1702 Philip
born (d.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v10
4 vols.
(Contains two secret letters of Junius to
Lord Chatham in 1768 and 1772. ]
Cockburn, Sir G. Inquiry as to who was the author of Junius. Dublin,
1845. [Argues strongly for Charles Lloyd. ]
Coleridge, S. T. Notes on Junius. Literary Remains. Ed. Coleridge, H. N.
Vol. 1. 1836.
Dilke, C. W. Junius. In Papers of a Critic, vol. 11. 1875.
Francis, H. R. Junius revealed, by his surviving grandson, Francis, H. R.
Francis, Sir P. Memoirs, with correspondence and journals. Commenced
by Parkes, J. Completed and edited by Merivale, H. 2 vols. 1867.
(Contains a cogent statement of the Franciscan case, especially with
regard to dates and to the identity of Francis's and Junius's political
opinions. It also has a full account of the principal letter-writers in The
Public Advertiser, unfortunately identifying them all with Francis and
Junius. ]
## p. 527 (#553) ############################################
Chapter XVII
Francis, Sir P. and others. The Francis Letters. By Sir Philip Francis
and other members of the family. Ed. by Francis, B. and Keary, E.
2 vols. 1901. [With a note on the Junius controversy by Keary, C. F. ]
Grafton, A. H. F. , 3rd duke of. Autobiography and political correspondence.
Ed. Anson, Sir W. R. 1898. [Gives the inner history of many political
events Commented upon by Junius. Sir William Anson suggests that
'whatever part Francis may have played in the composition of the
Letters, Temple directed their policy, supplied much of their information,
and may conceivably have polished their invective. ']
Grenville Papers. Correspondence of R. Grenville, Earl Temple, and Rt
Hon. G. Grenville, their friends and contemporaries. 4 vols. 1852-3.
[Contains three secret letters written by Junius to George Grenville in
1768. The editor, Smith, W. J. , argues that Lord Temple was Junius,
and gives much information on the political pamphleteering of the time
in a valuable preface to vol. 111. ]
Hayward, A. More about Junius. The Franciscan theory unsound. Rptd
from Fraser's Magazine. 1868. [Against Parkes and Merivale. ]
The handwriting of Junius. 1874.
Junius. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edn 9, vol. XII. 1881.
Jaques, J. The history of Junius and his works. 1813.
Lecky, W E. H. History of England in the eighteenth century. 3rd edn.
Vol. 111. 1887. [Account and critique of Junius. ]
Macaulay, Lord. Essay on Warren Hastings. Works, vol. 1x. 1898.
Merivale, H. Junius, Francis, and Lord_Mansfield in December 1770.
Fortnightly Review. 1 March 1868. [Replying to Hayward. ]
· Newhall, 1. Letters on Junius. . . showing that the author of that celebrated
work was Earl Temple. Boston, 1831.
Rae, W. Fraser. Facts about Junius and Francis, with other notes on the
Junius controversy. Contributed to the Athenaeum in 1888 and following
Smith, James. Junius unveiled. 1909. [Argues that Gibbon was Junius. ]
Stephen, Sir L. Sir Philip Francis. D. of N. B. vol. xx. 1889.
Chatham, Francis, and Junius. Eng. Hist. Rev. April 1888.
Taylor, J. A discovery of the author of the Letters of Junius. 1813.
[In favour of Dr Philip Francis and Sir Philip Francis. ]
The identity of Junius with a distinguished living character [Sir
P. Francis] established. 1816. 2nd edn. 1818.
Supplement to Junius identified. 1817. 2nd edn. 1818.
A. T. B.
## p. 528 (#554) ############################################
1641 Henry Dodwell born (d. 1711).
1657 William Wake born (d. 1737).
1663 Francis Atterbury bori (d.
1663 Thomas Wilson, bp of Sodor
and Man born (d. 1755).
1667? Susannah Centlivre born (d.
1674 Isaac Watts born (d. 1748).
1675 William Somerville born (d.
1676 Benjamin Hoadly born (d.
1678 Simon Ockley born (d. 1720).
1678 Thomas Sherlock born (d. 1761).
1683 Conyers Middleton born (d.
1683 Daniel Waterland born (d.
1683 Edward Young born (d. 1765).
1685. Aaron Hill born (d. 1750).
1686 Thomas Carte born (d. 1754).
1688? Thomas Warton the elder
born (d. 1745).
1689 Samuel Richardson born (d.
1692 Joseph Butler born (d. 1752).
1693 George Lillo born (d. 1739).
1696 Matthew Green born (d. 1737).
1699 Robert Blair born (d. 1746).
1700 Death of Dryden.
1700 James Thomson born (d. 1748).
1700? John Dyer born (d. 1758).
1702 Philip Doddridge born (d.
1703 John Wesley born (d. 1791).
1703? Henry Brooke born (d. 1783).
1705 Abraham Tucker born (d. 1774).
1707 Henry Fielding born (d. 1754).
1707 Charles Wesley born (d. 1788).
1708 Ockley's History of the Sara-
cens begins to appear (completed
1709 John Armstrong born (d. 1779).
1709 Samuel Johnson born (d. 1784).
1709 George, Lord Lyttelton born
(d. 1773).
1709 Mrs Centlivre's The Busy
1709 First Copyright Act passed.
1710 Thomas Reid born (d. 1796).
1711 David Hume born (d. 1776).
1712 Richard Glover born (d. 1785).
1712 Edward Moore born (d. 1757).
1713 Laurence Sterne born (d. 1768).
1714 James Hervey born (d. 1758).
1714 William Shenstone born (d.
1714 George Whitefield born (d.
1714-27 George I.
1715 Richard Graves born (d. 1804).
1715 Richard Jago born (d. 1781).
1715 William Whitehead born (d.
1716 Thomas Gray born (d. 1771).
1717 David Garrick born (d. 1779).
1717 Horace Walpole born (d. 1797).
1717–20 The Bangorian Controversy.
1719 Death of Addison.
1719 Edward Young's Busiris.
1720 Samuel Foote born (d. 1777).
1720 Mrs Elizabeth Montagu born
(d. 1800).
1720 Gilbert White born (d. 1793).
1721 Mark Akenside born (d. 1770).
1721 William Collins born (d. 1759).
1721 William Robertson born (d.
1721 Tobias Smollett born (d. 1771).
## p. 529 (#555) ############################################
Table of Principal Dates
1722 John Home born (d. 1808). 1736 Lillo's Fatal Curiosity.
1722 Thomas Leland born (d. 1785). 1737 Death of Queen Caroline.
1722 Christopher Smart born (d. 1737 Edward Gibbon born (d. 1794).
1737 Fielding's
Fielding's The Historical
1722 Joseph Warton born (d. 1800). Register for 1736.
1723 Richard Price born (d. 1791). 1737 Green's The Spleen.
1723 Sir Joshua Reynolds born (d. 1738 Johnson's London.
1739 Hugh Kelly born (d. 1777).
1723 Adam Smith born (d. 1790). 1739 War declared against Spain.
1726 Law's Absolute Unlawfulness 1739-40 Hume's Treatise of Human
of the Stage Entertainment Nature.
fully demonstrated.
1740 James Boswell born (d. 1795).
1726 Thomson's Winter.
1740 Sir Philip Francis born (d.
1727 Arthur Murphy born (d. 1805). 1818).
1727 John Wilkes born (d. 1797). 1740-1 Richardson's Pamela.
1727 Death of Newton.
1741 Middleton's Life of Cicero.
1727 Dyer's Grongar Hill.
1741 Resignation of Walpole.
1727 Thomson's Summer.
1742 Battle of Dettingen.
1727-60 George II.
1742 Fielding's Joseph Andrews.
1728 Oliver Goldsmith born (d. 1742–5 Young's Night Thoughts.
1743 William Paley born (d. 1805).
1728 Thomas Warton the Younger 1743 Blair's The Grave.
born (d. 1790).
1743 Fielding's Miscellanies.
1728 Fielding's Love in Several 1744 William Mitford born (d.
1728 Gay's Beggar's Opera.
1744 Pope died.
1728 Thomson's Spring.
1744 Akenside's Pleasures of the
1729 John William Fletcher (of Imagination.
Madeley) born (d. 1785).
1744 Armstrong's Art of preserving
1729 Thomas Percy born (d. 1811). health.
1729 Clara Reeve born (d. 1807). 1744 Sarah Fielding's David Sim-
1729 Thomson's Sophonisba.
1730 Fielding's Tom Thumb. 1744 Johnson's Life of Savage.
1730 Thomson's Seasons (including 1745 Henry Mackenzie born (d.
1731 Charles Churchill born (d. 1745 Hannah More born (d. 1833).
1745 Death of Swift.
1731 Death of Defoe.
1745-6 Jacobite Rebellion.
1731 The Gentleman's Magazine 1746–7 Hervey's Meditations.
first appears.
1747 Collins's Odes.
1731 Lillo's London Merchant. 1747 Gray's Ode on a distant pro-
1732 George Colman born (d. 1794). spect of Eton College.
1732 William Falconer born (d. 1747 John Hoadly's Suspicious
1732 David Hartley born (d. 1813). 1747 Lyttelton's Monody.
1733 Joseph Priestley born (d. 1804). 1747-8 Richardson's Clarissa Har-
1734 Henry Carey's Chrononhoton- lowe.
1747-55 Carte's History of Eng-
1735 James Beattie born (d. 1803). land.
1735 Somervile's The Chace. 1748 Hume's Philosophical Essays
1736 James Macpherson born (d. concerning Human Understand-
1736 Butler's Analogy.
1748 Smollett's Roderick Random.
1736 Fielding's Pasquin.
1748 Thomson's Castle of In-
1736 Aaron Hill's Zara.
E. L X.
## p. 530 (#556) ############################################
Table of Principal Dates
1749 Fielding's Tom Jones.
1759 Adam Smith's Theory of
1749 David Hartley's Observations Moral Sentiments.
on Man.
1760 Lyttelton's Dialogues of the
1749 Johnson's Vanity of Human Dead.
Wishes and Irene.
1760 Macpherson's Fragments of
1750 First number of The Rambler, Ancient Poetry.
20 March. (Last, 14 March 1760 Rousseau's Nouvelle Héloïse.
1752. )
1760–7 Sterne's Tristram Shandy.
1750 Fielding's Enquiry into the 1760-1820 George III.
Causes of the late Increase of 1761 Churchill's The Rosciad and
The Apology.
1750 Whitehead's The Roman 1761 Colman's The Jealous Wife.
1761 Diderot's Éloge de Richardson.
1751 Sheridan born (d. 1816).
1761 Resignation of Pitt. Bute at
1751 Fielding's Amelia.
Lord Chatham in 1768 and 1772. ]
Cockburn, Sir G. Inquiry as to who was the author of Junius. Dublin,
1845. [Argues strongly for Charles Lloyd. ]
Coleridge, S. T. Notes on Junius. Literary Remains. Ed. Coleridge, H. N.
Vol. 1. 1836.
Dilke, C. W. Junius. In Papers of a Critic, vol. 11. 1875.
Francis, H. R. Junius revealed, by his surviving grandson, Francis, H. R.
Francis, Sir P. Memoirs, with correspondence and journals. Commenced
by Parkes, J. Completed and edited by Merivale, H. 2 vols. 1867.
(Contains a cogent statement of the Franciscan case, especially with
regard to dates and to the identity of Francis's and Junius's political
opinions. It also has a full account of the principal letter-writers in The
Public Advertiser, unfortunately identifying them all with Francis and
Junius. ]
## p. 527 (#553) ############################################
Chapter XVII
Francis, Sir P. and others. The Francis Letters. By Sir Philip Francis
and other members of the family. Ed. by Francis, B. and Keary, E.
2 vols. 1901. [With a note on the Junius controversy by Keary, C. F. ]
Grafton, A. H. F. , 3rd duke of. Autobiography and political correspondence.
Ed. Anson, Sir W. R. 1898. [Gives the inner history of many political
events Commented upon by Junius. Sir William Anson suggests that
'whatever part Francis may have played in the composition of the
Letters, Temple directed their policy, supplied much of their information,
and may conceivably have polished their invective. ']
Grenville Papers. Correspondence of R. Grenville, Earl Temple, and Rt
Hon. G. Grenville, their friends and contemporaries. 4 vols. 1852-3.
[Contains three secret letters written by Junius to George Grenville in
1768. The editor, Smith, W. J. , argues that Lord Temple was Junius,
and gives much information on the political pamphleteering of the time
in a valuable preface to vol. 111. ]
Hayward, A. More about Junius. The Franciscan theory unsound. Rptd
from Fraser's Magazine. 1868. [Against Parkes and Merivale. ]
The handwriting of Junius. 1874.
Junius. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edn 9, vol. XII. 1881.
Jaques, J. The history of Junius and his works. 1813.
Lecky, W E. H. History of England in the eighteenth century. 3rd edn.
Vol. 111. 1887. [Account and critique of Junius. ]
Macaulay, Lord. Essay on Warren Hastings. Works, vol. 1x. 1898.
Merivale, H. Junius, Francis, and Lord_Mansfield in December 1770.
Fortnightly Review. 1 March 1868. [Replying to Hayward. ]
· Newhall, 1. Letters on Junius. . . showing that the author of that celebrated
work was Earl Temple. Boston, 1831.
Rae, W. Fraser. Facts about Junius and Francis, with other notes on the
Junius controversy. Contributed to the Athenaeum in 1888 and following
Smith, James. Junius unveiled. 1909. [Argues that Gibbon was Junius. ]
Stephen, Sir L. Sir Philip Francis. D. of N. B. vol. xx. 1889.
Chatham, Francis, and Junius. Eng. Hist. Rev. April 1888.
Taylor, J. A discovery of the author of the Letters of Junius. 1813.
[In favour of Dr Philip Francis and Sir Philip Francis. ]
The identity of Junius with a distinguished living character [Sir
P. Francis] established. 1816. 2nd edn. 1818.
Supplement to Junius identified. 1817. 2nd edn. 1818.
A. T. B.
## p. 528 (#554) ############################################
1641 Henry Dodwell born (d. 1711).
1657 William Wake born (d. 1737).
1663 Francis Atterbury bori (d.
1663 Thomas Wilson, bp of Sodor
and Man born (d. 1755).
1667? Susannah Centlivre born (d.
1674 Isaac Watts born (d. 1748).
1675 William Somerville born (d.
1676 Benjamin Hoadly born (d.
1678 Simon Ockley born (d. 1720).
1678 Thomas Sherlock born (d. 1761).
1683 Conyers Middleton born (d.
1683 Daniel Waterland born (d.
1683 Edward Young born (d. 1765).
1685. Aaron Hill born (d. 1750).
1686 Thomas Carte born (d. 1754).
1688? Thomas Warton the elder
born (d. 1745).
1689 Samuel Richardson born (d.
1692 Joseph Butler born (d. 1752).
1693 George Lillo born (d. 1739).
1696 Matthew Green born (d. 1737).
1699 Robert Blair born (d. 1746).
1700 Death of Dryden.
1700 James Thomson born (d. 1748).
1700? John Dyer born (d. 1758).
1702 Philip Doddridge born (d.
1703 John Wesley born (d. 1791).
1703? Henry Brooke born (d. 1783).
1705 Abraham Tucker born (d. 1774).
1707 Henry Fielding born (d. 1754).
1707 Charles Wesley born (d. 1788).
1708 Ockley's History of the Sara-
cens begins to appear (completed
1709 John Armstrong born (d. 1779).
1709 Samuel Johnson born (d. 1784).
1709 George, Lord Lyttelton born
(d. 1773).
1709 Mrs Centlivre's The Busy
1709 First Copyright Act passed.
1710 Thomas Reid born (d. 1796).
1711 David Hume born (d. 1776).
1712 Richard Glover born (d. 1785).
1712 Edward Moore born (d. 1757).
1713 Laurence Sterne born (d. 1768).
1714 James Hervey born (d. 1758).
1714 William Shenstone born (d.
1714 George Whitefield born (d.
1714-27 George I.
1715 Richard Graves born (d. 1804).
1715 Richard Jago born (d. 1781).
1715 William Whitehead born (d.
1716 Thomas Gray born (d. 1771).
1717 David Garrick born (d. 1779).
1717 Horace Walpole born (d. 1797).
1717–20 The Bangorian Controversy.
1719 Death of Addison.
1719 Edward Young's Busiris.
1720 Samuel Foote born (d. 1777).
1720 Mrs Elizabeth Montagu born
(d. 1800).
1720 Gilbert White born (d. 1793).
1721 Mark Akenside born (d. 1770).
1721 William Collins born (d. 1759).
1721 William Robertson born (d.
1721 Tobias Smollett born (d. 1771).
## p. 529 (#555) ############################################
Table of Principal Dates
1722 John Home born (d. 1808). 1736 Lillo's Fatal Curiosity.
1722 Thomas Leland born (d. 1785). 1737 Death of Queen Caroline.
1722 Christopher Smart born (d. 1737 Edward Gibbon born (d. 1794).
1737 Fielding's
Fielding's The Historical
1722 Joseph Warton born (d. 1800). Register for 1736.
1723 Richard Price born (d. 1791). 1737 Green's The Spleen.
1723 Sir Joshua Reynolds born (d. 1738 Johnson's London.
1739 Hugh Kelly born (d. 1777).
1723 Adam Smith born (d. 1790). 1739 War declared against Spain.
1726 Law's Absolute Unlawfulness 1739-40 Hume's Treatise of Human
of the Stage Entertainment Nature.
fully demonstrated.
1740 James Boswell born (d. 1795).
1726 Thomson's Winter.
1740 Sir Philip Francis born (d.
1727 Arthur Murphy born (d. 1805). 1818).
1727 John Wilkes born (d. 1797). 1740-1 Richardson's Pamela.
1727 Death of Newton.
1741 Middleton's Life of Cicero.
1727 Dyer's Grongar Hill.
1741 Resignation of Walpole.
1727 Thomson's Summer.
1742 Battle of Dettingen.
1727-60 George II.
1742 Fielding's Joseph Andrews.
1728 Oliver Goldsmith born (d. 1742–5 Young's Night Thoughts.
1743 William Paley born (d. 1805).
1728 Thomas Warton the Younger 1743 Blair's The Grave.
born (d. 1790).
1743 Fielding's Miscellanies.
1728 Fielding's Love in Several 1744 William Mitford born (d.
1728 Gay's Beggar's Opera.
1744 Pope died.
1728 Thomson's Spring.
1744 Akenside's Pleasures of the
1729 John William Fletcher (of Imagination.
Madeley) born (d. 1785).
1744 Armstrong's Art of preserving
1729 Thomas Percy born (d. 1811). health.
1729 Clara Reeve born (d. 1807). 1744 Sarah Fielding's David Sim-
1729 Thomson's Sophonisba.
1730 Fielding's Tom Thumb. 1744 Johnson's Life of Savage.
1730 Thomson's Seasons (including 1745 Henry Mackenzie born (d.
1731 Charles Churchill born (d. 1745 Hannah More born (d. 1833).
1745 Death of Swift.
1731 Death of Defoe.
1745-6 Jacobite Rebellion.
1731 The Gentleman's Magazine 1746–7 Hervey's Meditations.
first appears.
1747 Collins's Odes.
1731 Lillo's London Merchant. 1747 Gray's Ode on a distant pro-
1732 George Colman born (d. 1794). spect of Eton College.
1732 William Falconer born (d. 1747 John Hoadly's Suspicious
1732 David Hartley born (d. 1813). 1747 Lyttelton's Monody.
1733 Joseph Priestley born (d. 1804). 1747-8 Richardson's Clarissa Har-
1734 Henry Carey's Chrononhoton- lowe.
1747-55 Carte's History of Eng-
1735 James Beattie born (d. 1803). land.
1735 Somervile's The Chace. 1748 Hume's Philosophical Essays
1736 James Macpherson born (d. concerning Human Understand-
1736 Butler's Analogy.
1748 Smollett's Roderick Random.
1736 Fielding's Pasquin.
1748 Thomson's Castle of In-
1736 Aaron Hill's Zara.
E. L X.
## p. 530 (#556) ############################################
Table of Principal Dates
1749 Fielding's Tom Jones.
1759 Adam Smith's Theory of
1749 David Hartley's Observations Moral Sentiments.
on Man.
1760 Lyttelton's Dialogues of the
1749 Johnson's Vanity of Human Dead.
Wishes and Irene.
1760 Macpherson's Fragments of
1750 First number of The Rambler, Ancient Poetry.
20 March. (Last, 14 March 1760 Rousseau's Nouvelle Héloïse.
1752. )
1760–7 Sterne's Tristram Shandy.
1750 Fielding's Enquiry into the 1760-1820 George III.
Causes of the late Increase of 1761 Churchill's The Rosciad and
The Apology.
1750 Whitehead's The Roman 1761 Colman's The Jealous Wife.
1761 Diderot's Éloge de Richardson.
1751 Sheridan born (d. 1816).
1761 Resignation of Pitt. Bute at
1751 Fielding's Amelia.