Arabo-Sicula, vers.
Cambridge Medieval History - v4 - Eastern Roman Empire
2 vols.
1883, 85.
Ya'qubi (Ibn Wādiḥ). Historiae (Arab. ). Ed. Houtsma, M. Tb. 2 vols. Leiden.
1883. Relevant parts transl. Brooks, E. W. in JHS. 1898 and EHR. 1900 for
period 717-813 (see below, in (c) Monographs), and Vasil'ev, A. A. in Vizantiya
i Araby, vol. 1, for 813-867 (see below, (c) Monographs).
(6) LATER,
i. Greek.
Cedrenus. Synopsis Historiarum. Ed. Bekker, I. 2 vols. CSHB. 1838, 39.
Chronicon Cantabrigiense. Ed. Cozza-Luzi, G. (Documenti per servire alla storia di
Sicilia, ser. 4, vol. 11). Palermo. (Soc. Siciliana per la storia patria. ) 1890. Ed.
Batiffol, P. (Comptes Rendus. AcadIBL. Ser. 4, vol. xvi. ) 1890. (From
the Paris MS only. ) [This chronicle was first discovered in an Arabic version
at Cambridge, which is published with the Greek text with Italian transl.
in Cozza-Luzi's edn. The Greek text is reprinted with a Russian transl. of the
Arabic in Vasil'ev’s Vizantiya i Araby; see below, mi(c) Monographs. ]
## p. 806 (#848) ############################################
The Struggle with the Saracens (717–867)
Constantine Porphyrogenitus. De cerimoniis aulae Byzantinae (with the so-called
Appendix). See Gen. Bibl. iv.
Genesius. Regna. Ed. Lachmann, C. CSHB. 1834.
Leo Grammaticus (so-called). Chronographia. Ed. Bekker, I. CSHB. 1842.
Symeon Logothetes. Chronicle. See 11 (a), Georgius Monachus.
Symeon Magister (so-called). Annales. Ed. Bekker, I. CSHB. 1838.
Theodosius Melitenus. Chronographia. Ed. Tafel, T. L. F. In Monumenta Saecu-
laria. (K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften. ) Munich. 1859.
Theophanes continuatus. Chronographia. Ed. Bekker, I. CSHB. 1838.
Zonaras. Annales. Ed. Pinder, M. and Büttner-Wobst, T. 3 vols. CSHB. 1841-
ii. Oriental.
Balādhuri. Liber expugnationis regionum (Arab. ). Ed. De Goeje, M. J. Leiden.
1863. English transl. Khūri Hitti, P. (Columbia University Studies in History,
Economics, and Public Law, vol. LXVIII, No. 163. ) New York. 1916. (In
progress. ) German transl. Rescher, O. Leipsic. 1917. (In progress. ) [Balā-
dhuri died in 892; but, as his work contains nothing relevant after 838 exc. one
Sicilian notice, it is not placed among contemporary sources. ]
Chronicon anni 846 (Syr. ). Ed. Brooks, Ē. W. , with Latin transl. by Chabot, J. B.
(CSCO. Chronica Minora, vol. 11. ) 1904. [Contains nothing relevant after
726. ]
Elias Nisibenus. Opus chronologicum (Syr. and Arab. ). Ed. with Latin transl.
Brooks, E. W. , and Chabot, J. B. (CSCO. ) 1909–10. French transl. Delaporte,
L. J. (BHE. 181. ) 1910.
Ibn 'Adhāri. Notitiae Occidentis (Arab. ). Ed. Dozy, R. P. A. 2 vols. Leiden.
1848–51. French transl. Fagnan, E. 2 vols. Algiers. 1901-4.
Ibn al-Athir. Chronicon perfectissimum(Arab. ). Ed. Tornberg, C. J. 14 vols. Leiden.
1851–76. Passages relating to Asia Minor for period 717-813 transl. Brooks,
E. W. JHS. 1898. (See below, in (c) Monographs. ) Relevant passages from 813
transl. Vasilev, A. A. Vizantiya i Araby. (See below, 111 (c) Monographs. ) Pas-
sages relating to Sicily transl. Amari, M.
Biblioteca Arabo-Sicula, vers. ital. ,
1, p. 353. See below, 111(6).
Ibn Kutaiba. Manuale Historiae (Arab. ). Ed. Wüstenfeld, F. Göttingen. 1850.
Relevant passages from 813 transl. Vasil’ev (see above). [The author lived
828–88, but records nothing relevant after 838. ]
Johannes Catholicus. Historia Armeniae (Arm. ). Ed. Anon. Jerusalem. 1867.
French transl. Saint-Martin, J. Paris. 1841.
Kindi. Liber rectorum (Arab. ). Ed. Guest, R. (E. J. W. Gibb Memorial, 19. ) Leiden
and London. 1912. Relevant passages transl. Brooks, E. W. BZ. 1913. See
below, 11 (C) Monographs.
Liber fontium (Kitāb al-Suyūn) (Arab. ). Ed. De Goeje, M. J. (Fragm. Histori-
corum Arabicorum, vol. 1. ) Leiden. 1871. Relevant passages transl. Brooks.
JHS. 1898-9, and Vasil'ev. See above.
Maḥbūb (Agapius) of Manbij (Hierapolis). Liber tituli (Arab. ). Ed. with French
trans). Vasilev, A. A. (Påtrologia Orientalis, v, p. 561; vii, p. 458; VIII, p. 396).
3 pts. Paris and Freiburg. 1910–12.
Maliki. Horti animarum (Arab. ). Parts relating to Sicily ed. Amari, M. Biblioteca
Arabo-Sicula, p. 176, 1 vol. and Appendices. Leipsic. (Deutsche Morgenländische
Gesellschaft. ) 1857–87. Italian transl
. Bibl. Arabo-Sicula, vers. ital. (see below,
111 (6)), 1, p. 294. Russian transl. Vasil'ev. See above.
Maqrizi. Liber admonitionis et considerationis (Arab. ). Ed. ‘Adawi, M. K. 2 vols.
Bulak. 1853. Ed. Wiet, G. (Mém. de l'Institut français d'Archéologie Orientale
30, etc. ) Cairo. 1911 ff. (In progress. ) French transl. Bouriant, U. (Mém. de
la Mission Archéologique du Caire, 17. ) 2 pts. Paris. 1895–1900. Continued
by Casanova, P. (Mém. de l'Inst. fr. d'Arch. Or. 3. ) Cairo. 1906. (In progress. )
Passage about Mutawakkil's restoration of the Egyptian feet transl. Rosen, V. R.
Imp. Vasili Bolgaroboytsa, p. 274. (Mém. AcadIP. xliv. ) 1883. See also Vasilev,
A. A. Vizantiya i Araby. Vol. 1, App. p. 124. See below, 111(c).
## p. 807 (#849) ############################################
Bibliography, Chapter V (A)
Mas'udi. Liber commonitionis et recognitionis (Arab. ). Ed. De Goeje, M. J. (Bibl.
Geogr. Arab. 8. ) Leiden. 1894. French transl. Carra de Vaux,B. Paris. (Société
Asiatique. ) 1896.
Prata aurea. Ed. with French transl. Barbier de Meynard, C. A. C. 9 vols.
Paris. 1861-77.
Michael Syrus. Chronicon (Syr. ). Ed. with French transl. Chabot, J. B. 3 vols.
Paris. (AcadIBL. ) 1899-1910. [Copies the lost contemporary Chronicle of
Dionysius. ]
Nuwairī. Encyclopaedia (Arab. ). Parts relating to Sicily ed. Amari, M. Bibl. Arabo-
Sicula. p. 423. (See above. ) Italian transl
. Bibl. Arabo-Sicula, vers. ital. See
below, 11 (6), 11, p. 110. Russian transl. Vasil'ev. See above.
Ya'qubi (Ibn Wādiḥ). Historiae (Arab. ). Ed. Houtsma, M. Tb. 2 vols. Leiden.
1883. Relevant parts transl. Brooks, E. W. in JHS. 1898 and EHR. 1900 for
period 717-813 (see below, in (c) Monographs), and Vasil'ev, A. A. in Vizantiya
i Araby, vol. 1, for 813-867 (see below, (c) Monographs).
(6) LATER,
i. Greek.
Cedrenus. Synopsis Historiarum. Ed. Bekker, I. 2 vols. CSHB. 1838, 39.
Chronicon Cantabrigiense. Ed. Cozza-Luzi, G. (Documenti per servire alla storia di
Sicilia, ser. 4, vol. 11). Palermo. (Soc. Siciliana per la storia patria. ) 1890. Ed.
Batiffol, P. (Comptes Rendus. AcadIBL. Ser. 4, vol. xvi. ) 1890. (From
the Paris MS only. ) [This chronicle was first discovered in an Arabic version
at Cambridge, which is published with the Greek text with Italian transl.
in Cozza-Luzi's edn. The Greek text is reprinted with a Russian transl. of the
Arabic in Vasil'ev’s Vizantiya i Araby; see below, mi(c) Monographs. ]
## p. 806 (#848) ############################################
The Struggle with the Saracens (717–867)
Constantine Porphyrogenitus. De cerimoniis aulae Byzantinae (with the so-called
Appendix). See Gen. Bibl. iv.
Genesius. Regna. Ed. Lachmann, C. CSHB. 1834.
Leo Grammaticus (so-called). Chronographia. Ed. Bekker, I. CSHB. 1842.
Symeon Logothetes. Chronicle. See 11 (a), Georgius Monachus.
Symeon Magister (so-called). Annales. Ed. Bekker, I. CSHB. 1838.
Theodosius Melitenus. Chronographia. Ed. Tafel, T. L. F. In Monumenta Saecu-
laria. (K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften. ) Munich. 1859.
Theophanes continuatus. Chronographia. Ed. Bekker, I. CSHB. 1838.
Zonaras. Annales. Ed. Pinder, M. and Büttner-Wobst, T. 3 vols. CSHB. 1841-
ii. Oriental.
Balādhuri. Liber expugnationis regionum (Arab. ). Ed. De Goeje, M. J. Leiden.
1863. English transl. Khūri Hitti, P. (Columbia University Studies in History,
Economics, and Public Law, vol. LXVIII, No. 163. ) New York. 1916. (In
progress. ) German transl. Rescher, O. Leipsic. 1917. (In progress. ) [Balā-
dhuri died in 892; but, as his work contains nothing relevant after 838 exc. one
Sicilian notice, it is not placed among contemporary sources. ]
Chronicon anni 846 (Syr. ). Ed. Brooks, Ē. W. , with Latin transl. by Chabot, J. B.
(CSCO. Chronica Minora, vol. 11. ) 1904. [Contains nothing relevant after
726. ]
Elias Nisibenus. Opus chronologicum (Syr. and Arab. ). Ed. with Latin transl.
Brooks, E. W. , and Chabot, J. B. (CSCO. ) 1909–10. French transl. Delaporte,
L. J. (BHE. 181. ) 1910.
Ibn 'Adhāri. Notitiae Occidentis (Arab. ). Ed. Dozy, R. P. A. 2 vols. Leiden.
1848–51. French transl. Fagnan, E. 2 vols. Algiers. 1901-4.
Ibn al-Athir. Chronicon perfectissimum(Arab. ). Ed. Tornberg, C. J. 14 vols. Leiden.
1851–76. Passages relating to Asia Minor for period 717-813 transl. Brooks,
E. W. JHS. 1898. (See below, in (c) Monographs. ) Relevant passages from 813
transl. Vasilev, A. A. Vizantiya i Araby. (See below, 111 (c) Monographs. ) Pas-
sages relating to Sicily transl. Amari, M.
Biblioteca Arabo-Sicula, vers. ital. ,
1, p. 353. See below, 111(6).
Ibn Kutaiba. Manuale Historiae (Arab. ). Ed. Wüstenfeld, F. Göttingen. 1850.
Relevant passages from 813 transl. Vasil’ev (see above). [The author lived
828–88, but records nothing relevant after 838. ]
Johannes Catholicus. Historia Armeniae (Arm. ). Ed. Anon. Jerusalem. 1867.
French transl. Saint-Martin, J. Paris. 1841.
Kindi. Liber rectorum (Arab. ). Ed. Guest, R. (E. J. W. Gibb Memorial, 19. ) Leiden
and London. 1912. Relevant passages transl. Brooks, E. W. BZ. 1913. See
below, 11 (C) Monographs.
Liber fontium (Kitāb al-Suyūn) (Arab. ). Ed. De Goeje, M. J. (Fragm. Histori-
corum Arabicorum, vol. 1. ) Leiden. 1871. Relevant passages transl. Brooks.
JHS. 1898-9, and Vasil'ev. See above.
Maḥbūb (Agapius) of Manbij (Hierapolis). Liber tituli (Arab. ). Ed. with French
trans). Vasilev, A. A. (Påtrologia Orientalis, v, p. 561; vii, p. 458; VIII, p. 396).
3 pts. Paris and Freiburg. 1910–12.
Maliki. Horti animarum (Arab. ). Parts relating to Sicily ed. Amari, M. Biblioteca
Arabo-Sicula, p. 176, 1 vol. and Appendices. Leipsic. (Deutsche Morgenländische
Gesellschaft. ) 1857–87. Italian transl
. Bibl. Arabo-Sicula, vers. ital. (see below,
111 (6)), 1, p. 294. Russian transl. Vasil'ev. See above.
Maqrizi. Liber admonitionis et considerationis (Arab. ). Ed. ‘Adawi, M. K. 2 vols.
Bulak. 1853. Ed. Wiet, G. (Mém. de l'Institut français d'Archéologie Orientale
30, etc. ) Cairo. 1911 ff. (In progress. ) French transl. Bouriant, U. (Mém. de
la Mission Archéologique du Caire, 17. ) 2 pts. Paris. 1895–1900. Continued
by Casanova, P. (Mém. de l'Inst. fr. d'Arch. Or. 3. ) Cairo. 1906. (In progress. )
Passage about Mutawakkil's restoration of the Egyptian feet transl. Rosen, V. R.
Imp. Vasili Bolgaroboytsa, p. 274. (Mém. AcadIP. xliv. ) 1883. See also Vasilev,
A. A. Vizantiya i Araby. Vol. 1, App. p. 124. See below, 111(c).
## p. 807 (#849) ############################################
Bibliography, Chapter V (A)
Mas'udi. Liber commonitionis et recognitionis (Arab. ). Ed. De Goeje, M. J. (Bibl.
Geogr. Arab. 8. ) Leiden. 1894. French transl. Carra de Vaux,B. Paris. (Société
Asiatique. ) 1896.
Prata aurea. Ed. with French transl. Barbier de Meynard, C. A. C. 9 vols.
Paris. 1861-77.
Michael Syrus. Chronicon (Syr. ). Ed. with French transl. Chabot, J. B. 3 vols.
Paris. (AcadIBL. ) 1899-1910. [Copies the lost contemporary Chronicle of
Dionysius. ]
Nuwairī. Encyclopaedia (Arab. ). Parts relating to Sicily ed. Amari, M. Bibl. Arabo-
Sicula. p. 423. (See above. ) Italian transl
. Bibl. Arabo-Sicula, vers. ital. See
below, 11 (6), 11, p. 110. Russian transl. Vasil'ev. See above.