of the Lake Poets.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v11
With notes
from Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 1869, etc.
Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Letters to C. Butler, Esq. comprising
Essays on the Romish Religion and vindicating The Book of the Church.
Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on the progress and prospects of Society.
2 vols, 1829. 2nd edn. 1831.
Essays Moral and Political. . . now first collected. 2 vols. 1832.
Lives of the British Admirals, with an introductory view of the Naval History
of England. [Continued by Bell, R. ] 5 vols. 1833-40.
The Doctor. 7 vols. 1834-47. (Vols. Vi and vii ed. Warter, J. W. )
The Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the history of the rise and
progress of the system of Mutual Tuition. 3 vols. 1844. [First vol.
only by R. Southey. ]
Common Place Book. Ed. by his son-in-law Warter, J. W. (Vol. 1. Choice
Passages. 1849. Vol. 11. Special Collections. 1849. Vol. 111. Analytical
Readings. 1850. Vol. iv. Original Memoranda. 1851. )
Journal of a Tour in the Netherlands in the autumn of 1815. 1902. With
an introduction by Nicoll, W. R. 1903.
E. Correspondence
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. Edited by his son, C. C.
Southey. 6 vols. 1849–50.
Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey. . . . Edited. . . by Warter, J. W.
4 vols. 1856.
The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles. To which are
added : Correspondence with Shelley, and Southey's Dreams. Ed. , with
introduction, Dowden, E. Dublin, 1881.
Letters from the Lake Poets. Ed. Stuart, M. 1889.
Letters of Robert Southey. A selection, ed. with introduction and notes
by Fitzgerald, M. H. Oxford, 1912. (The World's Classics. )
F. Translated and Edited Works
Amadis of Gaul. By Vasco Lobeira. (From the Spanish version of Garcior-
donez de Montalvo by R. Southey. ) 1803.
The Works of Thomas Chatterton. [Edd. Cottle and Southey. ] 1803.
Palmerin of England. 4 vols. (Corrected by R. Southey. ) 1807.
Specimens of the later English Poets, with preliminary notices by R. Sonthey.
3 vols. 1807.
Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, by R. Southey. 1808.
The remains of H. K. White. With an account of his life by R. Southey.
The byrth, lyf, and actes of Kyng Arthur. With an introduction and notes
by R. Southey. 1817.
The Pilgrim's Progress. With a life of John Bunyan by R. Southey.
## p. 423 (#445) ############################################
Select Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Jonson, with biographical
sketches, by R. Southey. 1831.
Attempts in verse. . . . With some account of the writer (John Jones, Servant)
written by himself, and an introductory essay on the lives and works of
our uneducated poets, by R. Southey, Poet Laureate. 1831.
See, also, bibliography to chap. IV, ante, William Cowper, sect. II.
G. Biography and Criticism
See, also, the various introductions to editions of Southey's Works mentioned
in sections B-E, ante.
Betham, E. A House of Letters: being excerpts from the correspondence
of . . . Southey . . . and others with Matilda Betham. [1905. ]
Browne, C. Life of Robert Southey. 1854.
Byron, Lord. Letters and Journals. 6 vols. Ed. Prothero, R. E. 1898,
Chorley, H. F. The Authors of England. 1838.
Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols. 1817.
Cottle, J. Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge and Robert Southey. 1847.
Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol. vi, chap. vill, also
pp. 247-8. 1910.
Dennis, J. Robert Southey. Studies in English Literature. 1876.
Robert Southey. The story of his life written in his letters. Boston
(U. S. A. ), 1887.
De Quincey, Thomas.
Reminiscences of the Lake Poets. Works. Ed.
Masson, D. Vol. 11. Edinburgh, 1889.
Dowden, E. Southey. (English Men of Letters Series. ) 1874.
Gilfillan, G. Robert Southey. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. I.
Hazlitt, W. The Spirit of the Age: or, Contemporary Portraits. 1825.
Works. Edd. Glover, A. and Waller, A. R. Vol. iv. 1902.
Jerdan, W. Men I have known. 1866.
Knight, W. A. Memorials of Coleorton, etc. 1887.
Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversations. 1826.
Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Historical Essays, pp. 97-120; 180-8. 1852.
Robberds, J. W. A memoir of the life and writings of the late William
Taylor, of Norwich, . . . Containing his Correspondence. . . with R. S.
and . . . other eminent literary men. 2 vols. 1843.
Robinson, H. Crabb. Diary. Ed. Sadler, T. 3 vols. 1869. 2 vols. 1872.
Saintsbury, G. Robert Southey. Essays in English Literature, 1780-1860.
2nd ser. 1895.
Scott, Sir Walter. Life. 10 vols. By Lockhart, John G. 1903.
Familiar Letters. 1894.
Smiles, Samuel. A Publisher and his friends. Memoir of the late John
Murray, with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 1768–
1843. 2 vols. 1891.
Stephen, Sir L. Southey's Letters. Studies of a Biographer. Vol. iv.
Symons, A. Robert Southey. Saturday Review. Vol. II, pp. 325, 356.
Thackeray, W. M. The Four Georges. (George III. ) 1861.
Watson, R. Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley. 1820.
Westminster School Register from 1764 to 1883. Compiled by Barker,
G. F. R. and Stenning, A. H. 1892.
## p. 424 (#446) ############################################
Christopher Anstey
Poetical Works of the late Christopher Anstey, Esq. , with some Account of
the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son, John Anstey, Esq.
The New Bath Guide, or Memoirs of the B-r-d (Blunderhead) Family, in a
series of Poetical Epistles. 1766.
On the much lamented Death of the Marquis of Tavistock. 1767.
The Patriot, a Pindaric Address to Lord Buckhorse. Cambridge, 1767.
A Serious Alarum to the People of Bath. [1772. ]
The Priest Dissected. A poem. 1774.
An Election Ball. 1776.
A Familiar Epistle (in verse) from C. Anstey, Esq. to C. W. Bampfylde, Esq.
Translated and addressed to the ladies. Dublin, 1777.
Envy. 1778.
Speculation, or a Defence of Mankind. 1780.
Liberality, or the Decayed Macaroni. 1788.
The Farmer's Daughter, a poetical tale. 1795.
Britain's Genius, a song. 1797.
Maier, Walter. Christopher Anstey und der New Bath Guide. Ein Beitrag
zur Entwicklung der englischen Satire im 18 Jahrhundert. Heidelberg,
Daniel Bellamy, the elder and the younger
The Cambro-Britannic Engineer. . . a mock-heroic poem. 1722.
Love Triumphant, or the Rival Goddesses. 1722.
The Young Ladies' Miscellany. 1723.
The Rival Priests. . . . A farce. [By D. Bellamy the Elder and Younger. ]
The Perjur'd Devotee. . . a comedy. [By D. Bellamy the Elder and Younger. ]
Ethic Amusements by Mr Bellamy, revised by his son D. Bellamy. 1768.
Ethic Amusements. Ethic tales. . . and fables. . . . By. . . Fenelon. . . . From the
French. [1770. ] (An addition, separately published, to the preceding
work. )
William Lisle Bowles
The Poetical Works of W. L.
from Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 1869, etc.
Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Letters to C. Butler, Esq. comprising
Essays on the Romish Religion and vindicating The Book of the Church.
Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on the progress and prospects of Society.
2 vols, 1829. 2nd edn. 1831.
Essays Moral and Political. . . now first collected. 2 vols. 1832.
Lives of the British Admirals, with an introductory view of the Naval History
of England. [Continued by Bell, R. ] 5 vols. 1833-40.
The Doctor. 7 vols. 1834-47. (Vols. Vi and vii ed. Warter, J. W. )
The Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the history of the rise and
progress of the system of Mutual Tuition. 3 vols. 1844. [First vol.
only by R. Southey. ]
Common Place Book. Ed. by his son-in-law Warter, J. W. (Vol. 1. Choice
Passages. 1849. Vol. 11. Special Collections. 1849. Vol. 111. Analytical
Readings. 1850. Vol. iv. Original Memoranda. 1851. )
Journal of a Tour in the Netherlands in the autumn of 1815. 1902. With
an introduction by Nicoll, W. R. 1903.
E. Correspondence
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. Edited by his son, C. C.
Southey. 6 vols. 1849–50.
Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey. . . . Edited. . . by Warter, J. W.
4 vols. 1856.
The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles. To which are
added : Correspondence with Shelley, and Southey's Dreams. Ed. , with
introduction, Dowden, E. Dublin, 1881.
Letters from the Lake Poets. Ed. Stuart, M. 1889.
Letters of Robert Southey. A selection, ed. with introduction and notes
by Fitzgerald, M. H. Oxford, 1912. (The World's Classics. )
F. Translated and Edited Works
Amadis of Gaul. By Vasco Lobeira. (From the Spanish version of Garcior-
donez de Montalvo by R. Southey. ) 1803.
The Works of Thomas Chatterton. [Edd. Cottle and Southey. ] 1803.
Palmerin of England. 4 vols. (Corrected by R. Southey. ) 1807.
Specimens of the later English Poets, with preliminary notices by R. Sonthey.
3 vols. 1807.
Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, by R. Southey. 1808.
The remains of H. K. White. With an account of his life by R. Southey.
The byrth, lyf, and actes of Kyng Arthur. With an introduction and notes
by R. Southey. 1817.
The Pilgrim's Progress. With a life of John Bunyan by R. Southey.
## p. 423 (#445) ############################################
Select Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Jonson, with biographical
sketches, by R. Southey. 1831.
Attempts in verse. . . . With some account of the writer (John Jones, Servant)
written by himself, and an introductory essay on the lives and works of
our uneducated poets, by R. Southey, Poet Laureate. 1831.
See, also, bibliography to chap. IV, ante, William Cowper, sect. II.
G. Biography and Criticism
See, also, the various introductions to editions of Southey's Works mentioned
in sections B-E, ante.
Betham, E. A House of Letters: being excerpts from the correspondence
of . . . Southey . . . and others with Matilda Betham. [1905. ]
Browne, C. Life of Robert Southey. 1854.
Byron, Lord. Letters and Journals. 6 vols. Ed. Prothero, R. E. 1898,
Chorley, H. F. The Authors of England. 1838.
Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols. 1817.
Cottle, J. Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge and Robert Southey. 1847.
Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol. vi, chap. vill, also
pp. 247-8. 1910.
Dennis, J. Robert Southey. Studies in English Literature. 1876.
Robert Southey. The story of his life written in his letters. Boston
(U. S. A. ), 1887.
De Quincey, Thomas.
Reminiscences of the Lake Poets. Works. Ed.
Masson, D. Vol. 11. Edinburgh, 1889.
Dowden, E. Southey. (English Men of Letters Series. ) 1874.
Gilfillan, G. Robert Southey. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. I.
Hazlitt, W. The Spirit of the Age: or, Contemporary Portraits. 1825.
Works. Edd. Glover, A. and Waller, A. R. Vol. iv. 1902.
Jerdan, W. Men I have known. 1866.
Knight, W. A. Memorials of Coleorton, etc. 1887.
Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversations. 1826.
Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Historical Essays, pp. 97-120; 180-8. 1852.
Robberds, J. W. A memoir of the life and writings of the late William
Taylor, of Norwich, . . . Containing his Correspondence. . . with R. S.
and . . . other eminent literary men. 2 vols. 1843.
Robinson, H. Crabb. Diary. Ed. Sadler, T. 3 vols. 1869. 2 vols. 1872.
Saintsbury, G. Robert Southey. Essays in English Literature, 1780-1860.
2nd ser. 1895.
Scott, Sir Walter. Life. 10 vols. By Lockhart, John G. 1903.
Familiar Letters. 1894.
Smiles, Samuel. A Publisher and his friends. Memoir of the late John
Murray, with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 1768–
1843. 2 vols. 1891.
Stephen, Sir L. Southey's Letters. Studies of a Biographer. Vol. iv.
Symons, A. Robert Southey. Saturday Review. Vol. II, pp. 325, 356.
Thackeray, W. M. The Four Georges. (George III. ) 1861.
Watson, R. Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley. 1820.
Westminster School Register from 1764 to 1883. Compiled by Barker,
G. F. R. and Stenning, A. H. 1892.
## p. 424 (#446) ############################################
Christopher Anstey
Poetical Works of the late Christopher Anstey, Esq. , with some Account of
the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son, John Anstey, Esq.
The New Bath Guide, or Memoirs of the B-r-d (Blunderhead) Family, in a
series of Poetical Epistles. 1766.
On the much lamented Death of the Marquis of Tavistock. 1767.
The Patriot, a Pindaric Address to Lord Buckhorse. Cambridge, 1767.
A Serious Alarum to the People of Bath. [1772. ]
The Priest Dissected. A poem. 1774.
An Election Ball. 1776.
A Familiar Epistle (in verse) from C. Anstey, Esq. to C. W. Bampfylde, Esq.
Translated and addressed to the ladies. Dublin, 1777.
Envy. 1778.
Speculation, or a Defence of Mankind. 1780.
Liberality, or the Decayed Macaroni. 1788.
The Farmer's Daughter, a poetical tale. 1795.
Britain's Genius, a song. 1797.
Maier, Walter. Christopher Anstey und der New Bath Guide. Ein Beitrag
zur Entwicklung der englischen Satire im 18 Jahrhundert. Heidelberg,
Daniel Bellamy, the elder and the younger
The Cambro-Britannic Engineer. . . a mock-heroic poem. 1722.
Love Triumphant, or the Rival Goddesses. 1722.
The Young Ladies' Miscellany. 1723.
The Rival Priests. . . . A farce. [By D. Bellamy the Elder and Younger. ]
The Perjur'd Devotee. . . a comedy. [By D. Bellamy the Elder and Younger. ]
Ethic Amusements by Mr Bellamy, revised by his son D. Bellamy. 1768.
Ethic Amusements. Ethic tales. . . and fables. . . . By. . . Fenelon. . . . From the
French. [1770. ] (An addition, separately published, to the preceding
work. )
William Lisle Bowles
The Poetical Works of W. L.