To the Right Honourable Lord Mayor of London, the Humble Address of many Thousand Loyal Apprentices of the same City, whose names are hereunto Subscribed,
In all Humility Sheweth,
That as we are justly sensible of our Happiness, in being bom under the Enjoyment of the Protestant Religion, so Ex cellent a Government, and so Gracious a King, to whose Service we shall ever be ready to sacrifice our Lives so have we continually applied our selves to discharge our Duties in our
proper Callings, without presuming to intermeddle in Affairs beyond our Sphere or Concernment.
In all Humility Sheweth,
That as we are justly sensible of our Happiness, in being bom under the Enjoyment of the Protestant Religion, so Ex cellent a Government, and so Gracious a King, to whose Service we shall ever be ready to sacrifice our Lives so have we continually applied our selves to discharge our Duties in our
proper Callings, without presuming to intermeddle in Affairs beyond our Sphere or Concernment.
Western Martyrology or Blood Assizes
The Papists had design'd to kill two Birds with one Stone — Divert the Laws and People from themselves, and ruin their Enemies ; for which End they had among 'em made a Plot to bring in the Best Men and Patriots of the Kingdom into a pretended Design against the King and Government, by a kind of an Association, like that which afterwards took better Effect.
And for this Transaction Mr.
Dangerfield was made Choice of, a List of their Names, with the Design, being by him, according to Order, con veyed into one Colonel MansePs Chamber — But he was disco
vered, and seized in the Design, and acknowledged all the In trigue, giving so clear an Account of that they had never to this very Day the Impudence to pretend any Contradiction, or Trip in his Evidence, nor any other Way but flat Denial. But there was somewhat yet deeper in the Case, which he afterwards revealed in his Depositions before the Parliament, That he was employed by the same Party to kill the King, and encouraged and promised Impunity and Reward, and Part of it given him
a Great Person for that End.
When the Stream ran violently for Popery, he went over, for
Security, into Flanders, but continued no longer there and re turning back, he was some time after seized, and carried before the Council, where, before the King himself, persisting to Tittle, in all his former Evidence, he was committed to Newgate; and after having lain there for some Time, Petitioned for Trial,
; a
1o6 flfllesftern Sl£artprologp,
which they could not do upon any Account but Scandalum Magnatum, and that in a Matter which lay only before the Par liament to whom he had revealed it. Yet for that he was tried, and found Guilty, as Wi. Williams the Speaker afterwards for
Licensing his Narrative, by Order of Parliament. He was to undergo the same Whipping Oats and Johnson did. Before he went out, he had strong Bodings of his Death, and chose a Text
for his Funeral Sermon in the
. . .
of Job, There the Wicked cease from troubling, and there the Weary are at Rest. Saying, He was confident they had such a particular Malice against him, he should ne'er return alive : Confirmed the Truth of all his former Evidence, and took a last Farewel of his Friends. After the
Sentence was executed on him, in his Return home, one Francis stabb'd him into the Eye with a sort of a Tuck in the End of his Cane, which touching his Brain, he was hardly ever sensible after, but died of the Wound in a few Hours, not without great Suspicion of Poison, his Body being swoln and black, and full of great Blains all over. The Murderer fled, but was pursued by the Rabble, who had torn him to Pieces, had not the Officers rescued him. He defended and justified the Fact whilst in Newgate, saying, He had the Greatest Men in the Kingdom to stand by him; to whom after his Trial, and being found Guilty upon clear Evidence, great Applications were made, which had been successful for his Pardon, had not Jeffreys himself gone to
Whitehall, and told the King, He must die, for the Rabble were now throughly heated. Attempts were made to bribe Mr. Dan- gerfield's Wife, that she might consent to the Pardon of her Husband's Murderer ; but she too well deserved to be related to him, to sell his Blood ; and had an Appeal ready against him, had he been Pardoned. So the poor State-Martyr was hang'd, as Coleman was before him. Mr. Dangerfield's Body was con veyed to Waltham-Abby, with several Coaches attending and there handsomly buried. He has left one Daughter behind him who, she lives, will be the true Child of her Father.
His Character.
The worst of his Enemies have owned he was a Man of Wit, Courage, and Business all which he reconciled the best of any
one ; he had as much Address, as perfect and great a Presence of Mind, in whatever Exigences, as can be met with. He was the best Companion, the best Friend in the World, and as generous an Enemy. He did nothing but what lookt very hand some ; and there was a Charm in the meanest, and something most bewitchingly pleasant in the most indefensible of his Actions. He could do almost every Thing, and 'tis hard to say what he did with the greatest Grace. In a Word, all that knew
him must say, That he wanted nothing but an Estate to have made him as compleat a Gentleman as most in England.
An ELEGY upon Mr. Thomas Dangerfield.
Go then, Mount-on ! Wing through the midway Air, And Godfrey's hovering Shade shall meet thee there : A Thousand Martyrs thou, a Wound all o'er,
Thy mighty Mind leaps out at every Pore,
My rising Heart boils high, the ungrateful World shall see Something Immortal, something worthy thee :
Larger within the Noble Image grows,
Free, like thy Blood, the uncall'd Satyr flows ;
But not one Tear to affront thy pious Grave,
Russel and Generous Essex died less Brave ;
Love, Pity, Friendship, all their Claims begin,
But Vengeance drowns 'em all. and roars aloud within, And thou Hell's Ehud, by black Rome decreed, Hallow'd and Blest to do the Glorious Deed ;
If his dear Name can ought of Passion move, Ifthere are any Strings in Blood or Love,
Ev'n at Hell Gates I'll reach and stab thee there ; Nor can so just a Rage be too severe.
Tho' my wild Satyr means a Nobler Wound. Others I strike, thee but at the Rebound. Like him we'll tell 'em to their Teeth 'tis true. Defie a Stab, and give the Devil his due.
And if you Bright Exalted Names above, Know any thing but how to Sing and Love, Look down dear Sharer of my Soul, and see A Vengeance worthy of thy Friend and Thee.
flfliostern Spartprologp.
A Friend's Revenge may thy black Murtherers feel, Oh may my Pen dart Groves of poison'd Steel,
Till through their lustful Veins the Venom rolls, And with a double Rot consumes their very Souls. None, none ! shall 'scape the just and deadly Blow, None that these Grand Intrigues of Murder know, From Conclaves down to little Kings below :
Let Laureats belch a pocky Herds Fame,
When Canbieb o'er with some cramp Hebrew Name,
As their good Fellow Catholick Jews before
Nick-name a Calf Jehovah, and adore.
No well-wrote Story, no Romance can yield,
A Greater, Nobler Name than ©anoerfielb ;
Nothing he wants, tho' Fate no Title brings,
That single Name's above an Earl's, a Duke's, a King's. When Ease and Plenty their Brisk Forces join,
Or the heigh Veins are swoln with lusty Wine ; When we on Honour's lofty Turrets go,
And look with Scorn on little Crouds below,
Ev'n Fools and Cowards bold and witty grow,
When Jeffreys on the Bench, Ketch on the Gibbet fits, Some take ev'n them for Courages and Wits.
Nay, Nobler Souls than those, if Fortune frown,
Oft broke and conquer'd meanly tumble down.
If Fate unjust Success to Tyrants give,
Ev'n the Heroick Brutus dares not live.
But greater he's still what he was before,
Nay, greater yet, is all himself and more.
Tho' man ungrate he ever yet has known,
Tho' they forsake him, he's not yet alone.
For some too Honest, and for some too Brave,
How should he thrive, when neither Fool nor Knave. He's not alone, another Spirit attends,
. A nearer Comfort than a Thousand Friends.
V? eat>atf ! see how bravely he maintains his Ground ! Tho' with whole Hells of Devils baited round ;
Charge on, charge thicker yet ! He stands, he stands ! The Blest above look down, and clap their Hands; Envy the ungrateful world so great a Bliss,
And almost wish to change their Place for his. Unbriffd he stands, with Hopes of Victory,
Knowing his greatest Conquest was to die.
Thus the Brave Lion, when base Hounds pursue, And seize on every Pass and Avenue ;
Tho' from within his mighty Genius call,
And KneFs of sudden Thunder bode his Fall, Walks careless on, walks on and looks about, Terror and Death, thro' all the ignoble Rout, And sells his Life so dear, tho' pleas'd to die, 'Tis hardly worth the while for them to buy.
Nothing his equal Temper e'er could move,
No, tho' a very Jeffreys sate above.
Had some good Heath'nish Pilate been preferr'd, To fill the Place, he had at least been heard,
But he so fair a Measure must not find,
For Justice now's grown deaf as well as blind. Justice is deaf, but yet her Mouth's so wide,
So loud she yells lis deafens all beside.
If she's return'd from HeaVn, as all must say, Sure she call'd in at Billingsgate by the Way, Raving, her Collar from her Neck she tore,
Knowing another would become it more.
Thus the Gay Mad-man twists Straw-wreaths, and then
He knows not why, tears 'em to Dust again.
Ah Mystick Fate I Who can thy Methods know ? Jeffrey's above, and Dangerfield below /
But since no Friend, nor Poet can invent,
Deeper Damnation for his Punishment,
May he be Jeffreys still, and ne'er repent.
And now the Fatal Day begins to dawn,
The Curtain of the last sad Scene is drawn;
Pale let it ever rise with doubtful Light,
Hardly distinguisht from preceding Night.
May Birds obscene and ominous round it stray, May troubled Ghosts keep dismal Holiday.
Curse on each Hour — But hold, for he looks down,
And over his calm Face has drawn a Frown.
Forgive, bright Soul 7 the Starts of a distracted Mind ;
Mlesftern 9£arrprologp.
The Poet now the Christian leaves behind. Withdraw that just, that now unusual Frown. Blest be the happy Day that brought thy Crown :
Thy Radiant Crown of Martyrdom, which brings
A thousand Joys more than the Crowns of Kings; A thousand Joys without a thousand Stings.
Soon rose the Sun so great a Day to see,
Soon rose the Sun but not so soon as he.
A brighter Sun, Assistance down he calls ;
He draws all Heav'n within his dusky Walls.
So laught the Apostles at Hell's baffled Rage,
And sung in spite of Fetters and a Cage.
Around Heav'n' s Battlements bright Legions wait, And crouding Seraphs open wide the Gate.
One who of Martyrs has peculiar Care,
Is sent to whisper in his Soul, Prepare;
Or else his Guardian-friend had made him know, That long expected Message — He must go,
For sure he knew the worst their Rage could do ;
He knew, he saw it all, and scorn'd it too.
Pray on, Great Soul! and like thy Master be,
For those that now begin to murder thee ;
Thy Master thus, thus thy Lord Jesus dy'd ;
He must be scourg'd before he's crucify'd.
Though milder Jews far more good Nature have ; They Forty Stripes, Jeffreys Four Hundred gave. Far more had he at first from Vertue fell ;
Ten times afitter Friend for Rome and Hell ;
Ten times less than this Torment would alone,
For ten times worse, and ten times more attone : Blood might ha' done, had not fair Tears done more, And PeniteInce washt him whiter than before.
Might rescue ei/n a Jeffreys out of Hell. But this is Mercy, tender Mercy all : One Death is for a ©angcrfieTl) too small.
All Hell had doubly sworn he should not live, And they'll as soon repent, as they'll forgive.
Papist too
Nay were
I'd say those precious Show'rs which from him fell
2Dangerfielti. m
High rampt great Lucifer above his Throne, Where Monarch Absolute he Reigns alone, Shaking the Scaly Horror of his Tail,
He swore this last Plot could not, should not fail.
A Pursuivant was sent, nor far he sought,
But soon this Engine to the Presence brought,
The milder Furies started, when he came,
The Ghosts div'd down thro' Seas of melted Flame,
And heard and felt new Torments at his Name ;
Th' Old Dragon only smiled and thus began,
Dear part of me ! Dear some thing more than Man / Let Parry, Clement, Ravil'ack combine,
And cram their Souls great Murderer into thine. I love a Man that's resolute and brave,
Not silly Consciences, or Custom's Slave.
Safety you're sure of, that at least is due ;
Nor must we (Sir) forsake such Friends as you.
Go then and prosper I Thus I thee inspire
With Sparks of my own noble gen'rous Fire ! Chuse what you like ! Rewards you need not fear !
%t Chancellor, or i©6#ertiatnr fare.
Go on, and act a Deed so worthy me,
That Hell may both admire and envy thee !
Away he comes : a double Francis now,
Half Devil, half Papist, rivell'd on his Brow ;
Two Strings to's Bow, for fear one should not do, Stelletto's sometimes fail, take Poison too.
Against such powerful Reasons, who'll presume
To speak ? These, these are the Two Keys of Rome; These to blest Peter's Successor were given,
Opening Hell to themselves, to others HeaVn.
Poison, which o'er so many a Convert brings, Poison, the safest Pillfor resty Kings.
Not all the Reasons in strong Box e'er pent, Can challenge half so much of Argument.
Steel, that can sometimes work as great a Cure, Where Patients th' Operation can endure. Steel, which tho' so unlike poison Apes, Drest in as many neat, convenient Shapes.
ii2 Wit flfllegtem S^actpirolog:g.
A Knife, when the French Harry is to die,
Anon a Sword, a Razor by and by.
But now, since holy Church requires it, 'twill
Turn Coward, and sneak into Canes to kill.
Close by the Hero, now Hell's Viceroy stood,
And views him crusted o'er with Wounds and Blood, Who all unmov'd, tho' all one Clod of Gore,
His Master's Characters undaunted wore ;
Such Marks he wore as Scythians ne'er invent,
At which all but a Francis would relent.
He Hell and his Great Master does invoke,
Then with a generous Fury gives the Stroak.
Wretch, well thou aim'dst, too well thou'st struck his Head,
Thou'st pierc'd his Eye, or else he'd lookt thee dead.
Tho' wounded all, tho' like great Sampson blind,
Ah could he too like him his Enemies find,
No Fiend, no Devil should have reprieved at all,
He'd crusht thy pois'nous Soul away, and Kill'd thee with his Run Monster, for thy cursed Life, and see
If Vengeance cannot run asfast as thee.
The very Rabble's mov'd, the unthinking Croud ;
Th' unweildy Clocks wound up, and strikes aloud. Tho' Hag-rid now so long, yet 'tis not tam'd :
Revenge they name, but ah 'tis only nam'd.
Ah had their Clacks but held Heav'en had lookt down, And with kind Thunder fir'd the ungrateful Town.
Pity the noble Stain was washt with Blood,
It like a Noble Canker should have stood.
Consuming, rotting, pois'ning great and small,
Cottage and Pallace, Beams and Stones, and all.
Tis well at last he merits their Esteem :
Now, now they love, yes now they pity him.
Revenge they with unknown good Nature cry,
With unsuspected Ingenuity !
But to please Fools 'twa'nt worth the while to die.
Yes Brutes ! at last no doubt you think him brave, O he's done well ; his Death will Charges save. Revenge, Revenge runs through the opening Town, Revenge they cry and hunt the Murd'rer down.
The Beast was earth'd indeed, but 'twas in vain : (Cainfled, but God had set a Mark on Cain,)
Close, close they hunt, and lug him out again. May Conscience and the Rabble him attend, While we our Duty pay to such a Friend.
Some Tears e'en by Religious Leave are due, Some Tears, and some well-meaning Curses too. Can Mothers weep when their soft Infants Bones Kind Papists crush against the kinder Stones.
When the dear Pledges from chase Nuptials born, Are for their milder Hounds in pieces torn : Sleeping and smiling from their quiv'ring Breast
Are broacht on Pikes, and sent to longer Rest. Can Man himself restrain unmanly Cries,
When his dear other Self is rape'd before his Eyes ? Nay, can he Groans, Curses, Tears themselves forbear,
To see his Babes hang in their Mother's Hair ? All this have the good Catholicks done before : All this they now prepare again, or more.
And he the Handsel of their Malice tries : To see if yet their Hands be in, he dies.
Tare off his useless Plaisters you that can,
You that have more, or less than Hearts of Man,
Look their he floating lyes, o'erflown, and drown'd
In Tides of Poison'd Gore roll'd from the weltring wound. All o'er beside it dropt in gentle Rains,
But here burst down in Seas and Hurricanes.
What dire Convulsions shake that Beauteous Frame,
None of its self is left besides the Name.
How ghastly Horror rears its dismal throne,
Where once sat Charms that could be there alone ?
Dreadful distortions rack that bloated Face, And gone are every Beauty, every Grace.
His gloomy Eye-ball rolls in mortal Pain ;
And feels for the departed Light in vain.
Where are those Eyes that could so well inspire Love's soft, fair, charming, harmless, lambent Fire. Blood flows without, as Poison flows within,
And half bears up his black distended Skin.
114 %ty Wlt&tem S^artprologp.
Where manly Friendship reign'd and softer Love, Blood, Blood is all below', and Horror all above.
Pity be gone, and Nobler Rage succeed ! Others besides a Dangerfield shall bleed. Bring forth the Prisoner, let him, let him live,
For I
0 for an Age of Torment ! Might he lye Like Titius rackt, like the keen Vulture I.
no more than can forgive. Jeffreys
Jove's own Ambrosia can't be half so good As his broyPd Flesh, nor Nectar as his Blood.
But what's one Mouth ? Loose him, and cry 'tis he ! Loose him among the well teeth'd Mobile !
They'll quarter him, not by the Arm or Leg,
But into Atoms tare HelPs Scanderbeg.
What a bare hanging ! Such a Death were fit
For some well-meaning, harmless Jesuit,
One who poor Soul knows but their little Things, Burning proud Cities, pois'ning, stabbing Kings.
He hath a Deed well worth Damnation done, And perfected those Stroaks they but begun. Hanging ! Why they almost deserv'd that Curse Who darM but think that he deserv'd no worse. The best, the bravest Thing for which almost
I could be foolish, and forgive his Ghost,
Is that he triumphs in the Blood he spilt, And bravely stands and glory's in his Guilt ; He's hit me full, and I'd no worse invent,
No, no, 'twas pity he should e'er repent.
But ye who hallow with deserv'd Applause,
A better Martyr for a better Cause.
You who to Fate and Fortune scorn to yield
Who still dare own you're Friends to Dangerfield ; And you dear Partner of his Joy and Grief,
The worthiest him, the best, the tend'rest Wife, Who most, who best adore his Memory,
Who only I must grant lov'd more than me. Bring his dear All which at your bottom lyes, Hisfair Remains which I shall ever prize,
apr, 2Dangerfielti.
Whose Father's vigorous Soul plays round her Eyes. All, all in a full Ring together come,
And join your Pray'rs and Curses round his Tomb.
Curst be the Wretch who did him first ensnare, Too mean to let his Name have here a Share.
A double Curse for them that thought it good, Such a Wife should sell such a Husbands Blood. Still double, double, till I'm out of Breath,
On all that had a Hand, a Finger in his Death, My Curse, a Friend's, a Wife's, an Orphans's too,
For all of this side Damning is their due. The little Plagues of Egypt to begin : Ashwedn'sday's Curses for each lesser Sin. With whate'er angry Heaven since could find To bait and lash impenitent Mankind.
Gouts, Feavers, Frenzies, Claps, Consumptions, Cramps, Whatever may put out their stinking Lamps ;
May kind Abortions in some lucky Hour,
The Fruit and Hope of their vain Lust devour: Or if they're born, may the unwholesome Fry, Creep only like young Toads abroad, and die. Heartily thus let's curse, and if vain Pity move, Straight think again on manly Rage, and love, Swear by his Blood, and better while we live, This on our selves if we his Blood forgive.
And may whoe'er his Murd'rer's Death deplore, Feel all these Curses, and Ten Thousand more.
Dangerfield's Ghost to Jeffreys.
Revenge ! Revenge! My injur'd Shade begins
To haunt thy guilty Soul, and scourge thy Sins : For since to me thou ow'st the heaviest Score, Whose living Words tormented thee before,
When dead, I'm come to plague thee yet once more. Don't start away, and think thy Brass to hide,
But see the dismal Shape in which I dy'd I
My Body all deform'd with putrid Gore,
Bleeding my Soul away at every pore ;
Wit$ttm 9£artprologp.
Pusht faster on by Francis, less unkind ; My Body swoln, and bloated as thy Mind. This dangling Eye-ball rolls about in vain, Never to find his proper Seat again,
The hollow Cell usurpt by Blood and Brain : The trembling Jury's Verdict ought to be Murder d at once, by Francis, and by Thee.
The Groans of Orphans, and the pond'rous Guilt Of all the Blood that thou hast ever spilt ;
Thy Country's Curse, the Rabble's Spite, and all
Those Wishes sent thee since they long-wisht Fall ; The Nobles just Revenge, so bravely bought,
For all thy Ills thy Insolence has wrought :
May these and more their utmost Force combine,
Join all their Wrongs, and mix their Cries with mine. And see if Terror has not struck thee blind ;
See here along, a ghastly Train behind !
Far, far from utmost WEST they crowd away, And hov'ring o'er fright back the sickly Day. Had the poor Wretches sinn'd as much as Thee, Thou shouldst not have forgot Humanity : Whoe'er in Blood can so much pleasure take ?
Tho' an ill Judge would a good Hang-man make. Each hollows in thy Ears, Prepare ! Prepare
For what thou must, yet what thou canst not bear ! Each at thy Heart a bloody Dagger aims,
Upward to Gibbets point, downward to endless Flames.
MONG those who suffered innocently for Lee's Plot, this poor young Gentleman was one, tho' omitted in due Place, who tho' he lost not his Life imme diately by was yet put to such Extremities, as
both injured his Reason, and ruined his Fortunes. He was born of good Family not far from Reading, in Barkshire; and being a younger Son, was bound Apprentice to Linen-Draper
in London. In which Capacity he was a great Promoter of the Apprentices Addresses, intended to be presented to the King for Redress of Grievances, and further Prosecution of the Popish Plot. A Crime, which those concerned, could never pardon, and which was now lookt on, both by himself, and all his Friends, as the Cause of these his Troubles.
Lee swore against him that he was concerned in this Plot, which he absolutely denying, tho' no other Witness came in against him, and he was never brought to a Trial, he underwent a long and severe Imprisonment, loaded with Irons, and kept from his Friends, so long till his Trade was ruined before he was set free, and he himself then rendered so unfit for Business, that he was forced entirely to leave it off, and betake himself to Travel :
Where, never quite recovering himself, he in a little Time after fell sick and died.
And here 'twill not be improper to remind my Readers, that about this Time Things running very high for Popery and Arbi trary Power, the Consideration thereof was very afflicting to Mr. Noise: Yet notwithstanding all this, he was silent a long while and minded only the proper Business of his Calling, resolving not to concern himself with State-Affairs, as deeming them above his Sphere and Condition ; which Silence and Resolution he had still kept, notwithstanding the great and ineffable Evils he saw impending over us, (which were much the more apparent upon the Prorogations and Dissolutions of so many Parliaments in so dangerous and so critical a Juncture ;) but that casually reading one of the Weekly Intelligences, he happened therein to meet with something, Entituled, An Address from the Loyal Young Men Apprentices of the City of London to His Majesty : The Title (he thought) concerned him, as being a Loyal Appren tice of the same City, and therefore he deliberately read it over. At first it seemed to bear a fair Aspect, as it was a Tender of Thanks to His Majesty for His most Gracious Declaration ; but considering that this Declaration contained in several severe Reflections on the Proceedings of the late Parlia ments, terming them Arbitrary, illegal, and unwarrantable, Mr. Noise dreaded the Consequence of such Reflections, as believing that stood not with Modesty, for Apprentices to charge the Great Senate of the Nation with Arbitrary, Illegal, and Un
n8 Uty Wit&ttvn S^artpirologp.
warrantable Proceedings ; and resolved what in him lay, to Vindicate himself and fellow-Apprentices (which is thought to have been the Cause of all his Sufferings before related) and to satisfie the whole World, that the far greater Part of the Apprenties of London have too great a Veneration for Parlia-
" ments, (which under his Majesty are the Bulwarks of our Lives, Liberties, and Properties) for to be concerned in any Thing tending to Reproach, or reflect upon them ; he advis'd with several sober Persons about who did not disapprove of his Design, but Advice therein they would not give Wherefore Mr.
Noise thinking to Petition the Lord Mayor would be the most modest and proper Way to demonstrate Dislike of, and Detes tation to all such Actions, he caused the following Petition to be drawn up and Presented, viz.
To the Right Honourable Lord Mayor of London, the Humble Address of many Thousand Loyal Apprentices of the same City, whose names are hereunto Subscribed,
In all Humility Sheweth,
That as we are justly sensible of our Happiness, in being bom under the Enjoyment of the Protestant Religion, so Ex cellent a Government, and so Gracious a King, to whose Service we shall ever be ready to sacrifice our Lives so have we continually applied our selves to discharge our Duties in our
proper Callings, without presuming to intermeddle in Affairs beyond our Sphere or Concernment.
But being fully Satisfied, both by his Majesty's frequent Pro clamations, the unanimous Votes of several Parliaments, and the Notoriousness of Fact, that for divers Years past, there hath been, and still a Devilish Plot carrying on by the Papists against the Sacred Life of our Soveraign, (whom God preserve) and to subvert the Protestant Religion, and the Government Established In which horrid Practices the Conspirators have
alway appeared most active and insolent during the Intervals of Parliaments and from thence, and the continuing Hopes of a Popish Successor, take Occasion with greater Confidence, to
push on their fatal Designs.
Observing likewise, that among the many late Addresses, there hath been one promoted in the Names of some few of our Condition in this Honourable City, which now is represented as the Act and Sense of the Generality of Apprentices, although the far greater Part never joined therein, as fearing lest the same might seem of a Tendency dishonourable to Parliaments, whose Constitution we Reverence, and humbly apprehend their Coun sels highly necessary in such a Juncture.
Wherefore, though out of an awful Respect, we presume not to approach his Sacred Majesty, yet we cannot but think it our Duty, to declare to your Lordship (the Chief Magistrate under him of this honourable City) and to all the World, That we shall never be behind any of our Fellow-Apprentices in Demon strations of Loyalty to his Sacred Majesty, even to the last Drop of our Blood, whenever his Majesty's Service shall require against any Traitors or Rebels whatsoever. And also to assure your Lordship, That as we do (and through God's Grace ever shall) abhor Popery, and all its bloody, traiterous Practices So
we do utterly disapprove and dislike any such Proceedings from private Persons, as tend to reproach Parliaments but do unani mously, with one Heart, and with one Voice, express our Satis faction in, and Thanks for the humble Petition and Address of your Lordship and the Common-Council presented to his
Majesty in May last, and since approved of in Common-Hall, for the Assembling and sitting of a Parliament.
That the God of Heaven may ever bless and preserve his Sacred Majesty, and your Lordship, and this great and honourable City and grant that your Successors, in this weighty Trust, may imitate your Lordship's Piety and Zeal, for the Protestant Religion, and his Majesty's Service, shall ever be the daily Prayers of us his Majesty's humble, faithful, loyal and obedient
Subjects. Printed for Thomas Goodwill, An. 1681.
This Name composed of Fourteen Letters, taken out of the Names of the Chief Managers.
This Address was signed by about Thirty Thousand Hands and when those Twenty Persons that presented had subscribed their Names to they sent Mr. Noise and Mr. Dunton (two of the said Presenters) to Mr. Firmin,'to know when they might have
12o llie flfllesftern S^artprologp.
Leave to present it to my Lord Mayor, which being granted in a few Days the Twenty Presenters went in a Body together to Mr. Firmin, who introduced 'em to my Lord. To whom Mr. Burley
made a brief Speech as follows.
May it Please your Lordship.
The Occasion of giving your Lordship this Trouble is humbly to lay at your Lordship's Feet, an Address to your Lordship subscribed by many Thousand Loyal Apprentices of this City.
We do humbly acknowledge to your Lordship, that the Pre sumption we may seem guilty of in this Matter, (considering our present Stations) requires a far greater Apology than we are able to make. But the principal Reasons that incited us, thus to address ourselves to your Lordship, are,
To demonstrate our Loyalty to his Sacred Majesty.
Our Zeal for the Protestant Religion.
And the Veneration and Esteem we have, and ought to have
or Parliaments.
Neither indeed, my Lord, could we think these sufficient
Motives to stir us up to this publick Application, (which better becomes graver Heads than ours) had not some few of our Fellow-Apprentices lately presented his Majesty with an Ad dress (which seemed to be a Gratulation for the Dissolution of the Two last Parliaments) whic^i they now report to have been the Act of the Majority of Apprentices of this honourable City ; although the far greater Part (as may by the Subscriptions of this Address appear to your Lordship) were never concerned therein. And although (by Reason of our present Condition) we think it an unpardonable Crime to approach his Sacred Majesty about Matters relating to the State ; yet we deem it our bounden Duty to declare to your Lordship and the whole World, That we utterly disclaim any proceedings (especially from Persons in our own Condition) that may seem to reflect upon Parliaments, the greatest Senate of the Nation. And that the Generality of Apprentices of this City have a Venerable Esteem
for Parliaments ; which may the better appear to your Lordship upon reading the Address it self.
And I dare be bold to affirm to your Lordship, (by the Infor
mation I have had from those who were employed to take Sub scriptions to this Address,) That there is not one Subscriber to who either Journey-man, Tapster, Hostler, Water-man,
or the like but all Persons of our own Rank and Condition. Which Address, in the name of all the Subscribers thereunto,
humbly offer to your Lordship, and beg your Lordship's favour able Reception of it.
Then his Lordship commanded the Address to be read, which being ready, Mr. Burley proceeded thus.
have one Thing more to say, my Lord, understand that there a common Notion about Town, that this Address hath been carried on by Faction, and that none but Dissenters have been concerned in it. can assure your Lordship of the con trary For that know many of the Subscribers who are of the Church of England; of which Church boast my self an unworthy Member.
Then his Lordship was pleased to express himself to this Effect.
This a Surprize to me and therefore cannot tell what to say to it. But for as much as have heard your Address read, and at first reading can find nothing in but what becomes Loyal and Obedient Subjects, do accept of it. only desire the Names of you that are the Presenters.
Then we told him, that our Names were those, which were next to the Address self at some Distance from the rest of the Subscribers. Then he ordered them all to be called over, and so we answered to our Names. And then his Lordship desired he might have an Account of our Abodes, which we also gave him.
Then his Lordship advised us to go home, and give Evidence of our Loyalty by our peaceable Demeanour, and Conformity to the Laws of the Land and to lay the Foundation of our future Happiness, by being dutiful to our Masters, and diligent in our Business, that so in Time we might become good Citizens.
So they returned again in five Coaches, to Russell's, and supped there all together, and so every one went home.
The Twenty Presenters of this Address were, Mr. Burley,
; I
is ;
122 %%t afllesftcrn S^artprologp.
Mr. A h, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Mead, Mr. B th, Mr.
Mr. Batty, Mr. P /if, Mr. Donton, Mr. Noise,
of the Persons who first set this Design afoot) Mr. C
Mr. Mr. y, Mr. Heming, Mr. B w, Mr. Pointell, Mr. th, Mr. Bourn, Mr. Malthus, Mr. ft.
Letter sent August 19. 1681. thus subscribed,
7(7 /fa truly Loyal and Protestant Apprentices of London, that were the Principal Managers of the late Address to my Lord Mayor.
Go on, Heroick Souls, and faithful be Unto your God, your King, your Liberty. Let your unbyast Actions give the Lie To such as scandalize your Loyalty.
To Casar render what's to Ccesar due
Earth merits, Heaven expects no more from you.
Those Rights defend which your Brave Sires sent down, Inviolable as the Throne or Crown.
Tell supple Parasites, and treacherous Knaves,
You're humble Subjects, not degenerate Slaves.
Bow low, but scorn to creep, (for that's as well) Nor for a Mess of Broth your Birth-rights sell.
Pass by th' Affronts that Hell and Rome can send Comfort your selves, when 'tis at worst 'twill mend. But when the Church shook by Potent Foes, For her Defence your Bodies interpose.
Of Popish Mercy never run the Risque
A crowned Serpent grows a Basilisk.
Vindicate then the Gospel and the Laws
The Cause Heaven's, Heaven will espouse the Cause.
Undauntedly prop up your Churches Walls, And joy to fall beneath falls.
To perish thus, who would not be content, When mouldring Temples are his Monument
if it
s, S
: ;
AM sensible 'tis a very invidious Thing to defend any Action which has had the Public Stream and Cry long against it ; with which even Men of Sense, and sometimes Religion too, tho' Pride or
Shame perhaps seldom lets 'em own the very Truth on't, are commonly hurried away as well as others. But this is, 'tis hoped, for the general, an Age of Confession and Ingenuity ; and since so many of the greatest Men upon Earth have gone before, in acknowledging some Notions too far strained, and others mistaken, 'twill be no real Disgrace, but an Honour to
follow them, when so much in the right. And if once Principles and Notions are changed, or limited, we shall necessarily have other Thoughts of Things and Persons than we had before ; and
Mmtvn tlransfactions.
that Action was called Rebellion, and those Men we thought Rebels, while we had a wrong slavish Notion of Obedience ; when once that's regulated, and we believe with all the World, and all Ages and Nations, That ■we are to obey only the lawful
Commands of Superiors, and submit only to such unjust ones, as will not much damage the Commonwealth ; but resist and defend ourselves, when all we have dear, our Religion, Liberty and Lives, are visibly and undeniably attackt and invaded, either without all Form of Law, or what's worse, the wrested Pretence ofit. Then we think truly, that such Men are so far from being Rebels, that they are the worthy true Defenders of their Faith and Country : And such an Action so far from Rebellion, that 'tis highly meritorious and praise-worthy. Most Men being now satisfied in these Points, unless those whom insuperable Interest or Prejudice have poisoned and rooted incorrigibly in the contrary Belief. And the Truth and Reason ableness of them having been undeniably proved by many worthy Persons from the Law of Nations, the Ends of all Government, and the constitution of our Kingdom, and the Practice of former Ages, both Popish and Protestant : All the Question now must be about Matter of Fact, Whether Things were then brought to that Extremity that 'twouldprobably be too late to make any Defence for Religion and Property, if 'twere not then made: and whether or no the Fundamental Contract were then actually violated?
This is plain, that the Protestant Religion, and all our Liber ties were then most eminently in Danger, publick Leagues being long before made between his Britannick Majesty and the King of France for their Extirpation : That he who had been voted in Parliament the main Head of the Popish Cause, was now grown the Head of the Kingdom ; or indeed the Popish Deputy here, as he is since the King of France's in our Neighbouring Island ; that for being reconciled to Rome, he was actually a Traitor ; and besides, of a Religion whose Oaths could not be depended upon, as we were then, and long before told, and have since sufficiently felt and experienced. That on this Account, he hardly could keep his Contract, as 'twas plain he actually did not, publickly and notoriously violating those Laws he swore to maintain, both before and after he had done by going to Mass
3|ntrotiuction. 125
himself, setting up Mass-houses, and encouraging Popery. As for many Grievances and Oppressions, he was then as really guilty of 'em as ever after, tho' not in such large, and frequent, and various Instances ; some of 'em are those very same which the Parliament inserted among the Proofs and Reasons of the Abdication, particularly the issuing out Quo Warrantoes for Cities and Corporations ; the great Cause and Counsellor of which no Doubt he was, even before he actually, I mean publickly, reigned.
In a Word, the securing the Protestant Interest in all Europe, that, and their own Liberties in England, was the main cause why many, and most engaged in this Design. If these were in no Danger, and not violated, they we Rebels :
'em could be expected any other Way but by the Sword, they were no better. Whether Things were in that Condition, or no, at that Time, God and the World must be Judges. If it were
If the Safety of
If the Case was not so bad, and the Mystery of Iniquity not so far revealed, as it has been since, yet
preventive Physick is necessary, especially when Death is un avoidable without it. If a prudent Man is to meet Mischief rushing upon him, and not stay for't till it overwhelms him, and take the same Course against a certain Consequence, as an actual Evil, why then, I think 'twill be very hard to hang People in one World, and damn 'em in another, for having as little a Fore sight, and great a Faith as their Neighbours.
Others there were who embarkt in that Action, because they really thought, how much mistaken soever they might be, that the Duke of Monmouth was the King's Legitimate Son; which such as had a personal Love for him might more easily believe. Now, although many, who engaged on the former Account only, did not believe this, nor know anything of his Intention of being proclaimed King, nor approved of it when 'twas done ; and tho'
had he been able to make out his Title, or let his Pretensions alone, he had not wanted in all Likelihood a sufficient Assistance from the Nobility and Gentry, none of whom for those Reasons coming in to him ; yet on the other Side, 'tis hardly doubted that these Men, who thought he had a Right, were really obliged to follow the Dictates of their Conscience, tho' mistaken, and do whatever lay in their Power, to the utmost Venture of their
so, they were not Rebels :
126 'flElje flfllesftern transfactionsf.
Lives, to fix him on his Father's Throne, to which they verily believed he had a proper Right and Title. And these Men too,
acting on the same Reasons with the forementioned, for Deliver ance of their Country, as well as Defence of him whom they thought their King ; the earnest Zeal, and Concern, and Love, which most of 'em manifested for the Protestant Religion, being besides so conspicuous in their Lives and Deaths, I know not how they can, without Impudence, be branded with the infamous Name of Rebels; nor think 'twill be any Arrogance to honour 'em with the just and dear-bought Title of Martyrs.
One Thing there is very observable in most, if not all of those who laid down their Lives in this Cause, both in England and Scotland, that, besides that extraordinary Divine Courage and Chearfulness with which they died, they had Expressions plainly boding that great Deliverance which Providence has since that miraculously accomplished for these Kingdoms. 'Twould be endless to give almost all the innumerable Instances of it : Mr. Nelthorp says [God had in his wonderful Provi
dence made him and others Instruments, not only in what was already fallen out, but he believed, for hastening some other great Work, he had yet to do in these Kingdoms. ] Mrs. Gaunt says, [God's Cause shall revive, and he'd plead it at
another Rate than yet he had done, against all its malicious
And speaks yet more strangely of those then upper most, and likely to be so, [ That tho' they were seemingly fixed, and using their Power and Violence against those they had now got under 'em, yet unless they could secure Jesus Christ, and all his Holy Angels, they should never do their Business, but Vengeance would be upon 'em e'er they were
Captain Ansley, whose Speech is as pretty and neat a Thing, as close, and Christian, and couragious, as perhaps any that ever was made by Man in his Condition, after he had said [He did
not repent what he had done, but if he had a thousand Lives would have engaged 'em all in the same Cause ;] adds just after, [Though it has pleased the wise God, for Reasons best known to himself, now to blast our Designs, yet he will deliver his People by Ways we know not, nor think of] Rumbold said just the same. Mr. Hewling says, [/ question not, but in his own Time, God will raise up other Instruments to carry on the
OpposeTM. ]
aware. ]
same Cause they died for, for his own Glory. "] Mr. Lark [That he was confident God would revenge their Bloods] Now, it will be very harsh to say, all these, and several more, to the same Purpose, were nothing but Enthusiasm, since spoken by Persons of all Sexes and Ages in twenty different Places, in the most calm and serene Tempers, and the Persons not wild or fancyful ; and their Words miraculously made good by the Event, which shews God honour'd 'em with being Prophets as well as Martyrs.
To proceed to the Persons who suffered in this Cause here, and in the West, and other Places, chiefly under Jeffrey s insulting Cruelty. His dealing with 'em is not to be paralleled by any thing but the new French Dragoons, or the old Cut-throats and Lord Chief Justices of the poor Albigenses or Waldenses at Merindol and Cutrices. Had the Great Turk sent his nisaries, or the Tartar his Armies among 'em, they'd 'scaped better. Humanity could not offend so far to deserve such
Punishment as he inflicted. A certain barbarous Joy and Pleasure grinned from his Brutal Soul through his Bloody Eyes, whenever he was sentencing any of the poor Souls to Death and Torment ; so much worse than Nero, as when that Monster wisht he had never learnt to write, because forced to set his Name to Warrants for Execution of Malefactors. Jeffreys would have been glad if every Letter he writ had been such a Warrant, and every Word a Sentence of Death. He observed neither Humanity to the Dead, nor Civility to the Living. He made all the West an Aceldama ; some Places quite depopu lated, and nothing to be seen in 'em but forsaken Walls, un lucky Gibbets, and Ghostly Carcases. The Trees were loaden,
almost as thick with Quarters as Leaves. The Houses and Steeples covered as close with Heads, as at other Times frequently in that Country with Crows and Ravens. Nothing could be liker Hell than all those Parts, nothing so like the Devil as he. Caldrons hizzing, Carkases boyling, Pitch and Tar sparkling and glowing, Blood and Limbs boyling, and tearing, and mangling, and he the great Director of all ; and in a Word, discharging his Place who sent him, the best deserving to be the late King's Chief Justice there, and Chancellor after, of any
Man that breathed since Cain or Judas.
128 W$t flfllegtern Crangactfong.
Some of the more Principal Persons who fell under his bar barous Sentences, 'tis thought worth the while to treat distinctly and particularly of, throwing the rest together after 'em, and only reprinting the former Account, if any are left out, it being necessary to hasten, to prevent Shams. If the Book be accepted, and come to another Edition, they shall be inserted ; and if any Faults or Mistakes found, acknowledged and regulated. And the first whom we shall make especial Remarks on, are
F any one would see true Pure Popish Mercy, let 'em look on these Two Gentlemen, the onely Sons of their Vertuous and Sorrowful Parents ; the Comforts, Props, and Hopes of their Name and
Family, carefully educated, vertuously disposed both of them ; after all repeated Applications, if but for one of their Lives, barbarously Executed. A particular care was taken by their Father in their Education, forming their Minds by his own Example, and constant Instructions and Prayers, as well as other Pains of Ingenious Masters, to the strictest Rules of Piety and Vertue. Nor was their Pious and very Tender Mother less
careful in that Particular.
The Elder, Mr. Benjamin Hewling, had Tutors in the Mathe-
maticks, and other Parts of Philosophy ; a Course of which he went through successfully enough, and so as to render him as compleat in his Mind, as Nature had formed his Body : After which he went to Holland, as his Brother, Mr. William Hewling, from whence this last returned with the Duke : Both of 'em had Commands in the Army ; the Elder had a Troop of Horse, the Younger was a Lieutenant of Foot, and discharged their Places with much more Conduct and Bravery than could be expected from such Young Soldiers, being entirely satisfied in the Cause they fought for, since 'twas no less than the Interest of all that was dear to 'em in this World or t'other. The Eldest had par ticularly signalized himself in several Skirmishes, and was sent with a Detachment of his own Troop, and Two more, to Myn- head in Somersetshire to bring Cannon to the Army, at the very
li? tfxilmgg.
Instant the Duke engaged the King's Forces at Fatal Sedgmore; and came not up till after the Field was entirely lost ; to whose Absence, with so considerable a Party of the Duke's Horse, and the most resolved Men of all he had, the Loss of the Day was principally owing. Finding all Things in Disorder, and the Rout beyond recovering, he was forced to disperse his Troops, every one shifting as they could for themselves. He and his Brother kept together, where, what befell 'em after, their Friends have given an exact Account, which is here following inserted.
An' Account of the Behaviour of Mr. William and Benjamin Hewling, before and at their Execution ;
with several Letters to divers of their
The Gracious dealings of God, manifested to some in Dying Hours, have been of great Advantage to those living that heard the same, giving them an Occasion thereby to reflect on their own State, and to look after the Things of their Peace, before they be hid from their Eyes ; as also a great Encouragement to strengthen the Faith of those that have experienced the Grace of God to
To that End it is thought necessary, by Parents especially, to
preserve to their Children that Remain, those blessed Expe riences that such have had, which God hath taken to himself.
Here therefore is presented a true Account of the Admirable Appearances of God towards two Young Men ; Mr. Benjamin Hewling, who died when he was about 22 Years of Age, and Mr. William Hewling, who died before he arrived to 20 Years : They engaged with the Duke of Monmouth, as their own words were, for the English Liberties, and the Protestant Religion, and for which Mr. William Hewling was Executed at Lyme the 12th of September, 1685. and Mr. Benjamin Hewling at Taun
ton, the 30th of the same Month ; and however severe Men were to them, yet the blessed Dispensation of God towards them was such, as hath made good his Word, that out of the Mouths of Babes he hath ordained Strength, that he may still the Enemy and the Avenger. Then, Reader, would you see
Earthly Angels, (Men that are a little too low for Heaven, and much too
ZSimtm 'flTransfactionsf.
high for Earth) would you see poor frail Creatures trampling this World under their Feet, and with an holy, serene Counten ance Smiling at the Threats of Tyrants, who are the Terrors of the Mighty in the Land of the Living ? Would you see shackled Prisoners behave themselves like Judges, and Judges stand like Prisoners before them ? Would you see some of the rare Exploits of faith in its highest Elevation, immediately before it be swallowed up in the Beatifical Vision ? To conclude, would you see the Heavenly Jerusalem pourtrayted on Earth ? Would you hear the melodious Voices of ascending Saints in a ravishing
Comfort ready to join with the Heavenly Chorus in their delight ful Hallelujah's ? Then draw near, come and see ! If thou be a Man of an Heavenly Spirit, here is pleasant and suitable Entertainment for thee ; and after thou has conversed a while with these Excellent Spirits, it may be thou wilt judge as I do, That dead Saints are sweeter Companions (in some Respects)
for thee to converse with, than those that are living : And when thou shalt see the magnificent Acts of their Faith, their invin cible Patience, their flaming Love to Christ, their strange Con tempt and Undervaluings of the World, their Plainness and
Simplicity in the Profession of the Gospel, their fervent and brotherly love to each other, their ravishing Prospect (as it were on the Top of Mount Pisgah) of the Heavenly Canaan, their Swan-like Songs and Dying-Speeches. And, Reader, you know the first Lispings of little Children, and last farewels of Dying Saints are always most sweet and charming : Those Fore-tastes of the Rivers of Pleasure, the transporting Glimpses they had
I say, when you see and read these Exemplary Truths, wonder not that the Pious Hewlings longed
so vehemently to be in a better World, though they were to pass through a Thousand Deaths, or the Fiery Trial to it. [But to
come to our intended Matter. ]
After the dispersing of the Duke's Army, they fled and put to
Sea, but were driven back again, and with the Hazard of their Lives got on Shoar, (over dangerous Rocks) where they saw the Country filled with Soldiers, and they being unwilling to fall into the Hands of the Rabble, and no Way of Defence or Escape remaining to them, they surrendred themselves Prisoners to a Gentleman, whose House was near the Place they landed at,
of the Crown of Glory ;
The SuRiiEjf i>br ok the Hew lings.
P 130
and were from thence sent to Exeter Goal, the 1 2th of Jtdy, where remaining some Time, their Behaviour was such, that (being visited by many) caus'd great Respect towards em', even of those that were Enemies to the Cause they engaged in ; and being on the 27th of July put on Board the Swan Frigate, in Order to their bringing up to London, their Carriage was such, as obtained great Kindness from the Commander, and all other Officers in the Ship ; and being brought into the River, Captain Richardson came and took them into his Custody, and carried . them to Newgate, putting great Irons about them, and put them apart from each other, without giving Liberty for the nearest Relation to see them, notwithstanding all Endeavours and Entreaties used to obtain tho' in the Presence of a Keeper which though did greatly increase the Grief of Relations, God, who wisely orders all Things for Good to those he intends Grace and Mercy to, made this very Restraint, and hard Usage a blessed Advantage to their Souls, as may appear by their own Words, when after great Importunity and Charge, some of their near Relations had Leave to speak a few Words to them before the Keeper, to which they replied, They were contented with the Will of God whatever should be. Having been in Newgate three Weeks, there was Order given to carry them down into the West, in Order to their Trial which being told them, they answered, They were glad of and that Morning they went out of Newgate, several that beheld them, seeing them so chear- ful, said, Surely they had received their Pardon, else they could never carry with that Courage and Chearfulness. Although this must be observed, that from first to last, whatever Hopes they received from friends, they still thought the contrary, never being much affected with the Hopes of nor cast down, nor the least discouraged at the worst that Man could do. In their Journey to Dorchester, the Keepers that went with them have
given this Account of them, That their Carriage was so grave, serious, and Christian, that made them admire to see and hear
what they did from such Young Men.
A near Relation that went into the West to see the Issue of
Things, and to perform whatever should be necessary for them, gives the following Account
At Salisbury, the 30th of August, had the first Opportunity K
it ;;
flfllesftem transactions.
of Converse with them : I found them in a very Excellent Com posure of Mind, declaring their Experience of the Grace and Goodness of God to them in all their Sufferings, in supporting and strengthning, and providing for them, turning the Hearts of all in whose Hands they had been both at Exon, and on Ship board, to shew Pity and Favour to them ; although since they came to Newgate they were hardly used, and now in their Journey loaded with heavy Irons, and more inhumanely dealt
with. They with great Chearfulness professed, That they were
better, and in a more happy Condition than ever in their Lives, from the Sense they had of the pardoning Love of God in Jesus Christ to their Souls, wholly referring themselves to their wise and gracious God to chuse for them Life or Death; expressing
themselves thus : if
Any thing what pleases God, what he sees best,
so be it : We know he is able to deliver, but not, blessed be his Name, Death is not terrible now, but desirable. Mr. Benjamin Hewling particularly added, Asfor the World, there is nothing in it to make it worth while to live, except we may be serviceable to God
Itherein. And afterward said, Oh / God is a strong
have him so indeed. found
The next Opportunity I had was at Dorchester, where they both
were carried, there remaining together four Days : By Reason of their strait Confinement our Converse was much interrupted ; but this appeared, that they had still the same Presence and Sup port from God, no way discouraged at the Approach of their Trial, nor of the Event of whatever should be.
The 6th of September Mr. Benjamin Hewling was ordered to Taunton to be tried there Taking my Leave of him, he said, Oh! Blessed be God for Afflictions have found such happy
Effects, that would not have been without them for all this World.
remained still at Dorchester 'to wait the Issue of Mr. William Hewling, to whom, after Trial, had free Access, whose Dis course was much filled with Admirings of the Grace of God in Christ, that had been manifested towards him, in calling him out of his natural State. He said, God his holy Spirit did sud denly seize upon his Heart, when he thought not of in his
retired Abode in Holland, as it were secretly whispering in his Heart, Seek ye my Face, enabling him to answer his Call, and
to reflect upon his own Soul, shewing him the Evil of Sin, and Necessity of Christ, from that Time carrying him on, to a sensible Adherence to Christ for Justification and Eternal Life. He said, Hence he found a Spring of Joy and Sweetness beyond the Comforts of the whole Earth. He further said, He could not but admire the wonderful Goodness of God, in so preparing him,
for what he was bringing him to, which then he thought not of; giving him Hope of Eternal Life, before he called him to look Death in the Face, so that he did chearfully resign his Life to God before he came, having sought his Guidance in itj and that both then, and now the Cause did appear to him very Glorious, notwithstanding all he had suffered in it, or what he further might. Although for our Sins God hath with held these good Things from us. But he said, God had carried on his Blessed
Work on his Soul, in and by all his Sufferings ; and whatever the Will of God were, Life or Death, he knew it would be best for him.
After he had received Ihis Sentence, when he returned to
my spiritual inci eas find Comforts
Prison, he said, Methinks
ing, ever since my Sentence. There is no Condemnation to them
that are in Christ Jesus, it's God that justifies, whom shall condemn ?
When I came to him the next Morning, (when he had received News that he must die the next Day, and in Order to it was to be carried to Lyme that Day) I found him in a more excellent rais'd Spiritual Frame than before : He said, He was
satisfied God had chosen best for him : he knows what the Temptations of Life might have been ; I might have lived and forgotten God, but now I am going where I shall sin no more. 0 ! it's a Blessed Thing to be free from Sin, and to be with Christ. Oh ! the Riches of the Love of Christ to Sinners. Oh ! how great were the Sufferings of Christ for me beyond all
I can undergo ? How great is that Glory to which I am going ? It will soon swallow up all our Sorrow here.
When he was at Dinner, just before his going to Lyme, he dropt many abrupt Expressions of his inward Joy, such as these : Oh ! the Grace of God, the Love of Christ; Oh I that
ILamb, to be ever with the Lord ! He blessed Supper of the for
further said, When
went to Holland, you knew not what
13i %ty flfllesftern transaction? .
Snares, Sins and Miseries Imightfall into, or whether ever ive
should meet again : But now you know whither that we shall certainly have a most joyful Meeting.
He said, Pray give my particular Recommendations to all my Friends, with acknowledgments for all their kindness. I advise them all to make sure of an Interest in Christ, for he is the only comfort when we come to die.
One of the Prisoners seemed to be troubled at the Manner of
the Death they were to die ; to whom he replied, am reconciled to it all.
vered, and seized in the Design, and acknowledged all the In trigue, giving so clear an Account of that they had never to this very Day the Impudence to pretend any Contradiction, or Trip in his Evidence, nor any other Way but flat Denial. But there was somewhat yet deeper in the Case, which he afterwards revealed in his Depositions before the Parliament, That he was employed by the same Party to kill the King, and encouraged and promised Impunity and Reward, and Part of it given him
a Great Person for that End.
When the Stream ran violently for Popery, he went over, for
Security, into Flanders, but continued no longer there and re turning back, he was some time after seized, and carried before the Council, where, before the King himself, persisting to Tittle, in all his former Evidence, he was committed to Newgate; and after having lain there for some Time, Petitioned for Trial,
; a
1o6 flfllesftern Sl£artprologp,
which they could not do upon any Account but Scandalum Magnatum, and that in a Matter which lay only before the Par liament to whom he had revealed it. Yet for that he was tried, and found Guilty, as Wi. Williams the Speaker afterwards for
Licensing his Narrative, by Order of Parliament. He was to undergo the same Whipping Oats and Johnson did. Before he went out, he had strong Bodings of his Death, and chose a Text
for his Funeral Sermon in the
. . .
of Job, There the Wicked cease from troubling, and there the Weary are at Rest. Saying, He was confident they had such a particular Malice against him, he should ne'er return alive : Confirmed the Truth of all his former Evidence, and took a last Farewel of his Friends. After the
Sentence was executed on him, in his Return home, one Francis stabb'd him into the Eye with a sort of a Tuck in the End of his Cane, which touching his Brain, he was hardly ever sensible after, but died of the Wound in a few Hours, not without great Suspicion of Poison, his Body being swoln and black, and full of great Blains all over. The Murderer fled, but was pursued by the Rabble, who had torn him to Pieces, had not the Officers rescued him. He defended and justified the Fact whilst in Newgate, saying, He had the Greatest Men in the Kingdom to stand by him; to whom after his Trial, and being found Guilty upon clear Evidence, great Applications were made, which had been successful for his Pardon, had not Jeffreys himself gone to
Whitehall, and told the King, He must die, for the Rabble were now throughly heated. Attempts were made to bribe Mr. Dan- gerfield's Wife, that she might consent to the Pardon of her Husband's Murderer ; but she too well deserved to be related to him, to sell his Blood ; and had an Appeal ready against him, had he been Pardoned. So the poor State-Martyr was hang'd, as Coleman was before him. Mr. Dangerfield's Body was con veyed to Waltham-Abby, with several Coaches attending and there handsomly buried. He has left one Daughter behind him who, she lives, will be the true Child of her Father.
His Character.
The worst of his Enemies have owned he was a Man of Wit, Courage, and Business all which he reconciled the best of any
one ; he had as much Address, as perfect and great a Presence of Mind, in whatever Exigences, as can be met with. He was the best Companion, the best Friend in the World, and as generous an Enemy. He did nothing but what lookt very hand some ; and there was a Charm in the meanest, and something most bewitchingly pleasant in the most indefensible of his Actions. He could do almost every Thing, and 'tis hard to say what he did with the greatest Grace. In a Word, all that knew
him must say, That he wanted nothing but an Estate to have made him as compleat a Gentleman as most in England.
An ELEGY upon Mr. Thomas Dangerfield.
Go then, Mount-on ! Wing through the midway Air, And Godfrey's hovering Shade shall meet thee there : A Thousand Martyrs thou, a Wound all o'er,
Thy mighty Mind leaps out at every Pore,
My rising Heart boils high, the ungrateful World shall see Something Immortal, something worthy thee :
Larger within the Noble Image grows,
Free, like thy Blood, the uncall'd Satyr flows ;
But not one Tear to affront thy pious Grave,
Russel and Generous Essex died less Brave ;
Love, Pity, Friendship, all their Claims begin,
But Vengeance drowns 'em all. and roars aloud within, And thou Hell's Ehud, by black Rome decreed, Hallow'd and Blest to do the Glorious Deed ;
If his dear Name can ought of Passion move, Ifthere are any Strings in Blood or Love,
Ev'n at Hell Gates I'll reach and stab thee there ; Nor can so just a Rage be too severe.
Tho' my wild Satyr means a Nobler Wound. Others I strike, thee but at the Rebound. Like him we'll tell 'em to their Teeth 'tis true. Defie a Stab, and give the Devil his due.
And if you Bright Exalted Names above, Know any thing but how to Sing and Love, Look down dear Sharer of my Soul, and see A Vengeance worthy of thy Friend and Thee.
flfliostern Spartprologp.
A Friend's Revenge may thy black Murtherers feel, Oh may my Pen dart Groves of poison'd Steel,
Till through their lustful Veins the Venom rolls, And with a double Rot consumes their very Souls. None, none ! shall 'scape the just and deadly Blow, None that these Grand Intrigues of Murder know, From Conclaves down to little Kings below :
Let Laureats belch a pocky Herds Fame,
When Canbieb o'er with some cramp Hebrew Name,
As their good Fellow Catholick Jews before
Nick-name a Calf Jehovah, and adore.
No well-wrote Story, no Romance can yield,
A Greater, Nobler Name than ©anoerfielb ;
Nothing he wants, tho' Fate no Title brings,
That single Name's above an Earl's, a Duke's, a King's. When Ease and Plenty their Brisk Forces join,
Or the heigh Veins are swoln with lusty Wine ; When we on Honour's lofty Turrets go,
And look with Scorn on little Crouds below,
Ev'n Fools and Cowards bold and witty grow,
When Jeffreys on the Bench, Ketch on the Gibbet fits, Some take ev'n them for Courages and Wits.
Nay, Nobler Souls than those, if Fortune frown,
Oft broke and conquer'd meanly tumble down.
If Fate unjust Success to Tyrants give,
Ev'n the Heroick Brutus dares not live.
But greater he's still what he was before,
Nay, greater yet, is all himself and more.
Tho' man ungrate he ever yet has known,
Tho' they forsake him, he's not yet alone.
For some too Honest, and for some too Brave,
How should he thrive, when neither Fool nor Knave. He's not alone, another Spirit attends,
. A nearer Comfort than a Thousand Friends.
V? eat>atf ! see how bravely he maintains his Ground ! Tho' with whole Hells of Devils baited round ;
Charge on, charge thicker yet ! He stands, he stands ! The Blest above look down, and clap their Hands; Envy the ungrateful world so great a Bliss,
And almost wish to change their Place for his. Unbriffd he stands, with Hopes of Victory,
Knowing his greatest Conquest was to die.
Thus the Brave Lion, when base Hounds pursue, And seize on every Pass and Avenue ;
Tho' from within his mighty Genius call,
And KneFs of sudden Thunder bode his Fall, Walks careless on, walks on and looks about, Terror and Death, thro' all the ignoble Rout, And sells his Life so dear, tho' pleas'd to die, 'Tis hardly worth the while for them to buy.
Nothing his equal Temper e'er could move,
No, tho' a very Jeffreys sate above.
Had some good Heath'nish Pilate been preferr'd, To fill the Place, he had at least been heard,
But he so fair a Measure must not find,
For Justice now's grown deaf as well as blind. Justice is deaf, but yet her Mouth's so wide,
So loud she yells lis deafens all beside.
If she's return'd from HeaVn, as all must say, Sure she call'd in at Billingsgate by the Way, Raving, her Collar from her Neck she tore,
Knowing another would become it more.
Thus the Gay Mad-man twists Straw-wreaths, and then
He knows not why, tears 'em to Dust again.
Ah Mystick Fate I Who can thy Methods know ? Jeffrey's above, and Dangerfield below /
But since no Friend, nor Poet can invent,
Deeper Damnation for his Punishment,
May he be Jeffreys still, and ne'er repent.
And now the Fatal Day begins to dawn,
The Curtain of the last sad Scene is drawn;
Pale let it ever rise with doubtful Light,
Hardly distinguisht from preceding Night.
May Birds obscene and ominous round it stray, May troubled Ghosts keep dismal Holiday.
Curse on each Hour — But hold, for he looks down,
And over his calm Face has drawn a Frown.
Forgive, bright Soul 7 the Starts of a distracted Mind ;
Mlesftern 9£arrprologp.
The Poet now the Christian leaves behind. Withdraw that just, that now unusual Frown. Blest be the happy Day that brought thy Crown :
Thy Radiant Crown of Martyrdom, which brings
A thousand Joys more than the Crowns of Kings; A thousand Joys without a thousand Stings.
Soon rose the Sun so great a Day to see,
Soon rose the Sun but not so soon as he.
A brighter Sun, Assistance down he calls ;
He draws all Heav'n within his dusky Walls.
So laught the Apostles at Hell's baffled Rage,
And sung in spite of Fetters and a Cage.
Around Heav'n' s Battlements bright Legions wait, And crouding Seraphs open wide the Gate.
One who of Martyrs has peculiar Care,
Is sent to whisper in his Soul, Prepare;
Or else his Guardian-friend had made him know, That long expected Message — He must go,
For sure he knew the worst their Rage could do ;
He knew, he saw it all, and scorn'd it too.
Pray on, Great Soul! and like thy Master be,
For those that now begin to murder thee ;
Thy Master thus, thus thy Lord Jesus dy'd ;
He must be scourg'd before he's crucify'd.
Though milder Jews far more good Nature have ; They Forty Stripes, Jeffreys Four Hundred gave. Far more had he at first from Vertue fell ;
Ten times afitter Friend for Rome and Hell ;
Ten times less than this Torment would alone,
For ten times worse, and ten times more attone : Blood might ha' done, had not fair Tears done more, And PeniteInce washt him whiter than before.
Might rescue ei/n a Jeffreys out of Hell. But this is Mercy, tender Mercy all : One Death is for a ©angcrfieTl) too small.
All Hell had doubly sworn he should not live, And they'll as soon repent, as they'll forgive.
Papist too
Nay were
I'd say those precious Show'rs which from him fell
2Dangerfielti. m
High rampt great Lucifer above his Throne, Where Monarch Absolute he Reigns alone, Shaking the Scaly Horror of his Tail,
He swore this last Plot could not, should not fail.
A Pursuivant was sent, nor far he sought,
But soon this Engine to the Presence brought,
The milder Furies started, when he came,
The Ghosts div'd down thro' Seas of melted Flame,
And heard and felt new Torments at his Name ;
Th' Old Dragon only smiled and thus began,
Dear part of me ! Dear some thing more than Man / Let Parry, Clement, Ravil'ack combine,
And cram their Souls great Murderer into thine. I love a Man that's resolute and brave,
Not silly Consciences, or Custom's Slave.
Safety you're sure of, that at least is due ;
Nor must we (Sir) forsake such Friends as you.
Go then and prosper I Thus I thee inspire
With Sparks of my own noble gen'rous Fire ! Chuse what you like ! Rewards you need not fear !
%t Chancellor, or i©6#ertiatnr fare.
Go on, and act a Deed so worthy me,
That Hell may both admire and envy thee !
Away he comes : a double Francis now,
Half Devil, half Papist, rivell'd on his Brow ;
Two Strings to's Bow, for fear one should not do, Stelletto's sometimes fail, take Poison too.
Against such powerful Reasons, who'll presume
To speak ? These, these are the Two Keys of Rome; These to blest Peter's Successor were given,
Opening Hell to themselves, to others HeaVn.
Poison, which o'er so many a Convert brings, Poison, the safest Pillfor resty Kings.
Not all the Reasons in strong Box e'er pent, Can challenge half so much of Argument.
Steel, that can sometimes work as great a Cure, Where Patients th' Operation can endure. Steel, which tho' so unlike poison Apes, Drest in as many neat, convenient Shapes.
ii2 Wit flfllegtem S^actpirolog:g.
A Knife, when the French Harry is to die,
Anon a Sword, a Razor by and by.
But now, since holy Church requires it, 'twill
Turn Coward, and sneak into Canes to kill.
Close by the Hero, now Hell's Viceroy stood,
And views him crusted o'er with Wounds and Blood, Who all unmov'd, tho' all one Clod of Gore,
His Master's Characters undaunted wore ;
Such Marks he wore as Scythians ne'er invent,
At which all but a Francis would relent.
He Hell and his Great Master does invoke,
Then with a generous Fury gives the Stroak.
Wretch, well thou aim'dst, too well thou'st struck his Head,
Thou'st pierc'd his Eye, or else he'd lookt thee dead.
Tho' wounded all, tho' like great Sampson blind,
Ah could he too like him his Enemies find,
No Fiend, no Devil should have reprieved at all,
He'd crusht thy pois'nous Soul away, and Kill'd thee with his Run Monster, for thy cursed Life, and see
If Vengeance cannot run asfast as thee.
The very Rabble's mov'd, the unthinking Croud ;
Th' unweildy Clocks wound up, and strikes aloud. Tho' Hag-rid now so long, yet 'tis not tam'd :
Revenge they name, but ah 'tis only nam'd.
Ah had their Clacks but held Heav'en had lookt down, And with kind Thunder fir'd the ungrateful Town.
Pity the noble Stain was washt with Blood,
It like a Noble Canker should have stood.
Consuming, rotting, pois'ning great and small,
Cottage and Pallace, Beams and Stones, and all.
Tis well at last he merits their Esteem :
Now, now they love, yes now they pity him.
Revenge they with unknown good Nature cry,
With unsuspected Ingenuity !
But to please Fools 'twa'nt worth the while to die.
Yes Brutes ! at last no doubt you think him brave, O he's done well ; his Death will Charges save. Revenge, Revenge runs through the opening Town, Revenge they cry and hunt the Murd'rer down.
The Beast was earth'd indeed, but 'twas in vain : (Cainfled, but God had set a Mark on Cain,)
Close, close they hunt, and lug him out again. May Conscience and the Rabble him attend, While we our Duty pay to such a Friend.
Some Tears e'en by Religious Leave are due, Some Tears, and some well-meaning Curses too. Can Mothers weep when their soft Infants Bones Kind Papists crush against the kinder Stones.
When the dear Pledges from chase Nuptials born, Are for their milder Hounds in pieces torn : Sleeping and smiling from their quiv'ring Breast
Are broacht on Pikes, and sent to longer Rest. Can Man himself restrain unmanly Cries,
When his dear other Self is rape'd before his Eyes ? Nay, can he Groans, Curses, Tears themselves forbear,
To see his Babes hang in their Mother's Hair ? All this have the good Catholicks done before : All this they now prepare again, or more.
And he the Handsel of their Malice tries : To see if yet their Hands be in, he dies.
Tare off his useless Plaisters you that can,
You that have more, or less than Hearts of Man,
Look their he floating lyes, o'erflown, and drown'd
In Tides of Poison'd Gore roll'd from the weltring wound. All o'er beside it dropt in gentle Rains,
But here burst down in Seas and Hurricanes.
What dire Convulsions shake that Beauteous Frame,
None of its self is left besides the Name.
How ghastly Horror rears its dismal throne,
Where once sat Charms that could be there alone ?
Dreadful distortions rack that bloated Face, And gone are every Beauty, every Grace.
His gloomy Eye-ball rolls in mortal Pain ;
And feels for the departed Light in vain.
Where are those Eyes that could so well inspire Love's soft, fair, charming, harmless, lambent Fire. Blood flows without, as Poison flows within,
And half bears up his black distended Skin.
114 %ty Wlt&tem S^artprologp.
Where manly Friendship reign'd and softer Love, Blood, Blood is all below', and Horror all above.
Pity be gone, and Nobler Rage succeed ! Others besides a Dangerfield shall bleed. Bring forth the Prisoner, let him, let him live,
For I
0 for an Age of Torment ! Might he lye Like Titius rackt, like the keen Vulture I.
no more than can forgive. Jeffreys
Jove's own Ambrosia can't be half so good As his broyPd Flesh, nor Nectar as his Blood.
But what's one Mouth ? Loose him, and cry 'tis he ! Loose him among the well teeth'd Mobile !
They'll quarter him, not by the Arm or Leg,
But into Atoms tare HelPs Scanderbeg.
What a bare hanging ! Such a Death were fit
For some well-meaning, harmless Jesuit,
One who poor Soul knows but their little Things, Burning proud Cities, pois'ning, stabbing Kings.
He hath a Deed well worth Damnation done, And perfected those Stroaks they but begun. Hanging ! Why they almost deserv'd that Curse Who darM but think that he deserv'd no worse. The best, the bravest Thing for which almost
I could be foolish, and forgive his Ghost,
Is that he triumphs in the Blood he spilt, And bravely stands and glory's in his Guilt ; He's hit me full, and I'd no worse invent,
No, no, 'twas pity he should e'er repent.
But ye who hallow with deserv'd Applause,
A better Martyr for a better Cause.
You who to Fate and Fortune scorn to yield
Who still dare own you're Friends to Dangerfield ; And you dear Partner of his Joy and Grief,
The worthiest him, the best, the tend'rest Wife, Who most, who best adore his Memory,
Who only I must grant lov'd more than me. Bring his dear All which at your bottom lyes, Hisfair Remains which I shall ever prize,
apr, 2Dangerfielti.
Whose Father's vigorous Soul plays round her Eyes. All, all in a full Ring together come,
And join your Pray'rs and Curses round his Tomb.
Curst be the Wretch who did him first ensnare, Too mean to let his Name have here a Share.
A double Curse for them that thought it good, Such a Wife should sell such a Husbands Blood. Still double, double, till I'm out of Breath,
On all that had a Hand, a Finger in his Death, My Curse, a Friend's, a Wife's, an Orphans's too,
For all of this side Damning is their due. The little Plagues of Egypt to begin : Ashwedn'sday's Curses for each lesser Sin. With whate'er angry Heaven since could find To bait and lash impenitent Mankind.
Gouts, Feavers, Frenzies, Claps, Consumptions, Cramps, Whatever may put out their stinking Lamps ;
May kind Abortions in some lucky Hour,
The Fruit and Hope of their vain Lust devour: Or if they're born, may the unwholesome Fry, Creep only like young Toads abroad, and die. Heartily thus let's curse, and if vain Pity move, Straight think again on manly Rage, and love, Swear by his Blood, and better while we live, This on our selves if we his Blood forgive.
And may whoe'er his Murd'rer's Death deplore, Feel all these Curses, and Ten Thousand more.
Dangerfield's Ghost to Jeffreys.
Revenge ! Revenge! My injur'd Shade begins
To haunt thy guilty Soul, and scourge thy Sins : For since to me thou ow'st the heaviest Score, Whose living Words tormented thee before,
When dead, I'm come to plague thee yet once more. Don't start away, and think thy Brass to hide,
But see the dismal Shape in which I dy'd I
My Body all deform'd with putrid Gore,
Bleeding my Soul away at every pore ;
Wit$ttm 9£artprologp.
Pusht faster on by Francis, less unkind ; My Body swoln, and bloated as thy Mind. This dangling Eye-ball rolls about in vain, Never to find his proper Seat again,
The hollow Cell usurpt by Blood and Brain : The trembling Jury's Verdict ought to be Murder d at once, by Francis, and by Thee.
The Groans of Orphans, and the pond'rous Guilt Of all the Blood that thou hast ever spilt ;
Thy Country's Curse, the Rabble's Spite, and all
Those Wishes sent thee since they long-wisht Fall ; The Nobles just Revenge, so bravely bought,
For all thy Ills thy Insolence has wrought :
May these and more their utmost Force combine,
Join all their Wrongs, and mix their Cries with mine. And see if Terror has not struck thee blind ;
See here along, a ghastly Train behind !
Far, far from utmost WEST they crowd away, And hov'ring o'er fright back the sickly Day. Had the poor Wretches sinn'd as much as Thee, Thou shouldst not have forgot Humanity : Whoe'er in Blood can so much pleasure take ?
Tho' an ill Judge would a good Hang-man make. Each hollows in thy Ears, Prepare ! Prepare
For what thou must, yet what thou canst not bear ! Each at thy Heart a bloody Dagger aims,
Upward to Gibbets point, downward to endless Flames.
MONG those who suffered innocently for Lee's Plot, this poor young Gentleman was one, tho' omitted in due Place, who tho' he lost not his Life imme diately by was yet put to such Extremities, as
both injured his Reason, and ruined his Fortunes. He was born of good Family not far from Reading, in Barkshire; and being a younger Son, was bound Apprentice to Linen-Draper
in London. In which Capacity he was a great Promoter of the Apprentices Addresses, intended to be presented to the King for Redress of Grievances, and further Prosecution of the Popish Plot. A Crime, which those concerned, could never pardon, and which was now lookt on, both by himself, and all his Friends, as the Cause of these his Troubles.
Lee swore against him that he was concerned in this Plot, which he absolutely denying, tho' no other Witness came in against him, and he was never brought to a Trial, he underwent a long and severe Imprisonment, loaded with Irons, and kept from his Friends, so long till his Trade was ruined before he was set free, and he himself then rendered so unfit for Business, that he was forced entirely to leave it off, and betake himself to Travel :
Where, never quite recovering himself, he in a little Time after fell sick and died.
And here 'twill not be improper to remind my Readers, that about this Time Things running very high for Popery and Arbi trary Power, the Consideration thereof was very afflicting to Mr. Noise: Yet notwithstanding all this, he was silent a long while and minded only the proper Business of his Calling, resolving not to concern himself with State-Affairs, as deeming them above his Sphere and Condition ; which Silence and Resolution he had still kept, notwithstanding the great and ineffable Evils he saw impending over us, (which were much the more apparent upon the Prorogations and Dissolutions of so many Parliaments in so dangerous and so critical a Juncture ;) but that casually reading one of the Weekly Intelligences, he happened therein to meet with something, Entituled, An Address from the Loyal Young Men Apprentices of the City of London to His Majesty : The Title (he thought) concerned him, as being a Loyal Appren tice of the same City, and therefore he deliberately read it over. At first it seemed to bear a fair Aspect, as it was a Tender of Thanks to His Majesty for His most Gracious Declaration ; but considering that this Declaration contained in several severe Reflections on the Proceedings of the late Parlia ments, terming them Arbitrary, illegal, and unwarrantable, Mr. Noise dreaded the Consequence of such Reflections, as believing that stood not with Modesty, for Apprentices to charge the Great Senate of the Nation with Arbitrary, Illegal, and Un
n8 Uty Wit&ttvn S^artpirologp.
warrantable Proceedings ; and resolved what in him lay, to Vindicate himself and fellow-Apprentices (which is thought to have been the Cause of all his Sufferings before related) and to satisfie the whole World, that the far greater Part of the Apprenties of London have too great a Veneration for Parlia-
" ments, (which under his Majesty are the Bulwarks of our Lives, Liberties, and Properties) for to be concerned in any Thing tending to Reproach, or reflect upon them ; he advis'd with several sober Persons about who did not disapprove of his Design, but Advice therein they would not give Wherefore Mr.
Noise thinking to Petition the Lord Mayor would be the most modest and proper Way to demonstrate Dislike of, and Detes tation to all such Actions, he caused the following Petition to be drawn up and Presented, viz.
To the Right Honourable Lord Mayor of London, the Humble Address of many Thousand Loyal Apprentices of the same City, whose names are hereunto Subscribed,
In all Humility Sheweth,
That as we are justly sensible of our Happiness, in being bom under the Enjoyment of the Protestant Religion, so Ex cellent a Government, and so Gracious a King, to whose Service we shall ever be ready to sacrifice our Lives so have we continually applied our selves to discharge our Duties in our
proper Callings, without presuming to intermeddle in Affairs beyond our Sphere or Concernment.
But being fully Satisfied, both by his Majesty's frequent Pro clamations, the unanimous Votes of several Parliaments, and the Notoriousness of Fact, that for divers Years past, there hath been, and still a Devilish Plot carrying on by the Papists against the Sacred Life of our Soveraign, (whom God preserve) and to subvert the Protestant Religion, and the Government Established In which horrid Practices the Conspirators have
alway appeared most active and insolent during the Intervals of Parliaments and from thence, and the continuing Hopes of a Popish Successor, take Occasion with greater Confidence, to
push on their fatal Designs.
Observing likewise, that among the many late Addresses, there hath been one promoted in the Names of some few of our Condition in this Honourable City, which now is represented as the Act and Sense of the Generality of Apprentices, although the far greater Part never joined therein, as fearing lest the same might seem of a Tendency dishonourable to Parliaments, whose Constitution we Reverence, and humbly apprehend their Coun sels highly necessary in such a Juncture.
Wherefore, though out of an awful Respect, we presume not to approach his Sacred Majesty, yet we cannot but think it our Duty, to declare to your Lordship (the Chief Magistrate under him of this honourable City) and to all the World, That we shall never be behind any of our Fellow-Apprentices in Demon strations of Loyalty to his Sacred Majesty, even to the last Drop of our Blood, whenever his Majesty's Service shall require against any Traitors or Rebels whatsoever. And also to assure your Lordship, That as we do (and through God's Grace ever shall) abhor Popery, and all its bloody, traiterous Practices So
we do utterly disapprove and dislike any such Proceedings from private Persons, as tend to reproach Parliaments but do unani mously, with one Heart, and with one Voice, express our Satis faction in, and Thanks for the humble Petition and Address of your Lordship and the Common-Council presented to his
Majesty in May last, and since approved of in Common-Hall, for the Assembling and sitting of a Parliament.
That the God of Heaven may ever bless and preserve his Sacred Majesty, and your Lordship, and this great and honourable City and grant that your Successors, in this weighty Trust, may imitate your Lordship's Piety and Zeal, for the Protestant Religion, and his Majesty's Service, shall ever be the daily Prayers of us his Majesty's humble, faithful, loyal and obedient
Subjects. Printed for Thomas Goodwill, An. 1681.
This Name composed of Fourteen Letters, taken out of the Names of the Chief Managers.
This Address was signed by about Thirty Thousand Hands and when those Twenty Persons that presented had subscribed their Names to they sent Mr. Noise and Mr. Dunton (two of the said Presenters) to Mr. Firmin,'to know when they might have
12o llie flfllesftern S^artprologp.
Leave to present it to my Lord Mayor, which being granted in a few Days the Twenty Presenters went in a Body together to Mr. Firmin, who introduced 'em to my Lord. To whom Mr. Burley
made a brief Speech as follows.
May it Please your Lordship.
The Occasion of giving your Lordship this Trouble is humbly to lay at your Lordship's Feet, an Address to your Lordship subscribed by many Thousand Loyal Apprentices of this City.
We do humbly acknowledge to your Lordship, that the Pre sumption we may seem guilty of in this Matter, (considering our present Stations) requires a far greater Apology than we are able to make. But the principal Reasons that incited us, thus to address ourselves to your Lordship, are,
To demonstrate our Loyalty to his Sacred Majesty.
Our Zeal for the Protestant Religion.
And the Veneration and Esteem we have, and ought to have
or Parliaments.
Neither indeed, my Lord, could we think these sufficient
Motives to stir us up to this publick Application, (which better becomes graver Heads than ours) had not some few of our Fellow-Apprentices lately presented his Majesty with an Ad dress (which seemed to be a Gratulation for the Dissolution of the Two last Parliaments) whic^i they now report to have been the Act of the Majority of Apprentices of this honourable City ; although the far greater Part (as may by the Subscriptions of this Address appear to your Lordship) were never concerned therein. And although (by Reason of our present Condition) we think it an unpardonable Crime to approach his Sacred Majesty about Matters relating to the State ; yet we deem it our bounden Duty to declare to your Lordship and the whole World, That we utterly disclaim any proceedings (especially from Persons in our own Condition) that may seem to reflect upon Parliaments, the greatest Senate of the Nation. And that the Generality of Apprentices of this City have a Venerable Esteem
for Parliaments ; which may the better appear to your Lordship upon reading the Address it self.
And I dare be bold to affirm to your Lordship, (by the Infor
mation I have had from those who were employed to take Sub scriptions to this Address,) That there is not one Subscriber to who either Journey-man, Tapster, Hostler, Water-man,
or the like but all Persons of our own Rank and Condition. Which Address, in the name of all the Subscribers thereunto,
humbly offer to your Lordship, and beg your Lordship's favour able Reception of it.
Then his Lordship commanded the Address to be read, which being ready, Mr. Burley proceeded thus.
have one Thing more to say, my Lord, understand that there a common Notion about Town, that this Address hath been carried on by Faction, and that none but Dissenters have been concerned in it. can assure your Lordship of the con trary For that know many of the Subscribers who are of the Church of England; of which Church boast my self an unworthy Member.
Then his Lordship was pleased to express himself to this Effect.
This a Surprize to me and therefore cannot tell what to say to it. But for as much as have heard your Address read, and at first reading can find nothing in but what becomes Loyal and Obedient Subjects, do accept of it. only desire the Names of you that are the Presenters.
Then we told him, that our Names were those, which were next to the Address self at some Distance from the rest of the Subscribers. Then he ordered them all to be called over, and so we answered to our Names. And then his Lordship desired he might have an Account of our Abodes, which we also gave him.
Then his Lordship advised us to go home, and give Evidence of our Loyalty by our peaceable Demeanour, and Conformity to the Laws of the Land and to lay the Foundation of our future Happiness, by being dutiful to our Masters, and diligent in our Business, that so in Time we might become good Citizens.
So they returned again in five Coaches, to Russell's, and supped there all together, and so every one went home.
The Twenty Presenters of this Address were, Mr. Burley,
; I
is ;
122 %%t afllesftcrn S^artprologp.
Mr. A h, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Mead, Mr. B th, Mr.
Mr. Batty, Mr. P /if, Mr. Donton, Mr. Noise,
of the Persons who first set this Design afoot) Mr. C
Mr. Mr. y, Mr. Heming, Mr. B w, Mr. Pointell, Mr. th, Mr. Bourn, Mr. Malthus, Mr. ft.
Letter sent August 19. 1681. thus subscribed,
7(7 /fa truly Loyal and Protestant Apprentices of London, that were the Principal Managers of the late Address to my Lord Mayor.
Go on, Heroick Souls, and faithful be Unto your God, your King, your Liberty. Let your unbyast Actions give the Lie To such as scandalize your Loyalty.
To Casar render what's to Ccesar due
Earth merits, Heaven expects no more from you.
Those Rights defend which your Brave Sires sent down, Inviolable as the Throne or Crown.
Tell supple Parasites, and treacherous Knaves,
You're humble Subjects, not degenerate Slaves.
Bow low, but scorn to creep, (for that's as well) Nor for a Mess of Broth your Birth-rights sell.
Pass by th' Affronts that Hell and Rome can send Comfort your selves, when 'tis at worst 'twill mend. But when the Church shook by Potent Foes, For her Defence your Bodies interpose.
Of Popish Mercy never run the Risque
A crowned Serpent grows a Basilisk.
Vindicate then the Gospel and the Laws
The Cause Heaven's, Heaven will espouse the Cause.
Undauntedly prop up your Churches Walls, And joy to fall beneath falls.
To perish thus, who would not be content, When mouldring Temples are his Monument
if it
s, S
: ;
AM sensible 'tis a very invidious Thing to defend any Action which has had the Public Stream and Cry long against it ; with which even Men of Sense, and sometimes Religion too, tho' Pride or
Shame perhaps seldom lets 'em own the very Truth on't, are commonly hurried away as well as others. But this is, 'tis hoped, for the general, an Age of Confession and Ingenuity ; and since so many of the greatest Men upon Earth have gone before, in acknowledging some Notions too far strained, and others mistaken, 'twill be no real Disgrace, but an Honour to
follow them, when so much in the right. And if once Principles and Notions are changed, or limited, we shall necessarily have other Thoughts of Things and Persons than we had before ; and
Mmtvn tlransfactions.
that Action was called Rebellion, and those Men we thought Rebels, while we had a wrong slavish Notion of Obedience ; when once that's regulated, and we believe with all the World, and all Ages and Nations, That ■we are to obey only the lawful
Commands of Superiors, and submit only to such unjust ones, as will not much damage the Commonwealth ; but resist and defend ourselves, when all we have dear, our Religion, Liberty and Lives, are visibly and undeniably attackt and invaded, either without all Form of Law, or what's worse, the wrested Pretence ofit. Then we think truly, that such Men are so far from being Rebels, that they are the worthy true Defenders of their Faith and Country : And such an Action so far from Rebellion, that 'tis highly meritorious and praise-worthy. Most Men being now satisfied in these Points, unless those whom insuperable Interest or Prejudice have poisoned and rooted incorrigibly in the contrary Belief. And the Truth and Reason ableness of them having been undeniably proved by many worthy Persons from the Law of Nations, the Ends of all Government, and the constitution of our Kingdom, and the Practice of former Ages, both Popish and Protestant : All the Question now must be about Matter of Fact, Whether Things were then brought to that Extremity that 'twouldprobably be too late to make any Defence for Religion and Property, if 'twere not then made: and whether or no the Fundamental Contract were then actually violated?
This is plain, that the Protestant Religion, and all our Liber ties were then most eminently in Danger, publick Leagues being long before made between his Britannick Majesty and the King of France for their Extirpation : That he who had been voted in Parliament the main Head of the Popish Cause, was now grown the Head of the Kingdom ; or indeed the Popish Deputy here, as he is since the King of France's in our Neighbouring Island ; that for being reconciled to Rome, he was actually a Traitor ; and besides, of a Religion whose Oaths could not be depended upon, as we were then, and long before told, and have since sufficiently felt and experienced. That on this Account, he hardly could keep his Contract, as 'twas plain he actually did not, publickly and notoriously violating those Laws he swore to maintain, both before and after he had done by going to Mass
3|ntrotiuction. 125
himself, setting up Mass-houses, and encouraging Popery. As for many Grievances and Oppressions, he was then as really guilty of 'em as ever after, tho' not in such large, and frequent, and various Instances ; some of 'em are those very same which the Parliament inserted among the Proofs and Reasons of the Abdication, particularly the issuing out Quo Warrantoes for Cities and Corporations ; the great Cause and Counsellor of which no Doubt he was, even before he actually, I mean publickly, reigned.
In a Word, the securing the Protestant Interest in all Europe, that, and their own Liberties in England, was the main cause why many, and most engaged in this Design. If these were in no Danger, and not violated, they we Rebels :
'em could be expected any other Way but by the Sword, they were no better. Whether Things were in that Condition, or no, at that Time, God and the World must be Judges. If it were
If the Safety of
If the Case was not so bad, and the Mystery of Iniquity not so far revealed, as it has been since, yet
preventive Physick is necessary, especially when Death is un avoidable without it. If a prudent Man is to meet Mischief rushing upon him, and not stay for't till it overwhelms him, and take the same Course against a certain Consequence, as an actual Evil, why then, I think 'twill be very hard to hang People in one World, and damn 'em in another, for having as little a Fore sight, and great a Faith as their Neighbours.
Others there were who embarkt in that Action, because they really thought, how much mistaken soever they might be, that the Duke of Monmouth was the King's Legitimate Son; which such as had a personal Love for him might more easily believe. Now, although many, who engaged on the former Account only, did not believe this, nor know anything of his Intention of being proclaimed King, nor approved of it when 'twas done ; and tho'
had he been able to make out his Title, or let his Pretensions alone, he had not wanted in all Likelihood a sufficient Assistance from the Nobility and Gentry, none of whom for those Reasons coming in to him ; yet on the other Side, 'tis hardly doubted that these Men, who thought he had a Right, were really obliged to follow the Dictates of their Conscience, tho' mistaken, and do whatever lay in their Power, to the utmost Venture of their
so, they were not Rebels :
126 'flElje flfllesftern transfactionsf.
Lives, to fix him on his Father's Throne, to which they verily believed he had a proper Right and Title. And these Men too,
acting on the same Reasons with the forementioned, for Deliver ance of their Country, as well as Defence of him whom they thought their King ; the earnest Zeal, and Concern, and Love, which most of 'em manifested for the Protestant Religion, being besides so conspicuous in their Lives and Deaths, I know not how they can, without Impudence, be branded with the infamous Name of Rebels; nor think 'twill be any Arrogance to honour 'em with the just and dear-bought Title of Martyrs.
One Thing there is very observable in most, if not all of those who laid down their Lives in this Cause, both in England and Scotland, that, besides that extraordinary Divine Courage and Chearfulness with which they died, they had Expressions plainly boding that great Deliverance which Providence has since that miraculously accomplished for these Kingdoms. 'Twould be endless to give almost all the innumerable Instances of it : Mr. Nelthorp says [God had in his wonderful Provi
dence made him and others Instruments, not only in what was already fallen out, but he believed, for hastening some other great Work, he had yet to do in these Kingdoms. ] Mrs. Gaunt says, [God's Cause shall revive, and he'd plead it at
another Rate than yet he had done, against all its malicious
And speaks yet more strangely of those then upper most, and likely to be so, [ That tho' they were seemingly fixed, and using their Power and Violence against those they had now got under 'em, yet unless they could secure Jesus Christ, and all his Holy Angels, they should never do their Business, but Vengeance would be upon 'em e'er they were
Captain Ansley, whose Speech is as pretty and neat a Thing, as close, and Christian, and couragious, as perhaps any that ever was made by Man in his Condition, after he had said [He did
not repent what he had done, but if he had a thousand Lives would have engaged 'em all in the same Cause ;] adds just after, [Though it has pleased the wise God, for Reasons best known to himself, now to blast our Designs, yet he will deliver his People by Ways we know not, nor think of] Rumbold said just the same. Mr. Hewling says, [/ question not, but in his own Time, God will raise up other Instruments to carry on the
OpposeTM. ]
aware. ]
same Cause they died for, for his own Glory. "] Mr. Lark [That he was confident God would revenge their Bloods] Now, it will be very harsh to say, all these, and several more, to the same Purpose, were nothing but Enthusiasm, since spoken by Persons of all Sexes and Ages in twenty different Places, in the most calm and serene Tempers, and the Persons not wild or fancyful ; and their Words miraculously made good by the Event, which shews God honour'd 'em with being Prophets as well as Martyrs.
To proceed to the Persons who suffered in this Cause here, and in the West, and other Places, chiefly under Jeffrey s insulting Cruelty. His dealing with 'em is not to be paralleled by any thing but the new French Dragoons, or the old Cut-throats and Lord Chief Justices of the poor Albigenses or Waldenses at Merindol and Cutrices. Had the Great Turk sent his nisaries, or the Tartar his Armies among 'em, they'd 'scaped better. Humanity could not offend so far to deserve such
Punishment as he inflicted. A certain barbarous Joy and Pleasure grinned from his Brutal Soul through his Bloody Eyes, whenever he was sentencing any of the poor Souls to Death and Torment ; so much worse than Nero, as when that Monster wisht he had never learnt to write, because forced to set his Name to Warrants for Execution of Malefactors. Jeffreys would have been glad if every Letter he writ had been such a Warrant, and every Word a Sentence of Death. He observed neither Humanity to the Dead, nor Civility to the Living. He made all the West an Aceldama ; some Places quite depopu lated, and nothing to be seen in 'em but forsaken Walls, un lucky Gibbets, and Ghostly Carcases. The Trees were loaden,
almost as thick with Quarters as Leaves. The Houses and Steeples covered as close with Heads, as at other Times frequently in that Country with Crows and Ravens. Nothing could be liker Hell than all those Parts, nothing so like the Devil as he. Caldrons hizzing, Carkases boyling, Pitch and Tar sparkling and glowing, Blood and Limbs boyling, and tearing, and mangling, and he the great Director of all ; and in a Word, discharging his Place who sent him, the best deserving to be the late King's Chief Justice there, and Chancellor after, of any
Man that breathed since Cain or Judas.
128 W$t flfllegtern Crangactfong.
Some of the more Principal Persons who fell under his bar barous Sentences, 'tis thought worth the while to treat distinctly and particularly of, throwing the rest together after 'em, and only reprinting the former Account, if any are left out, it being necessary to hasten, to prevent Shams. If the Book be accepted, and come to another Edition, they shall be inserted ; and if any Faults or Mistakes found, acknowledged and regulated. And the first whom we shall make especial Remarks on, are
F any one would see true Pure Popish Mercy, let 'em look on these Two Gentlemen, the onely Sons of their Vertuous and Sorrowful Parents ; the Comforts, Props, and Hopes of their Name and
Family, carefully educated, vertuously disposed both of them ; after all repeated Applications, if but for one of their Lives, barbarously Executed. A particular care was taken by their Father in their Education, forming their Minds by his own Example, and constant Instructions and Prayers, as well as other Pains of Ingenious Masters, to the strictest Rules of Piety and Vertue. Nor was their Pious and very Tender Mother less
careful in that Particular.
The Elder, Mr. Benjamin Hewling, had Tutors in the Mathe-
maticks, and other Parts of Philosophy ; a Course of which he went through successfully enough, and so as to render him as compleat in his Mind, as Nature had formed his Body : After which he went to Holland, as his Brother, Mr. William Hewling, from whence this last returned with the Duke : Both of 'em had Commands in the Army ; the Elder had a Troop of Horse, the Younger was a Lieutenant of Foot, and discharged their Places with much more Conduct and Bravery than could be expected from such Young Soldiers, being entirely satisfied in the Cause they fought for, since 'twas no less than the Interest of all that was dear to 'em in this World or t'other. The Eldest had par ticularly signalized himself in several Skirmishes, and was sent with a Detachment of his own Troop, and Two more, to Myn- head in Somersetshire to bring Cannon to the Army, at the very
li? tfxilmgg.
Instant the Duke engaged the King's Forces at Fatal Sedgmore; and came not up till after the Field was entirely lost ; to whose Absence, with so considerable a Party of the Duke's Horse, and the most resolved Men of all he had, the Loss of the Day was principally owing. Finding all Things in Disorder, and the Rout beyond recovering, he was forced to disperse his Troops, every one shifting as they could for themselves. He and his Brother kept together, where, what befell 'em after, their Friends have given an exact Account, which is here following inserted.
An' Account of the Behaviour of Mr. William and Benjamin Hewling, before and at their Execution ;
with several Letters to divers of their
The Gracious dealings of God, manifested to some in Dying Hours, have been of great Advantage to those living that heard the same, giving them an Occasion thereby to reflect on their own State, and to look after the Things of their Peace, before they be hid from their Eyes ; as also a great Encouragement to strengthen the Faith of those that have experienced the Grace of God to
To that End it is thought necessary, by Parents especially, to
preserve to their Children that Remain, those blessed Expe riences that such have had, which God hath taken to himself.
Here therefore is presented a true Account of the Admirable Appearances of God towards two Young Men ; Mr. Benjamin Hewling, who died when he was about 22 Years of Age, and Mr. William Hewling, who died before he arrived to 20 Years : They engaged with the Duke of Monmouth, as their own words were, for the English Liberties, and the Protestant Religion, and for which Mr. William Hewling was Executed at Lyme the 12th of September, 1685. and Mr. Benjamin Hewling at Taun
ton, the 30th of the same Month ; and however severe Men were to them, yet the blessed Dispensation of God towards them was such, as hath made good his Word, that out of the Mouths of Babes he hath ordained Strength, that he may still the Enemy and the Avenger. Then, Reader, would you see
Earthly Angels, (Men that are a little too low for Heaven, and much too
ZSimtm 'flTransfactionsf.
high for Earth) would you see poor frail Creatures trampling this World under their Feet, and with an holy, serene Counten ance Smiling at the Threats of Tyrants, who are the Terrors of the Mighty in the Land of the Living ? Would you see shackled Prisoners behave themselves like Judges, and Judges stand like Prisoners before them ? Would you see some of the rare Exploits of faith in its highest Elevation, immediately before it be swallowed up in the Beatifical Vision ? To conclude, would you see the Heavenly Jerusalem pourtrayted on Earth ? Would you hear the melodious Voices of ascending Saints in a ravishing
Comfort ready to join with the Heavenly Chorus in their delight ful Hallelujah's ? Then draw near, come and see ! If thou be a Man of an Heavenly Spirit, here is pleasant and suitable Entertainment for thee ; and after thou has conversed a while with these Excellent Spirits, it may be thou wilt judge as I do, That dead Saints are sweeter Companions (in some Respects)
for thee to converse with, than those that are living : And when thou shalt see the magnificent Acts of their Faith, their invin cible Patience, their flaming Love to Christ, their strange Con tempt and Undervaluings of the World, their Plainness and
Simplicity in the Profession of the Gospel, their fervent and brotherly love to each other, their ravishing Prospect (as it were on the Top of Mount Pisgah) of the Heavenly Canaan, their Swan-like Songs and Dying-Speeches. And, Reader, you know the first Lispings of little Children, and last farewels of Dying Saints are always most sweet and charming : Those Fore-tastes of the Rivers of Pleasure, the transporting Glimpses they had
I say, when you see and read these Exemplary Truths, wonder not that the Pious Hewlings longed
so vehemently to be in a better World, though they were to pass through a Thousand Deaths, or the Fiery Trial to it. [But to
come to our intended Matter. ]
After the dispersing of the Duke's Army, they fled and put to
Sea, but were driven back again, and with the Hazard of their Lives got on Shoar, (over dangerous Rocks) where they saw the Country filled with Soldiers, and they being unwilling to fall into the Hands of the Rabble, and no Way of Defence or Escape remaining to them, they surrendred themselves Prisoners to a Gentleman, whose House was near the Place they landed at,
of the Crown of Glory ;
The SuRiiEjf i>br ok the Hew lings.
P 130
and were from thence sent to Exeter Goal, the 1 2th of Jtdy, where remaining some Time, their Behaviour was such, that (being visited by many) caus'd great Respect towards em', even of those that were Enemies to the Cause they engaged in ; and being on the 27th of July put on Board the Swan Frigate, in Order to their bringing up to London, their Carriage was such, as obtained great Kindness from the Commander, and all other Officers in the Ship ; and being brought into the River, Captain Richardson came and took them into his Custody, and carried . them to Newgate, putting great Irons about them, and put them apart from each other, without giving Liberty for the nearest Relation to see them, notwithstanding all Endeavours and Entreaties used to obtain tho' in the Presence of a Keeper which though did greatly increase the Grief of Relations, God, who wisely orders all Things for Good to those he intends Grace and Mercy to, made this very Restraint, and hard Usage a blessed Advantage to their Souls, as may appear by their own Words, when after great Importunity and Charge, some of their near Relations had Leave to speak a few Words to them before the Keeper, to which they replied, They were contented with the Will of God whatever should be. Having been in Newgate three Weeks, there was Order given to carry them down into the West, in Order to their Trial which being told them, they answered, They were glad of and that Morning they went out of Newgate, several that beheld them, seeing them so chear- ful, said, Surely they had received their Pardon, else they could never carry with that Courage and Chearfulness. Although this must be observed, that from first to last, whatever Hopes they received from friends, they still thought the contrary, never being much affected with the Hopes of nor cast down, nor the least discouraged at the worst that Man could do. In their Journey to Dorchester, the Keepers that went with them have
given this Account of them, That their Carriage was so grave, serious, and Christian, that made them admire to see and hear
what they did from such Young Men.
A near Relation that went into the West to see the Issue of
Things, and to perform whatever should be necessary for them, gives the following Account
At Salisbury, the 30th of August, had the first Opportunity K
it ;;
flfllesftem transactions.
of Converse with them : I found them in a very Excellent Com posure of Mind, declaring their Experience of the Grace and Goodness of God to them in all their Sufferings, in supporting and strengthning, and providing for them, turning the Hearts of all in whose Hands they had been both at Exon, and on Ship board, to shew Pity and Favour to them ; although since they came to Newgate they were hardly used, and now in their Journey loaded with heavy Irons, and more inhumanely dealt
with. They with great Chearfulness professed, That they were
better, and in a more happy Condition than ever in their Lives, from the Sense they had of the pardoning Love of God in Jesus Christ to their Souls, wholly referring themselves to their wise and gracious God to chuse for them Life or Death; expressing
themselves thus : if
Any thing what pleases God, what he sees best,
so be it : We know he is able to deliver, but not, blessed be his Name, Death is not terrible now, but desirable. Mr. Benjamin Hewling particularly added, Asfor the World, there is nothing in it to make it worth while to live, except we may be serviceable to God
Itherein. And afterward said, Oh / God is a strong
have him so indeed. found
The next Opportunity I had was at Dorchester, where they both
were carried, there remaining together four Days : By Reason of their strait Confinement our Converse was much interrupted ; but this appeared, that they had still the same Presence and Sup port from God, no way discouraged at the Approach of their Trial, nor of the Event of whatever should be.
The 6th of September Mr. Benjamin Hewling was ordered to Taunton to be tried there Taking my Leave of him, he said, Oh! Blessed be God for Afflictions have found such happy
Effects, that would not have been without them for all this World.
remained still at Dorchester 'to wait the Issue of Mr. William Hewling, to whom, after Trial, had free Access, whose Dis course was much filled with Admirings of the Grace of God in Christ, that had been manifested towards him, in calling him out of his natural State. He said, God his holy Spirit did sud denly seize upon his Heart, when he thought not of in his
retired Abode in Holland, as it were secretly whispering in his Heart, Seek ye my Face, enabling him to answer his Call, and
to reflect upon his own Soul, shewing him the Evil of Sin, and Necessity of Christ, from that Time carrying him on, to a sensible Adherence to Christ for Justification and Eternal Life. He said, Hence he found a Spring of Joy and Sweetness beyond the Comforts of the whole Earth. He further said, He could not but admire the wonderful Goodness of God, in so preparing him,
for what he was bringing him to, which then he thought not of; giving him Hope of Eternal Life, before he called him to look Death in the Face, so that he did chearfully resign his Life to God before he came, having sought his Guidance in itj and that both then, and now the Cause did appear to him very Glorious, notwithstanding all he had suffered in it, or what he further might. Although for our Sins God hath with held these good Things from us. But he said, God had carried on his Blessed
Work on his Soul, in and by all his Sufferings ; and whatever the Will of God were, Life or Death, he knew it would be best for him.
After he had received Ihis Sentence, when he returned to
my spiritual inci eas find Comforts
Prison, he said, Methinks
ing, ever since my Sentence. There is no Condemnation to them
that are in Christ Jesus, it's God that justifies, whom shall condemn ?
When I came to him the next Morning, (when he had received News that he must die the next Day, and in Order to it was to be carried to Lyme that Day) I found him in a more excellent rais'd Spiritual Frame than before : He said, He was
satisfied God had chosen best for him : he knows what the Temptations of Life might have been ; I might have lived and forgotten God, but now I am going where I shall sin no more. 0 ! it's a Blessed Thing to be free from Sin, and to be with Christ. Oh ! the Riches of the Love of Christ to Sinners. Oh ! how great were the Sufferings of Christ for me beyond all
I can undergo ? How great is that Glory to which I am going ? It will soon swallow up all our Sorrow here.
When he was at Dinner, just before his going to Lyme, he dropt many abrupt Expressions of his inward Joy, such as these : Oh ! the Grace of God, the Love of Christ; Oh I that
ILamb, to be ever with the Lord ! He blessed Supper of the for
further said, When
went to Holland, you knew not what
13i %ty flfllesftern transaction? .
Snares, Sins and Miseries Imightfall into, or whether ever ive
should meet again : But now you know whither that we shall certainly have a most joyful Meeting.
He said, Pray give my particular Recommendations to all my Friends, with acknowledgments for all their kindness. I advise them all to make sure of an Interest in Christ, for he is the only comfort when we come to die.
One of the Prisoners seemed to be troubled at the Manner of
the Death they were to die ; to whom he replied, am reconciled to it all.