Nitzan Bichler - 2012 - Capital as Power
The Principles of Economics, with Applications to Practical Problems.
New York: The Century Co.
---- 1914a. Capitalization versus Productivity: Rejoinder. The American Economic Review 4 (4, December): 856-59.
---- 1914b. Interest Theories, Old and New. American Economic Review 4 (1, March): 68-92.
Fine, Ben, and Laurence Harris. 1976a. Controversial Issues in Marxist Economic Theory. Socialist Register: 141-78.
---- 1976b. 'State Expenditure in Advanced Capitalism': A Critique. New Left Review (I/98, July-August): 97-112.
---- 1979. Rereading Capital. New York: Columbia University Press.
Finley, M. I. 1973. The Ancient Economy. London: Chatto & Windus.
Fischer, David Hackett. 1996. The Great Wave. Price Revolution and the Rhythm of
History. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fisher, Franklin M. , Zvi Griliches, and Carl Kaysen. 1962. The Costs of Automobile
Model Changes Since 1949. Journal of Political Economy 70 (5, October): 433-51. Fisher, Irving. 1892. [1965]. Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and
Price. Appreciation and Interest, 1896. New York: A. M. Kelley.
---- 1896. What is Capital? The Economic Journal 6 (24, December): 509-34.
---- 1906. The Nature of Capital and Income. New York: Macmillan.
---- 1907. The Rate of Interest. Its Nature, Determination and Relation to Economic
Phenomena. New York: The Macmillan Company.
410 References
Fleming, Marcus J. 1962. Domestic Financial Policies Under Fixed and Under Floating Exchange Rates. IMF Staff Papers 9 (November): 369-80.
Foley, Duncan K. 1982. The Value of Money, the Value of Labor Power, and the Marxian Transformation Problem. Review of Radical Political Economics 14 (2): 37-47.
---- 2000. Recent Developments in the Labor Theory of Value. Reivew of Radical Political Economics 32 (1): 1-39.
Folkerts-Landau, David, Donald Mathieson, and Garry J. Schinasi. 1997. Interna- tional Capital Markets. Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues. Wash- ington, D. C: International Monetary Fund.
Foster, John Bellamy. 1986. The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism. An Elaboration of Marxian Political Economy. New York: Monthly Review.
Frankel, S. Herbert. 1980. Money and Liberty. Washington, D. C. : American Enter- prise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Freedman, Lisa. 2007. Crusoe Control. How To Spend It, August, pp. 35-36. Freeman, Alan. 1998. The Transformation of Prices into Values: Comments on the Chapters by Simon Mohum and Anwar M. Shaikh. In Marxian Economics. A Reappraisal. Volume 2: Essays on Volume III of Capital: Profit, Prices and
Dynamics, edited by R. Bellofiore. London: Macmillan, pp. 270-75.
Freeman, Alan, and Guglielmo Carchedi. 1996. Marx and Non-Equilibrium
Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Freeman, Alan, Andrew Kliman, and Julian Wells, eds. 2000. The New Value Contro-
versy and the Foundations of Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Frieden, Jeffry A. 1988. [1995]. Capital Politics: Creditors and the International Polit- ical Economy. In International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, edited by J. A. Frieden and D. A. Lake. New York: St. Martin's Press,
pp. 282-98.
Friedman, Milton. 1968. Dollars and Deficits. Inflation, Monetary Policy and the
Balance of Payments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Froud, Julie, Sukhdev Johal, and Karl Williams. 2002. Financialisation and the
Coupon Pool. Capital & Class 78: 119-51.
Fukuyama, Francis. 1999. Death of the Hierarchy. Financial Times, June 13, p. I. Galbraith, John Kenneth. 1958. The Affluent Society. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. ---- 1967. The New Industrial State. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
---- 1983. The Anatomy of Power. Aldershot Hants, UK: Houghton Mifflin
---- 1990. A Short History of Financial Euphoria. New York: Penguin.
Galilei, Galileo. 1632. [1953]. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems -
Ptolemaic & Copernican. Forward by Albert Einstein. Translated by S. Drake. 2nd
edn. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Ganshof, Franc? ois Louis. 1964. Feudalism. 3rd English edn. New York: Harper &
Gates, Bill. 1994. Playboy Interview: Bill Gates. Playboy, July 1.
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas. 1979. Methods in Economic Science. Journal of
Economic Issues XIII (2, June): 317-28.
Gilman, Antonio, Robert McC. Adams, Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri, Alberto Cazzella,
Henri J. M. Claessen, George L. Cowgill, Carole L. Crumley, Timothy Earle, Alain Gallay, A. F. Harding, R. J. Harrison, Ronald Hicks, Philip L. Kohl, James Lewthwaite, Charles A. Schwartz, Stephen J. Sherman, Andrew Sherratt, Maurizio
References 411
Tosi, and Peter S. Wells. 1981. The Development of Social Stratification in Bronze Age Europe. [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology 22 (1, February): 1-23.
Gilpin, Robert. 1975. U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment. New York: Basic Books.
---- 1987. The Political Economy of International Relations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Gimbutas, Marija. 1982. The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe: 6500-3500 BC, Myths and Cult Images. New and updated edn. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Gitman, Lawrence J. , and Vincent A. Mercurio. 1982. Cost of Capital Techniques Used by Major U. S. Firms: Survey and Analysis of Fortune's 1000. Financial Management 11 (4, Winter): 21-29.
Giveon, Raphael. 1978. The Stones of Sinai Speak. Tokyo: Gakuseisha.
Goodman, John B. , and Louis W. Pauly. 1995. The Obsolescence of Capital Controls? Economic Management in an Age of Global Markets. In International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, edited by J. A. Frieden and D.
A. Lake. New York: St. Martin's Press, pp. 299-317.
Gordon, David. 1988. The Global Economy: New Edifice or Crumbling Founda-
tions? New Left Review 168: 24-64.
Gough, Ian. 1972. Marx's Theory of Productive and Unproductive Labour. New Left
Review (I/76, November-December): 47-72.
---- 1975. State Expenditure in Advanced Capitalism. New Left Review (I/92, July-
August): 53-92.
Graham, Benjamin, and David L. Dodd. 1934. Security Analysis. 1st edn. New York:
Whittlesey House McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc.
Graham, Benjamin, David L. Dodd, Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murry, and Frank E.
Block. 1988. Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis. 5th edn. New York: McGraw-
Hill Professional.
Graham, Bradley. 2003. Poindexter to Leave Pentagon Research Job. Washington
Post, August 1, pp. A1.
Graham, John R. , and Campbell R. Harvey. 2001. The Theory and Practice of Corpo-
rate Finance: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Financial Economics 60 (2-3,
May): 187-243.
Graunt, John. 1662. [1932]. Natural and Political Observations Made Upon the Bills of
Mortality. Edited with an Introduction by Walter F. Willcox. Baltimore, MD: The
Johns Hopkins Press.
Graves, Robert. 1944. The Golden Fleece. London: Cassell and Company Ltd.
---- 1957. The Greek Myths. New York: G. Braziller.
Greenspan, Alan. 2003. Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan Before the Joint
Economic Committee, U. S. Congress, May 6.
Greenspan, Alan. 2008. We Will Never Have a Perfect Model of Risk. Financial
Times, March 17, p. 9.
Greenstone, Michael. 2007. Is the "Surge" Working? Some New Facts. NBER
Working Paper Series (13458): 1-58.
Griliches, Zvi, ed. 1971. Price Indices and Quality Change. Studies in New Methods of
Measurement. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Griliches, Zvi. 1996. The Discovery of the Residual: A Historical Note. Journal of
Economic Literature 34 (3, September): 1324-30.
412 References
Guedj, Olivier, and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud. 2005. Experts' Earning Forecasts: Bias, Herding and Gossamer Information. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 8 (7): 933-46.
Guerrera, Francesco. 2008. King of Wall St. Has Chance to Widen Empire. Financial Times, July 17, p. 14.
Guha, Krishna. 2009. Fed Warms to Move that Could Cut Risk of Deflation. Financial Times, January 7, p. 2.
Guha, Krishna, and Simon Briscoe. 2006. A Share of the Spoils: Why Policymakers Fear 'Lumpy' Growth May Not Benefit All. Financial Times, August 28, p. 9.
Hacking, Ian. 1975. The Emergence of Probability. A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference. London: Cambridge University Press.
---- 1990. The Taming of Chance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hall, R. L. , and C. J. Hitch. 1939. Price Theory and Business Behaviour. Oxford
Economic Papers (2): 12-45.
Harcourt, Geoffrey C. 1969. Some Cambridge Controversies in the Theory of Capital.
Journal of Economic Literature 7 (2): 369-405.
---- 1972. Some Cambridge Controversies in the Theory of Capital. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Harrison, John. 1973. Productive and Unproductive Labour in Marx's Poltical
Economy. Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists Autumn: 70-82. Harvey, David. 1982. [1999]. The Limits to Capital. London: Verso.
---- 2004. The 'New' Imperialism: Accumulation by Dispossession. In The New
Imperial Challenge. Socialist Register 2004, edited by L. Panitch and C. Leys.
London: Merlin Press, pp. 62-87.
Harvey, Philip. 1985. The Value-Creating Capacity of Skilled Labor in Marxian
Economics. Review of Radical Political Economics 17 (1/2): 83-102.
Hasek, Jaroslav. 1937. The Good Soldier: Schweik. Translated by P. Selver. Garden
City, NY: The Sun Dial Press, Inc. , Publishers.
Healy, P. , K. Palepu, and R. Ruback. 1992. Does Corporate Performance Improve
After Mergers? Journal of Financial Economics 31 (April): 135-75.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. 1807. [1971]. The Phenomenology of Mind. Trans- lated with an introduction and notes by J. B. Baillie. 2nd revised edn. London:
George Allen & Unwin and Humanities Press.
---- 1821. [1967]. Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Translated with notes by T. M. Knox.
London: Oxford University Press.
Helleiner, Eric. 1994. States and the Reemergence of Global Finance: From Bretton
Woods to the 1990s. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Hennings, K.
---- 1914a. Capitalization versus Productivity: Rejoinder. The American Economic Review 4 (4, December): 856-59.
---- 1914b. Interest Theories, Old and New. American Economic Review 4 (1, March): 68-92.
Fine, Ben, and Laurence Harris. 1976a. Controversial Issues in Marxist Economic Theory. Socialist Register: 141-78.
---- 1976b. 'State Expenditure in Advanced Capitalism': A Critique. New Left Review (I/98, July-August): 97-112.
---- 1979. Rereading Capital. New York: Columbia University Press.
Finley, M. I. 1973. The Ancient Economy. London: Chatto & Windus.
Fischer, David Hackett. 1996. The Great Wave. Price Revolution and the Rhythm of
History. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fisher, Franklin M. , Zvi Griliches, and Carl Kaysen. 1962. The Costs of Automobile
Model Changes Since 1949. Journal of Political Economy 70 (5, October): 433-51. Fisher, Irving. 1892. [1965]. Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and
Price. Appreciation and Interest, 1896. New York: A. M. Kelley.
---- 1896. What is Capital? The Economic Journal 6 (24, December): 509-34.
---- 1906. The Nature of Capital and Income. New York: Macmillan.
---- 1907. The Rate of Interest. Its Nature, Determination and Relation to Economic
Phenomena. New York: The Macmillan Company.
410 References
Fleming, Marcus J. 1962. Domestic Financial Policies Under Fixed and Under Floating Exchange Rates. IMF Staff Papers 9 (November): 369-80.
Foley, Duncan K. 1982. The Value of Money, the Value of Labor Power, and the Marxian Transformation Problem. Review of Radical Political Economics 14 (2): 37-47.
---- 2000. Recent Developments in the Labor Theory of Value. Reivew of Radical Political Economics 32 (1): 1-39.
Folkerts-Landau, David, Donald Mathieson, and Garry J. Schinasi. 1997. Interna- tional Capital Markets. Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues. Wash- ington, D. C: International Monetary Fund.
Foster, John Bellamy. 1986. The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism. An Elaboration of Marxian Political Economy. New York: Monthly Review.
Frankel, S. Herbert. 1980. Money and Liberty. Washington, D. C. : American Enter- prise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Freedman, Lisa. 2007. Crusoe Control. How To Spend It, August, pp. 35-36. Freeman, Alan. 1998. The Transformation of Prices into Values: Comments on the Chapters by Simon Mohum and Anwar M. Shaikh. In Marxian Economics. A Reappraisal. Volume 2: Essays on Volume III of Capital: Profit, Prices and
Dynamics, edited by R. Bellofiore. London: Macmillan, pp. 270-75.
Freeman, Alan, and Guglielmo Carchedi. 1996. Marx and Non-Equilibrium
Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Freeman, Alan, Andrew Kliman, and Julian Wells, eds. 2000. The New Value Contro-
versy and the Foundations of Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Frieden, Jeffry A. 1988. [1995]. Capital Politics: Creditors and the International Polit- ical Economy. In International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, edited by J. A. Frieden and D. A. Lake. New York: St. Martin's Press,
pp. 282-98.
Friedman, Milton. 1968. Dollars and Deficits. Inflation, Monetary Policy and the
Balance of Payments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Froud, Julie, Sukhdev Johal, and Karl Williams. 2002. Financialisation and the
Coupon Pool. Capital & Class 78: 119-51.
Fukuyama, Francis. 1999. Death of the Hierarchy. Financial Times, June 13, p. I. Galbraith, John Kenneth. 1958. The Affluent Society. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. ---- 1967. The New Industrial State. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
---- 1983. The Anatomy of Power. Aldershot Hants, UK: Houghton Mifflin
---- 1990. A Short History of Financial Euphoria. New York: Penguin.
Galilei, Galileo. 1632. [1953]. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems -
Ptolemaic & Copernican. Forward by Albert Einstein. Translated by S. Drake. 2nd
edn. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Ganshof, Franc? ois Louis. 1964. Feudalism. 3rd English edn. New York: Harper &
Gates, Bill. 1994. Playboy Interview: Bill Gates. Playboy, July 1.
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas. 1979. Methods in Economic Science. Journal of
Economic Issues XIII (2, June): 317-28.
Gilman, Antonio, Robert McC. Adams, Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri, Alberto Cazzella,
Henri J. M. Claessen, George L. Cowgill, Carole L. Crumley, Timothy Earle, Alain Gallay, A. F. Harding, R. J. Harrison, Ronald Hicks, Philip L. Kohl, James Lewthwaite, Charles A. Schwartz, Stephen J. Sherman, Andrew Sherratt, Maurizio
References 411
Tosi, and Peter S. Wells. 1981. The Development of Social Stratification in Bronze Age Europe. [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology 22 (1, February): 1-23.
Gilpin, Robert. 1975. U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment. New York: Basic Books.
---- 1987. The Political Economy of International Relations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Gimbutas, Marija. 1982. The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe: 6500-3500 BC, Myths and Cult Images. New and updated edn. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Gitman, Lawrence J. , and Vincent A. Mercurio. 1982. Cost of Capital Techniques Used by Major U. S. Firms: Survey and Analysis of Fortune's 1000. Financial Management 11 (4, Winter): 21-29.
Giveon, Raphael. 1978. The Stones of Sinai Speak. Tokyo: Gakuseisha.
Goodman, John B. , and Louis W. Pauly. 1995. The Obsolescence of Capital Controls? Economic Management in an Age of Global Markets. In International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, edited by J. A. Frieden and D.
A. Lake. New York: St. Martin's Press, pp. 299-317.
Gordon, David. 1988. The Global Economy: New Edifice or Crumbling Founda-
tions? New Left Review 168: 24-64.
Gough, Ian. 1972. Marx's Theory of Productive and Unproductive Labour. New Left
Review (I/76, November-December): 47-72.
---- 1975. State Expenditure in Advanced Capitalism. New Left Review (I/92, July-
August): 53-92.
Graham, Benjamin, and David L. Dodd. 1934. Security Analysis. 1st edn. New York:
Whittlesey House McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc.
Graham, Benjamin, David L. Dodd, Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murry, and Frank E.
Block. 1988. Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis. 5th edn. New York: McGraw-
Hill Professional.
Graham, Bradley. 2003. Poindexter to Leave Pentagon Research Job. Washington
Post, August 1, pp. A1.
Graham, John R. , and Campbell R. Harvey. 2001. The Theory and Practice of Corpo-
rate Finance: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Financial Economics 60 (2-3,
May): 187-243.
Graunt, John. 1662. [1932]. Natural and Political Observations Made Upon the Bills of
Mortality. Edited with an Introduction by Walter F. Willcox. Baltimore, MD: The
Johns Hopkins Press.
Graves, Robert. 1944. The Golden Fleece. London: Cassell and Company Ltd.
---- 1957. The Greek Myths. New York: G. Braziller.
Greenspan, Alan. 2003. Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan Before the Joint
Economic Committee, U. S. Congress, May 6.
Greenspan, Alan. 2008. We Will Never Have a Perfect Model of Risk. Financial
Times, March 17, p. 9.
Greenstone, Michael. 2007. Is the "Surge" Working? Some New Facts. NBER
Working Paper Series (13458): 1-58.
Griliches, Zvi, ed. 1971. Price Indices and Quality Change. Studies in New Methods of
Measurement. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Griliches, Zvi. 1996. The Discovery of the Residual: A Historical Note. Journal of
Economic Literature 34 (3, September): 1324-30.
412 References
Guedj, Olivier, and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud. 2005. Experts' Earning Forecasts: Bias, Herding and Gossamer Information. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 8 (7): 933-46.
Guerrera, Francesco. 2008. King of Wall St. Has Chance to Widen Empire. Financial Times, July 17, p. 14.
Guha, Krishna. 2009. Fed Warms to Move that Could Cut Risk of Deflation. Financial Times, January 7, p. 2.
Guha, Krishna, and Simon Briscoe. 2006. A Share of the Spoils: Why Policymakers Fear 'Lumpy' Growth May Not Benefit All. Financial Times, August 28, p. 9.
Hacking, Ian. 1975. The Emergence of Probability. A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference. London: Cambridge University Press.
---- 1990. The Taming of Chance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hall, R. L. , and C. J. Hitch. 1939. Price Theory and Business Behaviour. Oxford
Economic Papers (2): 12-45.
Harcourt, Geoffrey C. 1969. Some Cambridge Controversies in the Theory of Capital.
Journal of Economic Literature 7 (2): 369-405.
---- 1972. Some Cambridge Controversies in the Theory of Capital. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Harrison, John. 1973. Productive and Unproductive Labour in Marx's Poltical
Economy. Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists Autumn: 70-82. Harvey, David. 1982. [1999]. The Limits to Capital. London: Verso.
---- 2004. The 'New' Imperialism: Accumulation by Dispossession. In The New
Imperial Challenge. Socialist Register 2004, edited by L. Panitch and C. Leys.
London: Merlin Press, pp. 62-87.
Harvey, Philip. 1985. The Value-Creating Capacity of Skilled Labor in Marxian
Economics. Review of Radical Political Economics 17 (1/2): 83-102.
Hasek, Jaroslav. 1937. The Good Soldier: Schweik. Translated by P. Selver. Garden
City, NY: The Sun Dial Press, Inc. , Publishers.
Healy, P. , K. Palepu, and R. Ruback. 1992. Does Corporate Performance Improve
After Mergers? Journal of Financial Economics 31 (April): 135-75.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. 1807. [1971]. The Phenomenology of Mind. Trans- lated with an introduction and notes by J. B. Baillie. 2nd revised edn. London:
George Allen & Unwin and Humanities Press.
---- 1821. [1967]. Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Translated with notes by T. M. Knox.
London: Oxford University Press.
Helleiner, Eric. 1994. States and the Reemergence of Global Finance: From Bretton
Woods to the 1990s. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Hennings, K.