' The Fool of Quality, or the History
of Henry, Earl of Moreland Moreland (5 vols.
of Henry, Earl of Moreland Moreland (5 vols.
Warner - World's Best Literature - v26 to v30 - Tur to Zor and Index
She visited
the United States in 1849; and in 1851 her
Homes of the New World) was published
simultaneously in England, Sweden, and this
country. *
Brentano, Clemens (bren-ta'no). A Ger-
man poet and novelist (1778-1842); born at
Ehrenbreitstein. He wrote a Life of the
Virgin Mary, based on alleged revelations.
Among the works of his early days are found
some gems of lyric poetry; and his dramatic
productions -(The Merry Musicians) (1803);
(Ponce de Leon (1804); (The Founding of
Prague) (1815) - manifest great power. Some
of his minor novels were very successful; among
them "The Good Caspar and the Fair Annie)
(1817), called by German critics a masterpiece
in miniature. ) His Fairy Tales) did not ap-
pear till after his death. *
Brentano, Elizabeth, commonly known as
Bettina von Arnim. A German writer (1785-
1859), sister of Clemens Brentano, and famed
for (Goethe's Correspondence with a Child);
which, to a great extent fictitious, is, from a
purely poetic point of view, one of the fairest
specimens of romanticism. It was translated
by her into English, and in that garb consti-
tutes a literary curiosity. Of a similar nature
is her correspondence with Caroline von Gün-
derode, the friend of her youth, published
under the title (Die Günderode) (1840). She
also wrote (This Book Belongs to the King)
(1843), an attempt to solve the question of
pauperism. *
Breton, Nicholas. An English poet of whose
life little is known (1545-1626). He was very
versatile, and wrote moral and religious poems,
satires, romances, books of character, a com-
plete letter-writer, pastorals, and lyrics. At his
best his verse compares favorably with the
sweetest of the Elizabethan singers. Some of
his works have only lately been recovered.
Grosart, Breton's Poems. ?
Breton de los Herreros, Manuel (brā ton'
dā lös ār-rā'ros). A Spanish poet (1800-73);
born in the province of Logroño. He is the
most notable Spanish poet of the first half of
the 19th century. He gave to the Spanish
stage 150 plays, some of them original, others
derived from ancient Spanish sources or trans-
lated from French or Italian. In him the old
French comedy finds not so much an imitator
as its last true representative. Among his best
original comedies are : I'm Going Back to
Madrid); "Here I am in Madrid); (This
World is All a Farce); Die Once and You'll
See. He was less successful in the historic
drama than in comedy. His satiric poems,
(Hypocrisy); Moral Epistle on the Manners
of the Age); and "Shamelessness,' are not un-
worthy of their author's great fame.
Bretschneider, Heinrich Gottfried
(bret'shni-der). An Austrian satirist (1739-
1810. ) Being in government office, he published
nearly all his writings anonymously. Most
notable perhaps of all his compositions is the
fine street ballad, “Frightful Story of the Mur.
der of Young Werther. Worthy of mention
too is the "Saints' Kalendar for 1788,' admired
by Joseph II for its witty sallies; also (George
Waller's Life and Morals,' a lively satire on
the intrigues of the court counselors and their
Bretzner, Christian Friedrich (bretsʻner).
A German dramatist (1748-1807); born at Leip-
sic. He wrote several successful comedies, fore-
most among them (The Marriage Broker, and
(The Go-Between'; also two musical dramas,
one of which, 'Belmont and Constantia, or the
Elopement from the Seraglio,' was used by
Mozart as a libretto. He wrote, on the basis
of designs by Chodoviecki and Hogarth, a
story, “Life of a Rake, in three volumes (1787 -
88), which for a while was very popular
Brewer, Antony. An English dramatist wio
lived in the 17th century. He is the author of
(The Love-Sick King' (1655), reprinted as
(The Perjured Nun' (1680). The famous play
(Lingua, or the Combat of the Five Senses
for Supremacy) (1607), half masque, half mo-
rality, was long ascribed to him and bestowed
fame on his name. (The Merry Devil of Eá
monton' (1608) and (The Country Girl (1647)
were long taken for his.
Brewer, E. Cobham. An English clergyman
and lexicographer; born in London, May 2,
1810. He received his education at Cambridge,
and entered the ministry. He has edited sev.
eral valuable reference books, among which
are : (Guide to Science) (1850); Dictionary of
Phrase and Fable) (1885); (Reader's Hand-
book) (1884); Dictionary of Miracles); etc.
Bridges, Robert. An American essayist and
critic, writing under the pseudonym Droch);
born in Pennsylvania, 1858. He has been assist-
ant editor of Scribner's Magazine since 1877,
literary critic of Life since 1883. He has writ-
ten: Overheard in Arcady,' dialogues about
contemporary writers; (Suppressed Chapters
and Other Bookishness. )
Brierley, Benjamin. An English sketch-
writer; born in Failsworth, Lancashire, in 1825.
His reputation rests on numerous stories and
sketches written in the Lancashire dialect.
His pseudonym is “Ab-o'-th' Yate. Among
his best books are: (Tales and Sketches of
Lancashire Life) (London, 1862) and 'Chron-
icles of Waverlow) (1863). "Ab-o'-th-Yate
in Yankeeland describes two visits to Amer.
ica (1887).
Briggs, Charles Augustus. An American
clergyman and religious writer; born in New
York city, Jan. 15, 1841. For a number of
## p. 75 (#91) ##############################################
years he was pastor of the Presbyterian
Church at Roselle, N. J. In 1874 he was ap-
pointed professor of Hebrew in Union Theo-
logical Seminary in New York city. He was
tried for heresy in 1892, but was acquitted.
Among his works are: (American Presbyteri-
anism (1885); (The Messiah of the Apostles)
(1886); (The Messiah of the Gospels); (The
Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch); and “The
Bible, the Church, and the Reason.
Briggs, Charles Frederick. An American
journalist and author; born at Nantucket,
Mass. , in 1804; died in Brooklyn, N. Y. , June
20, 1877. He was prominently connected with
several newspapers, among others the New
York Times and New York Independent. Be-
sides several poems, he wrote: (The Advent-
ures of Harry Franco) (1839); (The Haunted
Merchant) (1843); (History of the Atlantic
Telegraph Cable) (1860), in collaboration with
Augustus Maverick.
Bright, John. An English statesman; born
near Rochdale in Lancashire, Nov. 16, 1811;
died March 27, 1889. The son of a wealthy
Quaker cotton manufacturer, after his father's
death his brother's generously sharing the
protits of the business with him enabled him
to remain in public life. In early life he began
to take an active part in social and political
reform. He entered Parliament in 1843, and
voted for repeal of the Corn Laws and for
factory regulation. He sympathized with the
North in the Civil War. He first entered the
government in 1868, as president of the Board
of Trade. Thereafter he held office under every
Liberal administration till 1882. He was an
eloquent and impressive orator. His speeches
and addresses were published in successive
volumes, 1867-69-79, and his “Public Letters)
in 1885. *
Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme (bre-yä'-sä-vä-
ran'). A French author (1755-1826). He was
a deputy to the national convention in 1789;
emigrated in 1793 and passed some time in
the United States; returned to France in 1796.
His writings were mostly anonymous; his title
to fame is the work (Physiology of Taste, an
essay on the social implications of gastronomy,
written in elegant style with profound knowl-
edge of the subject-matter. *
Brink, Jan ten (brink). A Dutch novelist
and literary critic; born at Appingedam, June
15, 1834. Besides many essays on the literature
of his own country, of France, and of England,
he has written several novels ; among them:
(Mrs. de Roggeveen's Son-in-Law); (Holland
Dames and Cavaliers); Jan Starter and his
Wife); and a (Historic Essay on the French
Revolution. '
Brinton, Daniel Garrison. An American
surgeon, archæologist, and ethnologist; born
at Thornbury, Pa. , May 13, 1837. During the
Civil War he was a surgeon in the Union
army. From 1867 to 1887 he was editor of the
Medical and Surgical Reporter. In 1884 he
was appointed professor of ethnology at the
Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia ;
and in 1886 professor of American linguistics
and archæology in the University of Pennsyl-
vania. Among his many works are : Notes
on the Floridian Peninsula) (1859); (Ameri-
can Hero Myths) (1882); (Aboriginal American
Anthology); etc. He has edited the Maya
chronicles, and is a high authority on ali
American archæological topics.
Brisebarre, Edouard Louis (brēz-bär'). A
French dramatist (1818–71); born at Paris. He
made a brilliant theatrical success with his first
piece, (Cagliostro's Vial (1835). Thereafter
he produced more than 100 dramas and low
comedies, mostly in collaboration with other
writers. His most notable productions are:
(A Bengal Tiger); Leonard, which had an
almost unexampled (run); (The Mad Cow. '
Bristed, Charles Astor. (“Carl Benson. ”)
An American scholar and author; born in
New York city, Oct. 6, 1820; died in Wash-
ington, D. C. , Jan. 15, 1874. He graduated
from Yale University in 1839, and from Trin-
ity College, Cambridge, England, in 1845. He
traveled extensively in Europe, and was a fre-
quent contributor to the magazines. Among
his works are: Five Years in an English
University) (1851); (The Upper Ten Thou-
sand? (1852); "Interference Theory of Govern-
ment) (1868).
Britton, Nathaniel Lord. An American
scientific writer; born on Staten Island, N. Y. ,
Jan. 15, 1858. He is professor of botany in
Columbia University School of Mines. Among
his works are: (Geology of Staten Island
(1880); (Catalogue of the Flora of New Jersey)
(1882); and (An Illustrated Flora of the North-
ern United States, Canada, and the British
Possessions, from Newfoundland to the Par-
allel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia and
from the Atlantic Ocean to the 102d Meridian,'
in collaboration with A. Brown,-a very au-
thoritative work, now in course of publication
by Charles Scribner's Sons.
Brizeux, Julien Auguste Pélage (bre-ze').
A French poet (1803 58); born at Lorient. He
made his début with the charming idyl (Marie)
(1831), in which are seen all the graces of per-
fect poetic form conjoined with tenderest sen.
timent. His reputation as a true poet was well
sustained by the works which followed : ( The
Bretons) and (Stories in Verse, both crowned
by the Academy. He composed some verses
also in his native Breton speech. Ilis (Com-
plete Works) are in four volumes.
Brockes, Barthold Heinrich (brok'es). A
German poet (1680-1747); born at Hamburg.
After many years spent in high political and
diplomatic situations, he became a magistrate
at Ritzebüttel. There, in congenial retirement,
he composed his Country Life at Ritzebüttel,
a series of fine contemplations of the ever-
changing phases of the sea. He afterward
published a collection of his religious poetry:
(Earthly Enjoyment in God: Poems of Nature
and Morality
## p. 76 (#92) ##############################################
Yorkshire, 1820; died in Scarborough, May 28,
1849. She spent her life in her father's par-
sonage at Haworth; had a short experience
as a governess; and published poems with
her sisters. Her novels are: (Agnes Grey)
(1847); “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848).
* (See (Charlotte Bronté and her Sisters. ')
Bronté, Charlotte. An English novelist;
born in Thornton, April 21, 1816; died in
Haworth, March 31, 1855. Her Jane Eyre)
(London, 1847) was published under her pseu-
donym “Currer Bell”; and many personal
experiences are embodied in her novels, which
are : Jane Eyre! (1847); (Shirley) (1849);
(Villette (1853); (The Professor) (1855); and
(Emma,' unfinished. Collective edition, 7 vols. ,
1872. *
Bronté, Emily. (“Ellis Bell. ”] An English
novelist, sister of Charlotte ; born in Thornton,
1818; died in Haworth, Dec. 19, 1848. Her
novel Wuthering Heights) (1847) shows a
powerful and fantastic imagination. * (See
(Charlotte Bronté and her Sisters. ')
Brockett, Linus Pierpont. An American
historical and miscellaneous writer; born in
Canton, Conn. , Oct. 16, 1820; died Jan. 13, 1893.
He graduated from Yale Medical College in
1843. Since 1847 he has devoted himself to
literature; he has contributed largely to ency-
clopædias, and has published over 40 works,
among which are: (History of Education)
(1849); History of the Civil War' (1866);
(The Silk Industry of America) (1876).
Brodhead, Mrs. Eva Wilder (McGlasson).
An American novelist. Among her most pop-
ular works are: (One of the Visconti); Di-
ana's Livery); (An Earthly Paragon); (Bound
in Shallows.
Brodzinski, Kazimierz (brod-zins'kē). A
Polish poet; born at Krolovka, Galicia, March
8, 1791 ; died at Dresden, Oct. 10, 1835. In 1818
he lectured in Warsaw on Polish literature,
and was afterward professor in the university.
In his idyl (Wieslav) (1820) the life of the
Polish peasantry is beautifully idealized. His
works were published in 1842 (10 vols. ).
Brofferio, Angelo (brof-fā'rē-o). An Italian
poet and journalist; born near Asti, Piedmont,
in 1802; died May 26, 1866. He wrote several
dramas and comedies : (Salvator Rosa); Re-
turn of the Proscript'; My Cousin'; (All for
the Best): they met with much popular favor.
By a volume of patriotic (Songs,' he obtained
from his countrymen the title “Piedmontese
Béranger. ” His journal, Voce della Libertà,
was a powerful instrument in bringing about
the unification of Italy. He published two vol-
umes of (Memoirs. )
Brome, Alexander. An English poet; born,
1620; died 1666. He was of pronounced royal-
ist sympathies, and is remembered for various
stanzas, published under the title Songs and
Poems) (1661), and a comedy called (The
Cunning Lovers) (1654).
Brome, Richard. An English dramatist;
supposed to have died in 1652. Nothing is
known of his birth or early history, save that
he was of humble origin. He was the servant
of Ben Jonson, and wrote himself into high
repute. He is mentioned in the induction to
Jonson's Bartholomew Fair. Jonson praised
his work, and Brome always refers to Jonson
with pride. Jonson was of course his model,
men and manners his study. His most suc-
cessful play appears to have been (The North-
ern Lass) (1632), frequently acted at the Globe
and Blackfriars; (The Sparagus Garden (1635)
was also popular. The best known dramas
besides these are: (The Antipodes) (1640);
(The Jovial Crew) (1652); (The City Wit)
(1653); and (The Court Beggar) (1653). With
Thomas Heywood he wrote (The Late Lan-
cashire Witches) (1634). Brome also wrote
minor poems. Two volumes of Works) were
published in London, 1653-59; and Brome's
Dramatic Works) in London, 1873.
Bronté, Anne. (“Acton Bell. )) An English
novelist, sister of Charlotte ; born in Thornton,
Brooke, Henry. An Irish novelist and dram-
atist; born in Rantavan, County Cavan, Ire-
land, about 1703; died in Dublin, Oct. 10, 1783.
He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin,
and studied law in London, where he became
a friend of Pope. His play (Gustavus Vasa)
(1739) was performed in Dublin as (The Pa.
' The Fool of Quality, or the History
of Henry, Earl of Moreland (5 vols. , London,
1760) is his best novel. It was republished
under the supervision of Charles Kingsley in
1859. Brooke's works were collected in 4 vols. ,
London, 1778.
Brooke, Stopford Augustus. An Irish critic;
born in Letterkenny, Ireland, in 1832. He
graduated at Trinity College, Dublin; seceded
from the Church of England, and now has
charge of a Unitarian chapel in Bloomsbury.
He has published religious books; but is noted
for his scholarly and interesting works on
English literature, including History of Early
English Literature) (1892), and (Tennyson: his
Art and Relation to Modern Life) (1894).
Brooks, Charles Timothy. An American
clergyman, translator, and author; born in
Salem, Mass. , June 20, 1813; died in Newport,
R. I. , June 14, 1883. He became a minister in
the Unitarian Church in 1835. He is best
known as a translator from the German of
Schiller, Richter, Goethe, and Schefer. Among
his original works are: 'Controversy Touching
the Old Stone Mill (1851); 'Songs of Field
and Flood' (1854); Poems, Original and
Translated) (1885).
Brooks, Charles William Shirley. An
English humorist; born in London, April 29,
1816; died there, Feb. 23, 1874. He was the
son of an architect, and forsook law for jour-
nalism. In 1853 he was sent on a mission
to report on the condition of labor and the
poor in Russia, Syria, and Egypt; the result
## p. 77 (#93) ##############################################
of which appeared in "The Russians of the
South) (1856). He wrote political articles,
attracted attention by several dramas and bur-
lesques, and in 1854 joined the staff of the
London Punch. In 1870 he succeeded Mark
Lemon as its editor. His novels - which in-
clude: Aspen Court) (1855); (The Gordian
Knot) (1860); (The Silver Cord (1861);
(Sooner or Later, with illustrations by Du
Maurier (3 vols. , 1866-68); (The Naggletons)
(1875) show keen observation. He also wrote
(Amusing Poetry) (1857). His son, Reginald
Shirley, collected Brooks's (Wit and Humor
from Punch) (1875).
Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Born in Lowell,
Mass. , in 1846. He is the author of popular
juvenile books: Historic Boys) (New York,
1885); “Chivalric Days) (1886); “The Story of
the American Indian (1887); (The Story of
New York) (1888).
Brooks, Maria Gowan. An American poet,
pseudonym “Maria del Occidente » ; born in
Medford, Mass. , about 1795; died in Matan-
zas, Cuba, Nov. II, 1845. She spent her youth
in Charlestown, Mass. , and the rest of her life
in London, New York, and Cuba. Her chief
poem is "Zophiel, or the Bride of Seven); the
first canto of which appeared in Boston in
1825, and the rest was finished under South-
ey's influence in 1833. (Idomen, or the Vale of
Yumuri,' is an autobiography (1843).
Brooks, Noah. An American journalist and
author; born in Castine, Me. , Oct. 30, 1830.
Since 1850 he has been connected with news-
papers in Massachusetts, California, Washing-
ton, and New York. He has written many pop-
ular books for boys, among which are: “The
Fairport Nine) (1880); (Our Baseball Club)
(1884); (How the Republic is Governed. He
has recently edited and enlarged Bryant and
Gay's History of the United States.
Brooks, Phillips. An American clergyman
of the Episcopal Church; born in Boston, Dec.
13, 1835; died there, Jan. 23, 1893. He was rec-
tor of Protestant Episcopal churches succes-
sively in Philadelphia and in Boston, and was
made Bishop of Massachusetts in 1891. He
was an impressive pulpit orator and great spirit-
ual force, and published many volumes of ser-
mons and lectures; notably: Letters of Travel';
Lectures on Preaching' (1877); and (Essays
and Addresses) (1894). *
Brossböll, Karl. See Etlar.
Bross, William. A noted American journal-
ist; born in Montague, Sussex County, N. J. ,
Nov. 4, 1813; died in 1890. He graduated from
Williams College in 1838 and taught school for
ten years. Later he settled in Chicago and en-
tered the publishing business. He was a mem-
ber of the city council from 1855 to 1856, and
lieutenant-governor of Illinois from 1865 to
1869. Among his works are: (History of Chi-
cago) (1876); (Tom Quick, a Romance of
Indian Warfare. ) He is best remembered as
the proprietor of the Chicago Tribune.
Brotherton, Mrs. Alice Williams. An Amer.
ican poet and magazine writer; born in
Cambridge, Ind. She is a resident of Cincin-
nati, O. Her chief works are: Beyond the
Veil) (1886); (What the Wind Told the
Tree-Tops,' prose and verse for children;
(The Sailing of King Olaf, and Other Poems)
Brougham, Henry Peter, Lord Brougham
and Vaux (bro'ạm or bröm). An eminent Brit-
ish statesman, orator, and author; born in
Edinburgh, Sept. 19, 1778; died at Cannes,
France, May 7, 1868. He entered the Univer-
sity of Edinburgh in 1792. In 1802 he helped
to found the Edinburgh Review, contributing
to the first four numbers twenty-one articles,
and to the first twenty numbers eighty articles.
The article on Byron's (Hours of Idleness)
provoked the poet to write his (English Bards
and Scotch Reviewers. In 1810 Brougham
entered Parliament; where his remarkable elo.
quence gave him at once a commanding place.
He was counsel for Queen Caroline in George
IV. 's suit against her (1820), winning a decisive
victory which raised him to the height of fame
and popularity. He became Lord Chancellor in
1830, and was at the same time created a baron;
he resigned on the defeat of the Whigs in 1834,
and never again held public office, though still
taking effective part in the business and de-
bates of the House of Lords. His later years
were passed partly in England, and partly in
the beautiful retreat he had fitted up at
Cannes. lle was the steadfast and powerful
champion of revision and reform of the laws,
popular education, the abolition of slavery,
and the maintenance of peace. The famous
Reform Bill of 1832 was carried during his
chancellorship, and largely by his agency. His
miscellaneous writings in their collected edition
(II vols. , 1855-61) cover a vast number and
variety of subjects. His best works are his
(Sketches of the Statesmen of the Time of
George III. and Lives of Men of Letters
and Science. An edition of his (Speeches,
corrected by himself, was published in four
volumes in 1838. His Autobiography) was
written in extreme old age, and is unreliable.
Brougham, John. An American actor and
playwright; born in Dublin, Ireland, May 9,
1810; died in New York, June 7, 1880. He
made his debut as an actor in England in
1830. He came to America in 1842, and with
the exception of a short return trip to Eng.
land in 1860, remained here until his death.
He was the author of over 100 comedies,
farces, and burlesques. Among his most suc-
cessful plays were : (Vanity Fair); (The Irish
Emigrant); (The Game of Love); and (Lon-
don Assurance,' written in collaboration with
Dion Boucicault. He is also author of sketches
entitled (Basket of Chips ) (1855) and Bunsby
Brought Rhoda. An English novelist;
born in Segrwyd Hall, Denbighshire, Wales,
## p. 78 (#94) ##############################################
Nov. 29, 1840. She is the daughter of a clergy-
man, and
now resides at Broughton Hall,
Cheshire. Her novels are very popular, and
include: Cometh Up as a Flower) (1867);
Not Wisely but Too Well (1867); (Red as
a Rose is She) (1870); 'Good-by, Sweetheart)
(1872); Nancy) (1873); Belinda) (1883);
(Doctor Cupid' (1886); (Alas) (1890); (Mrs.
Bligh' (1892); and A Beginner' (1894).
Brown, Alice. An American essayist and
miscellaneous writer; born in New Hampshire
in 185-, She is on the staff of the Youth's
Companion. Among her works are : Fools
of Nature,' a novel (1887); (Meadow Grass);
Robert Louis Stevenson); Life of Mercy
Otis Warren.
Brown, Charles Brockden. An American
novelist; born in Philadelphia, Pa. , Jan. 17, 1771 ;
died Feb. 22, 1810. His most famous novels
are : "Wieland, or the Transformation, a tale
of ventriloquism (1798); “Ormund, or the Secret
Witness) (1799); (Arthur Mervyn, containing
a description of the yellow-fever plague of
1793 in Philadelphia (1799-80); (Jane Talbot)
(1801); Edgar Huntly, or the Sleep-Walker)
(1801); and (Clara Howard, reprinted as Philip
Stanley) (1806). His novels have attained a
considerable vogue in foreign countries, trans-
lation them into French and German prov-
ing popular. They also sold largely at one
time in England. *
Brown, David Paul. An American lawyer,
playwright, and author; born in Philadelphia,
Pa. , Sept. 28, 1795; died there, July 11, 1872.
He was admitted to the bar in 1816. Among
his works are: (Sertorius,' a tragedy (1830);
(Love and Honor,' a farce. He also wrote
(The Forum, or Forty Years' Full Practice at
the Philadelphia Bar) (1856).
Brown, Emma Elizabeth. An American
biographical writer; born in New Hampshire
in 1847. She is a resident of Newton, Mass.
Her works include popular lives of Washing-
ton, Garfield, Holmes, and Lowell; and among
other volumes : ( The Child Toilers of Boston
Streets) (1878); “True Manliness) (1880).
Brown, Frances. An Irish poet; born in
Stranorlar, County Donegal, Ireland, in 1816.
She is called (The Blind Poetess of Ulster,
and is known by (The Star of Attéghéi and
Other Poems) (London, 1844), and Lyrics and
Miscellaneous Poems) (1847).
Brown, John. A Scotch essayist; born at
Biggar, 1810; died 1882. He practiced media
cine in Edinburgh. Whatever his pen touched
it adorned. The objects of his affection were
homely landscapes, old-fashioned people, the
departed, children, and dogs. Humor and pa-
thos tinged all he wrote. The story of Rab,
the dog, and that of Marjorie Fleming, the
child, will live long in English literature.
Three volumes contain all his writings : Horæ
Subsecivæ) (2 vols. ), and John Leech and
Other Papers. *
Brown, Oliver Madox. An English author
and artist; born in Finchley, Jan. 20, 1855; died
in London, Nov. 5, 1874. He inherited great
talent for painting from his father, Ford Madox
Brown (1821-93), and at an early age exhibited
remarkable water-colors. Although he died
young, his literary work, including stories and
poems, is valued for its imaginative power.
His Literary Remains) (London, 1876) con-
tain his story (The Black Swan,' originally
published as (Gabriel Denver) (1873), and a
sonnet to his memory by Dante Gabriel Ros-
setti. See J. H. Ingram, "O. M. Brown' (Lon-
don, 1883).
Brown, T. E. An English poet; born 18—;
died 1897. He was a clergyman of the Church
of England, and had made a special study of
manners and people in the Isle of Man, where
he was stationed. His poems comprised nar-
ratives in tne Manx dialect, and personal lyrics
and elegiacs. The most notable are: Betsy
Lee); Fo'c's'le Yarns); (The Manx Witch';
and (The Doctor.
Browne, Charles Farrar. (“Artemus Ward. ”)
An American humorist; born at Waterford,
Me. , April 26, 1834; died at Southampton, Eng-
land, March 6, 1867. He is most celebrated for
the collections of humor called “Artemus Ward,
his Book) (1862); (Artemus Ward, his Tray-
els) (1863? ). His productions were widely
quoted, and his popularity as a lecturer was
very great. In 1866 he visited England on a
lecture tour, and contributed to Punch. *
Browne, Irving. An American lawyer, edi.
tor, and author; born in Marshall, Oneida
County, N. Y. , Sept. 14, 1835. In 1857 he grad-
uated from the Albany Law School and prac-
ticed in Troy. In 1879 he became editor of
the Albany Law Journal. His works include:
(Humorous Phases of the Law) (1876); "Law
and Lawyers in Literature (1883); “The Ele-
ments of Criminal Law. !
Browne, John Ross. An Irish-American
traveler and author; born in Ireland in 1817;
died in Oakland, Cal. , Dec. 9, 1875. He came
when a child to the United States. His chief
works are: (Etchings of a Whaling Cruise,
with Notes of a Sojourn on the Island of Zan-
zibar) (1846); (Yusef, or the Journey of the
Fragi: a Crusade in the East) (1853); (The
Land of Thor) (1866); and Adventures in the
Apache Country) (1869).
Browne, Junius Henri. An American jour.
nalist; born at Seneca Falls, N. Y. , in 1833.
He is a resident of New York city. Among his
works are: (Four Years in Secessia) (1865);
(The Great Metropolis, a Mirror of New York)
(1869); (Sights and Sensations in Europe)
Browne, Sir Thomas. An English anti-
quary and physician (1605-82); born in Lon-
don. After receiving an academic and a
professional (medical) education in England,
he visited the Continent and took the degree
M. D. at Leyden. He was knighted by Charles
## p. 79 (#95) ##############################################
II. His principal work is Religio Medici
(1642), a liberal confession of faith for that
day. Four years later he published a treatise
on (Vulgar Errors,' directed against the cur-
rent superstitions of his contemporaries. Urn
Burial appeared in 1658.
the United States in 1849; and in 1851 her
Homes of the New World) was published
simultaneously in England, Sweden, and this
country. *
Brentano, Clemens (bren-ta'no). A Ger-
man poet and novelist (1778-1842); born at
Ehrenbreitstein. He wrote a Life of the
Virgin Mary, based on alleged revelations.
Among the works of his early days are found
some gems of lyric poetry; and his dramatic
productions -(The Merry Musicians) (1803);
(Ponce de Leon (1804); (The Founding of
Prague) (1815) - manifest great power. Some
of his minor novels were very successful; among
them "The Good Caspar and the Fair Annie)
(1817), called by German critics a masterpiece
in miniature. ) His Fairy Tales) did not ap-
pear till after his death. *
Brentano, Elizabeth, commonly known as
Bettina von Arnim. A German writer (1785-
1859), sister of Clemens Brentano, and famed
for (Goethe's Correspondence with a Child);
which, to a great extent fictitious, is, from a
purely poetic point of view, one of the fairest
specimens of romanticism. It was translated
by her into English, and in that garb consti-
tutes a literary curiosity. Of a similar nature
is her correspondence with Caroline von Gün-
derode, the friend of her youth, published
under the title (Die Günderode) (1840). She
also wrote (This Book Belongs to the King)
(1843), an attempt to solve the question of
pauperism. *
Breton, Nicholas. An English poet of whose
life little is known (1545-1626). He was very
versatile, and wrote moral and religious poems,
satires, romances, books of character, a com-
plete letter-writer, pastorals, and lyrics. At his
best his verse compares favorably with the
sweetest of the Elizabethan singers. Some of
his works have only lately been recovered.
Grosart, Breton's Poems. ?
Breton de los Herreros, Manuel (brā ton'
dā lös ār-rā'ros). A Spanish poet (1800-73);
born in the province of Logroño. He is the
most notable Spanish poet of the first half of
the 19th century. He gave to the Spanish
stage 150 plays, some of them original, others
derived from ancient Spanish sources or trans-
lated from French or Italian. In him the old
French comedy finds not so much an imitator
as its last true representative. Among his best
original comedies are : I'm Going Back to
Madrid); "Here I am in Madrid); (This
World is All a Farce); Die Once and You'll
See. He was less successful in the historic
drama than in comedy. His satiric poems,
(Hypocrisy); Moral Epistle on the Manners
of the Age); and "Shamelessness,' are not un-
worthy of their author's great fame.
Bretschneider, Heinrich Gottfried
(bret'shni-der). An Austrian satirist (1739-
1810. ) Being in government office, he published
nearly all his writings anonymously. Most
notable perhaps of all his compositions is the
fine street ballad, “Frightful Story of the Mur.
der of Young Werther. Worthy of mention
too is the "Saints' Kalendar for 1788,' admired
by Joseph II for its witty sallies; also (George
Waller's Life and Morals,' a lively satire on
the intrigues of the court counselors and their
Bretzner, Christian Friedrich (bretsʻner).
A German dramatist (1748-1807); born at Leip-
sic. He wrote several successful comedies, fore-
most among them (The Marriage Broker, and
(The Go-Between'; also two musical dramas,
one of which, 'Belmont and Constantia, or the
Elopement from the Seraglio,' was used by
Mozart as a libretto. He wrote, on the basis
of designs by Chodoviecki and Hogarth, a
story, “Life of a Rake, in three volumes (1787 -
88), which for a while was very popular
Brewer, Antony. An English dramatist wio
lived in the 17th century. He is the author of
(The Love-Sick King' (1655), reprinted as
(The Perjured Nun' (1680). The famous play
(Lingua, or the Combat of the Five Senses
for Supremacy) (1607), half masque, half mo-
rality, was long ascribed to him and bestowed
fame on his name. (The Merry Devil of Eá
monton' (1608) and (The Country Girl (1647)
were long taken for his.
Brewer, E. Cobham. An English clergyman
and lexicographer; born in London, May 2,
1810. He received his education at Cambridge,
and entered the ministry. He has edited sev.
eral valuable reference books, among which
are : (Guide to Science) (1850); Dictionary of
Phrase and Fable) (1885); (Reader's Hand-
book) (1884); Dictionary of Miracles); etc.
Bridges, Robert. An American essayist and
critic, writing under the pseudonym Droch);
born in Pennsylvania, 1858. He has been assist-
ant editor of Scribner's Magazine since 1877,
literary critic of Life since 1883. He has writ-
ten: Overheard in Arcady,' dialogues about
contemporary writers; (Suppressed Chapters
and Other Bookishness. )
Brierley, Benjamin. An English sketch-
writer; born in Failsworth, Lancashire, in 1825.
His reputation rests on numerous stories and
sketches written in the Lancashire dialect.
His pseudonym is “Ab-o'-th' Yate. Among
his best books are: (Tales and Sketches of
Lancashire Life) (London, 1862) and 'Chron-
icles of Waverlow) (1863). "Ab-o'-th-Yate
in Yankeeland describes two visits to Amer.
ica (1887).
Briggs, Charles Augustus. An American
clergyman and religious writer; born in New
York city, Jan. 15, 1841. For a number of
## p. 75 (#91) ##############################################
years he was pastor of the Presbyterian
Church at Roselle, N. J. In 1874 he was ap-
pointed professor of Hebrew in Union Theo-
logical Seminary in New York city. He was
tried for heresy in 1892, but was acquitted.
Among his works are: (American Presbyteri-
anism (1885); (The Messiah of the Apostles)
(1886); (The Messiah of the Gospels); (The
Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch); and “The
Bible, the Church, and the Reason.
Briggs, Charles Frederick. An American
journalist and author; born at Nantucket,
Mass. , in 1804; died in Brooklyn, N. Y. , June
20, 1877. He was prominently connected with
several newspapers, among others the New
York Times and New York Independent. Be-
sides several poems, he wrote: (The Advent-
ures of Harry Franco) (1839); (The Haunted
Merchant) (1843); (History of the Atlantic
Telegraph Cable) (1860), in collaboration with
Augustus Maverick.
Bright, John. An English statesman; born
near Rochdale in Lancashire, Nov. 16, 1811;
died March 27, 1889. The son of a wealthy
Quaker cotton manufacturer, after his father's
death his brother's generously sharing the
protits of the business with him enabled him
to remain in public life. In early life he began
to take an active part in social and political
reform. He entered Parliament in 1843, and
voted for repeal of the Corn Laws and for
factory regulation. He sympathized with the
North in the Civil War. He first entered the
government in 1868, as president of the Board
of Trade. Thereafter he held office under every
Liberal administration till 1882. He was an
eloquent and impressive orator. His speeches
and addresses were published in successive
volumes, 1867-69-79, and his “Public Letters)
in 1885. *
Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme (bre-yä'-sä-vä-
ran'). A French author (1755-1826). He was
a deputy to the national convention in 1789;
emigrated in 1793 and passed some time in
the United States; returned to France in 1796.
His writings were mostly anonymous; his title
to fame is the work (Physiology of Taste, an
essay on the social implications of gastronomy,
written in elegant style with profound knowl-
edge of the subject-matter. *
Brink, Jan ten (brink). A Dutch novelist
and literary critic; born at Appingedam, June
15, 1834. Besides many essays on the literature
of his own country, of France, and of England,
he has written several novels ; among them:
(Mrs. de Roggeveen's Son-in-Law); (Holland
Dames and Cavaliers); Jan Starter and his
Wife); and a (Historic Essay on the French
Revolution. '
Brinton, Daniel Garrison. An American
surgeon, archæologist, and ethnologist; born
at Thornbury, Pa. , May 13, 1837. During the
Civil War he was a surgeon in the Union
army. From 1867 to 1887 he was editor of the
Medical and Surgical Reporter. In 1884 he
was appointed professor of ethnology at the
Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia ;
and in 1886 professor of American linguistics
and archæology in the University of Pennsyl-
vania. Among his many works are : Notes
on the Floridian Peninsula) (1859); (Ameri-
can Hero Myths) (1882); (Aboriginal American
Anthology); etc. He has edited the Maya
chronicles, and is a high authority on ali
American archæological topics.
Brisebarre, Edouard Louis (brēz-bär'). A
French dramatist (1818–71); born at Paris. He
made a brilliant theatrical success with his first
piece, (Cagliostro's Vial (1835). Thereafter
he produced more than 100 dramas and low
comedies, mostly in collaboration with other
writers. His most notable productions are:
(A Bengal Tiger); Leonard, which had an
almost unexampled (run); (The Mad Cow. '
Bristed, Charles Astor. (“Carl Benson. ”)
An American scholar and author; born in
New York city, Oct. 6, 1820; died in Wash-
ington, D. C. , Jan. 15, 1874. He graduated
from Yale University in 1839, and from Trin-
ity College, Cambridge, England, in 1845. He
traveled extensively in Europe, and was a fre-
quent contributor to the magazines. Among
his works are: Five Years in an English
University) (1851); (The Upper Ten Thou-
sand? (1852); "Interference Theory of Govern-
ment) (1868).
Britton, Nathaniel Lord. An American
scientific writer; born on Staten Island, N. Y. ,
Jan. 15, 1858. He is professor of botany in
Columbia University School of Mines. Among
his works are: (Geology of Staten Island
(1880); (Catalogue of the Flora of New Jersey)
(1882); and (An Illustrated Flora of the North-
ern United States, Canada, and the British
Possessions, from Newfoundland to the Par-
allel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia and
from the Atlantic Ocean to the 102d Meridian,'
in collaboration with A. Brown,-a very au-
thoritative work, now in course of publication
by Charles Scribner's Sons.
Brizeux, Julien Auguste Pélage (bre-ze').
A French poet (1803 58); born at Lorient. He
made his début with the charming idyl (Marie)
(1831), in which are seen all the graces of per-
fect poetic form conjoined with tenderest sen.
timent. His reputation as a true poet was well
sustained by the works which followed : ( The
Bretons) and (Stories in Verse, both crowned
by the Academy. He composed some verses
also in his native Breton speech. Ilis (Com-
plete Works) are in four volumes.
Brockes, Barthold Heinrich (brok'es). A
German poet (1680-1747); born at Hamburg.
After many years spent in high political and
diplomatic situations, he became a magistrate
at Ritzebüttel. There, in congenial retirement,
he composed his Country Life at Ritzebüttel,
a series of fine contemplations of the ever-
changing phases of the sea. He afterward
published a collection of his religious poetry:
(Earthly Enjoyment in God: Poems of Nature
and Morality
## p. 76 (#92) ##############################################
Yorkshire, 1820; died in Scarborough, May 28,
1849. She spent her life in her father's par-
sonage at Haworth; had a short experience
as a governess; and published poems with
her sisters. Her novels are: (Agnes Grey)
(1847); “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848).
* (See (Charlotte Bronté and her Sisters. ')
Bronté, Charlotte. An English novelist;
born in Thornton, April 21, 1816; died in
Haworth, March 31, 1855. Her Jane Eyre)
(London, 1847) was published under her pseu-
donym “Currer Bell”; and many personal
experiences are embodied in her novels, which
are : Jane Eyre! (1847); (Shirley) (1849);
(Villette (1853); (The Professor) (1855); and
(Emma,' unfinished. Collective edition, 7 vols. ,
1872. *
Bronté, Emily. (“Ellis Bell. ”] An English
novelist, sister of Charlotte ; born in Thornton,
1818; died in Haworth, Dec. 19, 1848. Her
novel Wuthering Heights) (1847) shows a
powerful and fantastic imagination. * (See
(Charlotte Bronté and her Sisters. ')
Brockett, Linus Pierpont. An American
historical and miscellaneous writer; born in
Canton, Conn. , Oct. 16, 1820; died Jan. 13, 1893.
He graduated from Yale Medical College in
1843. Since 1847 he has devoted himself to
literature; he has contributed largely to ency-
clopædias, and has published over 40 works,
among which are: (History of Education)
(1849); History of the Civil War' (1866);
(The Silk Industry of America) (1876).
Brodhead, Mrs. Eva Wilder (McGlasson).
An American novelist. Among her most pop-
ular works are: (One of the Visconti); Di-
ana's Livery); (An Earthly Paragon); (Bound
in Shallows.
Brodzinski, Kazimierz (brod-zins'kē). A
Polish poet; born at Krolovka, Galicia, March
8, 1791 ; died at Dresden, Oct. 10, 1835. In 1818
he lectured in Warsaw on Polish literature,
and was afterward professor in the university.
In his idyl (Wieslav) (1820) the life of the
Polish peasantry is beautifully idealized. His
works were published in 1842 (10 vols. ).
Brofferio, Angelo (brof-fā'rē-o). An Italian
poet and journalist; born near Asti, Piedmont,
in 1802; died May 26, 1866. He wrote several
dramas and comedies : (Salvator Rosa); Re-
turn of the Proscript'; My Cousin'; (All for
the Best): they met with much popular favor.
By a volume of patriotic (Songs,' he obtained
from his countrymen the title “Piedmontese
Béranger. ” His journal, Voce della Libertà,
was a powerful instrument in bringing about
the unification of Italy. He published two vol-
umes of (Memoirs. )
Brome, Alexander. An English poet; born,
1620; died 1666. He was of pronounced royal-
ist sympathies, and is remembered for various
stanzas, published under the title Songs and
Poems) (1661), and a comedy called (The
Cunning Lovers) (1654).
Brome, Richard. An English dramatist;
supposed to have died in 1652. Nothing is
known of his birth or early history, save that
he was of humble origin. He was the servant
of Ben Jonson, and wrote himself into high
repute. He is mentioned in the induction to
Jonson's Bartholomew Fair. Jonson praised
his work, and Brome always refers to Jonson
with pride. Jonson was of course his model,
men and manners his study. His most suc-
cessful play appears to have been (The North-
ern Lass) (1632), frequently acted at the Globe
and Blackfriars; (The Sparagus Garden (1635)
was also popular. The best known dramas
besides these are: (The Antipodes) (1640);
(The Jovial Crew) (1652); (The City Wit)
(1653); and (The Court Beggar) (1653). With
Thomas Heywood he wrote (The Late Lan-
cashire Witches) (1634). Brome also wrote
minor poems. Two volumes of Works) were
published in London, 1653-59; and Brome's
Dramatic Works) in London, 1873.
Bronté, Anne. (“Acton Bell. )) An English
novelist, sister of Charlotte ; born in Thornton,
Brooke, Henry. An Irish novelist and dram-
atist; born in Rantavan, County Cavan, Ire-
land, about 1703; died in Dublin, Oct. 10, 1783.
He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin,
and studied law in London, where he became
a friend of Pope. His play (Gustavus Vasa)
(1739) was performed in Dublin as (The Pa.
' The Fool of Quality, or the History
of Henry, Earl of Moreland (5 vols. , London,
1760) is his best novel. It was republished
under the supervision of Charles Kingsley in
1859. Brooke's works were collected in 4 vols. ,
London, 1778.
Brooke, Stopford Augustus. An Irish critic;
born in Letterkenny, Ireland, in 1832. He
graduated at Trinity College, Dublin; seceded
from the Church of England, and now has
charge of a Unitarian chapel in Bloomsbury.
He has published religious books; but is noted
for his scholarly and interesting works on
English literature, including History of Early
English Literature) (1892), and (Tennyson: his
Art and Relation to Modern Life) (1894).
Brooks, Charles Timothy. An American
clergyman, translator, and author; born in
Salem, Mass. , June 20, 1813; died in Newport,
R. I. , June 14, 1883. He became a minister in
the Unitarian Church in 1835. He is best
known as a translator from the German of
Schiller, Richter, Goethe, and Schefer. Among
his original works are: 'Controversy Touching
the Old Stone Mill (1851); 'Songs of Field
and Flood' (1854); Poems, Original and
Translated) (1885).
Brooks, Charles William Shirley. An
English humorist; born in London, April 29,
1816; died there, Feb. 23, 1874. He was the
son of an architect, and forsook law for jour-
nalism. In 1853 he was sent on a mission
to report on the condition of labor and the
poor in Russia, Syria, and Egypt; the result
## p. 77 (#93) ##############################################
of which appeared in "The Russians of the
South) (1856). He wrote political articles,
attracted attention by several dramas and bur-
lesques, and in 1854 joined the staff of the
London Punch. In 1870 he succeeded Mark
Lemon as its editor. His novels - which in-
clude: Aspen Court) (1855); (The Gordian
Knot) (1860); (The Silver Cord (1861);
(Sooner or Later, with illustrations by Du
Maurier (3 vols. , 1866-68); (The Naggletons)
(1875) show keen observation. He also wrote
(Amusing Poetry) (1857). His son, Reginald
Shirley, collected Brooks's (Wit and Humor
from Punch) (1875).
Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Born in Lowell,
Mass. , in 1846. He is the author of popular
juvenile books: Historic Boys) (New York,
1885); “Chivalric Days) (1886); “The Story of
the American Indian (1887); (The Story of
New York) (1888).
Brooks, Maria Gowan. An American poet,
pseudonym “Maria del Occidente » ; born in
Medford, Mass. , about 1795; died in Matan-
zas, Cuba, Nov. II, 1845. She spent her youth
in Charlestown, Mass. , and the rest of her life
in London, New York, and Cuba. Her chief
poem is "Zophiel, or the Bride of Seven); the
first canto of which appeared in Boston in
1825, and the rest was finished under South-
ey's influence in 1833. (Idomen, or the Vale of
Yumuri,' is an autobiography (1843).
Brooks, Noah. An American journalist and
author; born in Castine, Me. , Oct. 30, 1830.
Since 1850 he has been connected with news-
papers in Massachusetts, California, Washing-
ton, and New York. He has written many pop-
ular books for boys, among which are: “The
Fairport Nine) (1880); (Our Baseball Club)
(1884); (How the Republic is Governed. He
has recently edited and enlarged Bryant and
Gay's History of the United States.
Brooks, Phillips. An American clergyman
of the Episcopal Church; born in Boston, Dec.
13, 1835; died there, Jan. 23, 1893. He was rec-
tor of Protestant Episcopal churches succes-
sively in Philadelphia and in Boston, and was
made Bishop of Massachusetts in 1891. He
was an impressive pulpit orator and great spirit-
ual force, and published many volumes of ser-
mons and lectures; notably: Letters of Travel';
Lectures on Preaching' (1877); and (Essays
and Addresses) (1894). *
Brossböll, Karl. See Etlar.
Bross, William. A noted American journal-
ist; born in Montague, Sussex County, N. J. ,
Nov. 4, 1813; died in 1890. He graduated from
Williams College in 1838 and taught school for
ten years. Later he settled in Chicago and en-
tered the publishing business. He was a mem-
ber of the city council from 1855 to 1856, and
lieutenant-governor of Illinois from 1865 to
1869. Among his works are: (History of Chi-
cago) (1876); (Tom Quick, a Romance of
Indian Warfare. ) He is best remembered as
the proprietor of the Chicago Tribune.
Brotherton, Mrs. Alice Williams. An Amer.
ican poet and magazine writer; born in
Cambridge, Ind. She is a resident of Cincin-
nati, O. Her chief works are: Beyond the
Veil) (1886); (What the Wind Told the
Tree-Tops,' prose and verse for children;
(The Sailing of King Olaf, and Other Poems)
Brougham, Henry Peter, Lord Brougham
and Vaux (bro'ạm or bröm). An eminent Brit-
ish statesman, orator, and author; born in
Edinburgh, Sept. 19, 1778; died at Cannes,
France, May 7, 1868. He entered the Univer-
sity of Edinburgh in 1792. In 1802 he helped
to found the Edinburgh Review, contributing
to the first four numbers twenty-one articles,
and to the first twenty numbers eighty articles.
The article on Byron's (Hours of Idleness)
provoked the poet to write his (English Bards
and Scotch Reviewers. In 1810 Brougham
entered Parliament; where his remarkable elo.
quence gave him at once a commanding place.
He was counsel for Queen Caroline in George
IV. 's suit against her (1820), winning a decisive
victory which raised him to the height of fame
and popularity. He became Lord Chancellor in
1830, and was at the same time created a baron;
he resigned on the defeat of the Whigs in 1834,
and never again held public office, though still
taking effective part in the business and de-
bates of the House of Lords. His later years
were passed partly in England, and partly in
the beautiful retreat he had fitted up at
Cannes. lle was the steadfast and powerful
champion of revision and reform of the laws,
popular education, the abolition of slavery,
and the maintenance of peace. The famous
Reform Bill of 1832 was carried during his
chancellorship, and largely by his agency. His
miscellaneous writings in their collected edition
(II vols. , 1855-61) cover a vast number and
variety of subjects. His best works are his
(Sketches of the Statesmen of the Time of
George III. and Lives of Men of Letters
and Science. An edition of his (Speeches,
corrected by himself, was published in four
volumes in 1838. His Autobiography) was
written in extreme old age, and is unreliable.
Brougham, John. An American actor and
playwright; born in Dublin, Ireland, May 9,
1810; died in New York, June 7, 1880. He
made his debut as an actor in England in
1830. He came to America in 1842, and with
the exception of a short return trip to Eng.
land in 1860, remained here until his death.
He was the author of over 100 comedies,
farces, and burlesques. Among his most suc-
cessful plays were : (Vanity Fair); (The Irish
Emigrant); (The Game of Love); and (Lon-
don Assurance,' written in collaboration with
Dion Boucicault. He is also author of sketches
entitled (Basket of Chips ) (1855) and Bunsby
Brought Rhoda. An English novelist;
born in Segrwyd Hall, Denbighshire, Wales,
## p. 78 (#94) ##############################################
Nov. 29, 1840. She is the daughter of a clergy-
man, and
now resides at Broughton Hall,
Cheshire. Her novels are very popular, and
include: Cometh Up as a Flower) (1867);
Not Wisely but Too Well (1867); (Red as
a Rose is She) (1870); 'Good-by, Sweetheart)
(1872); Nancy) (1873); Belinda) (1883);
(Doctor Cupid' (1886); (Alas) (1890); (Mrs.
Bligh' (1892); and A Beginner' (1894).
Brown, Alice. An American essayist and
miscellaneous writer; born in New Hampshire
in 185-, She is on the staff of the Youth's
Companion. Among her works are : Fools
of Nature,' a novel (1887); (Meadow Grass);
Robert Louis Stevenson); Life of Mercy
Otis Warren.
Brown, Charles Brockden. An American
novelist; born in Philadelphia, Pa. , Jan. 17, 1771 ;
died Feb. 22, 1810. His most famous novels
are : "Wieland, or the Transformation, a tale
of ventriloquism (1798); “Ormund, or the Secret
Witness) (1799); (Arthur Mervyn, containing
a description of the yellow-fever plague of
1793 in Philadelphia (1799-80); (Jane Talbot)
(1801); Edgar Huntly, or the Sleep-Walker)
(1801); and (Clara Howard, reprinted as Philip
Stanley) (1806). His novels have attained a
considerable vogue in foreign countries, trans-
lation them into French and German prov-
ing popular. They also sold largely at one
time in England. *
Brown, David Paul. An American lawyer,
playwright, and author; born in Philadelphia,
Pa. , Sept. 28, 1795; died there, July 11, 1872.
He was admitted to the bar in 1816. Among
his works are: (Sertorius,' a tragedy (1830);
(Love and Honor,' a farce. He also wrote
(The Forum, or Forty Years' Full Practice at
the Philadelphia Bar) (1856).
Brown, Emma Elizabeth. An American
biographical writer; born in New Hampshire
in 1847. She is a resident of Newton, Mass.
Her works include popular lives of Washing-
ton, Garfield, Holmes, and Lowell; and among
other volumes : ( The Child Toilers of Boston
Streets) (1878); “True Manliness) (1880).
Brown, Frances. An Irish poet; born in
Stranorlar, County Donegal, Ireland, in 1816.
She is called (The Blind Poetess of Ulster,
and is known by (The Star of Attéghéi and
Other Poems) (London, 1844), and Lyrics and
Miscellaneous Poems) (1847).
Brown, John. A Scotch essayist; born at
Biggar, 1810; died 1882. He practiced media
cine in Edinburgh. Whatever his pen touched
it adorned. The objects of his affection were
homely landscapes, old-fashioned people, the
departed, children, and dogs. Humor and pa-
thos tinged all he wrote. The story of Rab,
the dog, and that of Marjorie Fleming, the
child, will live long in English literature.
Three volumes contain all his writings : Horæ
Subsecivæ) (2 vols. ), and John Leech and
Other Papers. *
Brown, Oliver Madox. An English author
and artist; born in Finchley, Jan. 20, 1855; died
in London, Nov. 5, 1874. He inherited great
talent for painting from his father, Ford Madox
Brown (1821-93), and at an early age exhibited
remarkable water-colors. Although he died
young, his literary work, including stories and
poems, is valued for its imaginative power.
His Literary Remains) (London, 1876) con-
tain his story (The Black Swan,' originally
published as (Gabriel Denver) (1873), and a
sonnet to his memory by Dante Gabriel Ros-
setti. See J. H. Ingram, "O. M. Brown' (Lon-
don, 1883).
Brown, T. E. An English poet; born 18—;
died 1897. He was a clergyman of the Church
of England, and had made a special study of
manners and people in the Isle of Man, where
he was stationed. His poems comprised nar-
ratives in tne Manx dialect, and personal lyrics
and elegiacs. The most notable are: Betsy
Lee); Fo'c's'le Yarns); (The Manx Witch';
and (The Doctor.
Browne, Charles Farrar. (“Artemus Ward. ”)
An American humorist; born at Waterford,
Me. , April 26, 1834; died at Southampton, Eng-
land, March 6, 1867. He is most celebrated for
the collections of humor called “Artemus Ward,
his Book) (1862); (Artemus Ward, his Tray-
els) (1863? ). His productions were widely
quoted, and his popularity as a lecturer was
very great. In 1866 he visited England on a
lecture tour, and contributed to Punch. *
Browne, Irving. An American lawyer, edi.
tor, and author; born in Marshall, Oneida
County, N. Y. , Sept. 14, 1835. In 1857 he grad-
uated from the Albany Law School and prac-
ticed in Troy. In 1879 he became editor of
the Albany Law Journal. His works include:
(Humorous Phases of the Law) (1876); "Law
and Lawyers in Literature (1883); “The Ele-
ments of Criminal Law. !
Browne, John Ross. An Irish-American
traveler and author; born in Ireland in 1817;
died in Oakland, Cal. , Dec. 9, 1875. He came
when a child to the United States. His chief
works are: (Etchings of a Whaling Cruise,
with Notes of a Sojourn on the Island of Zan-
zibar) (1846); (Yusef, or the Journey of the
Fragi: a Crusade in the East) (1853); (The
Land of Thor) (1866); and Adventures in the
Apache Country) (1869).
Browne, Junius Henri. An American jour.
nalist; born at Seneca Falls, N. Y. , in 1833.
He is a resident of New York city. Among his
works are: (Four Years in Secessia) (1865);
(The Great Metropolis, a Mirror of New York)
(1869); (Sights and Sensations in Europe)
Browne, Sir Thomas. An English anti-
quary and physician (1605-82); born in Lon-
don. After receiving an academic and a
professional (medical) education in England,
he visited the Continent and took the degree
M. D. at Leyden. He was knighted by Charles
## p. 79 (#95) ##############################################
II. His principal work is Religio Medici
(1642), a liberal confession of faith for that
day. Four years later he published a treatise
on (Vulgar Errors,' directed against the cur-
rent superstitions of his contemporaries. Urn
Burial appeared in 1658.