Poland - 1922 - Polish Literature in Translation, a Bibliography
In S.
A review of two Polish publications of great historic interest.
Lednicki, Waclaw
Poland and the Slavophil idea. In S. R. 6:128-40. Je. '27;
7:649-68. Mr. '29.
Zielinski, Tadeusz
The peasant in Polish literature. In S. R. 1:584-97. Mr.
'23; 2:85-100. Je. '23.
Glowacki, Aleksander. Boleslaw Prus, pseud. 1847-1912
Glowacki, Sienkiewicz, and Orzeszkowa were the three out-
standing writers of their period. In S. R. 9:695-707. Mr.
'31, Professor Krzyzanowski gives an excellent review
of Glowacki's work and of his place in Polish literature.
Kasprowicz, Jan. 1860-1926
Critical sketch by Monica M. Gardner in S. R. 5:340-6.
D. '26. Review by Waclaw Borowy in S. R. 10:28-41.
Je. '31.
Kochanowski, Jan. 1530-84
In S. R. 9:224-6. Je. '30, Professor Krzyzanowski reviews
a Polish study of Kochanowski, with interesting original
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Krasinski, Zygmunt. 1812-59
Gardner, Monica M. The anonymous poet of Poland,
Sigmund Krasinski. N. Y. Macmillan. 1920.
A sympathetic and understanding study of a great poet who was also
the most romantic figure of his time.
Malaczewski, Eugeniusz. 1895-1923
In S. R. 1:478-81. D. '22. Monica M. Gardner reviews
The Horse on the Hill, a book of short stories of great
distinction, written by a young Polish soldier during the
war period, on themes suggested by his experiences.
Mickiewicz, Adam. 1798-1855
Gardner, Monica M. Adam Mickiewicz, the national poet
of Poland. N. Y. Dutton. 1911.
This fine book is a good life of Poland's greatest poet, and a
competent study of his work, with many original translations included.
Perzynski, Wlodzimierz. 1878-1930
Sketch of his literary career by W. Borowy in S. R. 9:
726-8. Mr. '31.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk. 1846-1916
Gardner, Monica M. The patriot novelist of Poland,
Henryk Sienkiewicz. 291p. N. Y. Dutton. 1926.
Not a biographical study, but an account of the contents of his most
important novels. She has revealed the wonderful range and abundant
riches of his total achievement as a writer.
Skarga, Piotr. 1536-1612
A brief but illuminating review of the work of Skarga,
priest and prophet, is given by Mrs. Gardner in S. R.
5:462-3. D. '26.
Slowacki, Juljusz. 1809-49
Mitana, Tadeusz. Slowacki, man and artist. In Poland.
10:535. Ag. '29.
Wyspianski, Stanislaw. 1869-1907
Gardner, Monica M. The Polish rising in the dramas of
Wyspianski. In S. R. 9:361-74. D. '30.
Sketch by T. Zuk-Skarszewski, in Poland. 9:333-41. Je.
Zeromski, Stefan. 1864-1925
Zeromski and Reymont; an article by Professor Dyboski
in S. R. 4:552-61. Mr. '26.
"Poland'* two greatest writers of this generation in the field of the
novel. "
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Benecke, Else C. M.
Tales by Polish authors. 198p. N. Y. Longmans, Green.
Benecke, Else C. M. and Busch, Marie
More tales by Polish authors. 288p. N. Y. Longmans,
Green. 1916.
Benecke, Else C. M. and Busch, Marie
-~ Selected Polish tales. (World's Classics) 348p. Lond. ,
N. Y. Oxford Press. 1925.
The contents of these three collections are indexed under the
individual authors.
Bowring, Sir John
Wybor Poezyi Polskiey. Specimens of the Polish poets
with notes and observations on the literature of Poland.
227p. Lond. The Author. 1827.
Manning, Clarence A. ed.
Slavonic literature. In Columbia University Course in
literature. Scandinavian and Slavonic literature. 1928.
Polish literature, p. 490-549.
Selver, Paul, tr.
Anthology of modern Slavonic literature in prose and
verse. 348p. Lond. Kegan-Paul; N. Y. Dutton. 1919.
Soboleski, Paul, ed.
Poets and poetry of Poland. Chic. Knight & Leonard.
1881. 2d ed. enlarged by 3 portraits, 1883.
Poets and poetry of Poland; a collection of Polish verse
including a short account of the history of Polish poetry
with 60 biographical sketches of Poland's poets and speci-
mens of their compositions, tr. into the English language;
ed. by Paul Soboleski. 3d ed. 464p. Milwaukee, Wis.
Paul Soboleski Soc. 1929. ^
This is the most comprehensive collection of Polish poetry available
in English. The editor has included the translations ox Bowring with
a larger number of his own.
Underwood, Edna Wortley, tr.
The Slav anthology. 346p. Portland, Me. Mosher Press.
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? i8
Warner, Charles Dudley, ed.
Library of the world's best literature. 31v. N. Y. Inter-
national Society. 1899.
V. 31, the Index-guide, gives on p. 72-5 a "Chronological Conspectus"
of Polish literature, naming and characterizing a large number m of
authors. References are given to sketches in the Biographical section,
and to selections from Mickiewicz, Slowacki, Krasinski, and Sienkiewicz
in the body of the work.
Kochanowski, Jan. 1530-84
Poems; tr. from the Polish by D. P. Noyes, M. B. Pea-
cock, R. E. Merrill, H. H. Havermale, G. R. Noyes. 156p.
Berkeley. Univ. of California Press. 1928.
Contents: The Laments.
St. John's Eve.
The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys.
St. John's Eve; tr. by G. R. Noyes and M. B. Peacock
In S. R. 6:401-14. D. '27.
Sweet bonds of love. In S. R. 9:204. Je. '30.
Selections in the collections of Bowring and Soboleski.
(See p. 17)
Kochanowski, who was educated at the Polish university of Krakow
and the Italian university of Padua is the greatest poet of Poland's
Golden Age and the greatest humanist poet of his country. The
Laments were inspired by grief at the death of his little daughter. St.
John's Eve is a garden of bucolics, a gallery of pictures of quaint old
country _ customs. The Dismissal of tie Greek Envoys is a poetic
drama, in which the tale of Troy is made the medium of poetic admoni-
tions to his own people.
The 17th and 18th centuries are represented in Eng-
lish only in the translations of Bowring and Soboleski.
Asnyk, Adam. 1838-97
1 Without limits. The torrent. In Selver. Anthology,
p. 208.
Chodzko, Ignacy. 1794-1861
Wild raspberries, a Lithuanian ballad. In S. R. 2:154-6.
Je. '23.
Cieszkowski, August. 1814-94
The desire of all nations, being an English edition
(abridged) of "Our Father" (Ojcze Nasz); prepared by
W. J. Rose. Lond. Student Christian Movement. 1919.
In 1848 the author published the introduction to a monumental work
"Our Father. " The remaining volumes he held back to be printed
"when the time should be ripe. " _ At his death in 1894, he instructed his
sons that the time was approaching and accordingly it was brought out
in 3 parts, in 1899, 1903, and 1906 respectively. The work is really
a Christian philosophy of history.
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Czajkowski, Michal. 1804-66
Black pilgrim; tr. by the Count de Soissons. Lond.
Digby & Long. 1900.
A wild story of struggle for faith and freedom in the Balkan penin-
sula. A Bulgarian brought up as a Turk is the hero; the heroine is the
Christian daughter of a pasha. The story is very oriental in the
violence of its passions and the rapidity of its adventures.
Fredro, Aleksander. 1793-1876
Ladies and hussars: comedy in three acts, tr. by Florence
Noyes and George Rapall Noyes. (The world's best
plays by celebrated European authors) N. Y. Samuel
French. 1925.
"Fredro has never ceased to dominate the comic stage of Poland
as its acknowledged master. This play is a boisterous and unpretending
? farce. Its subject is the invasion of a stronghold of bachelor officers
by a bevy of ladies, and the rout of bachelordom. "
Glinski, Antoni Jozef. 1817-66
Yanosik's sword. In Poland. 6:666. N. '25.
Hoffmanowa, Klementyna. 1798-1845
Journal of the Countess Franchise Krasinska, great grand-
mother of Victor Emanuel; tr. by Kasimir Dziekowska.
Chic. McClurg. 1895.
Poignant story of a young girl of noble family secretly married to
a prince of the royal house.
Korzeniowski, Jozef. 1797-1863
A mysterious visit. (An abridged chapter from Thaddeus
the Nameless) In Poland. 7:416. Jl. '27.
Krasinski, Zygmunt. 1812-59
Iridion; tr. from the Polish by Florence Noyes and ed.
with an introd. by George Rapall Noyes. Lond. Ox-
ford Press. 1927.
"The story of Poland, crushed by alien despots, as Iridion's Hellas
was crushed by Rome; and Poland learning, through the devastating
experiences of 'Iridion' the lesson of love and hate. In brief, Iridion
is Krasinski's rally cry and warning to his immolated motherland to
love and to beware of hate. "
To Eliza. (A tribute to his wife) In S. R. 6:185. Je. '27.
The un-divine comedy; tr. by Harriette E. Kennedy and
Zona Uminska; preface by G. K. Chesterton; introd. by
Arthur Gorski. 112n. Lond. G. G. Harrap; Warsaw.
Ksiaznica Polska. n. d. Printed in Poland.
"In this wonderful work of social insight an imaginary conflict be-
tween Aristocracy and Democracy brings into full relief the riphts and
wrongs, the ideal nobleness and the actual meanness of both sides;
tragedy, but not without a moral triumph, is the end of Aristocracy--
triumph, but not without a moral tragedy, is the future of Democracy,
as foreseen by this meditative young count. "--Dyboski
Selections in the collections of Manning, Soboleski, Under-
wood, and Johnson. (See p. 17, 18)
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? 20
Kraszewski, Jozef Ignacy. 1812-87
Count Bruehl, a romance of history; tr. by the Count de
Soissons. Lond. Greening. 1911; (Lotus library) N. Y.
Brentano. 1922.
A historical romance of the period of the Saxon kings.
A review of two Polish publications of great historic interest.
Lednicki, Waclaw
Poland and the Slavophil idea. In S. R. 6:128-40. Je. '27;
7:649-68. Mr. '29.
Zielinski, Tadeusz
The peasant in Polish literature. In S. R. 1:584-97. Mr.
'23; 2:85-100. Je. '23.
Glowacki, Aleksander. Boleslaw Prus, pseud. 1847-1912
Glowacki, Sienkiewicz, and Orzeszkowa were the three out-
standing writers of their period. In S. R. 9:695-707. Mr.
'31, Professor Krzyzanowski gives an excellent review
of Glowacki's work and of his place in Polish literature.
Kasprowicz, Jan. 1860-1926
Critical sketch by Monica M. Gardner in S. R. 5:340-6.
D. '26. Review by Waclaw Borowy in S. R. 10:28-41.
Je. '31.
Kochanowski, Jan. 1530-84
In S. R. 9:224-6. Je. '30, Professor Krzyzanowski reviews
a Polish study of Kochanowski, with interesting original
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Krasinski, Zygmunt. 1812-59
Gardner, Monica M. The anonymous poet of Poland,
Sigmund Krasinski. N. Y. Macmillan. 1920.
A sympathetic and understanding study of a great poet who was also
the most romantic figure of his time.
Malaczewski, Eugeniusz. 1895-1923
In S. R. 1:478-81. D. '22. Monica M. Gardner reviews
The Horse on the Hill, a book of short stories of great
distinction, written by a young Polish soldier during the
war period, on themes suggested by his experiences.
Mickiewicz, Adam. 1798-1855
Gardner, Monica M. Adam Mickiewicz, the national poet
of Poland. N. Y. Dutton. 1911.
This fine book is a good life of Poland's greatest poet, and a
competent study of his work, with many original translations included.
Perzynski, Wlodzimierz. 1878-1930
Sketch of his literary career by W. Borowy in S. R. 9:
726-8. Mr. '31.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk. 1846-1916
Gardner, Monica M. The patriot novelist of Poland,
Henryk Sienkiewicz. 291p. N. Y. Dutton. 1926.
Not a biographical study, but an account of the contents of his most
important novels. She has revealed the wonderful range and abundant
riches of his total achievement as a writer.
Skarga, Piotr. 1536-1612
A brief but illuminating review of the work of Skarga,
priest and prophet, is given by Mrs. Gardner in S. R.
5:462-3. D. '26.
Slowacki, Juljusz. 1809-49
Mitana, Tadeusz. Slowacki, man and artist. In Poland.
10:535. Ag. '29.
Wyspianski, Stanislaw. 1869-1907
Gardner, Monica M. The Polish rising in the dramas of
Wyspianski. In S. R. 9:361-74. D. '30.
Sketch by T. Zuk-Skarszewski, in Poland. 9:333-41. Je.
Zeromski, Stefan. 1864-1925
Zeromski and Reymont; an article by Professor Dyboski
in S. R. 4:552-61. Mr. '26.
"Poland'* two greatest writers of this generation in the field of the
novel. "
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Benecke, Else C. M.
Tales by Polish authors. 198p. N. Y. Longmans, Green.
Benecke, Else C. M. and Busch, Marie
More tales by Polish authors. 288p. N. Y. Longmans,
Green. 1916.
Benecke, Else C. M. and Busch, Marie
-~ Selected Polish tales. (World's Classics) 348p. Lond. ,
N. Y. Oxford Press. 1925.
The contents of these three collections are indexed under the
individual authors.
Bowring, Sir John
Wybor Poezyi Polskiey. Specimens of the Polish poets
with notes and observations on the literature of Poland.
227p. Lond. The Author. 1827.
Manning, Clarence A. ed.
Slavonic literature. In Columbia University Course in
literature. Scandinavian and Slavonic literature. 1928.
Polish literature, p. 490-549.
Selver, Paul, tr.
Anthology of modern Slavonic literature in prose and
verse. 348p. Lond. Kegan-Paul; N. Y. Dutton. 1919.
Soboleski, Paul, ed.
Poets and poetry of Poland. Chic. Knight & Leonard.
1881. 2d ed. enlarged by 3 portraits, 1883.
Poets and poetry of Poland; a collection of Polish verse
including a short account of the history of Polish poetry
with 60 biographical sketches of Poland's poets and speci-
mens of their compositions, tr. into the English language;
ed. by Paul Soboleski. 3d ed. 464p. Milwaukee, Wis.
Paul Soboleski Soc. 1929. ^
This is the most comprehensive collection of Polish poetry available
in English. The editor has included the translations ox Bowring with
a larger number of his own.
Underwood, Edna Wortley, tr.
The Slav anthology. 346p. Portland, Me. Mosher Press.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-06-10 17:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. $b322619 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? i8
Warner, Charles Dudley, ed.
Library of the world's best literature. 31v. N. Y. Inter-
national Society. 1899.
V. 31, the Index-guide, gives on p. 72-5 a "Chronological Conspectus"
of Polish literature, naming and characterizing a large number m of
authors. References are given to sketches in the Biographical section,
and to selections from Mickiewicz, Slowacki, Krasinski, and Sienkiewicz
in the body of the work.
Kochanowski, Jan. 1530-84
Poems; tr. from the Polish by D. P. Noyes, M. B. Pea-
cock, R. E. Merrill, H. H. Havermale, G. R. Noyes. 156p.
Berkeley. Univ. of California Press. 1928.
Contents: The Laments.
St. John's Eve.
The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys.
St. John's Eve; tr. by G. R. Noyes and M. B. Peacock
In S. R. 6:401-14. D. '27.
Sweet bonds of love. In S. R. 9:204. Je. '30.
Selections in the collections of Bowring and Soboleski.
(See p. 17)
Kochanowski, who was educated at the Polish university of Krakow
and the Italian university of Padua is the greatest poet of Poland's
Golden Age and the greatest humanist poet of his country. The
Laments were inspired by grief at the death of his little daughter. St.
John's Eve is a garden of bucolics, a gallery of pictures of quaint old
country _ customs. The Dismissal of tie Greek Envoys is a poetic
drama, in which the tale of Troy is made the medium of poetic admoni-
tions to his own people.
The 17th and 18th centuries are represented in Eng-
lish only in the translations of Bowring and Soboleski.
Asnyk, Adam. 1838-97
1 Without limits. The torrent. In Selver. Anthology,
p. 208.
Chodzko, Ignacy. 1794-1861
Wild raspberries, a Lithuanian ballad. In S. R. 2:154-6.
Je. '23.
Cieszkowski, August. 1814-94
The desire of all nations, being an English edition
(abridged) of "Our Father" (Ojcze Nasz); prepared by
W. J. Rose. Lond. Student Christian Movement. 1919.
In 1848 the author published the introduction to a monumental work
"Our Father. " The remaining volumes he held back to be printed
"when the time should be ripe. " _ At his death in 1894, he instructed his
sons that the time was approaching and accordingly it was brought out
in 3 parts, in 1899, 1903, and 1906 respectively. The work is really
a Christian philosophy of history.
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Czajkowski, Michal. 1804-66
Black pilgrim; tr. by the Count de Soissons. Lond.
Digby & Long. 1900.
A wild story of struggle for faith and freedom in the Balkan penin-
sula. A Bulgarian brought up as a Turk is the hero; the heroine is the
Christian daughter of a pasha. The story is very oriental in the
violence of its passions and the rapidity of its adventures.
Fredro, Aleksander. 1793-1876
Ladies and hussars: comedy in three acts, tr. by Florence
Noyes and George Rapall Noyes. (The world's best
plays by celebrated European authors) N. Y. Samuel
French. 1925.
"Fredro has never ceased to dominate the comic stage of Poland
as its acknowledged master. This play is a boisterous and unpretending
? farce. Its subject is the invasion of a stronghold of bachelor officers
by a bevy of ladies, and the rout of bachelordom. "
Glinski, Antoni Jozef. 1817-66
Yanosik's sword. In Poland. 6:666. N. '25.
Hoffmanowa, Klementyna. 1798-1845
Journal of the Countess Franchise Krasinska, great grand-
mother of Victor Emanuel; tr. by Kasimir Dziekowska.
Chic. McClurg. 1895.
Poignant story of a young girl of noble family secretly married to
a prince of the royal house.
Korzeniowski, Jozef. 1797-1863
A mysterious visit. (An abridged chapter from Thaddeus
the Nameless) In Poland. 7:416. Jl. '27.
Krasinski, Zygmunt. 1812-59
Iridion; tr. from the Polish by Florence Noyes and ed.
with an introd. by George Rapall Noyes. Lond. Ox-
ford Press. 1927.
"The story of Poland, crushed by alien despots, as Iridion's Hellas
was crushed by Rome; and Poland learning, through the devastating
experiences of 'Iridion' the lesson of love and hate. In brief, Iridion
is Krasinski's rally cry and warning to his immolated motherland to
love and to beware of hate. "
To Eliza. (A tribute to his wife) In S. R. 6:185. Je. '27.
The un-divine comedy; tr. by Harriette E. Kennedy and
Zona Uminska; preface by G. K. Chesterton; introd. by
Arthur Gorski. 112n. Lond. G. G. Harrap; Warsaw.
Ksiaznica Polska. n. d. Printed in Poland.
"In this wonderful work of social insight an imaginary conflict be-
tween Aristocracy and Democracy brings into full relief the riphts and
wrongs, the ideal nobleness and the actual meanness of both sides;
tragedy, but not without a moral triumph, is the end of Aristocracy--
triumph, but not without a moral tragedy, is the future of Democracy,
as foreseen by this meditative young count. "--Dyboski
Selections in the collections of Manning, Soboleski, Under-
wood, and Johnson. (See p. 17, 18)
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? 20
Kraszewski, Jozef Ignacy. 1812-87
Count Bruehl, a romance of history; tr. by the Count de
Soissons. Lond. Greening. 1911; (Lotus library) N. Y.
Brentano. 1922.
A historical romance of the period of the Saxon kings.