und Anmerkungen.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v12
Madrid, 1876.
Also by J.
Barcelona, 1883.
Don Juan. Oversat paa Dansk af H. Drachmann. Med. Indlednings-
og Slutningsdigte af Oversætteren. 2 vols. Copenhagen, 1880-
The Dream. Byron's Dream, illustrated. [1849. ]
German transl. , see under The Bride of Abydos.
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. [In the Egerton collection of MSS
in the B. M. (2028) are the proof sheets of this satire, corrected by
Byron, in which the title is given as The British Bards; a Satire, and
dated 1808. 2029 contains proof sheets of Hints from Horace, being a
partial imitation of the Epistle Ad Pisones, and intended as a sequel to
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. ]
## p. 389 (#413) ############################################
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. A satire. (1809. ]
2nd edn, 1809. 3rd edn (of which there are various issues), 1810.
4th edn (several issues] 1810 and 1811. 4th (or rather the 5th suppressed
edn), 1811. Another edn, New York, 1817. Paris, 1818.
Deutsche Dramatiker und Hamburger Kritiker. Eine Satyre,
Byron's English bards and Scotch reviewers frei und zeitgemäss
nachgebildet vom Verfasser des Mohammed (G. F. Daumer).
Berlin, 1857.
Fare Thee Well. [1816. ]
a poem. A Sketch from Private Life, a poem. Bristol, 1816.
The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. 1813. New edn, with some
additions, 1813. 3nd edn, with considerable additions, 1813. 5th edn,
1813. 6th edn, 1813. 7th edn, 1813. 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th edns, 1814.
14th edn, 1815.
Der Ganer, metrisch bearbeitet. Berlin, 1819.
Poezye Lorda Byrona tłumaczone, Giaur przez A. Mickiewicza,
Korsarz przez E. Odyńca. Paris, 1835.
Гяуръ Байрона Переведъ Е. Мишедъ. [In prose. ] Petrograd,
Ποιήματα Βύρωνος. Ο Γκιαούρ. . . . Μετάφρασις Αικατερίνης κ. Δοσίου.
'Εκδίδεται το δεύτερον υπό 'Αρ. Κ. Δοσίου. Athens, 1873.
Heaven and Earth, a mystery. 1824. Another edn, [1825 ? ]. [First printed
in The Liberal, No. II, vol. 1, 1822. ]
Mayn, G. Über Lord Byrons Heaven and Earth. Breslau, 1887.
Hebrew Melodies. (On the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart. ) 1815. Also
1823 and 1825. Cf. Beutler, C. A. , Über Lord Byrons 'Hebrew Melodies. '
Hebräische Gesänge. Aus dem Englischen des Lord Byron von
F. Theremin. Mit beigedrucktem englischen Text. Berlin, 1820.
Melodie ebraiche di Lord G. Byron. Versione di P. P. Parzanese.
Naples, 1837.
Hebreiska Melodier. . . . Öfversatta af T. Lind. Helsingfors, 1862.
Jødiske sange. Oversatte af J. Andresen-Halmrast. Christiania, 1889.
1972 97'0. . . . Hebrew Melodies. . . . Translated by S. Mandelkern.
Leipzig, 1890.
Hours of Idleness. See Early Collections.
The Island, or Christian and his comrades. 1823.
Lotz, C. Quellenstudie über Lord Byron's The Island. Leipzig Diss.
The Lament of Tasso. 1817. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th edns, 1817. 6th edn,
Lamento del Tasso. . . . Recato in Italiano da M. Leoni. Pisa, 1818.
Also by G. Polidori, 1843, and G. Godio, 1873.
Los Lamentaciones del Tasso. Version (in prose] de J. A. R. 1883.
Lara, a tale. Jacqueline, a tale. 1814.
Il Lara di Lord Byron. Tradotto dal Signor Girolami Ce Bazoldo.
. . . con giunta di tre altre traduzioni dall'inglese, una dal tedesco,
e tre canzoni dell'autore. Paris, 1828.
Лара. . . Србски од А. Поповина. 1860.
Lara. (Öfversättning af Talis Qualis (pseud. , i. e. Carl Wilhelm
August Strandberg]. ) Stockholm, 1869.
Lara . . . Přeložil Čeněk Ibl. See ante, The Corsair (Korsár).
## p. 390 (#414) ############################################
Manfred, a dramatic poem. 1817. Second edn. 1817. Also 1824. Cf.
Lohmann, Byrons Manfred, und sein Verhältnis zu Dichtungen ver-
wandten Inhalts. Anglia, v, pp. 291 ff. 1882; Varnhagen, Hermann,
De rebus quibusdam compositionem Byronis Dramatis quod Manfred
inscribitur praecedentibus, etc. Erlangen, 1909.
Manfred . . . Oversat af P. F. Wulff. Copenhagen, 1820.
Byron's Manfred.
Einleitung, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen.
Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der gegenwärtigen deutschen drama-
tischen Kunst und Poesie, von Posgaru [i. e. Suckow, G. F. W. ).
Breslau, 1839. Also German translations by H. von Kösen,
Leipzig, 1858; L. Freytag, Berlin, 1872; W. Starke, Munich, 1912.
Manfred, poëme dramatique . . . traduit par Madame la Comtesse de
Lalaing. [In prose). . . Seconde édition. Brussels, 1852.
Manfred. Een dramatisch gedicht naar Lord Byron, door J. R.
Steinmetz, Amsterdam, 1857. Also by W. Gosler, 1882.
Manfredo, poema drammatico. versione in prosa. [By Pellico,
Silvio. ] 1859.
Manfred . . . Przekład wolny na wiersz polski przez M. Chodíkę.
Paris, (1859).
Manfredo, poema dramático, trad. por D. J. Alcalá Galiano y Fer-
nandez de las Peñas. Madrid, 1861.
“Ο Μάμφρεδ δραματικόν. . . Μετάφρασις Ε. Γκρήν. Patras, 1864.
Manfred . . . Forditotta Ábrányi Emil. Budapest, 1891.
Manfred. Dramska pjesan u tri razdjela . . . U mjerilu izvornika
preveo Stjepan Meldtić, Zagreb, 1894.
Manfred. Poemă dramatică în trei acte (by T. M. Stoenescu). 1896.
Manfred. Báseň dramatičká. Přeložil Jaroslav Vrchlický. (Redi-
guje Jaroslav Kvapil. ) Prague, 1901.
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An historical tragedy, in five acts. With
notes. The Prophecy of Dante, a poem. 1821. Also 1823 and 1824.
Marino Faliero, e I Due Foscari, tragedie . . . Versione dall' originale
inglese del P. G. B. Cereseto. Savona, 1845.
Marino Faliero, Doge von Venedig . . . Freie Übersetzung von Thierry
Preyer. Frankfort, 1883. Also transl. by A. Fitger. Oldenbourg,
Mazeppa, a poem. (Ode [to Venice)-A Fragment [in prose]. ) 1819. Paris,
1819. Also 1824. Mazeppa, or the Wild Horse of the Ukraine, etc.
[1854? ].
Mazeppa. Powieść. 1843. Tłómaczenia. Vol. v.
Mazeppa. Traduzione . . . di T. Virzi. Palermo, 1876.
Mazeppa, nach Lord Byron, von F. Freiligrath. In, Nachgelassenes.
Stuttgart, 1883.
Mazeppa. Přeložil Antonin Klášterský. Prague (1895? ]. Sbornik
Světové Poesie . . . Čislo 76.
Engländer, D. Lord Byrons Mazeppa. Eine Studie. Berlin, 1897.
Monody on the Death of the Right Honourable R. B. Sheridan, written at
the request of a friend to be spoken at Drury Lane Theatre. 1816. Also
1817 and 1818.
[Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill. ] A Political Ode by Lord Byron,
hitherto unknown as his production. [Ed. Pearson, J. ] 1880. [Only
100 copies printed. ]
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1814. Also 1816 and 1818.
## p. 391 (#415) ############################################
Parisina. A poem. 1816. See post: The Siege of Corinth.
Parisina. Poema. . . Traduzione italiana in versi. Milan, 1821.
Parisina, poème de Lord Byron . . . et fragment de Nicolas de Ferrare
. . . Avec commentaires et notices. Paris, 1900.
The Prisoner of Chillon, and other poems. 1816. Another edn. Lausanne,
Der Gefangene von Chillon. Dichtung . . . In deutscher Überset-
zung mit historischer Einleitung von M. von der Marwitz. Vevey
and Lausanne, (1865? ). Also by J. G. Hagmann. Leipzig, 1892.
The Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems. Mit Einleitung und
Anmerkungen herausg. von E. Kölbing. Weimar, 1896.
Bandinginn í Chillon og Draumurinn . . . Steingrimur Thorsteinson
íslenzkadi. (Ágrip af aefi Byron's og athugasemdir. ) Kaupman-
nahöfn, 1866.
The Prophecy of Dante. 1821. See ante, Marino Faliero. Another edn.
La Profecía del Dante. Poema . . . Traducido del Frances por A. M.
Viscayno, etc. [In prose.
Don Juan. Oversat paa Dansk af H. Drachmann. Med. Indlednings-
og Slutningsdigte af Oversætteren. 2 vols. Copenhagen, 1880-
The Dream. Byron's Dream, illustrated. [1849. ]
German transl. , see under The Bride of Abydos.
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. [In the Egerton collection of MSS
in the B. M. (2028) are the proof sheets of this satire, corrected by
Byron, in which the title is given as The British Bards; a Satire, and
dated 1808. 2029 contains proof sheets of Hints from Horace, being a
partial imitation of the Epistle Ad Pisones, and intended as a sequel to
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. ]
## p. 389 (#413) ############################################
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. A satire. (1809. ]
2nd edn, 1809. 3rd edn (of which there are various issues), 1810.
4th edn (several issues] 1810 and 1811. 4th (or rather the 5th suppressed
edn), 1811. Another edn, New York, 1817. Paris, 1818.
Deutsche Dramatiker und Hamburger Kritiker. Eine Satyre,
Byron's English bards and Scotch reviewers frei und zeitgemäss
nachgebildet vom Verfasser des Mohammed (G. F. Daumer).
Berlin, 1857.
Fare Thee Well. [1816. ]
a poem. A Sketch from Private Life, a poem. Bristol, 1816.
The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. 1813. New edn, with some
additions, 1813. 3nd edn, with considerable additions, 1813. 5th edn,
1813. 6th edn, 1813. 7th edn, 1813. 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th edns, 1814.
14th edn, 1815.
Der Ganer, metrisch bearbeitet. Berlin, 1819.
Poezye Lorda Byrona tłumaczone, Giaur przez A. Mickiewicza,
Korsarz przez E. Odyńca. Paris, 1835.
Гяуръ Байрона Переведъ Е. Мишедъ. [In prose. ] Petrograd,
Ποιήματα Βύρωνος. Ο Γκιαούρ. . . . Μετάφρασις Αικατερίνης κ. Δοσίου.
'Εκδίδεται το δεύτερον υπό 'Αρ. Κ. Δοσίου. Athens, 1873.
Heaven and Earth, a mystery. 1824. Another edn, [1825 ? ]. [First printed
in The Liberal, No. II, vol. 1, 1822. ]
Mayn, G. Über Lord Byrons Heaven and Earth. Breslau, 1887.
Hebrew Melodies. (On the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart. ) 1815. Also
1823 and 1825. Cf. Beutler, C. A. , Über Lord Byrons 'Hebrew Melodies. '
Hebräische Gesänge. Aus dem Englischen des Lord Byron von
F. Theremin. Mit beigedrucktem englischen Text. Berlin, 1820.
Melodie ebraiche di Lord G. Byron. Versione di P. P. Parzanese.
Naples, 1837.
Hebreiska Melodier. . . . Öfversatta af T. Lind. Helsingfors, 1862.
Jødiske sange. Oversatte af J. Andresen-Halmrast. Christiania, 1889.
1972 97'0. . . . Hebrew Melodies. . . . Translated by S. Mandelkern.
Leipzig, 1890.
Hours of Idleness. See Early Collections.
The Island, or Christian and his comrades. 1823.
Lotz, C. Quellenstudie über Lord Byron's The Island. Leipzig Diss.
The Lament of Tasso. 1817. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th edns, 1817. 6th edn,
Lamento del Tasso. . . . Recato in Italiano da M. Leoni. Pisa, 1818.
Also by G. Polidori, 1843, and G. Godio, 1873.
Los Lamentaciones del Tasso. Version (in prose] de J. A. R. 1883.
Lara, a tale. Jacqueline, a tale. 1814.
Il Lara di Lord Byron. Tradotto dal Signor Girolami Ce Bazoldo.
. . . con giunta di tre altre traduzioni dall'inglese, una dal tedesco,
e tre canzoni dell'autore. Paris, 1828.
Лара. . . Србски од А. Поповина. 1860.
Lara. (Öfversättning af Talis Qualis (pseud. , i. e. Carl Wilhelm
August Strandberg]. ) Stockholm, 1869.
Lara . . . Přeložil Čeněk Ibl. See ante, The Corsair (Korsár).
## p. 390 (#414) ############################################
Manfred, a dramatic poem. 1817. Second edn. 1817. Also 1824. Cf.
Lohmann, Byrons Manfred, und sein Verhältnis zu Dichtungen ver-
wandten Inhalts. Anglia, v, pp. 291 ff. 1882; Varnhagen, Hermann,
De rebus quibusdam compositionem Byronis Dramatis quod Manfred
inscribitur praecedentibus, etc. Erlangen, 1909.
Manfred . . . Oversat af P. F. Wulff. Copenhagen, 1820.
Byron's Manfred.
Einleitung, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen.
Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der gegenwärtigen deutschen drama-
tischen Kunst und Poesie, von Posgaru [i. e. Suckow, G. F. W. ).
Breslau, 1839. Also German translations by H. von Kösen,
Leipzig, 1858; L. Freytag, Berlin, 1872; W. Starke, Munich, 1912.
Manfred, poëme dramatique . . . traduit par Madame la Comtesse de
Lalaing. [In prose). . . Seconde édition. Brussels, 1852.
Manfred. Een dramatisch gedicht naar Lord Byron, door J. R.
Steinmetz, Amsterdam, 1857. Also by W. Gosler, 1882.
Manfredo, poema drammatico. versione in prosa. [By Pellico,
Silvio. ] 1859.
Manfred . . . Przekład wolny na wiersz polski przez M. Chodíkę.
Paris, (1859).
Manfredo, poema dramático, trad. por D. J. Alcalá Galiano y Fer-
nandez de las Peñas. Madrid, 1861.
“Ο Μάμφρεδ δραματικόν. . . Μετάφρασις Ε. Γκρήν. Patras, 1864.
Manfred . . . Forditotta Ábrányi Emil. Budapest, 1891.
Manfred. Dramska pjesan u tri razdjela . . . U mjerilu izvornika
preveo Stjepan Meldtić, Zagreb, 1894.
Manfred. Poemă dramatică în trei acte (by T. M. Stoenescu). 1896.
Manfred. Báseň dramatičká. Přeložil Jaroslav Vrchlický. (Redi-
guje Jaroslav Kvapil. ) Prague, 1901.
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An historical tragedy, in five acts. With
notes. The Prophecy of Dante, a poem. 1821. Also 1823 and 1824.
Marino Faliero, e I Due Foscari, tragedie . . . Versione dall' originale
inglese del P. G. B. Cereseto. Savona, 1845.
Marino Faliero, Doge von Venedig . . . Freie Übersetzung von Thierry
Preyer. Frankfort, 1883. Also transl. by A. Fitger. Oldenbourg,
Mazeppa, a poem. (Ode [to Venice)-A Fragment [in prose]. ) 1819. Paris,
1819. Also 1824. Mazeppa, or the Wild Horse of the Ukraine, etc.
[1854? ].
Mazeppa. Powieść. 1843. Tłómaczenia. Vol. v.
Mazeppa. Traduzione . . . di T. Virzi. Palermo, 1876.
Mazeppa, nach Lord Byron, von F. Freiligrath. In, Nachgelassenes.
Stuttgart, 1883.
Mazeppa. Přeložil Antonin Klášterský. Prague (1895? ]. Sbornik
Světové Poesie . . . Čislo 76.
Engländer, D. Lord Byrons Mazeppa. Eine Studie. Berlin, 1897.
Monody on the Death of the Right Honourable R. B. Sheridan, written at
the request of a friend to be spoken at Drury Lane Theatre. 1816. Also
1817 and 1818.
[Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill. ] A Political Ode by Lord Byron,
hitherto unknown as his production. [Ed. Pearson, J. ] 1880. [Only
100 copies printed. ]
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1814. Also 1816 and 1818.
## p. 391 (#415) ############################################
Parisina. A poem. 1816. See post: The Siege of Corinth.
Parisina. Poema. . . Traduzione italiana in versi. Milan, 1821.
Parisina, poème de Lord Byron . . . et fragment de Nicolas de Ferrare
. . . Avec commentaires et notices. Paris, 1900.
The Prisoner of Chillon, and other poems. 1816. Another edn. Lausanne,
Der Gefangene von Chillon. Dichtung . . . In deutscher Überset-
zung mit historischer Einleitung von M. von der Marwitz. Vevey
and Lausanne, (1865? ). Also by J. G. Hagmann. Leipzig, 1892.
The Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems. Mit Einleitung und
Anmerkungen herausg. von E. Kölbing. Weimar, 1896.
Bandinginn í Chillon og Draumurinn . . . Steingrimur Thorsteinson
íslenzkadi. (Ágrip af aefi Byron's og athugasemdir. ) Kaupman-
nahöfn, 1866.
The Prophecy of Dante. 1821. See ante, Marino Faliero. Another edn.
La Profecía del Dante. Poema . . . Traducido del Frances por A. M.
Viscayno, etc. [In prose.