idem | venturos
ad astra nepotes
( iidem, idem -- crasis.
( iidem, idem -- crasis.
Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana
32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.
? 14 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 1.
to pronounce it as three syllables, Connubjo,
Connubls, fyc. But, although Virgil has Con-
nubia, with the U long, in other places
where it suited his metre; the quantity of
Innuba, Pronuba, and Subnuba, which all
have the nu short, is sufficient proof that the
corresponding syllable may also be short in Con-
nubium -- i. e. that the syllable, in fact, is
124. Jam valid' i\\6-\-nei wa-|-vem jam fortis achats
( Ilionel-- synaeresis.
135. Eur' ad se Zephyrumque \6-\-cdt dehinc | talia fattir
( d'hinc -- elision
199. Vina bonus quaj | deiude ca-|-dis onerarat acestes
( delude -- synceresis.
224. Prajcipue plus seneas nunc acris 6-\-rontei
( Orontel -- synceresis.
251. Hie tamen ill' urbem Pata-|-r<< se-|-desqne locavit
( Patavii, Patavl -- crasis.
260. osciila libavlt nti-\-tce dehinc | talia fatur
( d'hinc -- elision.
262. Fata tibi cernes urb' et promissa La-|-wwe
( Lavinii, Lavini -- crasis.
274. -- the same. .
312. Qui te'neant n' inculta \l-\-dethomt-\-ntisx\e ferfene
( videt. --ccesura.
336. Jactemur doceas ignar' hominumque \6-\-cdrUm-
qu' Erramus
( locorumqu' Erramus, synapheia, and elision.
409. et ver' incessu patu-|-e/ dea \ 111' ubi matrem'
( dea -- the A preservedfivm elision.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 15
JEneid. 1.
452. JSrea cul gradlbus surgebant limina | nexce-
qu' JEre trabes
( nexajqu' iEre -- synapheia, and elision.
. 482. Per terr' et versa pul-|-m zre-|-scrlbitiir hasta
( pulvls -- ccesura,
504. HInc atqu' hlnc glomerantur o-\-reades | Ilia pha-
525. Maximiis l]io-\-neUs pldct-\-do sic pectfc. re ccepit
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
536. ceno-\~tri c&luefe virl nunc faraa minores
( CEnotri -- regular, three syllables -- not
563. Talibus l\\o-\-neus cti,nc-\-tl simtil org fr&nebant
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
615. \\Lo-\-ned pe-\-tit dextra lsevaque Serestum
( Ilionea -- the E long, according to the Ionic
618. Casu | deinde vi~\-rl tant' et sic ore lociit' est
( delnde -- synceresis.
621. Tun' 111' aineas quern Dardani-|-<5 <<M-|-chIsa>>"
( Dardanio -- ccesura --preserved -- spondaic
655. Pergama cum pete-|-ri? i! zw-|-concessosqu' hjrme-
( peteret -- ccesura.
672. LItora jacte-|-fSr bdt-\-is Jun5nis iniquaj
( jactetiir -- ccesura.
702. Aured | cpwiposiilt sponda mediamque' locavit
( aurea -- synceresis.
730. atria dependent lychnl laquearibus | aure'is
( aurels -- synceresis.
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? 16 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Mneid. 2.
7. Myrmidonum Dolopumv' aut duri mile's u-\-lyssez
( Ulyssel synaeresis.
1 6. Sdificant sectaqu' Intexunt | dbiete | costas
( abjete, or ab-yete'. -- See Georgic 4, 297-
90. Gessimus invidia postquam pellacis u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssel -- synceresis.
264. et M8n? -\-latis et \ Ipse doll fabricator e-\-peus
275. Hectftre ' qui r&lit exuvias Indutus a-\-chillei
( Achillei -- synceresis.
318. fecc' autem tells Pan-|-Mfis e-|-lapsus achivum
319. Pdntkus \ 5thtrades arcis Pbceblque ' sacerdos
322. 1 Qu5 res summit 15co Pan-\-thU qiidm | prendimus
( Panthiis, Panthu, long, from the Greek OT.
339. addunt se socios Ylhi-\-petis et | maximus armls
( Rhipeus -- diphthong.
369. Luctus ubique ' p&-\-vor et | plurfmS mortis imago
( pavor-- ccesura.
371. androge-|-os o/-|-fert nobls soci' agmina credens
or [according to Heyne's text)
androge-|-fis o/*-|-fert, Sgc.
( Androgeos -- the Attic O-mega naturally
long: -- Androgeus, ccesura.
391. arma dabunt ipsi. sic fatus | delude co-|-mantem
( deinde -- syrueresis.
394. Hoc Rhi-|-pefis hoc | Ipsg Dymas dmnlsque' jiiventus
( Rhipeus--diphthong.
411. Nostrdr' obrin-\-mur o? i-|-turque ' miserrima ciedes
( obruimur --c&sura.
419. Spume us atqu' imo Ne-|-reas ciet | sequdra fundo
( Nereus -- diphthong.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 17
JEneid. 2.
426, Procumbit cadit et Rhl-|-pews,;to-|-tlssimus units
( Rhipeus -- diphthong.
429. Coriflx' a sociis nee te tua plurima | PdnthU
( Panthu -- See verse 322.
436. Jam gravior Pelias St vulnere tardus u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssei -- syiueresis.
442. Hserent | pdriett-\-bus scalse postesque sub Ipsos
( parjetibus, or par-yetibus. -- See Georgia
4, 297-
492. Custodes sufferre valent labat | driete | crebro
( arjete, or ar-yete. -- See Georgic 4, 297.
563. et direpta d6-\-mus it | parvi casus iull
( domiis -- ccesura.
654. abnegat inceptoqu' et sedibtis hseret in | Isdem
( iisdem, Isdem -- crasis.
691. Dd dein-\-d' auxiiium pater atqu' hJec Smina firma
( delnde -- synceresis.
745. Quem non IncusaV amens hominumque de-\-orum-
qu' Aiit quid in . . . .
( qu' Aut -- synapheia, and elision.
774. obstupu-|-z s/&e-|-runtque com' et vox faucibus
( steterunt -- systole.
JEneid. 3.
48. obstupui stetHruntque, 4c. as the line last quoted.
74. Nereidum ma. -\-tri et | Neptu-|-<<o a'-|-ga3o
( matrl-- ccesura -- preserved. -- Neptuno,
the same -- and N. B. a spondaic verse.
87. Pergama relliquias Dana' atqu' Immitis h-\-chillci
( Achillel -- synceresis.
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? 18 . . Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEncid. 3.
91. Llmina-|-yfle &zfl-|-rusque del totusque moverl
( liminaque -- ccesura.
112. idseumque nt-\-mus hinc J fida silentia sacris
( nemus -- ccesura.
122. idome-|-rcea rfw-|-cem desertaque lltora Cretai
( Idomenea -- the. Ionic E lo? ig -- Eta for
135. Jamque fe-|-rl sic-\-co subducts lltbre puppes
( fere. -- Having omitted, in my " Latin Pros-
ody," to quote authority for Fere intrinsically long
without ccesura, I here give two examples from
Seneca, Troas, 439, and 1144 --
Partes \fere | nox alma transierat duas.
Stupet omne vulgus; et \fere | cuncti magis. . . .
The syllable, however, may be considered as com-
mon, if ive admit the authority of Ausonius,
Epig. 105 --
Nam tecumyere totus ero,quocumque recedam.
136. Conntibi-\-is--four syllables. See JEneid. 1, 77.
idem | venturos tollemus ad astra nepotes
( iidem, idem -- crasis.
165. ceno-\-tri coluere viri nunc fama minores
( GEn5tri, regular -- three syllables -- not
211. insula: | loni' in magno quas dira Celseno
( insula^ -- the JE preserved, and shortened --
loni, a dactyl.
212. Hdrpyi-\-seque colunt aliaj Phineia postquam
( Harpyia; -- Harpyl, a 'spondee -- the YI
a diphthong, as in the Greek 'Afuruia. -- See,
below, verses 249 and 365.
226. Hdrpyi' | et magnls quatiiint clangoribiis alas
( Harpy! -- as in the preceding line.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 19
Mneid. 3.
249. et patri' Insontes H&r-\-pyids\ pellere regno
( Harpylas--pyias, a spondee. See verse 212.
327. Serviti' enixse tulimus qui | deinde se-\-cutas
( deinde -- synaeresis.
354. Aula* | In medio libabant pocula BacchI
( aula! -- antique diceresis of the diphthong
ZE in the genitive aulse. -- See iEn. 6, 747,
and 9, 26.
365. Sola novum dlctuque nefas UsLX-\-pyia Ce-|-lseno
( Harpyla--pyl, a diphthong --See verse 212.
450. Nunquam | deinde cd-\-\o volitantia prendere saxo
( deinde -- synceresis.
464. Dona de-\-hmc au. ro gravi-|-a sec-|-toqu' elephanto
( dehinc -- the E preserved from elision, and
shortened before the I. -- gravia -- ccesura.
475. Conjugi' anchi-|-sa Vene-\-ris dignate superbo
( Anchisa. -- As in the vocative iEnea from
. ZEneas, the final A is long in this Doric
vocative Anchisa from Anchisas, of which xsce
find the genitive Ay^iauo in Homer, Iliad.
B. 819, and elsewhere . ? the Dorians forming
the genitive in AO from their own nominative
in AS, as the Ionians their genitive in EX2
from the nominative in HS. -- If isoe derive
it from a Latin nominative, Anchisa, (like Atrida
in the first of the subjoined examples) it must be
naturally short, (as vie see the vocative Atrida. in
the second example) and could only be lengthened
by the ccesura --
Non ita Dardanio gavisus Atrida triumpho est.
Propertius, 2, 14, 1.
Ne quis humasse velit Ajacem, Atrida, vetas!
cur? Horace, Sat. 2,3,187.
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? 26 Glavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 3.
504. atqu' Idem ca-\-sus fl-|-nam faciemus utramque
( casus . >>-- caesura.
This verse might be viewed in a different light
-- making idem casus plural -- iidem, idem by
crasis, and casus naturally long: but it vnas cer-
tainly not so intended by Virgil, who adverts only
to the common calamity in its great general outline,
not to a regular and uniform series of adventures
in detail.
541. Sed tamen | id' o-|-Hm curru succedere | suetl
( iidem, Idem -- crasis. -- sueti (as sweti) one
syllable by synceresis: but N. B. it is very
rarely otherwise : --- currui, curru, crasis.
564. Tollimiir In caelum curvlitS gurgit' et | idem
( Idem, as in the preceding line.
578. Fam' est enceladl st-\-m'ustUm | fulmine corpus
( semiustum, sem'ustum -- elision.
606. SI pereo mara-\-bus homt-\-num perusse juvabit
or, according to Heyne's text,
Si perg-|-o homt-\-nmn manibus perilsse juvabit
( in the former case, manibus by ccesura -- in
the latter, the O of pereo preserved by the
609. Hortamur quiie | deind' <<gt-|-tet fortuna fa'terl
( delnde -- synaresis.
613. Sum patri' ex ithaca comes Infellcis u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssel -- synaeresis.
681. Constite-|-runt sllv' alta Jovls lucusve Dianai
( constiterunt -- systole. .
691. Litor' achemenides comes infellcis u-\-li/sset
( Ulyssel -- synceresis.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 21
JEneid. 3.
702. Immanisque Ge-\-la JMvi-\-l cognSmine dicta
( Gela -- ccesura,
JEneid. 4.
64. Pectori-|-5fls inhi-\-Hns spirantia cqnsiilit exta
( pectoribus--ccesura.
CdnnUbi-\-o --Jour syllables. -- See JEn. 1, 77.
Cretes-|-ywe . Drjio-|-pesque fremunt pictlqu' aga-
( Cretesque -- ccesura.
168. Conntibi^-is, or Conniibi-\-l--four syllables. --
See JEn. I, 77.
222. Tum sic Mercuri' aWoqui-\-tur dc | talia mandal
( alloquitur--ccesura.
235. Quid struit aut qua | spe tni-|-mic' in gente moratur
( spe --preserved from elision.
469. Eumenidum veliiti demens videt agmina |Pentheils
( Pentheus -- diphthong.
558. omnia Mercurio simills vocemque c6-\-lorern-
qu' Et crines
( qu' Et -- synapheia, and elision.
561. Nee qua? circumstent te | deindepe-\-ricu\& cernis
( deinde -- synceresis.
629. imprecor arm' armis pugnent ipsique x\e-\-potes-
qiC Haec [according to Hey ne's text)
( qu' Hsec -- synapheia, and elision.
667. Lamentis gemituqu' et femine-|-o Mii-\-\a. lu
( femineo -- ccesura --preserved.
686. Sem'dni-\-men\qvie sinii german' amplexa fovebat
( semianimem, sem'animem-- syncope.
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? 22 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 5.
14. Quldve pater Neptune paras sic | deinde Jo-|-cutus
( delnde -- synceresis.
116. Ve]o-|-cem Mae-\stheus agit | acrl remige PristTM
117. Mox ita-|-lus Mne-\~stketts genus | a quo n5mine
( Mnestheus -- EU, diphthong. -- Memmii,
Memml -- crasis.
152. Turb' Interfremitumque Gyas quem | demit
( delnde -- synceresis.
184. Sergesto Mne-|-s^<? oyMe Gy-|-an superare mo-
ran tem
( Mnestheo--synceresis, as in alveo, Georg. 2,
. 186. Nee tota. tamen Ille pri-|-or ^ra>e-|-unte carina
( praeeunte--the M shortened before the follow-
ing vowel. (See the explanation of this in my
"Latin Prosody," sect. 4. )
189. Hortatur Mnt-\-stheUs nunc \ nunc Insurgite remis
( Mnestheus -- diphthong.
258. at qui | deinde Zo-|-cum tenult virtute ' secundum
( delnde -- synceresis.
261. Victor apiid rapidum Simoenta sub | Uib\ alto
( Hig -- ^e O preserved from elision, and
shortened before the following vowel.
263. Vix Ulam famuli Fhe-\-geus Sag? -|-rlsque ferebant
( Phegeus-- diphthong.
269. Purpurels Ibant evlncti tempora | tcenis
( tseniis, tsenis -- crasis.
284. 5111 servada-j-rfwr bpe-\-x' haud Ignara Minervw
( datur-- caesura.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 23
JEneid. 5.
296. Nlsiis amore pi5 pueri quos | delude se-|-cutus ?
( delnde -- synceresis.
*_. ? .
delnde -- the same.
Jamque fe-|-re spatf I extremo fessique sub Ipsum
( fere --See JEneid. 3, 135.
337. emicat Eurya-|-/fls et | munere victor amlcl
( Euryalus -- ccesura.
352. Dat Salio vlllls oneros' atqu' unguibus | aureis
( aureis -- synceresis.
400. Venlssem nee dona moror sic | deinde Zo-|-cfitus
( delnde -- synceresis.
? 14 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 1.
to pronounce it as three syllables, Connubjo,
Connubls, fyc. But, although Virgil has Con-
nubia, with the U long, in other places
where it suited his metre; the quantity of
Innuba, Pronuba, and Subnuba, which all
have the nu short, is sufficient proof that the
corresponding syllable may also be short in Con-
nubium -- i. e. that the syllable, in fact, is
124. Jam valid' i\\6-\-nei wa-|-vem jam fortis achats
( Ilionel-- synaeresis.
135. Eur' ad se Zephyrumque \6-\-cdt dehinc | talia fattir
( d'hinc -- elision
199. Vina bonus quaj | deiude ca-|-dis onerarat acestes
( delude -- synceresis.
224. Prajcipue plus seneas nunc acris 6-\-rontei
( Orontel -- synceresis.
251. Hie tamen ill' urbem Pata-|-r<< se-|-desqne locavit
( Patavii, Patavl -- crasis.
260. osciila libavlt nti-\-tce dehinc | talia fatur
( d'hinc -- elision.
262. Fata tibi cernes urb' et promissa La-|-wwe
( Lavinii, Lavini -- crasis.
274. -- the same. .
312. Qui te'neant n' inculta \l-\-dethomt-\-ntisx\e ferfene
( videt. --ccesura.
336. Jactemur doceas ignar' hominumque \6-\-cdrUm-
qu' Erramus
( locorumqu' Erramus, synapheia, and elision.
409. et ver' incessu patu-|-e/ dea \ 111' ubi matrem'
( dea -- the A preservedfivm elision.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 15
JEneid. 1.
452. JSrea cul gradlbus surgebant limina | nexce-
qu' JEre trabes
( nexajqu' iEre -- synapheia, and elision.
. 482. Per terr' et versa pul-|-m zre-|-scrlbitiir hasta
( pulvls -- ccesura,
504. HInc atqu' hlnc glomerantur o-\-reades | Ilia pha-
525. Maximiis l]io-\-neUs pldct-\-do sic pectfc. re ccepit
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
536. ceno-\~tri c&luefe virl nunc faraa minores
( CEnotri -- regular, three syllables -- not
563. Talibus l\\o-\-neus cti,nc-\-tl simtil org fr&nebant
( Ilioneus -- diphthong.
615. \\Lo-\-ned pe-\-tit dextra lsevaque Serestum
( Ilionea -- the E long, according to the Ionic
618. Casu | deinde vi~\-rl tant' et sic ore lociit' est
( delnde -- synceresis.
621. Tun' 111' aineas quern Dardani-|-<5 <<M-|-chIsa>>"
( Dardanio -- ccesura --preserved -- spondaic
655. Pergama cum pete-|-ri? i! zw-|-concessosqu' hjrme-
( peteret -- ccesura.
672. LItora jacte-|-fSr bdt-\-is Jun5nis iniquaj
( jactetiir -- ccesura.
702. Aured | cpwiposiilt sponda mediamque' locavit
( aurea -- synceresis.
730. atria dependent lychnl laquearibus | aure'is
( aurels -- synceresis.
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? 16 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
Mneid. 2.
7. Myrmidonum Dolopumv' aut duri mile's u-\-lyssez
( Ulyssel synaeresis.
1 6. Sdificant sectaqu' Intexunt | dbiete | costas
( abjete, or ab-yete'. -- See Georgic 4, 297-
90. Gessimus invidia postquam pellacis u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssel -- synceresis.
264. et M8n? -\-latis et \ Ipse doll fabricator e-\-peus
275. Hectftre ' qui r&lit exuvias Indutus a-\-chillei
( Achillei -- synceresis.
318. fecc' autem tells Pan-|-Mfis e-|-lapsus achivum
319. Pdntkus \ 5thtrades arcis Pbceblque ' sacerdos
322. 1 Qu5 res summit 15co Pan-\-thU qiidm | prendimus
( Panthiis, Panthu, long, from the Greek OT.
339. addunt se socios Ylhi-\-petis et | maximus armls
( Rhipeus -- diphthong.
369. Luctus ubique ' p&-\-vor et | plurfmS mortis imago
( pavor-- ccesura.
371. androge-|-os o/-|-fert nobls soci' agmina credens
or [according to Heyne's text)
androge-|-fis o/*-|-fert, Sgc.
( Androgeos -- the Attic O-mega naturally
long: -- Androgeus, ccesura.
391. arma dabunt ipsi. sic fatus | delude co-|-mantem
( deinde -- syrueresis.
394. Hoc Rhi-|-pefis hoc | Ipsg Dymas dmnlsque' jiiventus
( Rhipeus--diphthong.
411. Nostrdr' obrin-\-mur o? i-|-turque ' miserrima ciedes
( obruimur --c&sura.
419. Spume us atqu' imo Ne-|-reas ciet | sequdra fundo
( Nereus -- diphthong.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 17
JEneid. 2.
426, Procumbit cadit et Rhl-|-pews,;to-|-tlssimus units
( Rhipeus -- diphthong.
429. Coriflx' a sociis nee te tua plurima | PdnthU
( Panthu -- See verse 322.
436. Jam gravior Pelias St vulnere tardus u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssei -- syiueresis.
442. Hserent | pdriett-\-bus scalse postesque sub Ipsos
( parjetibus, or par-yetibus. -- See Georgia
4, 297-
492. Custodes sufferre valent labat | driete | crebro
( arjete, or ar-yete. -- See Georgic 4, 297.
563. et direpta d6-\-mus it | parvi casus iull
( domiis -- ccesura.
654. abnegat inceptoqu' et sedibtis hseret in | Isdem
( iisdem, Isdem -- crasis.
691. Dd dein-\-d' auxiiium pater atqu' hJec Smina firma
( delnde -- synceresis.
745. Quem non IncusaV amens hominumque de-\-orum-
qu' Aiit quid in . . . .
( qu' Aut -- synapheia, and elision.
774. obstupu-|-z s/&e-|-runtque com' et vox faucibus
( steterunt -- systole.
JEneid. 3.
48. obstupui stetHruntque, 4c. as the line last quoted.
74. Nereidum ma. -\-tri et | Neptu-|-<<o a'-|-ga3o
( matrl-- ccesura -- preserved. -- Neptuno,
the same -- and N. B. a spondaic verse.
87. Pergama relliquias Dana' atqu' Immitis h-\-chillci
( Achillel -- synceresis.
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? 18 . . Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEncid. 3.
91. Llmina-|-yfle &zfl-|-rusque del totusque moverl
( liminaque -- ccesura.
112. idseumque nt-\-mus hinc J fida silentia sacris
( nemus -- ccesura.
122. idome-|-rcea rfw-|-cem desertaque lltora Cretai
( Idomenea -- the. Ionic E lo? ig -- Eta for
135. Jamque fe-|-rl sic-\-co subducts lltbre puppes
( fere. -- Having omitted, in my " Latin Pros-
ody," to quote authority for Fere intrinsically long
without ccesura, I here give two examples from
Seneca, Troas, 439, and 1144 --
Partes \fere | nox alma transierat duas.
Stupet omne vulgus; et \fere | cuncti magis. . . .
The syllable, however, may be considered as com-
mon, if ive admit the authority of Ausonius,
Epig. 105 --
Nam tecumyere totus ero,quocumque recedam.
136. Conntibi-\-is--four syllables. See JEneid. 1, 77.
idem | venturos tollemus ad astra nepotes
( iidem, idem -- crasis.
165. ceno-\-tri coluere viri nunc fama minores
( GEn5tri, regular -- three syllables -- not
211. insula: | loni' in magno quas dira Celseno
( insula^ -- the JE preserved, and shortened --
loni, a dactyl.
212. Hdrpyi-\-seque colunt aliaj Phineia postquam
( Harpyia; -- Harpyl, a 'spondee -- the YI
a diphthong, as in the Greek 'Afuruia. -- See,
below, verses 249 and 365.
226. Hdrpyi' | et magnls quatiiint clangoribiis alas
( Harpy! -- as in the preceding line.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 19
Mneid. 3.
249. et patri' Insontes H&r-\-pyids\ pellere regno
( Harpylas--pyias, a spondee. See verse 212.
327. Serviti' enixse tulimus qui | deinde se-\-cutas
( deinde -- synaeresis.
354. Aula* | In medio libabant pocula BacchI
( aula! -- antique diceresis of the diphthong
ZE in the genitive aulse. -- See iEn. 6, 747,
and 9, 26.
365. Sola novum dlctuque nefas UsLX-\-pyia Ce-|-lseno
( Harpyla--pyl, a diphthong --See verse 212.
450. Nunquam | deinde cd-\-\o volitantia prendere saxo
( deinde -- synceresis.
464. Dona de-\-hmc au. ro gravi-|-a sec-|-toqu' elephanto
( dehinc -- the E preserved from elision, and
shortened before the I. -- gravia -- ccesura.
475. Conjugi' anchi-|-sa Vene-\-ris dignate superbo
( Anchisa. -- As in the vocative iEnea from
. ZEneas, the final A is long in this Doric
vocative Anchisa from Anchisas, of which xsce
find the genitive Ay^iauo in Homer, Iliad.
B. 819, and elsewhere . ? the Dorians forming
the genitive in AO from their own nominative
in AS, as the Ionians their genitive in EX2
from the nominative in HS. -- If isoe derive
it from a Latin nominative, Anchisa, (like Atrida
in the first of the subjoined examples) it must be
naturally short, (as vie see the vocative Atrida. in
the second example) and could only be lengthened
by the ccesura --
Non ita Dardanio gavisus Atrida triumpho est.
Propertius, 2, 14, 1.
Ne quis humasse velit Ajacem, Atrida, vetas!
cur? Horace, Sat. 2,3,187.
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? 26 Glavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 3.
504. atqu' Idem ca-\-sus fl-|-nam faciemus utramque
( casus . >>-- caesura.
This verse might be viewed in a different light
-- making idem casus plural -- iidem, idem by
crasis, and casus naturally long: but it vnas cer-
tainly not so intended by Virgil, who adverts only
to the common calamity in its great general outline,
not to a regular and uniform series of adventures
in detail.
541. Sed tamen | id' o-|-Hm curru succedere | suetl
( iidem, Idem -- crasis. -- sueti (as sweti) one
syllable by synceresis: but N. B. it is very
rarely otherwise : --- currui, curru, crasis.
564. Tollimiir In caelum curvlitS gurgit' et | idem
( Idem, as in the preceding line.
578. Fam' est enceladl st-\-m'ustUm | fulmine corpus
( semiustum, sem'ustum -- elision.
606. SI pereo mara-\-bus homt-\-num perusse juvabit
or, according to Heyne's text,
Si perg-|-o homt-\-nmn manibus perilsse juvabit
( in the former case, manibus by ccesura -- in
the latter, the O of pereo preserved by the
609. Hortamur quiie | deind' <<gt-|-tet fortuna fa'terl
( delnde -- synaresis.
613. Sum patri' ex ithaca comes Infellcis u-\-lyssei
( Ulyssel -- synaeresis.
681. Constite-|-runt sllv' alta Jovls lucusve Dianai
( constiterunt -- systole. .
691. Litor' achemenides comes infellcis u-\-li/sset
( Ulyssel -- synceresis.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 21
JEneid. 3.
702. Immanisque Ge-\-la JMvi-\-l cognSmine dicta
( Gela -- ccesura,
JEneid. 4.
64. Pectori-|-5fls inhi-\-Hns spirantia cqnsiilit exta
( pectoribus--ccesura.
CdnnUbi-\-o --Jour syllables. -- See JEn. 1, 77.
Cretes-|-ywe . Drjio-|-pesque fremunt pictlqu' aga-
( Cretesque -- ccesura.
168. Conntibi^-is, or Conniibi-\-l--four syllables. --
See JEn. I, 77.
222. Tum sic Mercuri' aWoqui-\-tur dc | talia mandal
( alloquitur--ccesura.
235. Quid struit aut qua | spe tni-|-mic' in gente moratur
( spe --preserved from elision.
469. Eumenidum veliiti demens videt agmina |Pentheils
( Pentheus -- diphthong.
558. omnia Mercurio simills vocemque c6-\-lorern-
qu' Et crines
( qu' Et -- synapheia, and elision.
561. Nee qua? circumstent te | deindepe-\-ricu\& cernis
( deinde -- synceresis.
629. imprecor arm' armis pugnent ipsique x\e-\-potes-
qiC Haec [according to Hey ne's text)
( qu' Hsec -- synapheia, and elision.
667. Lamentis gemituqu' et femine-|-o Mii-\-\a. lu
( femineo -- ccesura --preserved.
686. Sem'dni-\-men\qvie sinii german' amplexa fovebat
( semianimem, sem'animem-- syncope.
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? 22 Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana.
JEneid. 5.
14. Quldve pater Neptune paras sic | deinde Jo-|-cutus
( delnde -- synceresis.
116. Ve]o-|-cem Mae-\stheus agit | acrl remige PristTM
117. Mox ita-|-lus Mne-\~stketts genus | a quo n5mine
( Mnestheus -- EU, diphthong. -- Memmii,
Memml -- crasis.
152. Turb' Interfremitumque Gyas quem | demit
( delnde -- synceresis.
184. Sergesto Mne-|-s^<? oyMe Gy-|-an superare mo-
ran tem
( Mnestheo--synceresis, as in alveo, Georg. 2,
. 186. Nee tota. tamen Ille pri-|-or ^ra>e-|-unte carina
( praeeunte--the M shortened before the follow-
ing vowel. (See the explanation of this in my
"Latin Prosody," sect. 4. )
189. Hortatur Mnt-\-stheUs nunc \ nunc Insurgite remis
( Mnestheus -- diphthong.
258. at qui | deinde Zo-|-cum tenult virtute ' secundum
( delnde -- synceresis.
261. Victor apiid rapidum Simoenta sub | Uib\ alto
( Hig -- ^e O preserved from elision, and
shortened before the following vowel.
263. Vix Ulam famuli Fhe-\-geus Sag? -|-rlsque ferebant
( Phegeus-- diphthong.
269. Purpurels Ibant evlncti tempora | tcenis
( tseniis, tsenis -- crasis.
284. 5111 servada-j-rfwr bpe-\-x' haud Ignara Minervw
( datur-- caesura.
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? Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana. 23
JEneid. 5.
296. Nlsiis amore pi5 pueri quos | delude se-|-cutus ?
( delnde -- synceresis.
*_. ? .
delnde -- the same.
Jamque fe-|-re spatf I extremo fessique sub Ipsum
( fere --See JEneid. 3, 135.
337. emicat Eurya-|-/fls et | munere victor amlcl
( Euryalus -- ccesura.
352. Dat Salio vlllls oneros' atqu' unguibus | aureis
( aureis -- synceresis.
400. Venlssem nee dona moror sic | deinde Zo-|-cfitus
( delnde -- synceresis.