The fool, who presumes to utter one opposing word
'gainst his sov'reign lord, is rash.
The fool, who presumes to utter one opposing word
'gainst his sov'reign lord, is rash.
Carey - Practice English Prosody Exercises
? Versification. 1 51
Sterne! thy poetic pow'rs are dear to all:
We sit and moan near sick Le Fevre's couch;
And, wrung with anguish, drop the piteous tear
For poor Maria, wild, wand'ring, alone.
Nor less thy poignant wit and mirth delights:
The angled fence, the martial bowling-green,
Old Shandy's arguments, are fit emblems
Of ruling passions mast'ring common sense.
410. -- Indolence.
He wish'd sometimes to shake off his stupor,
And break the charm which bound his senses thus,
Awake to deeds of noble enterprise,
And join the busy crowd which buzz'd around.
But still he ever found some vain excuse,
And said, " It will do as well to morrow. " x ,
It came, and fled :--the same unvaried round
He pass'd, nor could repel its numbing poNv'is.
That breast, the seat of refin'd sentiment,
Those pow'rs, that could explore ev'ry science,
Are now consigned to Death's unfathoui'd gulf--
Alas ! no more to charm th' admiring world.
What avails now that divine eloquence,
That ou the dubious mind stamp'd conviction. '1
The Savage and sage must resign their life:
Time leaves behind no wreck of human pow'r.
What, if the smiles of Fortune play round me,
Or if through the land my name be echo'd?
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? 152 Versification.
What, if a servile train obey my voice,
Or honors, or length of days, stand round me ?
Can these impart one ray of bliss to mind,
Or spread o'er the breast the glow of virtue,
From a love-sick heart remove the anguish,
Lull our fears to rest, or disperse our doubts ?
There, too, was he, who siemm'd nobly the tide
Of corruption foul, with breast undaunted;
Who liv'd for his country, and would have died,
Could he, dying, have seen his country blest.
He pitied its woes, and redress'd its wrongs;
Devoted each successive day to it:
But the iron arm of pow'r oppiess'd him,
Strewing o'er his way the thorns of sorrow.
Long-lost Peace, hail! divine dove-ey'd maid, hail
See a suppliant vot'ry bend at thy feet:
Oh ! with an eye benign deign to view him :
So dying Hope shall find a friend in thee.
Ah ! turn not away thy angelic ? ace!
If thou'lt be mine, I'll quit this vale no more,
But sit all the live-long day beside thee,
And list to thy rural tale in silence
There may we live, unseen and unsought for,
By Fortune's train, rude, cold, and fantastic;
Nor let the sons of Comus mark the green,
Nor lounging triflers intrude on our hours
If to. our sylvan shed aught be welcome,
Be it the trav'ler who has lost his way,
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? Versification. 153
Who knows not where to rest his anxious head,
Who knows not where to lay his weary limbs.
The second and fourth tines to rhime--the others, not.
To chase the clouds of gloom, and sooth my grief,
The beauties of the painted vale ! sought.
I often water'ci the flow'rs with my tears,
And loaded the passing gale with my sighs.
s 416. -- A dying Father, to his Children.
Pious offspring ! go, and restrain those tears.
To regions of eternal bliss I fly :
Heav'u bears my dying pray'rs in your favor:
Take, in this clay-cold kiss, iny last blessing.
Iambics of eight syllables; each paragraph to make
two verses, with rhime.
Blest spirit! forgive the mournful rites we keep. --
We weep for ourselves.
How soothing sweet nature's music to the troubled
mind ! how retin'd !
A swain, unvex'd with all the cares of gain, liv'd
remote from cities.
1 never overbear in conversation, with important air.
IS or would I invade my neighbour's right by stealth,
with felonious slight.
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? 154 Versification.
Frail man is ever prone to err: but gen'rous
minds will own their faults.
Sweet to rove the tangled thickets of the grove at this
twilight hour.
To enrich her cells, the bee sucks honey from
cowslips' golden bells.
The drooping Muse, now dropp'd for news and poli-
tics, lay neglected.
And the hands, that plough the soil, shall guard
well the produce of their toil.
Then let us kneel here on your hallow'd threshold,
while we seal our vows.
The earth keeps her richest, proudest treasures within
her cavern'd deeps.
Benumbing frosts, which chill'd fair nature's genial
fire, retire at length.
Atrides! my Muse, with daring wing, would fain
sing thy glorious deeds.
But the melting notes soon again begin to flow in
slow murmurs.
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? Versification. 155
The fav'ring Muse had stor'd his mild bosom with
all her ample views.
The surges force their way o'er the labor'd mole,
with resistless sway.
434 .
In the vale below, sparkling 'midst heaps of drifted
snow, I've found thee.
The sun has now nearly run his headlong course in
the kindling west.
Old Simon, remov'd to the manor-house, now prov'd
ev'ry comfort.
Oh! haste! restore the blessings of sweet peace to
this once-favor'd shore.
The Muses stray, far, far from Grandeur's noisy way,
to vales and groves.
Hence, the ant is found to tread the ground with
anxious steps, ev'ry day.
Thus died the wicked, wanton sparrow, in her pride
and cruelty.
The hoary swain strove, with cautious steps, to gain
the river's margin.
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? 156 Versification.
With anxious bleat, the playful lamb pursues his
dam, and seeks the teat.
Contentment, and sincere piety, and truth, lov'd to
shelter here.
The river-god, beguil'd by music's trilling notes,
sat up, and smil'd.
But see how regular the motion of the heav'nly
spheres appears.
A clown took his way across the forest before the
break of day.
' 447
Lo ! a mother, a friend, a wife sleeps, where weeps
this silent marble.
The suff'rer, no more oppress'd with earthly cares,
soon sinks to rest there.
Haply, some angel whisper'd low in his ear, that his
hour was near.
Why should he, whose life is pass'd with fair renown,
fear the tyrant's frown ?
Her lovely face, her faultless form, add new grace to
the diadem;
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? Versification. 157
and Darius, subject to a woman's laws, sees, and
smiles applause.
452. -- Memory.
She flies far from the busy world, to taste that peace
the world'denies.
From youth to age, she sits entranc'd, reviewing life's
eventful page, <
and noting the little lines of yesterday, as they fade
453. -- To Dr. Thornton, on his beautiful represen-
tation of the Agave, or American Aloe *.
Agave, nurs'd by a length of rolling years, rears her
stately form,
with wise delay, still protracting the beauty follow'd
by decay;
till, org'd by time's resistless date, she braves ap-
proaching fate nobly,
and, conscious of impending doom, bursts forth into
bloom, impatient;
while the golden gems profusely shoot, rich, from all
their curving stems;
then the vegetable martyr, fading 'midst admiring
eyes, dies.
But, at thy command thusflow'ring, her finish'd form,
shall stand unchang'd,
and, through ages yet to come, shall smile, glorying
in perennial bloom.
* See the note on Aloe, No. 333, page 134.
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? 158
Iambics of ten syllables; each paragraph to make two
tierses, with rhime.
The Thracian herdsman so stands full in the gap
with his spear, and hopes the hunted bear.
And a temple, sacred to the queen of love, was
rais'd above, o'er its eastern gate.
The form of Mars, all sheath'd in arms, stood high
on a chariot; and the god look'd gruffly.
The huntress Cynthia pursues the deer, with her
nymphs around: the woods resound with horns.
Then she preferr'd her chaste request thus lowly,
kneeling with her hands across her breast.
The war, and stern debate, and immortal strife,
shall then be the bus'ness of my life.
They were scarce seated, when a promiscuous rude
crowd at once rush'd in with loud clamors.
But, whither his soul went, let those, who search
the secrets of the future state, relate.
But, alas! why do mortal men in vain complain of
Providence, Fate, or Fortune ?
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? Versification. W,9
He snor'd secure till morn, his senses bound in slum-
ber, and drown'd in long oblivion.
In days of old, there liv'd a valiant prince, of mighty
fame; and his name was Theseus*.
Indulgent Heav'n vouchsafes the sweet vicissitudes
of night and day, for our delight.
O thou, with whom, from reason's dawn, my heart
was wont to share each care and each pleasure!
Oh ! from our fate and our example learn, ere too
late, learn repentance and wisdom.
Thus, always teas'd, always teasing others, to be dis-
pleas'd is his only pleasure. .
The rhet'ric they display, like quicksilver, shines, as
it runs, but, grasi,'d at, slips away.
To catch from the sight new rapture, angels had
stopp'd, when Mercy's mandate w ing'd their flight,
We pay the tributary tear at learning's tomb, with
sincere grief and due rev'rence.
47 2
How much of learning, how much oi know ledge,
* Theseus, two syllables. -- See the note cm Orpheus, No. 247,
page 113. -
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? 160 Versification.
bade the world farewell, when Horatio fell!
The careful housewives make an ample cake for mc
at home, rich with almonds and plums.
Pride of the land ] you largely share wbate'er of fair
or good celestial bounty gives.
The fool, who presumes to utter one opposing word
'gainst his sov'reign lord, is rash.
Scotia's queen now rose on her couch, and gaz'd away
her soul, as the day faintly dawn'd.
Ever working on a social plan, God attaches man to
man by various ties.
Yet depend not much upon your golden dream, al-
though it seem feasible and fair.
The sage, who late diffus'd the blessings of Britan-
nia's reign o'er India's wide domain.
There was a time, when the light wak'd me at morn
cheerfully, and, at night, peace was mine.
Ill-fated Greece saw both her taste and her genius
expire beneath a victor's ire.
Lo! lame Tyrtaeus wakes slumb'ring Sparta's half-
extinguish'd fire with his martial lyre.
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? Versification. 161
No tongue can express, no pen describe, and no
thought figure poor Orra's dire distress.
" 484
We thank the hand, that points the wholesome lancet
to some morbid part, with gentle art.
Theodosius, a youth endu'd with worth of early
growth, woo'd this beauteous virgin.
Darius, tir'd with the toilsome pleasures of the day,
now lay reclin'd on his couch.
E'en now, e'en now, pale Despair weeps, and writh-
ing Anguish roars, on ydntler western shares.
E'en now fierce Slav'ry stalks in Afric's groves with
hideous yell, and slips the dogs of hell.
The prophet spake well, " Let the desert sing: the
spiry fir shall spring where the thorn sprang;
and the luxuriant yew and myrtle shall grow, where
grew rank and unsightly thistles. "
Bat these fond dreams of happiness are not confess'd,
? 'till time lias calm'd the ruffled breast.
Heav'n's sweet smile is not reflected on the wave, 'till
the rushing winds forget to rave.
Ye careless and supine, from a voice like mine, take
couusel and caution, if you can.
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? 162 Fersification. ,
I would teach truths, which the theorist could never
reach, and observation taught me.
. 491 *' "
Just lleav'n approves the work of gen'rous love and
filial fear, as sincere and honest:
but the omniscient judge scorns, with averted eyes,
the slavish drudge, and the base hireling.
492. -- To Death.
Ah ! why dost thou thus, capricious, still turn aside,
with tyrant pride, from the wretched ?
and why love to stray, an un-invited guest, where
thy presence strikes with wild dismay ?
493. -- The Planet Mercury.
Swift Merc'ry, scorch'd as he moves around the solar
blaze, first displays his vivid orb.
Surrender'd, ev'ry hour, to the ruling pow'r of some
ungovern'd passion, the heart
finds the truths that once bore sway, and all their
deep impression, wear away by degrees.
So coin, passM current in traffic, grows smooth, 'till
at last Caesar's image is effae'd. ,
I saw thee, thwarted by storms of elemental strife,
cross the troubled sea of life.
I saw thy skiff, on the raging main, maintain unequal
fight with fearful tempests.
I saw the whirlwind's breath heave up the migbtj
billows of the deep, with dreadful sweep.
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? Versification. 163
The Gipsey's faggot blaz'd, at ev'ning, down by yon
hazel copse. -- There we stood, and gaz'd--
gaz'd, with silent awe, on her sun-buin'd face, her
hood of straw, and tier tuttcr'd mantle
As she drew the silver piece o'er my palm, and, with
searching view, trac'd the line of life,
how my flutt'ring pulse throbb'd with fears and hopes,
to learn the color of my future years !
Amid the wreck of time, so Tully paus'd, to trace the
sublime truth on the rude stone,
when th' immortal sage of Syracuse, disclos'd in ho-
nor'd dust, repos'd at bis feet.
Iambics of eight and six syllables alternately; each
paragraph to make a line of eight, and one of six--
the first rhiming with the third--the second with the
Her plaintive strains play'd in mournful accents on
Echo's ear;
and the warbling notes sweetly decay'd on the di-
stant plains.
Though my fortune has denied show, pomp, and daz-
zling splendor,
yet content has well supplied more than grandeur
can bestow.
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? 1 64 Versification.
Lo ! impetuous torrents dash down the mountain's
rugged side,
and the tide, with horrid crash, bears down mingled
rocks and trees.
Ye verdant groves, adieu! ye plains, where nature
smiles, adieu !
The view no more proves my solace, no more be-
guiles my thought.
502. -- Epitaph on a Child.
With friendly care, Death came, ere sorrow could
fade or sin blight,
convey'd the op'ning bud to heav'n, and there bade
it blossom.
Alas! the little victims, regardless of their doom,
They have no care beyond to-day, no sense of ills
to come. ,
504. -- Migratory Birds.
On weary wing, from remote climes, a helpless traia
which in vain seek food and rest, low circling in
airy ring.
The sons that Britain leads to combat on the main,
are firm,
and firm her hardy race that Ueads the plain in steady
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? Versification. 165
The peaceful eve spread her twilight mantle, with
serene smile;
and Cynthia shed her argent lustre o'er the dewy
Fair fountain ! may tufted trees arise on thy greea
and spreading boughs screen from summer's fervid
skies thy bosom ! *
Ah me! what charms the prospect wears to youth's
untutor'd eye!
The op'ning world appears bright as the portals of
the sky.
Old chieftains, who knew no refinement, dwelt here
in rude state.
The wants their bosoms felt, were small, and few their
Sure, sacred friendship shall glow, not confiu'd to
life's short span. -
The ardent mind shall know its best delights beyond
the grave.
The panting herds repose: the toiling hand of Care
is still:
the busy murmur of iusects glows through the peo-
pled air.
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? lfiG Versification.
The swallows compose their useless wing m their
torpid state;
and bees wait the call of early spring as idly in
I ask not, ye great, your repose, laid on swelling
while the oak-leaves close their venerable shade o'er
my head.
If we saw each inward grief written on man's out-
ward brow,
how many would then draw our pity, whom we
, now envy!
In black attire the church was deck'd, the saints ar-
ray'd in black,
and a bloody corpse was laid in the middle of the
and he found the altar stain'd with blood, as he came
and there stream'd a crimson flood on the steps, and
all around.
O'er the vale I wander'd, while balmy Zephyrs blew
The blue vi'let and white lily gave fragrance to the
The feather'd tribes hail'd Sol's refulgent beam with
tuneful song:
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? Versification. 167
the finny race sail'd down the stream swiftly, in
sportive throng.
In the following stanzas, of the same measure as the
preceding, the rhime is confined to the second and fourth
And they hail'd the bridal day with joy, when it
came at length;
and they went their willing way onward to the house
of God.
The day's last splendors shine bright on the moun-
tain's heathy slope,
and gaily gleam o'er the Rhine, rich with many a
radiant hue.
Your strong compassion glows, where Mis'ry spreads
her deepest shade:
the balm, that softens human woes, distils from your
blest lips.
While the thoughtless many glide down the summer
stream of vice,
you stem the rushing tide, and steer your steady bark
Never durst the fisher cast his net in the lake be-
low ;
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? 1C8 Certification.
nor would ever swallow wet her passing wing in its
From beneath, th' unfathom'd lake sudden sent forth
strange music;
and the solemn sounds of death sail'd slowly o'er the
Yet the wishes I disclose, arise not from discon-
tent :
my heart o'erflows with gratitude for blessings I
524. -- The double-blossomed Cherry-tree.
How this tree shone lately, array'd in beauty's fairest
I fondly said, " Thou shalt henceforward be my
garden's pride:"
But now not a vestige of my late fav'rite tree re-
Ksee its snowy blossoms in scatter'd heaps all
I stand rebuk'd, who could turn my eyes thus from
real worth,
and prefer to that worth a flow'r, which only
blooms and dies*.
The double-blossomed cherry-tree produocs nt, fruit.
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? Vtrsification.
Iambics of eight syllables, with alternate rhime --
1. e. the first line rkiming with the third -- the second,
with the fourth.
Thou object of my mournful tear! when last we met,
thy smiles were glad.
But thy sun is now set in shades, no more to cheer
mine eyes with smiles.
. 526
In our youthful days, how gaily on the vernal plain
we gambol'd,
where the pure streamlet stravs swiftly to the main,
through woodlands and vales !
. 527
Each sabbath morn, duly is seen, with herbs and
flow'rs, a weeping troop
of virgins and youths, to adorn, within the sacred
green, thy grave.
To the subjugated mind fell Despotism shows his
giant form,
as the meteor of the storm, the horror, the dread of
mankind, glares.
While, with bare bosom, Jessy rov'd, the boist'rous
blast of heav'n roar'd loud :
the fleecy snow was driv'n in heaps: the black'ning
tempest fill'd the air.
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? 170 Versification.
Sorrow's child ! tranquil and serene be thy rest! be
thy slumbers soft!
Thy smiles have oft beguil'd my tears, and sooth'd
my agitated breast.
Oh ! sue yon chief go to battle. As he flies, the stroke
arrests him.
He falls; and the husband and the father dies, in
that fatal blow.
Too full to speak, Laura's fond heart sigh'd a soft
adieu to Arthur.
As Arthur withdrew mournfully, down her cheek
stole love's gentle tear.
? Versification. 1 51
Sterne! thy poetic pow'rs are dear to all:
We sit and moan near sick Le Fevre's couch;
And, wrung with anguish, drop the piteous tear
For poor Maria, wild, wand'ring, alone.
Nor less thy poignant wit and mirth delights:
The angled fence, the martial bowling-green,
Old Shandy's arguments, are fit emblems
Of ruling passions mast'ring common sense.
410. -- Indolence.
He wish'd sometimes to shake off his stupor,
And break the charm which bound his senses thus,
Awake to deeds of noble enterprise,
And join the busy crowd which buzz'd around.
But still he ever found some vain excuse,
And said, " It will do as well to morrow. " x ,
It came, and fled :--the same unvaried round
He pass'd, nor could repel its numbing poNv'is.
That breast, the seat of refin'd sentiment,
Those pow'rs, that could explore ev'ry science,
Are now consigned to Death's unfathoui'd gulf--
Alas ! no more to charm th' admiring world.
What avails now that divine eloquence,
That ou the dubious mind stamp'd conviction. '1
The Savage and sage must resign their life:
Time leaves behind no wreck of human pow'r.
What, if the smiles of Fortune play round me,
Or if through the land my name be echo'd?
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? 152 Versification.
What, if a servile train obey my voice,
Or honors, or length of days, stand round me ?
Can these impart one ray of bliss to mind,
Or spread o'er the breast the glow of virtue,
From a love-sick heart remove the anguish,
Lull our fears to rest, or disperse our doubts ?
There, too, was he, who siemm'd nobly the tide
Of corruption foul, with breast undaunted;
Who liv'd for his country, and would have died,
Could he, dying, have seen his country blest.
He pitied its woes, and redress'd its wrongs;
Devoted each successive day to it:
But the iron arm of pow'r oppiess'd him,
Strewing o'er his way the thorns of sorrow.
Long-lost Peace, hail! divine dove-ey'd maid, hail
See a suppliant vot'ry bend at thy feet:
Oh ! with an eye benign deign to view him :
So dying Hope shall find a friend in thee.
Ah ! turn not away thy angelic ? ace!
If thou'lt be mine, I'll quit this vale no more,
But sit all the live-long day beside thee,
And list to thy rural tale in silence
There may we live, unseen and unsought for,
By Fortune's train, rude, cold, and fantastic;
Nor let the sons of Comus mark the green,
Nor lounging triflers intrude on our hours
If to. our sylvan shed aught be welcome,
Be it the trav'ler who has lost his way,
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? Versification. 153
Who knows not where to rest his anxious head,
Who knows not where to lay his weary limbs.
The second and fourth tines to rhime--the others, not.
To chase the clouds of gloom, and sooth my grief,
The beauties of the painted vale ! sought.
I often water'ci the flow'rs with my tears,
And loaded the passing gale with my sighs.
s 416. -- A dying Father, to his Children.
Pious offspring ! go, and restrain those tears.
To regions of eternal bliss I fly :
Heav'u bears my dying pray'rs in your favor:
Take, in this clay-cold kiss, iny last blessing.
Iambics of eight syllables; each paragraph to make
two verses, with rhime.
Blest spirit! forgive the mournful rites we keep. --
We weep for ourselves.
How soothing sweet nature's music to the troubled
mind ! how retin'd !
A swain, unvex'd with all the cares of gain, liv'd
remote from cities.
1 never overbear in conversation, with important air.
IS or would I invade my neighbour's right by stealth,
with felonious slight.
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? 154 Versification.
Frail man is ever prone to err: but gen'rous
minds will own their faults.
Sweet to rove the tangled thickets of the grove at this
twilight hour.
To enrich her cells, the bee sucks honey from
cowslips' golden bells.
The drooping Muse, now dropp'd for news and poli-
tics, lay neglected.
And the hands, that plough the soil, shall guard
well the produce of their toil.
Then let us kneel here on your hallow'd threshold,
while we seal our vows.
The earth keeps her richest, proudest treasures within
her cavern'd deeps.
Benumbing frosts, which chill'd fair nature's genial
fire, retire at length.
Atrides! my Muse, with daring wing, would fain
sing thy glorious deeds.
But the melting notes soon again begin to flow in
slow murmurs.
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? Versification. 155
The fav'ring Muse had stor'd his mild bosom with
all her ample views.
The surges force their way o'er the labor'd mole,
with resistless sway.
434 .
In the vale below, sparkling 'midst heaps of drifted
snow, I've found thee.
The sun has now nearly run his headlong course in
the kindling west.
Old Simon, remov'd to the manor-house, now prov'd
ev'ry comfort.
Oh! haste! restore the blessings of sweet peace to
this once-favor'd shore.
The Muses stray, far, far from Grandeur's noisy way,
to vales and groves.
Hence, the ant is found to tread the ground with
anxious steps, ev'ry day.
Thus died the wicked, wanton sparrow, in her pride
and cruelty.
The hoary swain strove, with cautious steps, to gain
the river's margin.
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? 156 Versification.
With anxious bleat, the playful lamb pursues his
dam, and seeks the teat.
Contentment, and sincere piety, and truth, lov'd to
shelter here.
The river-god, beguil'd by music's trilling notes,
sat up, and smil'd.
But see how regular the motion of the heav'nly
spheres appears.
A clown took his way across the forest before the
break of day.
' 447
Lo ! a mother, a friend, a wife sleeps, where weeps
this silent marble.
The suff'rer, no more oppress'd with earthly cares,
soon sinks to rest there.
Haply, some angel whisper'd low in his ear, that his
hour was near.
Why should he, whose life is pass'd with fair renown,
fear the tyrant's frown ?
Her lovely face, her faultless form, add new grace to
the diadem;
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? Versification. 157
and Darius, subject to a woman's laws, sees, and
smiles applause.
452. -- Memory.
She flies far from the busy world, to taste that peace
the world'denies.
From youth to age, she sits entranc'd, reviewing life's
eventful page, <
and noting the little lines of yesterday, as they fade
453. -- To Dr. Thornton, on his beautiful represen-
tation of the Agave, or American Aloe *.
Agave, nurs'd by a length of rolling years, rears her
stately form,
with wise delay, still protracting the beauty follow'd
by decay;
till, org'd by time's resistless date, she braves ap-
proaching fate nobly,
and, conscious of impending doom, bursts forth into
bloom, impatient;
while the golden gems profusely shoot, rich, from all
their curving stems;
then the vegetable martyr, fading 'midst admiring
eyes, dies.
But, at thy command thusflow'ring, her finish'd form,
shall stand unchang'd,
and, through ages yet to come, shall smile, glorying
in perennial bloom.
* See the note on Aloe, No. 333, page 134.
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? 158
Iambics of ten syllables; each paragraph to make two
tierses, with rhime.
The Thracian herdsman so stands full in the gap
with his spear, and hopes the hunted bear.
And a temple, sacred to the queen of love, was
rais'd above, o'er its eastern gate.
The form of Mars, all sheath'd in arms, stood high
on a chariot; and the god look'd gruffly.
The huntress Cynthia pursues the deer, with her
nymphs around: the woods resound with horns.
Then she preferr'd her chaste request thus lowly,
kneeling with her hands across her breast.
The war, and stern debate, and immortal strife,
shall then be the bus'ness of my life.
They were scarce seated, when a promiscuous rude
crowd at once rush'd in with loud clamors.
But, whither his soul went, let those, who search
the secrets of the future state, relate.
But, alas! why do mortal men in vain complain of
Providence, Fate, or Fortune ?
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? Versification. W,9
He snor'd secure till morn, his senses bound in slum-
ber, and drown'd in long oblivion.
In days of old, there liv'd a valiant prince, of mighty
fame; and his name was Theseus*.
Indulgent Heav'n vouchsafes the sweet vicissitudes
of night and day, for our delight.
O thou, with whom, from reason's dawn, my heart
was wont to share each care and each pleasure!
Oh ! from our fate and our example learn, ere too
late, learn repentance and wisdom.
Thus, always teas'd, always teasing others, to be dis-
pleas'd is his only pleasure. .
The rhet'ric they display, like quicksilver, shines, as
it runs, but, grasi,'d at, slips away.
To catch from the sight new rapture, angels had
stopp'd, when Mercy's mandate w ing'd their flight,
We pay the tributary tear at learning's tomb, with
sincere grief and due rev'rence.
47 2
How much of learning, how much oi know ledge,
* Theseus, two syllables. -- See the note cm Orpheus, No. 247,
page 113. -
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? 160 Versification.
bade the world farewell, when Horatio fell!
The careful housewives make an ample cake for mc
at home, rich with almonds and plums.
Pride of the land ] you largely share wbate'er of fair
or good celestial bounty gives.
The fool, who presumes to utter one opposing word
'gainst his sov'reign lord, is rash.
Scotia's queen now rose on her couch, and gaz'd away
her soul, as the day faintly dawn'd.
Ever working on a social plan, God attaches man to
man by various ties.
Yet depend not much upon your golden dream, al-
though it seem feasible and fair.
The sage, who late diffus'd the blessings of Britan-
nia's reign o'er India's wide domain.
There was a time, when the light wak'd me at morn
cheerfully, and, at night, peace was mine.
Ill-fated Greece saw both her taste and her genius
expire beneath a victor's ire.
Lo! lame Tyrtaeus wakes slumb'ring Sparta's half-
extinguish'd fire with his martial lyre.
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? Versification. 161
No tongue can express, no pen describe, and no
thought figure poor Orra's dire distress.
" 484
We thank the hand, that points the wholesome lancet
to some morbid part, with gentle art.
Theodosius, a youth endu'd with worth of early
growth, woo'd this beauteous virgin.
Darius, tir'd with the toilsome pleasures of the day,
now lay reclin'd on his couch.
E'en now, e'en now, pale Despair weeps, and writh-
ing Anguish roars, on ydntler western shares.
E'en now fierce Slav'ry stalks in Afric's groves with
hideous yell, and slips the dogs of hell.
The prophet spake well, " Let the desert sing: the
spiry fir shall spring where the thorn sprang;
and the luxuriant yew and myrtle shall grow, where
grew rank and unsightly thistles. "
Bat these fond dreams of happiness are not confess'd,
? 'till time lias calm'd the ruffled breast.
Heav'n's sweet smile is not reflected on the wave, 'till
the rushing winds forget to rave.
Ye careless and supine, from a voice like mine, take
couusel and caution, if you can.
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? 162 Fersification. ,
I would teach truths, which the theorist could never
reach, and observation taught me.
. 491 *' "
Just lleav'n approves the work of gen'rous love and
filial fear, as sincere and honest:
but the omniscient judge scorns, with averted eyes,
the slavish drudge, and the base hireling.
492. -- To Death.
Ah ! why dost thou thus, capricious, still turn aside,
with tyrant pride, from the wretched ?
and why love to stray, an un-invited guest, where
thy presence strikes with wild dismay ?
493. -- The Planet Mercury.
Swift Merc'ry, scorch'd as he moves around the solar
blaze, first displays his vivid orb.
Surrender'd, ev'ry hour, to the ruling pow'r of some
ungovern'd passion, the heart
finds the truths that once bore sway, and all their
deep impression, wear away by degrees.
So coin, passM current in traffic, grows smooth, 'till
at last Caesar's image is effae'd. ,
I saw thee, thwarted by storms of elemental strife,
cross the troubled sea of life.
I saw thy skiff, on the raging main, maintain unequal
fight with fearful tempests.
I saw the whirlwind's breath heave up the migbtj
billows of the deep, with dreadful sweep.
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? Versification. 163
The Gipsey's faggot blaz'd, at ev'ning, down by yon
hazel copse. -- There we stood, and gaz'd--
gaz'd, with silent awe, on her sun-buin'd face, her
hood of straw, and tier tuttcr'd mantle
As she drew the silver piece o'er my palm, and, with
searching view, trac'd the line of life,
how my flutt'ring pulse throbb'd with fears and hopes,
to learn the color of my future years !
Amid the wreck of time, so Tully paus'd, to trace the
sublime truth on the rude stone,
when th' immortal sage of Syracuse, disclos'd in ho-
nor'd dust, repos'd at bis feet.
Iambics of eight and six syllables alternately; each
paragraph to make a line of eight, and one of six--
the first rhiming with the third--the second with the
Her plaintive strains play'd in mournful accents on
Echo's ear;
and the warbling notes sweetly decay'd on the di-
stant plains.
Though my fortune has denied show, pomp, and daz-
zling splendor,
yet content has well supplied more than grandeur
can bestow.
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? 1 64 Versification.
Lo ! impetuous torrents dash down the mountain's
rugged side,
and the tide, with horrid crash, bears down mingled
rocks and trees.
Ye verdant groves, adieu! ye plains, where nature
smiles, adieu !
The view no more proves my solace, no more be-
guiles my thought.
502. -- Epitaph on a Child.
With friendly care, Death came, ere sorrow could
fade or sin blight,
convey'd the op'ning bud to heav'n, and there bade
it blossom.
Alas! the little victims, regardless of their doom,
They have no care beyond to-day, no sense of ills
to come. ,
504. -- Migratory Birds.
On weary wing, from remote climes, a helpless traia
which in vain seek food and rest, low circling in
airy ring.
The sons that Britain leads to combat on the main,
are firm,
and firm her hardy race that Ueads the plain in steady
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? Versification. 165
The peaceful eve spread her twilight mantle, with
serene smile;
and Cynthia shed her argent lustre o'er the dewy
Fair fountain ! may tufted trees arise on thy greea
and spreading boughs screen from summer's fervid
skies thy bosom ! *
Ah me! what charms the prospect wears to youth's
untutor'd eye!
The op'ning world appears bright as the portals of
the sky.
Old chieftains, who knew no refinement, dwelt here
in rude state.
The wants their bosoms felt, were small, and few their
Sure, sacred friendship shall glow, not confiu'd to
life's short span. -
The ardent mind shall know its best delights beyond
the grave.
The panting herds repose: the toiling hand of Care
is still:
the busy murmur of iusects glows through the peo-
pled air.
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? lfiG Versification.
The swallows compose their useless wing m their
torpid state;
and bees wait the call of early spring as idly in
I ask not, ye great, your repose, laid on swelling
while the oak-leaves close their venerable shade o'er
my head.
If we saw each inward grief written on man's out-
ward brow,
how many would then draw our pity, whom we
, now envy!
In black attire the church was deck'd, the saints ar-
ray'd in black,
and a bloody corpse was laid in the middle of the
and he found the altar stain'd with blood, as he came
and there stream'd a crimson flood on the steps, and
all around.
O'er the vale I wander'd, while balmy Zephyrs blew
The blue vi'let and white lily gave fragrance to the
The feather'd tribes hail'd Sol's refulgent beam with
tuneful song:
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? Versification. 167
the finny race sail'd down the stream swiftly, in
sportive throng.
In the following stanzas, of the same measure as the
preceding, the rhime is confined to the second and fourth
And they hail'd the bridal day with joy, when it
came at length;
and they went their willing way onward to the house
of God.
The day's last splendors shine bright on the moun-
tain's heathy slope,
and gaily gleam o'er the Rhine, rich with many a
radiant hue.
Your strong compassion glows, where Mis'ry spreads
her deepest shade:
the balm, that softens human woes, distils from your
blest lips.
While the thoughtless many glide down the summer
stream of vice,
you stem the rushing tide, and steer your steady bark
Never durst the fisher cast his net in the lake be-
low ;
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? 1C8 Certification.
nor would ever swallow wet her passing wing in its
From beneath, th' unfathom'd lake sudden sent forth
strange music;
and the solemn sounds of death sail'd slowly o'er the
Yet the wishes I disclose, arise not from discon-
tent :
my heart o'erflows with gratitude for blessings I
524. -- The double-blossomed Cherry-tree.
How this tree shone lately, array'd in beauty's fairest
I fondly said, " Thou shalt henceforward be my
garden's pride:"
But now not a vestige of my late fav'rite tree re-
Ksee its snowy blossoms in scatter'd heaps all
I stand rebuk'd, who could turn my eyes thus from
real worth,
and prefer to that worth a flow'r, which only
blooms and dies*.
The double-blossomed cherry-tree produocs nt, fruit.
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? Vtrsification.
Iambics of eight syllables, with alternate rhime --
1. e. the first line rkiming with the third -- the second,
with the fourth.
Thou object of my mournful tear! when last we met,
thy smiles were glad.
But thy sun is now set in shades, no more to cheer
mine eyes with smiles.
. 526
In our youthful days, how gaily on the vernal plain
we gambol'd,
where the pure streamlet stravs swiftly to the main,
through woodlands and vales !
. 527
Each sabbath morn, duly is seen, with herbs and
flow'rs, a weeping troop
of virgins and youths, to adorn, within the sacred
green, thy grave.
To the subjugated mind fell Despotism shows his
giant form,
as the meteor of the storm, the horror, the dread of
mankind, glares.
While, with bare bosom, Jessy rov'd, the boist'rous
blast of heav'n roar'd loud :
the fleecy snow was driv'n in heaps: the black'ning
tempest fill'd the air.
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? 170 Versification.
Sorrow's child ! tranquil and serene be thy rest! be
thy slumbers soft!
Thy smiles have oft beguil'd my tears, and sooth'd
my agitated breast.
Oh ! sue yon chief go to battle. As he flies, the stroke
arrests him.
He falls; and the husband and the father dies, in
that fatal blow.
Too full to speak, Laura's fond heart sigh'd a soft
adieu to Arthur.
As Arthur withdrew mournfully, down her cheek
stole love's gentle tear.