by Thomas Nicholas.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v04
Translated by Henry?
) G(rantham?
Ceriol, Federico Furió. Treatise declaring howe many counsels and what
manner of counselers a prince that will governe well ought to have.
Translated by Thomas Blundeville. 1570.
Cervantes, Miguel de. The History of the Valorous and Wittie Knight-
Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha. Translated by Thomas Shelton. 1612.
1620. Rptd in the Series of Tudor Translations, with Introduction by
Kelly, J. Fitzmaurice. 1896. (The Exemplary Novels were trans. by
James Mabbe, 1640. ]
Chartier, Alain. Delectable demandes and pleasannt Questions, with their
several aunswers in matters of Love, Naturall causes, morall and poli-
tique devises. Newly translated out of French. 1566.
Cinthio, Giraldi. Several of the stories in his Hecatommithi were trans. by
George Whetstone under the title An Heptameron of Civill Discourses.
Coignet, Matthieu. Politique Discourses on trueth and lying. An instruction
to Princes to keepe their faith and promise. . . . Translated out of French . . .
by Sir E. Hoby. 1586.
Commines, Philippe de. The Historie. Translated by Thomas Danett. 1596.
Rptd in the series of Tudor Translations, with Introduction by Whibley, C.
Conestaggio, G. The History of the Uniting of the Kingdom of Portugall to
the Crown of Castile. . . . Translated by Edward Blount. 1600.
Contarini, G. The Commonwealth and Government of Venice, written by the
Cardinal Gaspar Contarin. Translated by Lewis Lewkenor. 1599.
Corte, Claudio, The Art of Riding. . . . Translated by Thomas Bedingfield.
Cortés, Martin. The Arte of navigation. Translated by Richard Eden, 1561.
Dedekind, Frederick. The Schoole of Slovenrie: or Cato turn'd wrong side
outward, translated by R. F. from Grobianus. 1605.
Desportes, Philippe. Rodomanths Infernall, or the Devill conquered. Para-
phrastically translated by G. M(arkham). 1607.
Doni. The Moral Philosophie: drawne out the auncient writers. A work
first compiled in the Indian tongue, and afterwardes reduced into divers
other languages: and now lastly Englished out of the Italian by Thomas
North. 1570. Ed. Jacobs, J. 1888.
Du Bartas. His Divine weekes and workes translated by Josuah Sylvester,
Gent. 1605-6. [See also Thomas Hudson's Historie of Judith, 1584. ]
Do Bellay, G. Instructions for the Warres. Translated by Paul Ive.
Erasmus, Desiderius. The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase apon
the newe testament. Translated by Myles Coverdale and J. Olde. 1549.
The Complaint of peace. Wryten in Latyn by the famous Clerke
Erasmus. And truely translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell. 1559.
Two dyalogues wryten in Latin by the famous Clerke D. Erasmus, one
called Polyphemus . . . the other dysposyng of thinges and names, translated
in the Englyshe by E. Becke. 1550.
The Apophthegmes of Erasmus, translated into English by Nicolas
Udall. 1542.
The Praise of Folie. Translated by Sir T. Chaloner. 1549.
## p. 444 (#466) ############################################
Erasmus, Desiderius. Proverbes or Adagies gathered out of the Chiliades of
Erasmus by Richard Taverner, with newe addicions as well of Latin
Proverbes as of Englishe. 1550.
The first Tome of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the newe Testa-
mente. 1548. (The text is that of Taverner's Bible and the Paraphrase
was translated for the most part by Nicolas Udall. )
Estienne, Henri. The Stage of Popish Toyes, Conteining both Magicall and
Comicall partes. Collected out of H. Stephanus in his Apologie upon
Herodot. Compiled by G(eorge) N(orth). 1581.
A mervaylous Discourse upon the Lyfe, deedes, and behaviour of
Katherine de Medicis. 1578. [But as to the authorship, see Mark
Pattison's Essay The Stephenses. ]
- A World of Wonders. Translated by R. C. 1607.
Fernandez, Jerónimo. The Honour of chivalrie, set downe in the. . . historie
of the magnanimous and heroike Don Bellianis. Translated by L. A. 1598.
Fonseca, Jeronymo Osorio da. The five Books of. . . Hieronims Osorius, con-
tayning a discussion of civill and Christian nobilitie. Translated by
William Blandy. 1576.
Galen, Claudius. Certaine Workes,. . . called Methodus Medendi. . . . Trans-
lated into English by Thomas Gale. 1586.
Galvão, Antonio de. The Discoveries of the world from their first original
unto the yeere of our Lord 1555. Translated anonymously. 1601.
Gelli, Giovanni Battista. The Fearful Fancies of the Florentine Cooper. . . .
Translated by W. Barker. 1568.
Circes. Translated by Henry Iden. 1557.
Gentillet, Innocent. A discourse upon the meanes of well governing and
maintaining in good peace, a Kingdome, or other principalitie. Against
Nicholas Machivell the Florentine. Trans. by Simon Patericke. 1602.
Gesner, Conrad. The newe Jewell of Health . . . published in Englishe by
G. Baker. 1576.
The Historie of the Foure-Footed Beastes. Describing the true and
lively figure of every Beast, with a discourse of their severall Names,
Conditions, Kindes, Vertues. Translated by Edward Topsell. 1607.
Giovio, Paolo. The worthy tract of Paulus Jovius, Containing a Discourse of
rare inventions both military and amorous called Imprese. Translated by
Samuel Daniel. 1585.
Giraldo, Baptista. A Discourse of Civill Life. Trans. Lodowick Bryskett.
1606. (Made some years before. )
Gómara, Francisco Lopez de. Historie of the conquest of the Weast India,
now called Newe Spayne.
Translated by Thomas Nicholas. 1578.
Granada, Luis de. A memoriall of a Christian life; wherein are treated all
such thinges, as apperteyne unto a Christian to doe, from the beginninge
of his conversion, until the ende of his perfection. Translated by Richard
Hopkins. 1586.
Of Prayer and meditation; wherein is conteyned fowertien devoute medi-
tations for the seven daies of the weeke, bothe for the morninges and
eveninges. And in them is treyted of the consideration of the principall
holie mysteries of our faithe. Translated by Richard Hopkins. 1582.
A Paradise of prayers gathered out of the works of L. de Granada.
Translated by Thomas Lodge. 1601.
Devotion. Translated by Francis Meres. 1598.
Grisone. A new booke containing the art of riding and breaking great
horses. . . . Translated by Thomas Blundeville. n. d.
The Art of Riding . . . out of Xenophon and Gryson Verie expert and
excellent horsemen. Translated by John Astley, 1584.
## p. 445 (#467) ############################################
Chapter 1
Guarini, Battista. Il Pastor Fido or the faithful Shepherd. Translated
by Edward Dymock. 1602.
Guazzo, Stephen. The Civile Conversation . . . foure bookes, the first three
translated out of French by G. Pettie. . . . In the fourth a Banquet
translated by B. Young. 1586.
Guevara, Antonio de. Golden Epistles . . . gathered as well out of the re-
mainder of Guevara's works as other authors, Latin, French and Italian.
Translated by G. Fenton. 1575.
Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius. Translated by J. Bourcbier, Lord
Berners. 1546.
Dispraise of the Life of a Courtier. Translated by Sir F. Brynn. 1541.
The Diall of princes. Translated by Sir Thomas North. 1557.
A Chronicle, conteyning the lives of tenne Emperours of Rome. . . .
Translated out of Spanish into English by Edward Hellowes. 1577.
A Booke of the invention of the arte of navigation. Translated by
Edward Hellowes. 1578.
Familiar Epistles. Translated by Edward Hellowes. 1574.
Guicciardini, F. The History of Guicciardin, containing the Wars of Italy. . .
Translated by Geoffrey Fenton. 1579.
The Description of the Low Countries. Translated by Th. Danett.
Huarte, Juan. The Examination of men's wits. Translated by Richard
Carew. 1594.
Hurault, Jaques. Politicke Moral and Martial Discourses translated by
Arthur Golding. 1595.
Hurtado, Luis. Palmerin of England. Translated by Anthony Munday.
Hyspanus (Petrus). The Treasuri of Helth, contaynynge many profytable
Medicines . . . translated into English by Humfre Lloyd. 1585 (? ).
La Noue, François de. The Declaration of the Lord de la Noue, upon his
taking arms for the just defence of the Townes of Sedan and Jametz.
Truely translated according to the French copie printed at Verdun
by A. N. 1589.
The Politicke and militarie discourses of the Lord de la Noue.
Whereunto are adjoined certaine observations of the same author, of
things happened during the three late civill warres of France. All faith-
fully translated out of the French by E. A. (i. e. Edward Aggas).
La Primaudaye, Pierre de. The French Academie wherin is discussed the
institution of manners, newly translated by T. B. 1586.
Leo Africanus. A Geographical Historie of Africa written in Arabicke and
Italian by John Leo a More, borne in Granada and brought up in
Barbarie. Translated by John Pory. 1600.
Llwyd, H. The Breviary of Britayne . . . Englished by Thomas Twyne.
Lobeira, Vasco de. The moste excellent and pleasant Booke, entituled the
Treasurie of Amadis of Fraunce. Translated by Thomas Paynell. 1567.
Lomaz G. P. A Tracte Containing the Artes of Curious Painting, Carving,
and Building. Englished by R(ichard) H(aydocke). 1598.
Lopes, Duarte. A Report of the Kingdome of Congo. Translated by Abra-
ham Hartwell the younger. 1597.
Luther, Martin. Every-dayes sacrifice. Wherein are comprehended many
comfortable Prayers and Meditations, very necessary for all Christians.
Written by D. M. Luther, a little before his end. Translated by
W. R. S. 1624.
## p. 446 (#468) ############################################
. . .
Luther, Martin. A Treatise Touching the Libertie of a Christian. . . .
Translated by James Bell. 1579.
The chiefe and pryncypall Articles of the Christen faythe . . . with other
very profitable.
. . . bokes. . . . (A singular. maner of prayeng. ) 1548.
Special and chosen sermons. . . . Englished by W. G(ace). 1578.
A commentarie of doctor martin luther upon the epistle of S. Paul to
the Galathians, first collected and gathered word by word out of his
preaching, and now out of Latine faithfully translated into English for
the unlearned. . . . 1575.
A commentarie upon the xv. psalmes, called Psalmi gradum, that is,
psalmes of Degrees: Faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin
Luther, very fruitfull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted con-
sciences to read. Translated by Henry Bull. 1537.
Machiavelli, Nicolo. The Florentine Historie, translated into English
by Thomas Bedingfield.
Ceriol, Federico Furió. Treatise declaring howe many counsels and what
manner of counselers a prince that will governe well ought to have.
Translated by Thomas Blundeville. 1570.
Cervantes, Miguel de. The History of the Valorous and Wittie Knight-
Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha. Translated by Thomas Shelton. 1612.
1620. Rptd in the Series of Tudor Translations, with Introduction by
Kelly, J. Fitzmaurice. 1896. (The Exemplary Novels were trans. by
James Mabbe, 1640. ]
Chartier, Alain. Delectable demandes and pleasannt Questions, with their
several aunswers in matters of Love, Naturall causes, morall and poli-
tique devises. Newly translated out of French. 1566.
Cinthio, Giraldi. Several of the stories in his Hecatommithi were trans. by
George Whetstone under the title An Heptameron of Civill Discourses.
Coignet, Matthieu. Politique Discourses on trueth and lying. An instruction
to Princes to keepe their faith and promise. . . . Translated out of French . . .
by Sir E. Hoby. 1586.
Commines, Philippe de. The Historie. Translated by Thomas Danett. 1596.
Rptd in the series of Tudor Translations, with Introduction by Whibley, C.
Conestaggio, G. The History of the Uniting of the Kingdom of Portugall to
the Crown of Castile. . . . Translated by Edward Blount. 1600.
Contarini, G. The Commonwealth and Government of Venice, written by the
Cardinal Gaspar Contarin. Translated by Lewis Lewkenor. 1599.
Corte, Claudio, The Art of Riding. . . . Translated by Thomas Bedingfield.
Cortés, Martin. The Arte of navigation. Translated by Richard Eden, 1561.
Dedekind, Frederick. The Schoole of Slovenrie: or Cato turn'd wrong side
outward, translated by R. F. from Grobianus. 1605.
Desportes, Philippe. Rodomanths Infernall, or the Devill conquered. Para-
phrastically translated by G. M(arkham). 1607.
Doni. The Moral Philosophie: drawne out the auncient writers. A work
first compiled in the Indian tongue, and afterwardes reduced into divers
other languages: and now lastly Englished out of the Italian by Thomas
North. 1570. Ed. Jacobs, J. 1888.
Du Bartas. His Divine weekes and workes translated by Josuah Sylvester,
Gent. 1605-6. [See also Thomas Hudson's Historie of Judith, 1584. ]
Do Bellay, G. Instructions for the Warres. Translated by Paul Ive.
Erasmus, Desiderius. The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase apon
the newe testament. Translated by Myles Coverdale and J. Olde. 1549.
The Complaint of peace. Wryten in Latyn by the famous Clerke
Erasmus. And truely translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell. 1559.
Two dyalogues wryten in Latin by the famous Clerke D. Erasmus, one
called Polyphemus . . . the other dysposyng of thinges and names, translated
in the Englyshe by E. Becke. 1550.
The Apophthegmes of Erasmus, translated into English by Nicolas
Udall. 1542.
The Praise of Folie. Translated by Sir T. Chaloner. 1549.
## p. 444 (#466) ############################################
Erasmus, Desiderius. Proverbes or Adagies gathered out of the Chiliades of
Erasmus by Richard Taverner, with newe addicions as well of Latin
Proverbes as of Englishe. 1550.
The first Tome of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the newe Testa-
mente. 1548. (The text is that of Taverner's Bible and the Paraphrase
was translated for the most part by Nicolas Udall. )
Estienne, Henri. The Stage of Popish Toyes, Conteining both Magicall and
Comicall partes. Collected out of H. Stephanus in his Apologie upon
Herodot. Compiled by G(eorge) N(orth). 1581.
A mervaylous Discourse upon the Lyfe, deedes, and behaviour of
Katherine de Medicis. 1578. [But as to the authorship, see Mark
Pattison's Essay The Stephenses. ]
- A World of Wonders. Translated by R. C. 1607.
Fernandez, Jerónimo. The Honour of chivalrie, set downe in the. . . historie
of the magnanimous and heroike Don Bellianis. Translated by L. A. 1598.
Fonseca, Jeronymo Osorio da. The five Books of. . . Hieronims Osorius, con-
tayning a discussion of civill and Christian nobilitie. Translated by
William Blandy. 1576.
Galen, Claudius. Certaine Workes,. . . called Methodus Medendi. . . . Trans-
lated into English by Thomas Gale. 1586.
Galvão, Antonio de. The Discoveries of the world from their first original
unto the yeere of our Lord 1555. Translated anonymously. 1601.
Gelli, Giovanni Battista. The Fearful Fancies of the Florentine Cooper. . . .
Translated by W. Barker. 1568.
Circes. Translated by Henry Iden. 1557.
Gentillet, Innocent. A discourse upon the meanes of well governing and
maintaining in good peace, a Kingdome, or other principalitie. Against
Nicholas Machivell the Florentine. Trans. by Simon Patericke. 1602.
Gesner, Conrad. The newe Jewell of Health . . . published in Englishe by
G. Baker. 1576.
The Historie of the Foure-Footed Beastes. Describing the true and
lively figure of every Beast, with a discourse of their severall Names,
Conditions, Kindes, Vertues. Translated by Edward Topsell. 1607.
Giovio, Paolo. The worthy tract of Paulus Jovius, Containing a Discourse of
rare inventions both military and amorous called Imprese. Translated by
Samuel Daniel. 1585.
Giraldo, Baptista. A Discourse of Civill Life. Trans. Lodowick Bryskett.
1606. (Made some years before. )
Gómara, Francisco Lopez de. Historie of the conquest of the Weast India,
now called Newe Spayne.
Translated by Thomas Nicholas. 1578.
Granada, Luis de. A memoriall of a Christian life; wherein are treated all
such thinges, as apperteyne unto a Christian to doe, from the beginninge
of his conversion, until the ende of his perfection. Translated by Richard
Hopkins. 1586.
Of Prayer and meditation; wherein is conteyned fowertien devoute medi-
tations for the seven daies of the weeke, bothe for the morninges and
eveninges. And in them is treyted of the consideration of the principall
holie mysteries of our faithe. Translated by Richard Hopkins. 1582.
A Paradise of prayers gathered out of the works of L. de Granada.
Translated by Thomas Lodge. 1601.
Devotion. Translated by Francis Meres. 1598.
Grisone. A new booke containing the art of riding and breaking great
horses. . . . Translated by Thomas Blundeville. n. d.
The Art of Riding . . . out of Xenophon and Gryson Verie expert and
excellent horsemen. Translated by John Astley, 1584.
## p. 445 (#467) ############################################
Chapter 1
Guarini, Battista. Il Pastor Fido or the faithful Shepherd. Translated
by Edward Dymock. 1602.
Guazzo, Stephen. The Civile Conversation . . . foure bookes, the first three
translated out of French by G. Pettie. . . . In the fourth a Banquet
translated by B. Young. 1586.
Guevara, Antonio de. Golden Epistles . . . gathered as well out of the re-
mainder of Guevara's works as other authors, Latin, French and Italian.
Translated by G. Fenton. 1575.
Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius. Translated by J. Bourcbier, Lord
Berners. 1546.
Dispraise of the Life of a Courtier. Translated by Sir F. Brynn. 1541.
The Diall of princes. Translated by Sir Thomas North. 1557.
A Chronicle, conteyning the lives of tenne Emperours of Rome. . . .
Translated out of Spanish into English by Edward Hellowes. 1577.
A Booke of the invention of the arte of navigation. Translated by
Edward Hellowes. 1578.
Familiar Epistles. Translated by Edward Hellowes. 1574.
Guicciardini, F. The History of Guicciardin, containing the Wars of Italy. . .
Translated by Geoffrey Fenton. 1579.
The Description of the Low Countries. Translated by Th. Danett.
Huarte, Juan. The Examination of men's wits. Translated by Richard
Carew. 1594.
Hurault, Jaques. Politicke Moral and Martial Discourses translated by
Arthur Golding. 1595.
Hurtado, Luis. Palmerin of England. Translated by Anthony Munday.
Hyspanus (Petrus). The Treasuri of Helth, contaynynge many profytable
Medicines . . . translated into English by Humfre Lloyd. 1585 (? ).
La Noue, François de. The Declaration of the Lord de la Noue, upon his
taking arms for the just defence of the Townes of Sedan and Jametz.
Truely translated according to the French copie printed at Verdun
by A. N. 1589.
The Politicke and militarie discourses of the Lord de la Noue.
Whereunto are adjoined certaine observations of the same author, of
things happened during the three late civill warres of France. All faith-
fully translated out of the French by E. A. (i. e. Edward Aggas).
La Primaudaye, Pierre de. The French Academie wherin is discussed the
institution of manners, newly translated by T. B. 1586.
Leo Africanus. A Geographical Historie of Africa written in Arabicke and
Italian by John Leo a More, borne in Granada and brought up in
Barbarie. Translated by John Pory. 1600.
Llwyd, H. The Breviary of Britayne . . . Englished by Thomas Twyne.
Lobeira, Vasco de. The moste excellent and pleasant Booke, entituled the
Treasurie of Amadis of Fraunce. Translated by Thomas Paynell. 1567.
Lomaz G. P. A Tracte Containing the Artes of Curious Painting, Carving,
and Building. Englished by R(ichard) H(aydocke). 1598.
Lopes, Duarte. A Report of the Kingdome of Congo. Translated by Abra-
ham Hartwell the younger. 1597.
Luther, Martin. Every-dayes sacrifice. Wherein are comprehended many
comfortable Prayers and Meditations, very necessary for all Christians.
Written by D. M. Luther, a little before his end. Translated by
W. R. S. 1624.
## p. 446 (#468) ############################################
. . .
Luther, Martin. A Treatise Touching the Libertie of a Christian. . . .
Translated by James Bell. 1579.
The chiefe and pryncypall Articles of the Christen faythe . . . with other
very profitable.
. . . bokes. . . . (A singular. maner of prayeng. ) 1548.
Special and chosen sermons. . . . Englished by W. G(ace). 1578.
A commentarie of doctor martin luther upon the epistle of S. Paul to
the Galathians, first collected and gathered word by word out of his
preaching, and now out of Latine faithfully translated into English for
the unlearned. . . . 1575.
A commentarie upon the xv. psalmes, called Psalmi gradum, that is,
psalmes of Degrees: Faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin
Luther, very fruitfull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted con-
sciences to read. Translated by Henry Bull. 1537.
Machiavelli, Nicolo. The Florentine Historie, translated into English
by Thomas Bedingfield.