He i^
afterwards driven out of his Donji-
nions, 272, He affronts i'rofpero
Colonna, by giving him a mean Title,
upon which a Quarrel happens between
'em, 364
Amalteo condemned to live among the
Ignorant, 172
Ambition tn Philofophers of ill Ex-
ample, 110, III
Ambition, a Difcourfe of it made by
Battifta and Count Paolo
Brufantini, 4^8
Ammirato (Scipio) amifchievoui Po-
litician, thrown headlong from the
Tar pel an Rock, j~^, 174
Anger, a DifcOurfe of it made by A-
polJO, 4^2
Ants and Tortoifes of ill example to
Mankind, 181
Apoflolick See weigh'' d in a Ba'lance,^^S
and is after wards reproved tn Par-
nalTus^ji ihePoliticalCe/:^or^^Si,iS2
ApuleiusV golden Afs compUms to A-
pollo agiinjl his Majhr, 15
## p.
afterwards driven out of his Donji-
nions, 272, He affronts i'rofpero
Colonna, by giving him a mean Title,
upon which a Quarrel happens between
'em, 364
Amalteo condemned to live among the
Ignorant, 172
Ambition tn Philofophers of ill Ex-
ample, 110, III
Ambition, a Difcourfe of it made by
Battifta and Count Paolo
Brufantini, 4^8
Ammirato (Scipio) amifchievoui Po-
litician, thrown headlong from the
Tar pel an Rock, j~^, 174
Anger, a DifcOurfe of it made by A-
polJO, 4^2
Ants and Tortoifes of ill example to
Mankind, 181
Apoflolick See weigh'' d in a Ba'lance,^^S
and is after wards reproved tn Par-
nalTus^ji ihePoliticalCe/:^or^^Si,iS2
ApuleiusV golden Afs compUms to A-
pollo agiinjl his Majhr, 15
## p.
Boccalini - 1611 - Advices from Parnassus, in two centuries, with the Political touchstone