No More Learning

That way no more!
and ill beseems it me, 90
Who came a Welcomer, in Herald's Guise,
Singing of Glory and Futurity,
To wander back on such unhealthful road
Plucking the Poisons of Self-harm!
And ill
Such intertwine beseems triumphal wreaths 95
Strew'd before thy advancing!
Thou too, Friend!
Impair thou not the memory of that hour
Of thy Communion with my nobler mind
By pity or grief, already felt too long!

Nor let my words import more blame than needs.
The tumult rose and ceas'd: for Peace is nigh
Where Wisdom's voice has found a list'ning Heart.

Amid the howl of more than wintry storms
The Halcyon hears the Voice of vernal Hours,
Already on the wing!

Eve following Eve 105
Dear tranquil Time, when the sweet sense of Home
Is sweetest!
Moments, for their own sake hail'd,
And more desired, more precious for thy Song!

In silence listening, like a devout child,
My soul lay passive, by the various strain 110
Driven as in surges now, beneath the stars
With momentary [B] stars of her [C] own birth,
Fair constellated Foam, still darting off
Into the Darkness; now a tranquil Sea,
Outspread and bright, yet swelling to the Moon.

And when--O Friend!
my Comforter! my [D] Guide!
Strong in thyself and powerful to give strength!
Thy long sustained Song finally clos'd,
And thy deep voice had ceas'd--yet thou thyself
Wert still before mine eyes, and round us both 120
That happy Vision of beloved Faces--
(All whom, I deepliest love--in one room all!
Scarce conscious and yet conscious of its close
I sate, my Being blended in one Thought,
(Thought was it?
or aspiration? or resolve? ) 125
Absorb'd; yet hanging still upon the Sound--
And when I rose, I found myself in Prayer.



* * * * *


[Footnote A: Different reading on same MS.

'To one cast forth, whose Hope had seem'd to die.


[Footnote B: Compare, as an illustrative note, the descriptive passage
in Satyrane's first Letter in 'Biographia Literaria', beginning, "A
beautiful white cloud of foam," etc.
--S. T. C. ]

[Footnote C: Different reading on same MS.
, "'my'. "--Ed. ]

[Footnote D: Different reading on same MS.
, "'and'. "--Ed. ]

In a MS.
copy of 'Dejection, An Ode', transcribed for Sir George
Beaumont on the 4th of April 1802--and sent to him, when living with
Lord Lowther at Lowther Hall--there is evidence that the poem was
originally addressed to Wordsworth.

The following lines in this copy can be compared with those finally

'O dearest William!
in this heartless mood,
To other thoughts by yonder throstle woo'd
All this long eve so balmy and serene
Have I been gazing on the western sky,'

. .

'O William, we _receive_ but what we _give_:
And in our life alone does Nature live.

. .

'Yes, dearest William!
There was a time when though my Path was rough
This Joy within me dallied with distress.

The MS.
copy is described by Coleridge as "imperfect"; and it breaks off
abruptly at the lines:

'Suspends what Nature gave me at my birth
My shaping spirit of Imagination.

And he continues:

'I am so weary of this doleful poem, that I must leave off.
. . . '

Another MS.
copy of this poem, amongst the Coleorton papers, is signed
T. Coleridge to William Wordsworth. " Ed.

* * * * *


(See pp.
297 and 302, 'The Prelude', book ix. )

Professor Emile Legouis of Lyons--a thorough student, and a very
competent expounder, of our modern English Literature--supplied me, some
years ago, with numerous facts in reference to Wordsworth's friend
General Beaupuy, and his family, from which I extract the following:

'The Prelude' gives us very little precise information about the
republican officer with whom Wordsworth became acquainted in France,
and on whom he bestowed more praise than on almost any other of his
We only gather the following facts:--That his name was
'Beaupuy', that he was quartered at Orleans, with royalist officers,
sometime between November 1791 and the spring of 1792, and that

'He perished fighting, _in supreme command_,
Upon the borders of the unhappy Loire,
For liberty, against deluded men,
His fellow-countrymen.
. . . '

Though it seems very easy to identify a general even with such scanty
data, the task is rendered more difficult by two inaccuracies in
Wordsworth's statement, which, however, can be explained and redressed
without much difficulty.

The first inaccuracy is in the spelling of the name, which is
'Beaupuy' and not 'Beaupuis'--a slight mistake considering that
Wordsworth was a foreigner, and, besides, wrote down his friend's name
ten years and perhaps more after losing sight of him.
Moreover, the
name of the general who, I think, was meant by Wordsworth, I have
found spelt 'Beaupuy' in one instance, viz.
the signature of a letter
of his, as printed in 'Vie et Correspondance de Merlin de Thionville',
publiee par Jean Reynaud, Paris, 1860 (2'e partie p.

The spelling of proper names was not so fixed then as it is nowadays,
and this irregularity is not to be wondered at.

The second inaccuracy consists in stating that General Beaupuy died on
the banks of the Loire during the Vendean war.
Indeed, he was
grievously wounded at the Battle of Chateau-Gonthier, on the 26th of
October 1793, and reported as dead.
His soldiers thought he had been
killed, and the rumour must have spread abroad, as it was recorded by
Thiers himself in his 'Histoire de la Revolution', and by A.
Challemel in his 'Histoire Musee de la Republique Francaise'.

It is no wonder that Wordsworth, who was then in England, and could
only read imperfect accounts of what took place in France, should have
been mistaken too.

No other General Beaupuy is recorded in the history of the Revolution,
so far as I have been able to ascertain.
The moral character of the
officer, whose life I shall relate, answers to Wordsworth's
description, and is worthy of his high estimate.

Armand Michel de Bachelier, Chevalier de Beaupuy, was born at
Mussidan, in Perigord, on the 15th of July 1757.
He belonged to a
noble family, less proud of its antiquity than of the blood it had
shed for France on many battlefields.
On his mother's side (Mlle. de
Villars), he reckoned Montaigne, the celebrated essayist, among his
His parents having imbibed the philanthropic ideas of the
time, educated him according to their principles.

He had four brothers, who were all destined to turn republicans and do
good service to the new cause, though their interest certainly lay in
the opposite direction.

. .

He was made sub-lieutenant in the regiment of Bassigny (33rd division
of foot) on the 2nd of March 1773, and lieutenant of grenadiers on the
1st of October of the same year.

In 1791 he was first lieutenant in the same regiment.
Having sided
with the Revolution, he was appointed commander of a battalion of
national volunteers in the department of Dordogne.
I have not found
the exact date of this appointment, but it must have taken place
immediately after his stay at Orleans with Wordsworth.

I have found no further mention of his name till September 1792, when
he is known to have served in the "Armee du Rhin," under General
Custine, and contributed to the taking of Spire.

He took an important part in the taking of Worms, 4th October; of
Mayence (Maenz) 21st October.
He was among the garrison of Mayence
when this place was besieged by the Prussians, and obliged to
capitulate after a long and famous siege (from 6th April 1793 to 22nd
July 1793).

During the siege he wrote a journal of all the operations.

Unfortunately, this journal is very short, and purely military.
It has
been handed down to us, and is found in the Bibliotheque Nationale of
Paris in the 'Papiers de Merlin de Thionville', n.
acq. fr. Nos.
244-252, 8 vol.
in-8? . Beaupuy's journal is in the 3rd volume, fol.

. .

In the Vendean war, the "Mayencais," or soldiers returned from
Mayence, made themselves conspicuous, and bore almost all the brunt of
the campaign.
But none of them distinguished himself more than
Beaupuy, then a General of Brigade.

The Mayencais arrived in Vendee at the end of August or beginning of
September 1793.
To Beaupuy's skill the victory of Chollet (Oct. 17,
1793) is attributed by Jomini.
In this battle he fought hand to hand
with and overcame a Vendean cavalier.
He himself had three horses
killed, and had a very narrow escape.
On the battlefield he was made
'general of division' by the "Representants du peuple.
" It was after
Chollet that the Vendeans made the memorable crossing of the Loire at

At Laval and Chateau-Gonthier (Oct.
26) a terrible defeat was
inflicted on the Republicans, owing to the incapacity of their
commander-in-chief, Lechelle.
The whole corps commanded by General
Beaupuy was crushed by a terrible fire, He himself, after withstanding
for two or three hours with 2000 or 3000 men all the attacks of the
royalists, was disabled by a shot, and fell, crying out, "'Laissez-moi
la, et portez a mes grenadiers ma chemise sanglante'.
" His soldiers
thought he was dead, and then the error was spread, which was repeated
by Wordsworth, Thiers, and Challamel.
Wordsworth's mistake is so far
interesting, as it seems to prove that very little or no
correspondence passed between the two friends after they had parted.

Beaupuy, moreover, had too much work upon his hands to give much of
his time to letter-writing.

Though severely wounded, Beaupuy lived on, and less than six weeks
after the battle of Chateau-Gonthier, he was seen on the ramparts of
Angers, where he required himself to be carried to animate his
soldiers and head the defenders of the place, from which the Vendeans
were driven after a severe contest (Dec.
5 and 6).

On the 22nd of December 1793 he shared in the victory of Savenay with
his celebrated friends, Marceau, Kleber, and Westermann.
After this
battle, which put an end to the great Vendean war, he wrote the
following letter to his friend Merlin de Thionville, the celebrated
"representant du peuple.

"SAVENAY, le 4 Nivose au 2'e (25 Dec.

"Enfin, enfin, mon cher Merlin, elle n'est plus cette armee royale
ou catholique, comme tu voudras!
J'en ai vu, avec tes braves
collegues Prieur et Eurreau, les debris, consistant en 150 cavaliers
battant l'eau dans le marais de Montaire; et comme tu connais ma
veracite tu peux dire avec assurance que les deux combats de Savenay
ont mis fin a la guerre de la nouvelle Vendee et aux chimeriques
esperances des royalists.

L'histoire ne vous presente point de combat dont le suites aient ete
plus decisives.
Ah! mon brave, comme tu aurais joui! quelle attaque!
mais quelle deroute aussi!
Il fallait les voir ces soldats de Jesus
et de Louis XVII, se jetant dans les marais ou obliges de se rendre
par 5 ou 600 a la fois; et Langreniere pris et les autres generaux
disperses et aux abois!

Cette armee, dont tu avais vu les restes de la terrasse de St.

Florent, etait redevenue formidable par son recrutement dans les
departements envahis.
Je les ai bien vus, bien examines, j'ai
reconnu meme de mes figures de Chollet et de Laval, et a leur
contenance et a leur mine, je l'assure qu'il ne leur manquait du
soldat que l'habit.
Des troupes qui ont battu de tels Francais
peuvent se flatter ainsi de vainere des peuples assez laaches pour
se reunir centre un seul et encore pour la cause des rois!
Enfin, je
ne sais si je me trompe, mais cette guerre de brigands, de paysans,
sur laquelle on a jete tant de ridicule, que l'on dedaignait, que
l'on affectait de regarder comme meprisable, m'a toujours paru, pour
la republique, la grande partie, et il me semble a present qu'avec
nos autres ennemis, nous ne ferrons plus que peloter.

Adieu, brave montagnard, adieu!
Actuellement que cette execrable
guerre est terminee, que les manes de nos freres sont satisfaits, je
vais guerir.
J'ai obtenu de tes confreres un conge qui finira au
moment ou la guerre recommencera.


I think I can recognize in this letter some traits of Beaupuy's
character as pointed out by Wordsworth, not excepting the
half-suppressed criticism:

. . somewhat vain he was,
Or seemed so, yet it was not vanity,
But fondness, and a kind of radiant joy
Diffused around him .
. . '

Passing over numerous military incidents, on the 26th of June 1796
Beaupuy received seven or eight sabre-cuts at Jorich-Wildstadt.
But on
the 8th of July he was already back at his post.

He again greatly distinguished himself on the 1st of September 1796 at
Greisenfeld and Langenbruck, where the victory of the French was owing
to a timely attack made by Desaix and himself.

He was one of the generals under Moreau when the latter achieved his
well-known retreat through the Black Forest, begun on the 15th of
September 1796, and during which many battles were fought.
In one of
the actions on the banks of the Elz, Beaupuy was killed by a
cannon-ball, while opposing General Latour on the heights of
His soldiers, who loved him passionately, fought
desperately to avenge his death (Oct.
19, 1796).

One of Beaupuy's colleagues, General Duhem, in his account of the
battle to the Government, thus expressed himself on General Beaupuy:

"Ecrivains patriotes, orateurs chaleureux, je vous propose un noble
sujet, l'eloge du General Beaupuy, de Beaupuy, le Nestor et
l'Achille de notre armee.
Vous n'avez pas de recherches a faire;
interrogez le premier soldat de l'armee du Rhin-et-Moselle, ses
larmes exciteront les votres.
Ecrivez alors ce que est vous en dira,
et vous peindrez le Bayard de la Republique Francaise.

Such bombastic style was then common, but what we have seen of Beaupuy
in this sketch shows that he had through his career united Nestor's
prudence [B] with Achilles' bodily courage and Bayard's chivalric
spirit,--to use the language of the time.

General Moreau had Beaupuy's remains transported to Brisach, where a
monument was erected to his memory in 1802, after the peace of

In short, Beaupuy seems to have always remained worthy of the high
praise bestowed on him by Wordsworth.
His name is to be remembered
along with those of the unspotted generals of the first years of the
Revolution--Hoche, Marceau, etc.
--before the craving for conquest had
developed, and the love of liberty yielded to a fond admiration of
Bonaparte as it did in the case of Kleber, Desaix, and so many others.


B. --The great influence which Beaupuy exercised at that time on
Wordsworth will be easily understood, if we take into account not only
his real qualities, but also his age.
When they met, Wordsworth was
only twenty-one, Beaupuy nearly thirty-five.
The grown-up man could
impart much of his knowledge of life, and of the favourite authors of
the time, to a youth fresh from the University--though that youth was


* * * * *


[Footnote A: His bravery shone forth at Coethen, where he was left alone
in a group of Prussians.
He fought with their chief and disarmed him. A
few days after he was named General of Brigade.
--8th March 1793. ]

[Footnote B: The pacification of Vendee was for a great part owing to
his valour and prudence.

[Footnote C: Beaupuy is said to have united civic virtues with military
A good son and a good brother, he showed in many a circumstance
that true valour does not exclude humanity, and that the soul can be
both strong and full of feeling.

These notes (B and C) are taken from 'Biographic Nouvelle de

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