disseyuable and ful (!
Chaucer - Romuant of the Rose
ful ofte in bokis; F.
in bookes ofte to.
of _after_ and; Gg. _om. _ 13. F. Dar I; Gg. _and others_ I dar. 14. F.
suche; Gg. swich. 17. F. Tn. D. why; _rest_ wherfore (wherfor).
21. Gg. faste; F. fast. Harl. radde; F. rad; Gg. redde. 22. F. seyth; Gg.
sey. 24. F. feythe; Gg. fey. 26. Gg. O. as of this; Trin. Cx. Harl. Ff. of
this; F. of my firste. 28. Gg. Ff. me thou[gh]te; Trin. Cx. Harl. me
thought hit; F. thought me. 30. Gg. Cx. thus; F. Trin. Harl. there. Gg.
_and rest_ as I schal; F. I shal yow. 31. F. _inserts_ the _after_ dreme
of; _the rest omit_. Trin. Harl. O. Scipio_u_n; F. Cipio_u_n; Gg. sothion
(! ). 32. F. hyt had vij; Gg. _and the rest_ seuene It hadde. 33. Ff.
therInn_e_; F. _and the rest_ theryn (_wrongly_). 34. Gg. it; O. of; _the
rest omit_. 35. Gg. seyn; F. tel; _the rest_ sey (say). 37. F. In-to;
_rest_ In. F. Aufryke; Gg. Affrik. 39. _For_ hit _all wrongly have_ he; see
ll. 36, 43. 40. Harl. betwix; F. betwixt. 41. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan.
42. F. on; _rest_ in. 43. F. tolde he hym; Gg. Trin. Cx. Harl. tellith it;
O. Ff. tellithe he. 44. Gg. Affrycan; F. Aufrikan. F. y-shewed; _rest_
schewid, shewyd, &c.
46. Gg. other; Th. eyther; _rest_ or. 49. Gg. There as Ioye is that last
with outy_n_; F. There Ioy is that lasteth with-out. 50. F. _inserts_ the
_after_ if; _rest omit_. 52. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan. 53. Gg. Ff. that;
Trin. Cx. Harl. how; F. _om. _ 54. Cx. Nis; Gg. Nys; F. Trin. Harl. Ff.
Meneth. 55. Gg. _and rest_ after; F. whan. Gg. Ff. gon; Harl. O. gone. 56.
Cx. galaxye; F. Ff. galoxye; O. galoxie. i. watlynstrete; Harl. galorye;
Trin. galry (! ); Gg. galylye (! ). 58. Gg. _and rest_ the; Harl. tho; F.
_om. _ 62. T. Cx. Harl. O. That welles of musyk be (ben). 64. Gg. Ff. Tha_n_
bad he hy_m_ syn erthe was so lyte; F. Than bad he hym see the erthe that
is so lite (_wrongly_). 65. Cx. Trin. Harl. O. ful of torment and; F. was
somedel fulle; Gg.
was su_m_del disseyuable and ful (! ). 69. Gg. _and rest_
schulde (schuld, shuld); F. shal. 70. F. was; _rest_ is.
71. F. O. he; _rest_ him. Gg. _and rest_ to; F. _om. _ 72. Gg. Trin. Harl.
O. into that; Cx. unto that; F. to (_om. _ that). 73. Gg. inmortal; O. Th.
immortall_e_; F. _and rest_ mortalle(! ). 75. Gg. _and rest_ not (nat,
noght); F. never. 76. Gg. comyn: Cx. comen; F. come. Gg. O. to; _rest_
into, vnto. 77. Trin. Cx. Harl. Ff. _retain_ of _after_ and; F. Gg. O.
_omit_. 78. F. _ins. _ for _before_ to (_but_ lawe _is dissyllabic_); _rest
om. _ 80. Gg. _wrongly puts_ there _for_ therthe; Harl. O. Ff. _place_ alwey
_before_ in peyne; _the rest are bad_. 82. F. _ins. _ hem _before_ alle. Gg.
And that for-[gh]euy_n_ is his weked dede (_but_ dede _is plural_). 84. Gg.
comy_n_; _rest_ come, com. Cx. Harl. the sende his; O. sende the his; Gg.
synde us; Ff. send vs; F. sende ech lover (! ). 85. Harl. faylen; Cx.
fayllen; F. faile; Gg. folwy_n_ (! ). 87. F. Berefte; _rest_ Berafte,
Beraft. 90. F. had; Gg. hadde. 91. Harl. O. _give 1st_ that; Trin. Cx. the;
F. Ff. Gg. _om. _ 95. _After_ as, Gg. Trin. Harl. O. _insert_ that; _it is
hardly needed_. 96. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan.
102. Gg. Ft carte is; O. cart is; _rest_ cartes _or_ cartis. 104, 5. Gg.
Harl. O. met; F. Trin. Cx. meteth. 106. Gg. Cx. O. Ff. I nat; F. not I.
107. F. redde had; Gg. hadde red; _rest_ had red (rad). Gg. affrican; F.
Aufrican. 108. F. _omits_ made; _the rest have it_. 110. to-torn] F. al to
torne. 111. F. roght noght; Gg. roughte nat; Cx. roght not. 112. F. Cx.
_ins. _ the _after_ I; _rest omit_. 114. Trin. Cx. fyrebronde; Gg. ferbrond;
F. firy bronde. 119. Gg. [gh]if; F. yeve. Trin. Cx. Harl. O. hit and; Ff.
eke and; Gg. & ek; F. and to. 120. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan. 122. F. _and
rest_ with; Gg. of. 124. _Read_ weren; _all_ were (weer). Gg. I-wrete; Th.
ywritten; F. writen.
133. F. Ff. hye; _the rest_ spede (sped). 135. F. stroke; _rest_ strokes
(strokis). 137. Cx. Harl. O. Ff. neuer tree shal. Cx.
of _after_ and; Gg. _om. _ 13. F. Dar I; Gg. _and others_ I dar. 14. F.
suche; Gg. swich. 17. F. Tn. D. why; _rest_ wherfore (wherfor).
21. Gg. faste; F. fast. Harl. radde; F. rad; Gg. redde. 22. F. seyth; Gg.
sey. 24. F. feythe; Gg. fey. 26. Gg. O. as of this; Trin. Cx. Harl. Ff. of
this; F. of my firste. 28. Gg. Ff. me thou[gh]te; Trin. Cx. Harl. me
thought hit; F. thought me. 30. Gg. Cx. thus; F. Trin. Harl. there. Gg.
_and rest_ as I schal; F. I shal yow. 31. F. _inserts_ the _after_ dreme
of; _the rest omit_. Trin. Harl. O. Scipio_u_n; F. Cipio_u_n; Gg. sothion
(! ). 32. F. hyt had vij; Gg. _and the rest_ seuene It hadde. 33. Ff.
therInn_e_; F. _and the rest_ theryn (_wrongly_). 34. Gg. it; O. of; _the
rest omit_. 35. Gg. seyn; F. tel; _the rest_ sey (say). 37. F. In-to;
_rest_ In. F. Aufryke; Gg. Affrik. 39. _For_ hit _all wrongly have_ he; see
ll. 36, 43. 40. Harl. betwix; F. betwixt. 41. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan.
42. F. on; _rest_ in. 43. F. tolde he hym; Gg. Trin. Cx. Harl. tellith it;
O. Ff. tellithe he. 44. Gg. Affrycan; F. Aufrikan. F. y-shewed; _rest_
schewid, shewyd, &c.
46. Gg. other; Th. eyther; _rest_ or. 49. Gg. There as Ioye is that last
with outy_n_; F. There Ioy is that lasteth with-out. 50. F. _inserts_ the
_after_ if; _rest omit_. 52. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan. 53. Gg. Ff. that;
Trin. Cx. Harl. how; F. _om. _ 54. Cx. Nis; Gg. Nys; F. Trin. Harl. Ff.
Meneth. 55. Gg. _and rest_ after; F. whan. Gg. Ff. gon; Harl. O. gone. 56.
Cx. galaxye; F. Ff. galoxye; O. galoxie. i. watlynstrete; Harl. galorye;
Trin. galry (! ); Gg. galylye (! ). 58. Gg. _and rest_ the; Harl. tho; F.
_om. _ 62. T. Cx. Harl. O. That welles of musyk be (ben). 64. Gg. Ff. Tha_n_
bad he hy_m_ syn erthe was so lyte; F. Than bad he hym see the erthe that
is so lite (_wrongly_). 65. Cx. Trin. Harl. O. ful of torment and; F. was
somedel fulle; Gg.
was su_m_del disseyuable and ful (! ). 69. Gg. _and rest_
schulde (schuld, shuld); F. shal. 70. F. was; _rest_ is.
71. F. O. he; _rest_ him. Gg. _and rest_ to; F. _om. _ 72. Gg. Trin. Harl.
O. into that; Cx. unto that; F. to (_om. _ that). 73. Gg. inmortal; O. Th.
immortall_e_; F. _and rest_ mortalle(! ). 75. Gg. _and rest_ not (nat,
noght); F. never. 76. Gg. comyn: Cx. comen; F. come. Gg. O. to; _rest_
into, vnto. 77. Trin. Cx. Harl. Ff. _retain_ of _after_ and; F. Gg. O.
_omit_. 78. F. _ins. _ for _before_ to (_but_ lawe _is dissyllabic_); _rest
om. _ 80. Gg. _wrongly puts_ there _for_ therthe; Harl. O. Ff. _place_ alwey
_before_ in peyne; _the rest are bad_. 82. F. _ins. _ hem _before_ alle. Gg.
And that for-[gh]euy_n_ is his weked dede (_but_ dede _is plural_). 84. Gg.
comy_n_; _rest_ come, com. Cx. Harl. the sende his; O. sende the his; Gg.
synde us; Ff. send vs; F. sende ech lover (! ). 85. Harl. faylen; Cx.
fayllen; F. faile; Gg. folwy_n_ (! ). 87. F. Berefte; _rest_ Berafte,
Beraft. 90. F. had; Gg. hadde. 91. Harl. O. _give 1st_ that; Trin. Cx. the;
F. Ff. Gg. _om. _ 95. _After_ as, Gg. Trin. Harl. O. _insert_ that; _it is
hardly needed_. 96. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan.
102. Gg. Ft carte is; O. cart is; _rest_ cartes _or_ cartis. 104, 5. Gg.
Harl. O. met; F. Trin. Cx. meteth. 106. Gg. Cx. O. Ff. I nat; F. not I.
107. F. redde had; Gg. hadde red; _rest_ had red (rad). Gg. affrican; F.
Aufrican. 108. F. _omits_ made; _the rest have it_. 110. to-torn] F. al to
torne. 111. F. roght noght; Gg. roughte nat; Cx. roght not. 112. F. Cx.
_ins. _ the _after_ I; _rest omit_. 114. Trin. Cx. fyrebronde; Gg. ferbrond;
F. firy bronde. 119. Gg. [gh]if; F. yeve. Trin. Cx. Harl. O. hit and; Ff.
eke and; Gg. & ek; F. and to. 120. Gg. Affrican; F. Aufrikan. 122. F. _and
rest_ with; Gg. of. 124. _Read_ weren; _all_ were (weer). Gg. I-wrete; Th.
ywritten; F. writen.
133. F. Ff. hye; _the rest_ spede (sped). 135. F. stroke; _rest_ strokes
(strokis). 137. Cx. Harl. O. Ff. neuer tree shal. Cx.