' roi'rro:
the Macedonian power.
the Macedonian power.
Demosthenese - First Philippic and the Olynthiacs
nerawom0fio'e1'ai, 19 ?
250, 316
(Goodwin MT. ? 339). See note on 1 ? 2 l. 19. .
112. Semvi'mv: for Bemvih/ar (thus avoiding hiatus); 24
? ? 48, 66; [42] ? 17, [43] ? 18, [48] ? 46. Benn/15w (rarer than
fielxvuar) is found in 18 ? 76, 21 ? 169, etc.
113. (iv-raw Errl. rots wpdypoo'w, 'engaged in action '; ? 16,
9 ? 2, Isocr. 3 ? 19 e? 1rl 'raTs 1rpd? eaw 611T".
114. av drrfi: Goodwin MT. ? 89, 462.
115. 6 nape. . . , 'that of'; see note on 1 ? 10.
116. 6019 . . e? 'rouporM-(a) . . Too-oi'mp piihhov, 'the more
we are deemed to excel all others in powers of speech, the more
is our speaking mistrusted by all. ' Superlative combined with
Comparative as in [50] ? 15 dog! 'yap . . airway e? vrknpwirdanv
rip! vafiv . . 'roo'oli'rq: ,U-OL whelony drbheu/as e? 'ye? ve-ro. The
double Superlative is preferred by the writer of [11] ? 23 dis
duos ,ue? v e? a'rl. X670: ,ucirmos rpdEewv damper yer/operas, 'rooor'n'rp
5e adhia'fl' 6 rape 151's hue-repair 1r6)\ews, 601,0 60ml":ch oter
rpoxeipo'ra'ra. xpfio'dai 1'63" dkhwv 'Ehhfivwv.
? 13 l. 118. 'rfiv pere? wao'w, 'the reformation,' 'the altered
state resulting from a change,' conversio, COn'UCTS'llS status;
(119) 'rfiv pew-Bohfiv (if retained), 'the act of change,'
mutatio (Poppo on Thuc. ii 48, 3, cp. vi 20, 1). 'Est autcm
perafiohfi in nniversum repentina, temeraria et varia mutatio;
undo-roots status mutatus quidem, sed firmus' (Voemel ed.
119. eta-cpe? pov'rus duds, after Scurre? ov, = dam/15110. 1. 66? .
120. strep ark, 'if any one is really to give you any heed ' ;
Soph. OT. 54, Aristoph. Av. 899, NM). 930.
121. 1rpo? ? ? et : rpooe? xew ne? hhei. Plato Rep. 56730 el
ne? hhel. dpfsw followed by si'1rep dpfcc, Isocr. 5 ? 13 ei'1rep MA-
hovol rules rpoae? Eew. ai'n'qi To" vofiv.
122. not Sfi, 'at once,' 4 ? 13.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 168 SECOND 0L YNTHIAC II ? ? 13, 14
123. 'rd. o'uppaxixd: Philip's 'alliances,' or 'allied forces. '
drfic'rws lxov'ru, 'untrustworthy,' 'precarious. '
? 14 l. 127. (thus, 'on the whole,' 'to speak roundly' (K. );
? 7,1? 5,3? 35,8? 42,etc.
128. e? v wpocafiku, 'as an accessory' ('addition,' 'adjunct,'
'make-weight'); addilamnlum (Cic. p'ro Sealio 31). Cp. e? v
wape? p'yqo (Thuc. vi 69, Soph. Phil. 473), e? v ddmfipn'rl. (H p.
Ema. col. 36, 25), ? 11 napaka'rafifikn (P01 1). v 74, 5). 'he
version of the text in [11] ? 8 has e? v pgv wpocO-flx'qs pe? pet,
also found in 3 ? 31 and 21 ? 165; cp. 23 ? 148 oi) 11017;" e? v
Mimi/cares #e? pez, and 2 ? 18. pepis . . of: pmpd, 'no
small aid' or 'advantage'; 21 ? 184 e? a-rw . . lie-7dth ro'is
ddtxoiicrw dmwl. [Lepls Kal rheoveilo, 1'] 1651/ finere? pwv 1p61rwv
rpabrns, and ib. ? 70.
129. inrfipfie: sc. ,uepls or? mxpd. It may also be taken
absolutely, praesto fuit, ium't, as in 18 ? 174 brapxe? vrwv
817/341. le 'DLM'mrtp, 19 ? 54 To Tell (Plhnr'lrov brdpxew ai'rroi's
wetafifivat, Xen. Amb. i 1, 4 Hapt'la'a'rzs . . urfipfe 71,8 Kupq'.
This is supported by the verbs in the parallel clauses, e? ? dv17
and (1501501706. ? 11 Tipofle? ov, 'in the time of (or 'under ')
Timotheus,' who was joined by Pcrdiccas, king of Macedonia,
in an expedition against the Olynthian confederation, in the
course of which he captured Poteidaea and Torone (364 11. 0. )
Diodor. xv 81 ; Grote c. 79 vii 263.
180. npbg Ho-rei8atav: ? 7, 1 ? 12. In the speech against Aristo-
crates (delivered 352 no. ) Demosthenes treats the capture of Poteidaca as
mainly the work of Philip (28 ? 107); in the second Olynthiac he speaks as
if Philip had been a secondary agent, a useful adjunct to the Olynthians in
the siege. The first representation, delivered two or three years before
the second, is doubtless the more correct (Grote c. 86 vii 667).
131. e? ddvq n, 'proved of some importance.
' roi'rro:
the Macedonian power. WWI-Md'IGPOV1 01'"! MM: 'ruu.
'yeve? aevov (schol); an exceptional sense (obviated by Madvig's
unctuation). In the only other passages in which it is found
in Demosthenes (3 ? 18, 19 ? 180) it is used in neut. pl. of two
things taken together. vwi: with past tense, 'quite
lately. ' Cp. Shilleto on 19 ? 65 p. 361 (in 11011 mpwbaeaa.
132. @errako'is: Dat. after may". voo'oiia-i, 'divided
by faction,' 9 ? ? 12, 50 ; 18 ? 45, Plato Rep. 470 c, 556 E, Aristot.
Coast. of Athens 6 ? 4. ? 1rl 'rfiv 'rupavvmfiv otxtav, 'the
ruling house ' of the tyrants of Pherae, as represented by
Lycophron and Peitholaiis, 1 ? 13.
'Such a reinforcement so completely altered the balance of Thessalian
power, that Lykophron in his turn was compelled to entreat aid from
Onomarchus and the Phokians' Grote c. 87 viii 19 (cp. 47 f). Thirlwall
v 279, ASchaefer i 506 9.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? II ? ? 14, 15 SECOND OLYNTHIAC' 169
133. 81ml. n5 dv 01pm wpowdfi : Goodwin MT. ? 218.
134. Kdv pmpc'w Silvapw, 'a force, however small'; Soph.
El. 1482 dhha'. ,uor 1rd. ch Kdv 0/1. ":pr el1re'iv. Kdv=Kal GM 11:
1rpoa0f] (Goodwin MT. ? 228). It is assumed that the forces
on both sides are practically equal to begin with. For the
general sense cp. Isocr. 4 ? 139 e? v 'yap 'rois Tome-rots Karpois
rohthLs #eral. dun/duets ,ue'ydhas ponds e? rolno'av. 1rd. v'r(u):
cogn. Acc. after (beheld, 'it gives every help,' ' helps deeisively,'
'is undoubtedly useful' (K. ), opp. to oilfie? v dupehs'i: cp.
3 ? 21 #176811 (i)? ? )\? ? V, and especially Xen. Cyrop. ii 2, 12 16v
wheiara . . drqfiehofivra (so Franks, GHSchaefer and Voemel).
"miv'ra is less satisfactorily taken (1) as the object of Gutexe'i, 'is
useful to the whole'; or (2) as Nom. , crmm'n, eel minim prosunt, (11mm
qliis adduntur (so Sauppe, Dindorf, Whiston and Weil); but this would
naturally be expressed by "an (WI/ants) teem.
135. m'rrfi . . xai)' airrfiv: opp. to e? v wpoafifixy (128).
? 161. 136. 051-05: Philip.
137. ois, 'in (or 'by ') which' ; 9 ? 40 01: (Iv ns lo'xfiew 16. :
woken Kplvor.
138. errwdmkwlre? pav, 'more insecure,' sc. rip: MaKedomK'hv
142. rein-(o) (To 5697: e? mfiuasiv) igfihwxev, 'has made this
his passion' ; 20 ? 30 1rp6vozav e? roreiro. . 'rfis 1rohrrelas, Kal . .
1repl rodrou . . e? aroddafi'ev. Kai. wpoflp'q-ral. Krk, 'has
deliberately chosen to suffer whatever may befall him, during
a life of action and adventure. ' For Inf. after rpoarpefaliar
cp. 3 ? 21, 4 ? 49.
This is better than taking Toii-r' e'fiwaev mi. wpofipn'ral. together, and
making rein-o refer to the subsequent "11061,, as though Philip's ambition
was 'to suffer everything. ' The punctuation adopted in the text (comma.
after E? 'Moxev and not after e? mflvnei) is supported by Rudiger in Philologus
18 (18627), 722 against Holzinger and Westermann'i.
143. av o'upfifi fl: 8 ? 41, 20? 50, 21 ? 112. wadeiv:
euphemistic for d1ro0avsi'u. dv @4435 TI. mee'iv is sometimes
taken together (e. g. by Westermann), as in 23? 59 a>> dpa.
(run/33? 71 10. 06711 e? Kelvqa, and 54 ? 25 el 1ra06'iv TI [40: awe? fln, but
this leaves 'II'PO'IIIP'IJ'I'GL with no construction after it, unless it is
coupled with 1091- e? lfihamev. fiv--Se? fiav : with nine words
intervening, a comprehensive Ace. governing the Gen. of an
Inf. which itself takes an Acc. followed by a relative clause.
For other examples cp. 1 ? 13 (end), 5 ? 5, 6 ? 2 16 TI xpi)
1roreiv auaflouhsiiaal, and il). ? 29.
144. aneis: sc. dicrpdEa/ro. In quest of glory Philip
lost an eye at the siege of Methonc, broke his collar-bone in
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 170 SECOND OLYNTHIAC II ? ? 15--17
Illyria, and damaged his thigh in Scythia (schol. on 18? 67
q. v. ) Cp. Theopompus (ap. Athen. 435 B), and Diodor. xv 3.
? 16 l. 146. (huho'rlplas: ? 3.
147. Komopevor: rahanrwpozinevoi (Hesych. ), 'harassed';
Prooem. 29 ? 3 lva . . ,unifl' l'm'iv e? voxluii ,u. r']1" elf/. 0. de Kerr-re:
(ib. 37 ? 2).
(Goodwin MT. ? 339). See note on 1 ? 2 l. 19. .
112. Semvi'mv: for Bemvih/ar (thus avoiding hiatus); 24
? ? 48, 66; [42] ? 17, [43] ? 18, [48] ? 46. Benn/15w (rarer than
fielxvuar) is found in 18 ? 76, 21 ? 169, etc.
113. (iv-raw Errl. rots wpdypoo'w, 'engaged in action '; ? 16,
9 ? 2, Isocr. 3 ? 19 e? 1rl 'raTs 1rpd? eaw 611T".
114. av drrfi: Goodwin MT. ? 89, 462.
115. 6 nape. . . , 'that of'; see note on 1 ? 10.
116. 6019 . . e? 'rouporM-(a) . . Too-oi'mp piihhov, 'the more
we are deemed to excel all others in powers of speech, the more
is our speaking mistrusted by all. ' Superlative combined with
Comparative as in [50] ? 15 dog! 'yap . . airway e? vrknpwirdanv
rip! vafiv . . 'roo'oli'rq: ,U-OL whelony drbheu/as e? 'ye? ve-ro. The
double Superlative is preferred by the writer of [11] ? 23 dis
duos ,ue? v e? a'rl. X670: ,ucirmos rpdEewv damper yer/operas, 'rooor'n'rp
5e adhia'fl' 6 rape 151's hue-repair 1r6)\ews, 601,0 60ml":ch oter
rpoxeipo'ra'ra. xpfio'dai 1'63" dkhwv 'Ehhfivwv.
? 13 l. 118. 'rfiv pere? wao'w, 'the reformation,' 'the altered
state resulting from a change,' conversio, COn'UCTS'llS status;
(119) 'rfiv pew-Bohfiv (if retained), 'the act of change,'
mutatio (Poppo on Thuc. ii 48, 3, cp. vi 20, 1). 'Est autcm
perafiohfi in nniversum repentina, temeraria et varia mutatio;
undo-roots status mutatus quidem, sed firmus' (Voemel ed.
119. eta-cpe? pov'rus duds, after Scurre? ov, = dam/15110. 1. 66? .
120. strep ark, 'if any one is really to give you any heed ' ;
Soph. OT. 54, Aristoph. Av. 899, NM). 930.
121. 1rpo? ? ? et : rpooe? xew ne? hhei. Plato Rep. 56730 el
ne? hhel. dpfsw followed by si'1rep dpfcc, Isocr. 5 ? 13 ei'1rep MA-
hovol rules rpoae? Eew. ai'n'qi To" vofiv.
122. not Sfi, 'at once,' 4 ? 13.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 168 SECOND 0L YNTHIAC II ? ? 13, 14
123. 'rd. o'uppaxixd: Philip's 'alliances,' or 'allied forces. '
drfic'rws lxov'ru, 'untrustworthy,' 'precarious. '
? 14 l. 127. (thus, 'on the whole,' 'to speak roundly' (K. );
? 7,1? 5,3? 35,8? 42,etc.
128. e? v wpocafiku, 'as an accessory' ('addition,' 'adjunct,'
'make-weight'); addilamnlum (Cic. p'ro Sealio 31). Cp. e? v
wape? p'yqo (Thuc. vi 69, Soph. Phil. 473), e? v ddmfipn'rl. (H p.
Ema. col. 36, 25), ? 11 napaka'rafifikn (P01 1). v 74, 5). 'he
version of the text in [11] ? 8 has e? v pgv wpocO-flx'qs pe? pet,
also found in 3 ? 31 and 21 ? 165; cp. 23 ? 148 oi) 11017;" e? v
Mimi/cares #e? pez, and 2 ? 18. pepis . . of: pmpd, 'no
small aid' or 'advantage'; 21 ? 184 e? a-rw . . lie-7dth ro'is
ddtxoiicrw dmwl. [Lepls Kal rheoveilo, 1'] 1651/ finere? pwv 1p61rwv
rpabrns, and ib. ? 70.
129. inrfipfie: sc. ,uepls or? mxpd. It may also be taken
absolutely, praesto fuit, ium't, as in 18 ? 174 brapxe? vrwv
817/341. le 'DLM'mrtp, 19 ? 54 To Tell (Plhnr'lrov brdpxew ai'rroi's
wetafifivat, Xen. Amb. i 1, 4 Hapt'la'a'rzs . . urfipfe 71,8 Kupq'.
This is supported by the verbs in the parallel clauses, e? ? dv17
and (1501501706. ? 11 Tipofle? ov, 'in the time of (or 'under ')
Timotheus,' who was joined by Pcrdiccas, king of Macedonia,
in an expedition against the Olynthian confederation, in the
course of which he captured Poteidaea and Torone (364 11. 0. )
Diodor. xv 81 ; Grote c. 79 vii 263.
180. npbg Ho-rei8atav: ? 7, 1 ? 12. In the speech against Aristo-
crates (delivered 352 no. ) Demosthenes treats the capture of Poteidaca as
mainly the work of Philip (28 ? 107); in the second Olynthiac he speaks as
if Philip had been a secondary agent, a useful adjunct to the Olynthians in
the siege. The first representation, delivered two or three years before
the second, is doubtless the more correct (Grote c. 86 vii 667).
131. e? ddvq n, 'proved of some importance.
' roi'rro:
the Macedonian power. WWI-Md'IGPOV1 01'"! MM: 'ruu.
'yeve? aevov (schol); an exceptional sense (obviated by Madvig's
unctuation). In the only other passages in which it is found
in Demosthenes (3 ? 18, 19 ? 180) it is used in neut. pl. of two
things taken together. vwi: with past tense, 'quite
lately. ' Cp. Shilleto on 19 ? 65 p. 361 (in 11011 mpwbaeaa.
132. @errako'is: Dat. after may". voo'oiia-i, 'divided
by faction,' 9 ? ? 12, 50 ; 18 ? 45, Plato Rep. 470 c, 556 E, Aristot.
Coast. of Athens 6 ? 4. ? 1rl 'rfiv 'rupavvmfiv otxtav, 'the
ruling house ' of the tyrants of Pherae, as represented by
Lycophron and Peitholaiis, 1 ? 13.
'Such a reinforcement so completely altered the balance of Thessalian
power, that Lykophron in his turn was compelled to entreat aid from
Onomarchus and the Phokians' Grote c. 87 viii 19 (cp. 47 f). Thirlwall
v 279, ASchaefer i 506 9.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? II ? ? 14, 15 SECOND OLYNTHIAC' 169
133. 81ml. n5 dv 01pm wpowdfi : Goodwin MT. ? 218.
134. Kdv pmpc'w Silvapw, 'a force, however small'; Soph.
El. 1482 dhha'. ,uor 1rd. ch Kdv 0/1. ":pr el1re'iv. Kdv=Kal GM 11:
1rpoa0f] (Goodwin MT. ? 228). It is assumed that the forces
on both sides are practically equal to begin with. For the
general sense cp. Isocr. 4 ? 139 e? v 'yap 'rois Tome-rots Karpois
rohthLs #eral. dun/duets ,ue'ydhas ponds e? rolno'av. 1rd. v'r(u):
cogn. Acc. after (beheld, 'it gives every help,' ' helps deeisively,'
'is undoubtedly useful' (K. ), opp. to oilfie? v dupehs'i: cp.
3 ? 21 #176811 (i)? ? )\? ? V, and especially Xen. Cyrop. ii 2, 12 16v
wheiara . . drqfiehofivra (so Franks, GHSchaefer and Voemel).
"miv'ra is less satisfactorily taken (1) as the object of Gutexe'i, 'is
useful to the whole'; or (2) as Nom. , crmm'n, eel minim prosunt, (11mm
qliis adduntur (so Sauppe, Dindorf, Whiston and Weil); but this would
naturally be expressed by "an (WI/ants) teem.
135. m'rrfi . . xai)' airrfiv: opp. to e? v wpoafifixy (128).
? 161. 136. 051-05: Philip.
137. ois, 'in (or 'by ') which' ; 9 ? 40 01: (Iv ns lo'xfiew 16. :
woken Kplvor.
138. errwdmkwlre? pav, 'more insecure,' sc. rip: MaKedomK'hv
142. rein-(o) (To 5697: e? mfiuasiv) igfihwxev, 'has made this
his passion' ; 20 ? 30 1rp6vozav e? roreiro. . 'rfis 1rohrrelas, Kal . .
1repl rodrou . . e? aroddafi'ev. Kai. wpoflp'q-ral. Krk, 'has
deliberately chosen to suffer whatever may befall him, during
a life of action and adventure. ' For Inf. after rpoarpefaliar
cp. 3 ? 21, 4 ? 49.
This is better than taking Toii-r' e'fiwaev mi. wpofipn'ral. together, and
making rein-o refer to the subsequent "11061,, as though Philip's ambition
was 'to suffer everything. ' The punctuation adopted in the text (comma.
after E? 'Moxev and not after e? mflvnei) is supported by Rudiger in Philologus
18 (18627), 722 against Holzinger and Westermann'i.
143. av o'upfifi fl: 8 ? 41, 20? 50, 21 ? 112. wadeiv:
euphemistic for d1ro0avsi'u. dv @4435 TI. mee'iv is sometimes
taken together (e. g. by Westermann), as in 23? 59 a>> dpa.
(run/33? 71 10. 06711 e? Kelvqa, and 54 ? 25 el 1ra06'iv TI [40: awe? fln, but
this leaves 'II'PO'IIIP'IJ'I'GL with no construction after it, unless it is
coupled with 1091- e? lfihamev. fiv--Se? fiav : with nine words
intervening, a comprehensive Ace. governing the Gen. of an
Inf. which itself takes an Acc. followed by a relative clause.
For other examples cp. 1 ? 13 (end), 5 ? 5, 6 ? 2 16 TI xpi)
1roreiv auaflouhsiiaal, and il). ? 29.
144. aneis: sc. dicrpdEa/ro. In quest of glory Philip
lost an eye at the siege of Methonc, broke his collar-bone in
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 170 SECOND OLYNTHIAC II ? ? 15--17
Illyria, and damaged his thigh in Scythia (schol. on 18? 67
q. v. ) Cp. Theopompus (ap. Athen. 435 B), and Diodor. xv 3.
? 16 l. 146. (huho'rlplas: ? 3.
147. Komopevor: rahanrwpozinevoi (Hesych. ), 'harassed';
Prooem. 29 ? 3 lva . . ,unifl' l'm'iv e? voxluii ,u. r']1" elf/. 0. de Kerr-re:
(ib. 37 ? 2).