(He points at the hut in front of which
Andrea is sitting) A witch lives there.
Andrea is sitting) A witch lives there.
(Long pause)
GALILEO I keep worrying about some of my scientific friends whom I led down the path of error. Has my recantation helped them to mend their ways?
ANDREA I am going to Holland to carry on my work. The ox is not allowed to do what Jupiter denies himself.
GALILEO I understand.
ANDREA Fulganzio, our little monk, has given up science and returned to the fold. GALILEO Yes. (Pause) My superiors are looking forward to my complete spiritual recovery. I'm making better progress than expected.
VIRGINIA The Lord be praised.
GALILEO (gruffly) Attend to the geese, Virginia.
(Virginia leaves angrily. In passing she is addressed by the monk)
THE MONK I don't like that man.
VIRGINIA He's harmless. You heard what he said. (On her way out) We've got
fresh goat cheese. (The monk follows her out)
ANDREA I'm going to travel through the night so as to cross the borderby morning.
May I go now?
GALILEO I can't see why you've come, Sarti. To stir me up? I've been living
prudently and thinking prudently since I came here. I have rny relapses
even so.
ANDREA I have no desire to upset you, Mr. Galilei.
GALILEO Barberini called it the itch. He wasn't entirely free from it himself.
(whispering) I've been writing again. ANDREA You have?
GALILEO I've finished the Discorsi.
ANDREA What? The Discourses Concerning Two New Sciences: Mechanics and Local
Motion? Here?
GALILEO Oh, they let me have paper and pen. My superiors aren't stupid. They
know that ingrained vices can't be uprooted overnight. They protect me from unpleasant consequences by locking up page after page.
Oh God!
Did you say something?
GALILEO Oh, I'm a slave of habit.
They let you plow water! They give you pen and paper to quiet you! How could you ever write under such conditions?
? ANDREA The Discorsi in the hands of monks! When Amsterdam and London and Prague are clamoring for them!
GALILEO I can just hear Fabricius wailing, demanding his pound of flesh, while he himself sits safely in Amsterdam.
ANDREA Two new branches of science as good as lost!
GALILEO No doubt he and some others will feel uplifted when they hear that I
jeopardized the last pitiful remnants of my comfort to make a copy, behind my own back so to speak, for six months using up the last ounces of light on the clearer nights.
ANDREA You have a copy?
GALILEO So far my vanity has prevented me from destroying
ANDREA Where is it?
GALILEO "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out. " Whoever wrote that knew
more about comfort than I do. I'm sure it's the height of folly to let it out of my hands. But since I've been unable to leave science alone, you may just as well have it. The copy is in the globe. Should you consider taking it to Holland, you would of course have to bear full responsibility. You'd say you bought it from someone with access to the Holy Office.
(Andrea has gone to the globe. He takes out the copy)
ANDREA The Discorsi! (He leafs through the manuscript. He reads) "It is my purpose to
establish an entirely new science in regard to a very old problem, namely, motion. By means of experiments I have discovered some of its properties, which are worth knowing. "
I had to do something with my time.
This will be the foundation of a new physics.
ANDREA And we thought you had deserted us! My voice was the loudest against
Put it under your coat.
GALILEO You were absolutely right. I taught you science and I denied the
ANDREA That changes everything. Everything.
GALILEO You think so?
ANDREA You were hiding the truth. From the enemy. Even in ethics you were
centuries ahead of us.
GALILEO Explain that to me, Andrea.
ANDREA With the man on the street we said: He'll die, but he'll never recant. --
You came back and said: I've recanted but I shall live. --Your hands are
stained, we said. --You said: Better stained than empty.
GALILEO Better stained than empty. Sounds realistic. Sounds like me. A new
science, a new ethics.
ANDREA I should have known--better than anyone else. I was eleven when you
sold another man's telescope to the senate in Venice. And I watched you make immortal use of that instrument. Your friends shook their heads when you humbled yourself to that child in Florence: But science found an audience. You've always laughed at heroes. "People who suffer bore me," you said. "Bad luck comes from faulty calculations," and "If there are obstacles the shortest line between two points may well be a crooked line. "
GALILEO I remember.
ANDREA And in thirty-three when you decided to abjure a popular item of your
doctrine, I should have known that you were merely withdrawing from a
? hopeless political brawl in order to further the true interests of science. GALILEO Which consist in . . .
ANDREA . . . the study of the properties of motion, the mother of machines,
which alone will make the earth so good to live on that we shall be able
to do without heaven. GALILEO Hm.
ANDREA You won the leisure to write a scientific work which you alone could write. Had you perished in the fiery halo of the stake, the others would have been the victors.
GALILEO They are the victors. Besides, there is no scientific work that one man alone can write.
Then why did you recant?
I recanted because I was afraid of physical pain.
They showed me the instruments. ANDREA Then it was not
GALILEO It was not. (Pause)
ANDREA (loud) In science only one thing counts: contribution to knowledge. GALILEO And that I have supplied. Welcome to the gutter, brother in science
and cousin in treason! You like fish? I have fish. What stinks is not my fish, it's me. I'm selling out, you are the buyer. Oh, irresistible sight of a book, that hallowed commodity. The mouth waters, the curses are drowned. The great Babylonian whore, the murderous beast, the scarlet woman, opens her thighs, and everything is different! Hallowed be our haggling, whitewashing, death-shunning community!
ANDREA To shun death is human. Human weaknesses are no concern of science. GALILEO No? ! --My dear Sarti, even in my present condition I believe I can give
you a few hints about the science you are devoting yourself to.
(A short pause)
GALILEO (in lecture style, bands folded over his paunch) In my free time, and I've got
plenty of that, I have reviewed my case and asked myself how the world of science, of which I no longer consider myself a member, will judge it. Even a wool merchant, in addition to buying cheap and selling dear, has to worry about the obstacles that may be put in the way of the wool trade itself. In this sense, the pursuit of science seems to call for special courage. Science trades in knowledge distilled from doubt. Providing everybody with knowledge of everything, science aims at making doubters of everybody. But princes, landlords and priests keep the majority of the people in a pearly haze of superstition and outworn words to cover up their own machinations. The misery of the many is as old as the hills and is proclaimed in church and lecture hall to be as indestructible as the hills. Our new art of doubting delighted the common people. They grabbed the telescope out of our hands and focused it on their tormentors--princes, landlords, priests. Those self-seeking violent men greedily exploited the fruits of science for their own ends but at the same time they felt the cold stare of science focused upon the millennial, yet artificial miseries which mankind could obviously get rid of by getting rid of them. They showered us with threats and bribes, which weak souls cannot resist. But can we turn our backs on the people and still remain scientists? The movements of the heavenly bodies have become more comprehensible; but the movements of their rulers remain unpredictable to
? 63
? the people. The battle to measure the sky was won by doubt; but credulity still prevents the Roman housewife from winning her battle for milk. Science, Sarti, is involved in both battles. If mankind goes on stumbling in a pearly haze of superstition and outworn words and remains too ignorant to make full use of its own strength, it will never be able to use the forces of nature which science has discovered. What end are you scientists working for? To my mind, the only purpose of science is to lighten the toil of human existence. If scientists, browbeaten by selfish rulers, confine themselves to the accumulation of knowledge for the sake of knowledge, science will be crippled and your new machines will only mean new hardships. Given time, you may well discover everything there is to discover, but your progress will be a progression away from humanity. The gulf between you and humanity may one day be so wide that the response to your exultation about some new achievement will be a universal outcry of horror. --As a scientist, I had a unique opportunity. In my time astronomy reached the market place. Under these very special circumstances, one man's steadfastness might have had tremendous repercussions. If I had held out, scientists might have developed something like the physicians' Hippocratic oath, the vow to use their knowledge only for the good of mankind. As things stand now, the best we can hope for is a generation of inventive dwarfs who can be hired for any purpose. Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion, Sarti, that I was never in any real danger. For a few years I was as strong as the authorities. And yet I handed the powerful my knowledge to use, or not to use, or to misuse as served their purposes. (Virginia has come in with a dish and stops now) I have betrayed my calling. A man who does what I have done, cannot be tolerated in the ranks of science.
VIRGINIA You have been received in the ranks of the faithful.
(She -walks on and sets the dish on the table)
GALILEO Yes. --I must eat now.
(Andrea offers him his hand. Galileo sees it but does not take it)
GALILEO You are teaching now yourself. Can you afford to shake a hand such as mine? (He goes to the table) Somebody on the way through has sent me two geese. I still like to eat.
ANDREA Then you no longer believe that a new era has dawned?
GALILEO I do. --Take good care of yourself when you pass through the country
with the truth under your coat.
ANDREA (unable to leave) Regarding your opinion of the author we discussed I cannot
answer you. But I refuse to believe that your devastating analysis can be the last word.
GALILEO Thank you, sir. (He begins to eat) VIRGINIA (seeing Andrea, out) like visitors from the past. They upset him.
(Andrea leaves. Virginia comes back)
We don't
Any idea who could have sent the geese? Not Andrea.
Maybe not. How is the night?
VIRGINIA (at the window) Clear.
? 15
1637. Galileo's book Discorsi crosses the Italian border.
The great book o'er the border went And, good folk, that was the end. But we hope you'll keep in mind You and I were left behind.
May you now guard science' light Keep it up and use it right
Lest it be a flame to fall
One day to consume us all.
A small Italian border town. Early morning. Children are playing by the turnpike near the guard house. Andrea, beside a coachman, is waiting for his papers to he examined by the guards. He is sitting on a small box reading in Galileo's manuscript. The coach is on the far side of the turnpike.
THE BORDER GUARD Why are you leaving Italy?
ANDREA I'm a scholar.
THE BORDER GUARD "Reason for Leaving": Scholar.
THE FIRST BOY (to Andrea) Don't sit there.
(He points at the hut in front of which
Andrea is sitting) A witch lives there.
THE SECOND BOY Old Marina isn't a witch.
THE FIRST BOY Want me to twist your arm?
THE SECOND BOY She is too. She flies through the air at night.
THE FIRST BOY If she's not a witch, why can't she get any milk anywhere in town? THE SECOND BOY How can she fly through the air? Nobody can do that.
(To Andrea) Or can they?
THE FIRST BOY (referring to the second boy) That's Giuseppe. He doesn't know
anything, because he doesn't go to school, because his pants are torn. THE BORDER GUARD What's that book?
ANDREA (without looking up) It's by Aristotle, the great philosopher.
THE BORDER GUARD (suspiciously) What's he up to?
ANDREA He's dead.
(To tease Andrea, the boys walk around him in a way indicating that they too are reading books)
THE BORDER GUARD Lets see if there's anything about religion in it.
(checking Andrea's belongings)
THE BORDER GUARD Nothing. Anyways there's no point in looking. Nobody'd be so open about anything he wanted to hide. {To Andrea) You'll have to sign a paper saying we examined everything.
(Andrea hesitantly gets up and reading all the time goes into the bouse with the guards)
THE SECOND,. BOY (pointing at the box) Look, there's something else. THE BORDER GUARD Wasn't it here before?
? THE FIRST BOY The devil's put it there.
THE SECOND BOY No, it belongs to the traveler.
THE BORDER GUARD (almost at the box hesitates and goes back) Well, we can't examine
everything. We'd never get through.
(Andrea returns with a pitcher of milk. He sits down on the box again and continues to
THE BORQER. GUARD -(following him with papers) Close the boxes.
THE SECOND BOY (to Andrea) You say you're a scholar. Then tell me: Can people
fly through the air? ANDREA Just a moment.
THE BORDER GUARD You may proceed.
(The luggage has been picked up by the coachman. Andrea takes his box and prepares
to go)
THE BORDER GUARD Wait! What's in that box? ANDREA (taking up his book again)
THE FIRST BOY It's the witch's box.
THE BORDER GUARD Nonsense. How could she hex a box? THE SECOND BOY If the devil's helping her!
THE BORDER GUARD (laughs) Not in our rule book. We open it.
(The box is opened)
THE BORDER GUARD (listlessly) How many?
ANDREA Thirty-four.
THE BORDER GUARD (who has started rummaging superficially through the box)
All printed stuff. You'd have no time for breakfast, and when do you expect me to collect the overdue toll from Passi the coachman when his house is auctioned off, if I go through all these books?
THE BORDER GUARD You're right, we've got to get that money. (He kicks at the books) What could be in them anyway? (To the coachman) Pfftt!
(Andrea and the coachman who carries the box cross the border.
Beyond it Andrea puts Galileo's manuscript in his bag)
THE SECOND BOY (points at the pitcher which Andrea had left behind) Look!
THE FIRST BOY And the box is gone! Now do you see it was the devil?
ANDREA (turning around) No, it was me. You must learn to use your eyes. The
milk and the pitcher are paid for. Give them to the old woman. Oh yes, Giuseppe, I haven't answered your question. No one can fly through the air on a stick. Unless it has some sort of machine attached to it. Such machines don't exist yet. Maybe they never will because man is too heavy. But of course, we don't know. We don't know nearly enough, Giuseppe. We've hardly begun.