Now, 'a,iring oul of her mirgery margery waler-sh<:ad~', )( ,urn_
mon new witnesses, including 0 (491.
mon new witnesses, including 0 (491.
and hi.
~tationwa, a few perch to the Wtll,h.
"Side of the \moll Asnneh and i, wa.
from no other place unl.
Utere, bow and ever, that h~ proxtcndcd aloof upon the ethe< Mesmer'. AI. anuum, the hand making silence. ' The other part, "fxfollow, and they find A (Yawn) sprawled asleep in tl>cir midst, wh. T<:upon ,hey spread nets ovcr him. The implications of ! hi.
action become to! "tUou? .
Initially the casting of net>upon a 'Ieepilli figure ,uggcan Gul.
li,? cr pinned down by the Lilliputians. But if A'S flight and return mimic tOO$< ofJoyce we IIllIY again n:member Par",,,, V: 'When the loul of. nun is born in this country there aU ncu flung al it (0 hold it hack from flighl. ' Further, Xarc specifically fishermen drawing their seine net. through the 'planckton' (477. t 8-~6), Per? haps Max Planck's quaM", energy unil$ in planktonic profusion, toge! her with Ihe earlier referene<: lQ ether, prediale a tetrad of
radi<:> npcraton hopefully ,weepini the waveband,. . Marthew ext. nds Mesmer', h:ond upon the ether: Mesmer believed tha. in- fluence! ! wer. oondU(:l(:d between heavenly bodies, the corth and living bodi. . via 'a fiuid, univtrJally diffused and oontinued, I<>
? as to admit no """uurn, who", sUbtlety i. beyond . n comparioon. ' The 'tage"mesmerist's "'ised hand supplies funher connotations of . piri,u. ali$m, which M' alr. . . dy b<<n discuued" this episode.
Once com~ct is es",bli. hed betwcen Xand A they ask hi. name, to whkh he replies 'TrinatMn parmick dieudonnay' (478. 16). A. A PUTOUCS a via """if, we might identify 'dieudonnay' . . the God- give" M""i. ah. This leaves two names which, hy comparison with
theres,ofFW,canbeSlated10include~ ofTris""',JCIlUIthan Swift. nd St Patrick. Now, th ese "",,"ons arc frequently connected with both C and A, "" il i. not their A-ness which i. being stressed here. Swift may be present 10 feinfora: the GullivOT ailusion jusl noted, hut Tr;'tan. nd Palrick are a. soci. atcd in FW for similarities such a. their conncetio"", with Brittany and their r<<urrent Irish visits. Patrick, aCCQrding In hi' Con/enio, III, rdurn<<! to Ireland . 0$ a result ofhearilli 'the voice ofth<>se who were ncar the Wood of Foclu! ', in Co. Mayo, John, Ihe fourth unit of X, represents the West oflrcland, and replies to A'S mention of Foelut 'I know IMt plac<: Ix"er than any",,",' (478. 36), before conf. . . ing it with Poldoody, a famous oY'. <"t pool in Co. Oare.
"areofCourSC""ekingm ("majes'a,,'),andin! IO farat A;. "'. . trick, m will be "'iikhu,hi, ma"er during his first Irish sojourn.
Patrick gu. arded Milchu', h. . . -. H from the wolves, and left I. . . ,land on a ohip arrying Irish wolfhounds. " Thus on being reminded
of his ex_mUter A cxdaill1$ (abo echoing Parnell) 'The _lves of Fochlut! 0. :. no. Oingamejig ro ,he lwolvesl' (479. 13-14). T his
amuSCS x: wolves arc p<:rhaps now ex,i~t in Ireland.
Anention reverts to A's 'mound or barrow'. A. we ob<<rved, Ihe leKendary colonist Parthalon is a m model; accordillll to the An~al$0/'M F()u, M<1. ! ,. rl he and hi. followers were ext<"tminated by plague and butied" Tallaghl, a southwestern ""telli'e of Ihe me""polis_ Gre~n H ilt. , originally a vi llage near T alLaaft t, suggests tumuli by its name and i. conseQuently tied '" the event by '94. 35 and here by 4&0. 08. But )( suggests tMt '<"te there was
this plaguehurrow, ? ? you seem to coll it, the", wa, a buria! banell, the boatofmillion9 of yean . . . an orangeboat . . . Dnken af Dane- m<>rk 1___ Hennn I' (479-24-33)- Burial in boa. . was a Viking insti_ tution: the boat carrying the corpte would be Oct adrift, burning, as in the myth of Balder. Entire boa" were als" interred, for enmple. , Gokstad and Oscberg. 'The boat of millions of yeaTS' w"" Ihe vessel in which, according to the pries" of RIi at Helio-
polis, the sun-rod and the ! lOuis of the b! esscd travelled from
The Drama Parapolylogi( 43
? lunlnW lumi. . ",. anddearlyI'<:late. totheHennu_boatofO. iri,. But A, thinking only of the Viking dl;lgOnboats and of hi' W<llf- houndo, retorts, 'Her I;lven flag was out. ' The pirate boats of the Dublin Danes had raven flags. )( must 'till be using 'heir int. . . . . pI'<:ler, for {bey comment 'That folklore', straight from the a. . hi' mouth. '
A i. principally concerned about Ihe wolve? . VI. B. 20. 91 gives 'A named Milky becsu. . , Wolfy smacked him', which can be tied to 480. 21-32, a, can VI. B. "3. 94: 'Rohinson's . hield for W<llfcuho'. I: and A are fr"'lunuly re:prcsenu:d as Rnmulus and Remus and Ih<<e may <xi. . here: Iri. h parallels such as tho. . , of Cormac ,\U(:Ai" and Saints Ailbe and Hairre who weI'<: . uckled by W<llve. . . . A say' . hat he was . uckled by m (480. '4), which may explain his reticence over 'the man I gO in fcar of' (48t. p). X e~. ract fragmen. ary infantile anamnesis much connttted with
Patrick'. CMtf""i"(48). IS- 48S. 01), and ' espOnd contemptuously, their r<:Sponlle drawiOi on ? nOle of VI. B. S. 30:
oboeenity of rdigi'>u'
art veronica', towel butcher', apron, sacred heat! , beggars at atholic shrines <xbibh ilumps oflimb? . giveWI a
luck of your . ugarstick and I'll show you my . ore toe
Next, beginning to suspect A of fraud ('Thot'. never the postal cleric'), X make nile ofhypnotic-<'lpiritualistic lechniques (4Sti. '4- 31) to induce in bim a 'triprych vision' of Tris. . . ", hold<: and
Patrick. " They eventually draw forth part of rTf. a<<rer, conform- ing to the depravity tbey anticipated (49Ll7-'lO), but tbis is countered by tbe intruaion nf A', voice at 492. 13 to 'traverse ",me above ''''tement'. A il aorion. to lramfer the blame from her hU9- hand W one Sully, a writer of anonymous lellen and scorrilous
ballad, (495. 0'-3), but )( in,is. ma. ohe it misled (-49S. 36).
Now, 'a,iring oul of her mirgery margery waler-sh<:ad~', )( ,urn_
mon new witnesses, including 0 (491. 04-499. 03) and . , (499. 04- "Si. Ii. ". W? ? ,",_II<,('><;>1,<'i,. . &>10"-(Loodoo. ,. \ktha<n,_) I,lJ3.
"I'hmzn. . . ? ? V~. . . s". . _ Hd" i . . (o. fQr~ U,"",";,y ~ '9''') I, "";;. . . <<Ii;;'''''"'''to;"this_,,,,,tho, 'th<wuIfin_ I_tid. . . . _t><t<danimal.
and _""";"<0<1 ",;,h <II< <uIl of ,he ,un: " See he""". p. '1'"
? 1
12) and PQ. . ihly even Finnegan speaking Ihrough II (499_. 6-\8): 'Your soulstothe devil, do ye think I'm dead;' This ti"",l outburst infuriates the in"estigalOrs, who abuse (h<ir mtdimn. II responds by invoking magical force. : siaLic babhle P<"SKaS? S the Ndio and
. . panicstricken strife of <<IngtIcS culminate? . 01 $OI. OS-{i: 'WL-~->
- TIt. ,. . . t . . t"eU . . . SILENCE
ThiS requirescompari""nwith014. 06. A,0'3_10 XalUlOunctd that four things in Dublin nc'er . hall fail till hcathersmoke and doudweed Eire', i. le . hall pall. lbcse four laSt things a,. . , 00rl- . peeta of m, 4, -I and CIA. They are fun listed in running print in coll. lion wi. h . he Jewish calendar, and . hen in tabular form againSt the dat. . 1132 AD, S66 AD, S66 AD and 1132 AD. At the cent,. . , of the table the word 'Silent' ItprCSrnt$ Ihe Norse Gin- nunga Gap """"rding 10014_. 6_ Now, Ihe Annals of 1M Four Mas. . ", which a,. . , mentioned ! . eVe. . . ltimes here, put . 1>( dc-Ath
of Finn Mace""",l against the year 283 ADI
The Age of Christ, 283. The oixteenth year of Dieh",. Finn, RI'\lndson of Baisgne, fen by Aichlea~h,Inn ofOuibh- d",ann, and the sonsof UirgIeann ofthe L""ighni Teamh-
raeh,. t Ath-Brea, upon the fIoinn (lJoyne]. . . . "
Now, 283 Xl = S66 and 283 x 4 - 1'32. We may therefore regard . he silenceson 0'4 and so. . . interruptions occasioned by nrs demise. Xcall the laner gap a 'oje'ta' (sou o), and ;( il apparen. that time has passed during it. For at 481. "'1-6 X have inqui,. . ,d as 10 ITf< place and time. Was he in Oxman. town, whence in the year 1098 King William Rufu, obttintd the wood for the roof of W es. m;",,,,r Han, 'where no F. nglish spider webl>(th or breedeth 10 this day';" Was he 'He fair, Chris'? Yes, II <<plieo, 'Ikfurchl christ I' Butnn th. mhe< side of the lacuna another . ime_
check bringS th. reply 'Amnis Dominae' (SI3. 0S)_
111. 3 is thu. spht into two parts, the second including 'Haveth OIilden'. Ea<:h part opens with. limple altcrnaring examination of II by)( In """h there i. a S<<rinn CtlJIC<:rntd with (;JII polarity, . hough in the second pan I: and A are chicll. y ",presented by the tie<: and '<<Inc (S03-~6-505. 31). In both pans II is an u _partici_ pant al the Wake (49? . 01-); S'+'9-2r) and thus informed about
"''''''' 0'000",. _, (<</. ), AmwI. o <Jrio. K " '_ <>I hoJ. . . d, by to. F _ M. ". . . , (Dublin, H~""" Smido " )<J I, "9-"_
. . , . D ? M " " , . : n . . H i " " " , ' " ,~. c . - y <>I v . u ; " . <1. 4"
The Drama Parap"lyJogic 47
? ? m. In the KOODd pUt, pr. --d for ""mils, he rev". ,l. tht point of nr. . . aurrccti<m: '\uolf! \ana IIW, Ii. . . , if be waUl't ooantina; his a. lk\lb body b8c1r. ' Cst6. ? S- ,6). Conjoino;d m <he wU. t is th~ 'c-pic I,maik'ofmandhi,_ibnlwhichben:odI=sfrom I. ? :IC art . pin the judgn. Vlrious pa. . . Ueb an: ob"ious in boIh "'. - ,ions: if ! he: . . saul. on m tquall tht . . . . . . ination of Brian Boru by the Vikina Brodir at the Baule of OonlMf we an rompart oh. O) wilh "7. 05 to lOme pllrpoa. c. " agr~ that the eVCOtl dc-
ICrlbtd by lCoe<:urt"cl ("7. 01-519. 1): they then refu. e 10 belle", him. They hive dcdue<:d lhat if there WAI plenty of . . . in, It "
As in the fiJ$' part of III. ) fllrther voices ;aut from I\, who dilcbimJruponSibilityfortheopinionstheyprnMI. We'CCOj:- nille Sylvia SilmO!
Utere, bow and ever, that h~ proxtcndcd aloof upon the ethe< Mesmer'. AI. anuum, the hand making silence. ' The other part, "fxfollow, and they find A (Yawn) sprawled asleep in tl>cir midst, wh. T<:upon ,hey spread nets ovcr him. The implications of ! hi.
action become to! "tUou? .
Initially the casting of net>upon a 'Ieepilli figure ,uggcan Gul.
li,? cr pinned down by the Lilliputians. But if A'S flight and return mimic tOO$< ofJoyce we IIllIY again n:member Par",,,, V: 'When the loul of. nun is born in this country there aU ncu flung al it (0 hold it hack from flighl. ' Further, Xarc specifically fishermen drawing their seine net. through the 'planckton' (477. t 8-~6), Per? haps Max Planck's quaM", energy unil$ in planktonic profusion, toge! her with Ihe earlier referene<: lQ ether, prediale a tetrad of
radi<:> npcraton hopefully ,weepini the waveband,. . Marthew ext. nds Mesmer', h:ond upon the ether: Mesmer believed tha. in- fluence! ! wer. oondU(:l(:d between heavenly bodies, the corth and living bodi. . via 'a fiuid, univtrJally diffused and oontinued, I<>
? as to admit no """uurn, who", sUbtlety i. beyond . n comparioon. ' The 'tage"mesmerist's "'ised hand supplies funher connotations of . piri,u. ali$m, which M' alr. . . dy b<<n discuued" this episode.
Once com~ct is es",bli. hed betwcen Xand A they ask hi. name, to whkh he replies 'TrinatMn parmick dieudonnay' (478. 16). A. A PUTOUCS a via """if, we might identify 'dieudonnay' . . the God- give" M""i. ah. This leaves two names which, hy comparison with
theres,ofFW,canbeSlated10include~ ofTris""',JCIlUIthan Swift. nd St Patrick. Now, th ese "",,"ons arc frequently connected with both C and A, "" il i. not their A-ness which i. being stressed here. Swift may be present 10 feinfora: the GullivOT ailusion jusl noted, hut Tr;'tan. nd Palrick are a. soci. atcd in FW for similarities such a. their conncetio"", with Brittany and their r<<urrent Irish visits. Patrick, aCCQrding In hi' Con/enio, III, rdurn<<! to Ireland . 0$ a result ofhearilli 'the voice ofth<>se who were ncar the Wood of Foclu! ', in Co. Mayo, John, Ihe fourth unit of X, represents the West oflrcland, and replies to A'S mention of Foelut 'I know IMt plac<: Ix"er than any",,",' (478. 36), before conf. . . ing it with Poldoody, a famous oY'. <"t pool in Co. Oare.
"areofCourSC""ekingm ("majes'a,,'),andin! IO farat A;. "'. . trick, m will be "'iikhu,hi, ma"er during his first Irish sojourn.
Patrick gu. arded Milchu', h. . . -. H from the wolves, and left I. . . ,land on a ohip arrying Irish wolfhounds. " Thus on being reminded
of his ex_mUter A cxdaill1$ (abo echoing Parnell) 'The _lves of Fochlut! 0. :. no. Oingamejig ro ,he lwolvesl' (479. 13-14). T his
amuSCS x: wolves arc p<:rhaps now ex,i~t in Ireland.
Anention reverts to A's 'mound or barrow'. A. we ob<<rved, Ihe leKendary colonist Parthalon is a m model; accordillll to the An~al$0/'M F()u, M<1. ! ,. rl he and hi. followers were ext<"tminated by plague and butied" Tallaghl, a southwestern ""telli'e of Ihe me""polis_ Gre~n H ilt. , originally a vi llage near T alLaaft t, suggests tumuli by its name and i. conseQuently tied '" the event by '94. 35 and here by 4&0. 08. But )( suggests tMt '<"te there was
this plaguehurrow, ? ? you seem to coll it, the", wa, a buria! banell, the boatofmillion9 of yean . . . an orangeboat . . . Dnken af Dane- m<>rk 1___ Hennn I' (479-24-33)- Burial in boa. . was a Viking insti_ tution: the boat carrying the corpte would be Oct adrift, burning, as in the myth of Balder. Entire boa" were als" interred, for enmple. , Gokstad and Oscberg. 'The boat of millions of yeaTS' w"" Ihe vessel in which, according to the pries" of RIi at Helio-
polis, the sun-rod and the ! lOuis of the b! esscd travelled from
The Drama Parapolylogi( 43
? lunlnW lumi. . ",. anddearlyI'<:late. totheHennu_boatofO. iri,. But A, thinking only of the Viking dl;lgOnboats and of hi' W<llf- houndo, retorts, 'Her I;lven flag was out. ' The pirate boats of the Dublin Danes had raven flags. )( must 'till be using 'heir int. . . . . pI'<:ler, for {bey comment 'That folklore', straight from the a. . hi' mouth. '
A i. principally concerned about Ihe wolve? . VI. B. 20. 91 gives 'A named Milky becsu. . , Wolfy smacked him', which can be tied to 480. 21-32, a, can VI. B. "3. 94: 'Rohinson's . hield for W<llfcuho'. I: and A are fr"'lunuly re:prcsenu:d as Rnmulus and Remus and Ih<<e may <xi. . here: Iri. h parallels such as tho. . , of Cormac ,\U(:Ai" and Saints Ailbe and Hairre who weI'<: . uckled by W<llve. . . . A say' . hat he was . uckled by m (480. '4), which may explain his reticence over 'the man I gO in fcar of' (48t. p). X e~. ract fragmen. ary infantile anamnesis much connttted with
Patrick'. CMtf""i"(48). IS- 48S. 01), and ' espOnd contemptuously, their r<:Sponlle drawiOi on ? nOle of VI. B. S. 30:
oboeenity of rdigi'>u'
art veronica', towel butcher', apron, sacred heat! , beggars at atholic shrines <xbibh ilumps oflimb? . giveWI a
luck of your . ugarstick and I'll show you my . ore toe
Next, beginning to suspect A of fraud ('Thot'. never the postal cleric'), X make nile ofhypnotic-<'lpiritualistic lechniques (4Sti. '4- 31) to induce in bim a 'triprych vision' of Tris. . . ", hold<: and
Patrick. " They eventually draw forth part of rTf. a<<rer, conform- ing to the depravity tbey anticipated (49Ll7-'lO), but tbis is countered by tbe intruaion nf A', voice at 492. 13 to 'traverse ",me above ''''tement'. A il aorion. to lramfer the blame from her hU9- hand W one Sully, a writer of anonymous lellen and scorrilous
ballad, (495. 0'-3), but )( in,is. ma. ohe it misled (-49S. 36).
Now, 'a,iring oul of her mirgery margery waler-sh<:ad~', )( ,urn_
mon new witnesses, including 0 (491. 04-499. 03) and . , (499. 04- "Si. Ii. ". W? ? ,",_II<,('><;>1,<'i,. . &>10"-(Loodoo. ,. \ktha<n,_) I,lJ3.
"I'hmzn. . . ? ? V~. . . s". . _ Hd" i . . (o. fQr~ U,"",";,y ~ '9''') I, "";;. . . <<Ii;;'''''"'''to;"this_,,,,,tho, 'th<wuIfin_ I_tid. . . . _t><t<danimal.
and _""";"<0<1 ",;,h <II< <uIl of ,he ,un: " See he""". p. '1'"
? 1
12) and PQ. . ihly even Finnegan speaking Ihrough II (499_. 6-\8): 'Your soulstothe devil, do ye think I'm dead;' This ti"",l outburst infuriates the in"estigalOrs, who abuse (h<ir mtdimn. II responds by invoking magical force. : siaLic babhle P<"SKaS? S the Ndio and
. . panicstricken strife of <<IngtIcS culminate? . 01 $OI. OS-{i: 'WL-~->
- TIt. ,. . . t . . t"eU . . . SILENCE
ThiS requirescompari""nwith014. 06. A,0'3_10 XalUlOunctd that four things in Dublin nc'er . hall fail till hcathersmoke and doudweed Eire', i. le . hall pall. lbcse four laSt things a,. . , 00rl- . peeta of m, 4, -I and CIA. They are fun listed in running print in coll. lion wi. h . he Jewish calendar, and . hen in tabular form againSt the dat. . 1132 AD, S66 AD, S66 AD and 1132 AD. At the cent,. . , of the table the word 'Silent' ItprCSrnt$ Ihe Norse Gin- nunga Gap """"rding 10014_. 6_ Now, Ihe Annals of 1M Four Mas. . ", which a,. . , mentioned ! . eVe. . . ltimes here, put . 1>( dc-Ath
of Finn Mace""",l against the year 283 ADI
The Age of Christ, 283. The oixteenth year of Dieh",. Finn, RI'\lndson of Baisgne, fen by Aichlea~h,Inn ofOuibh- d",ann, and the sonsof UirgIeann ofthe L""ighni Teamh-
raeh,. t Ath-Brea, upon the fIoinn (lJoyne]. . . . "
Now, 283 Xl = S66 and 283 x 4 - 1'32. We may therefore regard . he silenceson 0'4 and so. . . interruptions occasioned by nrs demise. Xcall the laner gap a 'oje'ta' (sou o), and ;( il apparen. that time has passed during it. For at 481. "'1-6 X have inqui,. . ,d as 10 ITf< place and time. Was he in Oxman. town, whence in the year 1098 King William Rufu, obttintd the wood for the roof of W es. m;",,,,r Han, 'where no F. nglish spider webl>(th or breedeth 10 this day';" Was he 'He fair, Chris'? Yes, II <<plieo, 'Ikfurchl christ I' Butnn th. mhe< side of the lacuna another . ime_
check bringS th. reply 'Amnis Dominae' (SI3. 0S)_
111. 3 is thu. spht into two parts, the second including 'Haveth OIilden'. Ea<:h part opens with. limple altcrnaring examination of II by)( In """h there i. a S<<rinn CtlJIC<:rntd with (;JII polarity, . hough in the second pan I: and A are chicll. y ",presented by the tie<: and '<<Inc (S03-~6-505. 31). In both pans II is an u _partici_ pant al the Wake (49? . 01-); S'+'9-2r) and thus informed about
"''''''' 0'000",. _, (<</. ), AmwI. o <Jrio. K " '_ <>I hoJ. . . d, by to. F _ M. ". . . , (Dublin, H~""" Smido " )<J I, "9-"_
. . , . D ? M " " , . : n . . H i " " " , ' " ,~. c . - y <>I v . u ; " . <1. 4"
The Drama Parap"lyJogic 47
? ? m. In the KOODd pUt, pr. --d for ""mils, he rev". ,l. tht point of nr. . . aurrccti<m: '\uolf! \ana IIW, Ii. . . , if be waUl't ooantina; his a. lk\lb body b8c1r. ' Cst6. ? S- ,6). Conjoino;d m <he wU. t is th~ 'c-pic I,maik'ofmandhi,_ibnlwhichben:odI=sfrom I. ? :IC art . pin the judgn. Vlrious pa. . . Ueb an: ob"ious in boIh "'. - ,ions: if ! he: . . saul. on m tquall tht . . . . . . ination of Brian Boru by the Vikina Brodir at the Baule of OonlMf we an rompart oh. O) wilh "7. 05 to lOme pllrpoa. c. " agr~ that the eVCOtl dc-
ICrlbtd by lCoe<:urt"cl ("7. 01-519. 1): they then refu. e 10 belle", him. They hive dcdue<:d lhat if there WAI plenty of . . . in, It "
As in the fiJ$' part of III. ) fllrther voices ;aut from I\, who dilcbimJruponSibilityfortheopinionstheyprnMI. We'CCOj:- nille Sylvia SilmO!