Who thus reflects ye may as—picklock know.
Who thus reflects ye may as—picklock know.
Nietzsche - v10 - The Joyful Wisdom
A twofold pain is easier far to bear
Than one: so now to suffer wilt thou dare?
Against Pride.
Brother, to puff thyself up ne'er be quick:
For burst thou shalt be by a tiny prick!
Man and Woman.
"The woman seize, who to thy heart appeals! "
Man's motto: woman seizes not, but steals.
* Translated by Miss M. D. Petre.
## p. 18 (#38) ##############################################
If I explain my wisdom, surely
Tis but entangled more securely,
I can't expound myself aright:
But he that's boldly up and doing,
His own unaided course pursuing,
Upon my image casts more light!
A Cure for Pessimism.
Those old capricious fancies, friend!
You say your palate naught can please,
I hear you bluster, spit and wheeze,
My love, my patience soon will end!
Pluck up your courage, follow me—
Here's a fat toad I Now then, don't blink,
Swallow it whole, nor pause to think!
From your dyspepsia you'll be free!
A Request.
Many men's minds I know full well,
Yet what mine own is, cannot tell.
I cannot see—my eye's too near—
And falsely to myself appear.
'Twould be to me a benefit
Far from myself if I could sit,
Less distant than my enemy,
## p. 19 (#39) ##############################################
And yet my nearest friend's too nigh-
'Twixt him and me, just in the middle !
What do I ask for? Guess my riddle !
My Cruelty.
I must ascend an hundred stairs,
I must ascend: the herd declares
I'm cruel: “Are we made of stone? ”
I must ascend an hundred stairs :
All men the part of stair disown.
The Wanderer.
“No longer path! Abyss and silence chilling ! ”
Thy fault! To leave the path thou wast too
Now comes the test! Keep cool-_eyes bright and
Thou'rt lost for sure, if thou permittest-fear.
Encouragement for Beginners.
See the infant, helpless creeping-
Swine around it grunt swine-talk-
Weeping always, naught but weeping,
Will it ever learn to walk ?
Never fear! Just wait, I swear it
Soon to dance will be inclined,
And this babe, when two legs bear it,
Standing on its head you'll find.
## p. 20 (#40) ##############################################
Planet Egoism.
Did I not turn, a rolling cask,
Ever about myself, I ask,
How could I without burning run
Close on the track of the hot sun ?
The Neighbour.
Too nigh, my friend my joy doth mar,
I'd have him high above and far,
Or how can he become my star?
The Disguised Saint.
Lest we for thy bliss should slay thee,
In devil's wiles thou dost array thee,
Devil's wit and devil's dress.
But in vain! Thy looks betray thee
And proclaim thy holiness.
The Slave.
d. He stands and listens: whence his pain ?
What smote his ears? Some far refrain ?
Why is his heart with anguish torn ?
A Like all that fetters once have worn,
He always hears the clinking-chain!
## p. 21 (#41) ##############################################
The Lone One.
I hate to follow and I hate to lead.
Obedience? no! and ruling? no, indeed!
Wouldst fearful be in others' sight?
Then e'en thyself thou must affright:
The people but the Terror's guidance heed.
I hate to guide myself, I hate the fray.
Like the wild beasts I'll wander far afield.
In Error's pleasing toils I'll roam
Awhile, then lure myself back home,
Back home, and—to my self-seduction yield.
Seneca et hoc Genus omne.
They write and write (quite maddening me)
Their "sapient" twaddle airy,
As if 'twere primum scribere,
Deinde philosophari.
Yes! I manufacture ice:
Ice may help you to digest:
If you had much to digest,
How you would enjoy my ice!
Youthful Writings.
My wisdom's A and final O
Was then the sound that smote mine ear.
## p. 22 (#42) ##############################################
Yet now it rings no longer so,
My youth's eternal Ah! and Oh!
Is now the only sound I hear. *
In yonder region travelling, take good care!
An hast thou wit, then be thou doubly ware!
They'll smile and lure thee; then thy limbs they'll
Fanatics' country this where wits are rare!
The Pious One Speaks.
God loves us, for he made us, sent us here! —
"Man hath made God! " ye subtle ones reply.
His handiwork he must hold dear,
And what he made shall he deny?
There sounds the devil's halting hoof, I fear.
In Summer.
In sweat of face, so runs the screed,
We e'er must eat our bread,
Yet wise physicians if we heed
"Eat naught in sweat," 'tis said.
The dog-star's blinking: what's his need?
What tells his blazing sign?
In sweat of face (so runs his screed)
We're meant to drink our wine!
* A and O, suggestive of Ah ! and Oh! refer of course to
Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek
alphabet. —Tr.
## p. 23 (#43) ##############################################
Without Envy.
His look bewrays no envy: and ye laud him?
He cares not, asks not if your throng applaud him!
He has the eagle's eye for distance far,
He sees you not, he sees but star on star!
Brethren, war's the origin
Of happiness on earth:
Powder-smoke and battle-din
Witness friendship's birth!
Friendship means three things, you know,—
Kinship in luckless plight,
Equality before the foe
Freedom—in death's sight!
Maxim of the Over-refined.
"Rather on your toes stand high
Than crawl upon all fours,
Rather through the keyhole spy
Than through open doors! "
Renown you're quite resolved to earn?
My thought about it
Is this: you need not fame, must learn
To do without it!
## p. 24 (#44) ##############################################
I an inquirer? No, that's not my calling
Only / weigh a lot—I'm such a lump! —
And through the waters I keep falling, falling,
Till on the ocean's deepest bed I bump.
The Immortals.
"To-day is meet for me, I come to-day,"
Such is the speech of men foredoomed to stay.
"Thou art too soon," they cry, " thou art too late,"
What care the Immortals what the rabble say?
Verdicts of the Weary.
The weary shun the glaring sun, afraid,
And only care for trees to gain the shade.
"He sinks, he falls," your scornful looks portend:
The truth is, to your level he'll descend.
His Too Much Joy is turned to weariness,
His Too Much Light will in your darkness end.
Nature Silenced*
Around my neck, on chain of hair,
The timepiece hangs—a sign of care.
• Translated by Miss M. U. I'etre
## p. 25 (#45) ##############################################
For me the starry course is o'er,
No sun and shadow as before,
No cockcrow summons at the door,
For nature tells the time no more!
Too many clocks her voice have drowned,
And droning law has dulled her sound.
The Sage Speaks.
Strange to the crowd, yet useful to the crowd,
I still pursue my path, now sun, now cloud,
But always pass above the crowd!
He lost his Head. . . .
She now has wit—how did it come her way?
A man through her his reason lost, they say.
His head, though wise ere to this pastime lent,
Straight to the devil—no, to woman went!
A Pious Wish.
"Oh, might all keys be lost! 'Twere better so
And in all keyholes might the pick-lock go! "
Who thus reflects ye may as—picklock know.
Foot Writing.
I write not with the hand alone,
My foot would write, my foot that capers,
Firm, free and bold, it's marching on
Now through the fields, now through the papers.
## p. 25 (#46) ##############################################
I an inquirer? No, that's not my calling
Only / weigh a lot—I'm such a lump ! —
And through the waters I keep falling, falling,
Till on the ocean's deepest bed I bump.
The Immortals.
"To-day is meet for me, I come to-day,"
Such is the speech of men foredoomed to stay.
"Thou art too soon," they cry, " thou art too late,"
What care the Immortals what the rabble say?
Verdicts of the Weary.
The weary shun the glaring sun, afraid,
And only care for trees to gain the shade.
"He sinks, he falls," your scornful looks portend:
The truth is, to your level he'll descend.
His Too Much Joy is turned to weariness,
His Too Much Light will in your darkness end.
Nature Silenced*
Around my neck, on chain of hair,
The timepiece hangs—a sign of care.
* Translated by Miss M. D. Petre.
## p. 25 (#47) ##############################################
For me the starry course is o'er, •
No sun and shadow as before, v
No cockcrow summons at the door,
For nature tells the time no more!
Too many clocks her voice have drowned,
And droning law has dulled her sound.
The Sage Speaks.
Strange to the crowd, yet useful to the crowd,
I still pursue my path, now sun, now cloud,
But always pass above the crowd!
He lost his Head. . . .
She now has wit—how did it come her way?
A man through her his reason lost, they say.
His head, though wise ere to this pastime lent,
Straight to the devil—no, to woman went!
A Pious Wish.
"Oh, might all keys be lost! 'Twere better so
And in all keyholes might the pick-lock go!
Who thus reflects ye may as—picklock know.
Foot Writing.
I write not with the hand alone,
My foot would write, my foot that capers,
Firm, free and bold, it's marching on
Now through the fields, now through the papers.
## p. 26 (#48) ##############################################
"Human, Ail-too-Human" . . .
Shy, gloomy, when your looks are backward
Trusting the future where yourself you trust,
Are you an eagle, mid the nobler fowl,
Or are you like Minerva's darling owl?
To my Reader.
Good teeth and a digestion good
I wish you—these you need, be sure!
And, certes, if my book you've stood,
Me with good humour you'll endure.
The Realistic Painter.
"To nature true, complete! " so he begins.
Who complete Nature to his canvas wins?
Her tiniest fragment's endless, no constraint
Can know: he paints just what his fancy pins:
What does his fancy pin? What he can paint!
Poets' Vanity.
Glue, only glue to me dispense,
The wood I'll find myself, don't fear!
To give four senseless verses sense—
That's an achievement I revere!
## p. 27 (#49) ##############################################
Taste in Choosing.
If to choose my niche precise
Freedom I could win from fate,
I'd be in midst of Paradise—
Or, sooner still—before the gate!
The Crooked Nose.
Wide blow your nostrils, and across
The land your nose holds haughty sway:
So you, unhorned rhinoceros,
Proud mannikin, fall forward aye!
The one trait with the other goes:
A straight pride and a crooked nose.
The Pen is Scratching. . . .
The pen is scratching: hang the pen!
To scratching I'm condemned to sink!
I grasp the inkstand fiercely then
And write in floods of flowing ink.
How broad, how full the stream's career!
What luck my labours doth requite!
'Tis true, the writing's none too clear—
What then? Who reads the stuff I write?
Loftier Spirits.
This man's climbing up—let us praise him—
But that other we love
From aloft doth eternally move,
So above even praise let us raise him,
He comes from above!
## p. 28 (#50) ##############################################
The Sceptic Speaks.
Your life is half-way o'er ;
The clock-hand moves; your soul is thrilled with
It roamed to distant shore
And sought and found not, yet you—linger here!
Your life is half-way o'er ;
That hour by hour was pain and error sheer :
Why stay? What seek you more?
“That's what I'm seeking-reasons why I'm here! ”
Ecce Homo.
Yes, I know where I'm related,
Like the flame, unquenched, unsated,
I consume myself and glow :
All's turned to light I lay my hand on,
All to coal that I abandon,
Yes, I am a flame, I know !
Star Morality. *
Foredoomed to spaces vast and far,
What matters darkness to the star?
Roll calmly on, let time go by,
Let sorrows pass thee-nations die !
Compassion would but dim the light
That distant worlds will gladly sight.
To thee one law-be pure and bright!
* Translated by Miss M. D. Petre.
## p. 29 (#51) ##############################################
## p. 30 (#52) ##############################################
## p. 31 (#53) ##############################################
The Teachers of the Object of Existence. —Whether
I look with a good or an evil eye upon men, I find
them always at one problem, each and all of them:
to do that which conduces to the conservation of
the human species. And certainly not out of any
sentiment of love for this species, but simply
because nothing in them is older, stronger, more
inexorable, and more unconquerable than that
instinct,—because it is precisely the essence of our
race and herd. Although we are accustomed
readily enough, with our usual short-sightedness,
to separate our neighbours precisely into useful
and hurtful, into good and evil men, yet when we
make a general calculation, and on longer reflection
on the whole question, we become distrustful
of this defining and separating, and finally
leave it alone. Even the most hurtful man
is still perhaps, in respect to the conservation
of the race, the most useful of all; for he conserves
in himself, or by his effect on others, impulses
without which mankind might long ago have lan-
guished or decayed. Hatred, delight in mischief,
rapacity and ambition, and whatever else is called
evil—belong to the marvellous economy of the
conservation of the race; to be sure a costly, lavish,
## p. 32 (#54) ##############################################
and on the whole very foolish economy:—which
has, however, hitherto preserved our race, as is
demonstrated to us. I no longer know, my dear
fellow-man and neighbour, if thou canst at all live to
the disadvantage of the race, and therefore, "un-
reasonably" and "badly"; that which could have
injured the race has perhaps died out many
millenniums ago, and now belongs to the things
which are no longer possible even to God. Indulge
thy best or thy worst desires, and above all, go to
wreck ! —in either case thou art still probably the
furtherer and benefactor of mankind in some way
or other, and in that respect thou mayest have
thy panegyrists—and similarly thy mockers! But
thou wilt never find him who would be quite
qualified to mock at thee, the individual, at thy
best, who could bring home to thy conscience its
limitless, buzzing and croaking wretchedness so
as to be in accord with truth! To laugh at
oneself as one would have to laugh in order to
laugh out of the veriest truth,—to do this the best
have not hitherto had enough of the sense of truth,
and the most endowed have had far too little
genius! There is perhaps still a future even for
laughter! When the maxim, "The race is all,
the individual is nothing,"—has incorporated itself
in humanity, and when access stands open to
every one at all times to this ultimate emancipa-
tion and irresponsibility. —Perhaps then laughter
will have united with wisdom, perhaps then there
will be only "joyful wisdom. " Meanwhile, however,
it is quite otherwise, meanwhile the comedy of
existence has not yet "become conscious " of itself,
## p. 33 (#55) ##############################################
meanwhile it is still the period of tragedy, the
period of morals and religions. What does the
ever new appearing of founders of morals and
religions, of instigators of struggles for moral valua-
tions, of teachers of remorse of conscience and
religious war, imply? What do these heroes on
this stage imply? For they have hitherto been
the heroes of it, and all else, though solely visible
for the time being, and too close to one, has served
only as preparation for these heroes, whether as
machinery and coulisse, or in the rdle of confidants
and valets. (The poets, for example, have always
been the valets of some morality or other. )—It is
obvious of itself that these tragedians also work in
the interest of the race, though they may believe
that they work in the interest of God, and as
emissaries of God. They also further the life of
the species, in that they further the belief in life.
"It is worth while to live" — each of them calls
out,—" there is something of importance in this
life; life has something behind it and under it;
take care! " That impulse, which rules equally in
the noblest and the ignoblest, the impulse towards
the conservation of the species, breaks forth from
time to time as reason and passion of spirit; it
has then a brilliant train of motives about it, and
tries with all its power to make us forget that
fundamentally it is just impulse, instinct, folly and
baselessness. Life should be loved, for . . . 1 Man
should benefit himself and his neighbour, for . . . /
And whatever all these shoulds and fors imply,
and may imply in future! In order that that
which necessarily and always happens of itself and
## p. 34 (#56) ##############################################
without design, may henceforth appear to be done
by design, and may appeal to men as reason and
ultimate command,—for that purpose the ethi-
culturist comes forward as the teacher of design in
existence; for that purpose he devises a second and
different existence, and by means of this new
mechanism he lifts the old common existence off
its old common hinges. No! he does not at all
want us to laugh at existence, nor even at ourselves
—nor at himself; to him an individual is always
an individual, something first and last and immense,
to him there are no species, no sums, no noughts.
However foolish and fanatical his inventions and
valuations may be, however much he may mis-
understand the course of nature and deny its con-
ditions—and all systems of ethics hitherto have
been foolish and anti-natural to such a degree that
mankind would have been ruined by any one of
them had it got the upper hand,—at any rate, every
time that "the hero" came upon the stage some-
thing new was attained: the frightful counterpart
of laughter, the profound convulsion of many in-
dividuals at the thought, "Yes, it is worth while to
live! yes, I am worthy to live! "—life, and thou, and
I, and all of us together became for a while interest-
ing to ourselves once more. —It is not to be denied
that hitherto laughter and reason and nature have
in the long run got the upper hand of all the great
teachers of design: in the end the short tragedy
always passed over once more into the eternal
comedy of existence; and the "waves of innu-
merable laughters"—to use the expression of
^Eschylus—must also in the end beat over the great-
## p. 35 (#57) ##############################################
est of these tragedies. But with all this corrective
laughter, human nature has on the whole been
changed by the ever new appearance of those
teachers of the design of existence,—human nature
has now an additional requirement, the very require-
ment of the ever new appearance of such teachers
and doctrines of " design. " Man has gradually be-
come a visionary animal, who has to fulfil one more
condition of existence than the other animals: man
must from time to time believe that he knows why
he exists; his species cannot flourish without periodi-
cally confiding in life! Without the belief in
reason in life! And always from time to time
will the human race decree anew that "there is
something which really may not be laughed at. "
And the most clairvoyant philanthropist will add
that" not only laughing and joyful wisdom, but also
the tragic, with all its sublime irrationality, counts
among the means and necessities for the conserva-
tion of the race! "—And consequently! Conse-
quently! Consequently! Do you understand me,
oh my brothers? Do you understand this new
law of ebb and flow? We also shall have our time!
The Intellectual Conscience. —I have always the
same experience over again, and always make a
new effort against it; for although it is evident to
me I do not want to believe it: in the greater number
of men the intellectual conscience is lacking; indeed,
it would often seem to me that in demanding such
a thing, one is as solitary in the largest cities as in
the desert Everyone looks at you with strange
## p. 36 (#58) ##############################################
eyes, and continues to make use of his scales,
calling this good and that bad ; and no one blushes
for shame when you remark that these weights are
not the full amount,—there is also no indignation
against you; perhaps they laugh at your doubt. I
mean to say that the greater number of people do
not find it contemptible to believe this or that, and
live according to it, without having been previously
aware of the ultimate and surest reasons for and
against it, and without even giving themselves any
trouble about such reasons afterwards,—the most
gifted men and the noblest women still belong to
this "greater number. " But what is kind-hearted-
ness, refinement and genius to me, if the man with
these virtues harbours indolent sentiments in belief
and judgment, if the longing for certainty does not
rule in him, as his innermost desire and profoundest
need—as that which separates higher from lower
men! In certain pious people I have found
a hatred of reason, and have been favourably
disposed to them for it: their bad, intellectual
conscience still betrayed itself, at least in this
manner! But to stand in the midst of this rerum
concordia discors and all the marvellous uncertainty
and ambiguity of existence, and not to question, not
to tremble with desire and delight in questioning,
not even to hate the questioner—perhaps even to
make merry over him to the extent of weariness—
that is what I regard as contemptible, and it is this
sentiment which I first of all search for in every
one:—some folly or other always persuades me
anew that every man has this sentiment, as man.
This is my special kind of unrighteousness.
## p. 37 (#59) ##############################################
Noble and Ignoble. —To ignoble natures all noble,
magnanimous sentiments appear inexpedient, and
on that account first and foremost, as incredible:
they blink with their eyes when they hear of such
matters, and seem inclined to say, "there will, no
doubt, be some advantage therefrom, one cannot
see through all walls;"—they are jealous of the
noble person, as if he sought advantage by back-
stair methods. When they are all too plainly
convinced of the absence of selfish intentions and
emoluments, the noble person is regarded by them
as a kind of fool: they despise him in his gladness,
and laugh at the lustre of his eye. "How can a
person rejoice at being at a disadvantage, how can
a person with open eyes want to meet with dis-
advantage! It must be a disease of the reason
with which the noble affection is associated,"—so
they think, and they look depreciatingly thereon;
just as they depreciate the joy which the lunatic
derives from his fixed idea. The ignoble nature
is distinguished by the fact that it keeps its
advantage steadily in view, and that this thought
of the end and advantage is even stronger than
its strongest impulse: not to be tempted to
inexpedient activities by its impulses—that is its
wisdom and inspiration. In comparison with
the ignoble nature the higher nature is more
irrational: — for the noble, magnanimous, and
self-sacrificing person succumbs in fact to his
impulses, and in his best moments his reason
lapses altogether. An animal, which at the risk
## p. 38 (#60) ##############################################
of life protects its young, or in the pairing season
follows the female where it meets with death, does
not think of the risk and the death; its reason
pauses likewise, because its delight in its young,
or in the female, and the fear of being deprived
of this delight, dominate it exclusively; it becomes
stupider than at other times, like the noble and
magnanimous person. He possesses feelings of
pleasure and pain of such intensity that the
intellect must either be silent before them, or
yield itself to their service: his heart then goes
into his head, and one henceforth speaks of
"passions. " (Here and there to be sure, the
antithesis to this, and as it were the "reverse of
passion," presents itself; for example in Fontenelle,
to whom some one once laid the hand on the heart
with the words, " What you have there, my dearest
friend, is brain also. ") It is the unreason, or perverse
reason of passion, which the ignoble man despises
in the noble individual, especially when it con-
centrates upon objects whose value appears to him
to be altogether fantastic and arbitrary. He is
offended at him who succumbs to the passion
of the belly, but he understands the allurement which
here plays the tyrant; but he does not understand,
for example, how a person out of love of knowledge
can stake his health and honour on the game.
The taste of the higher nature devotes itself to
exceptional matters, to things which usually do
not affect people, and seem to have no sweetness;
the higher nature has a singular standard of value.
Besides, it is mostly of the belief that it has not
a singular standard of value in its idiosyncrasies
## p. 39 (#61) ##############################################
of taste; it rather sets up its values and non-values
as the generally valid values and non-values, and
thus becomes incomprehensible and impracticable.
It is very rarely that a higher nature has so much
reason over and above as to understand and deal
with everyday men as such; for the most part
it believes in its passion as if it were the concealed
passion of every one, and precisely in this belief
it is full of ardour and eloquence. If then such
exceptional men do not perceive themselves as
exceptions, how can they ever understand the
ignoble natures and estimate average men fairly!
Thus it is that they also speak of the folly,
inexpediency and fantasy of mankind, full of
astonishment at the madness of the world, and
that it will not recognise the "one thing needful
for it. "—This is the eternal unrighteousness of
noble natures.
That which Preserves the Species. —The strongest
and most evil spirits have hitherto advanced man-
kind the most: they always rekindled the sleeping
passions—all orderly arranged society lulls the
passions to sleep; they always reawakened the
sense of comparison, of contradiction, of delight
in the new, the adventurous, the untried; they
compelled men to set opinion against opinion, ideal
plan against ideal plan. By means of arms, by
upsetting boundary-stones, by violations of piety
most of all: but also by new religions and morals!
The same kind of " wickedness" is in every teacher
and preacher of the new—which makes a conqueror
## p. 40 (#62) ##############################################
infamous, although it expresses itself more refinedly,
and does not immediately set the muscles in motion
(and just on that account does not make so in-
famous ! ). The new, however, is under all circum-
stances the evil, as that which wants to conquer,
which tries to upset the old boundary-stones and
the old piety; only the old is the good! The
good men of every age are those who go to the
roots of the old thoughts and bear fruit with them,
the agriculturists of the spirit. But every soil be-
comes finally exhausted, and the ploughshare of
evil must always come once more. —There is at
present a fundamentally erroneous theory of morals
which is much celebrated, especially in England:
according to it the judgments "good" and "evil"
are the accumulation of the experiences of that
which is "expedient" and "inexpedient"; accord-
ing to this theory, that which is called good is
conservative of the species, what is called evil, how-
ever, is detrimental to it. But in reality the evil
impulses are just in as high a degree expedient,
indispensable, and conservative of the species as
the good :—only, their function is different.
Unconditional Duties. —All men who feel that
they need the strongest words and intonations, the
most eloquent gestures and attitudes, in order to
operate at all—revolutionary politicians, socialists,
preachers of repentance with or without Christianity,
with all of whom there must be no mere half-success,
—all these speak of "duties," and indeed, always
of duties, which have the character of being uncon-
## p. 41 (#63) ##############################################
ditional—without such they would have no right
to their excessive pathos: they know that right
well! They grasp, therefore, at philosophies of
morality which preach some kind of categorical
imperative, or they assimilate a good lump ot
religion, as, for example, Mazzini did. Because
they want to be trusted unconditionally, it is first
of all necessary for them to trust themselves uncon-
ditionally, on the basis of some ultimate, undebat-
able command, sublime in itself, as the ministers
and instruments of which, they would fain feel and
announce themselves. Here we have the most
natural, and for the most part, very influential
opponents of moral enlightenment and scepticism:
but they are rare. On the other hand, there is
always a very numerous class of those opponents
wherever interest teaches subjection, while repute
and honour seem to forbid it. He who feels himself
dishonoured at the thought of being the instrument
of a prince, or of a party and sect, or even of
wealthy power (for example, as the descendant of
a proud, ancient family), but wishes just to be
this instrument, or must be so before himself and
before the public — such a person has need of
pathetic principles which can at all times be
appealed to :—principles of an unconditional ought,
to which a person can subject himself without
shame, and can show himself subjected. All more
refined servility holds fast to the categorical impera-
tive, and is the mortal enemy of those who want to
take away the unconditional character of duty:
propriety demands this from them, and not only
## p. 42 (#64) ##############################################
Loss of Dignity. —Meditation has lost all its
dignity of form; the ceremonial and solemn bearing
of the meditative person have been made a mockery,
and one would no longer endure a wise man of
the old style. We think too hastily and on the
way and while walking and in the midst of business
of all kinds, even when we think on the most
serious matters; we require little preparation, even
little quiet:—it is as if each of us carried about an
unceasingly revolving machine in his head, which
still works, even under the most unfavourable cir-
cumstances. Formerly it was perceived in a person
that on some occasion he wanted to think—it was
perhaps the exception! —that he now wanted to
become wiser and collected his mind on a thought:
he put on a long face for it, as for a prayer, and
arrested his step—nay, stood still for hours on the
street when the thought "came"—on one or on
two legs. It was thus "worthy of the affair "!
Something for the Laborious. —He who at present
wants to make moral questions a subject of study
has an immense field of labour before him. All
kinds of passions must be thought about singly,
and followed singly throughout periods, peoples,
great and insignificant individuals; all their ration-
ality, all their valuations and elucidations of things,
ought to come to light! Hitherto all that has
given colour to existence has lacked a history:
where would one find a history of love, of avarice,
## p. 43 (#65) ##############################################
of envy, of conscience, of piety, of cruelty? Even
a comparative history of law, as also of punish-
ment, has hitherto been completely lacking. Have
the different divisions of the day, the consequences
of a regular appointment of the times for labour,
feast, and repose, ever been made the object of
investigation? Do we know the moral effects of
the alimentary substances? Is there a philosophy
of nutrition? (The ever-recurring outcry for and
against vegetarianism proves that as yet there
is no such philosophy! ) Have the experiences
with regard to communal living, for example, in
monasteries, been collected? Has the dialectic
of marriage and friendship been set forth? The
customs of the learned, of trades-people, of artists,
and of mechanics—have they already found their
thinkers? There is so much to think of thereon!
All that up till now has been considered as the
"conditions of existence," of human beings, and all
reason, passion and superstition in this considera-
tion—have they been investigated to the end?
The observation alone of the different degrees of
development which the human impulses have
attained, and could yet attain, according to the
different moral climates, would furnish too much
work for the most laborious; whole generations,
and regular co-operating generations of the learned,
would be needed in order to exhaust the points
of view and the material here furnished. The
same is true of the determining of the reasons
for the differences of the moral climates (" on what
account does this sun of a fundamental moral judg-
ment and standard of highest value shine here—and
## p. 44 (#66) ##############################################
that sun there ? "). And there is again a new labour
which points out the erroneousness of all these
reasons, and determines the entire essence of the
moral judgments hitherto made. Supposing all these
labours to be accomplished, the most critical of all
questions would then come into the foreground:
whether science is in a position to furnish goals for
human action, after it has proved that it can take
them away and annihilate them—and then would be
the time for a process of experimenting in which
every kind of heroism could satisfy itself, an
experimenting for centuries, which would put into
the shade all the great labours and sacrifices of
previous history. Science has not hitherto built
its Cyclopic structures; for that also the time will
Unconscious Virtues. —All qualities in a man of
which he is conscious—and especially when he
presumes that they are visible and evident to his
environment also—are subject to quite other laws
of development than those qualities which are un-
known to him, or imperfectly known, which by
their subtlety can also conceal themselves from
the subtlest observer, and hide as it were behind
nothing,—as in the case of the delicate sculptures
on the scales of reptiles (it would be an error to
suppose them an adornment or a defence—for one
sees them only with the microscope; consequently,
with an eye artificially strengthened to an extent
of vision which similar animals, to which they
might perhaps have meant adornment or defence,
## p. 45 (#67) ##############################################
do not possess !