First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine from November
1863 to February 1864.
1863 to February 1864.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v13
January 1837.
Rptd in
Biographical Introduction to vol. 1 of Knutsford edn.
Chapter Houses. In Visits to Remarkable Places, by Howitt, William.
1838. Rptd in vol. I of Knutsford edn.
The Sexton's Hero. In Howitt's Journal. 1847. Rptd 1850 with Christmas
Storms and Sunshine; in 1855 in Lizzie Leigh and other stories; and in
Knutsford edn, vol. 1.
French tr. By Forgues, F. D. With Cousine Phillis. Paris, 1867.
Libbie Marsh's Three Eras. In Howitt's Journal. 1847. Rptd as A
Lancashire Tale, in 1850, and in Knutsford edn, vol. 1.
French tr. : Trois Époques de la Vie de Libbie Marsh. In Bibliothèque
Universelle. Paris, 1854.
Christmas Storms and Sunshine. In Howitt's Journal. 1847. Rptd 1850
with The Sexton's Hero and in Knutsford edn, vol. II.
These three tales were rptd under the title Life in Manchester, by
Cotter Mather Mills, Esq. , 1847.
Mary Barton, a Tale of Manchester Life. 2 vols. 1848.
The Moorland Cottage. With illustrations by Foster, Birket. 1850. Rptd
in vol. II of the Knutsford edn.
Contributions to Household Words: Cumberland Sheep-shearers, 22 January
1853; Modern Greek Songs, 25 February 1854; Company Manners, 20 May
1854 (these three are rptd in vol. III of the Knutsford edn); Disappear-
ances, 7 June 1851; The Old Nurse's Story, which formed part of the
Christmas number in 1852; Traits and Stories of the Huguenots,
10 December 1853; My French Master, 17 and 24 December 1854, and
The Squire's Story, which formed part of the Christmas number in 1853,
were all rptd with Lizzie Leigh in 1855 and in vol. 11 of the Knutsford
edn. The Shah's English Gardener, 19 June 1852, is rptd in vol. vii of
the Knutsford edn.
Mr Harrison's Confessions. First published in The Ladies' Companion,
February to April 1851. Rptd with Lizzie Leigh, etc. in 1855, and in vol. v
of the Knutsford edn.
Cranford. 1853. With preface by lady Ritchie. 1891. With introd. by Her-
ford, Brooke. 1898. With illustrations by Thomson, Hugh. 1891. First
published in Household Words from 13 December 1851 to 21 May 1853.
Green, Henry. Knutsford: its Traditions and History. 2nd edn.
Letters of Mary Sibylla Holland. Ed. B. Holland. 1898.
## p. 550 (#566) ############################################
Ruth. 3 vols. 1853. French tr. 1856.
Lizzie Leigh, with other Tales, by Mrs G. 1855. Lizzie Leigh was first
published in Household Words, from No. 1, 30 March 1850.
The following five tales and sketches were included in the 1855 edn of
Lizzie Leigh, and rptd with it in vols. II, III of the Knutsford edn:
The Well of Pen-Morfa. First published in Household Words,
16 and 23 November, 1850. Knutsford edn, vol. 11.
The Heart of John Middleton. First published in Household
Words, 28 December 1850. Knutsford edn, vol. II.
Morton Hall. First published in Household Words, 19 and 26
November, 1853. Knutsford edn, vol. II.
Bessy's Troubles at Home. Knutsford edn, vol. II.
Hand and Heart. Knutsford edn, vol. III.
North and South. 2 vols. 1855. First published in Household Words, from
2 September 1854 to 27 January 1855. Illustrated edn. 1867. Knuts-
ford edn, vol. iv.
The Life of Charlotte Brontë. 2 vols. 1857. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1857. Also,
as vol. vii of Life and Works of Charlotte Brontë and her Sisters. 1900.
With introd, and notes by Scott, T. and Willett, B. W. 1906.
My Lady Ludlow. Published with five other tales under the title Round the
Sofa in 1859, with an Introduction and links. A French tr. of Round the
Sofa, under the title, Autour du Sofa, by Loreau, Mme H. , appeared in
the following year. (My Lady Ludlow had first appeared in Household
Words from 19 June to 25 September 1858. The five other tales are
those of which the titles follow here. Round the Sofa is rptd in vol. v of
the Knutsford edn. )
An Accursed Race. First published in Household Words, 25 August
Half a Lifetime ago. First published in Household Words, 6, 13
and 20 October, 1855.
The Poor Clare. First published in Household Words, 13 to 27
December, 1855.
The Doom of the Griffiths. First published in Harper's Magazine,
The Half-Brothers. First published in The Dublin University
Magazine, November, 1858.
Right at Last, and other Tales. 1860. Right at Last was first published in
Household Words, 27 November 1858, under the title The Sin of a Father.
Rptd in vol. Vii of the Knutsford edn.
Lois the Witch. First appeared in All the Year Round, from 8 to 22 October
1859, and was rptd in Right at Last, etc. 1860 and in vol. vii of the
Knutsford edn.
The Crooked Branch. First appeared in the Christmas number 1859 of All
the Year Round, as part of the series called The Haunted House, under
the title The Ghost in the Garden Room, and rptd in Right at Last, etc.
1860 and in vol. VII of the Knutsford edn.
The Manchester Marriage. First published in Littell’s Living Age, Boston,
1859. Rptd in Right at Last, etc. and in vol. v of the Knutsford edn.
The Grey Woman, and other Tales. 1865. The Grey Woman first appeared in
All the Year Round, on 5, 12 and 19 January 1861 and is rptd in vol. VII
of the Knutsford edn.
Curious if True. First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine of Febrnary 1860.
Reprinted in The Grey Woman, etc. and in vol. VII of the Knutsford
## p. 551 (#567) ############################################
The Political and Social Novel
Six Weeks at Heppenheim. First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine of
May 1862. Rptd in The Grey Woman, etc. and in vol. vii of the Knuts-
ford edn.
A Dark Night's Work. First appeared in All the Year Round from
24 January 1863 to 21 March 1863. With illustrations by Du Maurier,
1863. Rptd in vol. vii of the Knutsford edn.
French tr. : L'ouvre d'une nuit. With Cousine Phillis. By Forgues,
F. D. Paris, 1879.
Sylvia's Lovers. With illustrations by Du Maurier. 3 vols. 1863.
French tr. : Les Amoureux de Sylvia. By Forgues, F. D. Paris, 1865.
Crowley Castle. First appeared in the 1863 Christmas number of All the
Year Round (Mrs Lirriper's Lodgings) under the title How the First Floor
went to Crowley Castle. Rptd in vol. vir of the Knutsford edn.
Cousin Phillis.
First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine from November
1863 to February 1864. Rptd with other Tales, with illustrations by Du
Maurier, 1864.
French tr. : Cousine Phillis. By Forgues, F. D. Paris, 1867.
Contribution to Fraser's Magazine: French Life, April, May, June 1864.
Rptd in vol. vii of the Knutsford edn.
Wives and Daughters. An Everyday Story. First appeared in The Cornhill
Magazine from August 1864 to January 1866, the last number being
completed by Greenwood, Frederick. Published in 2 vols. 1866.
Two Fragments of Ghost Stories. First printed in vol. vu of the Knutsford
C. Biography and Criticism
Belloc, L. Sw. Elisabeth Gaskell et ses Ouvrages. With the tr. of Cousin
Phillis by Forgues, F. D. Paris, 1879.
Cazamian, L. Mrs Gaskell: L'Interventionnisme Chrétien. In Le Roman
Social en Angleterre. Paris, 1904.
Low, Frances. Mrs Gaskell's Short Tales. In Fortnightly Review, N. S.
Vol. LXVI. October 1899.
Minto, W. Mrs Gaskell, In Fortnightly Review, N. S.
Vol. XXIV.
1 September 1878.
Montégut, Emile. Mrs Gaskell. In Revue des Deux Mondes. 1853-5. Rptd
in Écrivains Modernes de l'Angleterre, Paris, 1899.
Norton, Charles Eliot, Letters of. With biographical comment by his
daughter Sara Norton and M. A. de Wolfe Howe. 2 vols. London and
New York, 1913.
Payne, G. A. Mrs Gaskell and Knutsford. Manchester, 1900.
Ritchie, lady. Introduction to her edn of Cranford. 1891.
Ward, Sir A. W. Biographical Introduction to the Knutsford edn of the
works of Mrs Gaskell. Vol. 1. 1906.
Art. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, in vol. xxi of the D. of N. B.
As to W. R. Greg's criticisms of Mary Barton, Ruth and North and
South see text.
A. Collected Works
Works. (Cabinet edn. ) 21 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1878-86.
Works. (Warwick edn. ) 12 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1901-3.
Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings from the works of George Eliot. Collected
by Main, Alexander. Edinburgh, 1872.
## p. 552 (#568) ############################################
B. Separate Works
1. Novels and Tales
Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1858. (These first appeared in
Blackwood's Magazine, as follows: The Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos
Barton, January-February 1857; Mr Gilfils Love Story, March-June
1857; Janet's Repentance, July-November 1857. )
Newdigate-Newdegate, lady. The Cheverels of Cheverel Manor.
Adam Bede. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1859.
Mottram, W. The story of George Eliot in relation to Adam Bede.
Roslyn, G. George Eliot in Derbyshire. 1876.
The Lifted Veil. Blackwood's Magazine. July 1859.
The Mill on the Floss. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1860.
Brother Jacob. See Cabinet edn, vol. xix.
Silas Marner. Edinburgh, 1861.
Romola. 3 vols. 1863. First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine, with
illustrations by Leighton, Sir F. July 1862-Aug. 1863. Edition de
luxe. 1880. Ed. with introduction and notes by Biagi, G. With 160
engravings of scenes and characters. 2 vols. 1907.
Felix Holt the Radical. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1866.
Middlemarch. A Study of Provincial Life. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1871–2.
Daniel Deronda. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1876.
2. Dramatic and other Poems
The Spanish Gypsy. Edinburgh, 1868.
The Legend of Jubal and other Poems. Edinburgh, 1874. (Includes Agatha
(signed 1868); Legend of Jubal (s. 1869); How Lisa loved the King
(s. 1869); Stradivarius (s. 1873); A Minor Prophet; Brother and Sister. )
3. Essays
Contributions to The Westminster Review:
Mackay's Progress of the Intellect. January 1851.
Carlyle's Life of Sterling. January 1852.
Women in France : Mme de Sablé. October 1854.
Prussia and Prussian Policy (Adolf Stahr). January 1855.
Vehse's Court of Austria April 1855.
Dryden. July 1855.
Evangelical Teaching : Dr Cumming. October 1855.
German Wit: Heine. January 1856.
The Natural History of German Life. July 1856.
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists. October 1856.
Worldliness and Other-Worldliness: the poet Young. January 1857.
The last four were included, by Lewis, Charles Lee, in Essays and
Leaves from a Note-book, 1884. This also includes:
Three Months in Weimar. First published in Fraser's Magazine,
The Influence of Rationalism: Lecky's History. First published in
The Fortnightly Review, 1865.
Address to Working Men by Felix Holt. First published in Black-
wood's Magazine, 1866.
The Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Edinburgh, 1879.
## p. 553 (#569) ############################################
The Political and Social Novel
4. Translations
Strauss, D. F. The Life of Jesus critically examined. 3 vols. 1846. [Anon. ]
Feuerbach, L. The Essence of Christianity. Tr. by Marion Evans. 1854.
5. Letters
George Eliot's Life as related in her Letters and Journals. Arranged and
ed. by her Husband, J. W.
Biographical Introduction to vol. 1 of Knutsford edn.
Chapter Houses. In Visits to Remarkable Places, by Howitt, William.
1838. Rptd in vol. I of Knutsford edn.
The Sexton's Hero. In Howitt's Journal. 1847. Rptd 1850 with Christmas
Storms and Sunshine; in 1855 in Lizzie Leigh and other stories; and in
Knutsford edn, vol. 1.
French tr. By Forgues, F. D. With Cousine Phillis. Paris, 1867.
Libbie Marsh's Three Eras. In Howitt's Journal. 1847. Rptd as A
Lancashire Tale, in 1850, and in Knutsford edn, vol. 1.
French tr. : Trois Époques de la Vie de Libbie Marsh. In Bibliothèque
Universelle. Paris, 1854.
Christmas Storms and Sunshine. In Howitt's Journal. 1847. Rptd 1850
with The Sexton's Hero and in Knutsford edn, vol. II.
These three tales were rptd under the title Life in Manchester, by
Cotter Mather Mills, Esq. , 1847.
Mary Barton, a Tale of Manchester Life. 2 vols. 1848.
The Moorland Cottage. With illustrations by Foster, Birket. 1850. Rptd
in vol. II of the Knutsford edn.
Contributions to Household Words: Cumberland Sheep-shearers, 22 January
1853; Modern Greek Songs, 25 February 1854; Company Manners, 20 May
1854 (these three are rptd in vol. III of the Knutsford edn); Disappear-
ances, 7 June 1851; The Old Nurse's Story, which formed part of the
Christmas number in 1852; Traits and Stories of the Huguenots,
10 December 1853; My French Master, 17 and 24 December 1854, and
The Squire's Story, which formed part of the Christmas number in 1853,
were all rptd with Lizzie Leigh in 1855 and in vol. 11 of the Knutsford
edn. The Shah's English Gardener, 19 June 1852, is rptd in vol. vii of
the Knutsford edn.
Mr Harrison's Confessions. First published in The Ladies' Companion,
February to April 1851. Rptd with Lizzie Leigh, etc. in 1855, and in vol. v
of the Knutsford edn.
Cranford. 1853. With preface by lady Ritchie. 1891. With introd. by Her-
ford, Brooke. 1898. With illustrations by Thomson, Hugh. 1891. First
published in Household Words from 13 December 1851 to 21 May 1853.
Green, Henry. Knutsford: its Traditions and History. 2nd edn.
Letters of Mary Sibylla Holland. Ed. B. Holland. 1898.
## p. 550 (#566) ############################################
Ruth. 3 vols. 1853. French tr. 1856.
Lizzie Leigh, with other Tales, by Mrs G. 1855. Lizzie Leigh was first
published in Household Words, from No. 1, 30 March 1850.
The following five tales and sketches were included in the 1855 edn of
Lizzie Leigh, and rptd with it in vols. II, III of the Knutsford edn:
The Well of Pen-Morfa. First published in Household Words,
16 and 23 November, 1850. Knutsford edn, vol. 11.
The Heart of John Middleton. First published in Household
Words, 28 December 1850. Knutsford edn, vol. II.
Morton Hall. First published in Household Words, 19 and 26
November, 1853. Knutsford edn, vol. II.
Bessy's Troubles at Home. Knutsford edn, vol. II.
Hand and Heart. Knutsford edn, vol. III.
North and South. 2 vols. 1855. First published in Household Words, from
2 September 1854 to 27 January 1855. Illustrated edn. 1867. Knuts-
ford edn, vol. iv.
The Life of Charlotte Brontë. 2 vols. 1857. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1857. Also,
as vol. vii of Life and Works of Charlotte Brontë and her Sisters. 1900.
With introd, and notes by Scott, T. and Willett, B. W. 1906.
My Lady Ludlow. Published with five other tales under the title Round the
Sofa in 1859, with an Introduction and links. A French tr. of Round the
Sofa, under the title, Autour du Sofa, by Loreau, Mme H. , appeared in
the following year. (My Lady Ludlow had first appeared in Household
Words from 19 June to 25 September 1858. The five other tales are
those of which the titles follow here. Round the Sofa is rptd in vol. v of
the Knutsford edn. )
An Accursed Race. First published in Household Words, 25 August
Half a Lifetime ago. First published in Household Words, 6, 13
and 20 October, 1855.
The Poor Clare. First published in Household Words, 13 to 27
December, 1855.
The Doom of the Griffiths. First published in Harper's Magazine,
The Half-Brothers. First published in The Dublin University
Magazine, November, 1858.
Right at Last, and other Tales. 1860. Right at Last was first published in
Household Words, 27 November 1858, under the title The Sin of a Father.
Rptd in vol. Vii of the Knutsford edn.
Lois the Witch. First appeared in All the Year Round, from 8 to 22 October
1859, and was rptd in Right at Last, etc. 1860 and in vol. vii of the
Knutsford edn.
The Crooked Branch. First appeared in the Christmas number 1859 of All
the Year Round, as part of the series called The Haunted House, under
the title The Ghost in the Garden Room, and rptd in Right at Last, etc.
1860 and in vol. VII of the Knutsford edn.
The Manchester Marriage. First published in Littell’s Living Age, Boston,
1859. Rptd in Right at Last, etc. and in vol. v of the Knutsford edn.
The Grey Woman, and other Tales. 1865. The Grey Woman first appeared in
All the Year Round, on 5, 12 and 19 January 1861 and is rptd in vol. VII
of the Knutsford edn.
Curious if True. First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine of Febrnary 1860.
Reprinted in The Grey Woman, etc. and in vol. VII of the Knutsford
## p. 551 (#567) ############################################
The Political and Social Novel
Six Weeks at Heppenheim. First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine of
May 1862. Rptd in The Grey Woman, etc. and in vol. vii of the Knuts-
ford edn.
A Dark Night's Work. First appeared in All the Year Round from
24 January 1863 to 21 March 1863. With illustrations by Du Maurier,
1863. Rptd in vol. vii of the Knutsford edn.
French tr. : L'ouvre d'une nuit. With Cousine Phillis. By Forgues,
F. D. Paris, 1879.
Sylvia's Lovers. With illustrations by Du Maurier. 3 vols. 1863.
French tr. : Les Amoureux de Sylvia. By Forgues, F. D. Paris, 1865.
Crowley Castle. First appeared in the 1863 Christmas number of All the
Year Round (Mrs Lirriper's Lodgings) under the title How the First Floor
went to Crowley Castle. Rptd in vol. vir of the Knutsford edn.
Cousin Phillis.
First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine from November
1863 to February 1864. Rptd with other Tales, with illustrations by Du
Maurier, 1864.
French tr. : Cousine Phillis. By Forgues, F. D. Paris, 1867.
Contribution to Fraser's Magazine: French Life, April, May, June 1864.
Rptd in vol. vii of the Knutsford edn.
Wives and Daughters. An Everyday Story. First appeared in The Cornhill
Magazine from August 1864 to January 1866, the last number being
completed by Greenwood, Frederick. Published in 2 vols. 1866.
Two Fragments of Ghost Stories. First printed in vol. vu of the Knutsford
C. Biography and Criticism
Belloc, L. Sw. Elisabeth Gaskell et ses Ouvrages. With the tr. of Cousin
Phillis by Forgues, F. D. Paris, 1879.
Cazamian, L. Mrs Gaskell: L'Interventionnisme Chrétien. In Le Roman
Social en Angleterre. Paris, 1904.
Low, Frances. Mrs Gaskell's Short Tales. In Fortnightly Review, N. S.
Vol. LXVI. October 1899.
Minto, W. Mrs Gaskell, In Fortnightly Review, N. S.
Vol. XXIV.
1 September 1878.
Montégut, Emile. Mrs Gaskell. In Revue des Deux Mondes. 1853-5. Rptd
in Écrivains Modernes de l'Angleterre, Paris, 1899.
Norton, Charles Eliot, Letters of. With biographical comment by his
daughter Sara Norton and M. A. de Wolfe Howe. 2 vols. London and
New York, 1913.
Payne, G. A. Mrs Gaskell and Knutsford. Manchester, 1900.
Ritchie, lady. Introduction to her edn of Cranford. 1891.
Ward, Sir A. W. Biographical Introduction to the Knutsford edn of the
works of Mrs Gaskell. Vol. 1. 1906.
Art. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, in vol. xxi of the D. of N. B.
As to W. R. Greg's criticisms of Mary Barton, Ruth and North and
South see text.
A. Collected Works
Works. (Cabinet edn. ) 21 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1878-86.
Works. (Warwick edn. ) 12 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1901-3.
Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings from the works of George Eliot. Collected
by Main, Alexander. Edinburgh, 1872.
## p. 552 (#568) ############################################
B. Separate Works
1. Novels and Tales
Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1858. (These first appeared in
Blackwood's Magazine, as follows: The Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos
Barton, January-February 1857; Mr Gilfils Love Story, March-June
1857; Janet's Repentance, July-November 1857. )
Newdigate-Newdegate, lady. The Cheverels of Cheverel Manor.
Adam Bede. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1859.
Mottram, W. The story of George Eliot in relation to Adam Bede.
Roslyn, G. George Eliot in Derbyshire. 1876.
The Lifted Veil. Blackwood's Magazine. July 1859.
The Mill on the Floss. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1860.
Brother Jacob. See Cabinet edn, vol. xix.
Silas Marner. Edinburgh, 1861.
Romola. 3 vols. 1863. First appeared in The Cornhill Magazine, with
illustrations by Leighton, Sir F. July 1862-Aug. 1863. Edition de
luxe. 1880. Ed. with introduction and notes by Biagi, G. With 160
engravings of scenes and characters. 2 vols. 1907.
Felix Holt the Radical. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1866.
Middlemarch. A Study of Provincial Life. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1871–2.
Daniel Deronda. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1876.
2. Dramatic and other Poems
The Spanish Gypsy. Edinburgh, 1868.
The Legend of Jubal and other Poems. Edinburgh, 1874. (Includes Agatha
(signed 1868); Legend of Jubal (s. 1869); How Lisa loved the King
(s. 1869); Stradivarius (s. 1873); A Minor Prophet; Brother and Sister. )
3. Essays
Contributions to The Westminster Review:
Mackay's Progress of the Intellect. January 1851.
Carlyle's Life of Sterling. January 1852.
Women in France : Mme de Sablé. October 1854.
Prussia and Prussian Policy (Adolf Stahr). January 1855.
Vehse's Court of Austria April 1855.
Dryden. July 1855.
Evangelical Teaching : Dr Cumming. October 1855.
German Wit: Heine. January 1856.
The Natural History of German Life. July 1856.
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists. October 1856.
Worldliness and Other-Worldliness: the poet Young. January 1857.
The last four were included, by Lewis, Charles Lee, in Essays and
Leaves from a Note-book, 1884. This also includes:
Three Months in Weimar. First published in Fraser's Magazine,
The Influence of Rationalism: Lecky's History. First published in
The Fortnightly Review, 1865.
Address to Working Men by Felix Holt. First published in Black-
wood's Magazine, 1866.
The Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Edinburgh, 1879.
## p. 553 (#569) ############################################
The Political and Social Novel
4. Translations
Strauss, D. F. The Life of Jesus critically examined. 3 vols. 1846. [Anon. ]
Feuerbach, L. The Essence of Christianity. Tr. by Marion Evans. 1854.
5. Letters
George Eliot's Life as related in her Letters and Journals. Arranged and
ed. by her Husband, J. W.