(Cj" In this verse, some prosodians make Parietl a
proceleusmatic foot; and it is true that some
ancient grammarians considered it as such, and
scanned accordingly in this and other similar cases.
(Cj" In this verse, some prosodians make Parietl a
proceleusmatic foot; and it is true that some
ancient grammarians considered it as such, and
scanned accordingly in this and other similar cases.
Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana
Fluvio-\-ium rex eridimus camposque per omnes
( fluviorum. -- fluvio might be read as an
anapaest, if the anapcest were certainly ad-
missible into the hexameter -. but it may more
properly be read as a spondee, fliiw-yo, or
fluv-yo. (See Georgic 4, 297, ond my " Latin
Prosody," sect. 47. )
Georgic 2.
MunSribus tibi pampineo gravi-\-dUs a<<2-|-ctumno
( gravidus -- ccesura -- the verse spondaic.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 7
Georgic 2.
69. Inseritur ver' ex fetu nucis arbutus | horri-
d'Et steriles
( horrid' Et -- synapheia, and elision.
71. Castanese fa-|-gws 5r-|-nusqu' Incanuit albo
( fagiis -- ccesura.
79. Finditiir In solidum cuneis via | deiudefe-\-races
( deinde -- synceresis.
86. orchades et radi-|-& et #-|-mara pausia bacca
( radii -- ccesura --preserved,
97. Sunt eti' | dmtne-\-se vites firmlssimS vina
or {according to Heyne's text)
Sunt e't a-\-mmce-\-^ vites, fyc.
( In these different readings (both supported by
ancient MSS. ) the quantity is warranted by ancient
authority -? -- Aminea scilicet a regione: nam
Aminei fuerunt, ubi nunc Falernura est. Macrob.
Sat. 3, 20.
Umbra necat teneras amineas *.
Sept. Seren. ap. T. Maur. Met. 284.
Solus qui Chium miscet et amineum.
Auson. Epist. 17, 19.
Succus amincecE vitis cum pane medetur.
Aut in amincco cochleas haurire Lyaeo --
Seren. Samon. capp. 30 Sf 38.
101. Non ego | te dls | et mensis accepta secundls
( diis, dls -- crasis.
121. Velleraqu' iit folils depectant | tenuia | Seres
( ten-wia, or ten-via -- (See Georgic 4, 297,
and my " Latin Prosody," sect. 47. )
* A Faliscan verse, or Dactylic Tetrameter Meiurus; for winch
metre, see my " Latin Prosody. "
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? 8 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Georgic 2.
129. Misct(e-\-runtqu' herbas et n5n innoxia verba
( miscue-, a dactyl by systole, or a spondee by
synceresis. '(" Latin Prosody," sect. 52. )
144. implevere t&ient o\? -\-ce ar-|-mentaque lata
( according to Heyne's text)
( oleS -- ccesura-- preserved.
180. Tenuis u-|-b' argllP et dumosis calculus arvls
( ten-wis, or ten-vis, as above in verse 121.
200. Non liquidl gregibus fontes non gramina | deerunt
( derunt-- crasis.
211. at rudis enitu-|-i? m-|-pulso vdmere campus
( enituit -- ccesura.
233. Si dee-\'X\va. t rarum pecoriqu' et vltibus almis
( si de^ may, at the reader's option, be
pronounced as a dactyl, the De becoming
short' before the following rowel -- or as a
spondee by crasis, as in verse 200 above.
344. Si non tanta quies Iret frlgusque c&-\-lorem-
qu' Inter
( caloremqu' Inter -- synapheia, and elision.
382. TnesSi-\-diH posuer' atqu' inter pociila Iseti
( Thesei is properly a dactyl, but may, by
synceresis, be read as a spondee, Thesel-|-dse,
or Thesl-|-dse.
443. Navigils pinos dbmibus ce-|-drosque' cu-\-pressos-
qu' Hinc
( cupressosqu' Hinc -- synapheia, a? id elision.
453. Corticibusque cavls vitiosSqu* ilicis | dived
( alveo -- synceresis.
464. flliisasqu' aur5 vestes ephyVeiaqu' sera
480. 5bjifcl-|-bus riiptis rursiisqu' In s' Ipsa resldant
( objicibus, of course, from objicio. See the
remark in sect. 51. of my " Latin Prosody. "
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? Claws Metrico-Virgiliana. 9
Georgic 2.
487. Sperchi-\-usqa' et vlrginibus bacchata Lacsenis
( Sperchius -- the pentdtima a diphthong in
488. Tdyge-\-t' 5 qui me gelidis in vallibus Halml
Georgic 3.
44. Tdyge-\-iique canes domitrlxqu' epidafiriis equo-
60. Stas Lucinam justosque pS-|-fi hyme-\-n&bs
( pati -- ccesura --preserved,. the H having
no effect.
76. altius ingredi-\-tar et | mollia crura reponit
( ingreditur -- ccesura.
118. tequus uterque \a-\-bor ^-|-que juvenemque' ma-
( labor-- ccesura. Perhaps, originally, labos:
hut the difference is of no consequence.
155. arcebis gravido peco-|-r? ar-|-mentaqu? pasces
( pecori -- ccesura --preserved.
167. Cervici sub-\-necte de-\-hinc ubi libera colla
( dehinc --- the E preserved from elision, and
shortened before the I.
168. Serviti' | dssue-\-rmt ipsis e torquibus aptos
(assi^e'rint -- syncope, for assueverint: --
assue -- synceresis -- a spondee.
189. lnvali-\-dus eti- -amque' tremens, e'tf Insciiis am
( invalidus -- ccesura.
242. omn' adeo ge'nus In terris hominumque'ie-|-r<<rSOT-
qu' Et genus
( ferarumqu' Et -- synapheia, and elision.
283. Miscue-|-runtqu' herbas et non Innoxia verba
( miscuerunt, as before in Georg. 2. 129.
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? 10 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliatia.
Georgic 3.
332. SIcuM magna Jo-j-ws dn-\-tlquo rSbore quercus
( Jo vis -- ccesura.
377. otf agunt terra congestaque robor* | totds-
qu' Advolvere
( totasqu' Advolvere--synapheia, and elision.
385. Lappse-j-g'Me tribu-\-\iq\i' absint fuge pabula l>>ta
( lappseque-- ccesura.
449. et spumas miscent argent! vlvaque | stilju-
r' Idseasque pices
. ( sulfur' Idseasque -- synapheia, and elision.
565. Membra sequebatur nee longo | deinde md-|-ranti
( delnde -- synceresis.
Georgic 4.
34. Seu lento fuerint a\-\-vedriti | vimine texta
( alvearia-- synceresis.
38. Nequldqu' in tectls certatim | tenuia | cera
( ten-via, or ten-wia. See Georg. 4, 297.
92. Nam duo sunt gener' hie meli-|-or z<<-|-signis et ore
( melior-- ccesura.
137. Ille comam mSllis jam tonde>>|-6a* kyd-\-cmthl
( according to Hcyne's text)
( tondebat--ccesura.
161. Prima favis ponunt fundamiaS | delnde ! t? -|-naces
( delnde -- synceresis.
222. Terras-|-gwe <mc-|-tusque maris cCelumque pro-
( terrasque -- ccesura.
225. Scilicet hue red-|-<? dein-\-&' ac resoluta referrl
( dein -- synceresis.
232. Tdjjgete simul os terris ostendit honestum
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 11
Georgic 4. '
233. Pllas et \ oceanl spretos p&dg reppulit amnes.
243. Steffi' et | lucifijgis congesta cubilia blattls
( Stell' yet -- elision, and synaeresis. (See my
"Latin Prosody," sect. 47. )
270. CecropiumquS thyW et grav' olentia | centaU-\-rt&
( grav' olentia--elision--centafirea--spon-
297. Pdrigti-l-busque premunt arctis et quattuck addiint
( parjetibus, or par-yetlbus. -- quattuor with
double T: otherwise the A is short, as I have
shown in my " Latin Prosody.
(Cj" In this verse, some prosodians make Parietl a
proceleusmatic foot; and it is true that some
ancient grammarians considered it as such, and
scanned accordingly in this and other similar cases.
But it is worthy of remark, that there is not (/
believe) a single example of a supposed proce-
leusmatic or anapaest in any hexameter or pen-
tameter verse of any good Latin author, whicfi
may not he reduced to a dactyl or spondee by the
aid of the J or 11, as in the Une before us, or y
the V or W, as in Tenuia and Fluviorum, Georg. 1,
397 and 482. Nor is such conversion of the I and
the\J afanciful innovation, unsanctioned by ancient
authority, as may be fairly presumed in the case
of the U, and positively concluded in that of the I,
from the two subjoined hexameters of Lucretius,
and the accompanying Phalcecian of an anonymous
ancient poet; since, on the one hand, the word
'Tenuis cannot otherwise be made to furnish the
concluding spondee, and, on the other, Parieti
necessarily must be read Parjeti or Par-yetf, to
constitute a dactyl, the only foot admissible in its
present station: [Propterea
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? 12 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Georgic 4.
Propterea quia corpus aquae, natunique | tenuis
Aeris (1, 232.
Quippe etenim ventus subtili corpbre | tenuis. . .
(4, 899.
Templi | paneti-\-hy>> tui notavi *.
Besides, if the proceleusmatic and anapaest were
really admissible into the Latin heroic metre, and
intentionally introduced by the poets, we might
surely expect to find some examples less question-
able than those where the I or the Vis concerned;
and, until some such are produced from good and
unquestionable authority, I hope I may be al-
lowed to deny, or at least to doubt, the legitimate
admissibility of the proceleusmatic or anapaest
into Latin heroic verse.
336. Drymo- \-que _Xara-|-th5que Ligeaque Phyllodoceque
( Drymoque-- ccesura.
343. atqu' ephf-\-re a*-|-qu' opis et asia Deiopea
( Ephyre -- ccesura --preserved.
S55. Trlstis arlstJeus T? e-\-nei geni-\-toris ad undam
( Penel -- synceresis.
388. Cceriileus Yro-\-teus mdg-\-i\xim qui piscibiis asquor
( Proteus -- diphthong.
392. Grandaivus Ne-|-refls <<o-|-vit namqu' omnia vates
( Nereiis -- diphthong.
422. intus se vastl Pr6-\-teUs tegit \ objice | saxl
( Proteus, as in v. 388. -- objice, of objex,
from objicio; for obex, without the), has the
first syllable short.
429. CumPr6-|-teascdn-|-s<<&#j>e-|-tensefluctibus antra
( Proteus, as above. -- consueta -- synceresis.
* Burmann's Anthologia, 6, 2,
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 13
Georgic 4.
447. Scis Pro- \-teH sets \ Ipse1 nequ' est te fallere' quidquam
( Proteu -- diphthong, as in Proteus above.
453. Non te nulli-|-27s &r-|-ercent numinis IrS
( nullius-- ccesura.
461. Implerunt montes flerfint Rh5d6-|-j? ez<? | arces
( Rhodopeise -- the -<3E preserved from elision,
and made short before the following vowel.
463. atqu^Ge-]-^a^-|-qu' Hebrus e't actias | 6rl-|-thyla
(as in Hey tie's text)
( Getse--ccesura--preserved. -- orlthyia' -- the
YI a single syllable, as in the Greek -- the verse
spondaic. -- See JEn. 12, 83.
528. Hale Pro-\-teus et \ se jactii dgdit aiquor in altum
( Proteus -- diphthong, as before.
545. f Inferias or-\-phei Le-\-thwa papavera mittes
553. 1 Inferias or-\-phei mit-\-Gt liicumque revisit
( Orphel -- in both cases, syn&resis.
564. Parthenope studils florent' Ignobilis | oti
( otii, oti -- crasis.
JEneid. 1.
20. Posthabita colulsse Sa-|-? >>d hie | Illiiis arma
( Sam 5 -- ccesura -- preserved.
34. Troas relliquias Dana' atqu' Immltis $-\-chilles
( AcKillel -- synceresis.
45. unius ob nox' et furias ajacis o-\-ilei
( Oi'lel -- synceresis.
77. C6nniibt-\-o jiingam st&bill propriamque dicabo
( Here Professor Heyne denies that the NU in
Connubium can possibly be short: and, in
this, and every other passage of Virgil where the
word happens to begin with afoot, he directs us
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? 14 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 1.
to pronounce it as three syllables, Connubjo,
Connubls, fyc. But, although Virgil has Con-
nubia, with the U long, in other places
where it suited his metre; the quantity of
Innuba, Pronuba, and Subnuba, which all
have the nu short, is sufficient proof that the
corresponding syllable may also be short in Con-
nubium -- i. e. that the syllable, in fact, is
124. Jam valid' i\\6-\-nei wa-|-vem jam fortis achats
( Ilionel-- synaeresis.
135. Eur' ad se Zephyrumque \6-\-cdt dehinc | talia fattir
( d'hinc -- elision
199. Vina bonus quaj | deiude ca-|-dis onerarat acestes
( delude -- synceresis.
224. Prajcipue plus seneas nunc acris 6-\-rontei
( Orontel -- synceresis.
251. Hie tamen ill' urbem Pata-|-r<< se-|-desqne locavit
( Patavii, Patavl -- crasis.
260. osciila libavlt nti-\-tce dehinc | talia fatur
( d'hinc -- elision.
262. Fata tibi cernes urb' et promissa La-|-wwe
( Lavinii, Lavini -- crasis.
274. -- the same. .
312. Qui te'neant n' inculta \l-\-dethomt-\-ntisx\e ferfene
( videt. --ccesura.
336. Jactemur doceas ignar' hominumque \6-\-cdrUm-
qu' Erramus
( locorumqu' Erramus, synapheia, and elision.
409. et ver' incessu patu-|-e/ dea \ 111' ubi matrem'
( dea -- the A preservedfivm elision.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 15
JEneid. 1.
452. JSrea cul gradlbus surgebant limina | nexce-
qu' JEre trabes
( nexajqu' iEre -- synapheia, and elision.
. 482. Per terr' et versa pul-|-m zre-|-scrlbitiir hasta
( pulvls -- ccesura,
504. HInc atqu' hlnc glomerantur o-\-reades | Ilia pha-
525. Maximiis l]io-\-neUs pldct-\-do sic pectfc. re ccepit
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
536. ceno-\~tri c&luefe virl nunc faraa minores
( CEnotri -- regular, three syllables -- not
563. Talibus l\\o-\-neus cti,nc-\-tl simtil org fr&nebant
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
615. \\Lo-\-ned pe-\-tit dextra lsevaque Serestum
( Ilionea -- the E long, according to the Ionic
618. Casu | deinde vi~\-rl tant' et sic ore lociit' est
( delnde -- synceresis.
621. Tun' 111' aineas quern Dardani-|-<5 <<M-|-chIsa>>"
( Dardanio -- ccesura --preserved -- spondaic
655. Pergama cum pete-|-ri? i! zw-|-concessosqu' hjrme-
( peteret -- ccesura.
672. LItora jacte-|-fSr bdt-\-is Jun5nis iniquaj
( jactetiir -- ccesura.
702. Aured | cpwiposiilt sponda mediamque' locavit
( aurea -- synceresis.
730. atria dependent lychnl laquearibus | aure'is
( aurels -- synceresis.
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? 16 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Mneid. 2.
7. Myrmidonum Dolopumv' aut duri mile's u-\-lyssez
( Ulyssel synaeresis.
1 6. Sdificant sectaqu' Intexunt | dbiete | costas
( abjete, or ab-yete'. -- See Georgic 4, 297-
90. Gessimus invidia postquam pellacis u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssel -- synceresis.
264. et M8n? -\-latis et \ Ipse doll fabricator e-\-peus
275. Hectftre ' qui r&lit exuvias Indutus a-\-chillei
( Achillei -- synceresis.
318. fecc' autem tells Pan-|-Mfis e-|-lapsus achivum
319. Pdntkus \ 5thtrades arcis Pbceblque ' sacerdos
322. 1 Qu5 res summit 15co Pan-\-thU qiidm | prendimus
( Panthiis, Panthu, long, from the Greek OT.
339. addunt se socios Ylhi-\-petis et | maximus armls
( Rhipeus -- diphthong.
369. Luctus ubique ' p&-\-vor et | plurfmS mortis imago
( pavor-- ccesura.
371. androge-|-os o/-|-fert nobls soci' agmina credens
or [according to Heyne's text)
androge-|-fis o/*-|-fert, Sgc.
( Androgeos -- the Attic O-mega naturally
long: -- Androgeus, ccesura.
391. arma dabunt ipsi. sic fatus | delude co-|-mantem
( deinde -- syrueresis.
394. Hoc Rhi-|-pefis hoc | Ipsg Dymas dmnlsque' jiiventus
( Rhipeus--diphthong.
411. Nostrdr' obrin-\-mur o? i-|-turque ' miserrima ciedes
( obruimur --c&sura.
419. Spume us atqu' imo Ne-|-reas ciet | sequdra fundo
( Nereus -- diphthong.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle.
( fluviorum. -- fluvio might be read as an
anapaest, if the anapcest were certainly ad-
missible into the hexameter -. but it may more
properly be read as a spondee, fliiw-yo, or
fluv-yo. (See Georgic 4, 297, ond my " Latin
Prosody," sect. 47. )
Georgic 2.
MunSribus tibi pampineo gravi-\-dUs a<<2-|-ctumno
( gravidus -- ccesura -- the verse spondaic.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 7
Georgic 2.
69. Inseritur ver' ex fetu nucis arbutus | horri-
d'Et steriles
( horrid' Et -- synapheia, and elision.
71. Castanese fa-|-gws 5r-|-nusqu' Incanuit albo
( fagiis -- ccesura.
79. Finditiir In solidum cuneis via | deiudefe-\-races
( deinde -- synceresis.
86. orchades et radi-|-& et #-|-mara pausia bacca
( radii -- ccesura --preserved,
97. Sunt eti' | dmtne-\-se vites firmlssimS vina
or {according to Heyne's text)
Sunt e't a-\-mmce-\-^ vites, fyc.
( In these different readings (both supported by
ancient MSS. ) the quantity is warranted by ancient
authority -? -- Aminea scilicet a regione: nam
Aminei fuerunt, ubi nunc Falernura est. Macrob.
Sat. 3, 20.
Umbra necat teneras amineas *.
Sept. Seren. ap. T. Maur. Met. 284.
Solus qui Chium miscet et amineum.
Auson. Epist. 17, 19.
Succus amincecE vitis cum pane medetur.
Aut in amincco cochleas haurire Lyaeo --
Seren. Samon. capp. 30 Sf 38.
101. Non ego | te dls | et mensis accepta secundls
( diis, dls -- crasis.
121. Velleraqu' iit folils depectant | tenuia | Seres
( ten-wia, or ten-via -- (See Georgic 4, 297,
and my " Latin Prosody," sect. 47. )
* A Faliscan verse, or Dactylic Tetrameter Meiurus; for winch
metre, see my " Latin Prosody. "
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? 8 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Georgic 2.
129. Misct(e-\-runtqu' herbas et n5n innoxia verba
( miscue-, a dactyl by systole, or a spondee by
synceresis. '(" Latin Prosody," sect. 52. )
144. implevere t&ient o\? -\-ce ar-|-mentaque lata
( according to Heyne's text)
( oleS -- ccesura-- preserved.
180. Tenuis u-|-b' argllP et dumosis calculus arvls
( ten-wis, or ten-vis, as above in verse 121.
200. Non liquidl gregibus fontes non gramina | deerunt
( derunt-- crasis.
211. at rudis enitu-|-i? m-|-pulso vdmere campus
( enituit -- ccesura.
233. Si dee-\'X\va. t rarum pecoriqu' et vltibus almis
( si de^ may, at the reader's option, be
pronounced as a dactyl, the De becoming
short' before the following rowel -- or as a
spondee by crasis, as in verse 200 above.
344. Si non tanta quies Iret frlgusque c&-\-lorem-
qu' Inter
( caloremqu' Inter -- synapheia, and elision.
382. TnesSi-\-diH posuer' atqu' inter pociila Iseti
( Thesei is properly a dactyl, but may, by
synceresis, be read as a spondee, Thesel-|-dse,
or Thesl-|-dse.
443. Navigils pinos dbmibus ce-|-drosque' cu-\-pressos-
qu' Hinc
( cupressosqu' Hinc -- synapheia, a? id elision.
453. Corticibusque cavls vitiosSqu* ilicis | dived
( alveo -- synceresis.
464. flliisasqu' aur5 vestes ephyVeiaqu' sera
480. 5bjifcl-|-bus riiptis rursiisqu' In s' Ipsa resldant
( objicibus, of course, from objicio. See the
remark in sect. 51. of my " Latin Prosody. "
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? Claws Metrico-Virgiliana. 9
Georgic 2.
487. Sperchi-\-usqa' et vlrginibus bacchata Lacsenis
( Sperchius -- the pentdtima a diphthong in
488. Tdyge-\-t' 5 qui me gelidis in vallibus Halml
Georgic 3.
44. Tdyge-\-iique canes domitrlxqu' epidafiriis equo-
60. Stas Lucinam justosque pS-|-fi hyme-\-n&bs
( pati -- ccesura --preserved,. the H having
no effect.
76. altius ingredi-\-tar et | mollia crura reponit
( ingreditur -- ccesura.
118. tequus uterque \a-\-bor ^-|-que juvenemque' ma-
( labor-- ccesura. Perhaps, originally, labos:
hut the difference is of no consequence.
155. arcebis gravido peco-|-r? ar-|-mentaqu? pasces
( pecori -- ccesura --preserved.
167. Cervici sub-\-necte de-\-hinc ubi libera colla
( dehinc --- the E preserved from elision, and
shortened before the I.
168. Serviti' | dssue-\-rmt ipsis e torquibus aptos
(assi^e'rint -- syncope, for assueverint: --
assue -- synceresis -- a spondee.
189. lnvali-\-dus eti- -amque' tremens, e'tf Insciiis am
( invalidus -- ccesura.
242. omn' adeo ge'nus In terris hominumque'ie-|-r<<rSOT-
qu' Et genus
( ferarumqu' Et -- synapheia, and elision.
283. Miscue-|-runtqu' herbas et non Innoxia verba
( miscuerunt, as before in Georg. 2. 129.
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? 10 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliatia.
Georgic 3.
332. SIcuM magna Jo-j-ws dn-\-tlquo rSbore quercus
( Jo vis -- ccesura.
377. otf agunt terra congestaque robor* | totds-
qu' Advolvere
( totasqu' Advolvere--synapheia, and elision.
385. Lappse-j-g'Me tribu-\-\iq\i' absint fuge pabula l>>ta
( lappseque-- ccesura.
449. et spumas miscent argent! vlvaque | stilju-
r' Idseasque pices
. ( sulfur' Idseasque -- synapheia, and elision.
565. Membra sequebatur nee longo | deinde md-|-ranti
( delnde -- synceresis.
Georgic 4.
34. Seu lento fuerint a\-\-vedriti | vimine texta
( alvearia-- synceresis.
38. Nequldqu' in tectls certatim | tenuia | cera
( ten-via, or ten-wia. See Georg. 4, 297.
92. Nam duo sunt gener' hie meli-|-or z<<-|-signis et ore
( melior-- ccesura.
137. Ille comam mSllis jam tonde>>|-6a* kyd-\-cmthl
( according to Hcyne's text)
( tondebat--ccesura.
161. Prima favis ponunt fundamiaS | delnde ! t? -|-naces
( delnde -- synceresis.
222. Terras-|-gwe <mc-|-tusque maris cCelumque pro-
( terrasque -- ccesura.
225. Scilicet hue red-|-<? dein-\-&' ac resoluta referrl
( dein -- synceresis.
232. Tdjjgete simul os terris ostendit honestum
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 11
Georgic 4. '
233. Pllas et \ oceanl spretos p&dg reppulit amnes.
243. Steffi' et | lucifijgis congesta cubilia blattls
( Stell' yet -- elision, and synaeresis. (See my
"Latin Prosody," sect. 47. )
270. CecropiumquS thyW et grav' olentia | centaU-\-rt&
( grav' olentia--elision--centafirea--spon-
297. Pdrigti-l-busque premunt arctis et quattuck addiint
( parjetibus, or par-yetlbus. -- quattuor with
double T: otherwise the A is short, as I have
shown in my " Latin Prosody.
(Cj" In this verse, some prosodians make Parietl a
proceleusmatic foot; and it is true that some
ancient grammarians considered it as such, and
scanned accordingly in this and other similar cases.
But it is worthy of remark, that there is not (/
believe) a single example of a supposed proce-
leusmatic or anapaest in any hexameter or pen-
tameter verse of any good Latin author, whicfi
may not he reduced to a dactyl or spondee by the
aid of the J or 11, as in the Une before us, or y
the V or W, as in Tenuia and Fluviorum, Georg. 1,
397 and 482. Nor is such conversion of the I and
the\J afanciful innovation, unsanctioned by ancient
authority, as may be fairly presumed in the case
of the U, and positively concluded in that of the I,
from the two subjoined hexameters of Lucretius,
and the accompanying Phalcecian of an anonymous
ancient poet; since, on the one hand, the word
'Tenuis cannot otherwise be made to furnish the
concluding spondee, and, on the other, Parieti
necessarily must be read Parjeti or Par-yetf, to
constitute a dactyl, the only foot admissible in its
present station: [Propterea
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? 12 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Georgic 4.
Propterea quia corpus aquae, natunique | tenuis
Aeris (1, 232.
Quippe etenim ventus subtili corpbre | tenuis. . .
(4, 899.
Templi | paneti-\-hy>> tui notavi *.
Besides, if the proceleusmatic and anapaest were
really admissible into the Latin heroic metre, and
intentionally introduced by the poets, we might
surely expect to find some examples less question-
able than those where the I or the Vis concerned;
and, until some such are produced from good and
unquestionable authority, I hope I may be al-
lowed to deny, or at least to doubt, the legitimate
admissibility of the proceleusmatic or anapaest
into Latin heroic verse.
336. Drymo- \-que _Xara-|-th5que Ligeaque Phyllodoceque
( Drymoque-- ccesura.
343. atqu' ephf-\-re a*-|-qu' opis et asia Deiopea
( Ephyre -- ccesura --preserved.
S55. Trlstis arlstJeus T? e-\-nei geni-\-toris ad undam
( Penel -- synceresis.
388. Cceriileus Yro-\-teus mdg-\-i\xim qui piscibiis asquor
( Proteus -- diphthong.
392. Grandaivus Ne-|-refls <<o-|-vit namqu' omnia vates
( Nereiis -- diphthong.
422. intus se vastl Pr6-\-teUs tegit \ objice | saxl
( Proteus, as in v. 388. -- objice, of objex,
from objicio; for obex, without the), has the
first syllable short.
429. CumPr6-|-teascdn-|-s<<&#j>e-|-tensefluctibus antra
( Proteus, as above. -- consueta -- synceresis.
* Burmann's Anthologia, 6, 2,
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 13
Georgic 4.
447. Scis Pro- \-teH sets \ Ipse1 nequ' est te fallere' quidquam
( Proteu -- diphthong, as in Proteus above.
453. Non te nulli-|-27s &r-|-ercent numinis IrS
( nullius-- ccesura.
461. Implerunt montes flerfint Rh5d6-|-j? ez<? | arces
( Rhodopeise -- the -<3E preserved from elision,
and made short before the following vowel.
463. atqu^Ge-]-^a^-|-qu' Hebrus e't actias | 6rl-|-thyla
(as in Hey tie's text)
( Getse--ccesura--preserved. -- orlthyia' -- the
YI a single syllable, as in the Greek -- the verse
spondaic. -- See JEn. 12, 83.
528. Hale Pro-\-teus et \ se jactii dgdit aiquor in altum
( Proteus -- diphthong, as before.
545. f Inferias or-\-phei Le-\-thwa papavera mittes
553. 1 Inferias or-\-phei mit-\-Gt liicumque revisit
( Orphel -- in both cases, syn&resis.
564. Parthenope studils florent' Ignobilis | oti
( otii, oti -- crasis.
JEneid. 1.
20. Posthabita colulsse Sa-|-? >>d hie | Illiiis arma
( Sam 5 -- ccesura -- preserved.
34. Troas relliquias Dana' atqu' Immltis $-\-chilles
( AcKillel -- synceresis.
45. unius ob nox' et furias ajacis o-\-ilei
( Oi'lel -- synceresis.
77. C6nniibt-\-o jiingam st&bill propriamque dicabo
( Here Professor Heyne denies that the NU in
Connubium can possibly be short: and, in
this, and every other passage of Virgil where the
word happens to begin with afoot, he directs us
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? 14 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 1.
to pronounce it as three syllables, Connubjo,
Connubls, fyc. But, although Virgil has Con-
nubia, with the U long, in other places
where it suited his metre; the quantity of
Innuba, Pronuba, and Subnuba, which all
have the nu short, is sufficient proof that the
corresponding syllable may also be short in Con-
nubium -- i. e. that the syllable, in fact, is
124. Jam valid' i\\6-\-nei wa-|-vem jam fortis achats
( Ilionel-- synaeresis.
135. Eur' ad se Zephyrumque \6-\-cdt dehinc | talia fattir
( d'hinc -- elision
199. Vina bonus quaj | deiude ca-|-dis onerarat acestes
( delude -- synceresis.
224. Prajcipue plus seneas nunc acris 6-\-rontei
( Orontel -- synceresis.
251. Hie tamen ill' urbem Pata-|-r<< se-|-desqne locavit
( Patavii, Patavl -- crasis.
260. osciila libavlt nti-\-tce dehinc | talia fatur
( d'hinc -- elision.
262. Fata tibi cernes urb' et promissa La-|-wwe
( Lavinii, Lavini -- crasis.
274. -- the same. .
312. Qui te'neant n' inculta \l-\-dethomt-\-ntisx\e ferfene
( videt. --ccesura.
336. Jactemur doceas ignar' hominumque \6-\-cdrUm-
qu' Erramus
( locorumqu' Erramus, synapheia, and elision.
409. et ver' incessu patu-|-e/ dea \ 111' ubi matrem'
( dea -- the A preservedfivm elision.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 15
JEneid. 1.
452. JSrea cul gradlbus surgebant limina | nexce-
qu' JEre trabes
( nexajqu' iEre -- synapheia, and elision.
. 482. Per terr' et versa pul-|-m zre-|-scrlbitiir hasta
( pulvls -- ccesura,
504. HInc atqu' hlnc glomerantur o-\-reades | Ilia pha-
525. Maximiis l]io-\-neUs pldct-\-do sic pectfc. re ccepit
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
536. ceno-\~tri c&luefe virl nunc faraa minores
( CEnotri -- regular, three syllables -- not
563. Talibus l\\o-\-neus cti,nc-\-tl simtil org fr&nebant
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
615. \\Lo-\-ned pe-\-tit dextra lsevaque Serestum
( Ilionea -- the E long, according to the Ionic
618. Casu | deinde vi~\-rl tant' et sic ore lociit' est
( delnde -- synceresis.
621. Tun' 111' aineas quern Dardani-|-<5 <<M-|-chIsa>>"
( Dardanio -- ccesura --preserved -- spondaic
655. Pergama cum pete-|-ri? i! zw-|-concessosqu' hjrme-
( peteret -- ccesura.
672. LItora jacte-|-fSr bdt-\-is Jun5nis iniquaj
( jactetiir -- ccesura.
702. Aured | cpwiposiilt sponda mediamque' locavit
( aurea -- synceresis.
730. atria dependent lychnl laquearibus | aure'is
( aurels -- synceresis.
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? 16 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Mneid. 2.
7. Myrmidonum Dolopumv' aut duri mile's u-\-lyssez
( Ulyssel synaeresis.
1 6. Sdificant sectaqu' Intexunt | dbiete | costas
( abjete, or ab-yete'. -- See Georgic 4, 297-
90. Gessimus invidia postquam pellacis u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssel -- synceresis.
264. et M8n? -\-latis et \ Ipse doll fabricator e-\-peus
275. Hectftre ' qui r&lit exuvias Indutus a-\-chillei
( Achillei -- synceresis.
318. fecc' autem tells Pan-|-Mfis e-|-lapsus achivum
319. Pdntkus \ 5thtrades arcis Pbceblque ' sacerdos
322. 1 Qu5 res summit 15co Pan-\-thU qiidm | prendimus
( Panthiis, Panthu, long, from the Greek OT.
339. addunt se socios Ylhi-\-petis et | maximus armls
( Rhipeus -- diphthong.
369. Luctus ubique ' p&-\-vor et | plurfmS mortis imago
( pavor-- ccesura.
371. androge-|-os o/-|-fert nobls soci' agmina credens
or [according to Heyne's text)
androge-|-fis o/*-|-fert, Sgc.
( Androgeos -- the Attic O-mega naturally
long: -- Androgeus, ccesura.
391. arma dabunt ipsi. sic fatus | delude co-|-mantem
( deinde -- syrueresis.
394. Hoc Rhi-|-pefis hoc | Ipsg Dymas dmnlsque' jiiventus
( Rhipeus--diphthong.
411. Nostrdr' obrin-\-mur o? i-|-turque ' miserrima ciedes
( obruimur --c&sura.
419. Spume us atqu' imo Ne-|-reas ciet | sequdra fundo
( Nereus -- diphthong.
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