O Hymen
io, 180
O Hymen Hymenaee.
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Catullus - Carmina
): we pray
Lest doom thee Nemesis hard pain repay:-- 20
She's a dire Goddess, 'ware thou cross her way.
Yestreen, Licinius, in restful day, much mirthful verse we flashed upon my
tablets, as became us, men of fancy. Each jotting versicles in turn sported
first in this metre then in that, exchanging mutual epigrams 'midst jokes
and wine. But I departed thence, afire, Licinius, with thy wit and
drolleries, so that food was useless to my wretched self; nor could sleep
close mine eyes in quiet, but all o'er the bed in restless fury did I toss,
longing to behold daylight that with thee I might speak, and again we might
be together. But afterwards, when my limbs, weakened by my restless
labours, lay stretched in semi-death upon the bed, this poem, O jocund one,
I made for thee, from which thou mayst perceive my dolour. Now 'ware thee
of presumptuousness, and our pleadings 'ware thee of rejecting, we pray
thee, eye-babe of ours, lest Nemesis exact her dues from thee. She is a
forceful Goddess; 'ware her wrath.
Ille mi par esse deo videtur,
Ille, si fas est, superare divos,
Qui sedens adversus identidem te
Spectat et audit
Dulce ridentem, misero quod omnis 5
Eripit sensus mihi: nam simul te,
Lesbia, aspexi, nihil est super mi
* * * *
Lingua sed torpet, tenuis sub artus
Flamma demanat, sonitu suopte 10
Tintinant aures geminae, teguntur
Lumina nocte.
Otium, Catulle, tibi molestumst:
Otio exultas nimiumque gestis. 15
Otium et reges prius et beatas
Perdidit urbes.
Peer of a God meseemeth he,
Nay passing Gods (and that can be! )
Who all the while sits facing thee
Sees thee and hears
Thy low sweet laughs which (ah me! ) daze 5
Mine every sense, and as I gaze
Upon thee (Lesbia! ) o'er me strays
* * * *
My tongue is dulled, my limbs adown
Flows subtle flame; with sound its own 10
Rings either ear, and o'er are strown
Mine eyes with night.
Ease has thy lot, Catullus, crost,
Ease gladdens thee at heaviest cost, 15
Ease killed the Kings ere this and lost
The tallest towns.
He to me to be peer to a god doth seem, he, if such were lawful, to
o'er-top the gods, who sitting oft a-front of thee doth gaze on thee, and
doth listen to thine laughter lovely, which doth snatch away from sombre me
mine every sense: for instant falls my glance on thee, Lesbia, naught is
left to me [of voice], but my tongue is numbed, a keen-edged flame spreads
through my limbs, with sound self-caused my twin ears sing, and mine eyes
are enwrapped with night.
Sloth, O Catullus, to thee is hurtful: in sloth beyond measure dost thou
exult and pass thy life. Sloth hath erewhile ruined rulers and gladsome
Quid est, Catulle? quid moraris emori?
Sella in curuli struma Nonius sedet,
Per consulatum peierat Vatinius:
Quid est, Catulle? quid moraris emori?
What is't, Catullus? Why delay to out die?
That Wen hight Nonius sits in curule chair,
For Consulship Vatinius false doth swear;
What is't, Catullus? Why delay to out die?
Prithee Catullus, why delay thine death? Nonius the tumour is seated in the
curule chair, Vatinius forswears himself for consul's rank: prithee
Catullus, why delay thine death?
Risi nescioquem modo e corona,
Qui, cum mirifice Vatiniana
Meus crimina Calvos explicasset,
Admirans ait haec manusque tollens,
'Di magni, salaputium disertum! ' 5
I laughed at one 'mid Forum-crowd unknown
Who, when Vatinius' crimes in wondrous way
Had by my Calvus been explained, exposed,
His hand upraising high admiring cried
"Great Gods! the loquent little Doodle-diddle! " 5
I laughed at I know not whom in the crowded court who, when with admirable
art Vatinius' crimes my Calvus had set forth, with hands uplifted and
admiring mien thus quoth "Great Gods, the fluent little Larydoodle! "
Othonis caput oppidost pusillum
* * * *
Neri rustica semilauta crura,
Subtile et leve peditum Libonis.
* * * *
Si non omnia displicere vellem
Tibi et Fuficio seni recocte 5
Irascere iterum meis iambis
Inmerentibus, unice imperator.
The head of Otho, puniest of pates
* * * *
The rustic half-washt shanks of Nerius
And Libo's subtle silent fizzling-farts.
* * * *
I wish that leastwise these should breed disgust
In thee and old Fuficius, rogue twice-cookt. 5
Again at these mine innocent iamb-lines
Wi' wrath be wrothest; unique Emperor!
Otho's head is paltry past all phrase * * * the uncouth semi-soaped shanks
of Nerius, the slender soundless fizzlings of Libo * * * if not all things
I wish would displease thee and Fuficius, the white-headed and
Anew thou shalt be enraged at my harmless iambics, emperor unique.
Oramus, si forte non molestumst,
Demostres, ubi sint tuae tenebrae.
Te campo quaesivimus minore,
Te in circo, te in omnibus libellis,
Te in templo summi Iovis sacrato. 5
In Magni simul ambulatione
Femellas omnes, amice, prendi,
Quas vultu vidi tamen serenas.
A, vel te sic ipse flagitabam,
'Camerium mihi, pessimae puellae. ' 10
Quaedam inquit, nudum sinum reducens,
'En heic in roseis latet papillis. '
Sed te iam ferre Herculei labos est. 13
Non custos si fingar ille Cretum, 23
Non si Pegaseo ferar volatu,
Non Ladas ego pinnipesve Perseus, 25
Non Rhesi nivea citaque biga:
Adde huc plumipedes volatilesque,
Ventorumque simul require cursum:
Quos cunctos, Cameri, mihi dicares,
Defessus tamen omnibus medullis 30
Et multis langoribus peresus
Essem te mihi, amice, quaeritando. 32
Tanto ten fastu negas, amice? 14
Dic nobis ubi sis futurus, ede
Audacter, conmitte, crede lucei.
Num te lacteolae tenent puellae?
Si linguam clauso tenes in ore,
Fructus proicies amoris omnes:
Verbosa gaudet Venus loquella. 20
Vel si vis, licet obseres palatum,
Dum vostri sim particeps amoris.
We pray, an' haply irk it not when prayed,
Show us where shadowed hidest thou in shade!
Thee throughout Campus Minor sought we all,
Thee in the Circus, thee in each bookstall,
Thee in Almighty Jove's fane consecrate. 5
Nor less in promenade titled from The Great
(Friend! ) I accosted each and every quean,
But mostly madams showing mien serene,
For thee I pestered all with many pleas--
"Give me Camerius, wanton baggages! " 10
Till answered certain one a-baring breasts
"Lo, 'twixt these rosy paps he haply rests! "
But now to find thee were Herculean feat. 13
Not if I feigned me that guard of Crete, 23
Not if with Pegasean wing I sped,
Or Ladas I or Perseus plumiped, 25
Or Rhesus borne in swifty car snow-white:
Add the twain foot-bewing'd and fast of flight,
And of the cursive winds require the blow:
All these (Camerius! ) couldst on me bestow.
Tho' were I wearied to each marrow bone 30
And by many o' languors clean forgone
Yet I to seek thee (friend! ) would still assay. 32
In such proud lodging (friend) wouldst self denay? 14
Tell us where haply dwell'st thou, speak outright,
Be bold and risk it, trusting truth to light,
Say do these milk-white girls thy steps detain?
If aye in tight-sealed lips thy tongue remain,
All Amor's fruitage thou shalt cast away:
Verbose is Venus, loving verbal play! 20
But, an it please thee, padlockt palate bear,
So in your friendship I have partner-share.
We beg, if maybe 'tis not untoward, thou'lt shew us where may be thine
haunt sequestered. Thee did we quest within the Lesser Fields, thee in the
Circus, thee in every bookshop, thee in holy fane of highmost Jove. In
promenade yclept "The Great," the crowd of cocottes straightway did I stop,
O friend, accosting those whose looks I noted were unruffled. And for thee
loudly did I clamour, "Restore to me Camerius, most giddy girls. " Quoth
such-an-one, her bosom bare a-shewing, "Look! 'twixt rose-red paps he
shelters him. " But labour 'tis of Hercules thee now to find. Not were I
framed the Cretan guard, nor did I move with Pegasean wing, nor were I
Ladas, or Persius with the flying foot, or Rhesus with swift and snowy
team: to these add thou the feathery-footed and winged ones, ask likewise
fleetness of the winds: which all united, O Camerius, couldst thou me
grant, yet exhausted in mine every marrow and with many a faintness
consumed should I be in my quest for thee, O friend. Why withdraw thyself
in so much pride, O friend? Tell us where thou wilt be found, declare it
boldly, give up the secret, trust it to the light. What, do the milk-white
maidens hold thee? If thou dost hold thy tongue closed up in mouth, thou
squanderest Love's every fruit: for Venus joys in many-worded babblings.
Yet if thou wishest, thou mayst bar thy palate, if I may be a sharer in thy
Orem ridiculam, Cato, et iocosam
Dignamque auribus et tuo cachinno.
Ride, quidquid amas, Cato, Catullum:
Res est ridicula et nimis iocosa.
Deprendi modo pupulum puellae 5
Trusantem: hunc ego, si placet Dionae,
Protelo rigida mea cecidi.
O risible matter (Cato! ) and jocose,
Digne of thy hearing, of thy sneering digne.
Laugh (Cato! ) an thou love Catullus thine;
The thing is risible, nay, too jocose.
Erstwhile I came upon a lad who a lass 5
Was ---- and (so please it Dion! ) I
Pierced him with stiffest staff and did him die.
O thing ridiculous, Cato, and facetious, and worthy of thine ears and of
thy laughter. Laugh, Cato, the more thou lovest Catullus: the thing is
ridiculous, and beyond measure facetious. Just now I caught a boy
a-thrusting in a girl: and on him (so please you, Dione) with rigid spear
of mine I fell.
Pulcre convenit inprobis cinaedis,
Mamurrae pathicoque Caesarique.
Nec mirum: maculae pares utrisque,
Vrbana altera et illa Formiana,
Inpressae resident nec eluentur: 5
Morbosi pariter, gemelli utrique
Vno in lectulo, erudituli ambo,
Non hic quam ille magis vorax adulter,
Rivales sociei puellularum.
Pulcre convenit inprobis cinaedis. 10
Right well are paired these Cinaedes sans shame
Mamurra and Caesar, both of pathic fame.
No wonder! Both are fouled with foulest blight,
One urban being, Formian t'other wight,
And deeply printed with indelible stain: 5
Morbose is either, and the twin-like twain
Share single Couchlet; peers in shallow lore,
Nor this nor that for lechery hungers more,
As rival wenchers who the maidens claim
Right well are paired these Cinaedes sans shame. 10
A comely couple of shameless catamites, Mamurra and Caesar, pathics both.
Nor needs amaze: they share like stains--this, Urban, the other,
Formian,--which stay deep-marked nor can they be got rid of. Both morbidly
diseased through pathic vice, the pair of twins lie in one bed, alike in
erudition, one not more than other the greater greedier adulterer, allied
rivals of the girls. A comely couple of shameless catamites.
Caeli, Lesbia nostra, Lesbia illa,
Illa Lesbia, quam Catullus unam
Plus quam se atque suos amavit omnes,
Nunc in quadriviis et angiportis
Glubit magnanimos Remi nepotes. 5
Caelius! That Lesbia of ours, that Lesbia,
That only Lesbia by Catullus loved,
Than self, far fondlier, than all his friends,
She now where four roads fork, and wind the wynds
Husks the high-minded scions Remus-sprung. 5
O Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia, the self-same Lesbia whom Catullus more
than himself and all his own did worship, now at cross-roads and in alleys
husks off the mettlesome descendants of Remus.
Bononiensis Rufa Rufulum fellat,
Vxor Meneni, saepe quam in sepulcretis
Vidistis ipso rapere de rogo cenam,
Cum devolutum ex igne prosequens panem
Ab semiraso tunderetur ustore. 5
Rufa the Bolognese drains Rufule dry,
(Wife to Menenius) she 'mid tombs you'll spy,
The same a-snatching supper from the pyre
Following the bread-loaves rolling forth the fire
Till frapped by half-shaved body-burner's ire. 5
Rufa of Bononia lends her lips to Rufulus, she the wife of Menenius, whom
oft among the sepulchres ye have seen clutching her meal from the funeral
pile, when pursuing the bread which has rolled from the fire, whilst she
was being buffeted by a semi-shorn corpse-burner.
Num te leaena montibus Libystinis
Aut Scylla latrans infima inguinum parte
Tam mente dura procreavit ac taetra,
Vt supplicis vocem in novissimo casu
Contemptam haberes a! nimis fero corde? 5
Bare thee some lioness wild in Lybian wold?
Or Scylla barking from low'st inguinal fold?
With so black spirit, of so dure a mould,
E'en voice of suppliant must thou disregard
In latest circumstance ah, heart o'er hard? 5
Did a lioness of the Libyan Hills, or Scylla yelping from her lowmost
groin, thee procreate, with mind so hard and horrid, that thou hast
contempt upon a suppliant's voice in calamity's newest stress? O heart
o'ergreatly cruel.
Collis o Heliconii
Cultor, Vraniae genus,
Qui rapis teneram ad virum
Virginem, o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee, 5
Cinge tempora floribus
Suave olentis amaraci,
Flammeum cape, laetus huc
Huc veni niveo gerens
Luteum pede soccum, 10
Excitusque hilari die
Nuptialia concinens
Voce carmina tinnula
Pelle humum pedibus, manu
Pineam quate taedam. 15
Namque Vinia Manlio,
Qualis Idalium colens
Venit ad Phrygium Venus
Iudicem, bona cum bona
Nubet alite virgo, 20
Floridis velut enitens
Myrtus Asia ramulis,
Quos Hamadryades deae
Ludicrum sibi rosido
Nutriunt umore. 25
Quare age huc aditum ferens
Perge linquere Thespiae
Rupis Aonios specus,
Nympha quos super inrigat
Frigerans Aganippe, 30
Ac domum dominam voca
Coniugis cupidam novi,
Mentem amore revinciens,
Vt tenax hedera huc et huc
Arborem inplicat errans. 35
Vosque item simul, integrae
Virgines, quibus advenit
Par dies, agite in modum
Dicite 'o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee,' 40
Vt lubentius, audiens
Se citarier ad suom
Munus, huc aditum ferat
Dux bonae Veneris, boni
Coniugator amoris. 45
Quis deus magis anxiis
Est petendus amantibus?
Quem colent homines magis
Caelitum? o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee. 50
Te suis tremulus parens
Invocat, tibi virgines
Zonula soluunt sinus,
Te timens cupida novos
Captat aure maritus. 55
Tu fero iuveni in manus
Floridam ipse puellulam
Dedis a gremio suae
Matris, o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee. 60
Nil potest sine te Venus,
Fama quod bona conprobet,
Commodi capere: at potest
Te volente. quis huic deo
Conpararier ausit? 65
Nulla quit sine te domus
Liberos dare, nec parens
Stirpe cingier: at potest
Te volente. quis huic deo
Conpararier ausit? 70
Quae tuis careat sacris,
Non queat dare praesides
Terra finibus: at queat
Te volente. quis huic deo
Conpararier ausit? 75
Claustra pandite ianuae,
Virgo ades. viden ut faces
Splendidas quatiunt comas?
Tardet ingenuos pudor:
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Quem tamen magis audiens 80
Flet, quod ire necesse est. 81
Flere desine. non tibi, A- (86)
runculeia, periculumst,
Nequa femina pulchrior
Clarum ab Oceano diem 85
Viderit venientem. (90)
Talis in vario solet
Divitis domini hortulo
Stare flos hyacinthinus.
Sed moraris, abit dies: 90
_Prodeas, nova nupta. _
Prodeas, nova nupta, si
Iam videtur, et audias
Nostra verba. vide ut faces
Aureas quatiunt comas: 95
Prodeas, nova nupta.
Non tuos levis in mala
Deditus vir adultera
Probra turpia persequens
A tuis teneris volet 100
Secubare papillis,
Lenta quin velut adsitas
Vitis inplicat arbores,
Inplicabitur in tuom
Conplexum. sed abit dies: 105
Prodeas, nova nupta.
O cubile, quod omnibus
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * 110
Candido pede lecti,
Quae tuo veniunt ero,
Quanta gaudia, quae vaga
Nocte, quae medio die
Gaudeat! sed abit dies: 115
Prodeas, nova nupta.
Tollite, o pueri, faces:
Flammeum video venire.
Ite, concinite in modum
'O Hymen Hymenaee io, 120
O Hymen Hymenaee. '
Ne diu taceat procax
Fescennina iocatio,
Nec nuces pueris neget
Desertum domini audiens 125
Concubinus amorem.
Da nuces pueris, iners
Concubine: satis diu
Lusisti nucibus: lubet
Iam servire Talasio. 130
Concubine, nuces da.
Sordebant tibi vilicae,
Concubine, hodie atque heri:
Nunc tuom cinerarius
Tondet os. miser a miser 135
Concubine, nuces da.
Diceris male te a tuis
Vnguentate glabris marite
Abstinere: sed abstine.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 140
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Scimus haec tibi quae licent
Sola cognita: sed marito
Ista non eadem licent.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 145
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Nupta, tu quoque, quae tuos
Vir petet, cave ne neges,
Ni petitum aliunde eat.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 150
O Hymen Hymenaee.
En tibi domus ut potens
Et beata viri tui,
Quae tibi sine fine erit
(O Hymen Hymenaee io, 155
O Hymen Hymenaee),
Vsque dum tremulum movens
Cana tempus anilitas
Omnia omnibus adnuit.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 160
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Transfer omine cum bono
Limen aureolos pedes,
Rasilemque subi forem.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 165
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Aspice, intus ut accubans
Vir tuos Tyrio in toro
Totus inmineat tibi.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 170
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Illi non minus ac tibi
Pectore uritur intimo
Flamma, sed penite magis.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 175
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Mitte brachiolum teres,
Praetextate, puellulae:
Iam cubile adeat viri.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 180
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Vos bonae senibus viris
Cognitae bene feminae,
Collocate puellulam.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 185
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Iam licet venias, marite:
Vxor in thalamo tibist
Ore floridulo nitens,
Alba parthenice velut 190
Luteumve papaver.
At, marite, (ita me iuvent
Caelites) nihilo minus
Pulcher es, neque te Venus
Neglegit. sed abit dies: 195
Perge, ne remorare.
Non diu remoratus es,
Iam venis. bona te Venus
Iuverit, quoniam palam
Quod cupis capis et bonum 200
Non abscondis amorem.
Ille pulveris Africei
Siderumque micantium
Subducat numerum prius,
Qui vostri numerare volt 205
Multa milia ludei.
Ludite ut lubet, et brevi
Liberos date. non decet
Tam vetus sine liberis
Nomen esse, sed indidem 210
Semper ingenerari.
Torquatus volo parvolus
Matris e gremio suae
Porrigens teneras manus
Dulce rideat ad patrem 215
Semhiante labello.
Sit suo similis patri
Manlio et facile inscieis
Noscitetur ab omnibus
Et pudicitiam suae 220
Matris indicet ore.
Talis illius a bona
Matre laus genus adprobet,
Qualis unica ab optima
Matre Telemacho manet 225
Fama Penelopeo.
Claudite ostia, virgines:
Lusimus satis. at, bonei
Coniuges, bene vivite et
Munere adsiduo valentem 230
Exercete inventam.
Of Helicon-hill, O Thou that be
Haunter, Urania's progeny,
Who hurriest soft virginity
To man, O Hymenaeus Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 5
About thy temples bind the bloom,
Of Marjoram flow'ret scented sweet;
Take flamey veil: glad hither come
Come hither borne by snow-hue'd feet
Wearing the saffron'd sock. 10
And, roused by day of joyful cheer,
Carolling nuptial lays and chaunts
With voice as silver-ringing clear,
Beat ground with feet, while brandisht flaunts
Thy hand the piney torch. 15
For Vinia comes by Manlius woo'd,
As Venus on th' Idalian crest,
Before the Phrygian judge she stood
And now with blessed omens blest,
The maid is here to wed. 20
A maiden shining bright of blee,
As Myrtle branchlet Asia bred,
Which Hamadryad deity
As toy for joyance aye befed
With humour of the dew. 25
Then hither come thou, hieing lief,
Awhile to leave th' Aonian cave,
Where 'neath the rocky Thespian cliff
Nymph Aganippe loves to lave
In cooly waves outpoured. 30
And call the house-bride, homewards bring
Maid yearning for new married fere,
Her mind with fondness manacling,
As the tough ivy here and there
Errant the tree enwinds. 35
And likewise ye, clean virginal
Maidens, to whom shall haps befall
Like day, in measure join ye all
Singing, O Hymenaeus Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 40
That with more will-full will a-hearing
The call to office due, he would
Turn footsteps hither, here appearing,
Guide to good Venus, and the good
Lover conjoining strait. 45
What God than other Godheads more
Must love-sick wights for aid implore?
Whose Godhead foremost shall adore
Mankind? O Hymenaeus Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 50
Thee for his own the trembling sire
Invokes, thee Virgins ever sue
Who laps of zone to loose aspire,
And thee the bashful bridegrooms woo
With ears that long to hear. 55
Thou to the hand of love-fierce swain
Deliverest maiden fair and fain,
From mother's fondling bosom ta'en
Perforce, O Hymen? us Hymen
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 60
Thou lacking, Venus ne'er avails--
While Fame approves for honesty--
Love-joys to lavish: ne'er she fails
Thou willing:--with such Deity
Whoe'er shall dare compare? 65
Thou wanting, never son and heir
The Hearth can bear, nor parents be
By issue girt, yet can it bear,
Thou willing:--with such Deity,
Whoe'er shall dare compare? 70
An lack a land thy sacring rite,
The perfect rule we ne'er shall see
Reach Earth's far bourne; yet such we sight,
Thou willing:--with such Deity
Whoe'er shall dare compare? 75
Your folds ye gateways wide-ope swing!
The maiden comes. Seest not the sheen
Of links their splendent tresses fling?
Let shame retard the modest mien.
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Who more she hears us weeps the more, 80
That needs she must advance. 81
Cease raining tear-drops! not for thee, (86)
Aurunculeia, risk we deem,
That fairer femininety
Clear day outdawned from Ocean stream 85
Shall ever more behold. (90)
Such in the many-tinted bower
Of rich man's garden passing gay
Upstands the hyacinthine flower.
But thou delayest, wanes the day: 90
_Prithee, come forth new Bride. _
Prithee, come forth new Bride! methinks,
Drawing in sight, the talk we hold
Thou haply hearest. See the Links!
How shake their locks begilt with gold: 95
Prithee, new Bride come forth.
Not lightly given thy mate to ill
Joys and adulterous delights
Foul fleshly pleasures seeking still
Shall ever choose he lie o' nights 100
Far from thy tender paps.
But as with pliant shoots the vine
Round nearest tree-trunk winds her way,
He shall be ever twined in thine
Embraces:--yet, lo! wanes the day: 105
Prithee, come forth new Bride!
Couchlet which to me and all
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * 110
With bright white bedstead foot.
What joys the lord of thee betide!
What love-liesse on vaguing way
O' nights! What sweets in morning tide
For thee be stored! Yet wanes the day: 115
Prithee, come forth fresh Bride!
Your lighted links, O boys, wave high:
I see the flamey veil draw nigh:
Hie, sing in merry mode and cry
"O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 120
O Hymen Hymenaeus! "
Lest longer mute tongue stays that joys
In festal jest, from Fescennine,
Nor yet denay their nuts to boys,
He-Concubine! who learns in fine 125
His lordling's love is fled.
Throw nuts to boys thou idle all
He-Concubine! wast fain full long
With nuts to play: now pleased as thrall
Be thou to swell Talasios' throng: 130
He-Concubine throw nuts.
Wont thou at peasant-girls to jape
He-whore! Thy Lord's delight the while:
Now shall hair-curling chattel scrape
Thy cheeks: poor wretch, ah! poor and vile:-- 135
He-Concubine, throw nuts.
'Tis said from smooth-faced ingle train
(Anointed bridegroom! ) hardly fain
Hast e'er refrained; now do refrain!
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 140
O Hymen Hymenaeus!
We know that naught save licit rites
Be known to thee, but wedded wights
No more deem lawful such delights.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 145
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Thou too, O Bride, whatever dare
Thy groom, of coy rebuff beware,
Lest he to find elsewhither fare.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 150
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Lo! here the house of high degree
Thy husband's puissant home to be,
Which ever shall obey thy gree.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 155
O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Till Time betide when eld the hoar
Thy head and temples trembling o'er
Make nod to all things evermore.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 160
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
O'erstep with omen meetest meet
The threshold-stone thy golden feet
Up, past the polisht panels fleet.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 165
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Within bestrewn thy bridegroom see
On couch of Tyrian cramoisy
All imminent awaiting thee.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 170
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
For in his breast not less than thine
Burn high the flames that deepest shrine,
Yet his the lowe far deeper lien.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 175
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Let fall the maid's soft arms, thou fair
Boy purple-hem'd: now be thy care
Her bridegroom's couch she seek and share.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 180
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Ye wives time-tried to husbands wed,
Well-known for chastity inbred,
Dispose the virginette a-bed.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 185
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Groom, now 'tis meet thou hither pace,
With bride in genial bed to blend,
For sheenly shines her flowery face
Where the white chamomiles contend 190
With poppies blushing red.
Yet bridegroom (So may Godhead deign
Help me! ) nowise in humbler way
Art fair, nor Venus shall disdain
Thy charms, but look! how wanes the day: 195
Forward, nor loiter more!
No longer loitering makest thou,
Now comest thou. May Venus good
Aid thee when frankly takest thou
Thy wishes won, nor true Love woo'd 200
Thou carest to conceal.
Of Afric's wolds and wilds each grain,
Or constellations glistening,
First reckon he that of the twain
To count alone were fain to bring 205
The many thousand joys.
Play as ye please: soon prove ye deft
At babying babes,--'twere ill design'd
A name thus ancient should be left
Heirless, but issue like of kind 210
Engendered aye should be.
A wee Torquatus fain I'd see
Encradled on his mother's breast
Put forth his tender puds while he
Smiles to his sire with sweetest gest 215
And liplets half apart.
Let son like father's semblance show
(Manlius! ) so with easy guess
All know him where his sire they know,
And still his face and form express 220
His mother's honest love.
Approve shall fair approof his birth
From mother's seed-stock generous,
As rarest fame of mother's worth
Unique exalts Telemachus 225
Penelope's own son.
Fast close the door-leaves, virgin band:
Enow we've played. But ye the fair
New-wedded twain live happy, and
Functions of lusty married pair 230
Exercise sans surcease.
O Fosterer of the Helicon Hill, sprung from Urania, who beareth the gentle
virgin to her mate, O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Twine round thy temples sweet-smelling flowerets of marjoram; put on thy
gold-tinted veil; light-hearted, hither, hither haste, bearing on snowy
foot the golden-yellow sandal:
And a-fire with the joyous day, chanting wedding melodies with ringing
voice, strike the ground with thy feet, with thine hand swing aloft the
For Vinia--fair as Idalian Venus, when stood before the Phrygian judge--a
virgin fair, weds Manlius 'midst happy auspices.
She, bright-shining as the Asian myrtle florid in branchlets, which the
Hamadryads nurture for their pleasure with besprinkled dew.
Wherefore, hither! leaving the Aonian grot in the Thespian Rock, o'er which
flows the chilling stream of Aganippe.
And summon homewards the mistress, eager for her new yoke, firm-prisoning
her soul in love; as tight-clasping ivy, wandering hither, thither, enwraps
the tree around.
And also ye, upright virgins, for whom a like day is nearing, chant ye in
cadence, singing "O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen Hymenaeus! "
That more freely, hearing himself to his duty called, will he bear hither
his presence, Lord of true Venus, uniter of true lovers.
What god is worthier of solicitation by anxious amourists? Whom of the
celestials do men worship more greatly? O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen
Thee for his young the trembling father beseeches, for thee virgins unclasp
the zone from their breasts, for thee the fear-full bridegroom harkeneth
with eager ear.
Thou bearest to the youngster's arms that flower-like damsel, taken from
her mother's bosom, O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Nor lacking thee may Venus take her will with fair Fame's approbation; but
she may, with thy sanction. With such a God who dares compare?
Lacking thee, no house can yield heirs, nor parent be surrounded by
offspring; but they may, with thy sanction. With such a God who dares
Nor lacking thy rites may our land be protected e'en to its boundaries; but
it may, with thy sanction. With such a God who dares compare?
Gates open wide: the virgin is here. See how the torch-flakes shake their
gleaming locks? Let shame retard the modest:
* * * *
Yet hearing, greater does she weep, that she must onwards go.
Cease thy tears. For thee there is no peril, Aurunculeia, that any woman
more beauteous from Ocean springing shall ever see the light of day.
Thou art like the hyacinthine flower, wont to stand aloft 'midst varied
riches of its lordling's garden. But thou delayest, day slips by: advance,
new mated one.
Advance, new mated, now in sight, and listen to our speech. Note how the
torch-flakes shake their glittering tresses: advance, new mated one.
Nor given to ill adulteries, nor seeking lawless shames, shall thy husband
ever wish to lie away from thy soft breasts,
But as the lithe vine amongst neighbouring trees doth cling, so shall he be
enclasped in thine encircled arms. But day slips by: advance, new mated
O nuptial couch * * * * with feet of ivory white.
What joys are coming to thy lord, in gloom o' night, in noon of day. Let
him rejoice! but day slips by: advance, new mated one.
High raise, O boys, the torches: I see the gleaming veil approach. Come,
chant in cadence, "O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus. "
Nor longer silent is lewd Fescinnine jest, nor to the boys the nuts deny,
ingle, hearing thy master's love has flown.
Give nuts to the boys, O listless ingle; enough of days thou hast played
with nuts: now 'tis meet to serve Talassius. O ingle, give the nuts!
The country lasses slighted were by thee, O ingle, till to-day: now the
bride's tiresman shaves thy face. Wretched, wretched ingle, give the nuts.
They say that from thy hairless ingles, O sweet-scented bridegroom, thou
canst scarce abstain: but abstain thou! O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen
We know that these delights were known to thee only when lawful: but to the
wedded these same no more are lawful. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen
Thou also, bride, what thy husband seekest beware of denying, lest he go
elsewhere in its search. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Look, thy husband's home is thine, potent and goodly, and shall be thine
for ever more. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Until with trembling movement thine hoary brow nods ever to everything. O
Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Lift o'er the threshold with good omen thy glistening feet, and go through
the polished gates.
Lest doom thee Nemesis hard pain repay:-- 20
She's a dire Goddess, 'ware thou cross her way.
Yestreen, Licinius, in restful day, much mirthful verse we flashed upon my
tablets, as became us, men of fancy. Each jotting versicles in turn sported
first in this metre then in that, exchanging mutual epigrams 'midst jokes
and wine. But I departed thence, afire, Licinius, with thy wit and
drolleries, so that food was useless to my wretched self; nor could sleep
close mine eyes in quiet, but all o'er the bed in restless fury did I toss,
longing to behold daylight that with thee I might speak, and again we might
be together. But afterwards, when my limbs, weakened by my restless
labours, lay stretched in semi-death upon the bed, this poem, O jocund one,
I made for thee, from which thou mayst perceive my dolour. Now 'ware thee
of presumptuousness, and our pleadings 'ware thee of rejecting, we pray
thee, eye-babe of ours, lest Nemesis exact her dues from thee. She is a
forceful Goddess; 'ware her wrath.
Ille mi par esse deo videtur,
Ille, si fas est, superare divos,
Qui sedens adversus identidem te
Spectat et audit
Dulce ridentem, misero quod omnis 5
Eripit sensus mihi: nam simul te,
Lesbia, aspexi, nihil est super mi
* * * *
Lingua sed torpet, tenuis sub artus
Flamma demanat, sonitu suopte 10
Tintinant aures geminae, teguntur
Lumina nocte.
Otium, Catulle, tibi molestumst:
Otio exultas nimiumque gestis. 15
Otium et reges prius et beatas
Perdidit urbes.
Peer of a God meseemeth he,
Nay passing Gods (and that can be! )
Who all the while sits facing thee
Sees thee and hears
Thy low sweet laughs which (ah me! ) daze 5
Mine every sense, and as I gaze
Upon thee (Lesbia! ) o'er me strays
* * * *
My tongue is dulled, my limbs adown
Flows subtle flame; with sound its own 10
Rings either ear, and o'er are strown
Mine eyes with night.
Ease has thy lot, Catullus, crost,
Ease gladdens thee at heaviest cost, 15
Ease killed the Kings ere this and lost
The tallest towns.
He to me to be peer to a god doth seem, he, if such were lawful, to
o'er-top the gods, who sitting oft a-front of thee doth gaze on thee, and
doth listen to thine laughter lovely, which doth snatch away from sombre me
mine every sense: for instant falls my glance on thee, Lesbia, naught is
left to me [of voice], but my tongue is numbed, a keen-edged flame spreads
through my limbs, with sound self-caused my twin ears sing, and mine eyes
are enwrapped with night.
Sloth, O Catullus, to thee is hurtful: in sloth beyond measure dost thou
exult and pass thy life. Sloth hath erewhile ruined rulers and gladsome
Quid est, Catulle? quid moraris emori?
Sella in curuli struma Nonius sedet,
Per consulatum peierat Vatinius:
Quid est, Catulle? quid moraris emori?
What is't, Catullus? Why delay to out die?
That Wen hight Nonius sits in curule chair,
For Consulship Vatinius false doth swear;
What is't, Catullus? Why delay to out die?
Prithee Catullus, why delay thine death? Nonius the tumour is seated in the
curule chair, Vatinius forswears himself for consul's rank: prithee
Catullus, why delay thine death?
Risi nescioquem modo e corona,
Qui, cum mirifice Vatiniana
Meus crimina Calvos explicasset,
Admirans ait haec manusque tollens,
'Di magni, salaputium disertum! ' 5
I laughed at one 'mid Forum-crowd unknown
Who, when Vatinius' crimes in wondrous way
Had by my Calvus been explained, exposed,
His hand upraising high admiring cried
"Great Gods! the loquent little Doodle-diddle! " 5
I laughed at I know not whom in the crowded court who, when with admirable
art Vatinius' crimes my Calvus had set forth, with hands uplifted and
admiring mien thus quoth "Great Gods, the fluent little Larydoodle! "
Othonis caput oppidost pusillum
* * * *
Neri rustica semilauta crura,
Subtile et leve peditum Libonis.
* * * *
Si non omnia displicere vellem
Tibi et Fuficio seni recocte 5
Irascere iterum meis iambis
Inmerentibus, unice imperator.
The head of Otho, puniest of pates
* * * *
The rustic half-washt shanks of Nerius
And Libo's subtle silent fizzling-farts.
* * * *
I wish that leastwise these should breed disgust
In thee and old Fuficius, rogue twice-cookt. 5
Again at these mine innocent iamb-lines
Wi' wrath be wrothest; unique Emperor!
Otho's head is paltry past all phrase * * * the uncouth semi-soaped shanks
of Nerius, the slender soundless fizzlings of Libo * * * if not all things
I wish would displease thee and Fuficius, the white-headed and
Anew thou shalt be enraged at my harmless iambics, emperor unique.
Oramus, si forte non molestumst,
Demostres, ubi sint tuae tenebrae.
Te campo quaesivimus minore,
Te in circo, te in omnibus libellis,
Te in templo summi Iovis sacrato. 5
In Magni simul ambulatione
Femellas omnes, amice, prendi,
Quas vultu vidi tamen serenas.
A, vel te sic ipse flagitabam,
'Camerium mihi, pessimae puellae. ' 10
Quaedam inquit, nudum sinum reducens,
'En heic in roseis latet papillis. '
Sed te iam ferre Herculei labos est. 13
Non custos si fingar ille Cretum, 23
Non si Pegaseo ferar volatu,
Non Ladas ego pinnipesve Perseus, 25
Non Rhesi nivea citaque biga:
Adde huc plumipedes volatilesque,
Ventorumque simul require cursum:
Quos cunctos, Cameri, mihi dicares,
Defessus tamen omnibus medullis 30
Et multis langoribus peresus
Essem te mihi, amice, quaeritando. 32
Tanto ten fastu negas, amice? 14
Dic nobis ubi sis futurus, ede
Audacter, conmitte, crede lucei.
Num te lacteolae tenent puellae?
Si linguam clauso tenes in ore,
Fructus proicies amoris omnes:
Verbosa gaudet Venus loquella. 20
Vel si vis, licet obseres palatum,
Dum vostri sim particeps amoris.
We pray, an' haply irk it not when prayed,
Show us where shadowed hidest thou in shade!
Thee throughout Campus Minor sought we all,
Thee in the Circus, thee in each bookstall,
Thee in Almighty Jove's fane consecrate. 5
Nor less in promenade titled from The Great
(Friend! ) I accosted each and every quean,
But mostly madams showing mien serene,
For thee I pestered all with many pleas--
"Give me Camerius, wanton baggages! " 10
Till answered certain one a-baring breasts
"Lo, 'twixt these rosy paps he haply rests! "
But now to find thee were Herculean feat. 13
Not if I feigned me that guard of Crete, 23
Not if with Pegasean wing I sped,
Or Ladas I or Perseus plumiped, 25
Or Rhesus borne in swifty car snow-white:
Add the twain foot-bewing'd and fast of flight,
And of the cursive winds require the blow:
All these (Camerius! ) couldst on me bestow.
Tho' were I wearied to each marrow bone 30
And by many o' languors clean forgone
Yet I to seek thee (friend! ) would still assay. 32
In such proud lodging (friend) wouldst self denay? 14
Tell us where haply dwell'st thou, speak outright,
Be bold and risk it, trusting truth to light,
Say do these milk-white girls thy steps detain?
If aye in tight-sealed lips thy tongue remain,
All Amor's fruitage thou shalt cast away:
Verbose is Venus, loving verbal play! 20
But, an it please thee, padlockt palate bear,
So in your friendship I have partner-share.
We beg, if maybe 'tis not untoward, thou'lt shew us where may be thine
haunt sequestered. Thee did we quest within the Lesser Fields, thee in the
Circus, thee in every bookshop, thee in holy fane of highmost Jove. In
promenade yclept "The Great," the crowd of cocottes straightway did I stop,
O friend, accosting those whose looks I noted were unruffled. And for thee
loudly did I clamour, "Restore to me Camerius, most giddy girls. " Quoth
such-an-one, her bosom bare a-shewing, "Look! 'twixt rose-red paps he
shelters him. " But labour 'tis of Hercules thee now to find. Not were I
framed the Cretan guard, nor did I move with Pegasean wing, nor were I
Ladas, or Persius with the flying foot, or Rhesus with swift and snowy
team: to these add thou the feathery-footed and winged ones, ask likewise
fleetness of the winds: which all united, O Camerius, couldst thou me
grant, yet exhausted in mine every marrow and with many a faintness
consumed should I be in my quest for thee, O friend. Why withdraw thyself
in so much pride, O friend? Tell us where thou wilt be found, declare it
boldly, give up the secret, trust it to the light. What, do the milk-white
maidens hold thee? If thou dost hold thy tongue closed up in mouth, thou
squanderest Love's every fruit: for Venus joys in many-worded babblings.
Yet if thou wishest, thou mayst bar thy palate, if I may be a sharer in thy
Orem ridiculam, Cato, et iocosam
Dignamque auribus et tuo cachinno.
Ride, quidquid amas, Cato, Catullum:
Res est ridicula et nimis iocosa.
Deprendi modo pupulum puellae 5
Trusantem: hunc ego, si placet Dionae,
Protelo rigida mea cecidi.
O risible matter (Cato! ) and jocose,
Digne of thy hearing, of thy sneering digne.
Laugh (Cato! ) an thou love Catullus thine;
The thing is risible, nay, too jocose.
Erstwhile I came upon a lad who a lass 5
Was ---- and (so please it Dion! ) I
Pierced him with stiffest staff and did him die.
O thing ridiculous, Cato, and facetious, and worthy of thine ears and of
thy laughter. Laugh, Cato, the more thou lovest Catullus: the thing is
ridiculous, and beyond measure facetious. Just now I caught a boy
a-thrusting in a girl: and on him (so please you, Dione) with rigid spear
of mine I fell.
Pulcre convenit inprobis cinaedis,
Mamurrae pathicoque Caesarique.
Nec mirum: maculae pares utrisque,
Vrbana altera et illa Formiana,
Inpressae resident nec eluentur: 5
Morbosi pariter, gemelli utrique
Vno in lectulo, erudituli ambo,
Non hic quam ille magis vorax adulter,
Rivales sociei puellularum.
Pulcre convenit inprobis cinaedis. 10
Right well are paired these Cinaedes sans shame
Mamurra and Caesar, both of pathic fame.
No wonder! Both are fouled with foulest blight,
One urban being, Formian t'other wight,
And deeply printed with indelible stain: 5
Morbose is either, and the twin-like twain
Share single Couchlet; peers in shallow lore,
Nor this nor that for lechery hungers more,
As rival wenchers who the maidens claim
Right well are paired these Cinaedes sans shame. 10
A comely couple of shameless catamites, Mamurra and Caesar, pathics both.
Nor needs amaze: they share like stains--this, Urban, the other,
Formian,--which stay deep-marked nor can they be got rid of. Both morbidly
diseased through pathic vice, the pair of twins lie in one bed, alike in
erudition, one not more than other the greater greedier adulterer, allied
rivals of the girls. A comely couple of shameless catamites.
Caeli, Lesbia nostra, Lesbia illa,
Illa Lesbia, quam Catullus unam
Plus quam se atque suos amavit omnes,
Nunc in quadriviis et angiportis
Glubit magnanimos Remi nepotes. 5
Caelius! That Lesbia of ours, that Lesbia,
That only Lesbia by Catullus loved,
Than self, far fondlier, than all his friends,
She now where four roads fork, and wind the wynds
Husks the high-minded scions Remus-sprung. 5
O Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia, the self-same Lesbia whom Catullus more
than himself and all his own did worship, now at cross-roads and in alleys
husks off the mettlesome descendants of Remus.
Bononiensis Rufa Rufulum fellat,
Vxor Meneni, saepe quam in sepulcretis
Vidistis ipso rapere de rogo cenam,
Cum devolutum ex igne prosequens panem
Ab semiraso tunderetur ustore. 5
Rufa the Bolognese drains Rufule dry,
(Wife to Menenius) she 'mid tombs you'll spy,
The same a-snatching supper from the pyre
Following the bread-loaves rolling forth the fire
Till frapped by half-shaved body-burner's ire. 5
Rufa of Bononia lends her lips to Rufulus, she the wife of Menenius, whom
oft among the sepulchres ye have seen clutching her meal from the funeral
pile, when pursuing the bread which has rolled from the fire, whilst she
was being buffeted by a semi-shorn corpse-burner.
Num te leaena montibus Libystinis
Aut Scylla latrans infima inguinum parte
Tam mente dura procreavit ac taetra,
Vt supplicis vocem in novissimo casu
Contemptam haberes a! nimis fero corde? 5
Bare thee some lioness wild in Lybian wold?
Or Scylla barking from low'st inguinal fold?
With so black spirit, of so dure a mould,
E'en voice of suppliant must thou disregard
In latest circumstance ah, heart o'er hard? 5
Did a lioness of the Libyan Hills, or Scylla yelping from her lowmost
groin, thee procreate, with mind so hard and horrid, that thou hast
contempt upon a suppliant's voice in calamity's newest stress? O heart
o'ergreatly cruel.
Collis o Heliconii
Cultor, Vraniae genus,
Qui rapis teneram ad virum
Virginem, o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee, 5
Cinge tempora floribus
Suave olentis amaraci,
Flammeum cape, laetus huc
Huc veni niveo gerens
Luteum pede soccum, 10
Excitusque hilari die
Nuptialia concinens
Voce carmina tinnula
Pelle humum pedibus, manu
Pineam quate taedam. 15
Namque Vinia Manlio,
Qualis Idalium colens
Venit ad Phrygium Venus
Iudicem, bona cum bona
Nubet alite virgo, 20
Floridis velut enitens
Myrtus Asia ramulis,
Quos Hamadryades deae
Ludicrum sibi rosido
Nutriunt umore. 25
Quare age huc aditum ferens
Perge linquere Thespiae
Rupis Aonios specus,
Nympha quos super inrigat
Frigerans Aganippe, 30
Ac domum dominam voca
Coniugis cupidam novi,
Mentem amore revinciens,
Vt tenax hedera huc et huc
Arborem inplicat errans. 35
Vosque item simul, integrae
Virgines, quibus advenit
Par dies, agite in modum
Dicite 'o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee,' 40
Vt lubentius, audiens
Se citarier ad suom
Munus, huc aditum ferat
Dux bonae Veneris, boni
Coniugator amoris. 45
Quis deus magis anxiis
Est petendus amantibus?
Quem colent homines magis
Caelitum? o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee. 50
Te suis tremulus parens
Invocat, tibi virgines
Zonula soluunt sinus,
Te timens cupida novos
Captat aure maritus. 55
Tu fero iuveni in manus
Floridam ipse puellulam
Dedis a gremio suae
Matris, o Hymenaee Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaee. 60
Nil potest sine te Venus,
Fama quod bona conprobet,
Commodi capere: at potest
Te volente. quis huic deo
Conpararier ausit? 65
Nulla quit sine te domus
Liberos dare, nec parens
Stirpe cingier: at potest
Te volente. quis huic deo
Conpararier ausit? 70
Quae tuis careat sacris,
Non queat dare praesides
Terra finibus: at queat
Te volente. quis huic deo
Conpararier ausit? 75
Claustra pandite ianuae,
Virgo ades. viden ut faces
Splendidas quatiunt comas?
Tardet ingenuos pudor:
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Quem tamen magis audiens 80
Flet, quod ire necesse est. 81
Flere desine. non tibi, A- (86)
runculeia, periculumst,
Nequa femina pulchrior
Clarum ab Oceano diem 85
Viderit venientem. (90)
Talis in vario solet
Divitis domini hortulo
Stare flos hyacinthinus.
Sed moraris, abit dies: 90
_Prodeas, nova nupta. _
Prodeas, nova nupta, si
Iam videtur, et audias
Nostra verba. vide ut faces
Aureas quatiunt comas: 95
Prodeas, nova nupta.
Non tuos levis in mala
Deditus vir adultera
Probra turpia persequens
A tuis teneris volet 100
Secubare papillis,
Lenta quin velut adsitas
Vitis inplicat arbores,
Inplicabitur in tuom
Conplexum. sed abit dies: 105
Prodeas, nova nupta.
O cubile, quod omnibus
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * 110
Candido pede lecti,
Quae tuo veniunt ero,
Quanta gaudia, quae vaga
Nocte, quae medio die
Gaudeat! sed abit dies: 115
Prodeas, nova nupta.
Tollite, o pueri, faces:
Flammeum video venire.
Ite, concinite in modum
'O Hymen Hymenaee io, 120
O Hymen Hymenaee. '
Ne diu taceat procax
Fescennina iocatio,
Nec nuces pueris neget
Desertum domini audiens 125
Concubinus amorem.
Da nuces pueris, iners
Concubine: satis diu
Lusisti nucibus: lubet
Iam servire Talasio. 130
Concubine, nuces da.
Sordebant tibi vilicae,
Concubine, hodie atque heri:
Nunc tuom cinerarius
Tondet os. miser a miser 135
Concubine, nuces da.
Diceris male te a tuis
Vnguentate glabris marite
Abstinere: sed abstine.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 140
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Scimus haec tibi quae licent
Sola cognita: sed marito
Ista non eadem licent.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 145
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Nupta, tu quoque, quae tuos
Vir petet, cave ne neges,
Ni petitum aliunde eat.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 150
O Hymen Hymenaee.
En tibi domus ut potens
Et beata viri tui,
Quae tibi sine fine erit
(O Hymen Hymenaee io, 155
O Hymen Hymenaee),
Vsque dum tremulum movens
Cana tempus anilitas
Omnia omnibus adnuit.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 160
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Transfer omine cum bono
Limen aureolos pedes,
Rasilemque subi forem.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 165
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Aspice, intus ut accubans
Vir tuos Tyrio in toro
Totus inmineat tibi.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 170
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Illi non minus ac tibi
Pectore uritur intimo
Flamma, sed penite magis.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 175
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Mitte brachiolum teres,
Praetextate, puellulae:
Iam cubile adeat viri.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 180
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Vos bonae senibus viris
Cognitae bene feminae,
Collocate puellulam.
O Hymen Hymenaee io, 185
O Hymen Hymenaee.
Iam licet venias, marite:
Vxor in thalamo tibist
Ore floridulo nitens,
Alba parthenice velut 190
Luteumve papaver.
At, marite, (ita me iuvent
Caelites) nihilo minus
Pulcher es, neque te Venus
Neglegit. sed abit dies: 195
Perge, ne remorare.
Non diu remoratus es,
Iam venis. bona te Venus
Iuverit, quoniam palam
Quod cupis capis et bonum 200
Non abscondis amorem.
Ille pulveris Africei
Siderumque micantium
Subducat numerum prius,
Qui vostri numerare volt 205
Multa milia ludei.
Ludite ut lubet, et brevi
Liberos date. non decet
Tam vetus sine liberis
Nomen esse, sed indidem 210
Semper ingenerari.
Torquatus volo parvolus
Matris e gremio suae
Porrigens teneras manus
Dulce rideat ad patrem 215
Semhiante labello.
Sit suo similis patri
Manlio et facile inscieis
Noscitetur ab omnibus
Et pudicitiam suae 220
Matris indicet ore.
Talis illius a bona
Matre laus genus adprobet,
Qualis unica ab optima
Matre Telemacho manet 225
Fama Penelopeo.
Claudite ostia, virgines:
Lusimus satis. at, bonei
Coniuges, bene vivite et
Munere adsiduo valentem 230
Exercete inventam.
Of Helicon-hill, O Thou that be
Haunter, Urania's progeny,
Who hurriest soft virginity
To man, O Hymenaeus Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 5
About thy temples bind the bloom,
Of Marjoram flow'ret scented sweet;
Take flamey veil: glad hither come
Come hither borne by snow-hue'd feet
Wearing the saffron'd sock. 10
And, roused by day of joyful cheer,
Carolling nuptial lays and chaunts
With voice as silver-ringing clear,
Beat ground with feet, while brandisht flaunts
Thy hand the piney torch. 15
For Vinia comes by Manlius woo'd,
As Venus on th' Idalian crest,
Before the Phrygian judge she stood
And now with blessed omens blest,
The maid is here to wed. 20
A maiden shining bright of blee,
As Myrtle branchlet Asia bred,
Which Hamadryad deity
As toy for joyance aye befed
With humour of the dew. 25
Then hither come thou, hieing lief,
Awhile to leave th' Aonian cave,
Where 'neath the rocky Thespian cliff
Nymph Aganippe loves to lave
In cooly waves outpoured. 30
And call the house-bride, homewards bring
Maid yearning for new married fere,
Her mind with fondness manacling,
As the tough ivy here and there
Errant the tree enwinds. 35
And likewise ye, clean virginal
Maidens, to whom shall haps befall
Like day, in measure join ye all
Singing, O Hymenaeus Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 40
That with more will-full will a-hearing
The call to office due, he would
Turn footsteps hither, here appearing,
Guide to good Venus, and the good
Lover conjoining strait. 45
What God than other Godheads more
Must love-sick wights for aid implore?
Whose Godhead foremost shall adore
Mankind? O Hymenaeus Hymen,
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 50
Thee for his own the trembling sire
Invokes, thee Virgins ever sue
Who laps of zone to loose aspire,
And thee the bashful bridegrooms woo
With ears that long to hear. 55
Thou to the hand of love-fierce swain
Deliverest maiden fair and fain,
From mother's fondling bosom ta'en
Perforce, O Hymen? us Hymen
O Hymen Hymenaeus. 60
Thou lacking, Venus ne'er avails--
While Fame approves for honesty--
Love-joys to lavish: ne'er she fails
Thou willing:--with such Deity
Whoe'er shall dare compare? 65
Thou wanting, never son and heir
The Hearth can bear, nor parents be
By issue girt, yet can it bear,
Thou willing:--with such Deity,
Whoe'er shall dare compare? 70
An lack a land thy sacring rite,
The perfect rule we ne'er shall see
Reach Earth's far bourne; yet such we sight,
Thou willing:--with such Deity
Whoe'er shall dare compare? 75
Your folds ye gateways wide-ope swing!
The maiden comes. Seest not the sheen
Of links their splendent tresses fling?
Let shame retard the modest mien.
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Who more she hears us weeps the more, 80
That needs she must advance. 81
Cease raining tear-drops! not for thee, (86)
Aurunculeia, risk we deem,
That fairer femininety
Clear day outdawned from Ocean stream 85
Shall ever more behold. (90)
Such in the many-tinted bower
Of rich man's garden passing gay
Upstands the hyacinthine flower.
But thou delayest, wanes the day: 90
_Prithee, come forth new Bride. _
Prithee, come forth new Bride! methinks,
Drawing in sight, the talk we hold
Thou haply hearest. See the Links!
How shake their locks begilt with gold: 95
Prithee, new Bride come forth.
Not lightly given thy mate to ill
Joys and adulterous delights
Foul fleshly pleasures seeking still
Shall ever choose he lie o' nights 100
Far from thy tender paps.
But as with pliant shoots the vine
Round nearest tree-trunk winds her way,
He shall be ever twined in thine
Embraces:--yet, lo! wanes the day: 105
Prithee, come forth new Bride!
Couchlet which to me and all
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * 110
With bright white bedstead foot.
What joys the lord of thee betide!
What love-liesse on vaguing way
O' nights! What sweets in morning tide
For thee be stored! Yet wanes the day: 115
Prithee, come forth fresh Bride!
Your lighted links, O boys, wave high:
I see the flamey veil draw nigh:
Hie, sing in merry mode and cry
"O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 120
O Hymen Hymenaeus! "
Lest longer mute tongue stays that joys
In festal jest, from Fescennine,
Nor yet denay their nuts to boys,
He-Concubine! who learns in fine 125
His lordling's love is fled.
Throw nuts to boys thou idle all
He-Concubine! wast fain full long
With nuts to play: now pleased as thrall
Be thou to swell Talasios' throng: 130
He-Concubine throw nuts.
Wont thou at peasant-girls to jape
He-whore! Thy Lord's delight the while:
Now shall hair-curling chattel scrape
Thy cheeks: poor wretch, ah! poor and vile:-- 135
He-Concubine, throw nuts.
'Tis said from smooth-faced ingle train
(Anointed bridegroom! ) hardly fain
Hast e'er refrained; now do refrain!
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 140
O Hymen Hymenaeus!
We know that naught save licit rites
Be known to thee, but wedded wights
No more deem lawful such delights.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 145
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Thou too, O Bride, whatever dare
Thy groom, of coy rebuff beware,
Lest he to find elsewhither fare.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 150
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Lo! here the house of high degree
Thy husband's puissant home to be,
Which ever shall obey thy gree.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 155
O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Till Time betide when eld the hoar
Thy head and temples trembling o'er
Make nod to all things evermore.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 160
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
O'erstep with omen meetest meet
The threshold-stone thy golden feet
Up, past the polisht panels fleet.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 165
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Within bestrewn thy bridegroom see
On couch of Tyrian cramoisy
All imminent awaiting thee.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 170
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
For in his breast not less than thine
Burn high the flames that deepest shrine,
Yet his the lowe far deeper lien.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 175
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Let fall the maid's soft arms, thou fair
Boy purple-hem'd: now be thy care
Her bridegroom's couch she seek and share.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 180
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Ye wives time-tried to husbands wed,
Well-known for chastity inbred,
Dispose the virginette a-bed.
O Hymen Hymenaeus io, 185
O Hymen Hymenaeus.
Groom, now 'tis meet thou hither pace,
With bride in genial bed to blend,
For sheenly shines her flowery face
Where the white chamomiles contend 190
With poppies blushing red.
Yet bridegroom (So may Godhead deign
Help me! ) nowise in humbler way
Art fair, nor Venus shall disdain
Thy charms, but look! how wanes the day: 195
Forward, nor loiter more!
No longer loitering makest thou,
Now comest thou. May Venus good
Aid thee when frankly takest thou
Thy wishes won, nor true Love woo'd 200
Thou carest to conceal.
Of Afric's wolds and wilds each grain,
Or constellations glistening,
First reckon he that of the twain
To count alone were fain to bring 205
The many thousand joys.
Play as ye please: soon prove ye deft
At babying babes,--'twere ill design'd
A name thus ancient should be left
Heirless, but issue like of kind 210
Engendered aye should be.
A wee Torquatus fain I'd see
Encradled on his mother's breast
Put forth his tender puds while he
Smiles to his sire with sweetest gest 215
And liplets half apart.
Let son like father's semblance show
(Manlius! ) so with easy guess
All know him where his sire they know,
And still his face and form express 220
His mother's honest love.
Approve shall fair approof his birth
From mother's seed-stock generous,
As rarest fame of mother's worth
Unique exalts Telemachus 225
Penelope's own son.
Fast close the door-leaves, virgin band:
Enow we've played. But ye the fair
New-wedded twain live happy, and
Functions of lusty married pair 230
Exercise sans surcease.
O Fosterer of the Helicon Hill, sprung from Urania, who beareth the gentle
virgin to her mate, O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Twine round thy temples sweet-smelling flowerets of marjoram; put on thy
gold-tinted veil; light-hearted, hither, hither haste, bearing on snowy
foot the golden-yellow sandal:
And a-fire with the joyous day, chanting wedding melodies with ringing
voice, strike the ground with thy feet, with thine hand swing aloft the
For Vinia--fair as Idalian Venus, when stood before the Phrygian judge--a
virgin fair, weds Manlius 'midst happy auspices.
She, bright-shining as the Asian myrtle florid in branchlets, which the
Hamadryads nurture for their pleasure with besprinkled dew.
Wherefore, hither! leaving the Aonian grot in the Thespian Rock, o'er which
flows the chilling stream of Aganippe.
And summon homewards the mistress, eager for her new yoke, firm-prisoning
her soul in love; as tight-clasping ivy, wandering hither, thither, enwraps
the tree around.
And also ye, upright virgins, for whom a like day is nearing, chant ye in
cadence, singing "O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen Hymenaeus! "
That more freely, hearing himself to his duty called, will he bear hither
his presence, Lord of true Venus, uniter of true lovers.
What god is worthier of solicitation by anxious amourists? Whom of the
celestials do men worship more greatly? O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen
Thee for his young the trembling father beseeches, for thee virgins unclasp
the zone from their breasts, for thee the fear-full bridegroom harkeneth
with eager ear.
Thou bearest to the youngster's arms that flower-like damsel, taken from
her mother's bosom, O Hymenaeus Hymen, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Nor lacking thee may Venus take her will with fair Fame's approbation; but
she may, with thy sanction. With such a God who dares compare?
Lacking thee, no house can yield heirs, nor parent be surrounded by
offspring; but they may, with thy sanction. With such a God who dares
Nor lacking thy rites may our land be protected e'en to its boundaries; but
it may, with thy sanction. With such a God who dares compare?
Gates open wide: the virgin is here. See how the torch-flakes shake their
gleaming locks? Let shame retard the modest:
* * * *
Yet hearing, greater does she weep, that she must onwards go.
Cease thy tears. For thee there is no peril, Aurunculeia, that any woman
more beauteous from Ocean springing shall ever see the light of day.
Thou art like the hyacinthine flower, wont to stand aloft 'midst varied
riches of its lordling's garden. But thou delayest, day slips by: advance,
new mated one.
Advance, new mated, now in sight, and listen to our speech. Note how the
torch-flakes shake their glittering tresses: advance, new mated one.
Nor given to ill adulteries, nor seeking lawless shames, shall thy husband
ever wish to lie away from thy soft breasts,
But as the lithe vine amongst neighbouring trees doth cling, so shall he be
enclasped in thine encircled arms. But day slips by: advance, new mated
O nuptial couch * * * * with feet of ivory white.
What joys are coming to thy lord, in gloom o' night, in noon of day. Let
him rejoice! but day slips by: advance, new mated one.
High raise, O boys, the torches: I see the gleaming veil approach. Come,
chant in cadence, "O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus. "
Nor longer silent is lewd Fescinnine jest, nor to the boys the nuts deny,
ingle, hearing thy master's love has flown.
Give nuts to the boys, O listless ingle; enough of days thou hast played
with nuts: now 'tis meet to serve Talassius. O ingle, give the nuts!
The country lasses slighted were by thee, O ingle, till to-day: now the
bride's tiresman shaves thy face. Wretched, wretched ingle, give the nuts.
They say that from thy hairless ingles, O sweet-scented bridegroom, thou
canst scarce abstain: but abstain thou! O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen
We know that these delights were known to thee only when lawful: but to the
wedded these same no more are lawful. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen
Thou also, bride, what thy husband seekest beware of denying, lest he go
elsewhere in its search. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Look, thy husband's home is thine, potent and goodly, and shall be thine
for ever more. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Until with trembling movement thine hoary brow nods ever to everything. O
Hymen Hymenaeus io, O Hymen Hymenaeus!
Lift o'er the threshold with good omen thy glistening feet, and go through
the polished gates.