Shakespeare-Fletchersche Autorschaft des
Dramas The Two Noble Kinsmen.
Dramas The Two Noble Kinsmen.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v06
) with
satyres and epigrames. . . . 1618. Rptd 1843.
Poems. By Francis Beaumont. . . . 1640. (Containing Salmacis and Herma-
phroditns, Remedie of Love, Elegy to Lady Markham, and other poems,
some certainly not by Beaumont. ]
Poems by Francis Beaumont. . . . 1653. (Two editions. ) (Containing the
poems of the preceding volume with additional pieces by various authors. ]
Poems. The Golden Remains of . . . Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. . . .
1660. (Contents the same as those of the volume of 1653. ]
Beaumont and Fletcher. The finest scenes, lyrics and other beauties of those
two poets. . . . By Leigh Hunt. (Bohn's Standard Library. ) 1855.
Lamb's Specimens. pp. 344-419.
Lyric Poems, the, of Beaumont and Fletcher. Ed. Rhys, E. 1897.
Lyrics from the dramatists of the Elizabethan age. Ed. Bullen, A. H.
pp. 89-149. 1889.
Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher (selected). With an introduction by
Fletcher, J. S. (Canterbury Poets. ) 1887.
Songs from the Dramatists. Ed. Robert Bell. pp. 121-164. 1854.
Specimens of the British Poets. . . by Campbell, T. Vol. 11, pp. 329-376. 1819.
Bahlsen, L. Spanische Quellen der dramatischen Litteratur besonders
Englands zu Shakespeares Zeit. Zeitschrift für vergl. Litteratur, vol. vi,
p. 151. 1893. (Deals with The Maid in the Mill and A Wife for a Month. )
Biographia Dramatica. Vol. II, Art. Beaumont.
Boyle, R. Shakespeare und Die beiden Vettern. Engl. Stud. vol. iv, pp. 34 ff.
## p. 439 (#457) ############################################
Chapter V
Boyle, R. Massinger and The Two Noble Kinsmen. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. ,
1880-6, pp. 371-399.
Beaumont, Fletcher and Massinger. Engl. Stud. vol. v, pp. 74-96; vol. VII,
pp. 66-87; vol. viii, pp. 39-61; vol. ix, pp. 209-239; vol. x, pp. 380-412.
Henry VIII is by Massinger and Fletcher. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. ,
1880-6, pp. 443-487.
Mr E. H. Oliphant on Beaumont and Fletcher. Engl. Stud. vol. XVII,
p. 171 ; vol. XVIII, p. 292. 1892, 1893.
Review of Fleay's Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama. Engl.
Stud. vol. xviii, pp. 111 ff. 1893.
Daborne's share in the Beaumont and Fletcher Plays. Engl. Stud.
vol. XXVI, p. 352. 1899.
Review of Thorndike's Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Shake-
speare. Engl. Stud. vol. XXXI, p. 414. 1902.
Bullen, A. H. Art. John Fletcher. Dict. of Nat. Biogr. vol. xix. 1889.
Coleridge, S. T. Notes on Beaumont and Fletcher in Literary Remains
of S. T. Coleridge (vol. 11, pp. 289-322), 1836. Rptd in Bohn's Standard
Library, ed. Ashe, T. , 1883. (Mainly on the text, but with valuable
critical remarks of a general kind. ]
Crawford, C. Ben Jonson and The Bloody Brother. Shakesp. Jahrb.
vol. XLI, p. 163. 1908.
Darley, G. Introduction to his edition. 1840.
De Perott, J. Beaumont and Fletcher and The Mirrour of Knighthood.
Mod. Lang. Notes, vol. XXII, p. 76. 1907.
Delius, N.
Die angebliche Shakespeare-Fletchersche Autorschaft des
Dramas The Two Noble Kinsmen. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol. III. 1878.
Dyce, A. Biographical Memoir and Introductions to the separate plays in
his edition. 1843-6.
Fleay, F. G. On Metrical Tests as applied to dramatic poetry. Part 11.
Fletcher, Beaumont and Massinger. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. , 1874.
A Shakespeare Manual. 1876.
The Chronology of the plays of Fletcher and Massinger. Engl. Stud.
vol. ix, pp. 12-35. 1886.
Annals of the career of Nathaniel Field. Engl. Stud. vol. XIII, pp. 28-35.
Fleay's Chronicle of Stage. 1890.
English Drama. Vol. I, pp. 164-229.
Garnett, R. Ben Jonson's probable authorship of Scene 2, Act iv of
Fletcher's Bloody Brother. Modern Philology, vol. II, p. 489. 1905.
Guskar, H. Fletchers Monsieur Thomas und seine Quellen. Anglia,
vol. XXVIII, p. 397. 1905.
Hatcher, 0. L. John Fletcher, a study in dramatic method. Chicago, 1905.
The Sources of Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas. Anglia, vol. xxx, p. 89.
Hickson, S. The Shares of Shakespeare and Fletcher in The Two Noble
Kinsmen. Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, April 1847.
Rptd in N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. , 1874.
Introductions to the separate plays in the Variorum edition of Beaumont and
Fletcher. 1904-8.
Koeppel, E. Quellenstudien zu den Dramen Ben Jonson's, John Marston's
und Beaumont's und Fletcher's. Münchener Beiträge, vol. xi. 1895.
Langbaine. pp. 203-218.
Leonbardt, B. Ueber Beaumont und Fletchers Knight of the Burning
Pestle. Annaberg, 1885.
## p. 440 (#458) ############################################
Leonhardt, B. Beziehungen von Beaumont und Fletcher's Philaster. . .
Shakespeare's Hamlet und Cymbeline. Anglia, vol. VIII, p. 424. 1885.
Koch, M. Review of the preceding. Engl. Stud. vol. 1x, p. 361. 1886.
Bonduca. Engl. Stud. vol. XIII, p. 36. 1889.
Zu Beaumont und Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle. Engl.
Stud. vol. XII, pp. 307-313. 1889.
Die Textvarianten von (i) Beaumont und Fletchers Philaster, or
Love lies a Bleeding, nebst einer Zusammenstellung der Ausgaben, etc.
Anglia, vol. xix, pp. 34–74; (ii) The Knight of the Burning Pestle,
vol. xix, pp. 509-541; (iii) Bonduca, vol. xx, pp. 421-451; (iv) The Maids
Tragedy, vol. XXIII, pp. 14-66; (v) Rule a Wife and Have a Wife,
vol. xxiv, pp. 311-340; (vi) A King and No King, vol. XXVI, pp. 313-344;
(vii) Thierry and Theodoret, vol. xxvi, pp. 345-363. 1897-1903.
Littledale, H. The Two Noble Kinsmen. Part 11. Introduction, etc. N.
Shaksp. Soc. Publ. 1885.
Macaulay, G. C. Francis Beaumont, a critical study. 1883.
Malone, E. Historical Account of the English Stage, in M. 's edition of
Shakespeare. 1790. [Contains extracts from the Stationers' register,
Herbert's Office-book, etc. )
Mason, J. Monck. Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 1797.
Mitford, J. Cursory notes on various passages in the text of Beaumont and
Fletcher as edited by Dyce, A. 1856.
Murch, H. S. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Edited with introduction,
notes, etc. New York, 1908.
Oliphant, E. H. The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. Engl. Stud. vol. XIV,
pp. 53-94; vol. xv, pp. 321-360; vol. xvi, pp. 180-200. 1890–2.
Rapp, M. Studien über das englische Theater. Archiv für die neneren
Sprachen, vol. xx, pp. 1-37. 1856.
Rosenbach, A. S. N. The Curious Impertinent in English Dramatic Litera-
ture. . . . Mod. Lang. Notes, vol. XVII, p. 357. 1902.
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus not by Francis Beaumont. Shakesp. Soc.
Papers, vol. II, p. 94. 1847.
satyres and epigrames. . . . 1618. Rptd 1843.
Poems. By Francis Beaumont. . . . 1640. (Containing Salmacis and Herma-
phroditns, Remedie of Love, Elegy to Lady Markham, and other poems,
some certainly not by Beaumont. ]
Poems by Francis Beaumont. . . . 1653. (Two editions. ) (Containing the
poems of the preceding volume with additional pieces by various authors. ]
Poems. The Golden Remains of . . . Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. . . .
1660. (Contents the same as those of the volume of 1653. ]
Beaumont and Fletcher. The finest scenes, lyrics and other beauties of those
two poets. . . . By Leigh Hunt. (Bohn's Standard Library. ) 1855.
Lamb's Specimens. pp. 344-419.
Lyric Poems, the, of Beaumont and Fletcher. Ed. Rhys, E. 1897.
Lyrics from the dramatists of the Elizabethan age. Ed. Bullen, A. H.
pp. 89-149. 1889.
Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher (selected). With an introduction by
Fletcher, J. S. (Canterbury Poets. ) 1887.
Songs from the Dramatists. Ed. Robert Bell. pp. 121-164. 1854.
Specimens of the British Poets. . . by Campbell, T. Vol. 11, pp. 329-376. 1819.
Bahlsen, L. Spanische Quellen der dramatischen Litteratur besonders
Englands zu Shakespeares Zeit. Zeitschrift für vergl. Litteratur, vol. vi,
p. 151. 1893. (Deals with The Maid in the Mill and A Wife for a Month. )
Biographia Dramatica. Vol. II, Art. Beaumont.
Boyle, R. Shakespeare und Die beiden Vettern. Engl. Stud. vol. iv, pp. 34 ff.
## p. 439 (#457) ############################################
Chapter V
Boyle, R. Massinger and The Two Noble Kinsmen. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. ,
1880-6, pp. 371-399.
Beaumont, Fletcher and Massinger. Engl. Stud. vol. v, pp. 74-96; vol. VII,
pp. 66-87; vol. viii, pp. 39-61; vol. ix, pp. 209-239; vol. x, pp. 380-412.
Henry VIII is by Massinger and Fletcher. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. ,
1880-6, pp. 443-487.
Mr E. H. Oliphant on Beaumont and Fletcher. Engl. Stud. vol. XVII,
p. 171 ; vol. XVIII, p. 292. 1892, 1893.
Review of Fleay's Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama. Engl.
Stud. vol. xviii, pp. 111 ff. 1893.
Daborne's share in the Beaumont and Fletcher Plays. Engl. Stud.
vol. XXVI, p. 352. 1899.
Review of Thorndike's Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Shake-
speare. Engl. Stud. vol. XXXI, p. 414. 1902.
Bullen, A. H. Art. John Fletcher. Dict. of Nat. Biogr. vol. xix. 1889.
Coleridge, S. T. Notes on Beaumont and Fletcher in Literary Remains
of S. T. Coleridge (vol. 11, pp. 289-322), 1836. Rptd in Bohn's Standard
Library, ed. Ashe, T. , 1883. (Mainly on the text, but with valuable
critical remarks of a general kind. ]
Crawford, C. Ben Jonson and The Bloody Brother. Shakesp. Jahrb.
vol. XLI, p. 163. 1908.
Darley, G. Introduction to his edition. 1840.
De Perott, J. Beaumont and Fletcher and The Mirrour of Knighthood.
Mod. Lang. Notes, vol. XXII, p. 76. 1907.
Delius, N.
Die angebliche Shakespeare-Fletchersche Autorschaft des
Dramas The Two Noble Kinsmen. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol. III. 1878.
Dyce, A. Biographical Memoir and Introductions to the separate plays in
his edition. 1843-6.
Fleay, F. G. On Metrical Tests as applied to dramatic poetry. Part 11.
Fletcher, Beaumont and Massinger. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. , 1874.
A Shakespeare Manual. 1876.
The Chronology of the plays of Fletcher and Massinger. Engl. Stud.
vol. ix, pp. 12-35. 1886.
Annals of the career of Nathaniel Field. Engl. Stud. vol. XIII, pp. 28-35.
Fleay's Chronicle of Stage. 1890.
English Drama. Vol. I, pp. 164-229.
Garnett, R. Ben Jonson's probable authorship of Scene 2, Act iv of
Fletcher's Bloody Brother. Modern Philology, vol. II, p. 489. 1905.
Guskar, H. Fletchers Monsieur Thomas und seine Quellen. Anglia,
vol. XXVIII, p. 397. 1905.
Hatcher, 0. L. John Fletcher, a study in dramatic method. Chicago, 1905.
The Sources of Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas. Anglia, vol. xxx, p. 89.
Hickson, S. The Shares of Shakespeare and Fletcher in The Two Noble
Kinsmen. Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, April 1847.
Rptd in N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans. , 1874.
Introductions to the separate plays in the Variorum edition of Beaumont and
Fletcher. 1904-8.
Koeppel, E. Quellenstudien zu den Dramen Ben Jonson's, John Marston's
und Beaumont's und Fletcher's. Münchener Beiträge, vol. xi. 1895.
Langbaine. pp. 203-218.
Leonbardt, B. Ueber Beaumont und Fletchers Knight of the Burning
Pestle. Annaberg, 1885.
## p. 440 (#458) ############################################
Leonhardt, B. Beziehungen von Beaumont und Fletcher's Philaster. . .
Shakespeare's Hamlet und Cymbeline. Anglia, vol. VIII, p. 424. 1885.
Koch, M. Review of the preceding. Engl. Stud. vol. 1x, p. 361. 1886.
Bonduca. Engl. Stud. vol. XIII, p. 36. 1889.
Zu Beaumont und Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle. Engl.
Stud. vol. XII, pp. 307-313. 1889.
Die Textvarianten von (i) Beaumont und Fletchers Philaster, or
Love lies a Bleeding, nebst einer Zusammenstellung der Ausgaben, etc.
Anglia, vol. xix, pp. 34–74; (ii) The Knight of the Burning Pestle,
vol. xix, pp. 509-541; (iii) Bonduca, vol. xx, pp. 421-451; (iv) The Maids
Tragedy, vol. XXIII, pp. 14-66; (v) Rule a Wife and Have a Wife,
vol. xxiv, pp. 311-340; (vi) A King and No King, vol. XXVI, pp. 313-344;
(vii) Thierry and Theodoret, vol. xxvi, pp. 345-363. 1897-1903.
Littledale, H. The Two Noble Kinsmen. Part 11. Introduction, etc. N.
Shaksp. Soc. Publ. 1885.
Macaulay, G. C. Francis Beaumont, a critical study. 1883.
Malone, E. Historical Account of the English Stage, in M. 's edition of
Shakespeare. 1790. [Contains extracts from the Stationers' register,
Herbert's Office-book, etc. )
Mason, J. Monck. Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 1797.
Mitford, J. Cursory notes on various passages in the text of Beaumont and
Fletcher as edited by Dyce, A. 1856.
Murch, H. S. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Edited with introduction,
notes, etc. New York, 1908.
Oliphant, E. H. The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. Engl. Stud. vol. XIV,
pp. 53-94; vol. xv, pp. 321-360; vol. xvi, pp. 180-200. 1890–2.
Rapp, M. Studien über das englische Theater. Archiv für die neneren
Sprachen, vol. xx, pp. 1-37. 1856.
Rosenbach, A. S. N. The Curious Impertinent in English Dramatic Litera-
ture. . . . Mod. Lang. Notes, vol. XVII, p. 357. 1902.
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus not by Francis Beaumont. Shakesp. Soc.
Papers, vol. II, p. 94. 1847.