1023 Operations in
Cambridge History of India - v3 - Turks and Afghans
) London.
Ahmad Khan, Sayid. Asar as-Sanadid. Cawn pore, 1904.
Cole, H. H. The Architecture of Ancient Delhi, especially the buildings around
the Kutb Minar. London, 1872.
Fanshawe, H. C. Delhi : Past and Present. London, 1902.
Hearn, H. C. The Seven Cities of Delhi. London, 1906.
Journal of the Archaeological Society of Delhi, Delhi.
Keene. H. G. Keene's Handbook for Visitors to Delhi. Rewritten and brought up-
to-date by E. A. Duncan. Calcutta, 1906.
Munshi, R. N. The History of the Kutb Minar (Delhi), with an account of the
Inscriptions on the Minar. Bɔmbay, 1911.
Sayyid Ahmad. Yadgar-i-Delhi ; being aa account of the buildings of Historical
and Archaeological interest in Delhi (Urdu). Delhi, 1905.
Sharp, Sir Henry. Delhi : Its Story and Buildings. Bombay, 1921.
Stephen, Carr. The Archaeology and monumental Remains of Delhi. Calcutia,
Zafar Hasan, M. List of Muhammadan and Hindu Monuments in the Province of
Delhi. Vols. 1-IV. Calcutta, 1916-22.
Archaeological Survey of H. E. H. the Nizam's Dominions : Annual Progress
Reports. 1914-15 to 1922-23. Hyderabad. Deccan.
Cousens, H. List of Antiquarian Remains in H. H. the Nizam's Dominions. Cal.
cutta, 1900.
Yazdani, G. Antiquities of Bidar, 1914,
## p. 663 (#713) ############################################
Archaeological Survey of Jammu and Kashmir State : Quinquennial Report on
Archaeology and Research in Kashmir. April 1904 to April 1909. Jammu,
Sewell, R. List of Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madras with a list
of Inscriptions and a Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India. Parts I-II.
Madras 1882-84.
Archaeological Survey of Mysore : Annual Progress Reports. 1886–1925.
Latif, Sayyid Muhammad. The Early History of Multan. Calcutta, 1890-91.
Rodgers, Chas. J. Revised List of Objects of Antiquarian Interest in the Punjab.
Lahore, 1904.
Cousens, H The Antiquities of Sind with Historical Outline. Calcutta, 1926.
Sarda, Harbilas. Ajmir : Historical and Descriptive. Ajmir, 1911.
Tod, J. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan or the Central and Western Rajput
States of India. Revised and edited with an Introduction and Notes by
William Grooke. Vols. I-III. London, 1920.
(n) U. P.
Fuhrer, A. The Monumental Antiquities and Inscriptions in the North Western
Provinces and Oudh. Described and arranged. Allahabad, 1891.
-The Sharqi Architecture of Jaunpur ; with notes on Zafarabad, Sahet
Mahet and other places in the North Western Provinces and Oudh. With
Drawings and Architectural descriptions by Edmund Smith. Edited by
J. Burgess. Calcutta, 1889.
Smith, E. W. Chaurasi Gumbaz, Kalpi, in the Western Provinces of Agra
and Oudh. (In the Journal of Indian Art, vol. v), 1893.
## p. 664 (#714) ############################################
A. D.
711 Invasion of Sind by Muhammad b. Qāsim (p. 2).
712 Capture of Nirūn. Defeat and death of Dāhir. Capture of Aror
(pp. 3, 5, 6).
Capture of Multān by the Muslims (p. 6).
715 Death of Muhammad b. Qasim (pp. 7,8).
Death of the Caliph Sulaimān and accession of 'Umar II (p. 8).
724—743 Hisham Caliph Junaid governor of Sind (p. 8).
750 Overthrow of the Umayyads by the ‘Abbāsids. Mūsā governor of
Sind (p. 9).
754—775 Al-Mansūr Caliph. Hisham governor of Sind (p. 9).
813–833 Al-Ma'mūn Caliph. Rebellion of Bashar, son of Dāūd, in Sind.
Mūsā Barmaki governor of Sind (p. 9).
836 Death of Mūsã and accession of his son ‘Amran as governor of Sind
(p. 9).
Virtual extinction of the authority of the Caliphs in Sind. Arab
principalities of Multān and Mansūrah (p. 9).
Sabuktigin ascends the throne of Ghazni (p. 11).
Sabuktigin takes Kābul and other territory from Jaipal I (p. 12).
993-4 Foundation of Delhi by the Tomaras (p. 512).
994 Sabuktigin acquires the government of Khurāsān (p. 12).
997 Death of Sabuktigin and accession of Ismā'il (p. 12).
998 Deposition of Ismā'il and accession of Mahmūd (p. 12).
999 Accession of Ganda Chandel in Dhanga (p. 507).
Mahmūd annexos Sistān and raids some frontier towns of India.
Expulsion of 'Abd-ul-Malik, the last Sāmānid ruler of Bukhārā
(p. 13).
1001 Mahmūd defeats Jaipāl I at Peshāwar and plunders Ūnd. Death
of Jaipal I and accession of Anandpāl (pp. 13, 14).
1002 Mahmūd suppresses a rebellion in Sīstān (p. 14).
1004 Mahmūd defeats Bajra and plunders Uch (p. 14).
1005 Defeat of Anandpāl and submission of Abu-'l-Fath Dāūd of Mulān.
Sukhpāl, having accepted Islam, is appointed governor of Und
(pp. 14, 15).
1007 Apostasy and rebellion of Sukhpāl (Nawāsa Shāh). His defeat and
capture (p. 15).
1008 Mahmud invades India and defeats the army of the Hindu con.
federacy between Ūnd and Peshāwar. He captures and plun•
ders Nagarkot, or Kängra (pp. 15, 16)
1009 Mahmūd reduces the principality of Ghūr to obedi :nce (pp. 16, 17).
1010 Mahmud invades India and defeats a Hindu army at Tarāori
(p. 17).
1011 Mahmūd establishes his authority in Multān (n. 17).
1013 Mahmud invades India, defeats Bhim, and caprures Nandana
(p. 17).
1014 Mahmūd invades India and plunders Thānesar (pp. 17, 18).
1015 Mahmud invades Kashmir, but is forced to retire (p. 18).
Accession of Gangeyadeva Kālachuri in Chedi (p. 510).
1016 Death of Rājarāja Chola, the Great (p. 468).
## p. 665 (#715) ############################################
A. D.
1016-7 Operations in Khvārazm and in the northern provinces of the
empire of Ghazni (p. 18).
1018-9 Mahmūd invades India, marches to Baran, Mahāban, Muttra, and
Kanauj, captures Manaich, Asni, and Sharva, returns to Ghazni
with his booty, and founds the great mosque of Ghazni
(pp. 18-21).
1021 Mahmūd invades India, defeats a Hindu confederacy under Ganda
of Kālinjar, and returns to Ghazni (p. 21).
Invasion of Dir, Swāt, and Bajaur, and of Kashmir. Flight of
Bhim and annexation of the Punjāb (p. 22).
1022 Mahmūd invades India, receives the submission of the Kachhwāha
raja of Gwalior and of Ganda of Kālinjar, and returns to Ghazni
(p. 22).
1023 Operations in Transoxiana (p. 23).
1024 Expedition to Somnāth, Mahmud captures the town and plunders
the temple (pp. 23-5).
1026 Mahmūd returns to Ghazni (p. 26).
Expedition against the Jāts (p. 26).
1030 Death of Mahmūd (p. 26).
Mas'ud blinds his brother Muhammad and ascends the throne
(p. 27),
1034 Rebellion in the Punjāb crushed by Tilak (p. 30).
1037 Masóūd invades India and captures Hānsi (p. 31).
1039 Karnadeva Kālachuri invades the Pāla kingdom of Bihār (p. 510).
1010 Defeat of Masóūd by the Saljūqs. He retires from Ghazni towards
India. His deposition and death. Restoration of Muhammad
(pp. 31-2).
Death of Gangeyadeva and accession of Karnadeva Kālachuri in
Chedi (p. 510).
1012 Deposition and death of Muhammad, and accession of Maudūd
(p. 32).
1014 Accession of Sāmêsvara Ahavamalla, Chālukya (p. 471).
1016 Invasion of Ghūr (p. 33).
1019 Death of Maudūd and accession of Masóūd II. Deposition of
Mas'ud II and ac sion of 'Ali (p. 33).
1052 D position of 'Ali and accession of 'Abd-ur-Rashid (p. 33).
1053 Usurpation and assassination of Tughril. Accession of Farrukhzād
(p. 34).
1059 Death of Farrukhzād and accession of Ibrāhim (p. 34).
1060 Karnadeva of Chedi and Bhim II of Gujarāt crush Bhoj of Mālwa
(p. 510).
1069 Death of Sõmēsvara Āhavamalla, Chālukya (p. 471).
1070 Accession of Kulottunga, the Chālukya-Chola (p. 469).
1076 Accession of Vikramāditya VI, Chalukya (p. 469).
1077 Accession of Rāmapāla in Bihār (p. 511).
1079 Capture of Ajūdhan and invasion of Gajarāt by Ibrāhīm of Ghazni
(p. 34).
1095 The Gaharwārs gain possession of Benares and Ajodhya (p. 509).
1091 Accession of Siddharāja Jayasingha in Gujarāt (p. 517).
1099 Death of Ibrāhīm and accession of Masóūd III in Ghazni (p. 35).
1101 Death of Vinayāditya Hoysala and accession of Ballāla I (p. 474).
1106 Death of Ballāla I and accession of Vishnu Hoysala (p. 474).
1115 • Death of Masóūd III and accession of Shirzād in Ghazni (p. 35),
## p. 666 (#716) ############################################
A. D.
Deposition of Shirzad and accession of Arsalān Shah (p. 35).
Deposition of Arsalān Shāh and accession of Bahrām Shāh (p. 35).
Death of Kulottunga, Chālukya-Chola (p. 469).
Suppression of the rebellion of Bahlim in the Punjāb (p. 35).
Vijaya Sena establishes his independence in Bengal (p. 511).
Death of Rāmapāla in Bihār (p. 511).
Death of Vikramāditya VI, Chālukya and accession of Somēsvara
III (pp. 469-78).
The Parihārs oust the Kachhwähas from Gwalior. The Kachh-
wāhas establish themselves in Amber (p. 533).
Death of Sõm svara III and accession of Jagadekamalla, Chalukya
(p. 477).
Accession of Narasimha Hoysala (p. 479).
Death of Siddharāja Jayasingha of Gujarāt (p. 517).
Bahrām of Ghazni captures Saif-ud-din Ghūrī and puts him to
death (p. 36).
Death of Jagadekamalla and accession of Taila III, Chālukya
(p. 478).
Burning of Ghazni by 'Alā-ud-din Husain, Jahānsüz (p. 36).
Death of Bahrām Shāh and accession of Khusrav Shāh (p. 37).
Death of Khusrav Shāh and accession of Khusrav Malik (p. 37).
Mu'izz-ud-din Muhammad b. Sām appointed governor of Ghazni
by his brother, Ghiyās-ud-din (p. 38).
Death of Narasimha Hoysala and accession of Vira Ballāla II
(p. 479).
Muhammad invades India and captures Multān and Uch (p. 38).
Lakshmana Sena succeeds Vijaya Sena in Nadiya (Nuddea)
(p. 511).
Muhammad invades Gujarāt and is defeated (p. 39).
Muhammad invades the Punjāb and builds and garrisons Siālkot
(pp. 37-9).
Prithvi Rāj captures Mahoba from Parmăb Chandel (p. 512).
Restoration of Sõmēsvara IV (p. 478).
Muhammad again invades the Punjāb and captures and imprisons
Khusrav Malık. End of the Yamini dynasty (pp. 37 9).
Death of Sõms vara IV, Chālukya (p. 478).
Vira Ballāla II defeats Bhillama Yādava (p. 480).
Muhammad capture3 Bhātinda, but is defeated by Prithvi Raj at
Tarāori (p. 40).
Second battle of Tarāori. Defeat and death of Prithvi Rāj. Occu.
pation of Hānsi, Sāmāna, and Guhrām, and appointment of
Qutb-ud-din Aibak as governor (pp. 40-1).
Capture of Delhi by Qutb ud-din Aibak, who makes it his capital.
Conquest of Bihār by Ikhtiyar. ud-din (p. 42).
Ajmer taken by the Hindus and recovered by Aibak (p. 43).
Aibak invades Gujarāt and plunders Anhilvāra. He is appointed
viceroy of the Muslim dominions in India (pp. 43-4).
Muhammad invades India, captures Bayāna, and advances to
Gwalior (p. 44).
Aibak is defeated and driven into Ajmer by Raja Bhim of Gujarāt
(p. 44).
Aibak again invades Gujarat and plunders Anhilvār a (p. 44).
## p. 667 (#717) ############################################
A. D.
Ikhtiyār-ud-din captures Nadiya and establishes himself at Lakh-
nāwati, or Gaur (p. 46).
Aibak captures Kālinjar (p. 47).
Death of Ghiyās-uddin and accession of Mu'izz-ud-din Muhammad
b. Sām as sole ruler (p. 46).
Defeat of Muhammed by the Turkmāns. His expedition to India
(p. 47).
Ikhtiyār-ud-din's attempt to invade Tibet (pp. 49—50).
Death of Ikhtiyār-ud-din in Bengal (p. 50).
Death of Muhammad and accession of Qutb-ud-din Aibak in India
(p. 48).
Aibak occupies Ghazni, but is expelled by Tāj-ud-din Yildiz (p. 50).
Death of Aibak and accession of Ārām Shāh. Nāsir-uddin Qabācha
proclaims his independence in Multān (pp. 50. 1).
Birbal Parihār recovers the fortress of Gwalior (p. 533).
Deposition of Ārām Shāh and accession of Shams-ud-din Ilıutmish
(p. 51).
Siāhji Rāthor establishes himself in Mārwār (p. 521).
Tāj-ud-din Yildiz invades the Punjāb (p. 52).
Yildiz is defeated at Tarāori by Iliutmish, who puts him to death
(p. 52).
Death of Kuloitunga Chola and accession of Rājarāja III. Accession
of Māravarman Sundara Pāndya (p. 481).
Iltutmish recovers Lahore and the upper Punjāb from Qabācha
(p. 52).
Accession of Rāwal Chāchakdeo of Jaisalmer (p. 531).
Death of Vira Ballāla II and accession of Narasimha II, Hoysala
(p. 482).
Jalāl-ud-din Mangbarni of Khvārazm takes refuge in Lahore, and,
being expelled, exacts tribute from Qabācha (pp. 52-3).
Jalāl-ud-din returns to Persia (p. 53).
Iltutmish receives the submission of Hisām-ud-din 'Iwaz of Bengal
(p. 53).
Capture of Ranthambhor by Iltut mish (pp. 53, 515).
Iltutmish captures Mandāwar and invades Qabācha's territory.
Capture of Multān and Uch. Qabācha is drowned in the Indus.
Iltutmish establishes his authorily in Sind (pp.
Ahmad Khan, Sayid. Asar as-Sanadid. Cawn pore, 1904.
Cole, H. H. The Architecture of Ancient Delhi, especially the buildings around
the Kutb Minar. London, 1872.
Fanshawe, H. C. Delhi : Past and Present. London, 1902.
Hearn, H. C. The Seven Cities of Delhi. London, 1906.
Journal of the Archaeological Society of Delhi, Delhi.
Keene. H. G. Keene's Handbook for Visitors to Delhi. Rewritten and brought up-
to-date by E. A. Duncan. Calcutta, 1906.
Munshi, R. N. The History of the Kutb Minar (Delhi), with an account of the
Inscriptions on the Minar. Bɔmbay, 1911.
Sayyid Ahmad. Yadgar-i-Delhi ; being aa account of the buildings of Historical
and Archaeological interest in Delhi (Urdu). Delhi, 1905.
Sharp, Sir Henry. Delhi : Its Story and Buildings. Bombay, 1921.
Stephen, Carr. The Archaeology and monumental Remains of Delhi. Calcutia,
Zafar Hasan, M. List of Muhammadan and Hindu Monuments in the Province of
Delhi. Vols. 1-IV. Calcutta, 1916-22.
Archaeological Survey of H. E. H. the Nizam's Dominions : Annual Progress
Reports. 1914-15 to 1922-23. Hyderabad. Deccan.
Cousens, H. List of Antiquarian Remains in H. H. the Nizam's Dominions. Cal.
cutta, 1900.
Yazdani, G. Antiquities of Bidar, 1914,
## p. 663 (#713) ############################################
Archaeological Survey of Jammu and Kashmir State : Quinquennial Report on
Archaeology and Research in Kashmir. April 1904 to April 1909. Jammu,
Sewell, R. List of Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madras with a list
of Inscriptions and a Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India. Parts I-II.
Madras 1882-84.
Archaeological Survey of Mysore : Annual Progress Reports. 1886–1925.
Latif, Sayyid Muhammad. The Early History of Multan. Calcutta, 1890-91.
Rodgers, Chas. J. Revised List of Objects of Antiquarian Interest in the Punjab.
Lahore, 1904.
Cousens, H The Antiquities of Sind with Historical Outline. Calcutta, 1926.
Sarda, Harbilas. Ajmir : Historical and Descriptive. Ajmir, 1911.
Tod, J. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan or the Central and Western Rajput
States of India. Revised and edited with an Introduction and Notes by
William Grooke. Vols. I-III. London, 1920.
(n) U. P.
Fuhrer, A. The Monumental Antiquities and Inscriptions in the North Western
Provinces and Oudh. Described and arranged. Allahabad, 1891.
-The Sharqi Architecture of Jaunpur ; with notes on Zafarabad, Sahet
Mahet and other places in the North Western Provinces and Oudh. With
Drawings and Architectural descriptions by Edmund Smith. Edited by
J. Burgess. Calcutta, 1889.
Smith, E. W. Chaurasi Gumbaz, Kalpi, in the Western Provinces of Agra
and Oudh. (In the Journal of Indian Art, vol. v), 1893.
## p. 664 (#714) ############################################
A. D.
711 Invasion of Sind by Muhammad b. Qāsim (p. 2).
712 Capture of Nirūn. Defeat and death of Dāhir. Capture of Aror
(pp. 3, 5, 6).
Capture of Multān by the Muslims (p. 6).
715 Death of Muhammad b. Qasim (pp. 7,8).
Death of the Caliph Sulaimān and accession of 'Umar II (p. 8).
724—743 Hisham Caliph Junaid governor of Sind (p. 8).
750 Overthrow of the Umayyads by the ‘Abbāsids. Mūsā governor of
Sind (p. 9).
754—775 Al-Mansūr Caliph. Hisham governor of Sind (p. 9).
813–833 Al-Ma'mūn Caliph. Rebellion of Bashar, son of Dāūd, in Sind.
Mūsā Barmaki governor of Sind (p. 9).
836 Death of Mūsã and accession of his son ‘Amran as governor of Sind
(p. 9).
Virtual extinction of the authority of the Caliphs in Sind. Arab
principalities of Multān and Mansūrah (p. 9).
Sabuktigin ascends the throne of Ghazni (p. 11).
Sabuktigin takes Kābul and other territory from Jaipal I (p. 12).
993-4 Foundation of Delhi by the Tomaras (p. 512).
994 Sabuktigin acquires the government of Khurāsān (p. 12).
997 Death of Sabuktigin and accession of Ismā'il (p. 12).
998 Deposition of Ismā'il and accession of Mahmūd (p. 12).
999 Accession of Ganda Chandel in Dhanga (p. 507).
Mahmūd annexos Sistān and raids some frontier towns of India.
Expulsion of 'Abd-ul-Malik, the last Sāmānid ruler of Bukhārā
(p. 13).
1001 Mahmūd defeats Jaipāl I at Peshāwar and plunders Ūnd. Death
of Jaipal I and accession of Anandpāl (pp. 13, 14).
1002 Mahmūd suppresses a rebellion in Sīstān (p. 14).
1004 Mahmūd defeats Bajra and plunders Uch (p. 14).
1005 Defeat of Anandpāl and submission of Abu-'l-Fath Dāūd of Mulān.
Sukhpāl, having accepted Islam, is appointed governor of Und
(pp. 14, 15).
1007 Apostasy and rebellion of Sukhpāl (Nawāsa Shāh). His defeat and
capture (p. 15).
1008 Mahmud invades India and defeats the army of the Hindu con.
federacy between Ūnd and Peshāwar. He captures and plun•
ders Nagarkot, or Kängra (pp. 15, 16)
1009 Mahmūd reduces the principality of Ghūr to obedi :nce (pp. 16, 17).
1010 Mahmud invades India and defeats a Hindu army at Tarāori
(p. 17).
1011 Mahmūd establishes his authority in Multān (n. 17).
1013 Mahmud invades India, defeats Bhim, and caprures Nandana
(p. 17).
1014 Mahmūd invades India and plunders Thānesar (pp. 17, 18).
1015 Mahmud invades Kashmir, but is forced to retire (p. 18).
Accession of Gangeyadeva Kālachuri in Chedi (p. 510).
1016 Death of Rājarāja Chola, the Great (p. 468).
## p. 665 (#715) ############################################
A. D.
1016-7 Operations in Khvārazm and in the northern provinces of the
empire of Ghazni (p. 18).
1018-9 Mahmūd invades India, marches to Baran, Mahāban, Muttra, and
Kanauj, captures Manaich, Asni, and Sharva, returns to Ghazni
with his booty, and founds the great mosque of Ghazni
(pp. 18-21).
1021 Mahmūd invades India, defeats a Hindu confederacy under Ganda
of Kālinjar, and returns to Ghazni (p. 21).
Invasion of Dir, Swāt, and Bajaur, and of Kashmir. Flight of
Bhim and annexation of the Punjāb (p. 22).
1022 Mahmūd invades India, receives the submission of the Kachhwāha
raja of Gwalior and of Ganda of Kālinjar, and returns to Ghazni
(p. 22).
1023 Operations in Transoxiana (p. 23).
1024 Expedition to Somnāth, Mahmud captures the town and plunders
the temple (pp. 23-5).
1026 Mahmūd returns to Ghazni (p. 26).
Expedition against the Jāts (p. 26).
1030 Death of Mahmūd (p. 26).
Mas'ud blinds his brother Muhammad and ascends the throne
(p. 27),
1034 Rebellion in the Punjāb crushed by Tilak (p. 30).
1037 Masóūd invades India and captures Hānsi (p. 31).
1039 Karnadeva Kālachuri invades the Pāla kingdom of Bihār (p. 510).
1010 Defeat of Masóūd by the Saljūqs. He retires from Ghazni towards
India. His deposition and death. Restoration of Muhammad
(pp. 31-2).
Death of Gangeyadeva and accession of Karnadeva Kālachuri in
Chedi (p. 510).
1012 Deposition and death of Muhammad, and accession of Maudūd
(p. 32).
1014 Accession of Sāmêsvara Ahavamalla, Chālukya (p. 471).
1016 Invasion of Ghūr (p. 33).
1019 Death of Maudūd and accession of Masóūd II. Deposition of
Mas'ud II and ac sion of 'Ali (p. 33).
1052 D position of 'Ali and accession of 'Abd-ur-Rashid (p. 33).
1053 Usurpation and assassination of Tughril. Accession of Farrukhzād
(p. 34).
1059 Death of Farrukhzād and accession of Ibrāhim (p. 34).
1060 Karnadeva of Chedi and Bhim II of Gujarāt crush Bhoj of Mālwa
(p. 510).
1069 Death of Sõmēsvara Āhavamalla, Chālukya (p. 471).
1070 Accession of Kulottunga, the Chālukya-Chola (p. 469).
1076 Accession of Vikramāditya VI, Chalukya (p. 469).
1077 Accession of Rāmapāla in Bihār (p. 511).
1079 Capture of Ajūdhan and invasion of Gajarāt by Ibrāhīm of Ghazni
(p. 34).
1095 The Gaharwārs gain possession of Benares and Ajodhya (p. 509).
1091 Accession of Siddharāja Jayasingha in Gujarāt (p. 517).
1099 Death of Ibrāhīm and accession of Masóūd III in Ghazni (p. 35).
1101 Death of Vinayāditya Hoysala and accession of Ballāla I (p. 474).
1106 Death of Ballāla I and accession of Vishnu Hoysala (p. 474).
1115 • Death of Masóūd III and accession of Shirzād in Ghazni (p. 35),
## p. 666 (#716) ############################################
A. D.
Deposition of Shirzad and accession of Arsalān Shah (p. 35).
Deposition of Arsalān Shāh and accession of Bahrām Shāh (p. 35).
Death of Kulottunga, Chālukya-Chola (p. 469).
Suppression of the rebellion of Bahlim in the Punjāb (p. 35).
Vijaya Sena establishes his independence in Bengal (p. 511).
Death of Rāmapāla in Bihār (p. 511).
Death of Vikramāditya VI, Chālukya and accession of Somēsvara
III (pp. 469-78).
The Parihārs oust the Kachhwähas from Gwalior. The Kachh-
wāhas establish themselves in Amber (p. 533).
Death of Sõm svara III and accession of Jagadekamalla, Chalukya
(p. 477).
Accession of Narasimha Hoysala (p. 479).
Death of Siddharāja Jayasingha of Gujarāt (p. 517).
Bahrām of Ghazni captures Saif-ud-din Ghūrī and puts him to
death (p. 36).
Death of Jagadekamalla and accession of Taila III, Chālukya
(p. 478).
Burning of Ghazni by 'Alā-ud-din Husain, Jahānsüz (p. 36).
Death of Bahrām Shāh and accession of Khusrav Shāh (p. 37).
Death of Khusrav Shāh and accession of Khusrav Malik (p. 37).
Mu'izz-ud-din Muhammad b. Sām appointed governor of Ghazni
by his brother, Ghiyās-ud-din (p. 38).
Death of Narasimha Hoysala and accession of Vira Ballāla II
(p. 479).
Muhammad invades India and captures Multān and Uch (p. 38).
Lakshmana Sena succeeds Vijaya Sena in Nadiya (Nuddea)
(p. 511).
Muhammad invades Gujarāt and is defeated (p. 39).
Muhammad invades the Punjāb and builds and garrisons Siālkot
(pp. 37-9).
Prithvi Rāj captures Mahoba from Parmăb Chandel (p. 512).
Restoration of Sõmēsvara IV (p. 478).
Muhammad again invades the Punjāb and captures and imprisons
Khusrav Malık. End of the Yamini dynasty (pp. 37 9).
Death of Sõms vara IV, Chālukya (p. 478).
Vira Ballāla II defeats Bhillama Yādava (p. 480).
Muhammad capture3 Bhātinda, but is defeated by Prithvi Raj at
Tarāori (p. 40).
Second battle of Tarāori. Defeat and death of Prithvi Rāj. Occu.
pation of Hānsi, Sāmāna, and Guhrām, and appointment of
Qutb-ud-din Aibak as governor (pp. 40-1).
Capture of Delhi by Qutb ud-din Aibak, who makes it his capital.
Conquest of Bihār by Ikhtiyar. ud-din (p. 42).
Ajmer taken by the Hindus and recovered by Aibak (p. 43).
Aibak invades Gujarāt and plunders Anhilvāra. He is appointed
viceroy of the Muslim dominions in India (pp. 43-4).
Muhammad invades India, captures Bayāna, and advances to
Gwalior (p. 44).
Aibak is defeated and driven into Ajmer by Raja Bhim of Gujarāt
(p. 44).
Aibak again invades Gujarat and plunders Anhilvār a (p. 44).
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Ikhtiyār-ud-din captures Nadiya and establishes himself at Lakh-
nāwati, or Gaur (p. 46).
Aibak captures Kālinjar (p. 47).
Death of Ghiyās-uddin and accession of Mu'izz-ud-din Muhammad
b. Sām as sole ruler (p. 46).
Defeat of Muhammed by the Turkmāns. His expedition to India
(p. 47).
Ikhtiyār-ud-din's attempt to invade Tibet (pp. 49—50).
Death of Ikhtiyār-ud-din in Bengal (p. 50).
Death of Muhammad and accession of Qutb-ud-din Aibak in India
(p. 48).
Aibak occupies Ghazni, but is expelled by Tāj-ud-din Yildiz (p. 50).
Death of Aibak and accession of Ārām Shāh. Nāsir-uddin Qabācha
proclaims his independence in Multān (pp. 50. 1).
Birbal Parihār recovers the fortress of Gwalior (p. 533).
Deposition of Ārām Shāh and accession of Shams-ud-din Ilıutmish
(p. 51).
Siāhji Rāthor establishes himself in Mārwār (p. 521).
Tāj-ud-din Yildiz invades the Punjāb (p. 52).
Yildiz is defeated at Tarāori by Iliutmish, who puts him to death
(p. 52).
Death of Kuloitunga Chola and accession of Rājarāja III. Accession
of Māravarman Sundara Pāndya (p. 481).
Iltutmish recovers Lahore and the upper Punjāb from Qabācha
(p. 52).
Accession of Rāwal Chāchakdeo of Jaisalmer (p. 531).
Death of Vira Ballāla II and accession of Narasimha II, Hoysala
(p. 482).
Jalāl-ud-din Mangbarni of Khvārazm takes refuge in Lahore, and,
being expelled, exacts tribute from Qabācha (pp. 52-3).
Jalāl-ud-din returns to Persia (p. 53).
Iltutmish receives the submission of Hisām-ud-din 'Iwaz of Bengal
(p. 53).
Capture of Ranthambhor by Iltut mish (pp. 53, 515).
Iltutmish captures Mandāwar and invades Qabācha's territory.
Capture of Multān and Uch. Qabācha is drowned in the Indus.
Iltutmish establishes his authorily in Sind (pp.