of _Devil is an Ass_, lxxviii.
Ben Jonson - The Devil's Association
Obarni, 139.
Order of words with negative, 150.
Overbury Case, xviii, lxx ff. , 141-3, 208.
Overdo, Adam, liii.
Pace of gentleman usher, 198.
Paint (blush), 168.
Painters, see Blackfriars.
Pallafreno, xlvii.
Pan, 159.
Pancridge, Earl of, 159.
Paracelsus, lxiv.
Parchment, 144.
Parliament makes remonstrance, lix.
Patentee, lx.
Patterns, 134.
Peace, with my master's, 163.
Pentacle, 144.
Penthouse, 130.
Perfumes, 194-5.
Periapt, 144.
Persius, _Sat. _, 154.
Petticoat Lane, 132.
Phrenitis, 211.
Physic, ladies taking, 199.
Picardill, 164.
Piece, 147.
Pieced, 190.
Pimlico, 184, 196.
Pinnace, 152.
Pins, pricking with, li, 208.
Plautus, xlii, liii;
_Aulularia_, xlviii, lxxv, 162;
_Captivi_, 189;
_Casina_, xlix;
_Epidicus_, 187;
_Miles Gloriosus_, xlviii.
Playbill, 148.
Play-time, 188.
Plutarch, _Lives_, 177;
_Moralia_, 191.
Plutarchus, xliv; identified as Howes, lxxiii.
Pope, 150, 167.
Popham, Sir John, lx, lxxiii.
Popular legend, xxvi.
Posies on trenchers, 126.
Possibility, in, 200.
Posture book, 178.
Potentia, in, 204.
Poultry, see Compters.
Pounds, see Compters.
Projector, lii, lx, lxxii.
Provedor, 187.
Proverbs, 145, 202, 212.
Proverb title, 123.
Provincial, 207.
Publish suit, 150.
Pug, xxvi, etc.
Pumps, 194.
Punch and Judy, xxv.
Punning, 147.
Purbeck, Lady, lxvii, lxx.
Purchase, 187.
Puritans, 184-5, 210.
Purse, 158.
Quintilian, 149.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, lxiii; son of, lxxi.
Ramsey, monastery at, lx.
Randolph, _Muse's Looking Glass_, lxi.
Rapier, lv.
Raven's wings, 144.
Relative omitted, 147, 210.
Remigius, lxiv.
Rerum natura, 177.
Resolved, 174.
_Respublica_, xxxvi.
Ribibe, 128.
Richard III. , 165.
Riche, Barnaby, _Riche his Farewell to Militarie Profession_, xxxi.
Richmond, Lodowick, Earl of, lxxiv.
Rings, spirits in, 126; as charms, 144.
Roaring Boys, lvi, 181.
Roaring manner, 181.
Robin Goodfellow, xxvi ff. , xxxiii.
Robinson, Richard, 175.
Roses, ass eats, 155.
Roses in shoes, 146, 179.
Round Robbin, 129.
Rug, 201-2.
Rushes, 152.
St. George's tide, 183.
St. Giles, Cripplesgate, 201.
St. Katherine's, 133.
St. Paul's Churchyard, 124;
steeple, 131;
walk, 150.
St. Pulchar's, 211.
Saints' legends, xxvii.
Salt, soul instead of, 153.
Sand, ropes of, 139, 202.
Saraband, 196-7.
Satire, specific objects of, liv; personal, lxv.
Satirical plot, xli f.
Saviolo, lv.
Savory, 143.
Scarfe, 178.
Scarlet, 192.
Schlegel, 123.
Scot, Reginald, _Discovery_, xxviii, lxiii.
Servant, 191.
Servant's wages, 147.
Sessions, quarter, 206.
Shakespeare and Jonson, 165;
and witchcraft, lxiv;
historical plays, 165 ff. ;
_Midsummer Night's Dream_, xxvi.
Sharks, 182.
Sheriff's dinner, 136.
Ship, woman compared to a, 152, 164.
Shirt, into the, 148.
Shoot, the bridge, 134; eyes, 174.
Shoreditch, 132; Duke of, 200.
Sign of the zodiac, 154.
Sister-swelling breasts, 172.
Smock allies, 132.
Soda, 192.
Soldered friendship, 190.
Somers, William, l f. ; 203.
Somerset, Earl of, lxx.
Soon at night, 141.
Souse, 200.
Sou't, 200.
Sow bewitched, 127.
Spanish fashions, xviii;
leather, 194;
needle, 131;
terms, 191.
Spenser, see Despenser.
Spiced conscience, 163.
Spit, hot, as charm, 128.
Stage, displaying clothes on, 151; stools on, 125.
Standard in Cheap, 131.
Starch, yellow, 138; and the devil, 210.
State abuses, xliv.
Statutes merchant and staple, 176.
Steeple, 212.
Stockings, 140.
Stoter (? storer), 181.
Strand, 135.
Strange woman, 169.
Streets, narrow, 169.
Subjunctive, 148.
Subtill, 126.
Suburbs, 132.
Suckling, Sir John, lxxvi, 173.
Swinburne, criticism of _Devil is an Ass_, lxxviii.
Take forth, 134.
Take in, 184.
Tall (table) board, 199.
Taylor, John, lxii.
Teeth guard the tongue, 191.
Ten in the hundred, 183.
Theatre, leaving, 188; women frequent, 151.
Thorn, O' Bet'lem, 203.
Thumb-ring, 126.
Time drunk and sleeping, 206.
Tissue, 139.
Title of play displayed, 125.
Tobacco, 139, 210;
devil takes, 209;
spelling of, 210.
Tooth-picks, 190, 201.
Too-too, 186.
Torned, 173.
Totnam, 127.
Train bands, 177.
Treasure, hidden, 149.
Turn (sour), 174.
Turner, Mrs. Anne, lxiii, 141.
Tyburn, 201; procession to, 207.
Umbrella, 195.
Unities, xlii f.
Upton, Rev. John, _Critical Observations_, xxi.
Vacation, long, 177.
Vanity (in morality-plays), 130.
Vapors, 182.
Velvet, 135, 181.
Venice, 194.
Vennor, 135.
Via, 158.
Vice, origin of, xxxiv;
rides the devil, xxiv, 207;
history of, xxxiv f. ;
degeneration, xxxv;
chief roles, xxxv;
in interludes, xxxv;
term applied to evil character, xxxvi;
Jonson's use of, xxxvii ff. ;
costume, xxxviii;
identical with fool, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxix f. ;
etymology of the word, 207.
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, lxxii, lxxiv.
Vintry, 135.
Virgilius legend, xxvii.
Virgin's milk, 193.
Waist and waste, 199.
Wanion, 208.
Wapull, _The Tide tarrieth for No Man_, xxxvi.
Ward, A. W.
, criticism of _Devil is an Ass_, lxxviii.
Ware, 212.
Webster, _Devil's Law Case_, 167, 179, 187.
Wedlock, 150.
Westminster Hall, 135.
Whalley, xv.
Wharton, Marquis of, translation of Novella of _Belfagor_, xxxi.
While (until), 146.
Whitechapel, 133.
Whore, money a, 157.
Wicked, 198.
Wilson, John, _Belphegor_, lxxiv;
_Cheats_, lxxiv;
_Projectors_, lxii, lxxv, 162.
_Wily Beguiled_, xxvi.
Wisdom, keep warm your, 148.
Witchcraft, lxii f. ;
symptoms of, xlix;
Acts against, lxiii, 145;
Jonson's attitude towards, lxiii;
treatment in other plays, lxiv f.
Wittipol, xlii; identified as Jonson, lxxi.
Woodcock, 158.
Woodstock, Thomas of, 165.
Wood Street, see Compters.
Woolsack, 134.
Wusse, 151.
Yellow starch, see Starch.
Yoking foxes, 202.
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