"106 The views of Robert Greene
are similar: "Such fantastike poets who with Ouid
seeke to nourish vice in Rome by setting down Artem Amandi, and
giuing dishonest precepts of lust and leacherie, corrupting youth
with the of time, vpon such friuolous fables; and therefore
deserue by Augustus to be banished from so ciuill a countrie as Italie,
amongst the barbarous Getes to Hue in exile.
are similar: "Such fantastike poets who with Ouid
seeke to nourish vice in Rome by setting down Artem Amandi, and
giuing dishonest precepts of lust and leacherie, corrupting youth
with the of time, vpon such friuolous fables; and therefore
deserue by Augustus to be banished from so ciuill a countrie as Italie,
amongst the barbarous Getes to Hue in exile.
Ovid - Some Elizabethan Opinions of the Poetry and Character of OVid