river, 197, 42.
Epic of Gilgamesh
into his presence.
They met in the wide park of the land.
Enkidu held fast the door
with his foot,
and permitted not Gilgamish to enter.
They grappled with each other
goring like an ox.
The threshold they destroyed.
The wall they demolished.
Gilgamish and Enkidu
grappled with each other,
goring like an ox.
The threshold they destroyed.
The wall they demolished.
Gilgamish bowed
to the ground at his feet
and his javelin reposed.
He turned back his breast.
After he had turned back his breast,
Enkidu unto that one
spoke, even unto Gilgamish.
"Even as one [60] did thy mother
bear thee,
she the wild cow of the cattle stalls,
whose head she exalted more than a husband.
Royal power over the people
Enlil has decreed for thee. "
Second tablet.
Written upon . . .
240 (lines).
Adab, city, 123, 23.
_addi_, wailing, 117, 31; 137, 22; 161, 12.
_ahu_, brother, 212, 36.
Aja, goddess, 198, 9.
_al (gis)_, _al-gar (gis)_, a musical instrument, 187-191. See also
No. 20 Rev. 7-12. _al-bi_, compound verb, 189 n. 6. In Ni. 8164
(unpublished) _al-gar_, _al-gar-balag_ in list with _(gis)-a-la_,
also an instrument of music.
_alad_, protecting genius, 154, 18.
_amelis_, like a man, 215, 25.
Amurru, god. Psalm to, 118; 119.
_angubba_, sentinel, 180, 14.
Anu, god. 116, 18:26 ff. 131, 8; 165, 9; 180, 20.
Anunnaki, gods, 114, 17:21; 116, 25; 116 n. 7; 128, 13; 135, 31;
189, 21.
Anunit, goddess, 158, 12; 166, 2.
_apunnatu,_ nostrils, _pitik, apunnati_, 217, 28.
_assammim_ (? ), 215, 18.
Arallu, 132, 26; 134, 7.
_aramu_, cover, 198 n. 2.
_araku_, be pale, Prt. _iriku_, 217, 31.
_arhis_, quickly, 199, 28.
Aruru, goddess. Lamentation to, 115. Sister of Enlil, 115, 2; 171,
29; 190, 25. Other references, 116, 13:15:18; 117, 34 f.
Asarludug, god, 163, 8; 170, 4.
As-im-ur, title of Moon-god, 136, 12. _as_ omitted, No. 19, 2.
_as-me_, disk, 133, 38.
Assirgi, god, No. 22, Rev. 7.
Azagsud, goddess, 196, 30:33; 197, 38.
Babbar, god, 116, 24; 139, 43; 147, 21; 148, 3; 152.
Babylon, city, 158, 14; 160, 6; 163, 8; 166, 4:11.
_badara_, see 200 n. 2. _badarani_, a weapon, 133, 36.
_balag_, lyre, 138, 52.
_bansur_, table; title of a goddess, 175, 3.
Bau, goddess, 179, 2; 181, 30; 182, 32; 141, 7:10.
_bisitu_, condition, 215, 14.
_bi'u_, cavern, 196, 29.
_bulukku_, crab, 174, 5.
_burgul_, engraver, 185, 8.
Cutha, city. Center of the cult of Nergal, 167, 15.
Dada, god, 192, 6.
Dagan, West Semitic god, 149, 21.
Damu, title of Tammuz, 176, 7.
Deification of kings, 106-9; 127 n. 1.
_depu_, shatter, 195 n. 16.
DI-BAL, ideogram in incantations, 194, 10.
Dilbat, city, 167, 16.
Dilmun, land and city, 112, 2:4.
_dimgul_, _dimdul_, master workman, 150.
_dingir-gal-gal-e-ne_, the great gods, the Anunnaki, 114, 21:125;
149, 19.
dumu-anna, daughter of heaven, title of Bau, 179, 5; 181, 28; 184, 28.
_dumu-sag_, title of Tasmet, 163, 12.
Dungi, king of Ur, liturgy to, 136.
_dupsakku_, trencher basket, 216, 17.
Duranki, epithet for Nippur, 122, 18; 180, 11.
E-anna, temple in Erech, 123, 30; 125; 148, 12; 213, 18.
E-babbar, temple of the sun god, 152; 158, 11; 166, 1. Perhaps read
E-daranna, temple of Enki in Babylon, 169, 25; 170, 29. See BL. 133.
_edelu_ eederu_, be gloomy, 216, 10.
_e-dub_, house of learning, 117, 39.
_e-gal_, palace, No. 19, Rev. 3; 115, 11; 131, 7; 134, 22; 158, 9.
_e-gig_ kissu_, 191, 11.
E-ibe-Anu, temple in Dilbat, 167, 16.
E-kinammaka, temple, 115, 10.
E-kisibba, temple in Kish, 166, 13.
E-kur, temple, 180, 12; 183, 23; 190, 7; 146, 9; 147, 17; 158, 8;
160, 4; 166, 17; 169, 23.
Emah, Esmah, ritual house of the water cult of Marduk, 163, 7; 115, 4.
E-malga-sud, temple, 181, 24; 141, 3.
E-meteg, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
E-mete-ursag, temple in Kish, 166, 13.
E-namtila, temple, 160, 4; 169, 24.
_en-a-nu-un_, _en-a-nun_, title of Innini and Gula, 173, 2.
Enbilulu, title of Marduk, 170, 5.
E-ninnu, temple, 181, 22.
_EN-HUL-tim-mu_, 194 n. 2.
_EN-KA-KA, bel dababi_, 194, 2.
Enki, god. Hymn to, No. 20, 113, 7; 114, 10; 116, 21; 122, 7; 149, 16.
Enkidu, satyr, 213, 3:7:10:11; 214, 6; 215, 11:12:15:34; 216, 13;
219, 8:15:25; 131, 11; 134, 16; 178, 13.
Enlil, god. Liturgy to, 155-184. Regarded as god of light, 157,
1 ff. 158, 3 f. Other references, 114, 19; 115, 2; 116, 19; 131, 6;
136, 5; 139, 40; 149, 22; 146, 3:7:14; 189, 11:19; 220, 33.
Enul, god, 149, 16.
Enzu, god, 139, 41; 146, 3.
_epsanu_, deeds, 218, 18.
_epu_, be dark, I2 _itepu_, 196, 29.
Erech, city, 125; 149, 13. Erech _ribitim_, 212, 28; 213, 15; 217,
19:21; 217, 3:6.
eri-azag, holy city, Isin, 141, 8.
_erida_, title, 175, 1.
Eridu, city, 113, 20; 136, 13.
Erishkigal, goddess, 131, 10; 134, 11.
_ersagtugmal_, penitential psalm, 118.
E-sagila, temple, 152.
E-sakudkalamma, temple, 166, 10; 169 n. 4.
_esendili_, a title, 177, 10.
_eskar_, fixed tax, 188, 9.
_es-lal_, a sacred place, 161, 14.
E-temen-anki, temple, 169, 25.
E-turkalamma, temple, 166, 14.
Euphrates, river, 183, 12; 183, 20.
E-zida, temple, 166, 12.
Ezina, grain goddess, 174, 9.
Ezira, reading of the divine name _KA-DI_, 177, 11.
Fara, modern Arabic name for the site of Isin (? ), 177 n. 4.
_GAB_, baked bread, 200, 33.
_GAB-LAL_, a cake made with honey, 195, 22; 200, 35.
_GAR-sunnu pisan-sunu_, 198, 13.
_gasan-gula_, title of Nina, 119 n. 2.
_gepar_, dark chamber, 123, 30 f. , 148, 10; 161, 18.
Gibil, god, 197, 3.
_gi-gal(gis)_,interlude, 151 n. 1; 182, 33.
_gigunna_, 114, 23.
Gilgamish, king of Erech, 207; 211, 1:115 f. 212, 17:37; 213, 2; 217,
21; 218, 9:20:24:29 and below 2; 219, 10;15:20:26. Derivation of name,
208. See also No. 16 Rev. II 15; 197, 42; 124 f.
_gilsa_, a sacred relic, 132, 22.
Girra, _Irra_, god, 174, 7; 177, 12.
_girru_, lion, 215, 29.
Girsu, city, 181, 23.
Guanna, deity, No. 16 Rev. II 18.
Guedin, province, 129, 28.
Gunura, goddess of healing, 176, 6.
_gupru_, mighty, 214, 33.
Gutium, land, 120 ff.
Hallab, city, 125; 141.
_hanabu_, grow thickly, Prs. _ibannib_, 219, 4.
_hapapu_, embrace, 212, 34.
_hassinu_, axe, 212, 29:31.
_harbatu_, waste place, 200, 39.
Harsagkalamma, temple, 166, 14.
Hubur, mythical river, 197, 42.
_hulu_, a bird, 199, 31.
_huku_, a bird, 199, 31.
Ibi-Sin, king of Ur, 151 n. 2.
_ibsi_, liturgical expression, 120, 5.
Igigi, heaven spirits, 116 n. 6.
_IGI-NAGIN-NA_, 194, 11.
_imib_, weapon, 131, 8. _mi-ib_, ibid. n. 3.
_imin_, seven. Seven lands, 130, 35; seventh day, 134, 18.
Immer, god, 177, 8.
Indag, god, consort of Gula, 173, 3.
Innini, goddess, 123. Liturgy to, 184; 123, 29. Consort of Shamash,
148, 4. Other references, 154, 21.
_issur same_, unclean birds, 195 n. 10.
Ishara, goddess, 218, 22.
Isin, city, 122, 15; 176, 4.
Ishme-Dagan, 178 ff. Son of Enlil, 181, 29; 182, 32. Liturgy to, 143.
_KA-DIB-BI, sibit pi_, 194, 10.
_KAK-DIG_, a weapon, 130, 4.
_kakkitu_ (? ), weapon. Pl. _kakkiatum_, 218, 16.
_KAK-SIR_, a weapon (? ), 130, 4.
_kalama_, the Land, Sumer, 138, 25; 141, 5; 147, 22; 150, 4; 154,
17; 177, 9.
_kanami_nalama_, land, 120, 8.
KA-NE, a new ideograph, 153 n. 10.
_kasu_, bind. I2 _liktisu_, 198, 20.
Kenurra, chapel of Ninlil, 114, 22; 123, 20; 160, 4; 166, 18; 166,
8; 169, 24.
Kes, city, 115, 11; 123, 22.
_kesda-azag_, a relic, 132, 27.
_ki_, _kin_ for _gim_ akima_, 120, 6.
KI-AG-MAL, _ramu_, 194 n. 4.
Kidurkazal, daughter of Ninkasi, 145.
_ki-malla_, to bend. _tig-zu ki-ma-al-la nu-gi-gi_, "Thy neck wearies
not in bending," 168, 2. [Correct the translation. ]
_ki-in-gin, ki-en-gin_, Sumer, 115, 24; 134, 19; 189, 17.
_KI-SAR, kakkara tasabbit_, 199, 29.
Kish, city, 129, 30; 166, 12. _e kis-(ki)-su_, so read, No. 5 Obv. 8.
Kullab, city, 149, 14; 173, 1.
_kunin, gunin_, reed basket, 150 n. 3.
_kurgal_, "great mountain," title of Sumer, 114, 11. Of Enlil, 114,
19; 182, 5.
_KURUN-NA_, (_amelu_), 196, 34.
_KUS-KU-MAL_, 194, 11.
_la'atu_, gore. Prt. _iludu_, 219, 12:17.
_labu_, panther, 215, 29:32.
Lagash, city, 181, 23:26.
_Lahama_, goddess of Chaos, 113, 5.
Laws, promulgated by Dungi, 138, 31.
Libit-Ishtar, king, 141.
_libsu_, garment, 214, 27:29; 215, 26.
Ligirsig, a god, 113, 3.
_lilazag_, epithet of a deified king, 141, 1.
Lillaenna, goddess, 192, 5.
_limenu_, be evil. II1 _ulammenu-inni_, 197, 7.
Lugal-dig, god, 197, 5.
_lu'utu_, pollution, 195, 19.
Magan, land, 112, 2:5.
_maialu_, couch, 218, 22.
_malasu_, shear, 195, 20.
Mamit, 200, 41.
_mandatu_, form, 195, 21.
_mal-gar_ (_gi_), a musical instrument, 191, 10.
_mangu_, disease, 195, 19.
Marduk, god, 151.
_markasu_, leader, 150.
_masu_, seize, 195 n. 5.
_masu_, to forget, 216, 7.
Me-azag, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
_mehru_, fellow, 218, 21.
Mehus, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Meluhha, land, 112, 6.
Meslam, temple in Cutha, 167, 15.
_mesu_, a tree, 159, 23.
_muk_, now, but now, 217, 26.
Mulgenna, Saturn, 137, 18.
Mulmul, gods, 142.
_nadu_, water bottle, 198, 17.
_naditu_, temple devotee, 188, 7.
_nagu_, shout. Prs. _inangu_, 215, 19.
_naku_, embrace, 218, 26.
_namastu_, cattle, etc. , 213, 12:17; 214, 1; 219, 14.
Namtar, god, 197, 3; 132, 24.
Nangt, goddess, 192, 7.
Nannar, god, 115, 12; 116, 23; 133, 38; 137, 11; 150, 2.
Nergal, god, 131, 6.
Nidaba, goddess, 191.
_ni-gal_, cattle, 121, 6.
_nimir eigir_, 174, 4.
_ninda_, linear measure, 133, 41.
Ningal, goddess, No. 19, 5; 148, 3; 151, 3.
Ningiszida, god, 133, 34.
Nin-isinna, goddess, 122, 16; 191, 15.
Ninkasi, goddess, 144.
Ninki, goddess, 149, 16.
Ninlil, goddess, 116, 20; 123, 20; 137, 12; 146, 14.
Ninmada, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Ninmah, goddess, 116, 22.
Ninmenna, epithet of Damgalnunna, 190, 27.
Ninsun, goddess, 219, 30; 208 n. 6; 129; 131, 16 (? ).
Nintudri, goddess, 123, 26. Nintudra, 137, 16. Creatress of man and
woman, 192.
Ninul, goddess, 149, 16.
Ninurasa, god, 191, 12; 146, 12.
Ninzuanna, goddess, 122, 13.
Nippur, city, 112, 8; 122, 18:19; 160, 3; 169, 21; 180, 11; 149, 18;
158, 7; 165, 16.
_NI-SUR_ (_amelu_), 196, 35.
Nudimmud, god, 199, 25. No. 20, 10.
_nugiganna_, epithet of Innini, 185, 2.
_nun apsi_, unclean fish, 195 n. 11.
Nunamnirri, god, 190, 28; 146, 13; 180, 10:13:17.
_nun-ur_, epithet of Amurru, 119, 3.
Nusiligga, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Nusku, god, 146, 7; 163, 13.
Pabilsag, god. Son and consort of Gula, 173 n. 3; 176, 5. A form
of Tammuz.
_pananumma_, formerly, 217, 25.
Panunnaki, goddess, consort of Marduk, 163, 9.
_pataku_, fashion, break, 214, 4.
_paturru_, a weapon, 200, 37.
Pleiades, 142.
_ratatu_, demolish, 219, 19.
Rimat ilatNinsun, 208 n. 6; 219, 29.
Ruskisag, goddess, 132, 28.
_RU-TIG_, an epithet, 141, 2.
_sa-bar; sa-sud-da_, liturgical note, 182, 31.
_sabsis_, cruelly, 215, 30.
Sagilla, temple, 158, 15. E-sagila, 160, 5; 166, 5; 166, 11.
_sahatu_, be astounded, 216, 10. Arabic _sahita_.
_saiahatu_, desire, comfort, 216, 18.
_sakapu_, fell. I2 _issakpu_, 215, 30.
_salutu_, enmity, 199, 27.
Samas, god, 197, 4:8; 198, 10:13; 199, 25:31.
Samas-sum-ukin, king. Incantations for, 193-200; 199, 23.
Samsuiluna, king, 151.
_SAR-DI-DA_, a relic, 133, 37.
Serpent adversary, 183, 21; 148, 12.
Seven, sacred number. Seven gods, 196, 30.
Ship, in legend, 113, 2.
Silsirsir, a chapel.
Sin, god. Hymn to, No. 19.
_sippu_, threshold, 219, 13:18.
_Sippar_, city, 158, 10; 160, 5; 166, 19.
_sirgidda_, long song, 140, 54.
Siris, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Siriskas, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
Siriskasgig, daughter of Ninkasi, 144.
_sirsagga_, first melody, 117, 28; 139, 48.