In the year 690, Archbishop Theodore died.
In the year 690, Archbishop Theodore died.
this is that same night in which the people of Israel were delivered out
of Egypt by the blood of the lamb; this is the same in which all the
people of God were, by Christ’s Resurrection, set free from eternal death.
Then, in the morning, when the Lord’s day dawns, they should celebrate the
first day of the Paschal festival; for that is the day on which our Lord
made known the glory of His Resurrection to His disciples, to their
manifold joy at the merciful revelation. The same is the first day of
unleavened bread, concerning which it is plainly written in
Leviticus,(962) ‘In the fourteenth day of the first month, at even, is the
Lord’s Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast
of unleavened bread unto the Lord; seven days ye must eat unleavened
bread. In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation. ’
“If therefore it could be that the Lord’s day should always happen on the
fifteenth day of the first month, that is, on the fifteenth moon, we might
always celebrate the Passover at one and the same time with the ancient
people of God, though the nature of the mystery be different, as we do it
with one and the same faith. But inasmuch as the day of the week does not
keep pace exactly with the moon, the Apostolic tradition, which was
preached at Rome by the blessed Peter, and confirmed at Alexandria by Mark
the Evangelist,(963) his interpreter, appointed that when the first month
was come, and in it the evening of the fourteenth day, we should also wait
for the Lord’s day, between the fifteenth and the one-and-twentieth day of
the same month. For on whichever of those days it shall fall, Easter will
be rightly kept on the same; seeing that it is one of those seven days on
which the feast of unleavened bread is commanded to be kept. Thus it comes
to pass that our Easter never falls either before or after the third week
of the first month, but has for its observance either the whole of it, to
wit, the seven days of unleavened bread appointed by the law, or at least
some of them. For though it comprises but one of them, that is, the
seventh, which the Scripture so highly commends, saying,(964) ‘But the
seventh day shall be a more holy convocation, ye shall do no servile work
therein,’ none can lay it to our charge, that we do not rightly keep
Easter Sunday, which we received from the Gospel, in the third week of the
first month, as the Law prescribes.
“The catholic reason of this observance being thus explained, the
unreasonable error, on the other hand, of those who, without any
necessity, presume either to anticipate, or to go beyond the term
appointed in the Law, is manifest. For they that think Easter Sunday is to
be observed from the fourteenth day of the first month till the twentieth
moon, anticipate the time prescribed in the law, without any necessary
reason; for when they begin to celebrate the vigil of the holy night from
the evening of the thirteenth day, it is plain that they make that day the
beginning of their Easter, whereof they find no mention in the commandment
of the Law; and when they avoid celebrating our Lord’s Easter on the
one-and-twentieth day of the month, it is surely manifest that they wholly
exclude that day from their solemnity, which the Law many times commends
to be observed as a greater festival than the rest; and thus, perverting
the proper order, they sometimes keep Easter Day entirely in the second
week, and never place it on the seventh day of the third week. And again,
they who think that Easter is to be kept from the sixteenth day of the
said month till the two-and-twentieth(965) no less erroneously, though on
the other side, deviate from the right way of truth, and as it were
avoiding shipwreck on Scylla, they fall into the whirlpool of Charybdis to
be drowned. For when they teach that Easter is to be begun at the rising
of the sixteenth moon of the first month, that is, from the evening of the
fifteenth day, it is certain that they altogether exclude from their
solemnity the fourteenth day of the same month, which the Law first and
chiefly commends; so that they scarce touch the evening of the fifteenth
day, on which the people of God were redeemed from Egyptian bondage, and
on which our Lord, by His Blood, rescued the world from the darkness of
sin, and on which being also buried, He gave us the hope of a blessed rest
after death.
“And these men, receiving in themselves the recompense of their error,
when they place Easter Sunday on the twenty-second day of the month,
openly transgress and do violence to the term of Easter appointed by the
Law, seeing that they begin Easter on the evening of that day in which the
Law commanded it to be completed and brought to an end; and appoint that
to be the first day of Easter, whereof no mention is any where found in
the Law, to wit, the first of the fourth week. And both sorts are
mistaken, not only in fixing and computing the moon’s age, but also
sometimes in finding the first month; but this controversy is longer than
can be or ought to be contained in this letter. I will only say thus much,
that by the vernal equinox, it may always be found, without the chance of
an error, which must be the first month of the year, according to the
lunar computation, and which the last. But the equinox, according to the
opinion of all the Eastern nations, and particularly of the
Egyptians,(966) who surpass all other learned men in calculation, falls on
the twenty-first day of March, as we also prove by horological
observation. Whatsoever moon therefore is at the full before the equinox,
being on the fourteenth or fifteenth day, the same belongs to the last
month of the foregoing year, and consequently is not meet for the
celebration of Easter; but that moon which is full after the equinox, or
at the very time of the equinox, belongs to the first month, and on that
day, without a doubt, we must understand that the ancients were wont to
celebrate the Passover; and that we also ought to keep Easter when the
Sunday comes. And that this must be so, there is this cogent reason. It is
written in Genesis,(967) ‘And God made two great lights; the greater light
to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. ’ Or, as another
edition(968) has it, ‘The greater light to begin the day, and the lesser
to begin the night. ’ As, therefore, the sun, coming forth from the midst
of the east, fixed the vernal equinox by his rising, and afterwards the
moon at the full, when the sun set in the evening, followed from the midst
of the east; so every year the same first lunar month must be observed in
the like order, so that its full moon must not be before the equinox; but
either on the very day of the equinox, as it was in the beginning, or
after it is past. But if the full moon shall happen to be but one day
before the time of the equinox, the aforesaid reason proves that such moon
is not to be assigned to the first month of the new year, but rather to
the last of the preceding, and that it is therefore not meet for the
celebration of the Paschal festival.
“Now if it please you likewise to hear the mystical reason in this matter,
we are commanded to keep Easter in the first month of the year, which is
also called the month of new things, because we ought to celebrate the
mysteries of our Lord’s Resurrection and our deliverance, with the spirit
of our minds renewed to the love of heavenly things. We are commanded to
keep it in the third week of the same month, because Christ Himself, who
had been promised before the Law, and under the Law, came with grace, in
the third age of the world, to be sacrificed as our Passover; and because
rising from the dead the third day after the offering of His Passion, He
wished this to be called the Lord’s day, and the Paschal feast of His
Resurrection to be yearly celebrated on the same; because, also, we do
then only truly celebrate His solemn festival, if we endeavour with Him to
keep the Passover, that is, the passing from this world to the Father, by
faith, hope, and charity. We are commanded to observe the full moon of the
Paschal month after the vernal equinox, to the end, that the sun may first
make the day longer than the night, and then the moon may show to the
world her full orb of light; inasmuch as first ‘the Sun of righteousness,
with healing in His wings,’(969) that is, our Lord Jesus, by the triumph
of His Resurrection, dispelled all the darkness of death, and so ascending
into Heaven, filled His Church, which is often signified by the name of
the moon, with the light of inward grace, by sending down upon her His
Spirit. Which order of our salvation the prophet had in his mind, when he
said ‘The sun was exalted and the moon stood in her order. ’(970)
“He, therefore, who shall contend that the full Paschal moon can happen
before the equinox, disagrees with the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, in
the celebration of the greatest mysteries, and agrees with those who trust
that they may be saved without the grace of Christ preventing them,(971)
and who presume to teach that they might have attained to perfect
righteousness, though the true Light had never by death and resurrection
vanquished the darkness of the world. Thus, after the rising of the sun at
the equinox, and after the full moon of the first month following in her
order, that is, after the end of the fourteenth day of the same month, all
which we have received by the Law to be observed, we still, as we are
taught in the Gospel, wait in the third week for the Lord’s day; and so,
at length, we celebrate the offering of our Easter solemnity, to show that
we are not, with the ancients, doing honour to the casting off of the yoke
of Egyptian bondage; but that, with devout faith and love, we worship the
Redemption of the whole world, which having been prefigured in the
deliverance of the ancient people of God, was fulfilled in Christ’s
Resurrection, and that we may signify that we rejoice in the sure and
certain hope of our own resurrection, which we believe will likewise
happen on the Lord’s day.
“Now this computation of Easter, which we set forth to you to be followed,
is contained in a cycle of nineteen years, which began long since to be
observed in the Church, to wit, even in the time of the Apostles,
especially at Rome and in Egypt, as has been said above. (972) But by the
industry of Eusebius,(973) who took his surname from the blessed martyr
Pamphilus,(974) it was reduced to a plainer system; insomuch that what
till then used to be enjoined every year throughout all the Churches by
the Bishop of Alexandria, might, from that time forward, be most easily
known by all men, the occurrence of the fourteenth moon being regularly
set forth in its course. This Paschal computation, Theophilus,(975) Bishop
of Alexandria, made for the Emperor Theodosius, for a hundred years to
come. Cyril(976) also, his successor, comprised a series of ninety-five
years in five cycles of nineteen years. After whom, Dionysius Exiguus(977)
added as many more, in order, after the same manner, reaching down to our
own time. The expiration of these is now drawing near, but there is at the
present day so great a number of calculators, that even in our Churches
throughout Britain, there are many who, having learned the ancient rules
of the Egyptians, can with great ease carry on the Paschal cycles for any
length of time, even to five hundred and thirty-two years,(978) if they
will; after the expiration of which, all that appertains to the succession
of sun and moon, month and week, returns in the same order as before. We
therefore forbear to send you these same cycles of the times to come,
because, desiring only to be instructed respecting the reason for the
Paschal time, you show that you have enough of those catholic cycles
concerning Easter.
“But having said thus much briefly and succinctly, as you required,
concerning Easter, I also exhort you to take heed that the tonsure,
concerning which likewise you desired me to write to you, be in accordance
with the use of the Church and the Christian Faith. And we know indeed
that the Apostles were not all shorn after the same manner, nor does the
Catholic Church now, as it agrees in one faith, hope, and charity towards
God, use one and the same form of tonsure throughout the world. Moreover,
to look back to former times, to wit, the times of the patriarchs, Job,
the pattern of patience, when tribulation came upon him, shaved his
head,(979) and thus made it appear that he had used, in time of
prosperity, to let his hair grow. But concerning Joseph, who more than
other men practised and taught chastity, humility, piety, and the other
virtues, we read that he was shorn when he was to be delivered from
bondage,(980) by which it appears, that during the time of his bondage, he
was in the prison with unshorn hair. Behold then how each of these men of
God differed in the manner of their appearance abroad, though their inward
consciences agreed in a like grace of virtue. But though we may be free to
confess, that the difference of tonsure is not hurtful to those whose
faith is pure towards God, and their charity sincere towards their
neighbour, especially since we do not read that there was ever any
controversy among the Catholic fathers about the difference of tonsure, as
there has been a contention about the diversity in keeping Easter, and in
matters of faith; nevertheless, among all the forms of tonsure that are to
be found in the Church, or among mankind at large, I think none more meet
to be followed and received by us than that which that disciple wore on
his head, to whom, after his confession of Himself, our Lord said,(981)
‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates
of Hell shall not prevail against it, and I will give unto thee the keys
of the kingdom of Heaven. ’ Nor do I think that any is more rightly to be
abhorred and detested by all the faithful, than that which that man used,
to whom that same Peter, when he would have bought the grace of the Holy
Ghost, said,(982) ‘Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought
that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part
nor lot in this word. ’ Nor do we shave ourselves in the form of a crown
only because Peter was so shorn; but because Peter was so shorn in memory
of the Passion of our Lord, therefore we also, who desire to be saved by
the same Passion, do with him bear the sign of the same Passion on the top
of our head, which is the highest part of our body. For as all the Church,
because it was made a Church by the death of Him that gave it life, is
wont to bear the sign of His Holy Cross on the forehead, to the end, that
it may, by the constant protection of His banner, be defended from the
assaults of evil spirits, and by the frequent admonition of the same be
taught, in like manner, to crucify the flesh with its affections and
lusts;(983) so also it behoves those, who having either taken the vows of
a monk, or having the degree of a clerk, must needs curb themselves the
more strictly by continence, for the Lord’s sake, to bear each one of them
on his head, by the tonsure, the form of the crown of thorns which He bore
on His head in His Passion, that He might bear the thorns and thistles of
our sins, that is, that he might bear them away and take them from us; to
the end that they may show on their foreheads that they also willingly,
and readily, endure all scoffing and reproach for his sake; and that they
may signify that they await always ‘the crown of eternal life, which God
hath promised to them that love him,’(984) and that for the sake of
attaining thereto they despise both the evil and the good of this world.
But as for the tonsure which Simon Magus is said to have used, who is
there of the faithful, I ask you, who does not straightway detest and
reject it at the first sight of it, together with his magic? Above the
forehead it does seem indeed to resemble a crown; but when you come to
look at the neck, you will find the crown cut short which you thought you
saw; so that you may perceive that such a use properly belongs not to
Christians but to Simoniacs, such as were indeed in this life by erring
men thought worthy of the glory of an everlasting crown; but in that which
is to follow this life are not only deprived of all hope of a crown, but
are moreover condemned to eternal punishment.
“But do not think that I have said thus much, as though I judged them
worthy to be condemned who use this tonsure, if they uphold the catholic
unity by their faith and works; nay, I confidently declare, that many of
them have been holy men and worthy servants of God. Of which number is
Adamnan,(985) the notable abbot and priest of the followers of Columba,
who, when sent on a mission by his nation to King Aldfrid, desired to see
our monastery, and forasmuch as he showed wonderful wisdom, humility, and
piety in his words and behaviour, I said to him among other things, when I
talked with him, ‘I beseech you, holy brother, how is it that you, who
believe that you are advancing to the crown of life, which knows no end,
wear on your head, after a fashion ill-suited to your belief, the likeness
of a crown that has an end? And if you seek the fellowship of the blessed
Peter, why do you imitate the likeness of the tonsure of him whom St.
Peter anathematized? and why do you not rather even now show that you
choose with all your heart the fashion of him with whom you desire to live
in bliss for ever. ’ He answered, ‘Be assured, my dear brother, that though
I wear the tonsure of Simon, according to the custom of my country, yet I
detest and abhor with all my soul the heresy of Simon; and I desire, as
far as lies in my small power, to follow the footsteps of the most blessed
chief of the Apostles. ’ I replied, ‘I verily believe it; nevertheless it
is a token that you embrace in your inmost heart whatever is of Peter the
Apostle, if you also observe in outward form that which you know to be
his. For I think your wisdom easily discerns that it is much better to
estrange from your countenance, already dedicated to God, the fashion of
his countenance whom with all your heart you abhor, and of whose hideous
face you would shun the sight; and, on the other hand, that it beseems you
to imitate the manner of his appearance, whom you seek to have for your
advocate before God, even as you desire to follow his actions and his
teaching. ’
“This I said at that time to Adamnan, who indeed showed how much he had
profited by seeing the ordinances of our Churches, when, returning into
Scotland,(986) he afterwards by his preaching led great numbers of that
nation to the catholic observance of the Paschal time; though he was not
yet able to bring back to the way of the better ordinance the monks that
lived in the island of Hii over whom he presided with the special
authority of a superior. He would also have been mindful to amend the
tonsure, if his influence had availed so far.
“But I now also admonish your wisdom, O king, that together with the
nation, over which the King of kings, and Lord of lords, has placed you,
you strive to observe in all points those things which are in accord with
the unity of the Catholic and Apostolic Church; for so it will come to
pass, that after you have held sway in a temporal kingdom, the blessed
chief of the Apostles will also willingly open to you and yours with all
the elect the entrance into the heavenly kingdom. The grace of the eternal
King preserve you in safety, long reigning for the peace of us all, my
dearly beloved son in Christ. ”
This letter having been read in the presence of King Naiton and many
learned men, and carefully interpreted into his own language by those who
could understand it, he is said to have much rejoiced at the exhortation
thereof; insomuch that, rising from among his nobles that sat about him,
he knelt on the ground, giving thanks to God that he had been found worthy
to receive such a gift from the land of the English. “And indeed,” he
said, “I knew before, that this was the true celebration of Easter, but
now I so fully learn the reason for observing this time, that I seem in
all points to have known but little before concerning these matters.
Therefore I publicly declare and protest to you that are here present,
that I will for ever observe this time of Easter, together with all my
nation; and I do decree that this tonsure, which we have heard to be
reasonable, shall be received by all clerks in my kingdom. ” Without delay
he accomplished by his royal authority what he had said. For straightway
the Paschal cycles of nineteen years were sent by command of the State
throughout all the provinces of the Picts to be transcribed, learned, and
observed, the erroneous cycles of eighty-four years being everywhere
blotted out. (987) All the ministers of the altar and monks were shorn
after the fashion of the crown; and the nation thus reformed, rejoiced, as
being newly put under the guidance of Peter, the most blessed chief of the
Apostles, and committed to his protection.
Chap. XXII. How the monks of Hii, and the monasteries subject to them,
began to celebrate the canonical Easter at the preaching of Egbert. [716
A. D. ]
Not long after, those monks also of the Scottish nation, who lived in the
isle of Hii, with the other monasteries that were subject to them, were by
the Lord’s doing brought to the canonical observance with regard to
Easter, and the tonsure. For in the year of our Lord 716, when Osred(988)
was slain, and Coenred(989) took upon him the government of the kingdom of
the Northumbrians, the father and priest,(990) Egbert, beloved of God, and
worthy to be named with all honour, whom we have before often mentioned,
came to them from Ireland, and was honourably and joyfully received. Being
a most gracious teacher, and most devout in practising those things which
he taught, and being willingly heard by all, by his pious and diligent
exhortations, he converted them from that deep-rooted tradition of their
fathers, of whom may be said those words of the Apostle, “That they had a
zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. ”(991) He taught them to
celebrate the principal solemnity after the catholic and apostolic manner,
as has been said, wearing on their heads the figure of an unending
crown. (992) It is manifest that this came to pass by a wonderful
dispensation of the Divine goodness; to the end, that the same nation
which had willingly, and without grudging, taken heed to impart to the
English people that learning which it had in the knowledge of God, should
afterwards, by means of the English nation, be brought, in those things
which it had not, to a perfect rule of life. Even as, contrarywise, the
Britons, who would not reveal to the English the knowledge which they had
of the Christian faith, now, when the English people believe, and are in
all points instructed in the rule of the Catholic faith, still persist in
their errors, halting and turned aside from the true path, expose their
heads without a crown, and keep the Feast of Christ apart from the
fellowship of the Church of Christ. (993)
The monks of Hii, at the teaching of Egbert, adopted the catholic manner
of conversation, under Abbot Dunchad, about eighty years after they had
sent Bishop Aidan to preach to the English nation. (994) The man of God,
Egbert, remained thirteen years in the aforesaid island, which he had thus
consecrated to Christ, as it were, by a new ray of the grace of fellowship
and peace in the Church; and in the year of our Lord 729, in which Easter
was celebrated on the 24th of April, when he had celebrated the solemnity
of the Mass, in memory of the Resurrection of our Lord, that same day he
departed to the Lord and thus finished, or rather never ceases endlessly
to celebrate, with our Lord, and the Apostles, and the other citizens of
heaven, the joy of that greatest festival, which he had begun with the
brethren, whom he had converted to the grace of unity. And it was a
wonderful dispensation of the Divine Providence, that the venerable man
passed from this world to the Father, not only at Easter, but also when
Easter was celebrated on that day,(995) on which it had never been wont to
be celebrated in those parts. The brethren rejoiced in the sure and
catholic knowledge of the time of Easter, and were glad in that their
father, by whom they had been brought into the right way, passing hence to
the Lord should plead for them. He also gave thanks that he had so long
continued in the flesh, till he saw his hearers accept and keep with him
as Easter that day which they had ever before avoided. Thus the most
reverend father being assured of their amendment, rejoiced to see the day
of the Lord, and he saw it and was glad.
Chap. XXIII. Of the present state of the English nation, or of all
Britain. [725-731 A. D. ]
In the year of our Lord 725, being the seventh year of Osric,(996) king of
the Northumbrians, who had succeeded Coenred, Wictred,(997) the son of
Egbert, king of Kent, died on the 23rd of April, and left his three sons,
Ethelbert, Eadbert, and Alric,(998) heirs of that kingdom, which he had
governed thirty-four years and a half. The next year Tobias,(999) bishop
of the church of Rochester, died, a most learned man, as has been said
before; for he was disciple to those masters of blessed memory, Theodore,
the archbishop, and Abbot Hadrian, wherefore, as has been said, besides
having a great knowledge of letters both ecclesiastical and general, he
learned both the Greek and Latin tongues to such perfection, that they
were as well known and familiar to him as his native language. He was
buried in the chapel of St. Paul the Apostle, which he had built within
the church of St. Andrew(1000) for his own place of burial. After him
Aldwulf(1001) took upon him the office of bishop, having been consecrated
by Archbishop Bertwald.
In the year of our Lord 729, two comets appeared about the sun, to the
great terror of the beholders. One of them went before the sun in the
morning at his rising, the other followed him when he set in the evening,
as it were presaging dire disaster to both east and west; or without doubt
one was the forerunner of the day, and the other of the night, to signify
that mortals were threatened with calamities at both times. They carried
their flaming brands towards the north, as it were ready to kindle a
conflagration. They appeared in January, and continued nearly a fortnight.
At which time a grievous blight fell upon Gaul, in that it was laid waste
by the Saracens with cruel bloodshed; but not long after in that country
they received the due reward of their unbelief. (1002) In that year the
holy man of God, Egbert, departed to the Lord, as has been said above, on
Easter day;(1003) and immediately after Easter, that is, on the 9th of
May, Osric,(1004) king of the Northumbrians, departed this life, after he
had reigned eleven years, and appointed Ceolwulf,(1005) brother to
Coenred,(1006) who had reigned before him, his successor; the beginning
and progress of whose reign have been so filled with many and great
commotions and conflicts, that it cannot yet be known what is to be said
concerning them, or what end they will have.
In the year of our Lord 731, Archbishop Bertwald died of old age, on the
13th of January, having held his see thirty-seven years, six months and
fourteen days. (1007) In his stead, the same year, Tatwine,(1008) of the
province of the Mercians, was made archbishop, having been a priest in the
monastery called Briudun. (1009) He was consecrated in the city of
Canterbury by the venerable men, Daniel,(1010) bishop of Winchester,
Ingwald of London,(1011) Aldwin of Lichfield,(1012) and Aldwulf of
Rochester,(1013) on Sunday, the 10th of June, being a man renowned for
piety and wisdom, and of notable learning in Holy Scripture.
Thus at the present time,(1014) the bishops Tatwine and Aldwulf preside in
the churches of Kent; Ingwald is bishop in the province of the East
Saxons. In the province of the East Angles, the bishops are Aldbert and
Hadulac;(1015) in the province of the West Saxons, Daniel and
Forthere;(1016) in the province of the Mercians, Aldwin. (1017) Among those
peoples who dwell beyond the river Severn to the westward,(1018) Walhstod
is bishop; in the province of the Hwiccas, Wilfrid;(1019) in the province
of Lindsey, Bishop Cynibert(1020) presides; the bishopric of the Isle of
Wight(1021) belongs to Daniel, bishop of the city of Winchester. The
province of the South Saxons,(1022) having now continued some years
without a bishop, receives episcopal ministrations from the prelate of the
West Saxons. All these provinces, and the other southern provinces, as far
as the boundary formed by the river Humber, with their several kings, are
subject to King Ethelbald. (1023)
But in the province of the Northumbrians, where King Ceolwulf reigns, four
bishops now preside; Wilfrid(1024) in the church of York, Ethelwald(1025)
in that of Lindisfarne, Acca(1026) in that of Hagustald, Pecthelm(1027) in
that which is called the White House, which, as the number of the faithful
has increased, has lately become an episcopal see, and has him for its
first prelate. The Pictish people also at this time are at peace with the
English nation, and rejoice in having their part in Catholic peace and
truth with the universal Church. The Scots(1028) that inhabit Britain,
content with their own territories, devise no plots nor hostilities
against the English nation. The Britons,(1029) though they, for the most
part, as a nation hate and oppose the English nation, and wrongfully, and
from wicked lewdness, set themselves against the appointed Easter of the
whole Catholic Church; yet, inasmuch as both Divine and human power
withstand them, they can in neither purpose prevail as they desire; for
though in part they are their own masters, yet part of them are brought
under subjection to the English. In these favourable times of peace and
calm,(1030) many of the Northumbrians, as well of the nobility as private
persons, laying aside their weapons, and receiving the tonsure, desire
rather both for themselves and their children to take upon them monastic
vows, than to practise the pursuit of war. What will be the end hereof,
the next age will see. This is for the present the state of all Britain;
about two hundred and eighty-five years after the coming of the English
into Britain, and in the 731st year of our Lord, in Whose kingdom that
shall have no end let the earth rejoice; and Britain being one with them
in the joy of His faith, let the multitude of isles be glad, and give
thanks at the remembrance of His holiness.
Chap. XXIV. Chronological recapitulation of the whole work: also
concerning the author himself.
I have thought fit briefly to sum up those things which have been related
at length under their particular dates, that they may be the better kept
in memory. (1031)
In the sixtieth year before the Incarnation of our Lord, Caius Julius
Cæsar, first of the Romans invaded Britain, and was victorious, yet could
not maintain the supreme power there. [I, 2. ]
In the year of our Lord, 46, Claudius, being the second of the Romans who
came to Britain, received the surrender of a great part of the island, and
added the Orkney islands to the Roman empire. [I, 3. ]
In the year of our Lord 167, Eleuther, being made bishop at Rome, governed
the Church most gloriously fifteen years. (1032) To whom Lucius, king of
Britain, sent a letter, asking to be made a Christian, and succeeded in
obtaining his request. [I, 4. ]
In the year of our Lord 189, Severus, being made emperor, reigned
seventeen years; he fortified Britain with a rampart from sea to sea. [I,
5. ]
In the year 381, Maximus, being made emperor in Britain, crossed over into
Gaul, and slew Gratian. [I, 9. ]
In the year 409, Rome was overthrown by the Goths, from which time the
Romans ceased to rule in Britain. [I, 11. ]
In the year 430, Palladius was sent by Pope Celestine to the Scots that
believed in Christ to be their first bishop. [I, 13. ]
In the year 449, Marcian being made emperor with Valentinian, reigned
seven years; in whose time the English, being called in by the Britons,
came into Britain. [I, 15. ]
In the year 538, an eclipse of the sun came to pass on the 16th of
February, from the first hour until the third. (1033)
In the year 540, an eclipse of the sun came to pass on the 20th of June,
and the stars appeared during almost half an hour after the third hour of
the day.
In the year 547, Ida(1034) began to reign; he was the founder of the royal
family of the Northumbrians, and he reigned twelve years.
In the year 565, the priest, Columba, came out of Scotland,(1035) into
Britain, to teach the Picts, and he built a monastery in the isle of Hii.
[III, 4. ]
In the year 596, Pope Gregory sent Augustine with monks into Britain, to
preach the good tidings of the Word of God to the English nation. [I, 23. ]
In the year 597, the aforesaid teachers arrived in Britain; being about
the 150th year from the coming of the English into Britain. [I, 25. ]
In the year 601, Pope Gregory sent the pall into Britain to Augustine, who
was already made bishop; he sent also several ministers of the Word, among
whom was Paulinus. [I, 29. ]
In the year 603, a battle was fought at Degsastan. [I, 34. ]
In the year 604, the East Saxons received the faith of Christ, under King
Sabert, Mellitus being bishop. [II, 3. ]
In the year 605, Gregory died. [II, 1. ]
In the year 616, Ethelbert, king of Kent died. [II, 5. ]
In the year 625, Paulinus was ordained bishop of the Northumbrians by
Archbishop Justus. [II, 9. ]
In the year 626, Eanfled, daughter of King Edwin, was baptized with twelve
others, on the eve of Whitsunday. [_Ib. _]
In the year 627, King Edwin was baptized, with his nation, at Easter. [II,
14. ]
In the year 633, King Edwin being killed, Paulinus returned to Kent. [II,
20. ]
In the year 640, Eadbald, king of Kent, died. [III, 8. ]
In the year 642, King Oswald was slain. [III, 9. ]
In the year 644, Paulinus, formerly bishop of York, but then of the city
of Rochester, departed to the Lord. [III, 14. ]
In the year 651, King Oswin was killed, and Bishop Aidan died. [_Ibid. _]
In the year 653, the Middle Angles, under their prince, Penda, were
admitted to the mysteries of the faith. [III, 21. ]
In the year 655, Penda was slain, and the Mercians became Christians.
[III, 24. ]
In the year 664, an eclipse came to pass; Earconbert, king of Kent, died;
and Colman with the Scots returned to his people; a pestilence arose;
Ceadda and Wilfrid were ordained bishops of the Northumbrians. [III,
26-28, IV, 1. ]
In the year 668, Theodore was ordained bishop. [IV, 1. ]
In the year 670, Oswy, king of the Northumbrians, died. [IV, 5. ]
In the year 673, Egbert, king of Kent, died; and a synod was held at
Hertford, in the presence of King Egfrid, Archbishop Theodore presiding:
the synod was of great profit, and its decrees are contained in ten
articles. [_Ibid. _]
In the year 675,(1036) Wulfhere, king of the Mercians, when he had reigned
seventeen years, died and left the government to his brother Ethelred.
In the year 676, Ethelred ravaged Kent. [IV, 12. ]
In the year 678, a comet appeared; Bishop Wilfrid was driven from his see
by King Egfrid; and Bosa, Eata, and Eadhaed were consecrated bishops in
his stead. [_Ibid. _; V, 19. ]
In the year 679, Aelfwine was killed. [IV, 21. ]
In the year 680, a synod was held in the plain of Haethfelth, concerning
the Catholic faith, Archbishop Theodore presiding; John, the Roman abbot,
was also present. The same year also the Abbess Hilda died at
Streanaeshalch. [IV, 17, 18, 23. ]
In the year 685, Egfrid, king of the Northumbrians, was slain. The same
year Hlothere, king of Kent, died. [IV, 26. ]
In the year 688, Caedwald, king of the West Saxons, went to Rome from
Britain. [V, 7.
In the year 690, Archbishop Theodore died. [V, 8. ]
In the year 697, Queen Osthryth was murdered by her own nobles, to wit,
the nobles of the Mercians. (1037)
In the year 698, Berctred, an ealdorman of the king of the Northumbrians,
was slain by the Picts. (1038)
In the year 704, Ethelred, after he had reigned thirty-one years over the
nation of the Mercians, became a monk, and gave up the kingdom to Coenred.
[V, 19. ](1039)
In the year 705, Aldfrid, king of the Northumbrians, died. [V, 18. ]
In the year 709, Coenred, king of the Mercians, having reigned five years,
went to Rome. [V, 19. ]
In the year 711, the commander Bertfrid fought with the Picts. (1040)
In the year 716, Osred, king of the Northumbrians, was killed; and
Ceolred, king of the Mercians, died; and the man of God, Egbert, brought
the monks of Hii to observe the Catholic Easter and the ecclesiastical
tonsure. [V, 22. ]
In the year 725, Wictred, king of Kent, died. [V, 23. ]
In the year 729, comets appeared; the holy Egbert passed away; and Osric
died. [_Ibid. _]
In the year 731, Archbishop Bertwald died. [_Ibid. _]
The same year Tatwine was consecrated ninth archbishop of the church of
Canterbury, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Ethelbald, king of the
Mercians. [_Ibid. _]
Thus much of the Ecclesiastical History of Britain, and more especially of
the English nation, as far as I could learn either from the writings of
the ancients, or the tradition of our forefathers, or of my own knowledge,
with the help of the Lord, I, Bede,(1041) the servant of Christ, and
priest of the monastery of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, which is
at Wearmouth and Jarrow,(1042) have set forth. Having been born in the
territory of that same monastery, I was given, by the care of kinsmen, at
seven years of age, to be educated by the most reverend Abbot
Benedict,(1043) and afterwards by Ceolfrid,(1044) and spending all the
remaining time of my life a dweller in that monastery, I wholly applied
myself to the study of Scripture; and amidst the observance of monastic
rule, and the daily charge of singing in the church, I always took delight
in learning, or teaching, or writing. In the nineteenth year of my age, I
received deacon’s orders; in the thirtieth, those of the priesthood, both
of them by the ministry of the most reverend Bishop John,(1045) and at the
bidding of the Abbot Ceolfrid. From the time when I received priest’s
orders, till the fifty-ninth year of my age, I have made it my business,
for my own needs and those of my brethren, to compile out of the works of
the venerable Fathers, the following brief notes on the Holy Scriptures,
and also to make some additions after the manner of the meaning and
interpretation given by them:(1046)
On the Beginning of Genesis, to the birth of Isaac and the casting out of
Ishmael, four books.
Concerning the Tabernacle and its Vessels, and of the Vestments of the
Priests, three books.
On the first part of Samuel, to the Death of Saul, three books.
Concerning the Building of the Temple, of Allegorical Exposition, and
other matters, two books.
Likewise on the Book of Kings, thirty Questions. (1047)
On the Proverbs of Solomon, three books.
On the Song of Songs, seven books.
On Isaiah, Daniel, the twelve Prophets, and Part of Jeremiah, Divisions of
Chapters, collected from the Treatise of the blessed Jerome.
On Ezra and Nehemiah, three books.
On the song of Habakkuk, one book.
On the Book of the blessed Father Tobias, one Book of Allegorical
Explanation concerning Christ and the Church.
Also, Chapters of Readings on the Pentateuch of Moses, Joshua, and Judges;
On the Books of Kings and Chronicles;
On the Book of the blessed Father Job;
On the Proverbs,(1048) Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs;
On the Prophets Isaiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah.
On the Gospel of Mark, four books.
On the Gospel of Luke, six books.
Of Homilies on the Gospel, two books.
On the Apostle,(1049) whatsoever I have found in the works of St.
Augustine I have taken heed to transcribe in order.
On the Acts of the Apostles, two books.
On the seven Catholic Epistles, a book on each.
On the Revelation of St. John, three books.
Likewise, Chapters of Lessons on all the New Testament, except the Gospel.
Likewise a book of Epistles to divers Persons, of which one is of the Six
Ages of the world; one of the Halting-places of the Children of Israel;
one on the words of Isaiah, “And they shall be shut up in the prison, and
after many days shall they be visited”;(1050) one of the Reason of
Leap-Year, and one of the Equinox, according to Anatolius. (1051)
Likewise concerning the Histories of Saints: I translated the Book of the
Life and Passion of St. Felix, Confessor,(1052) from the metrical work of
Paulinus, into prose; the Book of the Life and Passion of St.
Anastasius,(1053) which was ill translated from the Greek, and worse
amended by some ignorant person, I have corrected as to the sense as far
as I could; I have written the Life of the Holy Father Cuthbert,(1054) who
was both monk and bishop, first in heroic verse, and afterwards in prose.
The History of the Abbots of this monastery, in which I rejoice to serve
the Divine Goodness, to wit, Benedict, Ceolfrid, and Huaetbert,(1055) in
two books.
The Ecclesiastical History of our Island and Nation, in five books.
The Martyrology of the Festivals of the Holy Martyrs, in which I have
carefully endeavoured to set down all whom I could find, and not only on
what day, but also by what sort of combat, and under what judge they
overcame the world.
A Book of Hymns in divers sorts of metre, or rhythm.
A Book of Epigrams in heroic or elegiac verse.
Of the Nature of Things, and of the Times, one book of each; likewise, of
the Times, one larger book.
A book of Orthography arranged in Alphabetical Order.
Likewise a Book of the Art of Poetry, and to it I have added another
little Book of Figures of Speech or Tropes; that is, of the Figures and
Modes of Speech in which the Holy Scriptures are written.
And I beseech Thee, good Jesus, that to whom Thou hast graciously granted
sweetly to drink in the words of Thy knowledge, Thou wilt also vouchsafe
in Thy loving-kindness that he may one day come to Thee, the Fountain of
all wisdom, and appear for ever before Thy face.
_The Continuation of Bede. _(1056)
In the year 731 King Ceolwulf was taken prisoner, and tonsured, and sent
back to his kingdom; Bishop Acca was driven from his see.
In the year 732, Egbert(1057) was made Bishop of York, in the room of
[Cynibert Bishop of Lindsey died. ]
[In the year of our Lord 733, Archbishop Tatwine, having received the pall
by Apostolic authority, ordained Alwic(1058) and Sigfrid,(1059) bishops. ]
In the year 733, there was an eclipse of the sun on the 14th day of August
about the third hour, in such wise that the whole orb of the sun seemed to
be covered with a black and gloomy shield.
In the year 734, the moon, on the 31st of January, about the time of
cock-crowing, was, for about a whole hour, coloured blood-red, after which
a blackness followed, and she regained her wonted light.
In the year from the Incarnation of Christ, 734, bishop Tatwine died.
In the year 735, Nothelm was ordained archbishop; and bishop Egbert,
having received the pall from the Apostolic see, was the first to be
established as archbishop(1060) after Paulinus, and he ordained
Frithbert,(1061) and Frithwald(1062) bishops; and the priest Bede
died. (1063)
In the year 737, an excessive drought rendered the land unfruitful; and
Ceolwulf, voluntarily receiving the tonsure, left the kingdom to
Eadbert. (1064)
In the year 739, Edilhart,(1065) king of the West-Saxons, died, as did
Archbishop Nothelm.
In the year 740, Cuthbert(1066) was consecrated in Nothelm’s stead.
Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, cruelly and wrongfully wasted part of
Northumbria, their king, Eadbert, with his army, being employed against
the Picts. Bishop Ethelwald died also, and Conwulf,(1067) was consecrated
in his stead. Arnwin(1068) and Eadbert(1069) were slain.
In the year 741, a great drought came upon the country. Charles,(1070)
king of the Franks, died; and his sons, Caroloman and Pippin,(1071)
reigned in his stead.
In the year 745, Bishop Wilfrid and Ingwald, Bishop of London, departed to
the Lord.
In the year 747, the man of God, Herefrid,(1072) died.
In the year 750, Cuthred, king of the West Saxons, rose up against king
Ethelbald and Oengus; Theudor and Eanred died; Eadbert added the plain of
Kyle and other places to his dominions. (1073)
In the year 753, in the fifth year of King Eadbert, on the 9th of
January,(1074) an eclipse of the sun came to pass; afterwards, in the same
year and month, on the 24th day of January, the moon suffered an eclipse,
being covered with a gloomy, black shield, in like manner as was the sun a
little while before.
In the year 754, Boniface,(1075) called also Winfrid, Bishop of the
Franks, received the crown of martyrdom, together with fifty-three others;
and Redger was consecrated archbishop in his stead, by pope Stephen.
In the year 757, Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, was treacherously and
miserably murdered, in the night, by his own guards; Beornred(1076) began
his reign; Cyniwulf,(1077) king of the West Saxons, died; and the same
year, Offa, having put Beornred to flight, sought to gain the kingdom of
the Mercians by bloodshed.
In the year 758, Eadbert, king of the Northumbrians, receiving St. Peter’s
tonsure for the love of God, and to the end that he might take the
heavenly country by force,(1078) left the kingdom to his son Oswulf.
In the year 755, Oswulf was wickedly murdered by his own thegns; and
Ethelwald, being chosen the same year by his people, entered upon the
kingdom; in whose second year there was great tribulation by reason of
pestilence, which continued almost two years, divers grievous sicknesses
raging, but more especially the disease of dysentery.
In the year 761, Oengus,(1079) king of the Picts, died; who, from the
beginning to the end of his reign, continued to be a blood-stained and
tyrannical butcher; Oswin(1080) was also slain.
In the year 765, King Aluchred came to the throne. (1081)
In the year 766 A. D. , Archbishop Egbert, of the royal race, and endued
with divine knowledge, as also Frithbert, both of them truly faithful
bishops, departed to the Lord.
Aaron, British Martyr, 18.
Aaron, High Priest, 361.
“Abbots, Anonymous History of the,” editorial references to, xxxv, 257 n. ,
389 n. ;
_and see_ Bede.
Abercorn or Aebbercurnig, Monastery of, xxix, 286.
Abraham’s Oak, 342.
Abraham’s Tomb, 341.
Acca, friend of Bede, afterwards Bishop of Hexham, in succession to
Wilfrid, xxx, 161, 248, 357, 358, 379 n. , 381;
his attachment to Wilfrid, 161, 355, 358;
driven from his see, 161, 390;
his good works, musical gifts and learning, 358;
educated by Bosa, 358.
Acha, sister of Edwin, wife of Ethelfrid, and mother of Oswald, 147, 383
Acts of the Apostles, quoted, 11, 197, 304, 335, 371.
“Adalbert, Life of,” editorial reference to, 143 n.
Adam, 130, 341 n. ;
his tomb, 341.
Adamnan, Abbot of Iona, 140 n. , 285 n. ;
his work on the Holy Places (“De Locis Sanctis”), xxii, xxx, 337, 338;
his “Life of St. Columba,” 336 n. ;
his missions to King Aldfrid, 336, 372;
converts the Irish to the Catholic Easter and ecclesiastical tonsure,
336, 337, 372, 373;
his death, 337;
receives Arculf, 338;
return to Ireland, 373.
Adamnan, Monk of Coldingham, foretells the burning of Coldingham
Monastery, xxix, 283, 284;
his vision, 281, 283, 284;
his penitence, 282, 283;
his austerity, 281, 282, 283.
Ad Barvae, or At the Wood, Monastery of, 219, 231.
Adda, Northumbrian priest, xxvii, 180, 181.
Addi, a thegn, 308.
Adeodatus, 179 n.
Adgefrin, _see_ Yeavering.
Adtuifyrdi, _see_ Twyford.
Adulwald, _see_ Eadbald.
Aebba, Abbess of Coldingham, half-sister of Oswy, 260, 283, 284;
account of, 260 n. ;
her name, 260 n. ;
founds the monasteries of Ebchester and Coldingham, 260 n. ;
her friendship for Cuthbert, 260 n. ;
intercedes for Wilfrid, 260 n. , 352 n. ;
her death, 284.
Aebbercurnig, _see_ Abercorn.
Aecci, Bishop of Dunwich, 231.
Aedan, King of Scots, defeated by Ethelfrid, 73, 74.
Aedgils, fellow priest of Bede, 284.
Aelfric (“Grammaticus”) editorial reference to, 288 n.
Aelfric, father of Osric, 134, 164 n.
Aelfwine, brother of Egfrid, 267, 385.
Aelli, King of Deira, 73, 83;
Gregory’s pun on his name, 83.
Aelli, King of Sussex, first Bretwalda, 94, 245 n.
Aenhere, King of the Hwiccas, 246.
Aescwine, Sub-king of Wessex, 241 n.
Aesica, a little boy dedicated to religion, xxxiii, 234.
Aetherius, Archbishop of Lyons, 44, 49, 63.
Aetius, the Consul, 26, 27;
put to death by Valentinian, 27, 41.
Aetla, Bishop of Dorchester, 272, 273.
Aetswinapathe, _see_ Ouestraefelda.
Africa, Churches of, 196.
Agabus, the prophet, 11.
Agatha, St. , 265.
Agatho, Pope, 254 n. ;
sends John the precentor to report on the English Church, 257, 258, 259;
holds a Synod against the Monothelites, 352;
tries Wilfrid’s cause, 352, 353, 354.
Agatho, a priest, companion of Agilbert, 195.
Agilbert, missionary to the West Saxons, Bishop of Dorchester, 147, 148,
149, 194, 241;
offended by Coinwalch, returns to Gaul, 150;
made Bishop of Paris, 150, 350;
refuses to return to England, and sends Leutherius in his place, 150,
at the Whitby Synod, 195, 196, 201;
his ignorance of English, 196;
entertains Theodore, 215;
consecrates Wilfrid, 206, 350.
Agnes, St. , 54 n. , 265.
Agricola, 11 n.
Agricola, son of Severianus, a Pelagian, 32.
Aidan, Monk of Iona, Abbot and Bishop of Lindisfarne, xxv, xxvi, 4 n. , 139
n. , 140, 201, 347 n. ;
Bede’s admiration for, xxxix;
his mission to Northumbria, 138, 144, 146, 376;
his life, 144, 146;
ordination, 144;
his character, 138, 144, 145, 170, 171;
his doctrine, 144, 145;
his good example, 144, 145;
his rebuke to Corman, 145;
gives his horse to a beggar, 165;
his friendship for Oswin, 165, 166;
death, 166, 169, 192, 288 n. , 384;
his prevision of Oswin’s death, 166;
foretells and calms a storm, 166, 167;
his miracles, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170;
at Farne, 168;
saves Bamborough from fire, 168;
his body translated to Lindisfarne, 169, 202;
his observance of Easter, 170, 171, 193;
his disciples, 202, 208;
his rule, 290;
persuades Hilda to return to Northumbria, 271;
consecrates Heiu as a nun, 271.
Aire, the River, 189 n.
Akeburgh (perhaps Jacobsburgh), 132 n.
Alani, the, 22, 41.
Alaric, 22.
Alban, St. , xxiii, 39;
his conversion, 14, 15, 16;
Lives of, 15 n. ;
miracles, 17;
his tomb, 36;
his blood, 36.
Albinus, Abbot of St. Augustine’s Monastery, Canterbury, in succession to
Hadrian, xxx, 2 n. , 3, 357;
his scholarship, 2, 357;
furnishes Bede with materials for the “Ecclesiastical History,” 2, 3.
Albion, early name of Britain, 5.
Alchfled, daughter of Oswy, wife of Peada, 180, 191.
Alchfrid, King of Deira, son of Oswy, xxvii, 195, 206, 377 n. ;
rebels against Oswy, 163, 207 n. ;
account of, 163 n. ;
converts Peada, 180;
death, 180 n. ;
at the battle of the Winwaed, 188;
friendship for Wilfrid, 194, 350;
his observance of Easter, 194, 195;
at Whitby, 195;
friendship for Coinwalch of Wessex, 350.
Alcluith, or Dumbarton, _see_ Dumbarton.
Alcuin, his letter to the monks of Wearmouth, xxxv;
his influence on learning, xxxvi;
his anecdote of Bede, xxxvii;
his “De Sanct. Ebor. ” quoted, 243 n. , 273 n. ;
his “Life of Wilbrord” quoted, 143 n. ;
ref. to, 319 n. , 320, 323 n. , 325 n.
Aldbert, Bishop of Dunwich, 379, 380.
Aldfrid, King of Northumbria after Egfrid, xxix, 287, 302, 312, 353 n. ,
372, 377 n. ;
death, xxx, 342, 356, 385, 391 n. ;
his relations with Wilfrid, 247 n. , 353, 354, 356;
account of, 287 n. ;
retrieves the fortunes of Northumbria, 287;
visits Drythelm, 331;
friendship for Adamnan, 336, 338;
his exile in Iona, 336 n.
Aldgils, King of Frisland, 351.
Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, xxx, 148 n. , 210 n. , 265 n. , 343, 345 n. ;
his women scholars, 237 n. ;
letter to Geraint, 336 n. , 344;
account of, 343 n.
this is that same night in which the people of Israel were delivered out
of Egypt by the blood of the lamb; this is the same in which all the
people of God were, by Christ’s Resurrection, set free from eternal death.
Then, in the morning, when the Lord’s day dawns, they should celebrate the
first day of the Paschal festival; for that is the day on which our Lord
made known the glory of His Resurrection to His disciples, to their
manifold joy at the merciful revelation. The same is the first day of
unleavened bread, concerning which it is plainly written in
Leviticus,(962) ‘In the fourteenth day of the first month, at even, is the
Lord’s Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast
of unleavened bread unto the Lord; seven days ye must eat unleavened
bread. In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation. ’
“If therefore it could be that the Lord’s day should always happen on the
fifteenth day of the first month, that is, on the fifteenth moon, we might
always celebrate the Passover at one and the same time with the ancient
people of God, though the nature of the mystery be different, as we do it
with one and the same faith. But inasmuch as the day of the week does not
keep pace exactly with the moon, the Apostolic tradition, which was
preached at Rome by the blessed Peter, and confirmed at Alexandria by Mark
the Evangelist,(963) his interpreter, appointed that when the first month
was come, and in it the evening of the fourteenth day, we should also wait
for the Lord’s day, between the fifteenth and the one-and-twentieth day of
the same month. For on whichever of those days it shall fall, Easter will
be rightly kept on the same; seeing that it is one of those seven days on
which the feast of unleavened bread is commanded to be kept. Thus it comes
to pass that our Easter never falls either before or after the third week
of the first month, but has for its observance either the whole of it, to
wit, the seven days of unleavened bread appointed by the law, or at least
some of them. For though it comprises but one of them, that is, the
seventh, which the Scripture so highly commends, saying,(964) ‘But the
seventh day shall be a more holy convocation, ye shall do no servile work
therein,’ none can lay it to our charge, that we do not rightly keep
Easter Sunday, which we received from the Gospel, in the third week of the
first month, as the Law prescribes.
“The catholic reason of this observance being thus explained, the
unreasonable error, on the other hand, of those who, without any
necessity, presume either to anticipate, or to go beyond the term
appointed in the Law, is manifest. For they that think Easter Sunday is to
be observed from the fourteenth day of the first month till the twentieth
moon, anticipate the time prescribed in the law, without any necessary
reason; for when they begin to celebrate the vigil of the holy night from
the evening of the thirteenth day, it is plain that they make that day the
beginning of their Easter, whereof they find no mention in the commandment
of the Law; and when they avoid celebrating our Lord’s Easter on the
one-and-twentieth day of the month, it is surely manifest that they wholly
exclude that day from their solemnity, which the Law many times commends
to be observed as a greater festival than the rest; and thus, perverting
the proper order, they sometimes keep Easter Day entirely in the second
week, and never place it on the seventh day of the third week. And again,
they who think that Easter is to be kept from the sixteenth day of the
said month till the two-and-twentieth(965) no less erroneously, though on
the other side, deviate from the right way of truth, and as it were
avoiding shipwreck on Scylla, they fall into the whirlpool of Charybdis to
be drowned. For when they teach that Easter is to be begun at the rising
of the sixteenth moon of the first month, that is, from the evening of the
fifteenth day, it is certain that they altogether exclude from their
solemnity the fourteenth day of the same month, which the Law first and
chiefly commends; so that they scarce touch the evening of the fifteenth
day, on which the people of God were redeemed from Egyptian bondage, and
on which our Lord, by His Blood, rescued the world from the darkness of
sin, and on which being also buried, He gave us the hope of a blessed rest
after death.
“And these men, receiving in themselves the recompense of their error,
when they place Easter Sunday on the twenty-second day of the month,
openly transgress and do violence to the term of Easter appointed by the
Law, seeing that they begin Easter on the evening of that day in which the
Law commanded it to be completed and brought to an end; and appoint that
to be the first day of Easter, whereof no mention is any where found in
the Law, to wit, the first of the fourth week. And both sorts are
mistaken, not only in fixing and computing the moon’s age, but also
sometimes in finding the first month; but this controversy is longer than
can be or ought to be contained in this letter. I will only say thus much,
that by the vernal equinox, it may always be found, without the chance of
an error, which must be the first month of the year, according to the
lunar computation, and which the last. But the equinox, according to the
opinion of all the Eastern nations, and particularly of the
Egyptians,(966) who surpass all other learned men in calculation, falls on
the twenty-first day of March, as we also prove by horological
observation. Whatsoever moon therefore is at the full before the equinox,
being on the fourteenth or fifteenth day, the same belongs to the last
month of the foregoing year, and consequently is not meet for the
celebration of Easter; but that moon which is full after the equinox, or
at the very time of the equinox, belongs to the first month, and on that
day, without a doubt, we must understand that the ancients were wont to
celebrate the Passover; and that we also ought to keep Easter when the
Sunday comes. And that this must be so, there is this cogent reason. It is
written in Genesis,(967) ‘And God made two great lights; the greater light
to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. ’ Or, as another
edition(968) has it, ‘The greater light to begin the day, and the lesser
to begin the night. ’ As, therefore, the sun, coming forth from the midst
of the east, fixed the vernal equinox by his rising, and afterwards the
moon at the full, when the sun set in the evening, followed from the midst
of the east; so every year the same first lunar month must be observed in
the like order, so that its full moon must not be before the equinox; but
either on the very day of the equinox, as it was in the beginning, or
after it is past. But if the full moon shall happen to be but one day
before the time of the equinox, the aforesaid reason proves that such moon
is not to be assigned to the first month of the new year, but rather to
the last of the preceding, and that it is therefore not meet for the
celebration of the Paschal festival.
“Now if it please you likewise to hear the mystical reason in this matter,
we are commanded to keep Easter in the first month of the year, which is
also called the month of new things, because we ought to celebrate the
mysteries of our Lord’s Resurrection and our deliverance, with the spirit
of our minds renewed to the love of heavenly things. We are commanded to
keep it in the third week of the same month, because Christ Himself, who
had been promised before the Law, and under the Law, came with grace, in
the third age of the world, to be sacrificed as our Passover; and because
rising from the dead the third day after the offering of His Passion, He
wished this to be called the Lord’s day, and the Paschal feast of His
Resurrection to be yearly celebrated on the same; because, also, we do
then only truly celebrate His solemn festival, if we endeavour with Him to
keep the Passover, that is, the passing from this world to the Father, by
faith, hope, and charity. We are commanded to observe the full moon of the
Paschal month after the vernal equinox, to the end, that the sun may first
make the day longer than the night, and then the moon may show to the
world her full orb of light; inasmuch as first ‘the Sun of righteousness,
with healing in His wings,’(969) that is, our Lord Jesus, by the triumph
of His Resurrection, dispelled all the darkness of death, and so ascending
into Heaven, filled His Church, which is often signified by the name of
the moon, with the light of inward grace, by sending down upon her His
Spirit. Which order of our salvation the prophet had in his mind, when he
said ‘The sun was exalted and the moon stood in her order. ’(970)
“He, therefore, who shall contend that the full Paschal moon can happen
before the equinox, disagrees with the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, in
the celebration of the greatest mysteries, and agrees with those who trust
that they may be saved without the grace of Christ preventing them,(971)
and who presume to teach that they might have attained to perfect
righteousness, though the true Light had never by death and resurrection
vanquished the darkness of the world. Thus, after the rising of the sun at
the equinox, and after the full moon of the first month following in her
order, that is, after the end of the fourteenth day of the same month, all
which we have received by the Law to be observed, we still, as we are
taught in the Gospel, wait in the third week for the Lord’s day; and so,
at length, we celebrate the offering of our Easter solemnity, to show that
we are not, with the ancients, doing honour to the casting off of the yoke
of Egyptian bondage; but that, with devout faith and love, we worship the
Redemption of the whole world, which having been prefigured in the
deliverance of the ancient people of God, was fulfilled in Christ’s
Resurrection, and that we may signify that we rejoice in the sure and
certain hope of our own resurrection, which we believe will likewise
happen on the Lord’s day.
“Now this computation of Easter, which we set forth to you to be followed,
is contained in a cycle of nineteen years, which began long since to be
observed in the Church, to wit, even in the time of the Apostles,
especially at Rome and in Egypt, as has been said above. (972) But by the
industry of Eusebius,(973) who took his surname from the blessed martyr
Pamphilus,(974) it was reduced to a plainer system; insomuch that what
till then used to be enjoined every year throughout all the Churches by
the Bishop of Alexandria, might, from that time forward, be most easily
known by all men, the occurrence of the fourteenth moon being regularly
set forth in its course. This Paschal computation, Theophilus,(975) Bishop
of Alexandria, made for the Emperor Theodosius, for a hundred years to
come. Cyril(976) also, his successor, comprised a series of ninety-five
years in five cycles of nineteen years. After whom, Dionysius Exiguus(977)
added as many more, in order, after the same manner, reaching down to our
own time. The expiration of these is now drawing near, but there is at the
present day so great a number of calculators, that even in our Churches
throughout Britain, there are many who, having learned the ancient rules
of the Egyptians, can with great ease carry on the Paschal cycles for any
length of time, even to five hundred and thirty-two years,(978) if they
will; after the expiration of which, all that appertains to the succession
of sun and moon, month and week, returns in the same order as before. We
therefore forbear to send you these same cycles of the times to come,
because, desiring only to be instructed respecting the reason for the
Paschal time, you show that you have enough of those catholic cycles
concerning Easter.
“But having said thus much briefly and succinctly, as you required,
concerning Easter, I also exhort you to take heed that the tonsure,
concerning which likewise you desired me to write to you, be in accordance
with the use of the Church and the Christian Faith. And we know indeed
that the Apostles were not all shorn after the same manner, nor does the
Catholic Church now, as it agrees in one faith, hope, and charity towards
God, use one and the same form of tonsure throughout the world. Moreover,
to look back to former times, to wit, the times of the patriarchs, Job,
the pattern of patience, when tribulation came upon him, shaved his
head,(979) and thus made it appear that he had used, in time of
prosperity, to let his hair grow. But concerning Joseph, who more than
other men practised and taught chastity, humility, piety, and the other
virtues, we read that he was shorn when he was to be delivered from
bondage,(980) by which it appears, that during the time of his bondage, he
was in the prison with unshorn hair. Behold then how each of these men of
God differed in the manner of their appearance abroad, though their inward
consciences agreed in a like grace of virtue. But though we may be free to
confess, that the difference of tonsure is not hurtful to those whose
faith is pure towards God, and their charity sincere towards their
neighbour, especially since we do not read that there was ever any
controversy among the Catholic fathers about the difference of tonsure, as
there has been a contention about the diversity in keeping Easter, and in
matters of faith; nevertheless, among all the forms of tonsure that are to
be found in the Church, or among mankind at large, I think none more meet
to be followed and received by us than that which that disciple wore on
his head, to whom, after his confession of Himself, our Lord said,(981)
‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates
of Hell shall not prevail against it, and I will give unto thee the keys
of the kingdom of Heaven. ’ Nor do I think that any is more rightly to be
abhorred and detested by all the faithful, than that which that man used,
to whom that same Peter, when he would have bought the grace of the Holy
Ghost, said,(982) ‘Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought
that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part
nor lot in this word. ’ Nor do we shave ourselves in the form of a crown
only because Peter was so shorn; but because Peter was so shorn in memory
of the Passion of our Lord, therefore we also, who desire to be saved by
the same Passion, do with him bear the sign of the same Passion on the top
of our head, which is the highest part of our body. For as all the Church,
because it was made a Church by the death of Him that gave it life, is
wont to bear the sign of His Holy Cross on the forehead, to the end, that
it may, by the constant protection of His banner, be defended from the
assaults of evil spirits, and by the frequent admonition of the same be
taught, in like manner, to crucify the flesh with its affections and
lusts;(983) so also it behoves those, who having either taken the vows of
a monk, or having the degree of a clerk, must needs curb themselves the
more strictly by continence, for the Lord’s sake, to bear each one of them
on his head, by the tonsure, the form of the crown of thorns which He bore
on His head in His Passion, that He might bear the thorns and thistles of
our sins, that is, that he might bear them away and take them from us; to
the end that they may show on their foreheads that they also willingly,
and readily, endure all scoffing and reproach for his sake; and that they
may signify that they await always ‘the crown of eternal life, which God
hath promised to them that love him,’(984) and that for the sake of
attaining thereto they despise both the evil and the good of this world.
But as for the tonsure which Simon Magus is said to have used, who is
there of the faithful, I ask you, who does not straightway detest and
reject it at the first sight of it, together with his magic? Above the
forehead it does seem indeed to resemble a crown; but when you come to
look at the neck, you will find the crown cut short which you thought you
saw; so that you may perceive that such a use properly belongs not to
Christians but to Simoniacs, such as were indeed in this life by erring
men thought worthy of the glory of an everlasting crown; but in that which
is to follow this life are not only deprived of all hope of a crown, but
are moreover condemned to eternal punishment.
“But do not think that I have said thus much, as though I judged them
worthy to be condemned who use this tonsure, if they uphold the catholic
unity by their faith and works; nay, I confidently declare, that many of
them have been holy men and worthy servants of God. Of which number is
Adamnan,(985) the notable abbot and priest of the followers of Columba,
who, when sent on a mission by his nation to King Aldfrid, desired to see
our monastery, and forasmuch as he showed wonderful wisdom, humility, and
piety in his words and behaviour, I said to him among other things, when I
talked with him, ‘I beseech you, holy brother, how is it that you, who
believe that you are advancing to the crown of life, which knows no end,
wear on your head, after a fashion ill-suited to your belief, the likeness
of a crown that has an end? And if you seek the fellowship of the blessed
Peter, why do you imitate the likeness of the tonsure of him whom St.
Peter anathematized? and why do you not rather even now show that you
choose with all your heart the fashion of him with whom you desire to live
in bliss for ever. ’ He answered, ‘Be assured, my dear brother, that though
I wear the tonsure of Simon, according to the custom of my country, yet I
detest and abhor with all my soul the heresy of Simon; and I desire, as
far as lies in my small power, to follow the footsteps of the most blessed
chief of the Apostles. ’ I replied, ‘I verily believe it; nevertheless it
is a token that you embrace in your inmost heart whatever is of Peter the
Apostle, if you also observe in outward form that which you know to be
his. For I think your wisdom easily discerns that it is much better to
estrange from your countenance, already dedicated to God, the fashion of
his countenance whom with all your heart you abhor, and of whose hideous
face you would shun the sight; and, on the other hand, that it beseems you
to imitate the manner of his appearance, whom you seek to have for your
advocate before God, even as you desire to follow his actions and his
teaching. ’
“This I said at that time to Adamnan, who indeed showed how much he had
profited by seeing the ordinances of our Churches, when, returning into
Scotland,(986) he afterwards by his preaching led great numbers of that
nation to the catholic observance of the Paschal time; though he was not
yet able to bring back to the way of the better ordinance the monks that
lived in the island of Hii over whom he presided with the special
authority of a superior. He would also have been mindful to amend the
tonsure, if his influence had availed so far.
“But I now also admonish your wisdom, O king, that together with the
nation, over which the King of kings, and Lord of lords, has placed you,
you strive to observe in all points those things which are in accord with
the unity of the Catholic and Apostolic Church; for so it will come to
pass, that after you have held sway in a temporal kingdom, the blessed
chief of the Apostles will also willingly open to you and yours with all
the elect the entrance into the heavenly kingdom. The grace of the eternal
King preserve you in safety, long reigning for the peace of us all, my
dearly beloved son in Christ. ”
This letter having been read in the presence of King Naiton and many
learned men, and carefully interpreted into his own language by those who
could understand it, he is said to have much rejoiced at the exhortation
thereof; insomuch that, rising from among his nobles that sat about him,
he knelt on the ground, giving thanks to God that he had been found worthy
to receive such a gift from the land of the English. “And indeed,” he
said, “I knew before, that this was the true celebration of Easter, but
now I so fully learn the reason for observing this time, that I seem in
all points to have known but little before concerning these matters.
Therefore I publicly declare and protest to you that are here present,
that I will for ever observe this time of Easter, together with all my
nation; and I do decree that this tonsure, which we have heard to be
reasonable, shall be received by all clerks in my kingdom. ” Without delay
he accomplished by his royal authority what he had said. For straightway
the Paschal cycles of nineteen years were sent by command of the State
throughout all the provinces of the Picts to be transcribed, learned, and
observed, the erroneous cycles of eighty-four years being everywhere
blotted out. (987) All the ministers of the altar and monks were shorn
after the fashion of the crown; and the nation thus reformed, rejoiced, as
being newly put under the guidance of Peter, the most blessed chief of the
Apostles, and committed to his protection.
Chap. XXII. How the monks of Hii, and the monasteries subject to them,
began to celebrate the canonical Easter at the preaching of Egbert. [716
A. D. ]
Not long after, those monks also of the Scottish nation, who lived in the
isle of Hii, with the other monasteries that were subject to them, were by
the Lord’s doing brought to the canonical observance with regard to
Easter, and the tonsure. For in the year of our Lord 716, when Osred(988)
was slain, and Coenred(989) took upon him the government of the kingdom of
the Northumbrians, the father and priest,(990) Egbert, beloved of God, and
worthy to be named with all honour, whom we have before often mentioned,
came to them from Ireland, and was honourably and joyfully received. Being
a most gracious teacher, and most devout in practising those things which
he taught, and being willingly heard by all, by his pious and diligent
exhortations, he converted them from that deep-rooted tradition of their
fathers, of whom may be said those words of the Apostle, “That they had a
zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. ”(991) He taught them to
celebrate the principal solemnity after the catholic and apostolic manner,
as has been said, wearing on their heads the figure of an unending
crown. (992) It is manifest that this came to pass by a wonderful
dispensation of the Divine goodness; to the end, that the same nation
which had willingly, and without grudging, taken heed to impart to the
English people that learning which it had in the knowledge of God, should
afterwards, by means of the English nation, be brought, in those things
which it had not, to a perfect rule of life. Even as, contrarywise, the
Britons, who would not reveal to the English the knowledge which they had
of the Christian faith, now, when the English people believe, and are in
all points instructed in the rule of the Catholic faith, still persist in
their errors, halting and turned aside from the true path, expose their
heads without a crown, and keep the Feast of Christ apart from the
fellowship of the Church of Christ. (993)
The monks of Hii, at the teaching of Egbert, adopted the catholic manner
of conversation, under Abbot Dunchad, about eighty years after they had
sent Bishop Aidan to preach to the English nation. (994) The man of God,
Egbert, remained thirteen years in the aforesaid island, which he had thus
consecrated to Christ, as it were, by a new ray of the grace of fellowship
and peace in the Church; and in the year of our Lord 729, in which Easter
was celebrated on the 24th of April, when he had celebrated the solemnity
of the Mass, in memory of the Resurrection of our Lord, that same day he
departed to the Lord and thus finished, or rather never ceases endlessly
to celebrate, with our Lord, and the Apostles, and the other citizens of
heaven, the joy of that greatest festival, which he had begun with the
brethren, whom he had converted to the grace of unity. And it was a
wonderful dispensation of the Divine Providence, that the venerable man
passed from this world to the Father, not only at Easter, but also when
Easter was celebrated on that day,(995) on which it had never been wont to
be celebrated in those parts. The brethren rejoiced in the sure and
catholic knowledge of the time of Easter, and were glad in that their
father, by whom they had been brought into the right way, passing hence to
the Lord should plead for them. He also gave thanks that he had so long
continued in the flesh, till he saw his hearers accept and keep with him
as Easter that day which they had ever before avoided. Thus the most
reverend father being assured of their amendment, rejoiced to see the day
of the Lord, and he saw it and was glad.
Chap. XXIII. Of the present state of the English nation, or of all
Britain. [725-731 A. D. ]
In the year of our Lord 725, being the seventh year of Osric,(996) king of
the Northumbrians, who had succeeded Coenred, Wictred,(997) the son of
Egbert, king of Kent, died on the 23rd of April, and left his three sons,
Ethelbert, Eadbert, and Alric,(998) heirs of that kingdom, which he had
governed thirty-four years and a half. The next year Tobias,(999) bishop
of the church of Rochester, died, a most learned man, as has been said
before; for he was disciple to those masters of blessed memory, Theodore,
the archbishop, and Abbot Hadrian, wherefore, as has been said, besides
having a great knowledge of letters both ecclesiastical and general, he
learned both the Greek and Latin tongues to such perfection, that they
were as well known and familiar to him as his native language. He was
buried in the chapel of St. Paul the Apostle, which he had built within
the church of St. Andrew(1000) for his own place of burial. After him
Aldwulf(1001) took upon him the office of bishop, having been consecrated
by Archbishop Bertwald.
In the year of our Lord 729, two comets appeared about the sun, to the
great terror of the beholders. One of them went before the sun in the
morning at his rising, the other followed him when he set in the evening,
as it were presaging dire disaster to both east and west; or without doubt
one was the forerunner of the day, and the other of the night, to signify
that mortals were threatened with calamities at both times. They carried
their flaming brands towards the north, as it were ready to kindle a
conflagration. They appeared in January, and continued nearly a fortnight.
At which time a grievous blight fell upon Gaul, in that it was laid waste
by the Saracens with cruel bloodshed; but not long after in that country
they received the due reward of their unbelief. (1002) In that year the
holy man of God, Egbert, departed to the Lord, as has been said above, on
Easter day;(1003) and immediately after Easter, that is, on the 9th of
May, Osric,(1004) king of the Northumbrians, departed this life, after he
had reigned eleven years, and appointed Ceolwulf,(1005) brother to
Coenred,(1006) who had reigned before him, his successor; the beginning
and progress of whose reign have been so filled with many and great
commotions and conflicts, that it cannot yet be known what is to be said
concerning them, or what end they will have.
In the year of our Lord 731, Archbishop Bertwald died of old age, on the
13th of January, having held his see thirty-seven years, six months and
fourteen days. (1007) In his stead, the same year, Tatwine,(1008) of the
province of the Mercians, was made archbishop, having been a priest in the
monastery called Briudun. (1009) He was consecrated in the city of
Canterbury by the venerable men, Daniel,(1010) bishop of Winchester,
Ingwald of London,(1011) Aldwin of Lichfield,(1012) and Aldwulf of
Rochester,(1013) on Sunday, the 10th of June, being a man renowned for
piety and wisdom, and of notable learning in Holy Scripture.
Thus at the present time,(1014) the bishops Tatwine and Aldwulf preside in
the churches of Kent; Ingwald is bishop in the province of the East
Saxons. In the province of the East Angles, the bishops are Aldbert and
Hadulac;(1015) in the province of the West Saxons, Daniel and
Forthere;(1016) in the province of the Mercians, Aldwin. (1017) Among those
peoples who dwell beyond the river Severn to the westward,(1018) Walhstod
is bishop; in the province of the Hwiccas, Wilfrid;(1019) in the province
of Lindsey, Bishop Cynibert(1020) presides; the bishopric of the Isle of
Wight(1021) belongs to Daniel, bishop of the city of Winchester. The
province of the South Saxons,(1022) having now continued some years
without a bishop, receives episcopal ministrations from the prelate of the
West Saxons. All these provinces, and the other southern provinces, as far
as the boundary formed by the river Humber, with their several kings, are
subject to King Ethelbald. (1023)
But in the province of the Northumbrians, where King Ceolwulf reigns, four
bishops now preside; Wilfrid(1024) in the church of York, Ethelwald(1025)
in that of Lindisfarne, Acca(1026) in that of Hagustald, Pecthelm(1027) in
that which is called the White House, which, as the number of the faithful
has increased, has lately become an episcopal see, and has him for its
first prelate. The Pictish people also at this time are at peace with the
English nation, and rejoice in having their part in Catholic peace and
truth with the universal Church. The Scots(1028) that inhabit Britain,
content with their own territories, devise no plots nor hostilities
against the English nation. The Britons,(1029) though they, for the most
part, as a nation hate and oppose the English nation, and wrongfully, and
from wicked lewdness, set themselves against the appointed Easter of the
whole Catholic Church; yet, inasmuch as both Divine and human power
withstand them, they can in neither purpose prevail as they desire; for
though in part they are their own masters, yet part of them are brought
under subjection to the English. In these favourable times of peace and
calm,(1030) many of the Northumbrians, as well of the nobility as private
persons, laying aside their weapons, and receiving the tonsure, desire
rather both for themselves and their children to take upon them monastic
vows, than to practise the pursuit of war. What will be the end hereof,
the next age will see. This is for the present the state of all Britain;
about two hundred and eighty-five years after the coming of the English
into Britain, and in the 731st year of our Lord, in Whose kingdom that
shall have no end let the earth rejoice; and Britain being one with them
in the joy of His faith, let the multitude of isles be glad, and give
thanks at the remembrance of His holiness.
Chap. XXIV. Chronological recapitulation of the whole work: also
concerning the author himself.
I have thought fit briefly to sum up those things which have been related
at length under their particular dates, that they may be the better kept
in memory. (1031)
In the sixtieth year before the Incarnation of our Lord, Caius Julius
Cæsar, first of the Romans invaded Britain, and was victorious, yet could
not maintain the supreme power there. [I, 2. ]
In the year of our Lord, 46, Claudius, being the second of the Romans who
came to Britain, received the surrender of a great part of the island, and
added the Orkney islands to the Roman empire. [I, 3. ]
In the year of our Lord 167, Eleuther, being made bishop at Rome, governed
the Church most gloriously fifteen years. (1032) To whom Lucius, king of
Britain, sent a letter, asking to be made a Christian, and succeeded in
obtaining his request. [I, 4. ]
In the year of our Lord 189, Severus, being made emperor, reigned
seventeen years; he fortified Britain with a rampart from sea to sea. [I,
5. ]
In the year 381, Maximus, being made emperor in Britain, crossed over into
Gaul, and slew Gratian. [I, 9. ]
In the year 409, Rome was overthrown by the Goths, from which time the
Romans ceased to rule in Britain. [I, 11. ]
In the year 430, Palladius was sent by Pope Celestine to the Scots that
believed in Christ to be their first bishop. [I, 13. ]
In the year 449, Marcian being made emperor with Valentinian, reigned
seven years; in whose time the English, being called in by the Britons,
came into Britain. [I, 15. ]
In the year 538, an eclipse of the sun came to pass on the 16th of
February, from the first hour until the third. (1033)
In the year 540, an eclipse of the sun came to pass on the 20th of June,
and the stars appeared during almost half an hour after the third hour of
the day.
In the year 547, Ida(1034) began to reign; he was the founder of the royal
family of the Northumbrians, and he reigned twelve years.
In the year 565, the priest, Columba, came out of Scotland,(1035) into
Britain, to teach the Picts, and he built a monastery in the isle of Hii.
[III, 4. ]
In the year 596, Pope Gregory sent Augustine with monks into Britain, to
preach the good tidings of the Word of God to the English nation. [I, 23. ]
In the year 597, the aforesaid teachers arrived in Britain; being about
the 150th year from the coming of the English into Britain. [I, 25. ]
In the year 601, Pope Gregory sent the pall into Britain to Augustine, who
was already made bishop; he sent also several ministers of the Word, among
whom was Paulinus. [I, 29. ]
In the year 603, a battle was fought at Degsastan. [I, 34. ]
In the year 604, the East Saxons received the faith of Christ, under King
Sabert, Mellitus being bishop. [II, 3. ]
In the year 605, Gregory died. [II, 1. ]
In the year 616, Ethelbert, king of Kent died. [II, 5. ]
In the year 625, Paulinus was ordained bishop of the Northumbrians by
Archbishop Justus. [II, 9. ]
In the year 626, Eanfled, daughter of King Edwin, was baptized with twelve
others, on the eve of Whitsunday. [_Ib. _]
In the year 627, King Edwin was baptized, with his nation, at Easter. [II,
14. ]
In the year 633, King Edwin being killed, Paulinus returned to Kent. [II,
20. ]
In the year 640, Eadbald, king of Kent, died. [III, 8. ]
In the year 642, King Oswald was slain. [III, 9. ]
In the year 644, Paulinus, formerly bishop of York, but then of the city
of Rochester, departed to the Lord. [III, 14. ]
In the year 651, King Oswin was killed, and Bishop Aidan died. [_Ibid. _]
In the year 653, the Middle Angles, under their prince, Penda, were
admitted to the mysteries of the faith. [III, 21. ]
In the year 655, Penda was slain, and the Mercians became Christians.
[III, 24. ]
In the year 664, an eclipse came to pass; Earconbert, king of Kent, died;
and Colman with the Scots returned to his people; a pestilence arose;
Ceadda and Wilfrid were ordained bishops of the Northumbrians. [III,
26-28, IV, 1. ]
In the year 668, Theodore was ordained bishop. [IV, 1. ]
In the year 670, Oswy, king of the Northumbrians, died. [IV, 5. ]
In the year 673, Egbert, king of Kent, died; and a synod was held at
Hertford, in the presence of King Egfrid, Archbishop Theodore presiding:
the synod was of great profit, and its decrees are contained in ten
articles. [_Ibid. _]
In the year 675,(1036) Wulfhere, king of the Mercians, when he had reigned
seventeen years, died and left the government to his brother Ethelred.
In the year 676, Ethelred ravaged Kent. [IV, 12. ]
In the year 678, a comet appeared; Bishop Wilfrid was driven from his see
by King Egfrid; and Bosa, Eata, and Eadhaed were consecrated bishops in
his stead. [_Ibid. _; V, 19. ]
In the year 679, Aelfwine was killed. [IV, 21. ]
In the year 680, a synod was held in the plain of Haethfelth, concerning
the Catholic faith, Archbishop Theodore presiding; John, the Roman abbot,
was also present. The same year also the Abbess Hilda died at
Streanaeshalch. [IV, 17, 18, 23. ]
In the year 685, Egfrid, king of the Northumbrians, was slain. The same
year Hlothere, king of Kent, died. [IV, 26. ]
In the year 688, Caedwald, king of the West Saxons, went to Rome from
Britain. [V, 7.
In the year 690, Archbishop Theodore died. [V, 8. ]
In the year 697, Queen Osthryth was murdered by her own nobles, to wit,
the nobles of the Mercians. (1037)
In the year 698, Berctred, an ealdorman of the king of the Northumbrians,
was slain by the Picts. (1038)
In the year 704, Ethelred, after he had reigned thirty-one years over the
nation of the Mercians, became a monk, and gave up the kingdom to Coenred.
[V, 19. ](1039)
In the year 705, Aldfrid, king of the Northumbrians, died. [V, 18. ]
In the year 709, Coenred, king of the Mercians, having reigned five years,
went to Rome. [V, 19. ]
In the year 711, the commander Bertfrid fought with the Picts. (1040)
In the year 716, Osred, king of the Northumbrians, was killed; and
Ceolred, king of the Mercians, died; and the man of God, Egbert, brought
the monks of Hii to observe the Catholic Easter and the ecclesiastical
tonsure. [V, 22. ]
In the year 725, Wictred, king of Kent, died. [V, 23. ]
In the year 729, comets appeared; the holy Egbert passed away; and Osric
died. [_Ibid. _]
In the year 731, Archbishop Bertwald died. [_Ibid. _]
The same year Tatwine was consecrated ninth archbishop of the church of
Canterbury, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Ethelbald, king of the
Mercians. [_Ibid. _]
Thus much of the Ecclesiastical History of Britain, and more especially of
the English nation, as far as I could learn either from the writings of
the ancients, or the tradition of our forefathers, or of my own knowledge,
with the help of the Lord, I, Bede,(1041) the servant of Christ, and
priest of the monastery of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, which is
at Wearmouth and Jarrow,(1042) have set forth. Having been born in the
territory of that same monastery, I was given, by the care of kinsmen, at
seven years of age, to be educated by the most reverend Abbot
Benedict,(1043) and afterwards by Ceolfrid,(1044) and spending all the
remaining time of my life a dweller in that monastery, I wholly applied
myself to the study of Scripture; and amidst the observance of monastic
rule, and the daily charge of singing in the church, I always took delight
in learning, or teaching, or writing. In the nineteenth year of my age, I
received deacon’s orders; in the thirtieth, those of the priesthood, both
of them by the ministry of the most reverend Bishop John,(1045) and at the
bidding of the Abbot Ceolfrid. From the time when I received priest’s
orders, till the fifty-ninth year of my age, I have made it my business,
for my own needs and those of my brethren, to compile out of the works of
the venerable Fathers, the following brief notes on the Holy Scriptures,
and also to make some additions after the manner of the meaning and
interpretation given by them:(1046)
On the Beginning of Genesis, to the birth of Isaac and the casting out of
Ishmael, four books.
Concerning the Tabernacle and its Vessels, and of the Vestments of the
Priests, three books.
On the first part of Samuel, to the Death of Saul, three books.
Concerning the Building of the Temple, of Allegorical Exposition, and
other matters, two books.
Likewise on the Book of Kings, thirty Questions. (1047)
On the Proverbs of Solomon, three books.
On the Song of Songs, seven books.
On Isaiah, Daniel, the twelve Prophets, and Part of Jeremiah, Divisions of
Chapters, collected from the Treatise of the blessed Jerome.
On Ezra and Nehemiah, three books.
On the song of Habakkuk, one book.
On the Book of the blessed Father Tobias, one Book of Allegorical
Explanation concerning Christ and the Church.
Also, Chapters of Readings on the Pentateuch of Moses, Joshua, and Judges;
On the Books of Kings and Chronicles;
On the Book of the blessed Father Job;
On the Proverbs,(1048) Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs;
On the Prophets Isaiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah.
On the Gospel of Mark, four books.
On the Gospel of Luke, six books.
Of Homilies on the Gospel, two books.
On the Apostle,(1049) whatsoever I have found in the works of St.
Augustine I have taken heed to transcribe in order.
On the Acts of the Apostles, two books.
On the seven Catholic Epistles, a book on each.
On the Revelation of St. John, three books.
Likewise, Chapters of Lessons on all the New Testament, except the Gospel.
Likewise a book of Epistles to divers Persons, of which one is of the Six
Ages of the world; one of the Halting-places of the Children of Israel;
one on the words of Isaiah, “And they shall be shut up in the prison, and
after many days shall they be visited”;(1050) one of the Reason of
Leap-Year, and one of the Equinox, according to Anatolius. (1051)
Likewise concerning the Histories of Saints: I translated the Book of the
Life and Passion of St. Felix, Confessor,(1052) from the metrical work of
Paulinus, into prose; the Book of the Life and Passion of St.
Anastasius,(1053) which was ill translated from the Greek, and worse
amended by some ignorant person, I have corrected as to the sense as far
as I could; I have written the Life of the Holy Father Cuthbert,(1054) who
was both monk and bishop, first in heroic verse, and afterwards in prose.
The History of the Abbots of this monastery, in which I rejoice to serve
the Divine Goodness, to wit, Benedict, Ceolfrid, and Huaetbert,(1055) in
two books.
The Ecclesiastical History of our Island and Nation, in five books.
The Martyrology of the Festivals of the Holy Martyrs, in which I have
carefully endeavoured to set down all whom I could find, and not only on
what day, but also by what sort of combat, and under what judge they
overcame the world.
A Book of Hymns in divers sorts of metre, or rhythm.
A Book of Epigrams in heroic or elegiac verse.
Of the Nature of Things, and of the Times, one book of each; likewise, of
the Times, one larger book.
A book of Orthography arranged in Alphabetical Order.
Likewise a Book of the Art of Poetry, and to it I have added another
little Book of Figures of Speech or Tropes; that is, of the Figures and
Modes of Speech in which the Holy Scriptures are written.
And I beseech Thee, good Jesus, that to whom Thou hast graciously granted
sweetly to drink in the words of Thy knowledge, Thou wilt also vouchsafe
in Thy loving-kindness that he may one day come to Thee, the Fountain of
all wisdom, and appear for ever before Thy face.
_The Continuation of Bede. _(1056)
In the year 731 King Ceolwulf was taken prisoner, and tonsured, and sent
back to his kingdom; Bishop Acca was driven from his see.
In the year 732, Egbert(1057) was made Bishop of York, in the room of
[Cynibert Bishop of Lindsey died. ]
[In the year of our Lord 733, Archbishop Tatwine, having received the pall
by Apostolic authority, ordained Alwic(1058) and Sigfrid,(1059) bishops. ]
In the year 733, there was an eclipse of the sun on the 14th day of August
about the third hour, in such wise that the whole orb of the sun seemed to
be covered with a black and gloomy shield.
In the year 734, the moon, on the 31st of January, about the time of
cock-crowing, was, for about a whole hour, coloured blood-red, after which
a blackness followed, and she regained her wonted light.
In the year from the Incarnation of Christ, 734, bishop Tatwine died.
In the year 735, Nothelm was ordained archbishop; and bishop Egbert,
having received the pall from the Apostolic see, was the first to be
established as archbishop(1060) after Paulinus, and he ordained
Frithbert,(1061) and Frithwald(1062) bishops; and the priest Bede
died. (1063)
In the year 737, an excessive drought rendered the land unfruitful; and
Ceolwulf, voluntarily receiving the tonsure, left the kingdom to
Eadbert. (1064)
In the year 739, Edilhart,(1065) king of the West-Saxons, died, as did
Archbishop Nothelm.
In the year 740, Cuthbert(1066) was consecrated in Nothelm’s stead.
Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, cruelly and wrongfully wasted part of
Northumbria, their king, Eadbert, with his army, being employed against
the Picts. Bishop Ethelwald died also, and Conwulf,(1067) was consecrated
in his stead. Arnwin(1068) and Eadbert(1069) were slain.
In the year 741, a great drought came upon the country. Charles,(1070)
king of the Franks, died; and his sons, Caroloman and Pippin,(1071)
reigned in his stead.
In the year 745, Bishop Wilfrid and Ingwald, Bishop of London, departed to
the Lord.
In the year 747, the man of God, Herefrid,(1072) died.
In the year 750, Cuthred, king of the West Saxons, rose up against king
Ethelbald and Oengus; Theudor and Eanred died; Eadbert added the plain of
Kyle and other places to his dominions. (1073)
In the year 753, in the fifth year of King Eadbert, on the 9th of
January,(1074) an eclipse of the sun came to pass; afterwards, in the same
year and month, on the 24th day of January, the moon suffered an eclipse,
being covered with a gloomy, black shield, in like manner as was the sun a
little while before.
In the year 754, Boniface,(1075) called also Winfrid, Bishop of the
Franks, received the crown of martyrdom, together with fifty-three others;
and Redger was consecrated archbishop in his stead, by pope Stephen.
In the year 757, Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, was treacherously and
miserably murdered, in the night, by his own guards; Beornred(1076) began
his reign; Cyniwulf,(1077) king of the West Saxons, died; and the same
year, Offa, having put Beornred to flight, sought to gain the kingdom of
the Mercians by bloodshed.
In the year 758, Eadbert, king of the Northumbrians, receiving St. Peter’s
tonsure for the love of God, and to the end that he might take the
heavenly country by force,(1078) left the kingdom to his son Oswulf.
In the year 755, Oswulf was wickedly murdered by his own thegns; and
Ethelwald, being chosen the same year by his people, entered upon the
kingdom; in whose second year there was great tribulation by reason of
pestilence, which continued almost two years, divers grievous sicknesses
raging, but more especially the disease of dysentery.
In the year 761, Oengus,(1079) king of the Picts, died; who, from the
beginning to the end of his reign, continued to be a blood-stained and
tyrannical butcher; Oswin(1080) was also slain.
In the year 765, King Aluchred came to the throne. (1081)
In the year 766 A. D. , Archbishop Egbert, of the royal race, and endued
with divine knowledge, as also Frithbert, both of them truly faithful
bishops, departed to the Lord.
Aaron, British Martyr, 18.
Aaron, High Priest, 361.
“Abbots, Anonymous History of the,” editorial references to, xxxv, 257 n. ,
389 n. ;
_and see_ Bede.
Abercorn or Aebbercurnig, Monastery of, xxix, 286.
Abraham’s Oak, 342.
Abraham’s Tomb, 341.
Acca, friend of Bede, afterwards Bishop of Hexham, in succession to
Wilfrid, xxx, 161, 248, 357, 358, 379 n. , 381;
his attachment to Wilfrid, 161, 355, 358;
driven from his see, 161, 390;
his good works, musical gifts and learning, 358;
educated by Bosa, 358.
Acha, sister of Edwin, wife of Ethelfrid, and mother of Oswald, 147, 383
Acts of the Apostles, quoted, 11, 197, 304, 335, 371.
“Adalbert, Life of,” editorial reference to, 143 n.
Adam, 130, 341 n. ;
his tomb, 341.
Adamnan, Abbot of Iona, 140 n. , 285 n. ;
his work on the Holy Places (“De Locis Sanctis”), xxii, xxx, 337, 338;
his “Life of St. Columba,” 336 n. ;
his missions to King Aldfrid, 336, 372;
converts the Irish to the Catholic Easter and ecclesiastical tonsure,
336, 337, 372, 373;
his death, 337;
receives Arculf, 338;
return to Ireland, 373.
Adamnan, Monk of Coldingham, foretells the burning of Coldingham
Monastery, xxix, 283, 284;
his vision, 281, 283, 284;
his penitence, 282, 283;
his austerity, 281, 282, 283.
Ad Barvae, or At the Wood, Monastery of, 219, 231.
Adda, Northumbrian priest, xxvii, 180, 181.
Addi, a thegn, 308.
Adeodatus, 179 n.
Adgefrin, _see_ Yeavering.
Adtuifyrdi, _see_ Twyford.
Adulwald, _see_ Eadbald.
Aebba, Abbess of Coldingham, half-sister of Oswy, 260, 283, 284;
account of, 260 n. ;
her name, 260 n. ;
founds the monasteries of Ebchester and Coldingham, 260 n. ;
her friendship for Cuthbert, 260 n. ;
intercedes for Wilfrid, 260 n. , 352 n. ;
her death, 284.
Aebbercurnig, _see_ Abercorn.
Aecci, Bishop of Dunwich, 231.
Aedan, King of Scots, defeated by Ethelfrid, 73, 74.
Aedgils, fellow priest of Bede, 284.
Aelfric (“Grammaticus”) editorial reference to, 288 n.
Aelfric, father of Osric, 134, 164 n.
Aelfwine, brother of Egfrid, 267, 385.
Aelli, King of Deira, 73, 83;
Gregory’s pun on his name, 83.
Aelli, King of Sussex, first Bretwalda, 94, 245 n.
Aenhere, King of the Hwiccas, 246.
Aescwine, Sub-king of Wessex, 241 n.
Aesica, a little boy dedicated to religion, xxxiii, 234.
Aetherius, Archbishop of Lyons, 44, 49, 63.
Aetius, the Consul, 26, 27;
put to death by Valentinian, 27, 41.
Aetla, Bishop of Dorchester, 272, 273.
Aetswinapathe, _see_ Ouestraefelda.
Africa, Churches of, 196.
Agabus, the prophet, 11.
Agatha, St. , 265.
Agatho, Pope, 254 n. ;
sends John the precentor to report on the English Church, 257, 258, 259;
holds a Synod against the Monothelites, 352;
tries Wilfrid’s cause, 352, 353, 354.
Agatho, a priest, companion of Agilbert, 195.
Agilbert, missionary to the West Saxons, Bishop of Dorchester, 147, 148,
149, 194, 241;
offended by Coinwalch, returns to Gaul, 150;
made Bishop of Paris, 150, 350;
refuses to return to England, and sends Leutherius in his place, 150,
at the Whitby Synod, 195, 196, 201;
his ignorance of English, 196;
entertains Theodore, 215;
consecrates Wilfrid, 206, 350.
Agnes, St. , 54 n. , 265.
Agricola, 11 n.
Agricola, son of Severianus, a Pelagian, 32.
Aidan, Monk of Iona, Abbot and Bishop of Lindisfarne, xxv, xxvi, 4 n. , 139
n. , 140, 201, 347 n. ;
Bede’s admiration for, xxxix;
his mission to Northumbria, 138, 144, 146, 376;
his life, 144, 146;
ordination, 144;
his character, 138, 144, 145, 170, 171;
his doctrine, 144, 145;
his good example, 144, 145;
his rebuke to Corman, 145;
gives his horse to a beggar, 165;
his friendship for Oswin, 165, 166;
death, 166, 169, 192, 288 n. , 384;
his prevision of Oswin’s death, 166;
foretells and calms a storm, 166, 167;
his miracles, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170;
at Farne, 168;
saves Bamborough from fire, 168;
his body translated to Lindisfarne, 169, 202;
his observance of Easter, 170, 171, 193;
his disciples, 202, 208;
his rule, 290;
persuades Hilda to return to Northumbria, 271;
consecrates Heiu as a nun, 271.
Aire, the River, 189 n.
Akeburgh (perhaps Jacobsburgh), 132 n.
Alani, the, 22, 41.
Alaric, 22.
Alban, St. , xxiii, 39;
his conversion, 14, 15, 16;
Lives of, 15 n. ;
miracles, 17;
his tomb, 36;
his blood, 36.
Albinus, Abbot of St. Augustine’s Monastery, Canterbury, in succession to
Hadrian, xxx, 2 n. , 3, 357;
his scholarship, 2, 357;
furnishes Bede with materials for the “Ecclesiastical History,” 2, 3.
Albion, early name of Britain, 5.
Alchfled, daughter of Oswy, wife of Peada, 180, 191.
Alchfrid, King of Deira, son of Oswy, xxvii, 195, 206, 377 n. ;
rebels against Oswy, 163, 207 n. ;
account of, 163 n. ;
converts Peada, 180;
death, 180 n. ;
at the battle of the Winwaed, 188;
friendship for Wilfrid, 194, 350;
his observance of Easter, 194, 195;
at Whitby, 195;
friendship for Coinwalch of Wessex, 350.
Alcluith, or Dumbarton, _see_ Dumbarton.
Alcuin, his letter to the monks of Wearmouth, xxxv;
his influence on learning, xxxvi;
his anecdote of Bede, xxxvii;
his “De Sanct. Ebor. ” quoted, 243 n. , 273 n. ;
his “Life of Wilbrord” quoted, 143 n. ;
ref. to, 319 n. , 320, 323 n. , 325 n.
Aldbert, Bishop of Dunwich, 379, 380.
Aldfrid, King of Northumbria after Egfrid, xxix, 287, 302, 312, 353 n. ,
372, 377 n. ;
death, xxx, 342, 356, 385, 391 n. ;
his relations with Wilfrid, 247 n. , 353, 354, 356;
account of, 287 n. ;
retrieves the fortunes of Northumbria, 287;
visits Drythelm, 331;
friendship for Adamnan, 336, 338;
his exile in Iona, 336 n.
Aldgils, King of Frisland, 351.
Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, xxx, 148 n. , 210 n. , 265 n. , 343, 345 n. ;
his women scholars, 237 n. ;
letter to Geraint, 336 n. , 344;
account of, 343 n.