him as a reward, or an iadutt>>eiiao<<; or
a proof of his bei>>gi treated!
him as a reward, or an iadutt>>eiiao<<; or
a proof of his bei>>gi treated!
Childrens - Frank
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you and Mary are particularly asked
to meet some young peopler'
" Thursday' is the last day of master
Tom's holidays," cried Frank;i ^He
told me so, the morning we went there,
mamma. But I do not want to see him
again, for I do hot like him much. " ' . ?
"But you cannot, in this world, see
only the people you like, Frank; be-
sides, you have not seen enough to
know, whether you ought to like him*
or not; and, at all events, it will be good
for you to see boys of different sorts. be-
fore you go to school. " . . '. i i.
Frank and Mary went with their
mother to dine with Mrs. iJ--. The
young people, who had been expected,
did not come. Mrs. J made
many apologies; she had been disap-
pointed by every one--she had no
company but themselves.
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ia^BefansiiFrank ihad been in the room
with master Tom many minutes, Tom
pilled iim , by the sleeve, as a sign
$hsrt he wanted to speak to him, with-
out being heard by his mother,
miff This was to have been my hanging
day," said Tom, "but I have got off. "
Hanging day," said Frank, " what
can you mean ? "
,-it 'ftWhy you, that have never been
ati 4>vx school,. there is no talking to
feo? ' replied Tom, "you cannot un-
derstand trap" . -
Frank did not yet understand even
what was meant by trap.
aiPOn plain English, then, since too*
iJiuag else a will idd ior you, vffc QtAl
hanging day the day before we go to
school J but II i have got off; I itoV hot
toigobto! schbol again*--to that school;
at least. " Wip- '<< a vuv. . <<<. 'i
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? 1. 14
oJ Tom could explain ao ifiurtherj Afor
dinn6r. TOasiia>>nauhoedsq isAi ^gnidt yas
. OjSiTbei fact ^^;uth^,Mns*! iiIii*-w4itd
been made ashamed of her sons vulgar
manner wfldispea^mg t^aitocb' behaving,
especially /i*kaiiiimwningvi . wJfcaMa. ssfcft
paid beri feti^is^it^Hi^anfeVnltttber^
and Tom. taking advantage nfrfiotbaii,
persuaded fhef^ thafcn. 'hit s'wfeadalJlthe
Awilt 1106o*bej [ t school,i andi 11 paefr ailed
iipo>> his; mamma i Avzt, J j>>. ' a^sadb low
there agaitelq aid no inq oi bmslfo arfV
oJ SbHsSay^ftsihe wis. noi^d? te? ittiiied
Itenp>>ti3&3isiit& aigc^JiT^rfcimanwerB
should. . bflutim |<<imeJf^nsjidefa^B,m-
;9fe? W&uld. ^spagel rifti e^peiosg ^q>>roake
efeu>>'ipitgifcfeSPjJi^? ; >>vi*boq aus uo^
In thea weftPtoti^nltf vWM>> ;*nfea=ed
Befihejtf&jfls i^fftrfthjft fpb'ffiP*fS f P011^-
c<<ua%Ij>>iA hi8i. ,^iai he/nYf? Si ". flufoi*
tij^lfdbe^Kliiog ;,iiod. i ii quite* 1 hnol
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? FRANK. 115
At dinner be paid no attention to
any thing that passed in conversation;
he was thinking of nothing but getting
whatf 'he Meed best to eat, which he
devoured as fast as possible; he then
fidgetted, called all the servants, and
looked'sulky and injured till he had
something more.
imHfejiihad a number of dislikes: he
told his. mamma he could not bear--
ieould not touch-i-several things, which
she offered to put on his plate.
fit-iBoring dinner his mother talked to
hittt, and of him, at different times,
nearly im the following manner: --
<<AWiMj dear Tom, how you do eat:
you are positively quite a little epicure
---absolutely a little cormorant! "
-tiuM But;" turning to Frank's father and
'mother, " they do make children so
fond of eating at those schools, by not
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? tit mA&a.
gtwng thepi tgoddi (things eomstaotlytj
ipef<sinotiifeiQar to ^ichildseh g^amaim
4km$ bvrtfar/thd'. little time pocaiaBdia
ifsit(C) rfeei1. at-home-with me^oiti canon*
SiigBif! (r^! jro>>kns>ji^fnlikni. "a-iB ^fiBiotsn
A(tr? fo, i'Tonbi yourare ^wery-. &rail^'ilM!
jww>>> b? being afchoanewithi mamnW? ? 5m
. . Not iword. in answer 'ifi>>mi' Tom*,
bufrifularge piece pwt into Iris mouth J" in
IdffnWell,/ butiiHit 'up,iiniy dear j you
axenquiteva bear. '--Ma'am,. you must
knom, ihe-has wheedled me iintoi letting
him stay a little longer at home*--in-i'
deed! " added she in a whispery. |'tfiBi
iaititenmdst affectionate creature, though
htensaaaneip is. swisbyih^iBnt f>>ntndd\kfai
your knife; imy/deaB4Be-prayil<<*-i Excuse.
bins dirvl ^(C). isciiv sueh spirits :to-day,
hft vdosi not! imind' wlhat iany cbodyi says
t*ri hiiHim--(Bat -EdmitTbwA iyou. &Bget
mistenManyiiahd masteri Frank. i-Pray
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? FftANK. 117
lefiijtte-isee youthink of your yotmg
f>>iend8*! -'But' indeed, ma'am, these
schools do make such terrible great
bears, of. 'one's boys--worse than they
naturally are. All boys are naturally
Vittie . bears, you know. Master Frank,
indeed; is an exception; for he looks
aenafr hei. hadi never been a little bear,
and I am sure he never was and never
will bei one. v iBut he has a very small
atppetite, maiairi. --Won't you take
something more, my dear: do. --Before(
heiigoesitoifeohowii you should indulge
hiifr in getting what he likes, and as
much as he pleases; for, as Tom can
tell him, ihe won't find any of these good
things at school--'Hey Tom! " i ti- '
Erank had eaten what he liked, and
as. much as he liked, which he wasi
usually allowed to do ; and he was
fondc-f sweet things, as children/ natu*
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? 115 FRANK.
rally are/; but;, they had not been made
rewards to bjfla)7 ofciprqefs. of' kindness;
and he had not been roadfe- toiitbinld
eating a matter o? such great conse-
quence as it appeared to Mrsii3J-tH#;5"
and to master Tontf- fnfi 11; 'galf^Afoosi
After dinner Tom was at hisxnaoani^s
elbow "for his glass of i*ine. "i' Tliis
day it was to be a bumper,! because
there was company*. i. ) ^muda giadJora
. . . " True, my deary because yo>> must
drink all the company's health,! . and
master Frank's in particulw. itom giH
. . . ". Oh, mamma, that'snJ&Utbifti fwc
bumper yetj" said. TiPi&'co edx iot . oa
ti'Well, now my dear, itheme'slian&fo
bumper for you-r-quitdi a:. manasnbijnri
pe*. --I. wili treat you likeia man andj
a,geMlenwn J>>^day, ib^catise, JKo)m,^te
were very good to-day, injflojt a^itgifpg!
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? FRANK. lid
remember K/ ym, lost your' wine ofleg
bythalU--cOhpIiiin very strict, ma'am,
sometimes; pray give me credit But
Tom! Ihowi'you tossed it down without
recollecting all the healths^'Pm {juste
ashamed. " 1 ic '<fffr moT iouiu i i: . : A
h 336m, with his head back as far as
it could be thrown, was, in spite of his
mother's shame, tryingifdrop more
could not be had from the bottom of
the glass, ' ixf. T' . i trim
His mother observed, "that! it was
ve*y odd Tom had learned to like wine
so, for she could remember the "(lime'
when'he eo>>Td not bear the taste'Of it.
Bat* my dear master Frank, you must
get your bumper too---mamma will
allow 'you a bumper this once--to-
day am sure. '' '>>. . Mik-' v. . w '. l9W
. But Frank happened not to like the
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? <<5kd* ]to dike dti^y it*?
him as a reward, or an iadutt>>eiiao<<; or
a proof of his bei>>gi treated! asl iiraaa
and a gentleman. vsmoo ii nadW "
10 #eo thankdd Mrs: . )--r~-r. . htrf iitt
drew back his glass as. < she was\ goiag
to fill it: he said, he would ratherandrt
have anywinei ai aiadw isrimxcM "
11 ol Oltjolabutfaiyou mustuidaaiyk tijK>Qr
friend Tom's health. " -gniwqaidw btu
Tom's friend ! he is a nptioaTfllttl
friend, thocght Mary*-in. i-isado aidT
X. uSof Frank r thought ; -and* tbesidds^ufci
did not know what good it would' do
him to drink his health, <<yen . -if; . he
IwnfferinsifY&nklLn > 'Jo sinlq b qu baqsad
aliM Oh, if you don't iike it, ray dead
tawoiftwms^ty&ecaiuSr itotf gribirjiak*
yo^. 'aSttk,^' you are not . used >toit, zid
be fcure/; said Mrs. J--, /. a ad m
M . 1 JOT
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? itit46 Mother' do. ' help the straw berrjja&F
mamma^+iitad itiaafr big one,"
fnied he} iisttBg heiiad eu{ "io 'iooiq a
"When it comes to your turn, my
darting; . btrt~we molt n&fc think only of
tKumker one--when there's il company,
Tom^HJfii binow 3il thiae sd . ii ilil oJ
" Mamma, where is your' eaiy' . said
{Dom, putting his mouth close to it
and whispering--" . That's ibao&feMti?
bate ^company. " ad ! bnsiil g'inoT
This observation^ unlade'' bidi mother
laugh, and she seemed to think it very
. witty ;, (but i isbeofaaiiiafc wasiia. i secfcek
akdtIshieiwulfdinheepjiAisuaaireU ? hfe
heaped up a plate of fruit tor him, and
bidfhifw eat it*iariddiold. tisi d$i<<? little
tongue. But Tom, having swallowed
bis vwris bumper, became fcs. taUfcaiay^
as he had beforei be In [atieiitinuAod
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? 122 FRANk.
IfeftdrAnd^fy felt ashainM foflh1m,
he^tfow talked so loud and such rion-
s(C)Bise! i'ASi<l. i$li'iwas ail about himself,
or his schoolmaster': he told of what
clever tricks he played at school, and
how' he 'hated' His: schoolmatsW, and
how glad he was' he had done wifli
him,; and he1 would never go' to any
school again if he could help^it:
''"Now, Tom, you are getting vastly
too loud, and we can't bear it; and you
must go- otto. 'No, my sweet love,"rW
more of any thing ;' and you are
dragging my head off with your kisses.
Go, now,5 go out and play;' I insist.
Take master Frank and imss' Mary
<Mt, arid show^them theplace', there's
d'<<*! ar %^y. * Then, turkngW Frank's
father and mother, she added, " He is
sd^rid~bf4me7 theTesW getting him
outoftheroom. "ni(y: " i 'lr" J
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? ing him any longer. " . Fnank. and Mary
followed, because they weie desired to
dp so. Theyidid >>ot . mueh like to/go.
with Tom. ^owyer, they were glad>>fc*
fee the . filesh, . ait,. and^ *f|n: about. ini
thel. . pretty. shrubbery,. , $lary . Uked. . i^
look at so me yftytg i^n% which Tom
said. . wejfi. t hif ^mamma's. great pets;
but Mary. . could not. bear? to . Beeithei
mannei. in . which. T/Jm Jessed . i*B&
frightened them;: h&fialled it good fun.
A^h^n. . . she. turned away,i h# dragged}
Frank ';on)y:(iandi. . saicL. . "J. on ,wiU . toe>>
laughed ^ifinply. at sch^apl,i if . yc*u play
jvitb. girls. h;. Come,, ^c^ne^onf. af^ JofflA
her hehind^i^ ^J5i'! find ^. u. W'fc
Jf^H >' . tabbti . . ids ,-. :iiJom bns laibdi
" I will wait for Mary/' in001 9ift i? 0
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? 124 FRANK.
Tpin . could not pull him on, tifl
Mary came up. They were now with-
in sight of a gate, that opened into a
new part of. the pleasure ground.
" That's. : Ijhe Chinese gate," said
Tom, "and I will have-a swing upon it. "
Frank askedi,. if this was not the
gate his mother desired, that he would
not swing upom i ,
" Yes; but what. signifies," said he,
" I shan't break it. "
j Frank tried to hold him back, say-
ing, " Oh, do not, do not. " . . . ; ,t
i But Tom jumped upon the gate, cry-
ing, " What a coward you are j Did
you never awrqg upon a gate in ypur
life--it's the best fun but you -don't
. 'VI*"'13rl
knowi what fun is, never having. been
at schop], and only with girls, you ;are
so afraid of every thing. "i. T ;| r y .
"iNo. " said Frank, "I am . not
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? * ffl8m*ii8BFftoirtp te&ydTi
what ^wm^^w
^^urti^lV^^a^ tnM^fter
y^rnmM^! h9evfl)^:sI Wj 'raoT
lorn set the gate swinging ; " Now,
said rhe, " are you really? suJc61 a' ^quiz,'
<Sen,J! 'as ti> mifitT ^fere's 'any rharm in
swinging on a gate :
i<< i^b^n^tnink
there is any harm in swniging on' a
to Iwing! 'oh" 'that1 gafe^ fc&Wse ybW
mother desifta you^otrto do it. ( _ , . *
iaoL uov Judizad sib a'li--aid
u TVonsense : *
^te^^ranif ^J&n^lSPfflf
go back to the housed I know the way.
" You 11 tell of me, Jtsuppose.
not say any ''tiling about
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? T26 ["RANK.
yon. Haiti J Krauk, - unle$<< I bWB
asked. " . aauorl
MrSka&M ybjioateaasked? what will
youisaytJo sdidiTpmurft viftss gniqmn
'fto"iTJietruthJaifl}i3 siirej" s^id/Franksrlt
03 'f! TEheriwyfli>>'( wHliobe . >> 4<<ibt? fle>>'
said Torn,i ffiiQh*i if ilihfewi known owfeaf
sort of a fellow you". r|wwejmI->>iWOuW
never have irusrtedi. tyoti," Iiaiidedi ' Jfova,
getting i dffitfeeigateixff T5&ft'iLi>>$Yfifr d*
at school -- you'll bo sent to Co-
ventry. '" . sAco mnfq lo fh/l
-ad"$iiiJoa'tn knoriitmhsM tH id v. nj<<fcbs,"
<<wdt Foamkbsfhbatol hofte'll shafllnb'fe
i|bl%M<<)iibeajr]fc, vtfhatevefc [it i>>. "s/{ nsd)
" Mighty grandi 5"r. aaa)dMT<<rfaprffiarid
fctMbonita gate i What signifies . talking
1atty i4(C)reiiih(C)utisuqhia. thing. " ym no
i9iifcI. ido3,t <imean? t. ta! talk any mo*
about it," said Frank. ". lis
hitfi ThW^we'Bonav airtayprfeiaiAi Mtfry;
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl.
you and Mary are particularly asked
to meet some young peopler'
" Thursday' is the last day of master
Tom's holidays," cried Frank;i ^He
told me so, the morning we went there,
mamma. But I do not want to see him
again, for I do hot like him much. " ' . ?
"But you cannot, in this world, see
only the people you like, Frank; be-
sides, you have not seen enough to
know, whether you ought to like him*
or not; and, at all events, it will be good
for you to see boys of different sorts. be-
fore you go to school. " . . '. i i.
Frank and Mary went with their
mother to dine with Mrs. iJ--. The
young people, who had been expected,
did not come. Mrs. J made
many apologies; she had been disap-
pointed by every one--she had no
company but themselves.
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ia^BefansiiFrank ihad been in the room
with master Tom many minutes, Tom
pilled iim , by the sleeve, as a sign
$hsrt he wanted to speak to him, with-
out being heard by his mother,
miff This was to have been my hanging
day," said Tom, "but I have got off. "
Hanging day," said Frank, " what
can you mean ? "
,-it 'ftWhy you, that have never been
ati 4>vx school,. there is no talking to
feo? ' replied Tom, "you cannot un-
derstand trap" . -
Frank did not yet understand even
what was meant by trap.
aiPOn plain English, then, since too*
iJiuag else a will idd ior you, vffc QtAl
hanging day the day before we go to
school J but II i have got off; I itoV hot
toigobto! schbol again*--to that school;
at least. " Wip- '<< a vuv. . <<<. 'i
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? 1. 14
oJ Tom could explain ao ifiurtherj Afor
dinn6r. TOasiia>>nauhoedsq isAi ^gnidt yas
. OjSiTbei fact ^^;uth^,Mns*! iiIii*-w4itd
been made ashamed of her sons vulgar
manner wfldispea^mg t^aitocb' behaving,
especially /i*kaiiiimwningvi . wJfcaMa. ssfcft
paid beri feti^is^it^Hi^anfeVnltttber^
and Tom. taking advantage nfrfiotbaii,
persuaded fhef^ thafcn. 'hit s'wfeadalJlthe
Awilt 1106o*bej [ t school,i andi 11 paefr ailed
iipo>> his; mamma i Avzt, J j>>. ' a^sadb low
there agaitelq aid no inq oi bmslfo arfV
oJ SbHsSay^ftsihe wis. noi^d? te? ittiiied
Itenp>>ti3&3isiit& aigc^JiT^rfcimanwerB
should. . bflutim |<<imeJf^nsjidefa^B,m-
;9fe? W&uld. ^spagel rifti e^peiosg ^q>>roake
efeu>>'ipitgifcfeSPjJi^? ; >>vi*boq aus uo^
In thea weftPtoti^nltf vWM>> ;*nfea=ed
Befihejtf&jfls i^fftrfthjft fpb'ffiP*fS f P011^-
c<<ua%Ij>>iA hi8i. ,^iai he/nYf? Si ". flufoi*
tij^lfdbe^Kliiog ;,iiod. i ii quite* 1 hnol
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? FRANK. 115
At dinner be paid no attention to
any thing that passed in conversation;
he was thinking of nothing but getting
whatf 'he Meed best to eat, which he
devoured as fast as possible; he then
fidgetted, called all the servants, and
looked'sulky and injured till he had
something more.
imHfejiihad a number of dislikes: he
told his. mamma he could not bear--
ieould not touch-i-several things, which
she offered to put on his plate.
fit-iBoring dinner his mother talked to
hittt, and of him, at different times,
nearly im the following manner: --
<<AWiMj dear Tom, how you do eat:
you are positively quite a little epicure
---absolutely a little cormorant! "
-tiuM But;" turning to Frank's father and
'mother, " they do make children so
fond of eating at those schools, by not
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? tit mA&a.
gtwng thepi tgoddi (things eomstaotlytj
ipef<sinotiifeiQar to ^ichildseh g^amaim
4km$ bvrtfar/thd'. little time pocaiaBdia
ifsit(C) rfeei1. at-home-with me^oiti canon*
SiigBif! (r^! jro>>kns>ji^fnlikni. "a-iB ^fiBiotsn
A(tr? fo, i'Tonbi yourare ^wery-. &rail^'ilM!
jww>>> b? being afchoanewithi mamnW? ? 5m
. . Not iword. in answer 'ifi>>mi' Tom*,
bufrifularge piece pwt into Iris mouth J" in
IdffnWell,/ butiiHit 'up,iiniy dear j you
axenquiteva bear. '--Ma'am,. you must
knom, ihe-has wheedled me iintoi letting
him stay a little longer at home*--in-i'
deed! " added she in a whispery. |'tfiBi
iaititenmdst affectionate creature, though
htensaaaneip is. swisbyih^iBnt f>>ntndd\kfai
your knife; imy/deaB4Be-prayil<<*-i Excuse.
bins dirvl ^(C). isciiv sueh spirits :to-day,
hft vdosi not! imind' wlhat iany cbodyi says
t*ri hiiHim--(Bat -EdmitTbwA iyou. &Bget
mistenManyiiahd masteri Frank. i-Pray
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. hn2gwl Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? FftANK. 117
lefiijtte-isee youthink of your yotmg
f>>iend8*! -'But' indeed, ma'am, these
schools do make such terrible great
bears, of. 'one's boys--worse than they
naturally are. All boys are naturally
Vittie . bears, you know. Master Frank,
indeed; is an exception; for he looks
aenafr hei. hadi never been a little bear,
and I am sure he never was and never
will bei one. v iBut he has a very small
atppetite, maiairi. --Won't you take
something more, my dear: do. --Before(
heiigoesitoifeohowii you should indulge
hiifr in getting what he likes, and as
much as he pleases; for, as Tom can
tell him, ihe won't find any of these good
things at school--'Hey Tom! " i ti- '
Erank had eaten what he liked, and
as. much as he liked, which he wasi
usually allowed to do ; and he was
fondc-f sweet things, as children/ natu*
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? 115 FRANK.
rally are/; but;, they had not been made
rewards to bjfla)7 ofciprqefs. of' kindness;
and he had not been roadfe- toiitbinld
eating a matter o? such great conse-
quence as it appeared to Mrsii3J-tH#;5"
and to master Tontf- fnfi 11; 'galf^Afoosi
After dinner Tom was at hisxnaoani^s
elbow "for his glass of i*ine. "i' Tliis
day it was to be a bumper,! because
there was company*. i. ) ^muda giadJora
. . . " True, my deary because yo>> must
drink all the company's health,! . and
master Frank's in particulw. itom giH
. . . ". Oh, mamma, that'snJ&Utbifti fwc
bumper yetj" said. TiPi&'co edx iot . oa
ti'Well, now my dear, itheme'slian&fo
bumper for you-r-quitdi a:. manasnbijnri
pe*. --I. wili treat you likeia man andj
a,geMlenwn J>>^day, ib^catise, JKo)m,^te
were very good to-day, injflojt a^itgifpg!
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? FRANK. lid
remember K/ ym, lost your' wine ofleg
bythalU--cOhpIiiin very strict, ma'am,
sometimes; pray give me credit But
Tom! Ihowi'you tossed it down without
recollecting all the healths^'Pm {juste
ashamed. " 1 ic '<fffr moT iouiu i i: . : A
h 336m, with his head back as far as
it could be thrown, was, in spite of his
mother's shame, tryingifdrop more
could not be had from the bottom of
the glass, ' ixf. T' . i trim
His mother observed, "that! it was
ve*y odd Tom had learned to like wine
so, for she could remember the "(lime'
when'he eo>>Td not bear the taste'Of it.
Bat* my dear master Frank, you must
get your bumper too---mamma will
allow 'you a bumper this once--to-
day am sure. '' '>>. . Mik-' v. . w '. l9W
. But Frank happened not to like the
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? <<5kd* ]to dike dti^y it*?
him as a reward, or an iadutt>>eiiao<<; or
a proof of his bei>>gi treated! asl iiraaa
and a gentleman. vsmoo ii nadW "
10 #eo thankdd Mrs: . )--r~-r. . htrf iitt
drew back his glass as. < she was\ goiag
to fill it: he said, he would ratherandrt
have anywinei ai aiadw isrimxcM "
11 ol Oltjolabutfaiyou mustuidaaiyk tijK>Qr
friend Tom's health. " -gniwqaidw btu
Tom's friend ! he is a nptioaTfllttl
friend, thocght Mary*-in. i-isado aidT
X. uSof Frank r thought ; -and* tbesidds^ufci
did not know what good it would' do
him to drink his health, <<yen . -if; . he
IwnfferinsifY&nklLn > 'Jo sinlq b qu baqsad
aliM Oh, if you don't iike it, ray dead
tawoiftwms^ty&ecaiuSr itotf gribirjiak*
yo^. 'aSttk,^' you are not . used >toit, zid
be fcure/; said Mrs. J--, /. a ad m
M . 1 JOT
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? itit46 Mother' do. ' help the straw berrjja&F
mamma^+iitad itiaafr big one,"
fnied he} iisttBg heiiad eu{ "io 'iooiq a
"When it comes to your turn, my
darting; . btrt~we molt n&fc think only of
tKumker one--when there's il company,
Tom^HJfii binow 3il thiae sd . ii ilil oJ
" Mamma, where is your' eaiy' . said
{Dom, putting his mouth close to it
and whispering--" . That's ibao&feMti?
bate ^company. " ad ! bnsiil g'inoT
This observation^ unlade'' bidi mother
laugh, and she seemed to think it very
. witty ;, (but i isbeofaaiiiafc wasiia. i secfcek
akdtIshieiwulfdinheepjiAisuaaireU ? hfe
heaped up a plate of fruit tor him, and
bidfhifw eat it*iariddiold. tisi d$i<<? little
tongue. But Tom, having swallowed
bis vwris bumper, became fcs. taUfcaiay^
as he had beforei be In [atieiitinuAod
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? 122 FRANk.
IfeftdrAnd^fy felt ashainM foflh1m,
he^tfow talked so loud and such rion-
s(C)Bise! i'ASi<l. i$li'iwas ail about himself,
or his schoolmaster': he told of what
clever tricks he played at school, and
how' he 'hated' His: schoolmatsW, and
how glad he was' he had done wifli
him,; and he1 would never go' to any
school again if he could help^it:
''"Now, Tom, you are getting vastly
too loud, and we can't bear it; and you
must go- otto. 'No, my sweet love,"rW
more of any thing ;' and you are
dragging my head off with your kisses.
Go, now,5 go out and play;' I insist.
Take master Frank and imss' Mary
<Mt, arid show^them theplace', there's
d'<<*! ar %^y. * Then, turkngW Frank's
father and mother, she added, " He is
sd^rid~bf4me7 theTesW getting him
outoftheroom. "ni(y: " i 'lr" J
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? ing him any longer. " . Fnank. and Mary
followed, because they weie desired to
dp so. Theyidid >>ot . mueh like to/go.
with Tom. ^owyer, they were glad>>fc*
fee the . filesh, . ait,. and^ *f|n: about. ini
thel. . pretty. shrubbery,. , $lary . Uked. . i^
look at so me yftytg i^n% which Tom
said. . wejfi. t hif ^mamma's. great pets;
but Mary. . could not. bear? to . Beeithei
mannei. in . which. T/Jm Jessed . i*B&
frightened them;: h&fialled it good fun.
A^h^n. . . she. turned away,i h# dragged}
Frank ';on)y:(iandi. . saicL. . "J. on ,wiU . toe>>
laughed ^ifinply. at sch^apl,i if . yc*u play
jvitb. girls. h;. Come,, ^c^ne^onf. af^ JofflA
her hehind^i^ ^J5i'! find ^. u. W'fc
Jf^H >' . tabbti . . ids ,-. :iiJom bns laibdi
" I will wait for Mary/' in001 9ift i? 0
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? 124 FRANK.
Tpin . could not pull him on, tifl
Mary came up. They were now with-
in sight of a gate, that opened into a
new part of. the pleasure ground.
" That's. : Ijhe Chinese gate," said
Tom, "and I will have-a swing upon it. "
Frank askedi,. if this was not the
gate his mother desired, that he would
not swing upom i ,
" Yes; but what. signifies," said he,
" I shan't break it. "
j Frank tried to hold him back, say-
ing, " Oh, do not, do not. " . . . ; ,t
i But Tom jumped upon the gate, cry-
ing, " What a coward you are j Did
you never awrqg upon a gate in ypur
life--it's the best fun but you -don't
. 'VI*"'13rl
knowi what fun is, never having. been
at schop], and only with girls, you ;are
so afraid of every thing. "i. T ;| r y .
"iNo. " said Frank, "I am . not
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? * ffl8m*ii8BFftoirtp te&ydTi
what ^wm^^w
^^urti^lV^^a^ tnM^fter
y^rnmM^! h9evfl)^:sI Wj 'raoT
lorn set the gate swinging ; " Now,
said rhe, " are you really? suJc61 a' ^quiz,'
<Sen,J! 'as ti> mifitT ^fere's 'any rharm in
swinging on a gate :
i<< i^b^n^tnink
there is any harm in swniging on' a
to Iwing! 'oh" 'that1 gafe^ fc&Wse ybW
mother desifta you^otrto do it. ( _ , . *
iaoL uov Judizad sib a'li--aid
u TVonsense : *
^te^^ranif ^J&n^lSPfflf
go back to the housed I know the way.
" You 11 tell of me, Jtsuppose.
not say any ''tiling about
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? T26 ["RANK.
yon. Haiti J Krauk, - unle$<< I bWB
asked. " . aauorl
MrSka&M ybjioateaasked? what will
youisaytJo sdidiTpmurft viftss gniqmn
'fto"iTJietruthJaifl}i3 siirej" s^id/Franksrlt
03 'f! TEheriwyfli>>'( wHliobe . >> 4<<ibt? fle>>'
said Torn,i ffiiQh*i if ilihfewi known owfeaf
sort of a fellow you". r|wwejmI->>iWOuW
never have irusrtedi. tyoti," Iiaiidedi ' Jfova,
getting i dffitfeeigateixff T5&ft'iLi>>$Yfifr d*
at school -- you'll bo sent to Co-
ventry. '" . sAco mnfq lo fh/l
-ad"$iiiJoa'tn knoriitmhsM tH id v. nj<<fcbs,"
<<wdt Foamkbsfhbatol hofte'll shafllnb'fe
i|bl%M<<)iibeajr]fc, vtfhatevefc [it i>>. "s/{ nsd)
" Mighty grandi 5"r. aaa)dMT<<rfaprffiarid
fctMbonita gate i What signifies . talking
1atty i4(C)reiiih(C)utisuqhia. thing. " ym no
i9iifcI. ido3,t <imean? t. ta! talk any mo*
about it," said Frank. ". lis
hitfi ThW^we'Bonav airtayprfeiaiAi Mtfry;
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