No More Learning

txt[3/29/23, 1:19:16 AM]
Uniformity, 309, 314
Universal polemics, 373-75 Universities, 117, 120
Untimely Observations, ix Urfragen, 460
Urinating, 103-7, 104
van der Vring, Georg, 414, 416
van Eestern, C, 435
Vanity, 16
Verratene Revolution 1918/1919, Die, 429
Verschwbrer, 424-29 passim
Virgin           the Christ Child, The, 279 Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xiv
Wahrhaftigkeit, 461
Walpurgis Night on Henkel's Field, 505 Walser, Martin, 320-21
War: and moral consciousness, 301; and muti-
lation, 443-46, 444; and pre-Fascist litera- ture, 121; and psychic mechanisms, 120, 121; senselessness of, 415-16; and sur- vival, 128-29, 323, 419, 420, 434, 443; ultimate, 130
War volunteers, 121
Watt, James, 11
Weaponry, 128, 130, 349-55, 353, 435 Weber, Max, 425
Weill, Kurt, 306
Weimar Republic, xxii-xxiii, 10, 124,
384-86, 387-90, 414-15, 422, 424-25; and Anyone, 199; and catastrophile com- plex, 122; and cynicism, xxiii, 7-8, 10; and disillusionment, 8, 410, 416; double decisions of, 521-28; elements of, 425, 435; as historical mirror, 89; and Hitler's rise, 521; as miscarried enlightenment, 10; and Nietzsche's philosophy, 10; social character of, 500-501
Wilde, Oscar, xxxii, 307
Wilhelminianism, 411-12, 425 Wintermdrchen, 33
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
World War I, 121, 121, 122, 128, 202, 386,
392, 410, 419, 434, 461 World War II, 123, 128, 202 Wulffen, Erich, 485-86 Wunde Heine, Die, xxxvi
Yesbody, xix, 73
You Will Not Find Him, 166
Zauberberg, Der, 529 Zeitgeist, 139
Zen masters, 130, 157 Zichy, Michael von, 344 Zille, Heinrich, 156, 219 Zola, Emile, xiv
Zur geistigen Situation der Zeit (Man in the modern age), 417
Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg with a concentration in the autobiographical literature of the Weimar Republic.