e court arered were,
His sacrifise he dude to god; & gan to hym crie:
His sacrifise he dude to god; & gan to hym crie:
Adam Davy's Five Dreams about Edward II - 1389
Page 95
// ? e prophetes ? at weren so good; & so holy alle,
? at of oure lorde vnderstoden; & what schulde bi-fall, 76
Hij wisten ? at he schulde come; ac hij nysten whanne; 78
? e tyme hem ? ou? t long ynou? ; vche ynche hem ? ou? t a spanne.
? ai gradden after hym oft; in her prophecie, 82
And in ? e bokes ? at ? ai writen; ? at he schulde dye: 84
"God ? eue," quo? on of hem; "? at heuen broste atwo,
? at he mi? th ali? th adoun; & vs sauen so. " 88
Sumdel hem longed ? o; whan ? ai nolden abide,
? at heuen cleue soft a two; to saue vche side. 92
Ac it schulde al to brest; & oure lorde falle adoune,
Mi? th ? ai hym haue yhent; fast by ? e crovne. 96
Ac he ne hei? ed nou? th so swi? ; bot com soft adoun; 98
? ai wolde hym narew? hab y-hent; ac he held hem ? er doun.
Parde, ? it ne com he nou? th; ne were hem neuer so wo; 102
? ai hadden ? e grounde of helle isou? th; er he com hem to. 104
Seint Dauid after his anoie; after hym grad ? us:
"Lord, in heuen to vs abow? e; & ali? th to vs! 108
Schewe vs ? ine holy face; & we wor? e hool onon. "
Hym longed ek after his face; ? e holy Symeon, 112
And all blis hym was bynome; & oft he gradd ? erfore:
"Lorde, whan wiltou come; & wilt ben ybore? 116
Wene ? e ich may dure; wene ? e ich may see? "
Her mone was doel to see; ? ere gamed hem no gle. 120
// Ac hym ne greued nou? th; a? eins o? er bifore,
ffor he nas nou? th to de? ibrou? th; er god were ibore, 124
Ac liued forto he hym sei? ; & in his armes nome,
? o he on Candelmesday; to ? e temple come. 128
Lorde, wel may vs be; bet ? an hem was ? o,
? at ne mi? tten nower fle; lorde, what hem was wo. 132
? ere oure lorde seide; ? o he was ybore,
? at we mi? tten ben ful glade; ouer o? er ? at weren bifore. 136
? e prophetes wilned hym forto see; & many kynges also,
? at we isen ? if it mi? th be; ac hij ne mi? tten it nou? th do.
// we mowen now as it were; for nou? th, to heuen come, 142
Si? ? en oure lord it had ibou? th; & ? e fendes power bynome.
Page 96
Ac ? ai ? at suich grace ne hadden; ? at tofore vs come, 146
After oure lorde ? ai gradden; in ? e prophecie ylome; 148
After hym ? ai gradden; wi? gret wille & longe;
No mendement ? ai ne seie; bot gret pyne & stronge; 152
So longe ? at ? ai wery weren; & leten be al stille,
And he[r] gredyng forberen; & turneden to goddes wille; 156
ffor ? ai ne sei? en non o? er won; ? ou? hem ? ou? tten longe;
Oure lorde lete her will ago; er he wolde flesch a-fonge. 160
And ? o ? ai weren wery ynou? ; as who sei? for sore,
Vche of hem to rest drou? ; & speken of hym nomore, 164
? at swete barne oure kynde took; bo? e of flesche & felle,
In whiche he dyed on rood; ? e fendes streng? e to felle. 168
? orou? whiche preciouse de? ; god vs grant ? at grace
? at we mowe after oure de? ; in heuen haue a place. Amen. 172
[In order to complete the Life of Solomon, of which his Book of Wisdom, &c. , form part, I add the MS. bit that comes before the Book. The passage about his birth is too far back to be taken. ]
[Laud MS. 622, leaf 69, col. 1. ]
? ? o Dauid in elde was; his eldest son was alyue.
Adonye ycleped he was; with Salamon he gan striue.
Aboute he was kyng to be; by his fader daye.
Gret feste he made on a day; ? at folk to paye. 4*
He ne bad nowgth ? ider Salamon; ne his moder ? e quene;
? erfore sche was with hym wro? ; for wymmen be? oft kene.
"Sir," sche seide to Dauid; "oft ? ou swore me,
? at my son Salamon; schulde be kyng after ? e. 8*
Now ha? Adonye i? ou? th to be kyng bi ? i lyue;
& after ? i day to sle my son; for ? ai ne ben by on wyue. "
Page 97
? E kyng lete somony all his men: a fest he made sone, [folio 69:2]
And lete coroone Salamon; & sette hym in his throne.
By his lyue he made hym kyng; & bigan to prechi fast
fforto sustene vp goddes law? e; ? er-while his lif ylast;
? at he bulde for? goddes hous in Ierusalems burgh? ,
? at ? e law? es better weren; ysustened ? orou? & ? orou? . 16*
Dauid was kyng fourty wyntren; in werre & in strife;
And in ? e fourtide ? er; in pes he ended his lyf.
Afftere his fader, Salamon; slou? his bro? er Adonye
In ? e first ? er, & all ? at with hym weren; to hym he made boweye, 20*
& he wex fai? ful man & wis; ? at folk better to wisse,
? e kynges dou? ttere of Egipte; he wedded in gret blisse.
? e grete ? inges forto don; he destred*. [[? desired]] goddes grace,
fforto arere goddes temple; in on faire place, 24*
And aboute Ierusalem; treble wal arere.
? at to his bihof? e & vche riche kyng; ?
e court arered were,
His sacrifise he dude to god; & gan to hym crie:
"Lorde! " he seide, "to ? ong icham; to haue suich maistrie.
Teche me, ? if ? i wille be; wel my folk to wisse, 29*
And to knowe god & yuel; ? at I ? erof ne mysse. "
Oure lord hym graunted ? inges ? re; to haue maistri ouer his fo,
To habbe worldes richesse ynou? ; & wisdom ynou? ? erto.
IT bifel ? at two wymmen; in on In, a ni? th were; 33*
Ei? er had a ? ong childe; bo? e of on ? ere.
In hire slep ? at o womman; her owen childe ouerlay,
And si? ? e leide it by her felawe; & hir child nom away. 36*
? o ? e womman awook; & vnder? at ? is gile,
? erne ? ai striueden & chid ? for ? e quik child a long while.
? at on seide, ? e quyk childe was hire; ? at o? er seide it nas.
Bo? e ? ei comen bifore ? e kyng; & tolden al her cas. 40*
? ? o ? e kyng ne mi? th vnder? ete; whe? er had ? e ri? th,
"Take hider," he seide, "my swerd; & euen, I wil it di? th;
Cleuen ich wil, ? if ich can; ? e quyk childe a two.
& taken ei? er of ? ou ? e haluendel; whan ? e nyllen o? er do. "
Page 98
"? e, sir," seide ? e fals quene; "crist it ? elde ? e; 45*
So ? ou mi? th best legge strif; ? an mowe we euen be. "
"Nay, sir," seide ? e ri? th moder; "mercy, ? at do ? ou nou? th!
Take hire ra? er euerich del; ? at it ne be to de? ybrou? th. "
"? e, good womman," ? e kyng seide; "take ? at child to ? e;
ffor ? ou hast ? e ri? th weye; & ? e o? ere ? e falste. "
MIchel wonder hadden al ? at folk ? ? at herden of ? is strif,
? at ? e kyng ? ou? th swich wisdom; in his ? ong lyf. 52*
Men douteden ? erafter-ward hym ? e more; for ? ilk cas.
Good pais ? ere was in hil londe; ? er while he kyng was.
Vche weke he spended in his hous; xxx. quarters of whete,
And an hundre? fatte we? ers; & xxx. Oxen grete, 56*
Wi? outen venison & o? er ? ing; ? at he had by deinte:
In ? e werlde was non so riche court; ne of so gret plente.
He arered treble wal; swi? e fair & strong
Aboute ? e burgh? of Ierusalem; swi? e fair & long. 60*
? e fier? e ? er of his regne; he gan his temple arere,
& in ? e elleuen? e ? er was it; er it redy were.
? o bigan he arere his court; swi? e noble & hende;
Xiij. ? er ? er-aboute he was; er it were brou? th to ende. *. [[For what follows, see p. 82, above. The Book of Wisdom may be compard with the A B C, and How the Good Wife and Good Man taught their Daughter and Son, in my Babees Book, Q. Elizabethes Achademy, &c. , and with Mr Lumby's Ratis Raving, &c, &c.
Page 95
// ? e prophetes ? at weren so good; & so holy alle,
? at of oure lorde vnderstoden; & what schulde bi-fall, 76
Hij wisten ? at he schulde come; ac hij nysten whanne; 78
? e tyme hem ? ou? t long ynou? ; vche ynche hem ? ou? t a spanne.
? ai gradden after hym oft; in her prophecie, 82
And in ? e bokes ? at ? ai writen; ? at he schulde dye: 84
"God ? eue," quo? on of hem; "? at heuen broste atwo,
? at he mi? th ali? th adoun; & vs sauen so. " 88
Sumdel hem longed ? o; whan ? ai nolden abide,
? at heuen cleue soft a two; to saue vche side. 92
Ac it schulde al to brest; & oure lorde falle adoune,
Mi? th ? ai hym haue yhent; fast by ? e crovne. 96
Ac he ne hei? ed nou? th so swi? ; bot com soft adoun; 98
? ai wolde hym narew? hab y-hent; ac he held hem ? er doun.
Parde, ? it ne com he nou? th; ne were hem neuer so wo; 102
? ai hadden ? e grounde of helle isou? th; er he com hem to. 104
Seint Dauid after his anoie; after hym grad ? us:
"Lord, in heuen to vs abow? e; & ali? th to vs! 108
Schewe vs ? ine holy face; & we wor? e hool onon. "
Hym longed ek after his face; ? e holy Symeon, 112
And all blis hym was bynome; & oft he gradd ? erfore:
"Lorde, whan wiltou come; & wilt ben ybore? 116
Wene ? e ich may dure; wene ? e ich may see? "
Her mone was doel to see; ? ere gamed hem no gle. 120
// Ac hym ne greued nou? th; a? eins o? er bifore,
ffor he nas nou? th to de? ibrou? th; er god were ibore, 124
Ac liued forto he hym sei? ; & in his armes nome,
? o he on Candelmesday; to ? e temple come. 128
Lorde, wel may vs be; bet ? an hem was ? o,
? at ne mi? tten nower fle; lorde, what hem was wo. 132
? ere oure lorde seide; ? o he was ybore,
? at we mi? tten ben ful glade; ouer o? er ? at weren bifore. 136
? e prophetes wilned hym forto see; & many kynges also,
? at we isen ? if it mi? th be; ac hij ne mi? tten it nou? th do.
// we mowen now as it were; for nou? th, to heuen come, 142
Si? ? en oure lord it had ibou? th; & ? e fendes power bynome.
Page 96
Ac ? ai ? at suich grace ne hadden; ? at tofore vs come, 146
After oure lorde ? ai gradden; in ? e prophecie ylome; 148
After hym ? ai gradden; wi? gret wille & longe;
No mendement ? ai ne seie; bot gret pyne & stronge; 152
So longe ? at ? ai wery weren; & leten be al stille,
And he[r] gredyng forberen; & turneden to goddes wille; 156
ffor ? ai ne sei? en non o? er won; ? ou? hem ? ou? tten longe;
Oure lorde lete her will ago; er he wolde flesch a-fonge. 160
And ? o ? ai weren wery ynou? ; as who sei? for sore,
Vche of hem to rest drou? ; & speken of hym nomore, 164
? at swete barne oure kynde took; bo? e of flesche & felle,
In whiche he dyed on rood; ? e fendes streng? e to felle. 168
? orou? whiche preciouse de? ; god vs grant ? at grace
? at we mowe after oure de? ; in heuen haue a place. Amen. 172
[In order to complete the Life of Solomon, of which his Book of Wisdom, &c. , form part, I add the MS. bit that comes before the Book. The passage about his birth is too far back to be taken. ]
[Laud MS. 622, leaf 69, col. 1. ]
? ? o Dauid in elde was; his eldest son was alyue.
Adonye ycleped he was; with Salamon he gan striue.
Aboute he was kyng to be; by his fader daye.
Gret feste he made on a day; ? at folk to paye. 4*
He ne bad nowgth ? ider Salamon; ne his moder ? e quene;
? erfore sche was with hym wro? ; for wymmen be? oft kene.
"Sir," sche seide to Dauid; "oft ? ou swore me,
? at my son Salamon; schulde be kyng after ? e. 8*
Now ha? Adonye i? ou? th to be kyng bi ? i lyue;
& after ? i day to sle my son; for ? ai ne ben by on wyue. "
Page 97
? E kyng lete somony all his men: a fest he made sone, [folio 69:2]
And lete coroone Salamon; & sette hym in his throne.
By his lyue he made hym kyng; & bigan to prechi fast
fforto sustene vp goddes law? e; ? er-while his lif ylast;
? at he bulde for? goddes hous in Ierusalems burgh? ,
? at ? e law? es better weren; ysustened ? orou? & ? orou? . 16*
Dauid was kyng fourty wyntren; in werre & in strife;
And in ? e fourtide ? er; in pes he ended his lyf.
Afftere his fader, Salamon; slou? his bro? er Adonye
In ? e first ? er, & all ? at with hym weren; to hym he made boweye, 20*
& he wex fai? ful man & wis; ? at folk better to wisse,
? e kynges dou? ttere of Egipte; he wedded in gret blisse.
? e grete ? inges forto don; he destred*. [[? desired]] goddes grace,
fforto arere goddes temple; in on faire place, 24*
And aboute Ierusalem; treble wal arere.
? at to his bihof? e & vche riche kyng; ?
e court arered were,
His sacrifise he dude to god; & gan to hym crie:
"Lorde! " he seide, "to ? ong icham; to haue suich maistrie.
Teche me, ? if ? i wille be; wel my folk to wisse, 29*
And to knowe god & yuel; ? at I ? erof ne mysse. "
Oure lord hym graunted ? inges ? re; to haue maistri ouer his fo,
To habbe worldes richesse ynou? ; & wisdom ynou? ? erto.
IT bifel ? at two wymmen; in on In, a ni? th were; 33*
Ei? er had a ? ong childe; bo? e of on ? ere.
In hire slep ? at o womman; her owen childe ouerlay,
And si? ? e leide it by her felawe; & hir child nom away. 36*
? o ? e womman awook; & vnder? at ? is gile,
? erne ? ai striueden & chid ? for ? e quik child a long while.
? at on seide, ? e quyk childe was hire; ? at o? er seide it nas.
Bo? e ? ei comen bifore ? e kyng; & tolden al her cas. 40*
? ? o ? e kyng ne mi? th vnder? ete; whe? er had ? e ri? th,
"Take hider," he seide, "my swerd; & euen, I wil it di? th;
Cleuen ich wil, ? if ich can; ? e quyk childe a two.
& taken ei? er of ? ou ? e haluendel; whan ? e nyllen o? er do. "
Page 98
"? e, sir," seide ? e fals quene; "crist it ? elde ? e; 45*
So ? ou mi? th best legge strif; ? an mowe we euen be. "
"Nay, sir," seide ? e ri? th moder; "mercy, ? at do ? ou nou? th!
Take hire ra? er euerich del; ? at it ne be to de? ybrou? th. "
"? e, good womman," ? e kyng seide; "take ? at child to ? e;
ffor ? ou hast ? e ri? th weye; & ? e o? ere ? e falste. "
MIchel wonder hadden al ? at folk ? ? at herden of ? is strif,
? at ? e kyng ? ou? th swich wisdom; in his ? ong lyf. 52*
Men douteden ? erafter-ward hym ? e more; for ? ilk cas.
Good pais ? ere was in hil londe; ? er while he kyng was.
Vche weke he spended in his hous; xxx. quarters of whete,
And an hundre? fatte we? ers; & xxx. Oxen grete, 56*
Wi? outen venison & o? er ? ing; ? at he had by deinte:
In ? e werlde was non so riche court; ne of so gret plente.
He arered treble wal; swi? e fair & strong
Aboute ? e burgh? of Ierusalem; swi? e fair & long. 60*
? e fier? e ? er of his regne; he gan his temple arere,
& in ? e elleuen? e ? er was it; er it redy were.
? o bigan he arere his court; swi? e noble & hende;
Xiij. ? er ? er-aboute he was; er it were brou? th to ende. *. [[For what follows, see p. 82, above. The Book of Wisdom may be compard with the A B C, and How the Good Wife and Good Man taught their Daughter and Son, in my Babees Book, Q. Elizabethes Achademy, &c. , and with Mr Lumby's Ratis Raving, &c, &c.