iii. 511
Tolerini, about 370, member of the Latin
league, i. 448 «.
Tolistobogi (or Tolistoagii), ii. 401, 469«. ,
Tribes, Servian, levy districts, 117. Three of the Palatine, one (coffin*) of the Quirinal city, 64 . /C, 106, 107. Their order of precedence, 1o8 Number increased to twenty-one
471; 335
Tolosa, iii. 409, 436 v.
Spoil of, iii.
villages, 45. Four new ones added in the year 367, 432. Two others in the year 422, 46s. Two more in the year 436, 463. Two more in the ye" 455, 485- Increased to thirty, five: the four urban ranking last, 396/ Intimate union of the respective rural tribes, 399. Disorganisation,
i"- 37-39
Tribunal, 140, 189
436, 439i 440 ft.
Tolummius, king of Veii, 425 Tomatoes, iii. 64 n.
Tombs, Etruscan
painting of, Ornaments of, ii. 81
Tomi, iv. 307 Torboletes, it 246
their voting, 359 f. These new districts (tribus rusticae) arose out of the clan-
I i.
i. i.
i. i.
t in
; i. 8.
i. f.
: i.
L f. f. ,
Tribum crtcrum, I- 83, 90 «. , 317a. Prob Trocmi, ii. 401, 471
ably increased to six, i. 107/. Troia, game of, i. 294 *.
Tribuni mtlitum, i. 83, 90, 439, 440 n. Tryphon, king of Syria, iii. 286, 292
Why six in number, i. 107 /. Part Tryphon, leader in the Sicilian slave- chosen by the community, i. 397. rising, iii. 384, 385, 386
Twenty-four nominated by the cormtia, Tubilusirium, i. 209
iii. 13, 57. Qualification for the office
by proof of many years' service, iii. 13 Tribuni militum consulari potestate ap pointed, eligible from both orders, i. 371-
Tuder, town in Umbria, iv. 91 Tullianum, i. 137, 30a ; 119 iii. 409
M. Tullius Cicero, father of the orator,
iv. 194
Their authority equal, whether M. Tullius Cicero, his character, iv. 470,
patrician or plebeian, i. 371 n. Honour of a triumph and ius imaginum refused to them, i. 373,/C Abolished, i. 380
5t6. /C v. 132. /C, 504. /C His birthplace, iv. 266. Opposes Sulla, iv. 266. Im peaches Verres, iv. 373. Defends the Manilian law, iv. 397 Consul, iv. 470. Opposes the Servilian agrarian law, iv. 474. Conduct during Catilina conspiracy, iv. 475, 478/, 481-484. Banished for his conduct therein, iv. 516-518. Recalled, v. 112, 118. Sup ports the corn -distribution of Pompeius, v. 121.
Tribuni plebis, their institution, i. 349.
Arise out of the military tribunes, and
named af,er them, i. 354. Comparison
between consular and tribunician power,
i. 354 /. Not magistrates, and without
a seat in the senate, i. 355. Political
value of the office, i. 355 /, At first
two, i. 349. Subsequently four, i. 361.
Then ten, i. 362. Their right of inter-
cessio, i. 350^ Criminal jurisdiction,
i. 35°-352; «v- 127- Acquire the right v. 265, /288. Submits to Caesar, v.
129, of consulting the people and procuring 132 /. Creator of classical Latin,
As a forensic orator, v. "resolves," i. 353. Inviolable, i. 353. /C v- 455 503-
Suspension of the office during the de- 506. Writes dialogues, v. 507-510. cemvirate, and its abolition aimed at, i. Literary opposition to, v. 506. /C
362. Restored, i. 368. Share in the Q. Tullius Cicero, v. -jo/
discussions of the senate : seared on a Tunes, iii. 249. Battle of, ii. 182,/, 201 bench near the door, i. 369. Obtain, after Tunes, Lake of, Hi. 248, 254
equalization of the orders, the distinc Turdetani, ii. 385 iii. 220, 221 iv. 174
tive prerogative of supreme magistracy — the right of convoking the senate and transacting business with it —and be come the usual organ of the senate, i. 403-405. Political value of this measure, i. 405/. Their re-election permitted by C. Papirius Carbo, iii. 340 «. , 344. Their initiative in legislation restricted by Sulla, iii. 542; iv. 116-118,264. Restora tion of the tribunician power, iv. 371, 381
Tribuni at Venusia, ii. 51
Tributum, i. 92, 380 ; iii. 21. Laid upon
the freeholders, i. /115. Ceases to be levied in Italy, iii. 303; iv. 156. In the provinces, iv. 157
Trifanum, battle of, 459 «. , 461 Trigemina porta, iii. 368 Triocala, iii. 386
Triphylia, ii. 396
S. Turpilius, comic poet, iv. 229
T. Turpilius Silanus commands the
garrison of Vaga, iii. 402. Executed
by court martial, iii. 40a Turia, river, iv. 296
Turs-tnr. ae, 155
Tusca, river, iii. 258
Tusca, town, iii. 238
Tuscan Sea, 181
Tusculum, 48, 58. Legends as to its
foundation, 11o «. , 1iz. In the Ari- cine league, 445 «. , 451. Helps the Roman government amidst internal troubles, 358. Revolts, 447/, 460. About 370, a member of Latin league,
448 «. , 450. Forced to enter the Roman burgess-union, 451. Obtains full burgess-rights, ii. 48 n. Dictator there, t. 442 n. Architecture, 302.
Tutcla, 78
Tutomotulu/s, king of the Salyes, iii. 417 Twelve Tables, laws of the their origin,
Triumph, meaning of, i. 35, 296.
Refused by senate, granted by burgesses, i. 398. Becomes common, iii. 43 /. On the
Alban Mount, iii. 43
Triumvirate, first, of Pompeius, Crassus,
and Caesar, iv. 378. Second, iv. 504/!
Essentially a written em. bodiment of the existing public and
v. 124. v. 237.
Opposes Caesar's agrarian law, Goes to the camp of Pompeius, Af,er the battle of Pharsalus,
private law, 363, 364. Restrict luxury,
i. i. i. i. i. i.
ii. ;
ii. 63, 81^ Literal y significance, ii. Valerius Antias, historian, ▼. 496. /C
112, 116 Valerius Cato, teacher of Latin literature. Tyndaris, 184 v. 480
Tyndaris, promontory of, battle off the, C. Valerius Flaccus, Snllan governor m
li- 178
Tyre, ii. 142 Tyrrheno-Pelasgians,
Etruscans, 155
their relation to the
Spain, iv. 93 v.
C. Valerius Triarius, Lucullus' lieutenant,
iv. 329. 334, 348
L. Valerius Poplicola [consul, 305),
L. Valerius Flaccus [consul, 559 censor,
570], ii. 457; "*• 47/
L. Valerius Flaccus [consul, 654], ifi. 457
TJb1i, v. 31, 61 TJlb1a, ii. 177
f. iv. 72 «.
Umbrians, ii. 224. A branch of the L. Valerius Flaccus [consul, 668], iv. 40,
TJlixes, whence derived,
Italians, 13^ Language of, 12 f. , 43, 47, 70. 72 ». , 98, 102 h.
16 f. , 282; ii. 115. Writing, 278, 282. Migration, 39 . /, 143^ Their original district, 143-147, 158, 434. Join Etruscans in surprising Cumae, 158. Share in the Samnite war, 480
99. Position towards proposals of the 491 censor, 502I ii. 170 EL 44 a. younger Drusus, tii. 486. Remain Orders the first frescoes to be painted
Their attitude in the second Punic
war, 347. Their agriculture, hi. M\ Valer1us Maximus Messalla [consul,
L. Valerius Flaccus, lieutenant of Pom. peius in Asia, iv. 413
L. Valerius Flaccus [praetor, 691) de fended by Cicero, iv. 73 «.
M\ Valerius Maximus [dictator, 260I 348
faithful in the Social war, iii. 501. Incipient insurrection, iii. 513 f. , 510. Repressed by Sulla, iv. 91
tJrban community contrasted with a
in Rome, iii. 207
M. Valerius Corvus [consul, 406, 408, 411,
419, 454, 4551. 403. 459 «• ui. 17.
Not called Calenus, iii. 44 n.
M. Valerius Laevinus [consul, 544L ii.
3<,5, 3M, 317. 415
P. Valerius Falto [praetor, 513], ii. 195
P. Valerius Laevinus [consul, 474] 1i. 19,
21, 23
P. Valerius Poplicola, ii. 105
Q. Valerius Catullus, v. 140 f. , 445, 481-
483 .
Vardaei. See Ardyaei
P. Varinius [praetor, 681 general in
state, iii. 330 /C, 505. /C Urfanitas, v. 452
Urfa, l. 47
iv. 132-134
Vrso, iii. 223
TJsalis in Africa, tax-free, iii. 259 Uscudama (Adrianople), town of the
Bessi, iv. 307 Usipetes, v. 31, 37, 60
Usuarium, 60
Usury, 364, 389, 39a See Interest
l/svs marriage, 113 n.
Utica, iii.