138 «i pgj triduum auttm reficiendo sine ulla esurie et siti
omnes leti.
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v5
The howls on that Island, and its fetid odour, reached the brethren, when it could no longer be seen.
Brendan said, "SoldiersofChrist,letusrelyonourfaithandspiritualarms watchandbe
men ; for we are now on the borders of hell. ""4
The next day, while pursuing their course of sailing, they saw,
towards the north, as if through a transparent haze, a lofty mountain, rising from the ocean ; its summit was lost in a dense smoke. A rapid wind drew them on. The shore seemed steep as a wall, and of vast height, so that its top could scarcely be distinguished. The soil was black as coal. Then, the survivor of the three brothers, who had followed Brendan, sprang out of the boat, and walked to the shore, saying, "Woe to me! lam lost, father; I cannot return to you. ""5 The crew, struck with terror, turned the vessel from that land, and cried aloud to the Lord, saying : " Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us. " A sad fate was to happen their lost brother. A crowd of devils had already seized him, and these were dragging him off. He was a prey to the tortures and flames that devoured him. Brendan cried out : "Woe to thee, unfortunate man, the end of thy life is an eternal death. " A fresh wind arose, which wafted them southwards. At that moment, the mountain top was descried; it foamed and boiled, breathing in and out fire and flames, which were seen to ascend towards the height of heaven, and to descendagain into thedeep bowels of the mountain. The whole mountain, to its very base, and even to the sea itself, was like a flaming pyre. A favouring gale sprung up, however, and forsevendays,themarinerswerebornetowardsthesouth. Whencometothe opensea,averydarkcloudsurroundedthem. Atlast,theyfindanakedrock, and upon it a man seemed "^ to be fixed. Some thought he was a bird. He had a cloth tied about his head, and holding a javelin in his hand,"? he seemed
"* See Most Rev. Patrick F. Moran's —"Les Voyages Merveilleux de Saint
"Acta Sancti Brendani," Navigatio Sancti Brendani, cap. xi. , p[). 120, I2i.
"5 See L. Tachet de Barneval's "His- toire Legenilaire de I'lrlande," chap, xxiii. , pp. 261 to 267.
ia6 << jviult ert periz, c detirez, Delacherez, e descirez. "
Brandan a la Recherche du Paradis Terres- trc," edited by Francisque-Michel, 11. 1224, 1225, p. 59.
"'" And tightly grappled be the stone Which hove the waves he sat upon, For they were beating vehemently, As he might overwhelm'd be. "
hanging between two iron forceps, and tossed about by the waves, hke a vessel labouring in a storm. He cried bitterly for assistance. '^** Brendan de- sired the crew to cease discussing the matter, but to direct their vessel towards that place. When reaching it, the waves formed a circle, as if they had been frozen. They found that man sitting on a rock, deformed and wretched, and when the tides flowed towards him, they reached to where he sat, when they receded, only tlie naked rock appeared. The cloth, which hung before when the winds blew, flapped against his eyes and forehead. Then, the holy man asked, who he was, what crime he had committed, or why he had merited such a punishment. He declared to Brendan, that he was the unhappy Judas, who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ, Brendan learns that there is an occasional respite to his sufferings, and that had been accorded him, through the ineffable mercy of the Saviour. He declared, also, that no penitence could now avail him ; but, on each Sunday,"9 he was allowed to sit on that naked rock, which seemed a Paradise to him, as compared with those tortures he must endure, when the day had passed. " When I am tor- tured," he added, " I burn like lead melted in hot oil, both day and night, in the middle of that mountain you have seen ; there is the Leviathan with his satellites, and I was there, when he took away your brother ; and, therefore, doth hell rejoice, and pour out great flames, and as it always does, when it devours the souls of the damned. That you may know the greatness of God's mercy towards me, I shall relate to you the nature of my solace. Here, I find a respite every Sunday, from evening to evening ; from the Nativity of our Lord to the Epiphany ; from Easter to Pentecost ; on the feast of the Purifi- cation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ; as also, on the day of her Holy Assump- tion. But, on all other days, I am tortured with Herod and Pilate, with Anna and Caipha ; and, therefore, I adjure you, through the Redeemer of the world, that you deign to intercede for me, that I may remain here, even to sun-rise on to-morrow, so that the devils may not torture me, in honour of your arrival, and drag me to the evil inheritance, I have bought for my- self. " Then, the holy Brendan said : " Be the will of God done. For this night, the demons shall not disturb you, nor until the morrow. " Next, Brandan asks Judas the meaning of the cloth which is tied around his head. Judas replies, that although in a great measure an impediment to him, yet he re- ceives great benefit from it, since it shelters his head and face from the cutting winds,andpreventsthefishfrombitingthem; and,thisadvantageheobtained, because once, when on earth, he gave a piece of cloth to a beggar,^3° or to a leper. ^31 The benefit of that single deed of charity still remained to him,'^* as his only solace. When the hour of evening came, the fiends appeared, and they loudly cried out : " O man of God, retire from us, for we cannot approachourcompanion,unlessyouwithdrawfromhim. Wedarenotsee
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. . No. ccxlviii. The Anglo-Norman Trouveres, p. 814.
I have. " —Ibid.
»3° The old French Life calls him " un- cataif. "
'^t Xhe " Navigatio Sancti Brendani," adds : " Nam furcas ferreas ubi pendet dedi sacerdotibus ad cacabos sustinendos. Petram autem cui semper sedeo publica via misi in fossam antequam fuissem discipulus Christi.
'^j in Sir Walter Scott's "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," the Lyke Wake Dirge is founded on a similar popular no- tion.
((^hou son of Marie, think on me, Nor vainly let me cry mercy, Hemm'd round by terrors of this
sea! " Ibid. "9 Judas replies :
*' Not half my sorrow can you see, Which in that place I'm doom'd to
But respite sweet from Saturday
the face of our chief, until we restore to him our friend. But, do you give us our prey, and do not withdraw him from us this night. " The man of God repHed : " I do not defend him ; but, our Lord Jesus Christ allows him to continue here this night. " The fiends vociferate : " Why have you invoked the holy name for hiru, who betrayed his Lord? " St. Brendan then said " I command you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you do him no injuryuntilto-morrow. " Thenighthavingpassedaway,earlythenextday, Brendan resumed his voyage, when a vast number of demons covered the face of the deep. Their screams were dreadful to hear : " O man of God, may thy entry and departure here be accursed, since our chief last night be- laboured us witli heavy scourges, because we did not bring this caitiff captive
with us to him. " St. Brendan then said : " This malediction shall not alight on us, but on yourselves ; for whom ye curse, he is blessed, and whom ye bless, he is accursed. " The demons reply : " During the coming six days, this unhappy Judas shall endure redoubled punishment, because you pro- tected him during the past night. " The saint then said : " You and your chief have no power, but, you must yield to the power of God. I command you and your chief, in the name of our Lord, that you inflict on him no greater punishments, than he has been accustomed to endure. " They reply : " Art thoutheLordofallthings,thatweshouldobeythycommands. " Theman of God answered : " I am only the servant of the Lord of all things, but whatsoever I order, in his name, is accomplished; nor have I any office, ex- ceptwhathegrantstome. " Again,thedemonspouroutimprecations,but, they are prevented from attacking St. Brendan. However, they carry off Judas, to his other scene of torment ; while, awe-struck and sorrowful, the
pilgrims sailed on, the shrieks of those fiends resounding on their ears. '33 Then, blessed Brendan and his companions sailedagainst thesouth, praising God in all things. Their course continued for three days, and then land ap- peared, in the distance. The crew began to labour at their oars, in order to reach it. But, the holy Abbot reminded them, that now nearly seven years had elasped, since they had left their own country, and that their full term should expire the approaching Easter, so he told them not to waste their strength unnecessarily. On therefore they sailed, towards that other small isle. Brendan said : "You are going to see Paul the hermit, who lives there without his corporal life being supported, by any material food, for the last sixty years. For twenty years previously, a certain animal brought him food. " When the monks approached that shore, on account of the steepness of its rocks, a landing place could not be found. This Island was round in shape,
and only a stadium, or six hundred and twenty-five feet, in circumference and, on its summit, no soil appeared, but only a bare rock. Its length and breadth were of equal measurement. On sailing round it, however, they found a fissure, so narrow, that only the prow of their ship could enter it, and the ascent was most difficult. Then, the holy superior said to his brothers : " We cannot enter the island, without permission of the man of God, who dwells here : await my return. " Then, St. Brendan clambered to the summit, where he saw two caves ; the opening of one being opposite to that of the other, on the eastern side of that Island. Here, too, there was a very small and round fountain, issuing from the rock, before the mouth of that cave, where the soldier of Christ resided. Where the little well bubbled,
it soon afterwards was diverted into the rock, and there the waters dis- appeared. St. Brendan went to the opening of one cave, being different from
'31 See Most Rev. Patrick F. Mor. m's Brendani, cap. xii. , pp. I2i to 125. "ActaSancti Brendani," Navigatio ijancti '*< The great Apostle of Ireland, whose
that, in which the hermit lived. He landed alone ; but the old man came to
meet him, saying, " It is sweet and pleasant for brethren to dwell together. "
All the brethren then left the ship. Paul embraced them, and saluted each
one of them, calling him by name. They wondered at his prophetic spirit, and
also at his strange appearance. His hair, his beard, and the hair of his body,
covered him down to his feet ; owing to his extreme old age, his hair was
white as snow ; he had no other garment, while only his eyes, and a part of
his face, could be seen. On beholding him, Brendan was saddened, tor he
saidinhisheart: "Woeis me,asinner! Iwearthehabitofamonk; many
have placed themselves under me, to learn the monastic life, and behold, a
man, living in his cell, who in the bonds of flesh is like an angel ; and who is
uninfluenced by the miseries of the body. " Meanwhile, the man of God
answered his thoughts : " Venerable father, what great wonders God has
shown thee, that he has not revealed to the other fathers ! and thou sayest in
thy heart, that thou art unworthy to wear the habit of a monk, when thou art
greater than a monk. The monk lives and is clothed, by the labour of his
hands yet,forthelastsevenyears,Godhasnourishedtheeandthinebyhis ;
benefits. As for me, here I am on this rock, miserable and naked, like the birdthathasonlyitsplumage. " Then,Brendanaskedhim,howhehadgot there, when he came, and how long he had led that life. " I was nourished for fifty-five years," said Paul, "in the monastery of St. Patrick,'34 and I kept thecemeteryofthecommunity. Oneday,whenmyprefectpointedoutthe place for my interment, and where a certain person had been already buried, a man, not known to me, appeared and said : " Brother, do not dig your grave here, for elsewhere shall be the place for your interment," Then, Paul replied : " Father, who art thou ? " The stranger visitor said knowme:amInotyourabbot? " Paulsaid: "St. Patrickismyabbot. " The stranger said : " I am he : for yesterday, I departed from life, and this is the place of my interment. " He also pointed out another spot saying : " Here shall you bury our brother, and tell to no person, what I have said to thee. To-
morrow, thou shalt go to the sea-side ; there thou wilt find a vessel, and embark it shall bear thee to a spot, where thou must await the day of thy death. Ac- cording to the order of my father, I set out on the day following to that place, and I found all things to be as he forewarned me. Having gone on board a vessel, I sailed for three days and three nights. These having passed, I allowed the ship to move before the wind. On the seventh day, this rock appeared, and on it I landed ; then, with my foot, I shoved off the bark to return to that place, whence it started. It cut the waves in a speedy course to the country I had left. About the ninth hour, an otter came, bearing to me in its fore-paws a fish with some grass and twigs. He then retired. I struck fire from a liint, lighted the grass and twigs, and prepared my meal. Every third day, my servant came ni like manner from the sea, and thus I lived for thirty years. I feel no thirst nor hunger. On the Lord's day, this rock gave me a little water for ablution. At the end of thirty years, I discovered those twogrottos,andthelivingfountain sothatIhavesincelivedsixtyyears,with
no other food, than the water of that fountain. Thus, for thirty years, I have fed on fish, in this Island, for sixty on water alone, and so, I have passed ninety years of my life. Fifty years have I spent in my own country. My life has already lasted one hundred and fifty years ;'3S and, according to God's pro- mise, I here await the day, when he shall judge me in this mortal fiesh. "^36
Life is given at tfie 17th of Marcfi, vol. iii. , Art. i. of this work.
'^s The reading in the other Manuscripts
lias one hundred and forty years : and this seems better to accord with the context,
'^6 gee L. Tachet de Barneval's " Histoire
'* Do you not
May 1 6. ]
The hermit Paul then recommends St. Brendan and his companions, to fill a vessel with water, taken from the small round well, and to proceed on their journey. Thereremainedforthemfortydays,untilHolySaturdayshould arrive,anditwasordained,thattheyshouldcelebrateit, asalsoEasterand its holy days coming after, as they had been accustomed to do, for the six previous years. Then were they enjoined, to receive the blessing of their protector, before starting for that land, holier than all other lands. There must they remain for forty days ; when it was further decreed, that the Almighty would bring them all back safely, to the country of their birth. '37
Having received holy Paul's blessing and the kiss ofpeace, they sailed against the south, during the whole time of Lent. While their ship was borne on the waves, the water taken from the Island served them for nourishment. 's^ On Holy Saturday, they reach the Island of their former patron ; who, on seeing them, came down to the port, with great joy ; then, he brought all of them on shore,fromthevessel,andinhisownarms. Havingcelebratedinabecoming manner the sacred rites of that day, their host obliged them to be seated, at a banquet prepared. In the evening, all go on board their vessel, together with the patron, and they find the huge sea-monster in the usual place. They are allowed to mount on his back, and there during the whole night, they sing praisestoGod. EasterSundayMasswascelebrated,andwhenitwasover, the huge fish, called Jasconius, began to move, Avith his living freight. The brothers all cry out : " Hear us, O Lord, our God ! " The blessed Brendan began to comfort them, saying '' Brothers, why are you disturbed? Do not
fear, as no evil shall happen to us, but the Lord shall assist our journey. " The monster moved straight forward, to the shore of that Island, known as the Paradise of Birds. There, all were safely landed, and they remained, until the octave of Pentecost. This period having lapsed, their patron, who was present, said to St. Brendan: "Go now on board your vessel, and fill your bottles, from this fountain. " When they embarked, all the birds of that Island, on seeing the father, chorused as if with one voice : " A prosperous voyage be yours, to the Island of your protector, who accompanies you. " There, they take in provisions to serve for forty days.
Setting sail from their island, they now direct their course to the east,'39 for that length of time ; until one evening, a great darkness surrounded them. ''>° They could scarcely see each other, when his heavenly guide said to St. Brendan : " Father, know you, what this dark- ness means? " The saint replied: "I know not, brother. " He then said : " This darkness surrounds that Island you have sought for seven years. Lo ! you shall soon see and enter it. " After an hour had
LegendairedeI'lrlande,"chap,xxiii. , pp. 267 to 269.
'37 See Most Rev. Bishop Patrick Francis Moran's " Acta Sancti Biendani," Naviga- tio S. Brendani, cap. xiii. , pp. 125 to 128.
138 «i pgj triduum auttm reficiendo sine ulla esurie et siti permanserunt omnes leti. " is the account contained in the Legend of
our saint.
«39 " Full forty days o'er the high sea,
With sloping course, right speedily The bark glides on, and now they
So Heaven hath order'd, to the
That round encloseth Paradise, Hiding it well from mortal eyes And heavily, and lab'ring slow,
Overthattidelessseatheygo; And now that darkness all con-
founds them,
Wrapping them o'er, and perils
round them
So many are, that had not Heaven In mercy timely succour given, They ne'er had pass'd that cloud I
trow. "
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, p. 815.
'" " Nues grandes tenerge funt,
— Que le sun eir return n'i unt. "
"Lcs \^oyages Mervielleux de Saint Brandan a la Recherche du Paradis Torres- tre," euited by Francisque-Michcl, 11. 1648, 1649, p. 79.
passed, a resplendent atmosphere surrounded them, while their ship reached the shore. They disembarked, and now they beheld a spacious land, covered with beautiful fruits, as if it were in the autumn season. So long as they re- mained exploring it, no night was there, but the light was as that of the sun, shining at his brightest. '-^"^ P'or forty days they travelled, in that country, nor couldtheyfinditslimit. Atlength,theydiscoveredagreatriver,whichthey could not pass, apparently in the middle of that land. Then, St. Brendan said to his monks : " This river we cannot pass, and the extent of this land we do not know. " While they held a conference together, regarding these mysteries, a vision was vouchsafed them by the Almighty. A youth of noble presence,andexceedinglybeautiful,accostedthem. ^42 Hejoyfullyembraced each of the brothers, and called them by their several names. '''3 He . said : " O brethren, peace to you, and to all who seek peace with Christ. " After- wards, he added : " Blessed are they, O Lord, who dwell in thy house ; for ever and for ever shall they praise thee. " After these words, he addressed St, Brendan : " Behold, the land you have sought, for so long a time. But, you could not find it, at once, because our Lord Jesus Christ desired to show you the different mysteries of this great ocean. Therefore, now, return to the land of your birth, taking with you as many of those fruits and gems, as your ship can hold. ''^'* For, the final days of your journey approach, so that you
''" The objects and imagery here intro- duced must have been drawn originally from some authentic description of a flowery and bright southern land ; otherwise, northern imaginations could hardly conceive those pictures, in the romance, they have so richly unfolded to our fancy. It is somewhat re- markable, that among the North American
Indians, the Shawanoes, an Algonquin tribe, have a tradition regarding a foreign origin and a landing of their ancestors, after a sea-voyage. "It is a prevailing opinion among them, that Florida had been in- habited by white people, who had the use of iron tools,"—Henry Ix. Schoolcraft's " His- torical and Statistical Information, respect- ing the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian I'ribes of the United States," &c. , vol. i. , part i. , C. Traditions of the Ante-Columbian Epoch, p. 19.
'"•-"And now that fair youth leads them on,
Where Paradise in beauty shone, And there they saw the land all
Of woods and rivers beautiful
And meadows large besprent with
And scented shrubs in fadeless
And trees with blossoms fair to
And never shed their leaf the trees,
Nor failed their fruit, and still the breeze
Blew soft, scent-laden from the fields.
Full were the woods of venison ; The rivers of good fish each one. Andothersflowedwithmilkytide (No marvel all things fructified). The earth gave honey, oozing
Its pores, in sweet drops like the
And in the mount was golden ore, And gems, and treasure wondrous
store ;
There the clear sun knew no de-
Nor fog nor mist obscured his
Nor cloud across that sky did stray. Taking the sun's sweet light away ; No cutting blast, nor blighting air, For bitter winds blew never there ; Nor heat, nor frost, nor pain, nor
Nor hunger, thirst, for swift relief From every ill was there ; plentie. Of every good right easily,
Each had according to his will, And aye they wandered blithely
In large and pleasant pastures
see, Andfruitalsodeliciously Hung from the boughs ;
nor brier,
O ! such as earth hath never seen
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, pp. 815, 816.
nor thorn,
Thistle, nor blighted treeforlorn
With blackefi'd leaf, was there, for Spring
Held aye a year-long blossoming;
! "
143 «' II arivent, cil les receit,
Tuz les nurnet par lur nun dreit
Puis dulcement les ad baisez E les draguns tuzapaisez. "
evident, no theory could really be formed, where the circumstances related appear to be so shadowy and imaginative.
'** To them, we may appropriately attri- bute the sentiments conveyed through some beautiful lines of an Irish poet, J. Boyle O'Reilly, in his poem intituled, "Native
—" Les Voyages Mcrveilleux de
Brandan a la Recherche du Paradis Terres-
tre," edited by Fiancisque-Michel, 11, 1720 Land ": to 1723, p. 83.
144 •' But, when the Lord shall call thee home,
Thou fitted then, a spirit free From weakness and mortality Shalt aye remain, no fleeting guest, But taking here thine endless rest.
And while thou still remain'st be- low.
That heaven's high favour all may know.
Take hence these stones, to teach all eyes
That thou hast been in Paradise. "
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, p. S16.
''5 According to some versions of the Legend, this river flowed from e. ist to west, and there are interpreters to be found, who will make it identical witli the beautiful Ohio, supposing that Brendan and his com- panions were journeying, at the time, through the interior of the present United . States. From the description given in the text—if the country coukl be (li. -icrmincd as stated more likejy the great Mis>issi|n River should seem a more likely conjecture. But, it is
" I learned from this there is no South- ern land
Can fill with love the hearts of Northern men.
Sick minds need change ; but when in health they stand
'Neath foreign skies, their love flies home again,
And so with me it was: the yearn- ing turned
From laden airs of cinnamon away. And stretched far westward, while
the full heart burned
With love for Ireland, looking on
Cathay. "
'*' See Matthew of Paris "Chronica Major," at a. d. , ui-Xi. Edition of Henry Richards Luard, M. A , vol. i. , p. 246,
148 «i -pi^g 5jj]g jj^g spread, and o'er the sea
They bound ; but swift and blithe, I trow,
Their homeward course. " —Blackwood's " Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, p. Sl6.
'^» See Most Rev. Patrick Francis
and your holy brethren shall rest in peace. After a long time, this land shall be an inheritance for your successors, when tribulation shall fall on Chris- tians. The river '•'s which you see divides this Island, and as it now appears to you ripely fruit-bearing, so from earliest times has it been, without shadow or deformity. For the light unfadingly shines in it. " Then, St. Brendan said to that young man : "Tell us, father, if this land shall ever be revealed to men? " He replied : " When the All-powerful Creator shall have drawn all nations to himself, then this land shall be allotted to all his elect. " Then, blessed Brendan, having received the holy youth's benediction, began to re- turnbythecoursehehadcome. Accordingtohisdirection,theytookfrom that land the fruits of its trees, and various sorts of gems.
A longingfor homenowbeganto seize on St. Brendan and his companions. '*^ They had already seen many things, worthy to be related there, after their seven years' voyage,'"*? in quest of the Fortunate Islands. Leaving their patron, who had promised them necessaries, witli that young man, who appeared to them, they went again on board their vessel. They sailed once more through that darkness, which surrounded the Land of Promise. At last, they reached an Island, known as the Paradise of Delights. There, they were entertained for three days, and on leaving, Brendan received a benediction from the Abbot of its monastery. With the Almighty guiding their vessel, in a straight course homewards,'s they rejoiced and gave thanks to the I^ord, for the guidance he had afforded them, and for the wondrous things revealed to them, which
—" —
they had both seen and heard. "t9 After partuig from Paradise, three months elapsed, before the sliores of Ireland appeared to their view. With great joy, they land, and soon a numerous concourse of friends and familiars rushed for- ward to receive them, and to learn all particulars regarding their lengthened and marvellous voyage. '5°
Soon were those wonders, relating to his voyage—the earliest we believe on record from Europe to America ' —in circulation, among the Irish people. To St. Brendan, it is thought, the merit of originating that tedious and adven- turous effort to explore the distant land belongs, and to cliristianize the people of this distant region appears to have been his chief object. '^
Even then, imagination or conjecture had correctly anticipated the actual proof only furnished in our own century and by a distinguished Irish navigator 3
that the great western hemisphere was one vast Island. There seems to be little doubt, that the trans-Atlantic adventures of our saint were only verbally related by himself, and by his fellow-voyagers, while popular rumour added
Moran's "Acta Sancti Brendani," Naviga- remote, yet appears to have had some tio Sancti Brendani, cap. xiv. , pp. 12S toi3i. vague information about some far off and '^° St. Brendan's old metrical Legend undiscovered land, when he says, "There
thus relates :
" They leap ashore, and soon about
Gathers a large and marvelling route, Gazing amazed at nieu whose eyes Had viewed Adamah's Paradise.
All glad to see them, glad to ht- ar Their marvels, while from far and
Friends and relations flock, and
Who mourned St. Brandan many a
Deemnig him lost, his convent feres, Now welcome him with joyful tears, And joyfully they gathered round Well pleased that what he'd sought
he found,
And many wondrous things he taught, And far and near his aid was sought.
shall come a time in later years, when the oceans shall relax their chains, and a vast continent appear, and a pilot shall find new worlds, and Thule shall be no longer earth's bounds,"
^ In a work of great authority, we read : " Among the Shawanese Indians, who some years ago emigrated from Florida, and are now settled in Ohio, there is preserved a tra- dition which seems of importance here, viz. : that Florida was once inhabited by white people who were in possession of iron im- plements. Judging from the ancient ac- counts, this must have been an Irish Chris- tian people, who previous to the year 1000 were settled in this region. "—" Antiquitates Americans sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum ante-Columbianarum in America," edited by C. C. Rafn, and published at Copenhagen in 1837. See the English Dis- quisition prefixed : " America discovered by
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine,"
vol. xxxix. . No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- the Scandinavians in the Tenth Century,"
Norman Trouveres, p. S16.
Chapter hi. — ' In the beginning of
p. xxxvii.
3 Sir Leopold M'Clintock, who first prac-
the Christian era, the Roman philosopher, Seneca, believing that Thule was the land
in Northern Europe, then deemed most sea.
tically resolved the mysteries, and overcame the difficulties, of the north-west passage by
some undesirable descriptions to heighten the effect, and these alone appear to have been committed to writing. It must, indeed, be admitted, that there are most prodigious fables, in the narrative of St. Brendan's seven years' voy- age to the Western Land. t Yet, this had been a received tradition not alone in Ireland and in the British Isles ; but, also, in France, in the Netherlands, inItaly,inGermany,andinSpain,longbeforethebirthofColumbus. The early and mediaeval compilers of maps 5 had placed the land of St. Barind,^ or of St. Borondon, or of St. Brendan, out on the waste of waters, and to the west of Europe. After his vessel sailed, under every gloom of disappointment, this narrative probably fired the imagination, and sustained the hopes of Colum- bus. 7 Even, in comparatively modern times when the Islands in the Atlantic were ceded by treaty to Portugal, an imaginary and unknown Island of St. Brendan, when it should be discovered, was excepted from that cession. ^
To the friend and nurse of his youth, St. Ita—as natural to suppose—St. Brendan repaired, soon after his return from the Promised Land, and she re- ceived him with great joy, while he failed not to greatly interest her and thecom- muity under her charge, by relating the wonders he had witnessed during that voyage. Mutually saluting and giving benedictions, both these saints parted. Then, St. Brendan went to a place, in Latin called Insula Detrumma—its Irish name being Inis-da-Dromand 9—and this was an Island,'° situated in that ex- pansionoftheRiverShannon,whichisattheestuaryoftheRiverFergus. It lay between the territories of Corcubayscynn " and Ciarraigy,'^ while it was in the northern part of the sea, named Luymuidh. 's Then he established a re- nowned monastery. Within a short time, no less than seven very holy monks died there, and were buried, while a cemetery was laid out, enclosing their sacred relics. About that time, also, fifty rivers were deserted by fish ; but, when St. Brendan had blessed them, thenceforward they abounded with fishes. ''*
According to the people, Hving in the remote parts of Dingle pro- montory, some religious connexion existed between Kilmalchedar, and St. Brandon's establishment on the mountain called after him. A track is shown, which may be regarded as the via sacra, or " pathway of the saints,"'^ extend-
< See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia- rum Antiquitates," cap. xvii. , p. 494.
5 Paulo Toscannelli, of P'lorence, made a map for Columbus, before he embarked on his first voyage in 1492. On it, the cus- tomary space was occupied by the ima- ginary land of Irish tradition.
* In his usual way of compilation, Thomas
Dempster has allusion to Baiinthus, Con-
fessor, son of Mooh, the master and teacher
of St. Brendan, and as he thought also an
abbot, who wrote a book, " De Paradiso
Terrestri,adBrcndanumdiscipulum. " He oftheDanes,GaedhilwiththeGaill,Intro- lived in the year 600, or thereabouts, and we duction, p. cxxxv. , n. 3, and p. 103.
" Or Corca-Bhaiscinn, a territory of an- linus, lib. v. , Catalogi, cap. cxvii. See cient Thomond.
are told, he is mentioned by Petrus Equi-
"Historia Ecclesiastica Geniis Scotorum," lomus i.
men ; for we are now on the borders of hell. ""4
The next day, while pursuing their course of sailing, they saw,
towards the north, as if through a transparent haze, a lofty mountain, rising from the ocean ; its summit was lost in a dense smoke. A rapid wind drew them on. The shore seemed steep as a wall, and of vast height, so that its top could scarcely be distinguished. The soil was black as coal. Then, the survivor of the three brothers, who had followed Brendan, sprang out of the boat, and walked to the shore, saying, "Woe to me! lam lost, father; I cannot return to you. ""5 The crew, struck with terror, turned the vessel from that land, and cried aloud to the Lord, saying : " Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us. " A sad fate was to happen their lost brother. A crowd of devils had already seized him, and these were dragging him off. He was a prey to the tortures and flames that devoured him. Brendan cried out : "Woe to thee, unfortunate man, the end of thy life is an eternal death. " A fresh wind arose, which wafted them southwards. At that moment, the mountain top was descried; it foamed and boiled, breathing in and out fire and flames, which were seen to ascend towards the height of heaven, and to descendagain into thedeep bowels of the mountain. The whole mountain, to its very base, and even to the sea itself, was like a flaming pyre. A favouring gale sprung up, however, and forsevendays,themarinerswerebornetowardsthesouth. Whencometothe opensea,averydarkcloudsurroundedthem. Atlast,theyfindanakedrock, and upon it a man seemed "^ to be fixed. Some thought he was a bird. He had a cloth tied about his head, and holding a javelin in his hand,"? he seemed
"* See Most Rev. Patrick F. Moran's —"Les Voyages Merveilleux de Saint
"Acta Sancti Brendani," Navigatio Sancti Brendani, cap. xi. , p[). 120, I2i.
"5 See L. Tachet de Barneval's "His- toire Legenilaire de I'lrlande," chap, xxiii. , pp. 261 to 267.
ia6 << jviult ert periz, c detirez, Delacherez, e descirez. "
Brandan a la Recherche du Paradis Terres- trc," edited by Francisque-Michel, 11. 1224, 1225, p. 59.
"'" And tightly grappled be the stone Which hove the waves he sat upon, For they were beating vehemently, As he might overwhelm'd be. "
hanging between two iron forceps, and tossed about by the waves, hke a vessel labouring in a storm. He cried bitterly for assistance. '^** Brendan de- sired the crew to cease discussing the matter, but to direct their vessel towards that place. When reaching it, the waves formed a circle, as if they had been frozen. They found that man sitting on a rock, deformed and wretched, and when the tides flowed towards him, they reached to where he sat, when they receded, only tlie naked rock appeared. The cloth, which hung before when the winds blew, flapped against his eyes and forehead. Then, the holy man asked, who he was, what crime he had committed, or why he had merited such a punishment. He declared to Brendan, that he was the unhappy Judas, who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ, Brendan learns that there is an occasional respite to his sufferings, and that had been accorded him, through the ineffable mercy of the Saviour. He declared, also, that no penitence could now avail him ; but, on each Sunday,"9 he was allowed to sit on that naked rock, which seemed a Paradise to him, as compared with those tortures he must endure, when the day had passed. " When I am tor- tured," he added, " I burn like lead melted in hot oil, both day and night, in the middle of that mountain you have seen ; there is the Leviathan with his satellites, and I was there, when he took away your brother ; and, therefore, doth hell rejoice, and pour out great flames, and as it always does, when it devours the souls of the damned. That you may know the greatness of God's mercy towards me, I shall relate to you the nature of my solace. Here, I find a respite every Sunday, from evening to evening ; from the Nativity of our Lord to the Epiphany ; from Easter to Pentecost ; on the feast of the Purifi- cation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ; as also, on the day of her Holy Assump- tion. But, on all other days, I am tortured with Herod and Pilate, with Anna and Caipha ; and, therefore, I adjure you, through the Redeemer of the world, that you deign to intercede for me, that I may remain here, even to sun-rise on to-morrow, so that the devils may not torture me, in honour of your arrival, and drag me to the evil inheritance, I have bought for my- self. " Then, the holy Brendan said : " Be the will of God done. For this night, the demons shall not disturb you, nor until the morrow. " Next, Brandan asks Judas the meaning of the cloth which is tied around his head. Judas replies, that although in a great measure an impediment to him, yet he re- ceives great benefit from it, since it shelters his head and face from the cutting winds,andpreventsthefishfrombitingthem; and,thisadvantageheobtained, because once, when on earth, he gave a piece of cloth to a beggar,^3° or to a leper. ^31 The benefit of that single deed of charity still remained to him,'^* as his only solace. When the hour of evening came, the fiends appeared, and they loudly cried out : " O man of God, retire from us, for we cannot approachourcompanion,unlessyouwithdrawfromhim. Wedarenotsee
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. . No. ccxlviii. The Anglo-Norman Trouveres, p. 814.
I have. " —Ibid.
»3° The old French Life calls him " un- cataif. "
'^t Xhe " Navigatio Sancti Brendani," adds : " Nam furcas ferreas ubi pendet dedi sacerdotibus ad cacabos sustinendos. Petram autem cui semper sedeo publica via misi in fossam antequam fuissem discipulus Christi.
'^j in Sir Walter Scott's "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," the Lyke Wake Dirge is founded on a similar popular no- tion.
((^hou son of Marie, think on me, Nor vainly let me cry mercy, Hemm'd round by terrors of this
sea! " Ibid. "9 Judas replies :
*' Not half my sorrow can you see, Which in that place I'm doom'd to
But respite sweet from Saturday
the face of our chief, until we restore to him our friend. But, do you give us our prey, and do not withdraw him from us this night. " The man of God repHed : " I do not defend him ; but, our Lord Jesus Christ allows him to continue here this night. " The fiends vociferate : " Why have you invoked the holy name for hiru, who betrayed his Lord? " St. Brendan then said " I command you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you do him no injuryuntilto-morrow. " Thenighthavingpassedaway,earlythenextday, Brendan resumed his voyage, when a vast number of demons covered the face of the deep. Their screams were dreadful to hear : " O man of God, may thy entry and departure here be accursed, since our chief last night be- laboured us witli heavy scourges, because we did not bring this caitiff captive
with us to him. " St. Brendan then said : " This malediction shall not alight on us, but on yourselves ; for whom ye curse, he is blessed, and whom ye bless, he is accursed. " The demons reply : " During the coming six days, this unhappy Judas shall endure redoubled punishment, because you pro- tected him during the past night. " The saint then said : " You and your chief have no power, but, you must yield to the power of God. I command you and your chief, in the name of our Lord, that you inflict on him no greater punishments, than he has been accustomed to endure. " They reply : " Art thoutheLordofallthings,thatweshouldobeythycommands. " Theman of God answered : " I am only the servant of the Lord of all things, but whatsoever I order, in his name, is accomplished; nor have I any office, ex- ceptwhathegrantstome. " Again,thedemonspouroutimprecations,but, they are prevented from attacking St. Brendan. However, they carry off Judas, to his other scene of torment ; while, awe-struck and sorrowful, the
pilgrims sailed on, the shrieks of those fiends resounding on their ears. '33 Then, blessed Brendan and his companions sailedagainst thesouth, praising God in all things. Their course continued for three days, and then land ap- peared, in the distance. The crew began to labour at their oars, in order to reach it. But, the holy Abbot reminded them, that now nearly seven years had elasped, since they had left their own country, and that their full term should expire the approaching Easter, so he told them not to waste their strength unnecessarily. On therefore they sailed, towards that other small isle. Brendan said : "You are going to see Paul the hermit, who lives there without his corporal life being supported, by any material food, for the last sixty years. For twenty years previously, a certain animal brought him food. " When the monks approached that shore, on account of the steepness of its rocks, a landing place could not be found. This Island was round in shape,
and only a stadium, or six hundred and twenty-five feet, in circumference and, on its summit, no soil appeared, but only a bare rock. Its length and breadth were of equal measurement. On sailing round it, however, they found a fissure, so narrow, that only the prow of their ship could enter it, and the ascent was most difficult. Then, the holy superior said to his brothers : " We cannot enter the island, without permission of the man of God, who dwells here : await my return. " Then, St. Brendan clambered to the summit, where he saw two caves ; the opening of one being opposite to that of the other, on the eastern side of that Island. Here, too, there was a very small and round fountain, issuing from the rock, before the mouth of that cave, where the soldier of Christ resided. Where the little well bubbled,
it soon afterwards was diverted into the rock, and there the waters dis- appeared. St. Brendan went to the opening of one cave, being different from
'31 See Most Rev. Patrick F. Mor. m's Brendani, cap. xii. , pp. I2i to 125. "ActaSancti Brendani," Navigatio ijancti '*< The great Apostle of Ireland, whose
that, in which the hermit lived. He landed alone ; but the old man came to
meet him, saying, " It is sweet and pleasant for brethren to dwell together. "
All the brethren then left the ship. Paul embraced them, and saluted each
one of them, calling him by name. They wondered at his prophetic spirit, and
also at his strange appearance. His hair, his beard, and the hair of his body,
covered him down to his feet ; owing to his extreme old age, his hair was
white as snow ; he had no other garment, while only his eyes, and a part of
his face, could be seen. On beholding him, Brendan was saddened, tor he
saidinhisheart: "Woeis me,asinner! Iwearthehabitofamonk; many
have placed themselves under me, to learn the monastic life, and behold, a
man, living in his cell, who in the bonds of flesh is like an angel ; and who is
uninfluenced by the miseries of the body. " Meanwhile, the man of God
answered his thoughts : " Venerable father, what great wonders God has
shown thee, that he has not revealed to the other fathers ! and thou sayest in
thy heart, that thou art unworthy to wear the habit of a monk, when thou art
greater than a monk. The monk lives and is clothed, by the labour of his
hands yet,forthelastsevenyears,Godhasnourishedtheeandthinebyhis ;
benefits. As for me, here I am on this rock, miserable and naked, like the birdthathasonlyitsplumage. " Then,Brendanaskedhim,howhehadgot there, when he came, and how long he had led that life. " I was nourished for fifty-five years," said Paul, "in the monastery of St. Patrick,'34 and I kept thecemeteryofthecommunity. Oneday,whenmyprefectpointedoutthe place for my interment, and where a certain person had been already buried, a man, not known to me, appeared and said : " Brother, do not dig your grave here, for elsewhere shall be the place for your interment," Then, Paul replied : " Father, who art thou ? " The stranger visitor said knowme:amInotyourabbot? " Paulsaid: "St. Patrickismyabbot. " The stranger said : " I am he : for yesterday, I departed from life, and this is the place of my interment. " He also pointed out another spot saying : " Here shall you bury our brother, and tell to no person, what I have said to thee. To-
morrow, thou shalt go to the sea-side ; there thou wilt find a vessel, and embark it shall bear thee to a spot, where thou must await the day of thy death. Ac- cording to the order of my father, I set out on the day following to that place, and I found all things to be as he forewarned me. Having gone on board a vessel, I sailed for three days and three nights. These having passed, I allowed the ship to move before the wind. On the seventh day, this rock appeared, and on it I landed ; then, with my foot, I shoved off the bark to return to that place, whence it started. It cut the waves in a speedy course to the country I had left. About the ninth hour, an otter came, bearing to me in its fore-paws a fish with some grass and twigs. He then retired. I struck fire from a liint, lighted the grass and twigs, and prepared my meal. Every third day, my servant came ni like manner from the sea, and thus I lived for thirty years. I feel no thirst nor hunger. On the Lord's day, this rock gave me a little water for ablution. At the end of thirty years, I discovered those twogrottos,andthelivingfountain sothatIhavesincelivedsixtyyears,with
no other food, than the water of that fountain. Thus, for thirty years, I have fed on fish, in this Island, for sixty on water alone, and so, I have passed ninety years of my life. Fifty years have I spent in my own country. My life has already lasted one hundred and fifty years ;'3S and, according to God's pro- mise, I here await the day, when he shall judge me in this mortal fiesh. "^36
Life is given at tfie 17th of Marcfi, vol. iii. , Art. i. of this work.
'^s The reading in the other Manuscripts
lias one hundred and forty years : and this seems better to accord with the context,
'^6 gee L. Tachet de Barneval's " Histoire
'* Do you not
May 1 6. ]
The hermit Paul then recommends St. Brendan and his companions, to fill a vessel with water, taken from the small round well, and to proceed on their journey. Thereremainedforthemfortydays,untilHolySaturdayshould arrive,anditwasordained,thattheyshouldcelebrateit, asalsoEasterand its holy days coming after, as they had been accustomed to do, for the six previous years. Then were they enjoined, to receive the blessing of their protector, before starting for that land, holier than all other lands. There must they remain for forty days ; when it was further decreed, that the Almighty would bring them all back safely, to the country of their birth. '37
Having received holy Paul's blessing and the kiss ofpeace, they sailed against the south, during the whole time of Lent. While their ship was borne on the waves, the water taken from the Island served them for nourishment. 's^ On Holy Saturday, they reach the Island of their former patron ; who, on seeing them, came down to the port, with great joy ; then, he brought all of them on shore,fromthevessel,andinhisownarms. Havingcelebratedinabecoming manner the sacred rites of that day, their host obliged them to be seated, at a banquet prepared. In the evening, all go on board their vessel, together with the patron, and they find the huge sea-monster in the usual place. They are allowed to mount on his back, and there during the whole night, they sing praisestoGod. EasterSundayMasswascelebrated,andwhenitwasover, the huge fish, called Jasconius, began to move, Avith his living freight. The brothers all cry out : " Hear us, O Lord, our God ! " The blessed Brendan began to comfort them, saying '' Brothers, why are you disturbed? Do not
fear, as no evil shall happen to us, but the Lord shall assist our journey. " The monster moved straight forward, to the shore of that Island, known as the Paradise of Birds. There, all were safely landed, and they remained, until the octave of Pentecost. This period having lapsed, their patron, who was present, said to St. Brendan: "Go now on board your vessel, and fill your bottles, from this fountain. " When they embarked, all the birds of that Island, on seeing the father, chorused as if with one voice : " A prosperous voyage be yours, to the Island of your protector, who accompanies you. " There, they take in provisions to serve for forty days.
Setting sail from their island, they now direct their course to the east,'39 for that length of time ; until one evening, a great darkness surrounded them. ''>° They could scarcely see each other, when his heavenly guide said to St. Brendan : " Father, know you, what this dark- ness means? " The saint replied: "I know not, brother. " He then said : " This darkness surrounds that Island you have sought for seven years. Lo ! you shall soon see and enter it. " After an hour had
LegendairedeI'lrlande,"chap,xxiii. , pp. 267 to 269.
'37 See Most Rev. Bishop Patrick Francis Moran's " Acta Sancti Biendani," Naviga- tio S. Brendani, cap. xiii. , pp. 125 to 128.
138 «i pgj triduum auttm reficiendo sine ulla esurie et siti permanserunt omnes leti. " is the account contained in the Legend of
our saint.
«39 " Full forty days o'er the high sea,
With sloping course, right speedily The bark glides on, and now they
So Heaven hath order'd, to the
That round encloseth Paradise, Hiding it well from mortal eyes And heavily, and lab'ring slow,
Overthattidelessseatheygo; And now that darkness all con-
founds them,
Wrapping them o'er, and perils
round them
So many are, that had not Heaven In mercy timely succour given, They ne'er had pass'd that cloud I
trow. "
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, p. 815.
'" " Nues grandes tenerge funt,
— Que le sun eir return n'i unt. "
"Lcs \^oyages Mervielleux de Saint Brandan a la Recherche du Paradis Torres- tre," euited by Francisque-Michcl, 11. 1648, 1649, p. 79.
passed, a resplendent atmosphere surrounded them, while their ship reached the shore. They disembarked, and now they beheld a spacious land, covered with beautiful fruits, as if it were in the autumn season. So long as they re- mained exploring it, no night was there, but the light was as that of the sun, shining at his brightest. '-^"^ P'or forty days they travelled, in that country, nor couldtheyfinditslimit. Atlength,theydiscoveredagreatriver,whichthey could not pass, apparently in the middle of that land. Then, St. Brendan said to his monks : " This river we cannot pass, and the extent of this land we do not know. " While they held a conference together, regarding these mysteries, a vision was vouchsafed them by the Almighty. A youth of noble presence,andexceedinglybeautiful,accostedthem. ^42 Hejoyfullyembraced each of the brothers, and called them by their several names. '''3 He . said : " O brethren, peace to you, and to all who seek peace with Christ. " After- wards, he added : " Blessed are they, O Lord, who dwell in thy house ; for ever and for ever shall they praise thee. " After these words, he addressed St, Brendan : " Behold, the land you have sought, for so long a time. But, you could not find it, at once, because our Lord Jesus Christ desired to show you the different mysteries of this great ocean. Therefore, now, return to the land of your birth, taking with you as many of those fruits and gems, as your ship can hold. ''^'* For, the final days of your journey approach, so that you
''" The objects and imagery here intro- duced must have been drawn originally from some authentic description of a flowery and bright southern land ; otherwise, northern imaginations could hardly conceive those pictures, in the romance, they have so richly unfolded to our fancy. It is somewhat re- markable, that among the North American
Indians, the Shawanoes, an Algonquin tribe, have a tradition regarding a foreign origin and a landing of their ancestors, after a sea-voyage. "It is a prevailing opinion among them, that Florida had been in- habited by white people, who had the use of iron tools,"—Henry Ix. Schoolcraft's " His- torical and Statistical Information, respect- ing the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian I'ribes of the United States," &c. , vol. i. , part i. , C. Traditions of the Ante-Columbian Epoch, p. 19.
'"•-"And now that fair youth leads them on,
Where Paradise in beauty shone, And there they saw the land all
Of woods and rivers beautiful
And meadows large besprent with
And scented shrubs in fadeless
And trees with blossoms fair to
And never shed their leaf the trees,
Nor failed their fruit, and still the breeze
Blew soft, scent-laden from the fields.
Full were the woods of venison ; The rivers of good fish each one. Andothersflowedwithmilkytide (No marvel all things fructified). The earth gave honey, oozing
Its pores, in sweet drops like the
And in the mount was golden ore, And gems, and treasure wondrous
store ;
There the clear sun knew no de-
Nor fog nor mist obscured his
Nor cloud across that sky did stray. Taking the sun's sweet light away ; No cutting blast, nor blighting air, For bitter winds blew never there ; Nor heat, nor frost, nor pain, nor
Nor hunger, thirst, for swift relief From every ill was there ; plentie. Of every good right easily,
Each had according to his will, And aye they wandered blithely
In large and pleasant pastures
see, Andfruitalsodeliciously Hung from the boughs ;
nor brier,
O ! such as earth hath never seen
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, pp. 815, 816.
nor thorn,
Thistle, nor blighted treeforlorn
With blackefi'd leaf, was there, for Spring
Held aye a year-long blossoming;
! "
143 «' II arivent, cil les receit,
Tuz les nurnet par lur nun dreit
Puis dulcement les ad baisez E les draguns tuzapaisez. "
evident, no theory could really be formed, where the circumstances related appear to be so shadowy and imaginative.
'** To them, we may appropriately attri- bute the sentiments conveyed through some beautiful lines of an Irish poet, J. Boyle O'Reilly, in his poem intituled, "Native
—" Les Voyages Mcrveilleux de
Brandan a la Recherche du Paradis Terres-
tre," edited by Fiancisque-Michel, 11, 1720 Land ": to 1723, p. 83.
144 •' But, when the Lord shall call thee home,
Thou fitted then, a spirit free From weakness and mortality Shalt aye remain, no fleeting guest, But taking here thine endless rest.
And while thou still remain'st be- low.
That heaven's high favour all may know.
Take hence these stones, to teach all eyes
That thou hast been in Paradise. "
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, p. S16.
''5 According to some versions of the Legend, this river flowed from e. ist to west, and there are interpreters to be found, who will make it identical witli the beautiful Ohio, supposing that Brendan and his com- panions were journeying, at the time, through the interior of the present United . States. From the description given in the text—if the country coukl be (li. -icrmincd as stated more likejy the great Mis>issi|n River should seem a more likely conjecture. But, it is
" I learned from this there is no South- ern land
Can fill with love the hearts of Northern men.
Sick minds need change ; but when in health they stand
'Neath foreign skies, their love flies home again,
And so with me it was: the yearn- ing turned
From laden airs of cinnamon away. And stretched far westward, while
the full heart burned
With love for Ireland, looking on
Cathay. "
'*' See Matthew of Paris "Chronica Major," at a. d. , ui-Xi. Edition of Henry Richards Luard, M. A , vol. i. , p. 246,
148 «i -pi^g 5jj]g jj^g spread, and o'er the sea
They bound ; but swift and blithe, I trow,
Their homeward course. " —Blackwood's " Edinburgh Magazine," vol. xxxix. , No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- Norman Trouveres, p. Sl6.
'^» See Most Rev. Patrick Francis
and your holy brethren shall rest in peace. After a long time, this land shall be an inheritance for your successors, when tribulation shall fall on Chris- tians. The river '•'s which you see divides this Island, and as it now appears to you ripely fruit-bearing, so from earliest times has it been, without shadow or deformity. For the light unfadingly shines in it. " Then, St. Brendan said to that young man : "Tell us, father, if this land shall ever be revealed to men? " He replied : " When the All-powerful Creator shall have drawn all nations to himself, then this land shall be allotted to all his elect. " Then, blessed Brendan, having received the holy youth's benediction, began to re- turnbythecoursehehadcome. Accordingtohisdirection,theytookfrom that land the fruits of its trees, and various sorts of gems.
A longingfor homenowbeganto seize on St. Brendan and his companions. '*^ They had already seen many things, worthy to be related there, after their seven years' voyage,'"*? in quest of the Fortunate Islands. Leaving their patron, who had promised them necessaries, witli that young man, who appeared to them, they went again on board their vessel. They sailed once more through that darkness, which surrounded the Land of Promise. At last, they reached an Island, known as the Paradise of Delights. There, they were entertained for three days, and on leaving, Brendan received a benediction from the Abbot of its monastery. With the Almighty guiding their vessel, in a straight course homewards,'s they rejoiced and gave thanks to the I^ord, for the guidance he had afforded them, and for the wondrous things revealed to them, which
—" —
they had both seen and heard. "t9 After partuig from Paradise, three months elapsed, before the sliores of Ireland appeared to their view. With great joy, they land, and soon a numerous concourse of friends and familiars rushed for- ward to receive them, and to learn all particulars regarding their lengthened and marvellous voyage. '5°
Soon were those wonders, relating to his voyage—the earliest we believe on record from Europe to America ' —in circulation, among the Irish people. To St. Brendan, it is thought, the merit of originating that tedious and adven- turous effort to explore the distant land belongs, and to cliristianize the people of this distant region appears to have been his chief object. '^
Even then, imagination or conjecture had correctly anticipated the actual proof only furnished in our own century and by a distinguished Irish navigator 3
that the great western hemisphere was one vast Island. There seems to be little doubt, that the trans-Atlantic adventures of our saint were only verbally related by himself, and by his fellow-voyagers, while popular rumour added
Moran's "Acta Sancti Brendani," Naviga- remote, yet appears to have had some tio Sancti Brendani, cap. xiv. , pp. 12S toi3i. vague information about some far off and '^° St. Brendan's old metrical Legend undiscovered land, when he says, "There
thus relates :
" They leap ashore, and soon about
Gathers a large and marvelling route, Gazing amazed at nieu whose eyes Had viewed Adamah's Paradise.
All glad to see them, glad to ht- ar Their marvels, while from far and
Friends and relations flock, and
Who mourned St. Brandan many a
Deemnig him lost, his convent feres, Now welcome him with joyful tears, And joyfully they gathered round Well pleased that what he'd sought
he found,
And many wondrous things he taught, And far and near his aid was sought.
shall come a time in later years, when the oceans shall relax their chains, and a vast continent appear, and a pilot shall find new worlds, and Thule shall be no longer earth's bounds,"
^ In a work of great authority, we read : " Among the Shawanese Indians, who some years ago emigrated from Florida, and are now settled in Ohio, there is preserved a tra- dition which seems of importance here, viz. : that Florida was once inhabited by white people who were in possession of iron im- plements. Judging from the ancient ac- counts, this must have been an Irish Chris- tian people, who previous to the year 1000 were settled in this region. "—" Antiquitates Americans sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum ante-Columbianarum in America," edited by C. C. Rafn, and published at Copenhagen in 1837. See the English Dis- quisition prefixed : " America discovered by
—Blackwood's "Edinburgh Magazine,"
vol. xxxix. . No. ccxlviii. The Anglo- the Scandinavians in the Tenth Century,"
Norman Trouveres, p. S16.
Chapter hi. — ' In the beginning of
p. xxxvii.
3 Sir Leopold M'Clintock, who first prac-
the Christian era, the Roman philosopher, Seneca, believing that Thule was the land
in Northern Europe, then deemed most sea.
tically resolved the mysteries, and overcame the difficulties, of the north-west passage by
some undesirable descriptions to heighten the effect, and these alone appear to have been committed to writing. It must, indeed, be admitted, that there are most prodigious fables, in the narrative of St. Brendan's seven years' voy- age to the Western Land. t Yet, this had been a received tradition not alone in Ireland and in the British Isles ; but, also, in France, in the Netherlands, inItaly,inGermany,andinSpain,longbeforethebirthofColumbus. The early and mediaeval compilers of maps 5 had placed the land of St. Barind,^ or of St. Borondon, or of St. Brendan, out on the waste of waters, and to the west of Europe. After his vessel sailed, under every gloom of disappointment, this narrative probably fired the imagination, and sustained the hopes of Colum- bus. 7 Even, in comparatively modern times when the Islands in the Atlantic were ceded by treaty to Portugal, an imaginary and unknown Island of St. Brendan, when it should be discovered, was excepted from that cession. ^
To the friend and nurse of his youth, St. Ita—as natural to suppose—St. Brendan repaired, soon after his return from the Promised Land, and she re- ceived him with great joy, while he failed not to greatly interest her and thecom- muity under her charge, by relating the wonders he had witnessed during that voyage. Mutually saluting and giving benedictions, both these saints parted. Then, St. Brendan went to a place, in Latin called Insula Detrumma—its Irish name being Inis-da-Dromand 9—and this was an Island,'° situated in that ex- pansionoftheRiverShannon,whichisattheestuaryoftheRiverFergus. It lay between the territories of Corcubayscynn " and Ciarraigy,'^ while it was in the northern part of the sea, named Luymuidh. 's Then he established a re- nowned monastery. Within a short time, no less than seven very holy monks died there, and were buried, while a cemetery was laid out, enclosing their sacred relics. About that time, also, fifty rivers were deserted by fish ; but, when St. Brendan had blessed them, thenceforward they abounded with fishes. ''*
According to the people, Hving in the remote parts of Dingle pro- montory, some religious connexion existed between Kilmalchedar, and St. Brandon's establishment on the mountain called after him. A track is shown, which may be regarded as the via sacra, or " pathway of the saints,"'^ extend-
< See Ussher's " Britannicarum Ecclesia- rum Antiquitates," cap. xvii. , p. 494.
5 Paulo Toscannelli, of P'lorence, made a map for Columbus, before he embarked on his first voyage in 1492. On it, the cus- tomary space was occupied by the ima- ginary land of Irish tradition.
* In his usual way of compilation, Thomas
Dempster has allusion to Baiinthus, Con-
fessor, son of Mooh, the master and teacher
of St. Brendan, and as he thought also an
abbot, who wrote a book, " De Paradiso
Terrestri,adBrcndanumdiscipulum. " He oftheDanes,GaedhilwiththeGaill,Intro- lived in the year 600, or thereabouts, and we duction, p. cxxxv. , n. 3, and p. 103.
" Or Corca-Bhaiscinn, a territory of an- linus, lib. v. , Catalogi, cap. cxvii. See cient Thomond.
are told, he is mentioned by Petrus Equi-
"Historia Ecclesiastica Geniis Scotorum," lomus i.