And Thy discipline hath
me to the end.
Augustine - Exposition on the Psalms - v1
And hath settled the obscurity of the Sacraments, and the hidden hope in the heart of believers, where He may lie hid,
2Cor. 5, and not abandon them. In this darkness too, wherein tre
Rom. 8 yet Kalk bg faith, and not by sight, as long as we hope for
what we see not, and with patience waitfor it. Round about Him is His tabernacle. Yet they that believe Him turn to H im and encircle Him ; for that He is in the midst of them, since He is equally the friend of all, in whom as in a taber nacle He at this time dwells. Dark water in clouds of air. Nor let any one on this account, if he understand the Scrip ture, imagine that he is already in that light, which will be when we shall have come out of faith into sight : for in the prophets and in all the preachers of the word of God there is obscure teaching.
13. Ver. 12. In respect of the brightness in His sight: in comparison with the brightness, which is in the sight of
fountains of Grace, and foundations of Prophecy, revealed. 119
His manifestation. His clouds have passed over. The Vrr. preachers of His word are not now bounded by the confines I3~ of Judaea, but have passed over to the Gentiles. Hail and
coals offire. Reproofs are figured ', whereby, as by hail, the l read hard hearts are bruised: but if a cultivated and genial soil, Hg^tl that is, a godly mind, receive them, the hail's hardness dis-D,in8. , solves into water, that the terror of the charged
lightning-charged2, reproofs' and as were frozen, reproof dissolves into satisfying doc-3fl11gu"
trine and hearts kindled by the fire of love revive. All these things in His clouds have passed over to the Gentiles.
14. Ver. 13. And the Lord hath thundered from heaven. And in confidence of the Gospel the Lord hath sounded forth from the heart of the just One- And the Highest gave His voice that we might entertain and in the depth of human things, might hear things heavenly.
15. Ver. 14. And He sent out His arrows, and scattered
them. And He sent out Evangelists traversing
paths on the wings of strength, not in their own power, but
His by Whom they were sent. And He scattered them, to whom they were sent, that to some of them they should be
the savour of life unto life, to others the savour of death Cox. unto death. And He multiplied lightnings, and troubled '
them. And He multiplied miracles, and troubled them.
16. Ver. 15. And the fountains of water were seen.
And the fountains of water springing up into everlasting John
life, which were made in the preachers, were seen. And the 14. foundations of the round world were revealed. And the Prophets, who were not understood, and upon whom was to
be built the world of believers in the Lord, were revealed.
At Thy chiding, Lord: crying out, The kingdom of GWLukelo,
come nigh unto you. At the blasting of the breath Thy ' displeasure; saying, Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise Luke13, perish.
17. Ver. 16. He hath sent down from on high, and hath fetched Me: by calling out of the Gentiles for an inheritance
a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle. He Aw/AEph. taken Me out of the multitude of waters. He hath taken2 Me out of the multitude of peoples.
18. Ver. 17. He hath delivered Me from My strongest enemies. He hath delivered Me from Mine enemies, who
2 %
120 Freedom of Faith. Gods judgment* kept ever in view.
Psalm prevailed lo the afflicting and overturning of this tem- XVIII-poral life of Mine. And from them which hate Me; for they are too strong for Me: as long as I am under them
knowing not God.
19. Ver. 18. They have prevented Me in the day of My
They have first injured Me, in the time when I am bearing a mortal and toilsome body. And the Lord hath become My stay. And since the stay of earthly pleasure was disturbed and torn up by the bitterness of misery, the Lord hath become My stay.
20. Ver. 19. And hath brought Me forth into a broad place. And since I was enduring the straits of the flesh, He brought Me forth into the spiritual breadth of faith. He hath delivered Me, because He desired Me. Before that I desired Him, He delivered Me from My most powerful enemies, (who were envious of Me when I once desired Him,) and from them that hated Me, because I do desire Him.
21. Ver. 20. And the Lord shall reward Me according to My righteousness. And the Lord shall reward Me accord ing to the righteousness of My good will, Who first shewed mercy, before that I had the good will. And according to the cleanness of My hands He will recompense Me. And according to the cleanness of My deeds He will recompense Me, Who hath given Me to do well by bringing Me forth into the broad place of faIith.
22. Ver. 21. Because
That the breadth of good works, that are by faith, and the long-suffering of pIerseverance should follow after.
23. Nor have
? Oxf. Ver. 2. 2. For all His judgments are1 in My sight. For with
? ^J t persevering contemplation I weigh all His judgments, that
ways. '
the rewards of the righteous, and the punishments of the ungodly, and the scourges of such as are to be chastened, and the trials of such as are to be proved. And have not cast out His righteousness from Me: as they do that faint under their burden of them, and return to their own vomit.
24. Ver. 23. And shall be undefiled with Him, and shall keep Myselffrom Mine iniquity.
25. Ver. 24. And the Lord shall reward Me according to My righteousness. Accordingly not only for the breadth of
have kept the ways
walked impiously apart My God. from
the Lord.
God the source of Holiness and Light, but to His own. 121
faith, which worketh by love; but also for the length of Ver. perseverance, will the Lord reward Me according to My 25--30 '- righteousness. And according to the cleanness of My hands
in the sight of His eyes. Not as men see, but in the sight
of His eyes. For the things that are seen are temporal; 2 Cor.
but the things that are not seen are eternal: whereto the4'18'
height of hope appertains.
26. Ver. 25. With the holy Thou shall be holy. There is
a hidden depth also, wherein Thou art known to be holy with the holy, for that Thou makest holy. And with the harmless Thou shall be harmless. For Thou harmest no man, but each one is bound by the bands of his own sins.
Prov. 5, 27. Ver. 26. And with the chosen Thou shalt be chosen. 22.
And by him whom Thou choosest, Thou art chosen. And with the froward Thou shalt be froward. And with the froward Thou seemest froward: for they say, The way of the Ezek.
Lord is not right: and their way is not right. 18' 25, 28. Ver. 27. For Thou will make whole the humble people.
Now this seems froward to the froward, that Thou wilt make
them whole that confess their sins. And Thou wilt humble
the eyes of the proud. But them that are ignorant of God's Rom.
righteousness, and seek to establish their own, Thou wilt humble.
29. Ver. 28. For thou will light My candle, O Lord. For our light is not from ourselves; but Thou will light my candle, O Lord. O my God, Thou wilt enlighten my dark ness. For we through our sins are darkness ; but, Thou, O my God, wilt enlighten my darkness. I
30. Ver. 29. For by Thee shall
temptation. For not by myself, but by Thee, shall delivered from temptation. And in my God shall
over the wall. And not in myself, but in my God shall I leap over the wall, which sin has raised between men and the heavenly Jerusalem.
31. Ver. 30. My God, His way is undefiled. My God cometh not unto men, except they shall have purified the way of faith, whereby He may come to them; for that His way is undefiled. The words of the Lord have been proved
The words of the Lord are tried by the fire of tribulation. He is the Protector of them that hope in Him.
by fire.
be delivered
II be
from leap
122 God gives strength, speed, valour, guidance, freedom.
Psalm And all that hope not in themselves, but in Him, are not ? _Xiy; consumed by that same tribulation. For hope followeth
32. Ver. SI. For Who is God, but the Lord? Whom we
serve. And Who God, but our God? And Who is God, but the Lord? Whom after good service we sons shall possess as the hoped for inheritance.
33. Ver. 32. God, Who hath girded me with strength. God, Who hath girded me that I might be strong, lest the loosely flowing folds of desire hinder my deeds and steps. And hath made my way undefiled. And hath made the way of love, whereby I may come to Him, undefiled, as the way of faith is undefiled, whereby He comes to me.
34. Ver. 33. Who hath made my feet perfect like harts'
Who hath made my love perfect to surmount the thorny and dark entanglements of this world. And will set me up on high. And wiil fix my aim on the heavenly
Ephes. habitation, that / may be filled with all the fulness of God. 3, 19. 35. Ver. 34. Who teacheth my hands for battle. Who
teacheth me to work for the overthrow of mine enemies, who strive to shut the kingdom of heaven against us. And Thou hast made mine arms as a bow of steel. And Thou
hast made my earnest striving after good works unwearied. 36. Ver. 35. And Thou hast given me the defence of my salvation, and Thy right hand hath held me up. And the
favour of Thy grace hath held me up.
And Thy discipline hath directed me to the end. And Thy correction, not suffering me to wander from the way, hath directed me that whatsoever I do, I refer to that end, whereby I may cleave to Thee. And this Thy discipline, it shall teach me. And that same correction of Thine shall teach me to attain to
that, whereunto it hath directed me.
37. Ver. 36. Thou hast enlarged my steps under me.
Nor shall the straits of the flesh hinder me ; for Thou hast enlarged my love, working in gladness even with these mortal things and members which are under me. And my
footsteps have not been weakened. And either my goings, or the marks which I have imprinted for the imitation of those that follow, have not been weakened.
38. Ver. 37. / will follow up mine enemies, and seize
Enemies partly converted, partly overthroion. 123
them. I will follow up my carnal affections, and will not be Ver.
seized by them, but will seize them, so that they
be ? 8~**?
'seep. 83.
consumed. And
make a tumult about me.
Iwill not
may they fail. And from this purpose I will not turn myself to rest, till they fail who
/will break them, and
shall not be able
39. Ver. 38.
to stand: and they shall not hold out against me. They shall fall under my feet. When they are cast dowu, I will place before me the loves1 whereby I walk for evermore.
40. Ver. 39. And Thou hast girded me with strength
the war. And the loose desires of my flesh hast Thou sinners, bound up with strength, that in such a fight I may not be their'<<' encumbered. Thou hast supplanted under me them thatlove. '
rose up against me. Thou hast caused them to be deceived, who followed upon me, that they should be brought under me, who desired to be over me.
41. Ver. 40. And Thou hast given mine enemies the back to me. And Thou hast turned mine enemies, and hast made them to be a back to me, that is, to follow me. And Thou hast destroyed them that hate me. But such other of them, as have persisted in hatred, Thou hast destroyed.
44. Ver. 43. Thou wilt deliver Me from the contradictions
of the people. Thou wilt deliver Me from the contradictions
of them who said, If ice send Him away, all the world will Johnii,
o it.
*S; 12, go after Him. 19.
42. Ver. 41. They have cried out, and there was none to save them. For who can save them, whom Thou wouldest not save ? To the Lord, and He did not hear rItem. Nor did they cry out to any chance one, but to the Lord : and He did not judge them worthy of being heard, who depart not from their wickedness.
43. Ver. 42. And I will beat them as small as dust before the face of the wind. And I will beat them small; for dry they are, receiving not the shower of God's mercy; that borne aloft and puffed up with pride they may be hurried along from firm and unshaken hope, and as it were from the earth's solidity and stability. As the clay of the streets I will destroy them. In their wanton and loose course along the broad ways of perdition, which many walk, will I destroy them.
124 The ' strange children' offended at Christ, and confounded.
Psalm I the A 45. Thou shall make Me the head of Gentiles.
have not known have screed Me. The people of the Gentiles, whom in bodily presence I have not visited, have served Me. (Ver. 44. ) At the hearing of the ear they have obeyed Me. They have not seen Me with the
eye : but, receiving My preachers, at the hearing of the ear they have obeyed Me.
46. The strange children have lied unto Me. Children, not to be called Mine, but rather strange children, to whom John 8, it is rightly said, Ye are of your father the devil, have lied
unto Me. (Ver. 45. ) The strange children have waxen old. The strange children, to whom for their renovation I brought the new Testament, have remained in the old man. And they have halted from their own paths. And like those that are weak in one foot, for holding the old they have rejected the new Testament, they have become halt, even in this old Law,
Mat. 15, rather following their own traditions, than God's. For they brought frivolous charges of unwashen hands, because such were the paths, which themselves had made and worn by long use, in wandering from the ways of God's com
47. Ver. 46. The Lord liveth, and blessed be my God.
Rom. 8, But to be carnally minded is death : for the Lord liveth,
XVIII 'people whom
and blessed be my God. And let the God of my salvation be exalted. And let me not think after an earthly fashion of the God of my salvation ; nor look from Him for this earthly salvation, but that on high.
48. Ver. 47. O God, Who givest Me vengeance, and sub- duest the people under Me. O God, Who avengest Me by subduing the people under Me. My Deliverer from My
John 19, angry enemies: the Jews crying out, Crucify Him, Crucify
49. Ver. 48. From them that rise up against Me Thou
will exalt Me. From the Jews that rise up against Me in My passion, Thou wilt exalt Me in My resurrection. From the unjust man Thou wilt deliver Me. From their unjust rule Thou wilt deliver Me.
50. Ver. 49. For this cause will Iconfess
the Gentiles, O Lord. For this cause shall the Gentiles confess to Thee through Me, O Lord. And I will sing unto
to Thee
Wonders ofsalvation. God's glory in the spiritual heavens. 125
Thy Name. And Thou shalt be more widely known by My Ver. good deeds.
51. Ver. 50. Magnifying the salvation of His King. God, Who magnifieth, so as to make wonderful, the salvation, which His Son giveth to believers. And shewing mercy to His Christ: God, Who sheweth mercy to His Christ: To David and to His seed for evermore: to the Deliverer Himself strong of hand, Who hath overcome this world; and to them whom, as believers in the Gospel, He hath begotten for evermore. What things soever are spoken in this Psalm which cannot apply to the Lord Himself personally, that is to the Head of the Church, must be referred to the Church. For whole Christ speaks here, in Whom are all His members.
To the end, a Psalm of David himself.
1. It is a well-known title; nor does the Lord Jesus Christ say what follows, but it is said of Him.
2. Ver. 1. The heavens tell out the glory of God. The righteous Evangelists, in whom, as in the heavens, God dwelleth, set forth the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, or the glory wherewith the Son glorified the Father upon earth.
And the firmament sheweth forth the works of His hands. And the firmament sheweth forth the deeds of the Lord's power, that now made heaven by the assurance of the Holy Ghost, which before was earth by fear.
3. Ver. 2. Day unto day uttereth word. To the spiritual
the Spirit giveth out the fulness of the unchangeable Wisdom
of God, the Word which in the beginning is God with God. John 1, And night unto night announceth knowledge. And to the fleshly, as to those afar off, the mortality of the flesh, by con veying faith, announceth future knowledge.
4. Ver. 3. There is no speech nor language, in which their voices are not heard. In which the voices of the Evangelists
126 Our Lord's Advent, and course on earth. He is the Law.
Psalm have not been heard, seeing that the Gospel was preached
Exp. l! m every tongue.
5. Ver. 4. Their sound is gone out into all the earth, and
their words to the ends of the world.
6. In the sun hath He set His tabernacle. Now that He
might war against the powers of temporal error, the Lord, Mat. 10, being about to send not peace but a sword on earth, in time, or in manifestation, set so to say His military dwelling, that is, the dispensation of His incarnation. (Ver. 5. ) And He as a bridegroom coming forth out His chamber. And He, coming forth out of the Virgin's womb, where God was
united to man's nature as bridegroom to bride. Rejoiced as a giant to run His way. Rejoiced as One exceeding strong, and surpassing all other men in power incomparable,
Ps. 1,1. not to inhabit, but to run His way. For, He stood not in the way ofsinners.
7. Ver. 6. His going forth is from the highest heaven. From the Father His going forth, not that in time, but from everlasting, whereby He was born of the Father. And His meeting even to the height of heaven. And in the ful ness of the Godhead He meets even to an equality with the Father*. And there is none that may hide himselffrom His
John heat. But whereas, the Word was even made flesh, and dwelt in us, assuming our mortality, He permitted no man to excuse himself from the shadow of death for the heat of the Word penetrated even it.
8. Ver. 7. The law of the Lord undefiled, converting Matt. souls. The law of the Lord, therefore, Himself Who came
to fulfil the law, not to destroy it; an undefiled law, Who lPet. 2,did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth, not
'" oppressing souls with the yoke of bondage, but converting them to imitate Him in liberty. The testimony ofthe Lord is sure, giving wisdom to babes. The testimony of the Lord
Mat. ii, is sure; for, no man knoweth the Father save the Son, and
Liikeio ^ to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him, which things
have been hidden from the wise and revealed to babes for, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.
9. Ver. 8. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. All the statutes of the Lord are right in Him
* Vid. in Psalm 58. (59. E.
2Cor. 5, and not abandon them. In this darkness too, wherein tre
Rom. 8 yet Kalk bg faith, and not by sight, as long as we hope for
what we see not, and with patience waitfor it. Round about Him is His tabernacle. Yet they that believe Him turn to H im and encircle Him ; for that He is in the midst of them, since He is equally the friend of all, in whom as in a taber nacle He at this time dwells. Dark water in clouds of air. Nor let any one on this account, if he understand the Scrip ture, imagine that he is already in that light, which will be when we shall have come out of faith into sight : for in the prophets and in all the preachers of the word of God there is obscure teaching.
13. Ver. 12. In respect of the brightness in His sight: in comparison with the brightness, which is in the sight of
fountains of Grace, and foundations of Prophecy, revealed. 119
His manifestation. His clouds have passed over. The Vrr. preachers of His word are not now bounded by the confines I3~ of Judaea, but have passed over to the Gentiles. Hail and
coals offire. Reproofs are figured ', whereby, as by hail, the l read hard hearts are bruised: but if a cultivated and genial soil, Hg^tl that is, a godly mind, receive them, the hail's hardness dis-D,in8. , solves into water, that the terror of the charged
lightning-charged2, reproofs' and as were frozen, reproof dissolves into satisfying doc-3fl11gu"
trine and hearts kindled by the fire of love revive. All these things in His clouds have passed over to the Gentiles.
14. Ver. 13. And the Lord hath thundered from heaven. And in confidence of the Gospel the Lord hath sounded forth from the heart of the just One- And the Highest gave His voice that we might entertain and in the depth of human things, might hear things heavenly.
15. Ver. 14. And He sent out His arrows, and scattered
them. And He sent out Evangelists traversing
paths on the wings of strength, not in their own power, but
His by Whom they were sent. And He scattered them, to whom they were sent, that to some of them they should be
the savour of life unto life, to others the savour of death Cox. unto death. And He multiplied lightnings, and troubled '
them. And He multiplied miracles, and troubled them.
16. Ver. 15. And the fountains of water were seen.
And the fountains of water springing up into everlasting John
life, which were made in the preachers, were seen. And the 14. foundations of the round world were revealed. And the Prophets, who were not understood, and upon whom was to
be built the world of believers in the Lord, were revealed.
At Thy chiding, Lord: crying out, The kingdom of GWLukelo,
come nigh unto you. At the blasting of the breath Thy ' displeasure; saying, Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise Luke13, perish.
17. Ver. 16. He hath sent down from on high, and hath fetched Me: by calling out of the Gentiles for an inheritance
a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle. He Aw/AEph. taken Me out of the multitude of waters. He hath taken2 Me out of the multitude of peoples.
18. Ver. 17. He hath delivered Me from My strongest enemies. He hath delivered Me from Mine enemies, who
2 %
120 Freedom of Faith. Gods judgment* kept ever in view.
Psalm prevailed lo the afflicting and overturning of this tem- XVIII-poral life of Mine. And from them which hate Me; for they are too strong for Me: as long as I am under them
knowing not God.
19. Ver. 18. They have prevented Me in the day of My
They have first injured Me, in the time when I am bearing a mortal and toilsome body. And the Lord hath become My stay. And since the stay of earthly pleasure was disturbed and torn up by the bitterness of misery, the Lord hath become My stay.
20. Ver. 19. And hath brought Me forth into a broad place. And since I was enduring the straits of the flesh, He brought Me forth into the spiritual breadth of faith. He hath delivered Me, because He desired Me. Before that I desired Him, He delivered Me from My most powerful enemies, (who were envious of Me when I once desired Him,) and from them that hated Me, because I do desire Him.
21. Ver. 20. And the Lord shall reward Me according to My righteousness. And the Lord shall reward Me accord ing to the righteousness of My good will, Who first shewed mercy, before that I had the good will. And according to the cleanness of My hands He will recompense Me. And according to the cleanness of My deeds He will recompense Me, Who hath given Me to do well by bringing Me forth into the broad place of faIith.
22. Ver. 21. Because
That the breadth of good works, that are by faith, and the long-suffering of pIerseverance should follow after.
23. Nor have
? Oxf. Ver. 2. 2. For all His judgments are1 in My sight. For with
? ^J t persevering contemplation I weigh all His judgments, that
ways. '
the rewards of the righteous, and the punishments of the ungodly, and the scourges of such as are to be chastened, and the trials of such as are to be proved. And have not cast out His righteousness from Me: as they do that faint under their burden of them, and return to their own vomit.
24. Ver. 23. And shall be undefiled with Him, and shall keep Myselffrom Mine iniquity.
25. Ver. 24. And the Lord shall reward Me according to My righteousness. Accordingly not only for the breadth of
have kept the ways
walked impiously apart My God. from
the Lord.
God the source of Holiness and Light, but to His own. 121
faith, which worketh by love; but also for the length of Ver. perseverance, will the Lord reward Me according to My 25--30 '- righteousness. And according to the cleanness of My hands
in the sight of His eyes. Not as men see, but in the sight
of His eyes. For the things that are seen are temporal; 2 Cor.
but the things that are not seen are eternal: whereto the4'18'
height of hope appertains.
26. Ver. 25. With the holy Thou shall be holy. There is
a hidden depth also, wherein Thou art known to be holy with the holy, for that Thou makest holy. And with the harmless Thou shall be harmless. For Thou harmest no man, but each one is bound by the bands of his own sins.
Prov. 5, 27. Ver. 26. And with the chosen Thou shalt be chosen. 22.
And by him whom Thou choosest, Thou art chosen. And with the froward Thou shalt be froward. And with the froward Thou seemest froward: for they say, The way of the Ezek.
Lord is not right: and their way is not right. 18' 25, 28. Ver. 27. For Thou will make whole the humble people.
Now this seems froward to the froward, that Thou wilt make
them whole that confess their sins. And Thou wilt humble
the eyes of the proud. But them that are ignorant of God's Rom.
righteousness, and seek to establish their own, Thou wilt humble.
29. Ver. 28. For thou will light My candle, O Lord. For our light is not from ourselves; but Thou will light my candle, O Lord. O my God, Thou wilt enlighten my dark ness. For we through our sins are darkness ; but, Thou, O my God, wilt enlighten my darkness. I
30. Ver. 29. For by Thee shall
temptation. For not by myself, but by Thee, shall delivered from temptation. And in my God shall
over the wall. And not in myself, but in my God shall I leap over the wall, which sin has raised between men and the heavenly Jerusalem.
31. Ver. 30. My God, His way is undefiled. My God cometh not unto men, except they shall have purified the way of faith, whereby He may come to them; for that His way is undefiled. The words of the Lord have been proved
The words of the Lord are tried by the fire of tribulation. He is the Protector of them that hope in Him.
by fire.
be delivered
II be
from leap
122 God gives strength, speed, valour, guidance, freedom.
Psalm And all that hope not in themselves, but in Him, are not ? _Xiy; consumed by that same tribulation. For hope followeth
32. Ver. SI. For Who is God, but the Lord? Whom we
serve. And Who God, but our God? And Who is God, but the Lord? Whom after good service we sons shall possess as the hoped for inheritance.
33. Ver. 32. God, Who hath girded me with strength. God, Who hath girded me that I might be strong, lest the loosely flowing folds of desire hinder my deeds and steps. And hath made my way undefiled. And hath made the way of love, whereby I may come to Him, undefiled, as the way of faith is undefiled, whereby He comes to me.
34. Ver. 33. Who hath made my feet perfect like harts'
Who hath made my love perfect to surmount the thorny and dark entanglements of this world. And will set me up on high. And wiil fix my aim on the heavenly
Ephes. habitation, that / may be filled with all the fulness of God. 3, 19. 35. Ver. 34. Who teacheth my hands for battle. Who
teacheth me to work for the overthrow of mine enemies, who strive to shut the kingdom of heaven against us. And Thou hast made mine arms as a bow of steel. And Thou
hast made my earnest striving after good works unwearied. 36. Ver. 35. And Thou hast given me the defence of my salvation, and Thy right hand hath held me up. And the
favour of Thy grace hath held me up.
And Thy discipline hath directed me to the end. And Thy correction, not suffering me to wander from the way, hath directed me that whatsoever I do, I refer to that end, whereby I may cleave to Thee. And this Thy discipline, it shall teach me. And that same correction of Thine shall teach me to attain to
that, whereunto it hath directed me.
37. Ver. 36. Thou hast enlarged my steps under me.
Nor shall the straits of the flesh hinder me ; for Thou hast enlarged my love, working in gladness even with these mortal things and members which are under me. And my
footsteps have not been weakened. And either my goings, or the marks which I have imprinted for the imitation of those that follow, have not been weakened.
38. Ver. 37. / will follow up mine enemies, and seize
Enemies partly converted, partly overthroion. 123
them. I will follow up my carnal affections, and will not be Ver.
seized by them, but will seize them, so that they
be ? 8~**?
'seep. 83.
consumed. And
make a tumult about me.
Iwill not
may they fail. And from this purpose I will not turn myself to rest, till they fail who
/will break them, and
shall not be able
39. Ver. 38.
to stand: and they shall not hold out against me. They shall fall under my feet. When they are cast dowu, I will place before me the loves1 whereby I walk for evermore.
40. Ver. 39. And Thou hast girded me with strength
the war. And the loose desires of my flesh hast Thou sinners, bound up with strength, that in such a fight I may not be their'<<' encumbered. Thou hast supplanted under me them thatlove. '
rose up against me. Thou hast caused them to be deceived, who followed upon me, that they should be brought under me, who desired to be over me.
41. Ver. 40. And Thou hast given mine enemies the back to me. And Thou hast turned mine enemies, and hast made them to be a back to me, that is, to follow me. And Thou hast destroyed them that hate me. But such other of them, as have persisted in hatred, Thou hast destroyed.
44. Ver. 43. Thou wilt deliver Me from the contradictions
of the people. Thou wilt deliver Me from the contradictions
of them who said, If ice send Him away, all the world will Johnii,
o it.
*S; 12, go after Him. 19.
42. Ver. 41. They have cried out, and there was none to save them. For who can save them, whom Thou wouldest not save ? To the Lord, and He did not hear rItem. Nor did they cry out to any chance one, but to the Lord : and He did not judge them worthy of being heard, who depart not from their wickedness.
43. Ver. 42. And I will beat them as small as dust before the face of the wind. And I will beat them small; for dry they are, receiving not the shower of God's mercy; that borne aloft and puffed up with pride they may be hurried along from firm and unshaken hope, and as it were from the earth's solidity and stability. As the clay of the streets I will destroy them. In their wanton and loose course along the broad ways of perdition, which many walk, will I destroy them.
124 The ' strange children' offended at Christ, and confounded.
Psalm I the A 45. Thou shall make Me the head of Gentiles.
have not known have screed Me. The people of the Gentiles, whom in bodily presence I have not visited, have served Me. (Ver. 44. ) At the hearing of the ear they have obeyed Me. They have not seen Me with the
eye : but, receiving My preachers, at the hearing of the ear they have obeyed Me.
46. The strange children have lied unto Me. Children, not to be called Mine, but rather strange children, to whom John 8, it is rightly said, Ye are of your father the devil, have lied
unto Me. (Ver. 45. ) The strange children have waxen old. The strange children, to whom for their renovation I brought the new Testament, have remained in the old man. And they have halted from their own paths. And like those that are weak in one foot, for holding the old they have rejected the new Testament, they have become halt, even in this old Law,
Mat. 15, rather following their own traditions, than God's. For they brought frivolous charges of unwashen hands, because such were the paths, which themselves had made and worn by long use, in wandering from the ways of God's com
47. Ver. 46. The Lord liveth, and blessed be my God.
Rom. 8, But to be carnally minded is death : for the Lord liveth,
XVIII 'people whom
and blessed be my God. And let the God of my salvation be exalted. And let me not think after an earthly fashion of the God of my salvation ; nor look from Him for this earthly salvation, but that on high.
48. Ver. 47. O God, Who givest Me vengeance, and sub- duest the people under Me. O God, Who avengest Me by subduing the people under Me. My Deliverer from My
John 19, angry enemies: the Jews crying out, Crucify Him, Crucify
49. Ver. 48. From them that rise up against Me Thou
will exalt Me. From the Jews that rise up against Me in My passion, Thou wilt exalt Me in My resurrection. From the unjust man Thou wilt deliver Me. From their unjust rule Thou wilt deliver Me.
50. Ver. 49. For this cause will Iconfess
the Gentiles, O Lord. For this cause shall the Gentiles confess to Thee through Me, O Lord. And I will sing unto
to Thee
Wonders ofsalvation. God's glory in the spiritual heavens. 125
Thy Name. And Thou shalt be more widely known by My Ver. good deeds.
51. Ver. 50. Magnifying the salvation of His King. God, Who magnifieth, so as to make wonderful, the salvation, which His Son giveth to believers. And shewing mercy to His Christ: God, Who sheweth mercy to His Christ: To David and to His seed for evermore: to the Deliverer Himself strong of hand, Who hath overcome this world; and to them whom, as believers in the Gospel, He hath begotten for evermore. What things soever are spoken in this Psalm which cannot apply to the Lord Himself personally, that is to the Head of the Church, must be referred to the Church. For whole Christ speaks here, in Whom are all His members.
To the end, a Psalm of David himself.
1. It is a well-known title; nor does the Lord Jesus Christ say what follows, but it is said of Him.
2. Ver. 1. The heavens tell out the glory of God. The righteous Evangelists, in whom, as in the heavens, God dwelleth, set forth the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, or the glory wherewith the Son glorified the Father upon earth.
And the firmament sheweth forth the works of His hands. And the firmament sheweth forth the deeds of the Lord's power, that now made heaven by the assurance of the Holy Ghost, which before was earth by fear.
3. Ver. 2. Day unto day uttereth word. To the spiritual
the Spirit giveth out the fulness of the unchangeable Wisdom
of God, the Word which in the beginning is God with God. John 1, And night unto night announceth knowledge. And to the fleshly, as to those afar off, the mortality of the flesh, by con veying faith, announceth future knowledge.
4. Ver. 3. There is no speech nor language, in which their voices are not heard. In which the voices of the Evangelists
126 Our Lord's Advent, and course on earth. He is the Law.
Psalm have not been heard, seeing that the Gospel was preached
Exp. l! m every tongue.
5. Ver. 4. Their sound is gone out into all the earth, and
their words to the ends of the world.
6. In the sun hath He set His tabernacle. Now that He
might war against the powers of temporal error, the Lord, Mat. 10, being about to send not peace but a sword on earth, in time, or in manifestation, set so to say His military dwelling, that is, the dispensation of His incarnation. (Ver. 5. ) And He as a bridegroom coming forth out His chamber. And He, coming forth out of the Virgin's womb, where God was
united to man's nature as bridegroom to bride. Rejoiced as a giant to run His way. Rejoiced as One exceeding strong, and surpassing all other men in power incomparable,
Ps. 1,1. not to inhabit, but to run His way. For, He stood not in the way ofsinners.
7. Ver. 6. His going forth is from the highest heaven. From the Father His going forth, not that in time, but from everlasting, whereby He was born of the Father. And His meeting even to the height of heaven. And in the ful ness of the Godhead He meets even to an equality with the Father*. And there is none that may hide himselffrom His
John heat. But whereas, the Word was even made flesh, and dwelt in us, assuming our mortality, He permitted no man to excuse himself from the shadow of death for the heat of the Word penetrated even it.
8. Ver. 7. The law of the Lord undefiled, converting Matt. souls. The law of the Lord, therefore, Himself Who came
to fulfil the law, not to destroy it; an undefiled law, Who lPet. 2,did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth, not
'" oppressing souls with the yoke of bondage, but converting them to imitate Him in liberty. The testimony ofthe Lord is sure, giving wisdom to babes. The testimony of the Lord
Mat. ii, is sure; for, no man knoweth the Father save the Son, and
Liikeio ^ to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him, which things
have been hidden from the wise and revealed to babes for, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.
9. Ver. 8. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. All the statutes of the Lord are right in Him
* Vid. in Psalm 58. (59. E.