To choose it is ended, it is actual and more than that it has it
certainly has the same treat, and a seat all that is practiced and more
easily much more easily ordinarily.
certainly has the same treat, and a seat all that is practiced and more
easily much more easily ordinarily.
Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons
A kind in glass and a cousin, a spectacle and nothing strange a single
hurt color and an arrangement in a system to pointing. All this and not
ordinary, not unordered in not resembling. The difference is spreading.
Nickel, what is nickel, it is originally rid of a cover.
The change in that is that red weakens an hour. The change has come.
There is no search. But there is, there is that hope and that
interpretation and sometime, surely any is unwelcome, sometime there is
breath and there will be a sinecure and charming very charming is that
clean and cleansing. Certainly glittering is handsome and convincing.
There is no gratitude in mercy and in medicine. There can be breakages
in Japanese. That is no programme. That is no color chosen. It was
chosen yesterday, that showed spitting and perhaps washing and
polishing. It certainly showed no obligation and perhaps if borrowing is
not natural there is some use in giving.
The change of color is likely and a difference a very little difference
is prepared. Sugar is not a vegetable.
Callous is something that hardening leaves behind what will be soft if
there is a genuine interest in there being present as many girls as men.
Does this change. It shows that dirt is clean when there is a volume.
A cushion has that cover. Supposing you do not like to change, supposing
it is very clean that there is no change in appearance, supposing that
there is regularity and a costume is that any the worse than an oyster
and an exchange. Come to season that is there any extreme use in feather
and cotton. Is there not much more joy in a table and more chairs and
very likely roundness and a place to put them.
A circle of fine card board and a chance to see a tassel.
What is the use of a violent kind of delightfulness if there is no
pleasure in not getting tired of it. The question does not come before
there is a quotation. In any kind of place there is a top to covering
and it is a pleasure at any rate there is some venturing in refusing to
believe nonsense. It shows what use there is in a whole piece if one
uses it and it is extreme and very likely the little things could be
dearer but in any case there is a bargain and if there is the best thing
to do is to take it away and wear it and then be reckless be reckless
and resolved on returning gratitude.
Light blue and the same red with purple makes a change. It shows that
there is no mistake. Any pink shows that and very likely it is
reasonable. Very likely there should not be a finer fancy present. Some
increase means a calamity and this is the best preparation for three and
more being together. A little calm is so ordinary and in any case there
is sweetness and some of that.
A seal and matches and a swan and ivy and a suit.
A closet, a closet does not connect under the bed. The band if it is
white and black, the band has a green string. A sight a whole sight and
a little groan grinding makes a trimming such a sweet singing trimming
and a red thing not a round thing but a white thing, a red thing and a
white thing.
The disgrace is not in carelessness nor even in sewing it comes out out
of the way.
What is the sash like. The sash is not like anything mustard it is not
like a same thing that has stripes, it is not even more hurt than that,
it has a little top.
Out of kindness comes redness and out of rudeness comes rapid same
question, out of an eye comes research, out of selection comes painful
cattle. So then the order is that a white way of being round is
something suggesting a pin and is it disappointing, it is not, it is so
rudimentary to be analysed and see a fine substance strangely, it is so
earnest to have a green point not to red but to point again.
More of double.
A place in no new table.
A single image is not splendor. Dirty is yellow. A sign of more in not
mentioned. A piece of coffee is not a detainer. The resemblance to
yellow is dirtier and distincter. The clean mixture is whiter and not
coal color, never more coal color than altogether.
The sight of a reason, the same sight slighter, the sight of a simpler
negative answer, the same sore sounder, the intention to wishing, the
same splendor, the same furniture.
The time to show a message is when too late and later there is no
hanging in a blight.
A not torn rose-wood color. If it is not dangerous then a pleasure and
more than any other if it is cheap is not cheaper. The amusing side is
that the sooner there are no fewer the more certain is the necessity
dwindled. Supposing that the case contained rose-wood and a color.
Supposing that there was no reason for a distress and more likely for a
number, supposing that there was no astonishment, is it not necessary to
mingle astonishment.
The settling of stationing cleaning is one way not to shatter scatter
and scattering. The one way to use custom is to use soap and silk for
cleaning. The one way to see cotton is to have a design concentrating
the illusion and the illustration. The perfect way is to accustom the
thing to have a lining and the shape of a ribbon and to be solid, quite
solid in standing and to use heaviness in morning. It is light enough in
that. It has that shape nicely. Very nicely may not be exaggerating.
Very strongly may be sincerely fainting. May be strangely flattering.
May not be strange in everything. May not be strange to.
Dirt and not copper makes a color darker. It makes the shape so heavy
and makes no melody harder.
It makes mercy and relaxation and even a strength to spread a table
fuller. There are more places not empty. They see cover.
A charm a single charm is doubtful. If the red is rose and there is a
gate surrounding it, if inside is let in and there places change then
certainly something is upright. It is earnest.
A cause and no curve, a cause and loud enough, a cause and extra a loud
clash and an extra wagon, a sign of extra, a sac a small sac and an
established color and cunning, a slender grey and no ribbon, this means
a loss a great loss a restitution.
A single climb to a line, a straight exchange to a cane, a desperate
adventure and courage and a clock, all this which is a system, which has
feeling, which has resignation and success, all makes an attractive
black silver.
If lilies are lily white if they exhaust noise and distance and even
dust, if they dusty will dirt a surface that has no extreme grace, if
they do this and it is not necessary it is not at all necessary if they
do this they need a catalogue.
A large box is handily made of what is necessary to replace any
substance. Suppose an example is necessary, the plainer it is made the
more reason there is for some outward recognition that there is a
A box is made sometimes and them to see to see to it neatly and to have
the holes stopped up makes it necessary to use paper.
A custom which is necessary when a box is used and taken is that a large
part of the time there are three which have different connections. The
one is on the table. The two are on the table. The three are on the
table. The one, one is the same length as is shown by the cover being
longer. The other is different there is more cover that shows it. The
other is different and that makes the corners have the same shade the
eight are in singular arrangement to make four necessary.
Lax, to have corners, to be lighter than some weight, to indicate a
wedding journey, to last brown and not curious, to be wealthy,
cigarettes are established by length and by doubling.
Left open, to be left pounded, to be left closed, to be circulating in
summer and winter, and sick color that is grey that is not dusty and red
shows, to be sure cigarettes do measure an empty length sooner than a
choice in color.
Winged, to be winged means that white is yellow and pieces pieces that
are brown are dust color if dust is washed off, then it is choice that
is to say it is fitting cigarettes sooner than paper.
An increase why is an increase idle, why is silver cloister, why is the
spark brighter, if it is brighter is there any result, hardly more than
An occasion for a plate, an occasional resource is in buying and how
soon does washing enable a selection of the same thing neater. If the
party is small a clever song is in order.
Plates and a dinner set of colored china. Pack together a string and
enough with it to protect the centre, cause a considerable haste and
gather more as it is cooling, collect more trembling and not any even
trembling, cause a whole thing to be a church.
A sad size a size that is not sad is blue as every bit of blue is
precocious. A kind of green a game in green and nothing flat nothing
quite flat and more round, nothing a particular color strangely, nothing
breaking the losing of no little piece.
A splendid address a really splendid address is not shown by giving a
flower freely, it is not shown by a mark or by wetting.
Cut cut in white, cut in white so lately. Cut more than any other and
show it. Show it in the stem and in starting and in evening coming
A lamp is not the only sign of glass. The lamp and the cake are not the
only sign of stone. The lamp and the cake and the cover are not the only
necessity altogether.
A plan a hearty plan, a compressed disease and no coffee, not even a
card or a change to incline each way, a plan that has that excess and
that break is the one that shows filling.
Any neglect of many particles to a cracking, any neglect of this makes
around it what is lead in color and certainly discolor in silver. The
use of this is manifold. Supposing a certain time selected is assured,
suppose it is even necessary, suppose no other extract is permitted and
no more handling is needed, suppose the rest of the message is mixed
with a very long slender needle and even if it could be any black
border, supposing all this altogether made a dress and suppose it was
actual, suppose the mean way to state it was occasional, if you suppose
this in August and even more melodiously, if you suppose this even in
the necessary incident of there certainly being no middle in summer and
winter, suppose this and an elegant settlement a very elegant settlement
is more than of consequence, it is not final and sufficient and
substituted. This which was so kindly a present was constant.
What is the current that makes machinery, that makes it crackle, what is
the current that presents a long line and a necessary waist. What is
this current.
What is the wind, what is it.
Where is the serene length, it is there and a dark place is not a dark
place, only a white and red are black, only a yellow and green are blue,
a pink is scarlet, a bow is every color. A line distinguishes it. A line
just distinguishes it.
A dark grey, a very dark grey, a quite dark grey is monstrous
ordinarily, it is so monstrous because there is no red in it. If red is
in everything it is not necessary. Is that not an argument for any use
of it and even so is there any place that is better, is there any place
that has so much stretched out.
A blue coat is guided guided away, guided and guided away, that is the
particular color that is used for that length and not any width not even
more than a shadow.
If the speed is open, if the color is careless, if the selection of a
strong scent is not awkward, if the button holder is held by all the
waving color and there is no color, not any color. If there is no dirt
in a pin and there can be none scarcely, if there is not then the place
is the same as up standing.
This is no dark custom and it even is not acted in any such a way that a
restraint is not spread. That is spread, it shuts and it lifts and
awkwardly not awkwardly the centre is in standing.
A widow in a wise veil and more garments shows that shadows are even. It
addresses no more, it shadows the stage and learning. A regular
arrangement, the severest and the most preserved is that which has the
arrangement not more than always authorised.
A suitable establishment, well housed, practical, patient and staring, a
suitable bedding, very suitable and not more particularly than
complaining, anything suitable is so necessary.
A fact is that when the direction is just like that, no more, longer,
sudden and at the same time not any sofa, the main action is that
without a blaming there is no custody.
Practice measurement, practice the sign that means that really means a
necessary betrayal, in showing that there is wearing.
Hope, what is a spectacle, a spectacle is the resemblance between the
circular side place and nothing else, nothing else.
To choose it is ended, it is actual and more than that it has it
certainly has the same treat, and a seat all that is practiced and more
easily much more easily ordinarily.
Pick a barn, a whole barn, and bend more slender accents than have ever
been necessary, shine in the darkness necessarily. Actually not aching,
actually not aching, a stubborn bloom is so artificial and even more
than that, it is a spectacle, it is a binding accident, it is animosity
and accentuation.
If the chance to dirty diminishing is necessary, if it is why is there
no complexion, why is there no rubbing, why is there no special
A bag which was left and not only taken but turned away was not found.
The place was shown to be very like the last time. A piece was not
exchanged, not a bit of it, a piece was left over. The rest was
A purse was not green, it was not straw color, it was hardly seen and it
had a use a long use and the chain, the chain was never missing, it was
not misplaced, it showed that it was open, that is all that it showed.
What was the use of not leaving it there where it would hang what was
the use if there was no chance of ever seeing it come there and show
that it was handsome and right in the way it showed it. The lesson is to
learn that it does show it, that it shows it and that nothing, that
there is nothing, that there is no more to do about it and just so much
more is there plenty of reason for making an exchange.
Enough cloth is plenty and more, more is almost enough for that and
besides if there is no more spreading is there plenty of room for it.
Any occasion shows the best way.
An elegant use of foliage and grace and a little piece of white cloth
and oil.
Wondering so winningly in several kinds of oceans is the reason that
makes red so regular and enthusiastic. The reason that there is more
snips are the same shining very colored rid of no round color.
Enthusiastically hurting a clouded yellow bud and saucer,
enthusiastically so is the bite in the ribbon.
Within, within the cut and slender joint alone, with sudden equals and
no more than three, two in the centre make two one side.
If the elbow is long and it is filled so then the best example is all
The kind of show is made by squeezing.
A color in shaving, a saloon is well placed in the centre of an alley.
A blind agitation is manly and uttermost.
No cup is broken in more places and mended, that is to say a plate is
broken and mending does do that it shows that culture is Japanese. It
shows the whole element of angels and orders. It does more to choosing
and it does more to that ministering counting. It does, it does change
in more water.
Supposing a single piece is a hair supposing more of them are orderly,
does that show that strength, does that show that joint, does that show
that balloon famously. Does it.
A courteous occasion makes a paper show no such occasion and this makes
readiness and eyesight and likeness and a stool.
The meaning of this is entirely and best to say the mark, best to say it
best to show sudden places, best to make bitter, best to make the length
tall and nothing broader, anything between the half.
Water astonishing and difficult altogether makes a meadow and a stroke.
A season in yellow sold extra strings makes lying places.
The sudden spoon is the same in no size.
To choose it is ended, it is actual and more than that it has it
certainly has the same treat, and a seat all that is practiced and more
easily much more easily ordinarily.
Pick a barn, a whole barn, and bend more slender accents than have ever
been necessary, shine in the darkness necessarily. Actually not aching,
actually not aching, a stubborn bloom is so artificial and even more
than that, it is a spectacle, it is a binding accident, it is animosity
and accentuation.
If the chance to dirty diminishing is necessary, if it is why is there
no complexion, why is there no rubbing, why is there no special
A bag which was left and not only taken but turned away was not found.
The place was shown to be very like the last time. A piece was not
exchanged, not a bit of it, a piece was left over. The rest was
A purse was not green, it was not straw color, it was hardly seen and it
had a use a long use and the chain, the chain was never missing, it was
not misplaced, it showed that it was open, that is all that it showed.
What was the use of not leaving it there where it would hang what was
the use if there was no chance of ever seeing it come there and show
that it was handsome and right in the way it showed it. The lesson is to
learn that it does show it, that it shows it and that nothing, that
there is nothing, that there is no more to do about it and just so much
more is there plenty of reason for making an exchange.
Enough cloth is plenty and more, more is almost enough for that and
besides if there is no more spreading is there plenty of room for it.
Any occasion shows the best way.
An elegant use of foliage and grace and a little piece of white cloth
and oil.
Wondering so winningly in several kinds of oceans is the reason that
makes red so regular and enthusiastic. The reason that there is more
snips are the same shining very colored rid of no round color.
Enthusiastically hurting a clouded yellow bud and saucer,
enthusiastically so is the bite in the ribbon.
Within, within the cut and slender joint alone, with sudden equals and
no more than three, two in the centre make two one side.
If the elbow is long and it is filled so then the best example is all
The kind of show is made by squeezing.
A color in shaving, a saloon is well placed in the centre of an alley.
A blind agitation is manly and uttermost.
No cup is broken in more places and mended, that is to say a plate is
broken and mending does do that it shows that culture is Japanese. It
shows the whole element of angels and orders. It does more to choosing
and it does more to that ministering counting. It does, it does change
in more water.
Supposing a single piece is a hair supposing more of them are orderly,
does that show that strength, does that show that joint, does that show
that balloon famously. Does it.
A courteous occasion makes a paper show no such occasion and this makes
readiness and eyesight and likeness and a stool.
The meaning of this is entirely and best to say the mark, best to say it
best to show sudden places, best to make bitter, best to make the length
tall and nothing broader, anything between the half.
Water astonishing and difficult altogether makes a meadow and a stroke.
A season in yellow sold extra strings makes lying places.
The sudden spoon is the same in no size. The sudden spoon is the wound
in the decision.
Coloring high means that the strange reason is in front not more in
front behind. Not more in front in peace of the dot.
A light white, a disgrace, an ink spot, a rosy charm.
A star glide, a single frantic sullenness, a single financial grass
Object that is in wood. Hold the pine, hold the dark, hold in the rush,
make the bottom.
A piece of crystal. A change, in a change that is remarkable there is no
reason to say that there was a time.
A woolen object gilded. A country climb is the best disgrace, a couple
of practices any of them in order is so left.
A pleasant simple habitual and tyrannical and authorised and educated
and resumed and articulate separation. This is not tardy.
A shining indication of yellow consists in there having been more of the
same color than could have been expected when all four were bought. This
was the hope which made the six and seven have no use for any more
places and this necessarily spread into nothing. Spread into nothing.
What was the use of a whole time to send and not send if there was to be
the kind of thing that made that come in. A letter was nicely sent.
A winning of all the blessings, a sample not a sample because there is
no worry.
A cool red rose and a pink cut pink, a collapse and a sold hole, a
little less hot.
In between a place and candy is a narrow foot-path that shows more
mounting than anything, so much really that a calling meaning a bolster
measured a whole thing with that. A virgin a whole virgin is judged made
and so between curves and outlines and real seasons and more out glasses
and a perfectly unprecedented arrangement between old ladies and mild
colds there is no satin wood shining.
Colored hats are necessary to show that curls are worn by an addition of
blank spaces, this makes the difference between single lines and broad
stomachs, the least thing is lightening, the least thing means a little
flower and a big delay a big delay that makes more nurses than little
women really little women. So clean is a light that nearly all of it
shows pearls and little ways. A large hat is tall and me and all custard
A feather is trimmed, it is trimmed by the light and the bug and the
post, it is trimmed by little leaning and by all sorts of mounted
reserves and loud volumes. It is surely cohesive.
A brown which is not liquid not more so is relaxed and yet there is a
change, a news is pressing.
A little called anything shows shudders.
Come and say what prints all day. A whole few watermelon. There is no
No cut in pennies and little dressing and choose wide soles and little
spats really little spices.
A little lace makes boils. This is not true.
Gracious of gracious and a stamp a blue green white bow a blue green
lean, lean on the top.
If it is absurd then it is leadish and nearly set in where there is a
tight head.
A peaceful life to arise her, noon and moon and moon. A letter a cold
sleeve a blanket a shaving house and nearly the best and regular window.
Nearer in fairy sea, nearer and farther, show white has lime in sight,
show a stitch of ten. Count, count more so that thicker and thicker is
I hope she has her cow. Bidding a wedding, widening received treading,
little leading mention nothing.
Cough out cough out in the leather and really feather it is not for.
Please could, please could, jam it not plus more sit in when.
Elephant beaten with candy and little pops and chews all bolts and
reckless reckless rats, this is this.
A table means does it not my dear it means a whole steadiness. Is it
likely that a change.
A table means more than a glass even a looking glass is tall. A table
means necessary places and a revision a revision of a little thing it
means it does mean that there has been a stand, a stand where it did
To be a wall with a damper a stream of pounding way and nearly enough
choice makes a steady midnight. It is pus.
A shallow hole rose on red, a shallow hole in and in this makes ale
less. It shows shine.
A little monkey goes like a donkey that means to say that means to say
that more sighs last goes. Leave with it. A little monkey goes like a
A white hunter is nearly crazy.
In the middle of a tiny spot and nearly bare there is a nice thing to
say that wrist is leading. Wrist is leading.
Suppose it is within a gate which open is open at the hour of closing
summer that is to say it is so.
All the seats are needing blackening. A white dress is in sign. A
soldier a real soldier has a worn lace a worn lace of different sizes
that is to say if he can read, if he can read he is a size to show
shutting up twenty-four.
Go red go red, laugh white.
Suppose a collapse in rubbed purr, in rubbed purr get.
Little sales ladies little sales ladies little saddles of mutton.
Little sales of leather and such beautiful beautiful, beautiful
A shawl is a hat and hurt and a red balloon and an under coat and a
sizer a sizer of talks.
A shawl is a wedding, a piece of wax a little build. A shawl.
Pick a ticket, pick it in strange steps and with hollows. There is
hollow hollow belt, a belt is a shawl.
A plate that has a little bobble, all of them, any so.
Please a round it is ticket.
It was a mistake to state that a laugh and a lip and a laid climb and a
depot and a cultivator and little choosing is a point it.
Book was there, it was there. Book was there. Stop it, stop it, it was a
cleaner, a wet cleaner and it was not where it was wet, it was not high,
it was directly placed back, not back again, back it was returned, it
was needless, it put a bank, a bank when, a bank care.
Suppose a man a realistic expression of resolute reliability suggests
pleasing itself white all white and no head does that mean soap. It does
not so. It means kind wavers and little chance to beside beside rest. A
Suppose ear rings, that is one way to breed, breed that. Oh chance to
say, oh nice old pole. Next best and nearest a pillar. Chest not
valuable, be papered.
Cover up cover up the two with a little piece of string and hope rose
and green, green.
Please a plate, put a match to the seam and really then really then,
really then it is a remark that joins many many lead games. It is a
sister and sister and a flower and a flower and a dog and a colored sky
a sky colored grey and nearly that nearly that let.
Rub her coke.
Black ink best wheel bale brown.
Excellent not a hull house, not a pea soup, no bill no care, no precise
no past pearl pearl goat.
Aider, why aider why whow, whow stop touch, aider whow, aider stop the
muncher, muncher munchers.
A jack in kill her, a jack in, makes a meadowed king, makes a to let.
In the inside there is sleeping, in the outside there is reddening, in
the morning there is meaning, in the evening there is feeling. In the
evening there is feeling. In feeling anything is resting, in feeling
anything is mounting, in feeling there is resignation, in feeling there
is recognition, in feeling there is recurrence and entirely mistaken
there is pinching. All the standards have steamers and all the curtains
have bed linen and all the yellow has discrimination and all the circle
has circling. This makes sand.
Very well. Certainly the length is thinner and the rest, the round rest
has a longer summer. To shine, why not shine, to shine, to station, to
enlarge, to hurry the measure all this means nothing if there is
singing, if there is singing then there is the resumption.
The change the dirt, not to change dirt means that there is no beefsteak
and not to have that is no obstruction, it is so easy to exchange
meaning, it is so easy to see the difference. The difference is that a
plain resource is not entangled with thickness and it does not mean that
thickness shows such cutting, it does mean that a meadow is useful and a
cow absurd. It does not mean that there are tears, it does not mean that
exudation is cumbersome, it means no more than a memory, a choice and a
reestablishment, it means more than any escape from a surrounding extra.
All the time that there is use there is use and any time there is a
surface there is a surface, and every time there is an exception there
is an exception and every time there is a division there is a dividing.
Any time there is a surface there is a surface and every time there is a
suggestion there is a suggestion and every time there is silence there
is silence and every time that is languid there is that there then and
not oftener, not always, not particular, tender and changing and
external and central and surrounded and singular and simple and the same
and the surface and the circle and the shine and the succor and the
white and the same and the better and the red and the same and the
centre and the yellow and the tender and the better, and altogether.
Considering the circumstances there is no occasion for a reduction,
considering that there is no pealing there is no occasion for an
obligation, considering that there is no outrage there is no necessity
for any reparation, considering that there is no particle sodden there
is no occasion for deliberation. Considering everything and which way
the turn is tending, considering everything why is there no restraint,
considering everything what makes the place settle and the plate
distinguish some specialties. The whole thing is not understood and this
is not strange considering that there is no education, this is not
strange because having that certainly does show the difference in
cutting, it shows that when there is turning there is no distress.
In kind, in a control, in a period, in the alteration of pigeons, in
kind cuts and thick and thin spaces, in kind ham and different colors,
the length of leaning a strong thing outside not to make a sound but to
suggest a crust, the principal taste is when there is a whole chance to
be reasonable, this does not mean that there is overtaking, this means
nothing precious, this means clearly that the chance to exercise is a
social success. So then the sound is not obtrusive. Suppose it is
obtrusive suppose it is. What is certainly the desertion is not a
reduced description, a description is not a birthday.
Lovely snipe and tender turn, excellent vapor and slender butter, all
the splinter and the trunk, all the poisonous darkening drunk, all the
joy in weak success, all the joyful tenderness, all the section and the
tea, all the stouter symmetry.
Around the size that is small, inside the stern that is the middle,
besides the remains that are praying, inside the between that is
turning, all the region is measuring and melting is exaggerating.
Rectangular ribbon does not mean that there is no eruption it means that
if there is no place to hold there is no place to spread. Kindness is
not earnest, it is not assiduous it is not revered.
Room to comb chickens and feathers and ripe purple, room to curve single
plates and large sets and second silver, room to send everything away,
room to save heat and distemper, room to search a light that is simpler,
all room has no shadow.
There is no use there is no use at all in smell, in taste, in teeth, in
toast, in anything, there is no use at all and the respect is mutual.
Why should that which is uneven, that which is resumed, that which is
tolerable why should all this resemble a smell, a thing is there, it
whistles, it is not narrower, why is there no obligation to stay away
and yet courage, courage is everywhere and the best remains to stay.
If there could be that which is contained in that which is felt there
would be a chair where there are chairs and there would be no more
denial about a clatter. A clatter is not a smell. All this is good.
The Saturday evening which is Sunday is every week day.