The book closes
upon the conquerors each «going to his
own place, and upon world-weary Alex-
andria settling down to its everlasting
upon the conquerors each «going to his
own place, and upon world-weary Alex-
andria settling down to its everlasting
Warner - World's Best Literature - v30 - Guide to Systematic Readings
then proceeded through twenty chapters,
to near the middle of the second volume,
Knickerbocker, Diedrich: History of
with (The Age of Domestic Develop-
New York. In a later preface to ment, 1406-92,' and on to the end of
this work, first published in 1809, Wash-
the third volume, twenty-six chapters,
ington Irving says: "Nothing more was with (The Age of Discovery and Con-
contemplated than a jeu d'esprit, writ- quest, 1493–1517. ' To near the middle of
ten in a serio-comic vein, and treating the third volume, «a principal object>
local errors, follies, and abuses with of the history had been the illustration
good-humored satire. ” Diedrich Knicker- of the personal character and public
bocker is the imaginary historian who administration of Isabella, whom Mr.
records the traditions of New Amsterdam. Prescott pronounced «certainly one of the
The book begins with the creation of most interesting personages in history ");
the world, the discovery of America by and into the second half of the work
the Dutch, and the settlement of the came the story of Columbus. No writer
New Netherlands. Hendrick Hudson ap- of judicious history has left Columbus
pears, with other navigators; there are on a more lofty pinnacle of moral great-
descriptions of the Bouwerie, Bowling ness, as well as fame, or more carefully
Green, the Battery, and Fort Amster- held a screen of admiration, and almost of
dam, with the quaint Dutch housės, tiled awe, before actions and aspects of char-
roofs, and weathercocks, all complete. acter which were of the age and of
Dutchmen in wide trousers, big hats, Spain, and not of the ideals of man at
feathers, and large boots, continually puff- his best. The Portuguese pursuit of dis-
ing long pipes, are seen with their wives covery
for a hundred years from 1418,
and daughters in voluminous petticoats, which reached out a thousand miles into
shoes with silver buckles, girdles, and the Atlantic and carried the Lisbon ships
neat head-dresses. Along the Hudson round the south point of Africa to the
sail high-pooped Dutch ships. Legends real India, and which in 1502 made an
of the island of Manhattan and its sur- independent discovery of the south con-
rounding shores are interwoven with the tinent, Mr. Prescott took hardly any note
humorous chronicle. The history treats of. But within the limits of his picture
of Oloffe Van Kortlandt, the valiant he wrought most admirably, to interest,
Kip, the Ten Broecks, Hans Reiner to instruct, and to leave in literature a
Oothout, the renowned Wouter Van monument of the Catholic Queen and of
Twiller, descendant of a long line of Columbus.
## p. 99 (#135) #############################################
Gil Blas of Santillane, The Advent. . The title and some of the incidents are
ures of, the work by which Alain borrowed from “El Diablo Cojuelo' (1641)
René Le Sage is best and most widely of the Spanish Luiz Veloz de Guevara.
known, is a series of pictures of life But after the first few chapters Le Sage
among all classes and conditions of peo- departs widely from his predecessor. The
ple in Spain two centuries ago. Gil very plan is abandoned, and the new epi-
Blas, an orphan of seventeen years, is sodes and characters introduced are en-
dispatched by his uncle, with the gift of tirely original with Le Sage. Guevara
a mule and a few ducats, to seek the ends his story with awkward abruptness;
University of Salamanca, there to finish while the French romancer winds up with
his education and find a lucrative post. a graceful romance, dismissing Don Cle-
He does not reach the university, but ofas to happiness with his beloved Sera-
falls in with robbers, actors, courtiers, phina. In short, where the two diverge
politicians, in a long chain of adventures. the advantage is wholly with the later
By turns he enters the service of a comer in style, wit, and ingenuity of in-
physician, a lady of fashion, and a prime vention. Nevertheless the conception is
minister, with equal confidence; accepting Guevara's. Don Cleofas, a young Span-
luxury or destitution, palace or prison, ish profligate of high lineage, proud and
with equal philosophy. The narrative revengeful but brave and generous, de-
runs on, with excursions and interpolated livers from his imprisonment in a bottle
histories, and the thread of the story is the demon Asmodeus; who in gratitude
as inconsequential as that of a tale of assists him in his pranks, and carries him
the Arabian Nights. The charm of the triumphantly through a series of amusing
work is its absolute truth to human na- adventures. Especially does the demon
ture, and its boundless humor and satire. bestow on his deliverer the power of sail-
These qualities have made it a classic. ing through the air, and seeing through
Dr. Sangrado, the quack physician to the roofs what is going on within the
whom Gil Blas apprenticed himself, the houses of Madrid. Le Sage introduced
Archbishop of Granada, with other of into his story, under Spanish names,
the personages of these adventures, have many anecdotes and portraits of Parisian
been accepted as universal types. Le celebrities. These were all immediately
Sage was a Frenchman, who never saw recognized, and contributed greatly to the
Spain; but through his familiarity with contemporary vogue of the novel, which
its literature he produced a work so essen- was greater even than that of (Gil Blas. )
tially Spanish in its tone and spirit as to It is one of the famous traditions of the
provoke long controversy as to its origi- book trade that two young French noble-
nality. Padre Isla, who translated (Gil men actually fought a duel in a book-store
Blas,' declares on his title-page that the for the possession of the only remaining
tale was stolen from the Spanish, and copy.
now restored to its country and native
language. ” Gil Blas” is Le Sage's great. Maximina, by. Armando Palacio Val-
est and most brilliant work. Its writing
dés A vivid picture of modern
occupied twenty years of his literary Spain is shown in this interesting novel,
prime; the first two volumes appear-
the scene of which is laid chiefly in
ing in 1715, and the last in 1735. It has Madrid. Miguel de
Rivera marries
been translated into many languages, the Maximina, a modest country girl. He
earliest in English; the one which has brings her to Madrid and lives happily
remained the standard being by Tobias
until he finds his fortune compromised.
As editor of a Liberal newspaper, he
signs notes to enable the paper to con-
Asmodeus, The LAME DEVIL (Le Dia- tinue; with the promise of Mendoza, a.
ble Boiteux'). A novel by Alain politician and one of the backers, that.
René Le Sage, first published in 1707, and they shall be taken up when due. When
republished by the author, with many the Liberals come into power, the holder:
changes and additions, in 1725. It is
of the notes calls for payment. The re-
sometimes known in English as Asmo- sponsible parties neglect to protect Mig-
deus,) and sometimes as (The Devil on uel; and Mendoza suggests that he sign.
Two Sticks,) under which title the first more notes to gain time, and be a can-.
English translation appeared, and didate for Congress, so that by their
dramatized by Henry Fielding in 1768. united efforts they can force the minister:
## p. 100 (#136) ############################################
to settle. Against his will he enters the Amalia. The time of their wedding is
contest, with a promise of government at last announced; and Amalia, always
support; but is sacrificed for political reckless and desperate, revenges herself
reasons, and his entire fortune is swept upon the helpless child of Luis, who has
away. A son is born to him at this
grown up a beautiful little girl, the pet
time, and he finds himself without em- of the household. With fiendish craft she
ployment or funds. Maximina dies, and tortures the child, under the plea of dis-
Miguel becomes secretary to Mendoza, cipline. The gossips of the town have
who has become minister. The story of heard of what has been going on; and
the unsuccessful attacks on Maximina Luis, to save the child from her mother,
by Don Alphonso, a fashionable roué, and promises Amalia to give up Fernanda.
his success with Miguel's sister, is inter- Luis appears at the house of Don Pedro,
woven with the main plot. The author the Grandee, who, although infirm, rises
introduces us to life behind the scenes to attack him, and falls back dead. The
at the newspaper office, and the balls of father escapes with the little Josefina,
Congress, and shows the petty political and attempts to take her to his own
intrigues of the rural districts of Spain, home. The book closes in a pathetic
which are readily recognized for their scene, where the hapless child dies on
fidelity by any one acquainted with the the journey, in her father's arms.
life depicted.
Carmen, by Prosper Merimée. Don
Grandee, The, by Armando Palacio José Lizzarrabengoa, Navarrese and
. This story of a Spanish corporal in a cavalry regiment, meets at
town and its society, very picturesque in Seville a gipsy known as Carmen. While
setting, but holding within it the tumult taking her to prison for a murderous
of passion and sin, was published in 1895. assault on another woman, he is induced
The scene is laid in quaint old Lancia to connive at her escape, and is reduced to
(which is supposed to mean Oviedo), the ranks therefor. Jealously infatuated
and reflects the life of thirty or forty with her, he kills his lieutenant, and be.
years ago. The story opens with a bit- comes a member of a band of smugglers
ter northeast wind and drenching rain; of which she is the leading spirit. In a
the clack of wooden shoes; the well- duel with Garcia, her rom or husband,
wrapped ladies (there were no carriages) he kills Garcia also, and becomes in his
struggling on toward the light and turn the rom of the fascinating Carmen.
warmth of the palace of Quinones de Jealous of every man who sees her, he
Leon, the Grandee. The party has offers to forget everything if she will go
passed in; a man cowering beneath the with him to America. She refuses — for
storm creeps along the wall, reaches the the sake of another lover as he believes;
palace, takes a bundle from under his and he declares that he will kill her if
cloak, places it near the door, and enters she persists. A thorough fatalist, she an-
upon the gay. scene. This is Luis Conde swers that it is so written and that she
de Onis, who, engaged to Fernanda, has has long known it, but that free Carmen
been enticed into an intrigue with Ama- has been and free she will always be. ”
lia, the young wife of the Grandee. Don José kills her, buries her body in the
It is their child that he has left at the woods, and riding to Cordova, delivers
door. The child is found when the himself to the authorities. In this story,
guests are departing, and cared for by the author, tuining away from an artific
the old Grandee and his wife, the child's cial society, has returned to the passion
mother. Around these personages gathers and ferocity of primitive nature. The
a group of quaint characters: Don Chris- romance is best known in its operatic
tobal and his four marriageable daugh- version.
ters; the Señoritas de Mêre, kindly old
spinsters who always help forward the Mºrocco, Its People and Place, by
marriage projects of the young people;
Edmondo de Amicis, a book of
and Paco Gomez, the rough jester. Fer- travel and description. As a member
nanda, at a rural fête, discovers the in- of the Italian ambassador's suite, the
fidelity of her fiancé, and madly throws author enjoyed unusual facilities for
herself away upon a boorish colonial observing the manners and customs of
planter, on whose death she returns to Morocco, while he received constant
Lancia, and sets herself to win Luis from courtesies at the hands of the natives.
## p. 101 (#137) ############################################
Many unfamiliar phases of life and char- cydides, while Hallam thought the book
acter are treated; the countryside, as (enough to immortalize the name of
well as all the large centres of popula- Machiavelli. ” Its chief merit lies in its
tion, receiving attention. The narrative method, wholly unlike that of the usual
is full of incident and worldly philos- mediæval dry chronicle of facts. Ma-
ophy; and without pretending to be chiavelli's treatment is philosophical;
formally historic, vividly portrays the seeking always after motives, causes, and
religious life and racial problems of this results; the lesson to be drawn from the
Moorish land.
subject in hand being always something
to be made use of for instruction in the
Jceland Fisherman, An (Pêcheur d'Is-
lande), by Louis Marie Julien Viaud
present and the future. His principal
(“Pierre Loti”), sometimes reckoned his
generalizations are placed as introduc-
tions to the several books; and no part
strongest story, obtained the Vitet prize
of Machiavelli's work is more valuable
of the French Academy, and the honor
of being translated into German by
than are these prologues. The history
marked a giant stride in the evolution
«Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roumania.
It was written after the late war be-
of Italian literature, and established a
tween France and China, and for a
standard of purity for the language.
moment the narrative is drawn into
Vigorous in thought, the narrative is
the current of that campaign, in which
developed with great skill. The period
the author took part as a naval officer.
begins with the earliest times, and ex-
The characters are not inhabitants of
tends to the death of Lorenzo the Mag-
nificent. The work was done
Iceland, but of the coast of Brittany,
calling themselves Iceland fishermen be-
commission from Clement VII. (when
still Cardinal Julius), being finished and
cause every year, leaving their wives
and children, they are obliged to make
presented to the Pope in 1525.
the voyage to that island, remaining in
Rome, by Francis Wey, which appeared
its neighborhood till the fishing season
is over. The book breathes a
ties, primitive Christianity, the strange
atmosphere than others by the same life of the Renaissance, the lives of the
author, that impart all the languor as painters, and the art, curiosities, monu-
well as glamour of the tropics. Noth- ments, and remains of the city of cit-
ing could be simpler than its motive; ies, the museum of the world. ”
yet even in this record of humble life, It is full of varied interest, and
telling only of the gains and losses of written in a lively, sympathetic spirit,
fisher folk, the lad Sylvestre is pressed evincing a fidelity to the character and
into the marine service and transported feeling of the historic subject. But the
to a green meadow in China, where he text also gives attention to the living
gets his death-wound. He lives long Rome of to-day, abounding in charac-
enough to receive the medal of honor, teristic anecdote and lively description;
but dies on the home voyage, and is so that the author makes excellent com-
buried at Singapore, —
-an episode whose pany, and not alone a learned instructor,
equatorial pictures contrast with the cold in his wanderings and reminiscences.
scenery, the grays and greens of the rug- A most essential part of the work is
ged Icelandic coast. But the chief actor the rich and full series of illustrations,
in the story is the ocean, that makes which admirably serve to amplify and
violent protest under the eaves of the interpret the text.
stone dwelling, built into the cliff and
reached by a flight of granite steps. Greatness and Decay of the Romans,
Outside of (Childe Harold) and (The
Considerations on the, by Montes-
quieu. This work, which is superior to
Flying Dutchman,' it would be diffi-
cult to find such intimate comprehension
the other writings of the author in unity
and contemplation of sea and sky, in so
of plan and of execution, was published
at Amsterdam in 1734 without the author's
many moods and latitudes.
It resembles the Universal His-
Florence, The History of, by Niccolò tory) of Bossuet, but with this important
Machiavelli. This great work placed difference: while the latter refers the reg-
its author in the first rank of modern ulation of the course of history to the
historians. He was hailed by Italian direct agency of Providence, Montesquieu
critics as the peer of Tacitus and Thu- sees a sufficient explanation of it in the
## p. 102 (#138) ############################################
power of ideas, the characters of men, age,- and its merits do not lie in its
and the action and reaction of causes and facts but in its views. The Consid-
effects. Of the twenty-seven chapters, erations) will always be remarkable for
seven are devoted to the greatness of their depth, originality, and the complete-
the Romans, and the others treat of their ness with which their plan is carried
downfall. How has it come to pass, Mon- out.
tesquieu asks, that Rome, at first a sort
of Tartar camp, an asylum of robbers, Gallus; or, ROMAN SCENES OF THE TIME
, by W.
has grown, physically and intellectually,
This work, first published in two vol-
to be the capital of the world ? The
umes, Leipsic, 1838, appeared in three
causes of Rome's aggrandizement were,
volumes in 1863, revised and enlarged
according to him, the love of the Romans
by Rein. The story is historical; the
for liberty and country; their military
principal hero being the poet Gallus to
discipline, exercised despotically in the
whom Virgil inscribed his oth Eclogue,
camp, but ceasing once the soldier en-
the friend, confidant, and eventually the
tered the city; the public discussions of
victim, of Augustus. Pomponius, whom
the laws in the forum, which enlightened
Gallus has supplanted in the affections
their minds, and made them love a coun-
of Lycoris, conspires with Largus to ruin
try that gave them such freedom; their
him in the favor of the emperor. A few
constancy under reverses, and firm resolve
rash words, uttered at the close of a ca-
not to make peace except they were vic-
torious; the triumphs and rewards granted
rouse, alarm Augustus, and convince him
that the man upon whom he has heaped
their generals; their policy of supporting
favors is a traitor. He confiscates his
foreign peoples who rebelled against their
property and banishes him. Gallus can-
rulers; their respect for the religion of
not endure his fall, and kills himself with
conquered nations; and their avoidance
his sword. The work is divided into
of a conflict with two or more countries
twelve scenes, each scene bringing us
at the same time. The causes of Rome's
into touch with some department of Ro-
decay are studied with equal care. They
man life. Thus, in the first, the return
were the excessive enlargements of the
of Gallus from a party at midnight gives
empire; distant wars, necessitating the
the author an opportunity of describing
maintenance of standing armies; the in-
the domestic economy of a great Roman
trusion into Rome of Asiatic luxury; the
noble; the second, the morning reception
proscriptions, which resulted in the dis-
of his clients and friends; the third, his
appearance of the real Romans and their
library and the relations between authors
replacement by slaves and degraded
and publishers. Perhaps the most suc-
Asiatics; the Oriental character assumed
cessful scene is the seventh: A Day
by the emperors, and the military charac-
at Baiæ,' which, allowing for certain
ter assumed by the empire; and finally,
changes, is not so unlike a day at a
the transfer of the seat of empire to Con-
fashionable watering-place of the present
stantinople. The work closes with a re-
time. Each scene is followed by co-
markable dialogue between Sylla and
pious notes intended to verify the state-
Eucrates, in which the ex-dictator ex-
ments in the text. The most important
plains his motives for abandoning power.
portion of the work is embraced in the
The Considerations) did not become im-
two last volumes, in which the private
mediately popular in France. The seri-
life of the Romans is treated exhaust-
ousness of the style, so different from
that of the Persian Letters,' disappointed
ively and in systematic order.
chapter, or excursus, is a commentary on
the salons, which spoke of the latter as
«the grandeurand of the Considera-
a scene in the story. The style is sim-
tions) as the decadence of M. de Mon-
ple, pleasing, and slightly poetical. The
fine English translation by Metcalfe may
tesquieu. But they at once attracted
be considered almost an original work.
the attention of the thoughtful, and were
He has compressed Becker's three vol-
eagerly read abroad. A copy, minutely
umes into one, and curtailed and altered
and carefully annotated by Frederick the
Great, still exists. The work has con-
them greatly for the better.
tinued to hold its rank as a European Chari
haricles, by W'. A. Becker. The first
classic, though deficient in the historical idea of Charicles; or, Scenes from
criticism of facts, which however was the Private Life of Ancient Greece, as
hardly a characteristic of the author's well as of his preceding work (Gallus;
## p. 103 (#139) ############################################
(Leipsic: 1840), was probably suggested and studying the nature of their govern-
to the author by Böttiger's (Sabina; or, ments. , At other times he devotes his
Scenes from the Morning Toilette of a leisure to philosophical investigations, or
Great Roman Lady. ' The story, which converses with the great men who then
in itself is of much interest, serves but flourished at Athens: Phocion, Xeno-
as a framework for pictures of the every- phon, Plato, Demosthenes, etc. The
day pursuits and lighter occupations of work is preceded by an introduction, in
the Greeks. A young Athenian, the son which, allowance being made for the
of an exile, on his return home passes progress of the historical and archæologi.
through Corinth, and meets with many cal sciences during the present century,
adventures among the hetæræ and swin- the reader will find an exhaustive ac-
dlers of that gay city. When he reaches count of the arts, manners, literature,
Athens, he is agreeably surprised by the government, and general history of
news that his father's property has not Greece, from the earliest times until its
been sold. A large sum of money re- subjection by Philip of Macedon. The
mains to his credit in the hands of an author also enters fully into the civil,
honest banker, and he compels a dishon- literary, and philosophical history of all
est one who tries to cheat him out of the other enlightened nations of antiq-
three talents, to disgorge. Then follow uity. The work is a masterpiece of
wrestling-matches at the gymnasia, ban- style as well as of erudition; and the
quets in his honor given by his school- numerous abridgments of the (Ana-
boy friends, shipwrecks, revelries at the charsis) that have appeared at various
Dionysia, etc. ; the whole ending in a times have been failures, because they
marriage with the wealthy and charming lack the charm of the author's style.
young widow of an old friend of his The Abbé Barthélemy spent thirty
father. Charicles) is the first work de- years in composing his romance, which
voted to the private life of the Greeks; appeared in 1779.
and without entering into its darker de-
tails, it gives an instructive and suggest: Hypatia, by Charles Kingsley, 1838.
ive portraiture of all its aspects.
This famous romance presents a
the most valuable portions of the work stirring picture of the fifth century of
are the notes and excursuses, which com- the Christian era, against the back-
pose a complete manual of antique usages ground of the learned city of Alexan-
and customs, and are commentaries on dria in Egypt.
each of the twelve scenes into which the monk, Philammon, a denizen of the rock
story is divided. Thus, after the first monasteries on the Upper Nile, moved
Scene, (Youthful Friends, we have an by a burning desire to save his fellow-
excursus on education, and so on. The men from sin and destruction, makes his
English translation, in one volume, by abode in Alexandria. There his sleeping
the Rev. F. Metcalfe, is admirable, and
are aroused by the magnificent
in form superior to the original; the ex- pageant of the decaying Roman world.
cursuses being thrown together at the His mystical visions vanish in the gar-
end of the volume, so as not to inter- ish light of a too brilliant intellectuality.
fere with the tenor of the narrative. Greek culture, Roman order, the splen-
did certainties of the pagan world, fas-
The Pilgrimage of Anacharsis the cinate a mind half sick of shadows. »
Younger (Voyage du Jeune Ana- Yet he is drawn to what is best in
charsis), by the Abbé Barthélemy. The the old order. Its noble philosophy, its
hero of the story is a descendant and sane ideals, its fine temperance, seem
namesake of the Thracian king who ar- embodied in Hypatia, a beautiful woman
rived in Athens 600 B. C. and became over whom ancient Greece exercises an
the friend and adviser of Solon. Ana- all-potent fascination. In her lecture-
charsis is supposed to have traveled room she expounds principles of reli-
through Greece and to have finally set- gious philosophy, the fruit of a younger,
tled in Athens some years before the purer, and brighter civilization. To
death of Alexander the Great. From Philammon she makes her appeal, as a
Athens he makes several journeys to woman and as a guiding intellect. Jeal-
neighboring countries, observing every- ousy of her influence is however rife in
where the usages and manners of the Alexandria among the followers of the
natives, taking part in their festivals, bishop Cyril, one of the arch-fanatics of
A young
## p. 104 (#140) ############################################
author's own unmistakable vein, a humor
essentially of the late nineteenth cen-
tury. He crowds his stage with figures,
most of them sufficiently individualized;
and the energy and romantic atmosphere
of his drama carry it to a successful
history. Greek intelligence is brought
face to face with mediæval blindness.
The temper of the proselytizer conquers,
because the zeitgeist is in its favor, while
the Greek philosophy belongs to a dead
age. The infuriated Christians fall upon
Hypatia in her lecture-room, and tear
her limb from limb.
The book closes
upon the conquerors each «going to his
own place, and upon world-weary Alex-
andria settling down to its everlasting
(Hypatia) abounds in brilliant descrip-
tions of the strange life of the period,
with its opalescent colors of decay. It
does full justice to the Christians of the
fifth century, to whom the urbanity of
the earlier church was foreign. Its
most beautiful picture is of the woman
Hypatia, seeking the white light of old
Greece through the intervening mists
stained with the thought and passion of
well-nigh a thousand years.
Joan of Arc, Personal Recollections
of, by Mark Twain) (S. L. Clem-
ens), 1896. This story, founded on the
history of Joan of Arc, professes to be a
translation by Jean François Alden from
the ancient French of the original un-
published MS. in the national archives
of France, written by the Sieur Louis
de Conte, her page and secretary. De
Conte, who tells the story in the first
person, has been reared in the same
village with its subject, has been her
daily playmate there, and has followed
her fortunes in later life, serving her to
the end, his being the friendly hand
that she touches last. After her death
he comes to understand her greatness;
he calls hers «the most noble life that
was ever born into this world save only
One. ) Beginning with a scene in her
childhood that shows her innate sense of
justice, goodness of heart, and unselfish-
ness, the story follows her throughout
her stormy career. We have her au-
diences with the king; her marches with
her army ; her entry into Orleans ; her
fighting ; her trial ; her execution : all
simply and naturally and yet vividly
told. The historical facts are closely
followed, while the fictitious form and
simple style adopted bring the strange
drama within the reader's understanding
and sympathies. In the person of the
Paladin, a boastful peasant of her native
village who becomes her standard-bearer,
is interwoven a humorous element in the
entleman of France, A, by Stanley
J. Weyman. This story is a romance
of the troublous times in France imme-
diately preceding the accession of Henry
IV. to the throne. Gaston de Bonne,
Sieur de Marsac, reduced almost to pov-
erty by the death of his patron, is unex-
pectedly offered a dangerous and thankless
commission by Henry of Navarre. Ac-
cepting it, he finds himself engaged to
abduct Mademoiselle de la Vire, a beau-
tiful young lady, the niece and ward of
the Duke de Turenne. Marsac is warned
that he cannot look to Henry for aid in
case of the miscarriage of the enterprise,
as the king must not appear to be impli-
cated. The abduction is necessary for
political reasons, as the lady possesses in-
formation vitally important to Navarre in
his efforts to unite the Huguenots with
the Catholic forces of King Henry III. ,
and which she alone can impart to the
king. Marsac accomplishes his task after
many hairbreadth escapes, and delivers his
charge to the Duke de Rosny, Navarre's
chief counselor, who notifies the king that
he can now produce the testimony needed
to bring about the desired reconciliation.
Marsac conducts Mademoiselle de la Vire
to the king at Blois; but after the inter-
view she is recaptured and spirited away
by emissaries of Turenne. Marsac fol.
lows, overtakes and rescues the lady. The
plague is raging in the neighborhood, and
Marsac is stricken with the disease, but is
nursed back to health by Mademoiselle
de la Vire, for whom he forms an ardent
attachment, which she reciprocates. Upon
the death of Henry III. , Henry of Na-
varre, now Henry IV. , rewards Marsac for
his fidelity and courage, with an appoint-
ment to a governorship and the hand of
Mademoiselle de la Vire.
The action of the book is rapid and
spirited; the atmosphere of the times is
vividly reproduced; the characters are
lifelike and heroic; many historical per-
sonages appear on the scene; and the
book as a whole has been called the best
historical romance since the masterpieces
of Sir Walter Scott. It was published
in 1893.
## p. 105 (#141) ############################################
uentin Durward, by Sir Walter living with his grandfather, Farmer Slo-
Scott. (1823. ) The scene of this combe. While wandering over his favor-
exciting story is France during the reign ite moors of Devonshire, Carew first
of Louis XI. , and its main outline is meets Mistress St. Aubyn, with whom
this: Quentin Durward, a brave young he falls desperately in love. This love
Scot, having a relative in the Scottish is henceforth to be the leading influence
Guards of the French king, comes of his life; its first effect being, however,
France to seek his fortune. The crafty to bring him to arrest and exile. Hav-
and superstitious Louis is pleased with ing drawn his sword in defense of her
the youth, and sends him on a strange grandfather, Lord Penruddock, he is
errand. Under the royal protection are taken under arms by Cromwell's soldiers,
two vassals of the Duke of Burgundy, and is sentenced to the Colonies. Among
the lovely Isabelle of Croye and her his fellow-prisoners on the ship he meets
scheming aunt. Charles of Burgundy is Miles Courtenay, an Irishman and cava-
too formidable an enemy, and Louis de- lier, and Jennifer, a young girl whom
cides to make Isabelle the wife of Will- they take under their protection. Her
iam de la Marck, a notorious brigand, gratitude to Courtenay expresses itself in
who is quite able to defend his bride. a great and self-sacrificing love. Though
The unsuspecting Quentin is sent to themselves in ignorance of the fact,
conduct the ladies to the Bishop of Carew and Courtenay both love the
Liège, the plan being that William shall same woman, Mistress St. Aubyn. The
attack the party and carry off his prize. desire of each is to find her. In Vir-
Quentin, discovering the king's treach- ginia they work as slaves on the to-
ery, succeeds in delivering his charge bacco plantations, then escape to join
to the bishop; but even here she is not the army. While warring with a tribe
safe. William attacks the castle of of Indians, they capture the mighty
Liège and murders the bishop, while chief King Noanett. The mystery sur.
Quentin and Isabelle escape.
She re-
rounding this strange personage is at
turns to Burgundy, preferring her old once penetrated by the two young men,
persecutor to the perfidious king. But and a romantic episode closes the story.
that wily monarch has already joined The book contains beautiful descriptions
forces with the bold duke, to avenge the of Devonshire, and most interesting
bishop's death and to besiege De la sketches of old Dedham and its laws,
Marck. Charles offers the hand of Isa- It is said that the dashing and warm-
belle as a prize to the conqueror of Will- hearted Irishman was modeled on the
iam, and Quentin bears off in triumph a character of the late John Boyle O'Reilly,
not unwilling bride.
with whom the author often talked over
Among the chief characters introduced the plan of the book.
are the Burgundian herald, the Count of
Crèveccur, and Le Balafré of the Scot-
Fair Maid of Perth, The, by Sir Wal-
tish Guard, Quentin's uncle. The figure ter Scott, 1831, is historic in setting
of Louis is well drawn in his supersti- and thoroughly Scotch. The time is
tions, his idolatry of the leaden images the reign of the weak but well-meaning
that garnished his hat-band, in his polit- King Robert III. of Scotland; whose
ical intriguing, and in his faithlessness scapegrace son David, the crown prince,
and lack of honor. The book made a is the connecting link in the story be-
sensation in France, and its first success tween the nobility and the burgher-folk
was on foreign shores. It was written of the city of Perth. Catharine, the
at the flood-tide of Scott's popularity at beautiful daughter of Simon Glover, an
home; the ebb began with (St. Ronan's honest burgher, is admired by the crown
Well, published six months later. The prince, who seeks her love but not her
principal anachronisms are given in the hand. Repulsed in his suit, the prince,
notes of the later editions.
through Sir John Ramorny, his servant,
tries to abduct Catharine on the eve of
St. Valentine's day; but by the timely
. This novel based intervention of Henry Wynd, the ar-
upon the history of old New England morer, she is saved; and Henry be-
and of England during the Protectorate. comes, according to custom, her valen-
Bampfylde Moore Carew tells the story tine for the year to come.
Then fol-
of his life. As a lad of twenty he is lows a series of complications, political,
King Noanett
, by F; J. Stimson (“J. S.
## p. 106 (#142) ############################################
ecclesiastical, and social, through which Hypatia) as that deals with Alexan-
the eager reader follows the fate of the dria. The period, end of the fourth and
fair Catharine, the prince, the Black beginning of the fifth century, is that
Douglas, and the other chief characters. bewildering age when the clouds are gath-
Like all Scott's novels, (The Fair Maid ing over Church and State. The hero is
of Perth) contains fine descriptions of John Chrysostom, the preacher of Anti-
scenery, and stirring accounts of battle; och, beloved by Christian and respected
and unlike many of his plots, this one by heathen. The first chapter describes
allows the course of true love ) to run the riot that followed the attempt of the
comparatively smooth, there being only Emperor Theodosius to take the opulent
obstacles enough to prove the mettle of city on the Orontes. Then follows the
the honest armorer.
story of its threatened doom, averted by
the devotion of Flavian and « Presbyter
For Faith and Freedom, by Walter
Besant, 1888, is a story of Mon-
John”; and the rescue of the boy Philip,
mouth's Rebellion. The greater part of
whose thoughtless act has led to the de.
struction of the statues of the Emperor's
it purports to be told by Grace Abound-
wife and children. It follows Chrysostom
ing Eykin, the lovely Puritan daughter
of the Rev. Comfort Eykin, D. D. , rector
to Constantinople, to the patriarchate of
of Bradford Orcas, Somersetshire. Fol-
which the modest preacher has been ap-
lowed by his wife and daughter, he joins pointed by the new Emperor Arcadius. It
the rebel forces as chaplain. With the
tells of the sturdy faithfulness of the new
insurgents enlist also Barnaby Eykin,
chief, the envy and plots against him,
his son, who receives the command of a
the rising of the Goths and their mas-
company; Robin Challis, grandson and
sacre, and the exile and subsequent death
heir of Sir Christopher Challis (the mag-
of Chrysostom. Many historic characters
nate of their neighborhood), Grace's ac-
find their way into the story; but not all
cepted lover; and Humphrey Challis, his
of the alleged saints merit their aureoles.
cousin, another fine fellow though in a
The valiant John, however, is a bulwark
different way, and a skilled physician
of righteousness; and is portrayed, not as
also in love with Grace, and beloved by
an abstraction, but a living, large-hearted
The stories of the devoted youths
her as a brother. With the collapse of
the uprising they all come to grief. The
Philip and Eutyche, of David and Mir-
chaplain and his wife die in jail. The
iam, with the Gothic youths Thorismund
and Walamar, are given; and the story
three young men are taken, imprisoned,
ends with the martyrdom of Eutyche, the
and as a result of influence brought to
death of Chrysostom, and the capture of
bear at court by the Rev. Philip Bos-
Rome by Alaric.
corel, Sir Christopher's son-in-law, al-
lowed with many lies to be transported
by an inhuman Bristol sharper to Barba-
loister and the Hearth, The, by
Charles Reade. The masterpiece
does, where they are sold as slaves.
From this point the story moves rapidly
of this vigorous novelist recreates the
through joy and sorrow, through decep-
fifteenth century, and presents to mod-
tion and disgrace, among the most
ern eyes the Holland, Germany, France,
wretched surroundings and exciting inci-
and Italy of the Middle Ages, as they
dents. The victims finally escape from
appeared to mediæval people. The hero
Barbadoes, and at last return to Eng-
of the story is Gerard, son of a Tergouw
land, in time for the three men to take
mercer; a studious sweet-natured lad,
part in the Prince of Orange's triumphal
strongly artistic in bent, but designed
invasion. In the wake of peace comes
for the Church, where a good benefice is
personal happiness at last. The story is
promised him. He falls in love with
well constructed, and carefully and cor-
Margaret Brandt, the daughter of a poor
rectly wrought out to the minutest de-
scholar, and giving up the Church ca-
tails. It is told in English closely
reer, betroths himself to her; and is on
approaching that of its date.
eve of marriage when his irate
father imprisons him in the stadthuys
Gathering Clouds: A TALE OF THE for disobedience, as a medieval parent
DAYS OF St. Chrysostom, by Fred- has power to do. From this point the
erick W. Farrar. This story depicts the story ceases to be a simple domestic tale,
strifes of the see of Constantinople, in and becomes a record of swift advent-
somewhat the
of Kingsley's in Holland, Germany, and Italy.
## p. 107 (#143) ############################################
Then follows a most touching tale of is the lost Arthur. They engage together
betrayed affection, of noble womanly in a dangerous insurrection in the Apen-
patience and heroism; and through all, nines, during which the Gadfly, in the
a vivid and thrilling portrayal of the disguise of a pilgrim, makes a pretended
awful power
of the mediæval Church. confession to the bishop, and overhears
Scene crowds on scene, and incident on him in agonized prayer for his lost son.
incident, aflame with the imagination The Gadfiy is taken prisoner at the mo-
of the romancer. The dramatic quality ment when the bishop is striving to in-
of the story, its vivid descriptive pass- terpose between the combatants. Though
ages, the force and individuality im- treated with horrible cruelty in the Aus-
pressed on its dialogue, its virile concep- trian prison, nothing can tame his fiery
tion of the picturesque brutality and the spirit. The bishop, who, while living a
lofty spirituality of the age it deals with, life of piety and good works, is a con-
the unfailing brilliancy of the novelist's stant prey to remorse, intercedes with
treatment of his theme, and its humorous the governor for the unfortunate pris-
quaintness, place (The Cloister and the oner, who rewards him only by mockery
Hearth) among the half-dozen great his- and insults. Finally, in an interview in
torical romances of the world.
the Gadfly's cell, after he has been
wounded in an attempt to escape, he
Gadfly, The, by. E. L. Voynich. This reveals himself to the bishop, but refuses
is a story of the revolutionary party his love and intercessions on his behalf,
in Italy, written with great power, and except on condition that his father shall
with extreme bitterness against the priest- give up for him his allegiance to the
hood. The English hero, Arthur Burton, hated church, and renounce the Crucified
bred in Italy, is studying at the Catholic One. This the unhappy bishop cannot
seminary in Pisa, where the director, do; and the Gadfly, refusing on his side
Montanelli, is his devoted friend. The all concessions, is led out to be shot in
sensitive and ardent Arthur is an orphan, the prison-yard. The wretched father
who, unhappy in the family of a worldly becomes insane; and in a terrible scene
uncle, has thrown himself into the plots at the altar during the high mass, pours
of young Italy. He is betrayed by a forth his madness and despair, and falls
priest, his confessor, to the Austrian dead of a broken heart.
police, and sent to prison with his com-
rades, who regard him as the traitor.
ouse by the Medlar Tree, The, by
On being released, he encounters a young Giovanni Verga, is a realistic and
English girl, Gemma Warren, whom he touching story of lower-class life in an
loves, and who taunts him with his treach- Italian fishing village. The fortunes of
ery and strikes him on the cheek. The the Malavoglia, a title of ill luck which
same night his uncle's wife, who hates seems to have attached itself by heredity
him, makes the terrible revelation that to the family so called, are connected
although he is the reputed son of an Eng- with the old homestead, the house un-
lish gentleman, his real father is a priest der the medlar-tree; and these fortunes
who has expiated the sin of his youth are affected by the changes in the an-
by exile as a missionary in China, and chovy trade, the coming of steam pack-
who is no other than his beloved teacher, ets and railroads, increased taxes, and
Montanelli. In despair under these re- the general breaking-up of old ways
doubled blows, Arthur flees in disguise in the decade before 1870. The good-
to South America. Thirteen years later, hearted and thrifty grandfather, Padron
a club of revolutionists in Florence elects 'Ntoni, sees his big family of grand-
a new member to write its incendiary children grow up to disappoint, one after
pamphlets. This member is a South- another, all his brave wishes and hopes
American, called for his wit and power for the prosperity both of his sturdy little
to sting, the Gadly. Gemma, now the fishing-sloop, the Provvidenza, and his
widow of a revolutionary leader, begins ample old house. The story is full of
by detesting the Gadfly for his vin- action and of unsophisticated human
dictiveness, which is shown especially feeling. To read its pages is to live in
towards the good bishop Montanelli; but the little village of Aci Trezza and know
becomes interested in his cleverness and personally every one of its forty or more
his underlying melancholy, and ends by vividly drawn characters. Nothing is
loving him, without suspecting that he concealed, nothing is indoors. It is all
## p. 108 (#144) ############################################
in the full glare of the southern sun, the Persian's experiences on a visit as
and the forms of light and shade stand ambassador to the court of St. James.
out with pitiless distinctness.
Sir Walter Scott reviewed the original
iterature of Southern Europe, His.
(Hajji Baba) in the London Quarterly,
in terms of the highest praise, calling
tory of the, by Jean Charles Léo-
nard Sismondi. L. L. de Loménie, in
it the Oriental (Gil Blas. It was pub-
the (Galerie des Contemporains Illustres,'
lished by Blackwood in 1824, and is still
calls Sismondi “the most eminent histo-
popular both in England and America.
rian of the nineteenth century in every- Intruder, The (L'Intruse”), by Maurice
thing relating to the science of facts); Maeterlinck, is a play by which the
and George Ticknor says his brilliant writer achieved an international reputa-
Literature of Southern Europe) will tion. It is a one-act piece of few char-
always be read for the beauty of its acters and little action, simple in con-
style, and the richness and wisdom of its struction, rich in suggestion, potent in
reflections. He was a man of enormous its realism. A family sit in the gloomy
erudition (published sixty-nine volumes), room of an old château and talk in the
and made truth his idol, he says. He most natural, matter-of-fact way, while
lived eighteen months in England and one member, a young wife, lies very
five or six years in Italy, accompanying ill in childbirth in the adjacent room.
Madame de Staël or two Italian tours. Through the commonplace speech one
His portrait shows a face strikingly like can feel the tension of their nerves; the
that of our Washington Irving. He was effect is heightened by the skillful use
born in Geneva in 1773, and in 1811 of details by the dramatist. All is indi-
gave there the lectures out of which the
rect, symbolic, pregnant with innuendo.
books we are considering grew. The It is as if Death, the Intruder, we
lectures were published in four volumes knocking at each door and window. At
(Paris), in 1813. The work is a little fee-
length a sister of charity enters, and by
ble in parts, but as a whole strikingly the sign of the cross makes known that
original. He begins with a full account the wife is no more.
of the Troubadour literature and of the
Trouvères, with copious illustrative cita- Greet
reen Book, The, by Maurice Jókai.
tions; and discusses with ample learning
The author of this novel of Russian
the work of Dante, Boccaccio, Tasso, Pe-
life is a Hungarian, who has achieved
trarch, and Alfieri. Then he gives rich
prominence as a politician, success as a
tableaux of Spanish and Portuguese liter-
journalist, and wide repute as a novelist.
ature, — (The Cid, Cervantes, Camoens,
Nearly all the action of "The Green Book)
and others. In his treatment of Spanish
passes in St. Petersburg. Pushkin, the
literature, he did not have access to all
poet, is deeply in love with Zeneida Ilmar-
the original authors, but depended largely
inen, the favorite opera singer, and in-
deed the favorite subject, of both the Tsar
on his predecessor, Bouterwek. But Tick-
Nicholas and the Tsaritsa. She is a splen-
nor gives him very high praise for wide
research and breadth of view.
did creature, the really great character of
the book. The Princess Ghedimin, a for-
Baba of Ispahan, by James mer favorite of the Tsar, is depicted as
a fiend. «The Green Book” is the name
Entertainments) gives the truest of all of a large volume in which are recorded
pictures of Oriental life, so (Hajji Baba) the names and the doings of the chief
describes life in Persia. The book pur- band of conspirators against the life of
ports to be a translation of the auto- the Tsar. This is kept in a secret room
biography of a Persian, but was really in Zeneida's palace, where the conspira-
written by J. J. Morier, who was born tors meet. By an ingenious mechanism,
in England in 1780. Being sent as Brit- when any one opens the outer door the
ish envoy to the court of Persia, he table containing the book disappears,
became thoroughly familiar with the and a roulette-board in active operation
language and customs of the country. takes its place. Thus the authorities are
The book is written in an easy strain, deceived into thinking that she is trying
and is extremely entertaining, even to merely to conceal from the police the
the reader of to-day. It was so success- evidences of gambling. Zeneida’s noble
ful that Morier followed it up by Hajji and self-sacrificing behavior during the
Baba in England, which represented flood of the Neva results in bringing
Hajj. Morier
. As the Arabian Nights
## p. 109 (#145) ############################################
together Pushkin, Sophie Narishkin,- 1889, is a story of family life in Nor-
the illegitimate daughter of the Tsar by way, characterized by unerring analy-
the Princess Ghedimin,- and Bethsaba, a sis and a convincing truthfulness. The
beautiful young girl. Sophie falls deeply novel, though somewhat pessimistic and
in love with Pushkin, as her mother has sad in its drift, is relieved by satiric humor
already done, and the Tsar favors the and charm of description.