of two Boy Heroes in the Island of Madagascar.
Western Martyrology or Blood Assizes
For his Religion—
What a Sort of one 'twas, his Life past sufficiently tells us; though he and his good Brother Commissioner, the Belswagger of Chester, maliciously persuade the World, that they were of the Church of England; that after they could do no more Mischief with their Lives, they might disgrace by their Death, pretending both to die in that Communion. —But 'tis mean to follow 'em any further, unless with a Wish, somewhat like that
handsome one History leaves us, That all King William's and Queen Mary's Enemies were as honourably buried, — Or, in the Inspired Words of great Person, —So, Lord, let all thine Enemies perish
Letter to the Lord Chancellour, exposing to him the Sentiments the People, with some pertinent Advice in the Conclusion.
My Lord,
I'd praise your Lordship, but you've had your Share Of that before, not too much by far
And now a nobler Field for Curses are
Yet I'll not curse, but leave you to the Croud, Who never baulk their Rage, but speak aloud
In all the Lab'rinths of your Crimes they'll track ye, Worse than ten thousand Furies they'll attack ye.
We talk not here of Penal Laws or Test,
Nor how you, King of Terrors, in the West,
With more than humane Cruelty, opprest
Those whose Shades now stab through your anxious Breast. To these leave you, each with brandish'd Dart
Throughly revenge his Quarrel at your Heart.
For me, I'll only let your Lordship see
How they resent your chang'd Felicity.
Now may you hear the People as they scoure
Along, not fear to damn the Chancellour The Women too, and all the tender Crew, That us'd to pity all, now laugh at you.
; :
Horti (Beorge 3|efifcepsf.
The very Boys, how do they grin and prate,
And giggle at the Bills upon your Gate !
Nay, rather than be frustrate of their Hope,
The Women will contribute for a Rope :
And those fine Locks that no bless'd Spark might touch, On this Account Ketch may, they love my Lord so much.
Oh for Dispensing now! Ah
! Now's the Time ! Your Eloquence will hardly blanch the Crime ;
And all the Turnings of Your Proteus-Wit,
With all your little Tricks, won't help a bit :
Ev'n that fine Tongue, in which your Lordship's Trust is,
Now won't, although sometimes it baffled Justice : No Ignoramus Juries shall perplex ye,
But with their Billa Vera't now they'll vex ye. From their dire Claws, no Hiding-hole you'll find ;
They speak their own now, not a Party's Mind
Not now, as heretofore, when on the Bench
Flattery and Daubing had such Influence,
And Jeffreys for a Gift would with the Laws dispence. But granting all our Laws be out of Joint,
Why yet they do not fear to gain the Point : A High Commission may the Cause decide, Your Lordship by a Butcher may be try'd, When by Commission he is dignify'd.
His Power you must not doubt, ifhe be satisfy'd.
This 'tis they mean, 'tis this they would have done ;
But I wou'd chouse 'em ev'ry Mother's Son ; Troth I'd 'en hang my self, and soon have done.
If you've no Halter, never make a Pother ;
Take but a Greater, one's as good as t'other :
For, Lord ! Should such a Man as you submit
To be the publick Laughter of each grinning Cit ! Else, my Lord, take a Razor, never fear,
And cut your Lordship's Throat from Ear to Ear 'Tis feasible enough ; you know who did it ;
Cut both the Jug'lar Veins thro' if you can,
Else you'll say Essex was the stouter Man.
I am your Lordship's, in any Thing of This Nature.
From the little ^Jouse over-against Tyburn, where the People are almost dead with Expectation of you.
Jeffrey's ELEGY.
I very well remember on a Night,
Or rather in the peep of Morning- Light, When sweet Aurora with a smiling Eye Call'd up the Birds to wonted Melody.
%ty ano 2Deatlj
Dull Morpheus with his Weight upon me leant,
Half Waking, and yet sleeping thus I Dream'd. Methoughts I saw a Lawyer at his Book Studying Pecunia, but never Cooke ;
He scorned Littleton and Plowden too,
With mouldy Authors he'd have nought to do. Next Stage I saw him on was Hicks's-Hall,
And heard him mightily to roar and bawl, Never did City-Cryer louder yaul.
The People star'd at such a Noise uncouth,
Who is't, cries one ? Why 'tis the City's Mouth. Then straight I saw him plac'd, the more's the Pity, To be the Speaking Trumpet of the City ;
Knight and Recorder he was made together,
This Man, thought I, will live in any Weather : Money came in, he then grew mighty rich,
And to climb higher had a deadly Itch.
Then presently a Popish Priest came to him,
That Square Cap Curr, thought I, will sure undo him. Wilt thou now be preferr'd, come hither, come.
And be but reconciled unto Rome,
And for Advancement thou may'st rest upon her, None of her Sons e'er wanted Wealth or Honour. Do but declare against the Whigs, and say,
Thou hat'st the 111-contriv'd Fanatick Way.
With that, me thoughts I saw him tack about, And straight he courted that curs'd Romish Rout ; Esteem'd it Happiness enough to go,
And kiss his HoJiness's stinking Toe.
Next Place I saw him in was Justice Chair,
Whofledaway, because she saw him there. He with Commission rid the Land about, But still he aim'd to keep fair Justice out ;
With angry Look he brow-beat Rightful Cause, And his bold Hand did sacrifice the Laws, Tore 'em, or trampled on 'em with his Paws. Poor Justice, being frighted, fled from Earth To Heaven, whence she did derive her Birth ; To the Eternal Justice she did go.
And made Report what Monsters sate below. Inquisitors, like Spain, in England sate,
And at their Pleasure steer'd the Helm of State. He rid the Western Circuit all around ;
But where he came, no Justice cou'd be found : He improVd his Talents Martrys to condemn,
Hang, Draw and Quarter was his daily Theam. He bid 'em to confess, if e'er they hope
To be reprieved from the fatal Rope.
This seem'd a Favour, but he'd none forgive,
The Favour was, a Day or two to live ;
Which those had not that troubled him with Trial, Blood was his Business, and he'd have no Denial ;
His Entrails Brass, his very Heart was Steel, Poor Souls he made his Judge's Courage feel. How valiant to condemn, when in his Power, Two Hundred he could sentence in an Hour. Guilty, or not, to him was all a Case,
On Martyrs Bodies he did Honour raise,
And to destroy by Retail thought it base.
The Blood of Protestants for Vengeance cry,
And will, I fear, to all Eternity.
Although kind Death had made him scape Man's Doom, And quietly hath hurl'd him in his Tomb.
Then next methought I saw him placed higher, O wither will this Canibal aspire ?
The Purse, the Mace, and all the Honour that Belongeth to Lord Chancellor of State ;
Made fat with Treason, he did daily thrive, Till to his highest Pitch he did arrive.
The Church of England saw a Traitor lurch, Who went about to undermine their Church ;
Witness else Maudlin Colledge, and the rest, He was the stoutest Stickler for the Test,
But could not help it 'cause he was so high ; He soarM above the Sight ofhumble Eye,
Abhorr'd Petitioners, as heretofore,
Such Varlets still was banisht from his Door : Now being on the Top of Fortune's Wheel, The giddy Goddess did begin to reel-
A Warning 'tis to all depending on her,
OfIce is made the Pinacle ofHonour,
Or Glassy Substance, brittle shinning Hew,
That afar off doth make a Golden Shew.
Those that are low admire and would climb, Although they break their Necks the very Time. And now methoughts he hearing Preparations,
That were a forming in the Neighbour Nations, Prepares for his own Safety now in Time.
Thinking the Thunder would on him incline Therefore being ask'd what were the Prince's Heads Of Declaration, feelingly he said,
His Head was one, aim'd at 'mongst many others, Knowing in Villany he'd many Brothers.
With that betook him to his Heels, and run,
336 %itt ano 2Deatlj, $c.
Thinking by Bribes he could not Ruin shun : He took a Collier's Coat to Sea to go ;
Was ever Chancellour arrayed so !
But like to like, he'd needs anticipate,
Devil Incarnate, Collier of State.
He dealt in Deeds of Darkness, black as Night. Such a Black Habit needs must fit him right. Brave Sight to see him in a Collier's Skin ;
Come, Pence a Piece, my Masters enter in.
My Lord Mayor swooned, and was stricken dumb, To see his metamorphos'd Lordship come.
A Countryman he flouted once, I hear,
Ask'd what he had for swearing, 'Twas too dear, You Bumpkin in the Leather Jacket there ;
To whom the Hobnail quickly did reply,
Had'st thou no more for lying, than poor I
Have here for swearing, thou might'st quickly wear A Leather one, instead of Plush Thread-bare.
Now had he seen my Lord in Colliers Buff, Bumpkin had past for Prophet sure enough.
The Mobile and Rout with Clubs and Staves, Swore that his Carcass ne'er should lye in Graves. The'y eat him up alive within an Hour,
Their Teeth should tear his Flesh, and him devour ; Limb him they would, as Boys on Shrovetide do,
Some cryed, /
And I am for his Sowse ; his Ears, another ;
Oh, cries a third, I am for his Buttocks brave,
Nine Pound of Stakes from them I mean to have ;
I know the Rogue is fleshy, says a fourth ;
For Sweet-breads, Lungs, and Heart they're nothing worth ; Yes, quoth another, but not good to eat,
A Heart of Steel will ne'er prove tender Meat.
But we must them dispose another Way,
A good Rich Lawyer will a round Sum pay, For such a Set of loud and bellowing Lungs, Enough to serve a Hundred Stentors Tongues. We'll sell his Heart to th' Pope to make a Show, A Relique on't, and he'll get Money too.
But whilst they were dividing them in Thought, The Lord Mayor order'd Soldiers to be brought, Who rescued him from out the Rabbles Power. And straight away they took him to the Tower, With much ado he there was brought at last,
a Wing and Arm
; for what are you ?
I am for his Head, says one ; for his Brains, says t'other,
To think on all his wicked Actions past.
Ansley's(Airaham)l. ! LStSpeech. 247 —His last Letter 248 Argyle^rl), his Sufferings. . . 171 — His last Speech
Civilities of theCitizens ofExon
to the Western Sufferers . . . 279
Colledge, his Life, Trial, and —last Words 19 —The Verses upon his Picture 27
Poem written by himself . . . 27
Armstrong, his Sufferings and Dying Words
—His Elegy
Arnold, a brief Account of his
86 90
Cornish's Sufferings
— A hint at the Occasion of —his Martyrdom
—Passages before his Death. . . 93
Askew 's Letter to his Father. . 248
91 92
— Another Letter to his Friend —The Account his Friend
gives of him
Author's Sentiments concern
ing the Western Sufferers . . . Axminsterand Honiton, an Ac
count of those executed there
Bateman's Sufferings Battiscomb, his Life and Suf
—The Account given of him
218 96
145 146
147 148
276 229
200 205
265 268
An Account of a Poem made —in his Time
— by his Relations —His last Words
A further Account of his
—A Poem on a Lady that
came to Jeffreys to beg Mr. — Battiscomb' s Life
His Character Blanchard, a cruel
Parson, reviles a Goaler for not whip ping a Boy half enough, with the Goaler's Answer. . .
Gaunt's Sufferings 166 — Her Dying Speech
—Her P. S. to the said Speech 167
Boddy's last Speech
Bragg's Dying Speech and
Bridport and Lyme, anAccount
of those that suffered there Burd, General Relations writ
ten by him and other West-
Country Gentlemen
— His Letters from Beckington
with a remarkable Account
of William Hussey and Tho. — Paul,v/ho suffer' din the West
His Postscript to his Letter, giving an Account of his own Sufferings and Deliverance
170 Gatchet's Sufferings 182
His Character Cox's Sufferings umphant Death
95 96
and Tri
Clerk of the Arraigns, his Speech to Jeffreys at Mr.
Tutchiris Sentence 272
Dangerfield, his Life and Suf ferings
Essex (Earl) his Life and Martyrdom 28 — His Character 41 —His Elegy 42
Evans( Minister) his Behaviour
and Sufferings 219
— His Character
—His Elegy 107 —His Ghost to Jeffreys IIS
GatchiFs Behaviour and Dying- words 258
Glisson of Yeovil, his Suffer
ings 216
Godfrey (Sir Edmond-bury),
—his Life and Martyrdom . . . I — Anagram upon his Name. . . 16
Poem on his Death
Hall (Richard) of Culliton,
his Sufferings 216 J/amling's Case 220
Hewlings (both Benjamin and William), an Account of
their Behaviour both before
338 fln alpljabetical Cable of tlje
and at their execution, with
several letters to divers of —their Relations 128
Further Account of Mr. W. —Hauling izg
A short Letterwrittenjustas
—he was going to Execution. . 134
—His Behaviour at School . . . 292 —His Father Prophecies that
he'll die with his Shoes and
—Stockings on . . 293
He is executed with Dr.
Temple, Mr. Madders, and —others
—Inner Temple 293 — His Marriage and Early Son 294 — Is made Recorder of London 294
His Speech about the King's —Psalter 295
He is turned out of his Re-
— cordership 296
His Abhorrence of Peti —tioning 297
His being on his Knees be —fore the House of Commons 297
His ill Practices whilst Re
— corder 299
Being curb'd by Baron
— Weston, he weeps for Anger 300 The Answer of one in a
— Leather Doublet 300 His Question to a Musician,
— with his Repartee 300 How he got a Gentleman
his Wife's Fortune out of
— Guild-Hail 301
His Speech to one with a
— great Beard, and his Repartee 301
His barbarous dealing with
Mr. Moses Pitt 301 — His Speech to the Ladies —upon Mr. 7W<-/;/«'. rSentence 272
His vehement Discourse to
the Jury against the Lord
— Kussel 304
Hewling 136 —His last letter before his
— Execution 142
Their Characters 143 Hicks (John) last Speech 231 — His Letter to his Nephew —the Day before his Death . . . 242 —His Letter to his Wife 243
A Letter of his Sister to her
— Mother 136
Further Account of Mr. B.
— His Dream
His entring himself in the
Another Letter to his Wife 244 Hymns made by several Suf
ferers 1ll Holloway, his Life, Sufferings,
and Dying-words 82 Holway of Lyme, his Be
haviour before and at the
Place of Execution 250 —His last Words 251 Holmes (Col. ) his Sufferings . . 207 —His Dying-words 207 — His last Prayer 208 — A further Account of his
Behaviour 209 Hone's Accusation 7° — His Dying-words 7° Hucker's Letter to the Book —seller concerning his Father 259
His Letter to his Friend . . . 260
Jeffreys (George, late Lord Chancellour), his Life and
—Death 291 His Speech to the Jury at
the Trial of a Parson in the
His sordid treatment of Mr. —Baxter 304
West 264 —Dedication to G. L. Jeffreys 285
—ties there 305 —His secret Villanies 314
His Bloody Practices in the
— West 314 The Charge given by the
Lord Jeffreys at Bristol, in
his Return from his Western Campaign 319
—Poem to the Memory of the —Lord Jeffreys 287 His Birth and Parentage . . . 292
A Narrative of Monmouth's whole Expedition while in the West, which was the Prelogue to Jeffreys's Cruel
Cln'ef Qfymtr$ contamrti in tfjfsf Boofe. 339
—He calls the Mayor of Bristol
— Kidnapping Rogue 324
He is made Lord Chancel-
lour for his Cruelties in the
— West 324 How he raised Money by
—procuring Pardons 324 — He is made Baron of Weni 328 —What followed thereupon. . . 328
The Pr. of Orange approach
ing, he flies to Wappittg in a
— Disguise 329
He is taken and brought be
— fore the Lord Mayor 329 —Is committed to the Tower 330
The Western Widows' Peti
tion against him while in the —Tower 330 —He dies in the Tower 331 —His Character 331
before his Execution Lawrence (Thomas), his Case
and Sufferings
Lisle (Lady), her Sufferings. . . —Her last Speech
List of all them that were con
demned and suffered in the West, 1685
Lyme, an Ale-house Woman of that Town cruelly whipt, and why
156 156
277 222
223 224
25 1
His Letter to his Sister
Monmouth (Duke) his Suffer ings and Death
—His Character Jervaise, a Hatter,
155 cruelly
1 87 —His Declaration in the West 188
whipt, and why Introduction to this Western
Martyrology, shewing the Reasons why this Work is undertaken
yohnson, Accusation against
— A brief Abstract Speech
of his true
198 1 99
— him 103 His Address to all English
—Protestants in the Army . . . 103 His Character 104
KirKs Cruelties related by an Eye and Ear-witness, who also gives an Account of
other Western Barbarities. . . 261 King\John), an Account of his
last Speech at the Place of Execution at Edinburgh . . . 1 78
— ings 158 His Letter to his Parents,
— Brothers, and Sisters 159 —His Letter to his Children. . 161
His last Speech
Noise's Sufferings
— He engages in the Prentices'
— Petition to the Lord Mayor
—A Copy of the said Petition 1 18
An Account of 30000 Pren —tices that signed it 1 10
The Speech that was made
at presenting this Petition. . . 120
Kidd {John) his last Speech
at the place of Execution at Edinburgh 182
Kidd (Capt. ) his dying Speech
in the West of England 224
Larke {Sampson),hisSufferings 210 — His last Words 210 — Some further Passages re
lating to Mr. S. Larke, with
his Prayer when Executed 213 — His Letter to his Friend just
A Letter sent to him there 332 —His Elegy 333 Jenkyn (William) his Be
Madder's Sufferings
haviour both before and afier his Execution, with several Letters to divers of his Re
—lations 149 —His Letter to his Sister Scott 152 —His Letter to his Mother . . . 153
— His last Ladder
Words Prayer
— His last Matthew's
and Prayer at the Place of Exec.
—His Elegy
Monmonth and Argyle being
both defeated, what folio wed
Nelthrope (Richard) his Suffer
163 1 16
34° Sin alpljabetical Cable, $c.
—The Lord Mayor's Answer
to the Prentices' Speech . . . 121
—The Names of the 20 Pre
— senters of this Petition 122 A Poem dedicated to 'em. . . 122
delivered to the Sheriff on —Tower Hill 79 —His Epitaph 81
His Character 82 Smith of Chardsiock, his Be
haviour and Dying-Speech 202 Speak ( Charles), his Sufferings
and last Words 227 Speed of Culliton, his Beha
viour and Dying Speech . . . 204 Sprague and Cleg executed at
Culliton, with their Dying-
words 218 Sprague (John), a further Ac
count of him 205
Temple (Dr. ) his last Speech 225
Oates, an Account and Sufferings —His Character
of his Life
Parrot's Sufferings
98 102
229 229
— His Behaviour of Execution
at the
— His last Speech
Poem to the Memory of those
who suffered in the West,
next the Title.
Pott's Sufferings, Courage and
Tyler's Sufferings — He is executed —other Persons — His last Speech
Dying- words 219 Parson, one tried by Jeffrey {or
\oaVm%<x\Monmoutti s\xmy 265 Review of what has been writ
ten in this Western Martyrol. 279 Robin ofCharmouth'sSafferings 226 —His last Sayings 227 Rose's Sufferings and Courage 218 Rosewelfs Trial and Acquittal 171 Rouse's Trial and Accusation 68 —His Dying-words 69 — His Behaviour at his Death 69 Rumbold, his Sufferings 174 — A larger Account of his Suf
ferings with his last Speech,
and several things that past
at his Trial 1 75
Russet (Lord), his Life, Trial —and Martyrdom 44 Names of his Jury 48
—His Elegy 59 — His Character 60 —AnAccountofhislastSpeech 61
SandforcTs last Speech at the Place of Execution 254
Satchel's Behaviour and Dying Words 253
Sherborn, an Account of those Executed there, with their Dying- words 2 16
211 with some
211 211
little before his Execution 212 Tripp (Jacob) his Sufferings
and Barbarous Execution . . . 268 Tutchin (Mr. John), his Case
—and Trial 270 — His Cruel Sentence 272
His Petition to the King
— to be Hang'd 273 — How he avoided his Sentence 273 —He is popt into a Pardon. . . 274
He visitsjeffreys in theTower, with the Disc, between 'em 275
Walcot, his Life, Trial, and Martyrdom 64 — An Account of his Speech 68 — His last Prayer 69
Western Transactions, the In troduction to 'em, with gene
—ral Observations upon' em. . . 123 The Lives and Dying Speeches of those that suf fered in the West 199
Whippings in the West 222 — Mr. Stayle whipt 222 — Mrs. Brown whipt 222
Wiseman, a Barber's Boy of Weymouth, of i4orl5 Years of Age, cruelly whipt, and
for what 276
Sidney (Algernon), his Suffer —ings, Trial, and Martyrdom 72 — His Petition to his Majesty 76
An Account of the Paper he
A Hymn made by him a
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What a Sort of one 'twas, his Life past sufficiently tells us; though he and his good Brother Commissioner, the Belswagger of Chester, maliciously persuade the World, that they were of the Church of England; that after they could do no more Mischief with their Lives, they might disgrace by their Death, pretending both to die in that Communion. —But 'tis mean to follow 'em any further, unless with a Wish, somewhat like that
handsome one History leaves us, That all King William's and Queen Mary's Enemies were as honourably buried, — Or, in the Inspired Words of great Person, —So, Lord, let all thine Enemies perish
Letter to the Lord Chancellour, exposing to him the Sentiments the People, with some pertinent Advice in the Conclusion.
My Lord,
I'd praise your Lordship, but you've had your Share Of that before, not too much by far
And now a nobler Field for Curses are
Yet I'll not curse, but leave you to the Croud, Who never baulk their Rage, but speak aloud
In all the Lab'rinths of your Crimes they'll track ye, Worse than ten thousand Furies they'll attack ye.
We talk not here of Penal Laws or Test,
Nor how you, King of Terrors, in the West,
With more than humane Cruelty, opprest
Those whose Shades now stab through your anxious Breast. To these leave you, each with brandish'd Dart
Throughly revenge his Quarrel at your Heart.
For me, I'll only let your Lordship see
How they resent your chang'd Felicity.
Now may you hear the People as they scoure
Along, not fear to damn the Chancellour The Women too, and all the tender Crew, That us'd to pity all, now laugh at you.
; :
Horti (Beorge 3|efifcepsf.
The very Boys, how do they grin and prate,
And giggle at the Bills upon your Gate !
Nay, rather than be frustrate of their Hope,
The Women will contribute for a Rope :
And those fine Locks that no bless'd Spark might touch, On this Account Ketch may, they love my Lord so much.
Oh for Dispensing now! Ah
! Now's the Time ! Your Eloquence will hardly blanch the Crime ;
And all the Turnings of Your Proteus-Wit,
With all your little Tricks, won't help a bit :
Ev'n that fine Tongue, in which your Lordship's Trust is,
Now won't, although sometimes it baffled Justice : No Ignoramus Juries shall perplex ye,
But with their Billa Vera't now they'll vex ye. From their dire Claws, no Hiding-hole you'll find ;
They speak their own now, not a Party's Mind
Not now, as heretofore, when on the Bench
Flattery and Daubing had such Influence,
And Jeffreys for a Gift would with the Laws dispence. But granting all our Laws be out of Joint,
Why yet they do not fear to gain the Point : A High Commission may the Cause decide, Your Lordship by a Butcher may be try'd, When by Commission he is dignify'd.
His Power you must not doubt, ifhe be satisfy'd.
This 'tis they mean, 'tis this they would have done ;
But I wou'd chouse 'em ev'ry Mother's Son ; Troth I'd 'en hang my self, and soon have done.
If you've no Halter, never make a Pother ;
Take but a Greater, one's as good as t'other :
For, Lord ! Should such a Man as you submit
To be the publick Laughter of each grinning Cit ! Else, my Lord, take a Razor, never fear,
And cut your Lordship's Throat from Ear to Ear 'Tis feasible enough ; you know who did it ;
Cut both the Jug'lar Veins thro' if you can,
Else you'll say Essex was the stouter Man.
I am your Lordship's, in any Thing of This Nature.
From the little ^Jouse over-against Tyburn, where the People are almost dead with Expectation of you.
Jeffrey's ELEGY.
I very well remember on a Night,
Or rather in the peep of Morning- Light, When sweet Aurora with a smiling Eye Call'd up the Birds to wonted Melody.
%ty ano 2Deatlj
Dull Morpheus with his Weight upon me leant,
Half Waking, and yet sleeping thus I Dream'd. Methoughts I saw a Lawyer at his Book Studying Pecunia, but never Cooke ;
He scorned Littleton and Plowden too,
With mouldy Authors he'd have nought to do. Next Stage I saw him on was Hicks's-Hall,
And heard him mightily to roar and bawl, Never did City-Cryer louder yaul.
The People star'd at such a Noise uncouth,
Who is't, cries one ? Why 'tis the City's Mouth. Then straight I saw him plac'd, the more's the Pity, To be the Speaking Trumpet of the City ;
Knight and Recorder he was made together,
This Man, thought I, will live in any Weather : Money came in, he then grew mighty rich,
And to climb higher had a deadly Itch.
Then presently a Popish Priest came to him,
That Square Cap Curr, thought I, will sure undo him. Wilt thou now be preferr'd, come hither, come.
And be but reconciled unto Rome,
And for Advancement thou may'st rest upon her, None of her Sons e'er wanted Wealth or Honour. Do but declare against the Whigs, and say,
Thou hat'st the 111-contriv'd Fanatick Way.
With that, me thoughts I saw him tack about, And straight he courted that curs'd Romish Rout ; Esteem'd it Happiness enough to go,
And kiss his HoJiness's stinking Toe.
Next Place I saw him in was Justice Chair,
Whofledaway, because she saw him there. He with Commission rid the Land about, But still he aim'd to keep fair Justice out ;
With angry Look he brow-beat Rightful Cause, And his bold Hand did sacrifice the Laws, Tore 'em, or trampled on 'em with his Paws. Poor Justice, being frighted, fled from Earth To Heaven, whence she did derive her Birth ; To the Eternal Justice she did go.
And made Report what Monsters sate below. Inquisitors, like Spain, in England sate,
And at their Pleasure steer'd the Helm of State. He rid the Western Circuit all around ;
But where he came, no Justice cou'd be found : He improVd his Talents Martrys to condemn,
Hang, Draw and Quarter was his daily Theam. He bid 'em to confess, if e'er they hope
To be reprieved from the fatal Rope.
This seem'd a Favour, but he'd none forgive,
The Favour was, a Day or two to live ;
Which those had not that troubled him with Trial, Blood was his Business, and he'd have no Denial ;
His Entrails Brass, his very Heart was Steel, Poor Souls he made his Judge's Courage feel. How valiant to condemn, when in his Power, Two Hundred he could sentence in an Hour. Guilty, or not, to him was all a Case,
On Martyrs Bodies he did Honour raise,
And to destroy by Retail thought it base.
The Blood of Protestants for Vengeance cry,
And will, I fear, to all Eternity.
Although kind Death had made him scape Man's Doom, And quietly hath hurl'd him in his Tomb.
Then next methought I saw him placed higher, O wither will this Canibal aspire ?
The Purse, the Mace, and all the Honour that Belongeth to Lord Chancellor of State ;
Made fat with Treason, he did daily thrive, Till to his highest Pitch he did arrive.
The Church of England saw a Traitor lurch, Who went about to undermine their Church ;
Witness else Maudlin Colledge, and the rest, He was the stoutest Stickler for the Test,
But could not help it 'cause he was so high ; He soarM above the Sight ofhumble Eye,
Abhorr'd Petitioners, as heretofore,
Such Varlets still was banisht from his Door : Now being on the Top of Fortune's Wheel, The giddy Goddess did begin to reel-
A Warning 'tis to all depending on her,
OfIce is made the Pinacle ofHonour,
Or Glassy Substance, brittle shinning Hew,
That afar off doth make a Golden Shew.
Those that are low admire and would climb, Although they break their Necks the very Time. And now methoughts he hearing Preparations,
That were a forming in the Neighbour Nations, Prepares for his own Safety now in Time.
Thinking the Thunder would on him incline Therefore being ask'd what were the Prince's Heads Of Declaration, feelingly he said,
His Head was one, aim'd at 'mongst many others, Knowing in Villany he'd many Brothers.
With that betook him to his Heels, and run,
336 %itt ano 2Deatlj, $c.
Thinking by Bribes he could not Ruin shun : He took a Collier's Coat to Sea to go ;
Was ever Chancellour arrayed so !
But like to like, he'd needs anticipate,
Devil Incarnate, Collier of State.
He dealt in Deeds of Darkness, black as Night. Such a Black Habit needs must fit him right. Brave Sight to see him in a Collier's Skin ;
Come, Pence a Piece, my Masters enter in.
My Lord Mayor swooned, and was stricken dumb, To see his metamorphos'd Lordship come.
A Countryman he flouted once, I hear,
Ask'd what he had for swearing, 'Twas too dear, You Bumpkin in the Leather Jacket there ;
To whom the Hobnail quickly did reply,
Had'st thou no more for lying, than poor I
Have here for swearing, thou might'st quickly wear A Leather one, instead of Plush Thread-bare.
Now had he seen my Lord in Colliers Buff, Bumpkin had past for Prophet sure enough.
The Mobile and Rout with Clubs and Staves, Swore that his Carcass ne'er should lye in Graves. The'y eat him up alive within an Hour,
Their Teeth should tear his Flesh, and him devour ; Limb him they would, as Boys on Shrovetide do,
Some cryed, /
And I am for his Sowse ; his Ears, another ;
Oh, cries a third, I am for his Buttocks brave,
Nine Pound of Stakes from them I mean to have ;
I know the Rogue is fleshy, says a fourth ;
For Sweet-breads, Lungs, and Heart they're nothing worth ; Yes, quoth another, but not good to eat,
A Heart of Steel will ne'er prove tender Meat.
But we must them dispose another Way,
A good Rich Lawyer will a round Sum pay, For such a Set of loud and bellowing Lungs, Enough to serve a Hundred Stentors Tongues. We'll sell his Heart to th' Pope to make a Show, A Relique on't, and he'll get Money too.
But whilst they were dividing them in Thought, The Lord Mayor order'd Soldiers to be brought, Who rescued him from out the Rabbles Power. And straight away they took him to the Tower, With much ado he there was brought at last,
a Wing and Arm
; for what are you ?
I am for his Head, says one ; for his Brains, says t'other,
To think on all his wicked Actions past.
Ansley's(Airaham)l. ! LStSpeech. 247 —His last Letter 248 Argyle^rl), his Sufferings. . . 171 — His last Speech
Civilities of theCitizens ofExon
to the Western Sufferers . . . 279
Colledge, his Life, Trial, and —last Words 19 —The Verses upon his Picture 27
Poem written by himself . . . 27
Armstrong, his Sufferings and Dying Words
—His Elegy
Arnold, a brief Account of his
86 90
Cornish's Sufferings
— A hint at the Occasion of —his Martyrdom
—Passages before his Death. . . 93
Askew 's Letter to his Father. . 248
91 92
— Another Letter to his Friend —The Account his Friend
gives of him
Author's Sentiments concern
ing the Western Sufferers . . . Axminsterand Honiton, an Ac
count of those executed there
Bateman's Sufferings Battiscomb, his Life and Suf
—The Account given of him
218 96
145 146
147 148
276 229
200 205
265 268
An Account of a Poem made —in his Time
— by his Relations —His last Words
A further Account of his
—A Poem on a Lady that
came to Jeffreys to beg Mr. — Battiscomb' s Life
His Character Blanchard, a cruel
Parson, reviles a Goaler for not whip ping a Boy half enough, with the Goaler's Answer. . .
Gaunt's Sufferings 166 — Her Dying Speech
—Her P. S. to the said Speech 167
Boddy's last Speech
Bragg's Dying Speech and
Bridport and Lyme, anAccount
of those that suffered there Burd, General Relations writ
ten by him and other West-
Country Gentlemen
— His Letters from Beckington
with a remarkable Account
of William Hussey and Tho. — Paul,v/ho suffer' din the West
His Postscript to his Letter, giving an Account of his own Sufferings and Deliverance
170 Gatchet's Sufferings 182
His Character Cox's Sufferings umphant Death
95 96
and Tri
Clerk of the Arraigns, his Speech to Jeffreys at Mr.
Tutchiris Sentence 272
Dangerfield, his Life and Suf ferings
Essex (Earl) his Life and Martyrdom 28 — His Character 41 —His Elegy 42
Evans( Minister) his Behaviour
and Sufferings 219
— His Character
—His Elegy 107 —His Ghost to Jeffreys IIS
GatchiFs Behaviour and Dying- words 258
Glisson of Yeovil, his Suffer
ings 216
Godfrey (Sir Edmond-bury),
—his Life and Martyrdom . . . I — Anagram upon his Name. . . 16
Poem on his Death
Hall (Richard) of Culliton,
his Sufferings 216 J/amling's Case 220
Hewlings (both Benjamin and William), an Account of
their Behaviour both before
338 fln alpljabetical Cable of tlje
and at their execution, with
several letters to divers of —their Relations 128
Further Account of Mr. W. —Hauling izg
A short Letterwrittenjustas
—he was going to Execution. . 134
—His Behaviour at School . . . 292 —His Father Prophecies that
he'll die with his Shoes and
—Stockings on . . 293
He is executed with Dr.
Temple, Mr. Madders, and —others
—Inner Temple 293 — His Marriage and Early Son 294 — Is made Recorder of London 294
His Speech about the King's —Psalter 295
He is turned out of his Re-
— cordership 296
His Abhorrence of Peti —tioning 297
His being on his Knees be —fore the House of Commons 297
His ill Practices whilst Re
— corder 299
Being curb'd by Baron
— Weston, he weeps for Anger 300 The Answer of one in a
— Leather Doublet 300 His Question to a Musician,
— with his Repartee 300 How he got a Gentleman
his Wife's Fortune out of
— Guild-Hail 301
His Speech to one with a
— great Beard, and his Repartee 301
His barbarous dealing with
Mr. Moses Pitt 301 — His Speech to the Ladies —upon Mr. 7W<-/;/«'. rSentence 272
His vehement Discourse to
the Jury against the Lord
— Kussel 304
Hewling 136 —His last letter before his
— Execution 142
Their Characters 143 Hicks (John) last Speech 231 — His Letter to his Nephew —the Day before his Death . . . 242 —His Letter to his Wife 243
A Letter of his Sister to her
— Mother 136
Further Account of Mr. B.
— His Dream
His entring himself in the
Another Letter to his Wife 244 Hymns made by several Suf
ferers 1ll Holloway, his Life, Sufferings,
and Dying-words 82 Holway of Lyme, his Be
haviour before and at the
Place of Execution 250 —His last Words 251 Holmes (Col. ) his Sufferings . . 207 —His Dying-words 207 — His last Prayer 208 — A further Account of his
Behaviour 209 Hone's Accusation 7° — His Dying-words 7° Hucker's Letter to the Book —seller concerning his Father 259
His Letter to his Friend . . . 260
Jeffreys (George, late Lord Chancellour), his Life and
—Death 291 His Speech to the Jury at
the Trial of a Parson in the
His sordid treatment of Mr. —Baxter 304
West 264 —Dedication to G. L. Jeffreys 285
—ties there 305 —His secret Villanies 314
His Bloody Practices in the
— West 314 The Charge given by the
Lord Jeffreys at Bristol, in
his Return from his Western Campaign 319
—Poem to the Memory of the —Lord Jeffreys 287 His Birth and Parentage . . . 292
A Narrative of Monmouth's whole Expedition while in the West, which was the Prelogue to Jeffreys's Cruel
Cln'ef Qfymtr$ contamrti in tfjfsf Boofe. 339
—He calls the Mayor of Bristol
— Kidnapping Rogue 324
He is made Lord Chancel-
lour for his Cruelties in the
— West 324 How he raised Money by
—procuring Pardons 324 — He is made Baron of Weni 328 —What followed thereupon. . . 328
The Pr. of Orange approach
ing, he flies to Wappittg in a
— Disguise 329
He is taken and brought be
— fore the Lord Mayor 329 —Is committed to the Tower 330
The Western Widows' Peti
tion against him while in the —Tower 330 —He dies in the Tower 331 —His Character 331
before his Execution Lawrence (Thomas), his Case
and Sufferings
Lisle (Lady), her Sufferings. . . —Her last Speech
List of all them that were con
demned and suffered in the West, 1685
Lyme, an Ale-house Woman of that Town cruelly whipt, and why
156 156
277 222
223 224
25 1
His Letter to his Sister
Monmouth (Duke) his Suffer ings and Death
—His Character Jervaise, a Hatter,
155 cruelly
1 87 —His Declaration in the West 188
whipt, and why Introduction to this Western
Martyrology, shewing the Reasons why this Work is undertaken
yohnson, Accusation against
— A brief Abstract Speech
of his true
198 1 99
— him 103 His Address to all English
—Protestants in the Army . . . 103 His Character 104
KirKs Cruelties related by an Eye and Ear-witness, who also gives an Account of
other Western Barbarities. . . 261 King\John), an Account of his
last Speech at the Place of Execution at Edinburgh . . . 1 78
— ings 158 His Letter to his Parents,
— Brothers, and Sisters 159 —His Letter to his Children. . 161
His last Speech
Noise's Sufferings
— He engages in the Prentices'
— Petition to the Lord Mayor
—A Copy of the said Petition 1 18
An Account of 30000 Pren —tices that signed it 1 10
The Speech that was made
at presenting this Petition. . . 120
Kidd {John) his last Speech
at the place of Execution at Edinburgh 182
Kidd (Capt. ) his dying Speech
in the West of England 224
Larke {Sampson),hisSufferings 210 — His last Words 210 — Some further Passages re
lating to Mr. S. Larke, with
his Prayer when Executed 213 — His Letter to his Friend just
A Letter sent to him there 332 —His Elegy 333 Jenkyn (William) his Be
Madder's Sufferings
haviour both before and afier his Execution, with several Letters to divers of his Re
—lations 149 —His Letter to his Sister Scott 152 —His Letter to his Mother . . . 153
— His last Ladder
Words Prayer
— His last Matthew's
and Prayer at the Place of Exec.
—His Elegy
Monmonth and Argyle being
both defeated, what folio wed
Nelthrope (Richard) his Suffer
163 1 16
34° Sin alpljabetical Cable, $c.
—The Lord Mayor's Answer
to the Prentices' Speech . . . 121
—The Names of the 20 Pre
— senters of this Petition 122 A Poem dedicated to 'em. . . 122
delivered to the Sheriff on —Tower Hill 79 —His Epitaph 81
His Character 82 Smith of Chardsiock, his Be
haviour and Dying-Speech 202 Speak ( Charles), his Sufferings
and last Words 227 Speed of Culliton, his Beha
viour and Dying Speech . . . 204 Sprague and Cleg executed at
Culliton, with their Dying-
words 218 Sprague (John), a further Ac
count of him 205
Temple (Dr. ) his last Speech 225
Oates, an Account and Sufferings —His Character
of his Life
Parrot's Sufferings
98 102
229 229
— His Behaviour of Execution
at the
— His last Speech
Poem to the Memory of those
who suffered in the West,
next the Title.
Pott's Sufferings, Courage and
Tyler's Sufferings — He is executed —other Persons — His last Speech
Dying- words 219 Parson, one tried by Jeffrey {or
\oaVm%<x\Monmoutti s\xmy 265 Review of what has been writ
ten in this Western Martyrol. 279 Robin ofCharmouth'sSafferings 226 —His last Sayings 227 Rose's Sufferings and Courage 218 Rosewelfs Trial and Acquittal 171 Rouse's Trial and Accusation 68 —His Dying-words 69 — His Behaviour at his Death 69 Rumbold, his Sufferings 174 — A larger Account of his Suf
ferings with his last Speech,
and several things that past
at his Trial 1 75
Russet (Lord), his Life, Trial —and Martyrdom 44 Names of his Jury 48
—His Elegy 59 — His Character 60 —AnAccountofhislastSpeech 61
SandforcTs last Speech at the Place of Execution 254
Satchel's Behaviour and Dying Words 253
Sherborn, an Account of those Executed there, with their Dying- words 2 16
211 with some
211 211
little before his Execution 212 Tripp (Jacob) his Sufferings
and Barbarous Execution . . . 268 Tutchin (Mr. John), his Case
—and Trial 270 — His Cruel Sentence 272
His Petition to the King
— to be Hang'd 273 — How he avoided his Sentence 273 —He is popt into a Pardon. . . 274
He visitsjeffreys in theTower, with the Disc, between 'em 275
Walcot, his Life, Trial, and Martyrdom 64 — An Account of his Speech 68 — His last Prayer 69
Western Transactions, the In troduction to 'em, with gene
—ral Observations upon' em. . . 123 The Lives and Dying Speeches of those that suf fered in the West 199
Whippings in the West 222 — Mr. Stayle whipt 222 — Mrs. Brown whipt 222
Wiseman, a Barber's Boy of Weymouth, of i4orl5 Years of Age, cruelly whipt, and
for what 276
Sidney (Algernon), his Suffer —ings, Trial, and Martyrdom 72 — His Petition to his Majesty 76
An Account of the Paper he
A Hymn made by him a
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