For _Ninsun_ as
mother of Gilgamish see SBP.
mother of Gilgamish see SBP.
Epic of Gilgamesh
_malasu_, shear, 195, 20.
Mamit, 200, 41.
_mandatu_, form, 195, 21.
_mal-gar_ (_gi_), a musical instrument, 191, 10.
_mangu_, disease, 195, 19.
Marduk, god, 151.
_markasu_, leader, 150.
_masu_, seize, 195 n. 5.
_masu_, to forget, 216, 7.
Me-azag, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
_mehru_, fellow, 218, 21.
Mehus, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Meluhha, land, 112, 6.
Meslam, temple in Cutha, 167, 15.
_mesu_, a tree, 159, 23.
_muk_, now, but now, 217, 26.
Mulgenna, Saturn, 137, 18.
Mulmul, gods, 142.
_nadu_, water bottle, 198, 17.
_naditu_, temple devotee, 188, 7.
_nagu_, shout. Prs. _inangu_, 215, 19.
_naku_, embrace, 218, 26.
_namastu_, cattle, etc. , 213, 12:17; 214, 1; 219, 14.
Namtar, god, 197, 3; 132, 24.
Nangt, goddess, 192, 7.
Nannar, god, 115, 12; 116, 23; 133, 38; 137, 11; 150, 2.
Nergal, god, 131, 6.
Nidaba, goddess, 191.
_ni-gal_, cattle, 121, 6.
_nimir eigir_, 174, 4.
_ninda_, linear measure, 133, 41.
Ningal, goddess, No. 19, 5; 148, 3; 151, 3.
Ningiszida, god, 133, 34.
Nin-isinna, goddess, 122, 16; 191, 15.
Ninkasi, goddess, 144.
Ninki, goddess, 149, 16.
Ninlil, goddess, 116, 20; 123, 20; 137, 12; 146, 14.
Ninmada, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Ninmah, goddess, 116, 22.
Ninmenna, epithet of Damgalnunna, 190, 27.
Ninsun, goddess, 219, 30; 208 n. 6; 129; 131, 16 (? ).
Nintudri, goddess, 123, 26. Nintudra, 137, 16. Creatress of man and
woman, 192.
Ninul, goddess, 149, 16.
Ninurasa, god, 191, 12; 146, 12.
Ninzuanna, goddess, 122, 13.
Nippur, city, 112, 8; 122, 18:19; 160, 3; 169, 21; 180, 11; 149, 18;
158, 7; 165, 16.
_NI-SUR_ (_amelu_), 196, 35.
Nudimmud, god, 199, 25. No. 20, 10.
_nugiganna_, epithet of Innini, 185, 2.
_nun apsi_, unclean fish, 195 n. 11.
Nunamnirri, god, 190, 28; 146, 13; 180, 10:13:17.
_nun-ur_, epithet of Amurru, 119, 3.
Nusiligga, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Nusku, god, 146, 7; 163, 13.
Pabilsag, god. Son and consort of Gula, 173 n. 3; 176, 5. A form
of Tammuz.
_pananumma_, formerly, 217, 25.
Panunnaki, goddess, consort of Marduk, 163, 9.
_pataku_, fashion, break, 214, 4.
_paturru_, a weapon, 200, 37.
Pleiades, 142.
_ratatu_, demolish, 219, 19.
Rimat ilatNinsun, 208 n. 6; 219, 29.
Ruskisag, goddess, 132, 28.
_RU-TIG_, an epithet, 141, 2.
_sa-bar; sa-sud-da_, liturgical note, 182, 31.
_sabsis_, cruelly, 215, 30.
Sagilla, temple, 158, 15. E-sagila, 160, 5; 166, 5; 166, 11.
_sahatu_, be astounded, 216, 10. Arabic _sahita_.
_saiahatu_, desire, comfort, 216, 18.
_sakapu_, fell. I2 _issakpu_, 215, 30.
_salutu_, enmity, 199, 27.
Samas, god, 197, 4:8; 198, 10:13; 199, 25:31.
Samas-sum-ukin, king. Incantations for, 193-200; 199, 23.
Samsuiluna, king, 151.
_SAR-DI-DA_, a relic, 133, 37.
Serpent adversary, 183, 21; 148, 12.
Seven, sacred number. Seven gods, 196, 30.
Ship, in legend, 113, 2.
Silsirsir, a chapel.
Sin, god. Hymn to, No. 19.
_sippu_, threshold, 219, 13:18.
_Sippar_, city, 158, 10; 160, 5; 166, 19.
_sirgidda_, long song, 140, 54.
Siris, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Siriskas, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Siriskasgig, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
_sirsagga_, first melody, 117, 28; 139, 48.
_SU-AN cat ili_, 194, 12. See also _SU-d_INNINI, 194, 12.
_SU-NAM-ERIM-MA_, 194, 13.
_SU-NAM-LU-GAL-LU_, 194, 13.
_subura_, earth, 175, 3.
_su-ud, su-ud-am_, epithet of goddess of Suruppak, 177, 10 and note 4.
_suhuru_, hair (? ), 215, 23.
_sukkal-zid_, title of Nebo, 163, 10.
Sulpae, god, No. 16 II 22.
Sumer, land, 113, 21; 114, 11; 136, 2.
_sumugan_, title of Girra, 177, 12 and note; 179, 3.
Tablet of fates, 132 n. 3.
Tammuz, ancient ruler, 208. Liturgy to, 191. Other references, 126;
208; 131, 20.
_tapasu_, seize, capture, II2 _uttappis_, 215, 31.
_temeru_, cook, 196, 35.
Tigris, river, 183, 12.
Tummal, land, 190, 9; 191, 10.
_ud_, spirit, word, 150, 1:4; 158, 16; 159, 17:24.
_ul-al-tar_, 191 n. 6.
_ulinnu_, girdle cord, 195, 20.
Ulmas, temple of Anunit, 158, 13; 166, 3.
Ur, city, 134, 21; 137, 6. Lamentation for, 150. Other references,
No. 19, 4:7:8:16:28: Rev. 5; 151, 3.
Ur-azag, king of Isin (? ), 140 n. 2.
Ur-Engur, king of Ur, 126 ff.
_urinu_, spear (? ), 173, 3.
_ursaggal_, epithet for Ninurasa, 165, 11. For Enbilulu, 170, 5.
_usumgal_, 117, 33.
_zabu_, flow. _li-zu-bu_, 198, 16. Cf. _gam a'ibu, mitirtu_,
words for canal, SAI. 691-3.
_zag-sal_, liturgical note, 103 f. No. 21 end.
_za-am_, 138, 34; 139, 38; 140, 56.
_zenu_, be enraged, II1 _uzinu-inni_, 197, 6.
_ZI-TAR-RU-DA iikis napisti_, 194 n. 6.
Number in this volume. 1
Museum number. 7771
Dark brown unbaked tablet. Three columns. Lower edge slightly
broken. Knobs at left upper and left lower corners to facilitate the
holding of the tablet. H. 7 inches: W. 6 1/2; T. 1 1/2. Second tablet
of the Epic of Gilgamish.
[1] Ni. 13981, published by Dr. Poebel in PBS. V, No. 2.
[2] The local Bel of Erech and a bye-form of Enlil, the earth god. Here
he is the consort of the mother goddess Ninsun.
[3] Tammuz is probably a real personage, although _Dumu-zi_, his
original name, is certainly later than the title _Ab-u_, probably the
oldest epithet of this deity, see _Tammuz and Ishtar_, p. 8. _Dumu-zi_
I take to have been originally the name of a prehistoric ruler of
Erech, identified with the primitive deity Abu.
[4] See _ibid. _, page 40.
[5] Also Meissner's early Babylonian duplicate of Book X has invariably
the same writing, see Dhorme, _Choix de Textes Religieux_, 298-303.
[6] Sign whose gunufied form is read _aga_.
[7] The standard text of the Assyrian version is by Professor Paul
Haupt, _Das Babylonische Nimrodepos_, Leipzig, 1884.
[8] The name of the mother of Gilgamish has been erroneously read
_ri-mat ilat_Nin-lil, or _Rimat-Belit_, see Dhorme 202, 37; 204,
30, etc. But Dr. Poebel, who also copied this text, has shown that
_Nin-lil_ is an erroneous reading for _Nin-sun_.
For _Ninsun_ as
mother of Gilgamish see SBP. 153 n. 19 and R. A. , IX 113 III 2. _Ri-mat
ilat_Nin-sun should be rendered "The wild cow Ninsun. "
[9] The fragments which have been assigned to Book II in the British
Museum collections by Haupt, Jensen, Dhorme and others belong to
later tablets, probably III or IV.
[10] Rm. 289, latter part of Col. II (part of the Assyrian version)
published in HAUPT, _ibid. _, 81-4 preserves a defective text of this
part of the epic. This tablet has been erroneously assigned to Book
IV, but it appears to be Book III.
[11] K. 2589 and duplicate (unnumbered) in Haupt, _ibid. _, 16-19.
[12] See also Ward, No. 199.
[13] Here this late text includes both variants _pasaru_ and
_zakaru_. The earlier texts have only the one or the other.
[14] For _kakabe_; _b_ becomes _u_ and then is reduced to the
[15] The variants have _kima kisri_; _ki-[ma]? -rum_ is a possible
reading. The standard Assyrian texts regard Enkidu as the subject.
[16] Var. _da-an_
[17] _SAM-KAK_ hilu_, net. The variant has _ultaprid ki-is-su-su_,
"he shook his murderous weapon. " For _kissu_ see ZA. 9,220,4 CT. 12,14b 36, _gis-kud_ hki-is-su_.
[18] Var. _nussu_ for _nus-su_ bnussa-su_. The previous translations
of this passage are erroneous.
[19] This is to my knowledge the first occurence of the infinitive
of this verb, _paheru_, not _paharu_.
[20] Text _ma_?
[21] _istanamma_ > _istilamma_.
[22] Cf. Code of Hammurapi IV 52 and Streck in _Babyloniaca_ II 177.
[23] Restored from Tab. I Col. IV 21.
[24] Cf. Dhorme _Choix de Textes Religieux_ 198, 33.
[25] _namastu_ a late form which has followed the analogy of _restu_
in assuming the feminine _t_ as part of the root. The long _u_ is
due to analogy with _namassu_ a Sumerian loan-word with nisbe ending.
[26] Room for a small sign only, perhaps _A; maiak_? For _maka_,
there, see BEHRENS, LSS. II page 1 and index.
[27] Infinitive "to shepherd"; see also Poebel, PBS. V 106 I,
_ri-ia-u_, _ri-te-ia-u_.
[28] The text has clearly _AD-RI_.
[29] Or _azzammim_? The word is probably an adverb; hardly a word
for cup, mug (? ? ).
[30] _it_ is uncertain and _ta_ more likely than _us_. One expects
_ittabriru_. Cf. _muttabrirru_, CT. 17, 15, 2; _littatabrar_, EBELING,
KTA. 69, 4.
[31] For _sapparu_. Text and interpretation uncertain. _uttappis_
II2 from _tapasu_, Hebrew _tapas_, seize.
[32] Text _ta_!
[33] On _ekesu_, drive away, see Zimmern, _Shurpu_, p. 56. Cf. _uk-kis
_ Myhrman, PBS. I 14, 17; _uk-ki-si_, King, Cr. App. V 55; etc. , etc.
[34] The Hebrew cognate of _masu_, to forget, is _nasa_, Arabic
_nasijia_, and occurs here in Babylonian for the first time. See also
Brockelman, _Vergleichende Grammatik_ 160 a.
[35] Probably phonetic variant of _edir_. The preterite of _ederu_,
to be in misery, has not been found. If this interpretation be correct
the preterite _edir_ is established. For the change _r_ > _l_ note also
_attalah_ < _attarah_, Harper, _Letters_ 88, 10, _bilku_ < _birku_,
RA. 9, 77 II 13; _uttakkalu_ < _uttakkaru_, Ebeling, KTA. 49 IV 10.
[36] Also _na_-'-[ -]_ma_ is possible.
[37] The text cannot be correct since it has no intelligible sign. My
reading is uncertain.
[38] Text uncertain, _kal-lu-tim_ is possible.
[39] _KAK-si_.
[40] _KAK-si_.
[41] Literally nostrils. _pitik apunnati-su_, work done in his
presence(? ). The meaning of the idiom is uncertain.
[42] Text _ZU_!
[43] Text has erroneous form.
[44] Text _PA-it-tam_ clearly!
[45] Omitted by the scribe.
[46] Sic! The plural of _kakku_, _kakkitu_(? ).
[47] Cf. _e-pi-sa-an-su-nu libaru_, "May they see their doings,"
_Maklu_ VII 17.
[48] For _sakin-sum_.
[49] On the verb _naku_ see the Babylonian Book of Proverbs ? 27.
[50] The verb _la'atu_, to pierce, devour, forms its preterite _ilut_;
see VAB. IV 216, 1. The present tense which occurs here as _ilut_
[51] Note _BUL(tu-ku)_ eratatu_ (falsely entered in Meissner,
SAI. 7993), and _irattutu_ in Zimmern, _Shurpu_, Index.
[52] "For _ipsah_. "
[53] Sic! _hu_ reduced to the breathing _'u_; read _i-ni-'u_.
[54] The tablet is reckoned at forty lines in each column,
[55] Literally "he attained my front. "
[56] IV1 of _waladu_.
[57] I. e. , in the suburb of Erech.
[58] _pataku_ has apparently the same sense originally as _bataku_,
although the one forms its preterite _iptik_, and the other
_ibtuk_. Cf. also _mahasu_ break, hammer and construct.
[59] The passage is obscure. Here _suhuru_ is taken as a loan-word
from sugur timmatu, hair of the head. The infinitive II1 of _saharu_
is philologically possible.
[60] I. e. , an ordinary man.
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